  * This action handles the feed configuration page.
  * It displays the feed configuration page.
  * If this action is reached through a POST request, it stores all new
  * configuraiton values then sends a notification to the user.
  * The options available on the page are:
  *   - name
  *   - description
  *   - website URL
  *   - feed URL
  *   - category id (default: default category id)
  *   - CSS path to article on website
  *   - display in main stream (default: 0)
  *   - HTTP authentication
  *   - number of article to retain (default: -2)
  *   - refresh frequency (default: -2)
  * Default values are empty strings unless specified.
 public function feedAction()
     if (Minz_Request::param('ajax')) {
     $feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao();
     $this->view->feeds = $feedDAO->listFeeds();
     $id = Minz_Request::param('id');
     if ($id === false || !isset($this->view->feeds[$id])) {
     $this->view->feed = $this->view->feeds[$id];
     Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('sub.title.feed_management') . ' · ' . $this->view->feed->name() . ' · ');
     if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
         $user = Minz_Request::param('http_user', '');
         $pass = Minz_Request::param('http_pass', '');
         $httpAuth = '';
         if ($user != '' || $pass != '') {
             $httpAuth = $user . ':' . $pass;
         $cat = intval(Minz_Request::param('category', 0));
         $values = array('name' => Minz_Request::param('name', ''), 'description' => sanitizeHTML(Minz_Request::param('description', '', true)), 'website' => Minz_Request::param('website', ''), 'url' => Minz_Request::param('url', ''), 'category' => $cat, 'pathEntries' => Minz_Request::param('path_entries', ''), 'priority' => intval(Minz_Request::param('priority', 0)), 'httpAuth' => $httpAuth, 'keep_history' => intval(Minz_Request::param('keep_history', -2)), 'ttl' => intval(Minz_Request::param('ttl', -2)));
         $url_redirect = array('c' => 'subscription', 'params' => array('id' => $id));
         if ($feedDAO->updateFeed($id, $values) !== false) {
             Minz_Request::good(_t('feedback.sub.feed.updated'), $url_redirect);
         } else {
             Minz_Request::bad(_t('feedback.sub.feed.error'), $url_redirect);
 public function firstAction()
     if (!FreshRSS_Auth::hasAccess('admin')) {
     $this->view->update_to_apply = false;
     $this->view->last_update_time = 'unknown';
     $timestamp = @filemtime(join_path(DATA_PATH, 'last_update.txt'));
     if ($timestamp !== false) {
         $this->view->last_update_time = timestamptodate($timestamp);
 public function save()
     @rename($this->filename, $this->filename . '.bak.php');
     if (file_put_contents($this->filename, "<?php\n return " . var_export($this->data, true) . ';', LOCK_EX) === false) {
         throw new Minz_PermissionDeniedException($this->filename);
     if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
         //Clear PHP 5.5+ cache for include
     return true;
 public function archivingAction()
     if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
         $old = Minz_Request::param('old_entries', 3);
         $keepHistoryDefault = Minz_Request::param('keep_history_default', 0);
         $notif = array('type' => 'good', 'content' => Minz_Translate::t('configuration_updated'));
         Minz_Session::_param('notification', $notif);
         Minz_Request::forward(array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'archiving'), true);
     Minz_View::prependTitle(Minz_Translate::t('archiving_configuration') . ' · ');
     $entryDAO = new FreshRSS_EntryDAO();
     $this->view->nb_total = $entryDAO->count();
     $this->view->size_user = $entryDAO->size();
     if (Minz_Configuration::isAdmin(Minz_Session::param('currentUser', '_'))) {
         $this->view->size_total = $entryDAO->size(true);
 public function deleteAction()
     if (Minz_Request::isPost() && Minz_Configuration::isAdmin(Minz_Session::param('currentUser', '_'))) {
         require_once APP_PATH . '/sql.php';
         $username = Minz_Request::param('username');
         $ok = ctype_alnum($username);
         if ($ok) {
             $ok &= strcasecmp($username, Minz_Configuration::defaultUser()) !== 0;
             //It is forbidden to delete the default user
         if ($ok) {
             $configPath = DATA_PATH . '/' . $username . '_user.php';
             $ok &= file_exists($configPath);
         if ($ok) {
             $userDAO = new FreshRSS_UserDAO();
             $ok &= $userDAO->deleteUser($username);
             $ok &= unlink($configPath);
             //TODO: delete Persona file
         $notif = array('type' => $ok ? 'good' : 'bad', 'content' => Minz_Translate::t($ok ? 'user_deleted' : 'error_occurred', $username));
         Minz_Session::_param('notification', $notif);
     Minz_Request::forward(array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'users'), true);
  * This action delete an existing user.
