function submit_static() { global $COLLATE; global $dbo; include 'include/validation_functions.php'; $name = empty($_POST['name']) ? '' : clean($_POST['name']); $ip_addr = empty($_POST['ip_addr']) ? '' : clean($_POST['ip_addr']); $long_ip_addr = ip2decimal($ip_addr); $note = empty($_POST['note']) ? '' : clean($_POST['note']); $contact = empty($_POST['contact']) ? '' : clean($_POST['contact']); $subnet_id = empty($_POST['subnet_id']) ? '' : clean($_POST['subnet_id']); $username = !isset($COLLATE['user']['username']) ? 'system' : $COLLATE['user']['username']; if (empty($name) || empty($ip_addr) || empty($contact) || empty($subnet_id)) { $notice = "blankfield-notice"; header("Location: statics.php?op=add&subnet_id={$subnet_id}&name={$name}&ip_addr={$ip_addr}&contact={$contact}¬e={$note}¬ice={$notice}"); exit; } $validate_ip = validate_static_ip($ip_addr); if ($validate_ip['0'] === false) { $notice = $validate_ip['error']; header("Location: statics.php?op=add&subnet_id={$subnet_id}&name={$name}&ip_addr={$ip_addr}&contact={$contact}¬e={$note}¬ice={$notice}"); exit; } else { $long_mask = $validate_ip['long_mask']; $mask = long2ip($long_mask); } $sql = "INSERT INTO statics (ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, modified_by, modified_at) \r\n VALUES('{$long_ip_addr}', '{$name}', '{$contact}', '{$note}', '{$subnet_id}', '{$username}', now())"; $accesslevel = "2"; $message = "Static IP Reserved: {$ip_addr} ({$name})"; AccessControl($accesslevel, $message); // No need to generate logs if nothing is happening. Here, we know data is about to be written to the db. $dbo->query($sql); // Everything looks good so here's a success page with all of the information. require_once './include/header.php'; $sql = "SELECT ip FROM statics WHERE subnet_id = '{$subnet_id}' AND note = 'Default Gateway'"; $result = $dbo->query($sql); if ($result->rowCount() == '1') { $long_gateway = $result->fetchColumn(); $gateway = long2ip($long_gateway); $error = ''; #none } else { $gateway = "*"; $error = "<p><b>*</b>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['nogateway'] . "</p><br />"; } echo "<h1>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['IPReserved'] . "</h1><br />\n" . "<p><b>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Name'] . ":</b> {$name}</p>\n" . "<p><b>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['IPAddress'] . ":</b> {$ip_addr}</p>\n" . "<p><b>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['SubnetMask'] . ":</b> {$mask}</p>\n" . "<p><b>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Gateway'] . ":</b> {$gateway}</p>\n" . "<p><b>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['DNSServers'] . ":</b> " . $COLLATE['settings']['dns'] . "</p><br />\n" . "{$error}" . "<br />\n" . "<p><b><a href=\"statics.php?subnet_id={$subnet_id}\">" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['continuetostatics'] . "</a></b></p>\n"; }
$sql = "SELECT ip FROM statics WHERE name = '' OR name='discovered-host'"; $result = $dbo->query($sql); $hoststoresolve = $result->rowCount(); if ($hoststoresolve < '1') { break; } while ($long_ip = $result->fetchColumn()) { $ip = long2ip($long_ip); // Do dns lookups foreach ($dnsserver as &$server) { //exec ( string $command [, array &$output [, int &$return_var ]] ) exec("{$dnscommand} @{$server} -x {$ip} +short", $name, $return); $name = empty($name['0']) ? '' : $name['0']; if (!empty($name)) { // a server responded $long_ip_addr = ip2decimal($ip); $sql = "UPDATE statics set name='{$name}', modified_by='system', modified_at=now() WHERE ip='{$long_ip_addr}'"; $dbo->query($sql); // Log what we've added to the DB $sql = "INSERT INTO logs (occuredat, username, ipaddress, level, message) VALUES(NOW(), 'system', '', 'normal', 'Static IP name updated by discovery addon: {$ip} ({$name})')"; $dbo->query($sql); $namesupdated++; if ($verbose == 'on') { echo '!'; } break; } elseif ($name == ';; connection timed out; no servers could be reach') { echo "invalid DNS server configured at the top of this script"; exit(2); } elseif ($verbose == 'on') { echo '.';
