protected static function getControllerMenu($class) { $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($class); $methods = $reflector->getMethods(); $submenuItems = array(); foreach ($methods as $method) { if (in_array($method, array('index'))) { continue; } if (!$method->isPublic()) { continue; } $docComment = $method->getDocComment(); if (preg_match_all('/@(\\w+)\\s+(.*)\\r?\\n/m', $docComment, $matches)) { $result = array_combine($matches[1], $matches[2]); if (isset($result['ipSubmenu'])) { $menuItem = new \Ip\Menu\Item(); $menuItem->setTitle(__($result['ipSubmenu'], ipRoute()->plugin(), false)); $menuItem->setUrl(ipActionUrl(array('aa' => ipRoute()->plugin() . '.' . $method->getName()))); if (ipRoute()->action() == $method->getName()) { $menuItem->markAsCurrent(true); } $submenuItems[] = $menuItem; } } } if (!empty($submenuItems)) { return $submenuItems; } return null; }
public static function ipBeforeController() { if (!ipRoute()->isAdmin()) { return; } ipAddCss('assets/dataTableWidgetPlugin.css'); }
/** * @return \Ip\Menu\Item[] */ public static function getSubmenuItems() { $modules = self::getModuleNames(); $submenuItems = array(); if (0) { // It is for translation engine to find following strings __('Content', 'Ip-admin'); __('Pages', 'Ip-admin'); __('Design', 'Ip-admin'); __('Plugins', 'Ip-admin'); __('Config', 'Ip-admin'); __('Languages', 'Ip-admin'); __('System', 'Ip-admin'); } foreach ($modules as $module) { $menuItem = new \Ip\Menu\Item(); $title = $module; if ($title == 'Email') { $title = 'Email log'; } $menuItem->setTitle(__($title, 'Ip-admin', false)); // $menuItem->setUrl(ipActionUrl(array('aa' => $module . '.index'))); if (ipRoute()->controllerClass() == 'Ip\\Internal\\' . $module . '\\AdminController') { $menuItem->markAsCurrent(true); } if (ipAdminPermission($module)) { $submenuItems[] = $menuItem; } } return $submenuItems; }
protected function chooseLayout() { if (ipRoute()->isAdmin()) { $this->layout = 'Ip/Internal/Admin/view/layout.php'; } elseif (\Ip\Internal\Admin\Model::isSafeMode()) { $this->layout = 'Ip/Internal/Admin/view/safeModeLayout.php'; } else { $this->layout = 'main.php'; } }
public static function ipSendResponse($response) { $enableAdmin = ipGetOption('AnyScript.enableInAdmin', 0); if ($enableAdmin && ipRoute()->isAdmin() || !ipRoute()->isAdmin()) { $anyJavascript = ipGetOption('AnyScript.anyJavascript'); $anyCss = ipGetOption('AnyScript.anyCss'); ipAddJsContent("anyJavascript", $anyJavascript); ipAddJsContent("anyCss", '$("head").append("<style>' . preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($anyCss)) . '</style>");'); } return $response; }
public static function ipPageUpdated($data) { if (ipRoute()->plugin() != 'Pages' || ipRoute()->action() != 'updatePage') { return; } $pageId = $data['id']; $pagePassword = Model::getPagePassword($pageId); if (!isset($data['pagePassword']) && empty($pagePassword)) { return; } Model::updatePagePassword($pageId, $data['pagePassword']); }
public static function ipPageUpdated($data) { if (ipRoute()->plugin() != 'Pages' || ipRoute()->action() != 'updatePage') { return; //we want to handle only page updates that are made from within Pages section. } $pageId = $data['id']; $pageImages = Model::getPageImages($pageId); if (!isset($data['pageImage']) && empty($pageImages)) { return; } if (empty($data['pageImage']) || !is_array($data['pageImage'])) { $data['pageImage'] = array(); } Model::updatePageImages($pageId, $data['pageImage']); }
public static function ipPageUpdated($data) { if (ipRoute()->plugin() != 'Pages' || ipRoute()->action() != 'updatePage') { return; } if (!isset($data['keywordlist']) && !isset($data['pagedescription'])) { return; } $pageId = $data['id']; $keywords = $data['keywordlist']; $description = $data['pagedescription']; if (empty($keywords) && empty($description)) { Model::removePageKey($pageId); } else { Model::setPageKey($pageId, $keywords, $description); } }
