Exemple #1
     } else {
         $_SESSION['tLastOperation'] = time();
 // If this user needs to change password, send to that page
 if ($_SESSION['bNeedPasswordChange'] && !isset($bNoPasswordRedirect)) {
     Redirect("UserPasswordChange.php?PersonID=" . $_SESSION['iUserID']);
 // Check if https is required, if so, make sure we're using https.
 // Redirect back to login page using https if required.
 // This prevents someone from accessing via http by typing in the URL
 if ($bHTTPSOnly) {
     if (!isAffirmative($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
         $_SESSION['bSecureServer'] = TRUE;
 // Make sure visitor got here using a valid URL.
 // If not, try to redirect to correct page, else "Menu.php"
 // This check will only be performed if $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] is set
 if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
     $sPathExtension = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], strlen($sRootPath));
     $sFullPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $sDocumentRoot . $sPathExtension);
     if (!(file_exists($sFullPath) && is_readable($sFullPath))) {
         $sNewPath = substr($sFullPath, 0, strpos($sFullPath, '.php') + 4);
         if (file_exists($sNewPath) && is_readable($sNewPath)) {
             $sPage = substr($sNewPath, strrpos($sNewPath, '/') + 1);
Exemple #2
// Show disable message if register_globals are turned on.
if (ini_get('register_globals')) {
    echo "<h3>ChurchInfo will not operate with PHP's register_globals option turned on.<br>";
    echo 'This is for your own protection as the use of this setting could entirely undermine <br>';
    echo 'all security.  You need to either turn off register_globals in your php.ini or else<br>';
    echo 'configure your web server to turn off register_globals for the ChurchInfo directory.</h3>';
// Include the function library
require 'Include/Config.php';
$bSuppressSessionTests = true;
require 'Include/Functions.php';
// Initialize the variables
$sErrorText = '';
$_SESSION['bSecureServer'] = isAffirmative($_SERVER['HTTPS']);
// Check if https is required, if so, check if we're using https.
// Redirect back this page using https if https is required.
// This prevents someone from accessing via http by typing in the URL
if ($bHTTPSOnly) {
    if (!$_SESSION['bSecureServer']) {
        $_SESSION['bSecureServer'] = TRUE;
// Is the user requesting to logoff or timed out?
if (isset($_GET["Logoff"]) || isset($_GET['timeout'])) {
    if ($_SESSION['sshowPledges'] == '') {
        $_SESSION['sshowPledges'] = 0;