function submit_subnet() { global $dbo; include 'include/validation_functions.php'; $block_id = isset($_POST['block_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['block_id']) ? $_POST['block_id'] : ''; $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : ''; $ip = isset($_POST['ip']) ? $_POST['ip'] : ''; $gateway = isset($_POST['gateway']) ? $_POST['gateway'] : ''; $acl_name = isset($_POST['acl_name']) ? $_POST['acl_name'] : ''; $acl_start = isset($_POST['acl_start']) ? $_POST['acl_start'] : ''; $acl_end = isset($_POST['acl_end']) ? $_POST['acl_end'] : ''; $note = isset($_POST['note']) ? $_POST['note'] : ''; $guidance = isset($_POST['guidance']) ? $_POST['guidance'] : ''; if (empty($block_id)) { $notice = 'invalidrequest'; header("Location: blocks.php?notice={$notice}"); exit; } if (empty($name) || empty($ip)) { $notice = "blankfield-notice"; $guidance = urlencode($guidance); header("Location: subnets.php?op=add&block_id={$block_id}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&gateway={$gateway}&acl_start={$acl_start}&acl_end={$acl_end}¬e={$note}&guidance={$guidance}¬ice={$notice}"); exit; } $result = validate_text($name, 'subnetname'); if ($result['0'] === false) { $notice = $result['error']; $guidance = urlencode($guidance); header("Location: subnets.php?op=add&block_id={$block_id}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&gateway={$gateway}&acl_start={$acl_start}&acl_end={$acl_end}¬e={$note}&guidance={$guidance}¬ice={$notice}"); exit; } else { $name = $result['1']; } $result = validate_network($ip); if ($result['0'] === false) { $notice = $result['error']; $guidance = urlencode($guidance); header("Location: subnets.php?op=add&block_id={$block_id}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&gateway={$gateway}&acl_start={$acl_start}&acl_end={$acl_end}¬e={$note}&guidance={$guidance}¬ice={$notice}"); exit; } else { $start_ip = $result['start_ip']; $end_ip = $result['end_ip']; $mask = $result['mask']; $long_start_ip = $result['long_start_ip']; $long_end_ip = $result['long_end_ip']; $long_mask = $result['long_mask']; } $dbo->beginTransaction(); $username = !isset($COLLATE['user']['username']) ? 'system' : $COLLATE['user']['username']; $sql = "INSERT INTO subnets (name, start_ip, end_ip, mask, note, block_id, modified_by, modified_at, guidance) \r\n VALUES('{$name}', '{$long_start_ip}', '{$long_end_ip}', '{$long_mask}', '{$note}', '{$block_id}', '{$username}', now(), '{$guidance}')"; $dbo->query($sql); $subnet_id = $dbo->lastInsertId(); if (!empty($acl_start) && !empty($acl_end)) { $result = validate_ip_range($acl_start, $acl_end, 'acl'); if ($result['0'] === false) { $dbo->rollBack(); $notice = $result['error']; $guidance = urlencode($guidance); header("Location: subnets.php?op=add&block_id={$block_id}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&gateway={$gateway}&acl_start={$acl_start}&acl_end={$acl_end}¬e={$note}&guidance={$guidance}¬ice={$notice}"); exit; } else { $long_acl_start = $result['long_start_ip']; $long_acl_end = $result['long_end_ip']; } // Add an ACL for the acl range so users don't assign a static IP inside a acl scope. $sql = "INSERT INTO acl (name, start_ip, end_ip, subnet_id) VALUES('{$acl_name}', '{$long_acl_start}', '{$long_acl_end}', '{$subnet_id}')"; $dbo->query($sql); } // Add static IP for the Default Gateway if (!empty($gateway)) { $long_gateway = ip2decimal($gateway); $subnet_test = $long_gateway & $long_mask; if ($subnet_test !== $long_start_ip) { $dbo->rollBack(); $notice = 'invalidip'; $guidance = urlencode($guidance); header("Location: subnets.php?op=add&block_id={$block_id}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&gateway={$gateway}&acl_start={$acl_start}&acl_end={$acl_end}¬e={$note}&guidance={$guidance}¬ice={$notice}"); exit; } $validate_gateway = validate_static_ip($gateway); if ($validate_gateway['0'] === false) { $dbo->rollBack(); $notice = $validate_gateway['error']; $guidance = urlencode($guidance); header("Location: subnets.php?op=add&block_id={$block_id}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&gateway={$gateway}&acl_start={$acl_start}&acl_end={$acl_end}¬e={$note}&guidance={$guidance}¬ice={$notice}"); exit; } $sql = "INSERT INTO statics (ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, modified_by, modified_at) \r\n VALUES('{$long_gateway}', 'Gateway', 'Network Admin', 'Default Gateway', '{$subnet_id}', '{$username}', now())"; $dbo->query($sql); } $dbo->commit(); $cidr = subnet2cidr($long_start_ip, $long_mask); $accesslevel = "3"; $message = "Subnet {$name} ({$cidr}) has been created"; AccessControl($accesslevel, $message); // No need to generate logs when nothing is really happening. This // goes down here where we know stuff has actually been written. Access // Control actually happened before submit_subnet() was called. $notice = "subnetadded-notice"; header("Location: subnets.php?block_id={$block_id}¬ice={$notice}"); exit; }