public static function ipBeforeController() { if (ipIsManagementState() || ipRoute()->isAdmin() || ipRequest()->getQuery('ipDesignPreview')) { ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Core/assets/js/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js'); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Repository/assets/ipRepository.js'); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Repository/assets/ipRepositoryUploader.js'); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Repository/assets/ipRepositoryAll.js'); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Repository/assets/ipRepositoryBuy.js'); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/System/assets/market.js'); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Core/assets/js/easyXDM/easyXDM.min.js'); $marketUrl = ipConfig()->get('imageMarketUrl', ''); $popupData = array('marketUrl' => $marketUrl, 'allowUpload' => ipAdminPermission('Repository upload'), 'allowRepository' => ipAdminPermission('Repository')); ipAddJsVariable('ipRepositoryHtml', ipView('view/popup.php', $popupData)->render()); ipAddJsVariable('ipRepositoryTranslate_confirm_delete', __('Are you sure you want to delete selected files?', 'Ip-admin')); ipAddJsVariable('ipRepositoryTranslate_delete_warning', __('Some of the selected files are still used somewhere on your website. Do you still want to remove them? ', 'Ip-admin')); } }
/** * MasonryGrid.js ask to provide widget management popup HTML. This controller does this. * @return \Ip\Response\Json * @throws \Ip\Exception\View */ public function widgetPopupHtml() { $versionParts = explode('.', \Ip\Application::getVersion()); if (version_compare(\Ip\Application::getVersion(), '4.2.1') < 0) { return new \Ip\Response('This widget can be used on ImpressPages 4.2.1 or later.'); } $widgetId = ipRequest()->getQuery('widgetId'); $widgetRecord = \Ip\Internal\Content\Model::getWidgetRecord($widgetId); $widgetData = $widgetRecord['data']; $plugin = ipRoute()->plugin(); //Render form and popup HTML $viewData = array('gridUrl' => ipActionUrl(array('aa' => $plugin . '.grid', 'disableAdminNavbar' => 1, 'widgetId' => $widgetId))); $popupHtml = ipView('view/editPopup.php', $viewData)->render(); $data = array('popup' => $popupHtml); //Return rendered widget management popup HTML in JSON format return new \Ip\Response\Json($data); }
public function __construct() { $this->fieldsets = array(); $this->method = self::METHOD_POST; $this->action = ipConfig()->baseUrl(); $this->attributes = array(); $this->classes = array(); $this->ajaxSubmit = true; $this->validate = true; $this->addClass('ipsAjaxSubmit'); if (ipRoute()->isAdmin()) { $this->setEnvironment(self::ENVIRONMENT_ADMIN); } else { $this->addClass('ipModuleForm'); $this->setEnvironment(self::ENVIRONMENT_PUBLIC); } $this->addCsrfCheck(); $this->addSpamCheck(); }
public static function ipPageUpdated($data) { if (ipRoute()->plugin() != 'Pages' || ipRoute()->action() != 'updatePage') { return; //we want to handle only page updates that are made from within Pages section. } $pageId = $data['id']; $newTags = array(); if (isset($data['facebookTagTitle'])) { $newTags['title'] = $data['facebookTagTitle']; } if (isset($data['facebookTagDescription'])) { $newTags['description'] = $data['facebookTagDescription']; } if (isset($data['facebookTagImages'])) { $newTags['images'] = $data['facebookTagImages']; } Model::updateFacebookTags($pageId, $newTags); }
/** * GridWidget.js ask to provide widget management popup HTML. This controller does this. * @return \Ip\Response\Json * @throws \Ip\Exception\View */ public function widgetPopupHtml() { $versionParts = explode('.', \Ip\Application::getVersion()); if (empty($versionParts[2]) || $versionParts[0] < 4 || $versionParts[0] == 4 && $versionParts[1] < 2 || $versionParts[0] == 4 && ($versionParts[1] = 2 && $versionParts[2] < 1)) { return new \Ip\Response('This widget can be used on ImpressPages 4.2.1 or later.'); } $widgetId = ipRequest()->getQuery('widgetId'); $widgetRecord = \Ip\Internal\Content\Model::getWidgetRecord($widgetId); $widgetData = $widgetRecord['data']; //create form prepopulated with current widget data $form = $this->managementForm($widgetData); $plugin = ipRoute()->plugin(); //Render form and popup HTML $viewData = array('gridUrl' => ipActionUrl(array('aa' => $plugin . '.grid', 'disableAdminNavbar' => 1, 'widgetId' => $widgetId))); $popupHtml = ipView('view/editPopup.php', $viewData)->render(); $data = array('popup' => $popupHtml); //Return rendered widget management popup HTML in JSON format return new \Ip\Response\Json($data); }