  * Request parameter is:
  *   - username
  * @todo clean up this method. Idea: create a User->clean() method.
 public function deleteAction()
     $username = Minz_Request::param('username');
     $redirect_url = urldecode(Minz_Request::param('r', false, true));
     if (!$redirect_url) {
         $redirect_url = array('c' => 'user', 'a' => 'manage');
     $self_deletion = Minz_Session::param('currentUser', '_') === $username;
     if (Minz_Request::isPost() && (FreshRSS_Auth::hasAccess('admin') || $self_deletion)) {
         $db = FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->db;
         require_once APP_PATH . '/SQL/install.sql.' . $db['type'] . '.php';
         $ok = ctype_alnum($username);
         $user_data = join_path(DATA_PATH, 'users', $username);
         if ($ok) {
             $default_user = FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->default_user;
             $ok &= strcasecmp($username, $default_user) !== 0;
             //It is forbidden to delete the default user
         if ($ok && $self_deletion) {
             // We check the password if it's a self-destruction
             $nonce = Minz_Session::param('nonce');
             $challenge = Minz_Request::param('challenge', '');
             $ok &= FreshRSS_FormAuth::checkCredentials($username, FreshRSS_Context::$user_conf->passwordHash, $nonce, $challenge);
         if ($ok) {
             $ok &= is_dir($user_data);
         if ($ok) {
             $userDAO = new FreshRSS_UserDAO();
             $ok &= $userDAO->deleteUser($username);
             $ok &= recursive_unlink($user_data);
             //TODO: delete Persona file
         if ($ok && $self_deletion) {
             $redirect_url = array('c' => 'index', 'a' => 'index');
         $notif = array('type' => $ok ? 'good' : 'bad', 'content' => _t('feedback.user.deleted' . (!$ok ? '.error' : ''), $username));
         Minz_Session::_param('notification', $notif);
     Minz_Request::forward($redirect_url, true);
Exemple #7
function saveStep3()
    if (!empty($_POST)) {
        if (empty($_POST['type']) || empty($_POST['host']) || empty($_POST['user']) || empty($_POST['base'])) {
            $_SESSION['bd_error'] = 'Missing parameters!';
        $_SESSION['bd_type'] = isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'] : 'mysql';
        $_SESSION['bd_host'] = $_POST['host'];
        $_SESSION['bd_user'] = $_POST['user'];
        $_SESSION['bd_password'] = $_POST['pass'];
        $_SESSION['bd_base'] = substr($_POST['base'], 0, 64);
        $_SESSION['bd_prefix'] = substr($_POST['prefix'], 0, 16);
        $_SESSION['bd_prefix_user'] = $_SESSION['bd_prefix'] . (empty($_SESSION['default_user']) ? '' : $_SESSION['default_user'] . '_');
        $ini_array = array('general' => array('environment' => empty($_SESSION['environment']) ? 'production' : $_SESSION['environment'], 'use_url_rewriting' => false, 'salt' => $_SESSION['salt'], 'base_url' => '', 'title' => $_SESSION['title'], 'default_user' => $_SESSION['default_user'], 'auth_type' => $_SESSION['auth_type'], 'allow_anonymous' => isset($_SESSION['allow_anonymous']) ? $_SESSION['allow_anonymous'] : false), 'db' => array('type' => $_SESSION['bd_type'], 'host' => $_SESSION['bd_host'], 'user' => $_SESSION['bd_user'], 'password' => $_SESSION['bd_password'], 'base' => $_SESSION['bd_base'], 'prefix' => $_SESSION['bd_prefix']));
        @unlink(DATA_PATH . '/config.php');
        //To avoid access-rights problems
        file_put_contents(DATA_PATH . '/config.php', "<?php\n return " . var_export($ini_array, true) . ';');
        if (file_exists(DATA_PATH . '/config.php') && file_exists(DATA_PATH . '/application.ini')) {
            @unlink(DATA_PATH . '/application.ini');
        $res = checkBD();
        if ($res) {
            $_SESSION['bd_error'] = '';
            header('Location: index.php?step=4');
        } elseif (empty($_SESSION['bd_error'])) {
            $_SESSION['bd_error'] = 'Unknown error!';
  * This action handles the archive configuration page.