function search_subnets() { global $COLLATE; global $dbo; include 'include/validation_functions.php'; $search = empty($_GET['search']) ? '' : clean($_GET['search']); $search_only = isset($_GET['searchonly']) && preg_match("/true/", $_GET['searchonly']) ? true : false; $searchonlyparam = $search_only ? '&searchonly=true' : ''; $input_error = false; if (empty($search)) { exit; } if (!strstr($search, '/')) { echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['IPSearchFormat']; $input_error = true; } list($ip, $mask) = explode('/', $search); if (ip2decimal($ip) == FALSE) { echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['IPSearchFormat']; $input_error = true; } $ip = long2ip(ip2decimal($ip)); if (!strstr($mask, '.') && ($mask <= '0' || $mask >= '32')) { echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['IPSearchFormat']; $input_error = true; } elseif (!strstr($mask, '.')) { $bin = str_pad('', $mask, '1'); $bin = str_pad($bin, '32', '0'); $mask = bindec(substr($bin, 0, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 8, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 16, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 24, 8)); $mask = long2ip(ip2decimal($mask)); } elseif (!validate_netmask($mask)) { echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['invalidmask']; $input_error = true; } if (!$input_error) { $long_ip = ip2decimal($ip); $long_mask = ip2decimal($mask); $long_end_ip = $long_ip | ~$long_mask; $ipspace = array(); array_push($ipspace, $long_ip); $sql = "SELECT start_ip, end_ip FROM subnets WHERE CAST((start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF) AS UNSIGNED) >= CAST(('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF) AS UNSIGNED) AND " . "CAST((end_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF) AS UNSIGNED) <= CAST(('{$long_end_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF) AS UNSIGNED) ORDER BY start_ip ASC"; $subnet_rows = $dbo->query($sql); while (list($subnet_long_start_ip, $subnet_long_end_ip) = $subnet_rows->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { array_push($ipspace, $subnet_long_start_ip, $subnet_long_end_ip); } array_push($ipspace, $long_end_ip); $ipspace = array_reverse($ipspace); $ipspace_count = count($ipspace); } if (!$search_only) { echo "<p><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"\r\n new Effect.toggle('blockspace', 'blind', { delay: 0.1 }); \r\n \t\t new Effect.toggle('spacesearch', 'blind', { delay: 0.1 })\r\n \t\t \">" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['showblockspace'] . "</a></p>\n"; } echo "<h3>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['SearchIPSpace'] . "</h3><br />\n" . "<p><b>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Subnet'] . ":</b> <input id=\"subnetsearch\" type=\"text\" value=\"{$search}\"><br />" . "<button onclick=\"new Ajax.Updater('spacesearch', '_subnets.php?op=search{$searchonlyparam}&search=' + \$('subnetsearch').value);\")\"> " . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Go'] . " </button></p>"; if (!$input_error) { echo "<h4>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Results'] . ":</h4>"; echo "<table style=\"width: 100%\"><tr><th>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['StartingIP'] . "</th><th>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['EndIP'] . "</th></tr>"; while (!empty($ipspace)) { $long_start = array_pop($ipspace); if (count($ipspace) != $ipspace_count - '1') { // Don't subtract 1 from the very first start IP $start = long2ip($long_start + 1); } else { $start = long2ip($long_start); } $long_end = array_pop($ipspace); if (count($ipspace) > '1') { $end = long2ip($long_end - 1); } else { $end = long2ip($long_end); } if ($long_start + 1 != $long_end && $long_start != $long_end) { echo "<tr><td>{$start}</td><td>{$end}</td></tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; } exit; }