public static function ipBeforeController() { //show admin submenu if needed if (ipRoute()->isAdmin()) { ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Core/assets/js/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js'); ipAddCss('Ip/Internal/Core/assets/js/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.css'); $submenu = Submenu::getSubmenuItems(); $submenu = ipFilter('ipAdminSubmenu', $submenu); if ($submenu) { ipResponse()->setLayoutVariable('submenu', $submenu); } } // Show admin toolbar if admin is logged in: if (ipAdminId() && !ipRequest()->getRequest('pa') || ipRequest()->getRequest('aa') && ipAdminId()) { if (!ipRequest()->getQuery('ipDesignPreview') && !ipRequest()->getQuery('disableAdminNavbar')) { ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Admin/assets/admin.js'); ipAddJsVariable('ipAdminNavbar', static::getAdminNavbarHtml()); } } // Show popup with autogenerated user information if needed $adminIsAutogenerated = ipStorage()->get('Ip', 'adminIsAutogenerated'); if ($adminIsAutogenerated) { $adminId = \Ip\Internal\Admin\Backend::userId(); $admin = \Ip\Internal\Administrators\Model::getById($adminId); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Admin/assets/adminIsAutogenerated.js'); $data = array('adminUsername' => $admin['username'], 'adminPassword' => ipStorage()->get('Ip', 'adminIsAutogenerated'), 'adminEmail' => $admin['email']); ipAddJsVariable('ipAdminIsAutogenerated', ipView('view/adminIsAutoGenerated.php', $data)->render()); } if (ipContent()->getCurrentPage()) { // initialize management if (ipIsManagementState()) { if (!ipRequest()->getQuery('ipDesignPreview') && !ipRequest()->getQuery('disableManagement')) { \Ip\Internal\Content\Helper::initManagement(); } } //show page content $response = ipResponse(); $response->setDescription(\Ip\ServiceLocator::content()->getDescription()); $response->setKeywords(ipContent()->getKeywords()); $response->setTitle(ipContent()->getTitle()); } }
/** * @ignore * @param Request $request * @param array $options * @param bool $subrequest * @return Response\Json|Response\PageNotFound|Response\Redirect * @throws Exception * @ignore */ public function _handleOnlyRequest(\Ip\Request $request, $options = array(), $subrequest = true) { if (empty($options['skipInitEvents'])) { \Ip\ServiceLocator::dispatcher()->_bindApplicationEvents(); } $result = ipJob('ipRouteLanguage', array('request' => $request, 'relativeUri' => $request->getRelativePath())); if ($result) { $requestLanguage = $result['language']; $routeLanguage = $requestLanguage->getCode(); ipRequest()->_setRoutePath($result['relativeUri']); } else { $routeLanguage = null; $requestLanguage = ipJob('ipRequestLanguage', array('request' => $request)); ipRequest()->_setRoutePath($request->getRelativePath()); } //find out and set locale $locale = $requestLanguage->getCode(); if (strlen($locale) == '2') { $locale = strtolower($locale) . '_' . strtoupper($locale); } else { $locale = str_replace('-', '_', $locale); } $locale .