  * It displays the archive configuration page.
  * If this action is reached through a POST request, it stores all new
  * configuration values then sends a notification to the user.
  * The options available on that page are:
  *   - duration to retain old article (default: 3)
  *   - number of article to retain per feed (default: 0)
  *   - refresh frequency (default: -2)
  * @todo explain why the default value is -2 but this value does not
  *       exist in the drop-down list
 public function archivingAction()
     if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
         FreshRSS_Context::$user_conf->old_entries = Minz_Request::param('old_entries', 3);
         FreshRSS_Context::$user_conf->keep_history_default = Minz_Request::param('keep_history_default', 0);
         FreshRSS_Context::$user_conf->ttl_default = Minz_Request::param('ttl_default', -2);
         Minz_Request::good(_t('feedback.conf.updated'), array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'archiving'));
     Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('conf.archiving.title') . ' · ');
     $entryDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createEntryDao();
     $this->view->nb_total = $entryDAO->count();
     $this->view->size_user = $entryDAO->size();
     if (FreshRSS_Auth::hasAccess('admin')) {
         $this->view->size_total = $entryDAO->size(true);
  * This action resets the authentication system.
  * After reseting, form auth is set by default.
 public function resetAction()
     Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('admin.auth.title_reset') . ' · ');
     Minz_View::appendScript(Minz_Url::display('/scripts/bcrypt.min.js?' . @filemtime(PUBLIC_PATH . '/scripts/bcrypt.min.js')));
     $this->view->no_form = false;
     // Enable changement of auth only if Persona!
     if (FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->auth_type != 'persona') {
         $this->view->message = array('status' => 'bad', 'title' => _t('gen.short.damn'), 'body' => _t('feedback.auth.not_persona'));
         $this->view->no_form = true;
     $conf = get_user_configuration(FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->default_user);
     if (is_null($conf)) {
     // Admin user must have set its master password.
     if (!$conf->passwordHash) {
         $this->view->message = array('status' => 'bad', 'title' => _t('gen.short.damn'), 'body' => _t('feedback.auth.no_password_set'));
         $this->view->no_form = true;
     if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
         $nonce = Minz_Session::param('nonce');
         $username = Minz_Request::param('username', '');
         $challenge = Minz_Request::param('challenge', '');
         $ok = FreshRSS_FormAuth::checkCredentials($username, $conf->passwordHash, $nonce, $challenge);
         if ($ok) {
             FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->auth_type = 'form';
             $ok = FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->save();
             if ($ok) {
             } else {
                 Minz_Request::bad(_t('feedback.auth.form.not_set'), array('c' => 'auth', 'a' => 'reset'));
         } else {
             Minz_Log::warning('Password mismatch for' . ' user='******', nonce=' . $nonce . ', c=' . $challenge);
             Minz_Request::bad(_t('feedback.auth.login.invalid'), array('c' => 'auth', 'a' => 'reset'));
 public function formLogoutAction()
     Minz_Request::forward(array('c' => 'index', 'a' => 'index'), true);
    Minz_Log::notice('FreshRSS actualize ' . $user, $log_file);
    if (defined('STDOUT')) {
        fwrite(STDOUT, 'Actualize ' . $user . "...\n");
    echo $user, ' ';
    Minz_Session::_param('currentUser', $user);
    new Minz_ModelPdo($user);
    //TODO: FIXME: Quick-fix while waiting for a better FreshRSS() constructor/init
    if (!invalidateHttpCache()) {
        Minz_Log::notice('FreshRSS write access problem in ' . join_path(USERS_PATH, $user, 'log.txt'), $log_file);
        if (defined('STDERR')) {
            fwrite(STDERR, 'Write access problem in ' . join_path(USERS_PATH, $user, 'log.txt') . "\n");
Minz_Log::notice('FreshRSS actualize done.', $log_file);
if (defined('STDOUT')) {
    fwrite(STDOUT, 'Done.' . "\n");
    $end_date = date_create('now');
    $duration = date_diff($end_date, $begin_date);
    fwrite(STDOUT, 'Ending feed actualization at ' . $end_date->format('c') . "\n");
    fwrite(STDOUT, 'Feed actualizations took ' . $duration->format('%a day(s), %h hour(s),  %i minute(s) and %s seconds') . ' for ' . count($users) . " users\n");
  * This action purges old entries from feeds.