function validate_network($subnet, $network_type = "subnet", $table_id = null, $overlapok = false) { $dbo = getdbo(); $function_return = array(); if (!strstr($subnet, '/')) { # invalid mask $function_return['0'] = false; $function_return['error'] = 'invalidmask'; return $function_return; } list($ip, $mask) = explode('/', $subnet); $long_ip = ip2decimal($ip); if ($long_ip === false) { # invalid ip $function_return['0'] = false; $function_return['error'] = 'invalidip'; return $function_return; } if (!strstr($mask, '.') && is_numeric($mask) && $mask > '0' && $mask < '32') { # number of mask bits $bin = str_pad('', $mask, '1'); $bin = str_pad($bin, '32', '0'); $mask = bindec(substr($bin, 0, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 8, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 16, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 24, 8)); $mask = long2ip(ip2decimal($mask)); } $long_mask = ip2decimal($mask); if (!validate_netmask($mask) || $long_mask === false) { #invalid mask $function_return['0'] = false; $function_return['error'] = 'invalidmask'; return $function_return; } $long_start_ip = $long_ip & $long_mask; // This makes sure they entered the network address and not an IP inside the network $start_ip = long2ip($long_start_ip); $long_end_ip = $long_ip | ~$long_mask; $end_ip = long2ip($long_end_ip); if ($network_type == 'block') { # make sure we don't overlap other blocks $overlap_check_sql = "SELECT id FROM blocks WHERE \n ((CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) <= CAST('{$long_start_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) AND \n\t CAST(end_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) >= CAST('{$long_start_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)) \n\tOR \n (CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) <= CAST('{$long_end_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) AND \n\t CAST(end_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) >= CAST('{$long_end_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)) \n\tOR\n (CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) >= CAST('{$long_start_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) AND \n\t CAST(end_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) <= CAST('{$long_end_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)))"; $overlap_check_sql .= $table_id !== NULL ? " AND id!='{$table_id}'" : ''; $result = $dbo->query($overlap_check_sql); if ($result->rowcount() != '0') { $function_return['0'] = false; $function_return['error'] = 'blockoverlap-notice'; return $function_return; } } elseif ($overlapok === false) { # make sure we don't overlap other subnets $sql = "SELECT id FROM subnets WHERE \n\t CAST('{$long_start_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST(mask & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) OR \n\t CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_start_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)"; $result = $dbo->query($sql); if ($result->rowcount() != '0') { # subnet overlap $function_return['0'] = false; $function_return['error'] = 'subnetoverlap-notice'; return $function_return; } } # everything is ok if we get here $function_return['0'] = true; $function_return['start_ip'] = $start_ip; $function_return['long_start_ip'] = $long_start_ip; $function_return['end_ip'] = $end_ip; $function_return['long_end_ip'] = $long_end_ip; $function_return['mask'] = $mask; $function_return['long_mask'] = $long_mask; return $function_return; }
function toggle_stalescan() { global $COLLATE; global $dbo; $static_ip = isset($_GET['static_ip']) ? $_GET['static_ip'] : ''; $long_ip = ip2decimal($static_ip); $referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : './search.php?notice='; if (stristr($referer, 'notice')) { $referer = preg_replace("/¬ice=.*/", "", $referer); } $referer = $referer . '¬ice='; if (empty($long_ip) || $long_ip === false) { header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"); echo "test1"; exit; } # make sure we aren't being asked to toggle for a subnet that has stale scan disabled: $sql = "SELECT stalescan_enabled FROM subnets WHERE \r\n CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST(mask & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)"; $result = $dbo->query($sql); $subnet_status = $result->fetchColumn(); if ($subnet_status == false) { header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"); exit; } $sql = "SELECT failed_scans from statics where ip='{$long_ip}'"; $result = $dbo->query($sql); $current_count = $result->fetchColumn(); if ($current_count == -1) { $new_status = 'on'; $new_count = 0; $new_icon = 'scanning.png'; $new_icon_text = $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['disablestalescan']; } else { $new_status = 'off'; $new_count = -1; $new_icon = 'skipping.png'; $new_icon_text = $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['enablestalescan']; } collate_log('2', "Stale Scan toggled {$new_status} for IP: {$static_ip}"); $sql = "UPDATE statics SET failed_scans='{$new_count}' WHERE ip='{$long_ip}' LIMIT 1"; $dbo->query($sql); echo "<img src=\"./images/{$new_icon}\" alt=\"\" title=\"{$new_icon_text}\" />"; exit; }