= '.utf8'; if ($locale == "tr_TR.utf8" && (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION == 5 && PHP_MINOR_VERSION < 5)) { //Overcoming this bug setlocale(LC_COLLATE, $locale); setlocale(LC_MONETARY, $locale); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale); setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale); setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $locale); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.utf8"); } else { setLocale(LC_ALL, $locale); } setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); //user standard C syntax for numbers. Otherwise you will get funny things with when autogenerating CSS, etc. ipContent()->_setCurrentLanguage($requestLanguage); $_SESSION['ipLastLanguageId'] = $requestLanguage->getId(); if (empty($options['skipTranslationsInit'])) { if (!empty($options['translationsLanguageCode'])) { $languageCode = $options['translationsLanguageCode']; } else { $languageCode = $requestLanguage->getCode(); } $this->initTranslations($languageCode); } if (empty($options['skipModuleInit'])) { $this->modulesInit(); } ipEvent('ipInitFinished'); $routeAction = ipJob('ipRouteAction', array('request' => $request, 'relativeUri' => ipRequest()->getRoutePath(), 'routeLanguage' => $routeLanguage)); if (!empty($routeAction)) { if (!empty($routeAction['page'])) { ipContent()->_setCurrentPage($routeAction['page']); } if (!empty($routeAction['environment'])) { ipRoute()->setEnvironment($routeAction['environment']); } else { if (!empty($routeAction['controller']) && $routeAction['controller'] == 'AdminController') { ipRoute()->setEnvironment(\Ip\Route::ENVIRONMENT_ADMIN); } else { ipRoute()->setEnvironment(\Ip\Route::ENVIRONMENT_PUBLIC); } } if (!empty($routeAction['controller'])) { ipRoute()->setController($routeAction['controller']); } if (!empty($routeAction['plugin'])) { ipRoute()->setPlugin($routeAction['plugin']); } if (!empty($routeAction['name'])) { ipRoute()->setName($routeAction['name']); } if (!empty($routeAction['action'])) { ipRoute()->setAction($routeAction['action']); } } //check for CSRF attack if (empty($options['skipCsrfCheck']) && $request->isPost() && $request->getPost('securityToken') != $this->getSecurityToken() && (empty($routeAction['controller']) || $routeAction['controller'] != 'PublicController')) { ipLog()->error('Core.possibleCsrfAttack', array('post' => ipRequest()->getPost())); $data = array('status' => 'error'); if (ipConfig()->isDevelopmentEnvironment()) { $data['errors'] = array('securityToken' => __('Possible CSRF attack. Please pass correct securityToken.', 'Ip-admin')); } // TODO JSONRPC return new \Ip\Response\Json($data); } if (empty($routeAction)) { $routeAction = array('plugin' => 'Core', 'controller' => 'PublicController', 'action' => 'pageNotFound'); } $eventInfo = $routeAction; if (!empty($routeAction['plugin'])) { $plugin = $routeAction['plugin']; $controller = $routeAction['controller']; if (in_array($plugin, \Ip\Internal\Plugins\Model::getModules())) { $controllerClass = 'Ip\\Internal\\' . $plugin . '\\' . $controller; } else { if (!in_array($plugin, \Ip\Internal\Plugins\Service::getActivePluginNames())) { throw new \Ip\Exception("Plugin '" . esc($plugin) . "' doesn't exist or isn't activated."); } $controllerClass = 'Plugin\\' . $plugin . '\\' . $controller; } if (!class_exists($controllerClass)) { throw new \Ip\Exception('Requested controller doesn\'t exist. ' . esc($controllerClass)); } // check if user is logged in if ($controller == 'AdminController' && !\Ip\Internal\Admin\Backend::userId()) { if (ipConfig()->get('rewritesDisabled')) { return new \Ip\Response\Redirect(ipConfig()->baseUrl() . 'index.php/admin'); } else { return new \Ip\Response\Redirect(ipConfig()->baseUrl() . 'admin'); } } if ($controller == 'AdminController') { if (!ipAdminPermission($plugin)) { throw new \Ip\Exception('User has no permission to access ' . esc($plugin) . ''); } } $eventInfo['controllerClass'] = $controllerClass; $eventInfo['controllerType'] = $controller; } if (empty($eventInfo['page'])) { $eventInfo['page'] = null; } // change layout if safe mode if (\Ip\Internal\Admin\Service::isSafeMode()) { ipSetLayout(ipFile('Ip/Internal/Admin/view/safeModeLayout.php')); } else { if ($eventInfo['page']) { ipSetLayout($eventInfo['page']->getLayout()); } } ipEvent('ipBeforeController', $eventInfo); $controllerAnswer = ipJob('ipExecuteController', $eventInfo); return $controllerAnswer; }