  * @todo should be a POST request
  * @todo should be in feedController
 public function purgeAction()
     $nb_month_old = max(FreshRSS_Context::$user_conf->old_entries, 1);
     $date_min = time() - 3600 * 24 * 30 * $nb_month_old;
     $feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao();
     $feeds = $feedDAO->listFeeds();
     $nb_total = 0;
     foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
         $feed_history = $feed->keepHistory();
         if ($feed_history == -2) {
             // TODO: -2 must be a constant!
             // -2 means we take the default value from configuration
             $feed_history = FreshRSS_Context::$user_conf->keep_history_default;
         if ($feed_history >= 0) {
             $nb = $feedDAO->cleanOldEntries($feed->id(), $date_min, $feed_history);
             if ($nb > 0) {
                 $nb_total += $nb;
                 Minz_Log::debug($nb . ' old entries cleaned in feed [' . $feed->url() . ']');
     Minz_Request::good(_t('feedback.sub.purge_completed', $nb_total), array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'archiving'));
  * This action handles the system configuration page.
  * It displays the system configuration page.
  * If this action is reach through a POST request, it stores all new
  * configuration values then sends a notification to the user.
  * The options available on the page are:
  *   - user limit (default: 1)
  *   - user category limit (default: 16384)
  *   - user feed limit (default: 16384)
 public function systemAction()
     if (!FreshRSS_Auth::hasAccess('admin')) {
     if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
         $limits = FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->limits;
         $limits['max_registrations'] = Minz_Request::param('max-registrations', 1);
         $limits['max_feeds'] = Minz_Request::param('max-feeds', 16384);
         $limits['max_categories'] = Minz_Request::param('max-categories', 16384);
         FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->limits = $limits;
         FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->title = Minz_Request::param('instance-name', 'FreshRSS');
         FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->auto_update_url = Minz_Request::param('auto-update-url', false);
         Minz_Session::_param('notification', array('type' => 'good', 'content' => _t('feedback.conf.updated')));
 public function deleteAction()
     if (Minz_Request::isPost() && FreshRSS_Auth::hasAccess('admin')) {
         $db = FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->db;
         require_once APP_PATH . '/SQL/install.sql.' . $db['type'] . '.php';
         $username = Minz_Request::param('username');
         $ok = ctype_alnum($username);
         $user_data = join_path(DATA_PATH, 'users', $username);
         if ($ok) {
             $default_user = FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->default_user;
             $ok &= strcasecmp($username, $default_user) !== 0;
             //It is forbidden to delete the default user
         if ($ok) {
             $ok &= is_dir($user_data);
         if ($ok) {
             $userDAO = new FreshRSS_UserDAO();
             $ok &= $userDAO->deleteUser($username);
             $ok &= recursive_unlink($user_data);
             //TODO: delete Persona file