/** * Function name: validateIP * Description: * Access: public * Input: * - $ip: IP need validated * - $fromip: start from ip * - $toip: end from ip * - $type: allowed / denied * Output: boolean */ function validateIP($ip, $fromip, $toip, $type = 'allowed') { $dec_ip = ip2decimal($ip); $dec_fromip = ip2decimal($fromip); $dec_toip = ip2decimal($toip); if ($dec_fromip <= $dec_ip && $dec_ip <= $dec_toip) { if ($type == 'allowed') { return true; } else { return false; } } else { if ($type == 'allowed') { return false; } else { return true; } } }
function build_search_sql() { global $COLLATE; global $dbo; include 'include/validation_functions.php'; $first = isset($_GET['first']) ? $_GET['first'] : ''; $second = isset($_GET['second']) ? $_GET['second'] : ''; $search = isset($_GET['search']) ? clean($_GET['search']) : ''; $fromdate = isset($_GET['fromdate']) ? $_GET['fromdate'] : ''; $todate = isset($_GET['todate']) ? $_GET['todate'] : ''; $when = $fromdate == $todate ? 'all' : 'dates'; if ($first === '0') { // block search $pattern = "/^ip\$|^name\$|^note\$/"; $invalidrequest = preg_match($pattern, $second) ? false : true; } elseif ($first === '1') { // subnet search $pattern = "/^ip\$|^name\$|^note\$|^modified_by\$/"; $invalidrequest = preg_match($pattern, $second) ? false : true; } elseif ($first === '2') { // statics search $pattern = "/^ip\$|^name\$|^contact\$|^note\$|^modified_by\$|^failed_scans\$/"; $invalidrequest = preg_match($pattern, $second) ? false : true; } elseif ($first === '3') { // logs search $pattern = "/^username\$|^level\$|^message\$/"; $invalidrequest = preg_match($pattern, $second) ? false : true; } else { // error $invalidrequest = true; } if ($when != 'all') { $starttime = strtotime($fromdate); $endtime = strtotime($todate); if ($starttime === false || $endtime === false || $endtime <= $starttime) { $invalidrequest = true; } } if ($invalidrequest === true) { $notice = "invalidrequest"; header("Location: search.php?notice={$notice}"); exit; } if (strlen($search) < "3" && $second != 'failed_scans') { $notice = "shortsearch"; header("Location: search.php?notice={$notice}"); exit; } elseif ($second == 'failed_scans' && !is_numeric($search)) { $notice = "numericfailedscans"; header("Location: search.php?notice={$notice}"); exit; } // -----------------------------------------------Build our sort variable--------------------------------------------- if ($first == '0' || $first == '1') { // block or subnet search // use what they ask for or default to what they searched by // $sort is what the URI uses, $order and $full_order go into the SQL query - $full_order includes ASC or DESC if (!empty($_GET['sort']) && ($_GET['sort'] == 'network' || $_GET['sort'] == 'name')) { $sort = $_GET['sort']; } else { $sort = $second; } $order = $sort; if ($sort == 'network' || $sort == 'ip') { $order = 'start_ip'; } } else { // IP blocks, statics, or logs (logs are always sorted by ID Desc. because they're logs and i'm lazy) if (!empty($_GET['sort']) && ($_GET['sort'] == 'ip' || $_GET['sort'] == 'name' || $_GET['sort'] == 'contact' || $_GET['sort'] == 'failed_scans')) { $sort = $_GET['sort']; } else { $sort = $second; } $order = $sort; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (($first == '0' || $first == '1' || $first == '2') && $second == "ip") { if (!strstr($search, '/')) { $ip = $search; $mask = '32'; } else { list($ip, $mask) = explode('/', $search); } if (ip2decimal($ip) == FALSE) { $notice = "invalidip"; header("Location: search.php?notice={$notice}"); exit; } $ip = long2ip(ip2decimal($ip)); if (!strstr($mask, '.') && ($mask <= '0' || $mask > '32')) { $notice = "invalidmask"; header("Location: search.php?notice={$notice}"); exit; } elseif (!strstr($mask, '.')) { $bin = str_pad('', $mask, '1'); $bin = str_pad($bin, '32', '0'); $mask = bindec(substr($bin, 0, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 8, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 16, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 24, 8)); $mask = long2ip(ip2decimal($mask)); } elseif (!validate_netmask($mask)) { $notice = "invalidmask"; header("Location: search.php?notice={$notice}"); exit; } } $long_ip = isset($ip) ? ip2decimal($ip) : ''; $long_mask = isset($mask) ? ip2decimal($mask) : ''; if ($when == "dates") { $searchdescription = str_replace("%fromdate%", "{$fromdate}", $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['searchdatedesc']); $searchdescription = str_replace("%todate%", "{$todate}", $searchdescription); } if ($first == "0") { // Blocks search $first = "blocks"; $First = "IP Blocks"; if ($second == 'ip') { if ($mask == '') { # IP falls within block range $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, note, type FROM blocks WHERE type='ipv4' AND\r\n\t CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) <= CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) AND\r\n\t CAST(end_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) >= CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY `{$order}` ASC"; } else { # block range falls within supernet given in search $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, note, type FROM blocks WHERE type='ipv4' AND (\r\n\t\t CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) OR\r\n\t\t CAST(end_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED))\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY `{$order}` ASC"; } } else { $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, note, type FROM blocks WHERE {$second} like '%{$search}%' ORDER BY `{$order}` ASC"; } } if ($first == "1") { // Subnet search $first = "subnets"; $First = "Subnets"; if ($when == "dates") { if ($second == "ip") { $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, mask, note, block_id FROM subnets WHERE \r\n\t\t ((CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)) OR\r\n\t\t (CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST(mask & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED))) AND\r\n modified_at > '{$fromdate} 00:00:00' AND modified_at < '{$todate} 23:59:59' ORDER BY `{$order}` ASC"; } else { $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, mask, note, block_id FROM subnets WHERE {$second} LIKE '%{$search}%' AND\r\n modified_at > '{$fromdate} 00:00:00' AND modified_at < '{$todate} 23:59:59' ORDER BY `{$order}` ASC"; } } else { if ($second == "ip") { $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, mask, note, block_id FROM subnets WHERE\r\n (CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)) OR\r\n (CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST(mask & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED))\r\n ORDER BY `{$order}` ASC"; } else { $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, mask, note, block_id FROM subnets WHERE {$second} LIKE '%{$search}%' ORDER BY `{$order}` ASC"; } } } elseif ($first == "2") { // Statics earch $first = "static IPs"; if ($sort == 'failed_scans') { $full_order = "`failed_scans` DESC"; } else { $full_order = "`{$sort}` ASC"; } if ($when == "dates") { if ($second == "ip") { $sql = "SELECT id, ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, failed_scans FROM statics WHERE CAST(ip AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_ip}' AS UNSIGNED) AND\r\n modified_at > '{$fromdate} 00:00:00' AND modified_at < '{$todate} 23:59:59' ORDER BY {$full_order}"; } elseif ($second == 'failed_scans') { $sql = "SELECT id, ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, failed_scans FROM statics WHERE \r\n (failed_scans >= '{$search}' OR failed_scans = '-1') AND modified_at > '{$fromdate} 00:00:00' \r\n AND modified_at < '{$todate} 23:59:59' ORDER BY {$full_order}"; } else { $sql = "SELECT id, ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, failed_scans FROM statics WHERE {$second} LIKE '%{$search}%' AND\r\n modified_at > '{$fromdate} 00:00:00' AND modified_at < '{$todate} 23:59:59' ORDER BY {$full_order}"; } } else { if ($second == "ip") { $sql = "SELECT id, ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, failed_scans FROM statics WHERE CAST(ip AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_ip}' AS UNSIGNED) \r\n ORDER BY {$full_order}"; } elseif ($second == 'failed_scans') { $sql = "SELECT id, ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, failed_scans FROM statics WHERE (failed_scans >= '{$search}' \r\n OR failed_scans = '-1') ORDER BY {$full_order}"; } else { $sql = "SELECT id, ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, failed_scans FROM statics WHERE {$second} LIKE '%{$search}%' \r\n ORDER BY {$full_order}"; } } } elseif ($first == "3") { // They're trying to search logs $first = "logs"; $First = "Logs"; $Second = ucfirst($second); if ($when == "dates") { $sql = "SELECT occuredat, username, ipaddress, level, message FROM logs WHERE {$second} LIKE '%{$search}%' AND " . "occuredat>='{$fromdate} 00:00:00' AND occuredat<='{$todate} 23:59:59' ORDER BY `id` DESC"; } else { $sql = "SELECT occuredat, username, ipaddress, level, message FROM logs WHERE {$second} LIKE '%{$search}%' ORDER BY `id` DESC"; } } if ($second == "username") { $Second = "User"; } $searchdescription = !isset($searchdescription) ? '' : $searchdescription; $First = !isset($First) ? '' : $First; $Second = !isset($Second) ? '' : $Second; $resultarray = array("sql" => $sql, "searchdescription" => $searchdescription, "first" => $first, "First" => $First, "second" => $second, "Second" => $Second, "search" => $search, "when" => $when, "todate" => $todate, "fromdate" => $fromdate, "sort" => $sort); return $resultarray; }
function edit_ldap() { global $COLLATE; $dbo = getdbo(); include 'include/validation_functions.php'; $id = isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : ''; $object = isset($_GET['object']) && ($_GET['object'] === 'domain' || $_GET['object'] === 'server') ? $_GET['object'] : ''; $value = isset($_POST['value']) ? $_POST['value'] : ''; if (empty($id) || empty($object) || empty($value)) { header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"); echo "{$id}, {$object}, {$value}"; exit; echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['invalidrequest']; exit; } if ($object == 'server' && ip2decimal($value) === false) { echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['invalidip']; exit; } if ($object == 'domain') { $return = validate_text($value, 'domain'); if ($return['0'] === false) { header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"); echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected'][$return['error']]; exit; } } $sql = "select count(*) from `ldap-servers` where id='{$id}'"; $result = $dbo->query($sql); if ($result->fetchColumn() != '1') { header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"); echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['invalidrequest']; exit; } $sql = "update `ldap-servers` set {$object}='{$value}' where id='{$id}'"; $result = $dbo->query($sql); echo $value; collate_log('5', "Settings Updated: LDAP server entry modified"); exit; }
function read_in_csv_row($row) { global $COLLATE; global $dbo; $recordtype = $row['0']; $fieldcount = count($row); $result = array(); /* * Record format: * block: (5 fields) * 'block','$block_name','$start_ip','$end_ip','$block_note' * * subnet: (5 fields) * 'subnet','$block_name','$subnet_name','$subnet','$subnet_note' * * acl: (4 fields) * 'acl','$acl_name','$start_ip','$end_ip' * * static ip: (5 fields) * 'static','$static_name','$ip_address','$static_contact','$static_note' */ if ($recordtype == 'block' && $fieldcount != '5' || $recordtype == 'subnet' && $fieldcount != '5' || $recordtype == 'acl' && $fieldcount != '4' || $recordtype == 'static' && $fieldcount != '5') { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = 'badfieldcount'; return $result; } $last_modified_by = !isset($COLLATE['user']['username']) ? 'system' : $COLLATE['user']['username']; if ($recordtype == 'block') { $block_name = $row['1']; $block_start_ip = $row['2']; $block_end_ip = $row['3']; $block_note = $row['4']; $validate = validate_text($block_name, 'blockname'); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $block_name = $validate['1']; } $query_result = $dbo->query("SELECT id from blocks where name='{$block_name}'"); if ($query_result->rowCount() != '0') { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = 'duplicatename'; return $result; } if (preg_match('/^\\s*$/', $block_start_ip) && preg_match('/^\\s*$/', $block_end_ip)) { // block with no associated IP information $block_start_ip = ''; $block_long_start_ip = ''; $block_end_ip = ''; $block_long_end_ip = ''; } elseif (empty($block_end_ip) || ip2decimal($block_end_ip) === false) { // subnet $validate = validate_network($block_start_ip, 'block'); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $block_start_ip = $validate['start_ip']; $block_long_start_ip = $validate['long_start_ip']; $block_end_ip = $validate['end_ip']; $block_long_end_ip = $validate['long_end_ip']; } } else { // range $validate = validate_ip_range($block_start_ip, $block_end_ip, 'block'); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $block_start_ip = $validate['start_ip']; $block_long_start_ip = $validate['long_start_ip']; $block_end_ip = $validate['end_ip']; $block_long_end_ip = $validate['long_end_ip']; } } $validate = validate_text($block_note, 'note'); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $block_note = $validate['1']; } $row_result['error'] = false; $row_result['sql'] = "INSERT INTO blocks (name, start_ip, end_ip, note, modified_by, modified_at) \r\n\t VALUES('{$block_name}', '{$block_long_start_ip}', '{$block_long_end_ip}', '{$block_note}', '{$last_modified_by}', now())"; return $row_result; } elseif ($recordtype == 'subnet') { $block_name = $row['1']; $subnet_name = $row['2']; $subnet = $row['3']; $subnet_note = $row['4']; $validate = validate_text($block_name, 'blockname'); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $block_name = $validate['1']; } $query_result = $dbo->query("SELECT id from blocks where name='{$block_name}'"); if ($query_result->rowCount() != '1') { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = 'blocknotfound'; return $result; } else { $block_id = $query_result->fetchColumn(); } $validate = validate_text($subnet_name, 'subnetname'); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $subnet_name = $validate['1']; } $validate = validate_network($subnet); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $subnet_start_ip = $validate['start_ip']; $subnet_long_start_ip = $validate['long_start_ip']; $subnet_end_ip = $validate['end_ip']; $subnet_long_end_ip = $validate['long_end_ip']; $subnet_mask = $validate['mask']; $subnet_long_mask = $validate['long_mask']; } $validate = validate_text($subnet_note, 'note'); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $subnet_note = $validate['1']; } $return['error'] = false; $return['sql'] = "INSERT INTO subnets (name, start_ip, end_ip, mask, note, block_id, modified_by, modified_at) \r\n VALUES('{$subnet_name}', '{$subnet_long_start_ip}', '{$subnet_long_end_ip}', '{$subnet_long_mask}', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t '{$subnet_note}', '{$block_id}', '{$last_modified_by}', now())"; return $return; } elseif ($recordtype == 'acl') { $acl_name = $row['1']; $acl_start_ip = $row['2']; $acl_end_ip = $row['3']; $validate = validate_text($acl_name, 'blockname'); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $acl_name = $validate['1']; } $validate = validate_ip_range($acl_start_ip, $acl_end_ip, 'acl', null); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $subnet_id = $validate['subnet_id']; $acl_start_ip = $validate['start_ip']; $acl_long_start_ip = $validate['long_start_ip']; $acl_end_ip = $validate['end_ip']; $acl_long_end_ip = $validate['long_end_ip']; } $return['error'] = false; $return['sql'] = "INSERT INTO acl (name, start_ip, end_ip, subnet_id) \r\n\t VALUES ('{$acl_name}', '{$acl_long_start_ip}', '{$acl_long_end_ip}', '{$subnet_id}')"; return $return; } else { // $recordtype == static $static_name = $row['1']; $static_ip = $row['2']; $static_long_ip = ip2decimal($static_ip); $static_contact = $row['3']; $static_note = $row['4']; $validate = validate_text($static_name, 'staticname'); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $static_name = $validate['1']; } if ($static_long_ip === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = 'invalidip'; return $result; } $sql = "SELECT id from subnets where CAST('{$static_long_ip}' AS UNSIGNED) & CAST(mask AS UNSIGNED) = CAST(start_ip AS UNSIGNED)"; $subnet_result = $dbo->query($sql); if ($subnet_result->rowCount() != '1') { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = 'subnetnotfound'; return $result; } else { $subnet_id = $subnet_result->fetchColumn(); } // Make sure the static IP isn't in use already or excluded from use via an ACL $validate = validate_static_ip($static_ip); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } $validate = validate_text($static_contact, 'contact'); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $static_contact = $validate['1']; } $validate = validate_text($static_note, 'note'); if ($validate['0'] === false) { $result['error'] = true; $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error']; return $result; } else { $static_note = $validate['1']; } $return['error'] = false; $return['sql'] = "INSERT INTO statics (ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, modified_by, modified_at)\r\n VALUES('{$static_long_ip}', '{$static_name}', '{$static_contact}', '{$static_note}', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t '{$subnet_id}', '{$last_modified_by}', now())"; return $return; } // We should never get here exit; }