         $notif = array('type' => $ok ? 'good' : 'bad', 'content' => _t('feedback.user.deleted' . (!$ok ? '.error' : ''), $username));
         Minz_Session::_param('notification', $notif);
     Minz_Request::forward(array('c' => 'user', 'a' => 'manage'), true);
Exemple #15
function saveStep3()
    if (!empty($_POST)) {
        if ($_SESSION['bd_type'] === 'sqlite') {
            $_SESSION['bd_base'] = $_SESSION['default_user'];
            $_SESSION['bd_host'] = '';
            $_SESSION['bd_user'] = '';
            $_SESSION['bd_password'] = '';
            $_SESSION['bd_prefix'] = '';
            $_SESSION['bd_prefix_user'] = '';
            //No prefix for SQLite
        } else {
            if (empty($_POST['type']) || empty($_POST['host']) || empty($_POST['user']) || empty($_POST['base'])) {
                $_SESSION['bd_error'] = 'Missing parameters!';
            $_SESSION['bd_base'] = substr($_POST['base'], 0, 64);
            $_SESSION['bd_host'] = $_POST['host'];
            $_SESSION['bd_user'] = $_POST['user'];
            $_SESSION['bd_password'] = $_POST['pass'];
            $_SESSION['bd_prefix'] = substr($_POST['prefix'], 0, 16);
            $_SESSION['bd_prefix_user'] = $_SESSION['bd_prefix'] . (empty($_SESSION['default_user']) ? '' : $_SESSION['default_user'] . '_');
        $config_array = array('environment' => 'production', 'salt' => $_SESSION['salt'], 'title' => $_SESSION['title'], 'default_user' => $_SESSION['default_user'], 'auth_type' => $_SESSION['auth_type'], 'db' => array('type' => $_SESSION['bd_type'], 'host' => $_SESSION['bd_host'], 'user' => $_SESSION['bd_user'], 'password' => $_SESSION['bd_password'], 'base' => $_SESSION['bd_base'], 'prefix' => $_SESSION['bd_prefix']));
        @unlink(join_path(DATA_PATH, 'config.php'));
        //To avoid access-rights problems
        file_put_contents(join_path(DATA_PATH, 'config.php'), "<?php\n return " . var_export($config_array, true) . ';');
        $res = checkBD();
        if ($res) {
            $_SESSION['bd_error'] = '';
            header('Location: index.php?step=4');
        } elseif (empty($_SESSION['bd_error'])) {
            $_SESSION['bd_error'] = 'Unknown error!';
Exemple #16
 private static function check($statement)
     if (preg_match('/^(?:UPDATE|INSERT|DELETE)/i', $statement)) {
 public function purgeAction()
     $nb_month_old = max($this->view->conf->old_entries, 1);
     $date_min = time() - 3600 * 24 * 30 * $nb_month_old;
     $feedDAO = new FreshRSS_FeedDAO();
     $feeds = $feedDAO->listFeedsOrderUpdate();
     $nbTotal = 0;
     foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
         $feedHistory = $feed->keepHistory();
         if ($feedHistory == -2) {
             $feedHistory = $this->view->conf->keep_history_default;
         if ($feedHistory >= 0) {
             $nb = $feedDAO->cleanOldEntries($feed->id(), $date_min, $feedHistory);
             if ($nb > 0) {
                 $nbTotal += $nb;
                 Minz_Log::record($nb . ' old entries cleaned in feed [' . $feed->url() . ']', Minz_Log::DEBUG);
     $notif = array('type' => 'good', 'content' => Minz_Translate::t('purge_completed', $nbTotal));
     Minz_Session::_param('notification', $notif);
     Minz_Request::forward(array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'archiving'), true);
  * This action remove entries from a given feed.
  * It should be reached by a POST action.
  * Parameter is:
  *   - id (default: false)
 public function truncateAction()
     $id = Minz_Request::param('id');
     $url_redirect = array('c' => 'subscription', 'a' => 'index', 'params' => array('id' => $id));
     if (!Minz_Request::isPost()) {
         Minz_Request::forward($url_redirect, true);
     $feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao();
     $n = $feedDAO->truncate($id);
     if ($n === false) {
         Minz_Request::bad(_t('feedback.sub.feed.error'), $url_redirect);
     } else {
         Minz_Request::good(_t('feedback.sub.feed.n_entries_deleted', $n), $url_redirect);
Exemple #19
function saveStep3()
    if (!empty($_POST)) {
        if ($_SESSION['bd_type'] === 'sqlite') {
            $_SESSION['bd_base'] = $_SESSION['default_user'];
            $_SESSION['bd_host'] = '';
            $_SESSION['bd_user'] = '';
            $_SESSION['bd_password'] = '';
            $_SESSION['bd_prefix'] = '';
            $_SESSION['bd_prefix_user'] = '';
            //No prefix for SQLite
        } else {
            if (empty($_POST['type']) || empty($_POST['host']) || empty($_POST['user']) || empty($_POST['base'])) {
                $_SESSION['bd_error'] = 'Missing parameters!';
            $_SESSION['bd_base'] = substr($_POST['base'], 0, 64);
            $_SESSION['bd_host'] = $_POST['host'];
            $_SESSION['bd_user'] = $_POST['user'];
            $_SESSION['bd_password'] = $_POST['pass'];
            $_SESSION['bd_prefix'] = substr($_POST['prefix'], 0, 16);
            $_SESSION['bd_prefix_user'] = $_SESSION['bd_prefix'] . (empty($_SESSION['default_user']) ? '' : $_SESSION['default_user'] . '_');
        // We use dirname to remove the /i part
        $base_url = dirname(Minz_Request::guessBaseUrl());
        $config_array = array('salt' => $_SESSION['salt'], 'base_url' => $base_url, 'title' => $_SESSION['title'], 'default_user' => $_SESSION['default_user'], 'auth_type' => $_SESSION['auth_type'], 'db' => array('type' => $_SESSION['bd_type'], 'host' => $_SESSION['bd_host'], 'user' => $_SESSION['bd_user'], 'password' => $_SESSION['bd_password'], 'base' => $_SESSION['bd_base'], 'prefix' => $_SESSION['bd_prefix'], 'pdo_options' => array()), 'pubsubhubbub_enabled' => server_is_public($base_url));
        @unlink(join_path(DATA_PATH, 'config.php'));
        //To avoid access-rights problems
        file_put_contents(join_path(DATA_PATH, 'config.php'), "<?php\n return " . var_export($config_array, true) . ';');
        $res = checkBD();
        if ($res) {
            $_SESSION['bd_error'] = '';
            header('Location: index.php?step=4');
        } elseif (empty($_SESSION['bd_error'])) {
            $_SESSION['bd_error'] = 'Unknown error!';
  * This action deletes all the feeds relative to a given category.
  * Feed-related queries are deleted.
  * Request parameter is:
  *   - id (of a category)
 public function emptyAction()
     $feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao();
     $url_redirect = array('c' => 'subscription', 'a' => 'index');
     if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
         $id = Minz_Request::param('id');
         if (!$id) {
             Minz_Request::bad(_t('feedback.sub.category.no_id'), $url_redirect);
         // List feeds to remove then related user queries.
         $feeds = $feedDAO->listByCategory($id);
         if ($feedDAO->deleteFeedByCategory($id)) {
             // TODO: Delete old favicons
             // Remove related queries
             foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
                 FreshRSS_Context::$user_conf->queries = remove_query_by_get('f_' . $feed->id(), FreshRSS_Context::$user_conf->queries);
             Minz_Request::good(_t('feedback.sub.category.emptied'), $url_redirect);
         } else {
             Minz_Request::bad(_t('feedback.sub.category.error'), $url_redirect);
     Minz_Request::forward($url_redirect, true);
 public function truncateAction()
     if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
         $id = Minz_Request::param('id');
         $feedDAO = new FreshRSS_FeedDAO();
         $n = $feedDAO->truncate($id);
         $notif = array('type' => $n === false ? 'bad' : 'good', 'content' => Minz_Translate::t('n_entries_deleted', $n));
         Minz_Session::_param('notification', $notif);
         Minz_Request::forward(array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'feed', 'params' => array('id' => $id)), true);