foreach ($courseToolList as $thisCourseTool) { $tmp[$thisCourseTool['label']] = $thisCourseTool['toolId']; } // 3. compare the two lists and register and install/activate missing tool if necessary $listOfToolsToAdd = array(); foreach ($mainCourseToolList as $thisToolId => $thisMainCourseTool) { if (!array_key_exists($thisMainCourseTool['label'], $tmp)) { $listOfToolsToAdd[$thisMainCourseTool['label']] = $thisToolId; } } foreach ($listOfToolsToAdd as $toolLabel => $toolId) { if (!is_module_registered_in_course($toolId, $_cid)) { register_module_in_single_course($toolId, $_cid); } if (!is_module_installed_in_course($toolLabel, $_cid) && 'AUTOMATIC' == get_module_data($toolLabel, 'add_in_course')) { install_module_in_course($toolLabel, $_cid); } if ('AUTOMATIC' == get_module_data($toolLabel, 'add_in_course')) { if ('activated' == get_module_data($toolLabel, 'activation')) { update_course_tool_activation_in_course($toolId, $_cid, true); set_module_visibility_in_course($toolId, $_cid, true); } } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course / tool relation initialisation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // if the requested tool is different from the current tool in session // (special request can come from the tool id, or the tool label) if ($tidReq && $tidReq != $_SESSION['_tid'] || $tlabelReq && (!isset($_SESSION['_courseTool']['label']) || $tlabelReq != $_SESSION['_courseTool']['label'])) {
/** * build the rss file and place it in directory * * @param array $context context of claroline * @param string $calType : ics,xcs,rdf * @return string ical file path */ function buildICal($context, $calType = 'ics') { if (is_array($context) && count($context) > 0) { $iCalRepositorySys = get_path('rootSys') . get_conf('iCalRepositoryCache', 'tmp/cache/iCal/'); if (!file_exists($iCalRepositorySys)) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/fileManage.lib.php'; claro_mkdir($iCalRepositorySys, CLARO_FILE_PERMISSIONS, true); if (!file_exists($iCalRepositorySys)) { claro_failure::set_failure('CANT_CREATE_ICAL_DIR'); } } $iCal = (object) new iCal('', 0, $iCalRepositorySys); // (ProgrammID, Method (1 = Publish | 0 = Request), Download Directory) $toolLabelList = ical_get_tool_compatible_list(); foreach ($toolLabelList as $toolLabel) { if (is_tool_activated_in_course(get_tool_id_from_module_label($toolLabel), $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE])) { if (!is_module_installed_in_course($toolLabel, $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE])) { install_module_in_course($toolLabel, $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE]); } $icalToolLibPath = get_module_path($toolLabel) . '/connector/ical.write.cnr.php'; $icalToolFuncName = $toolLabel . '_write_ical'; if (file_exists($icalToolLibPath)) { require_once $icalToolLibPath; if (function_exists($icalToolFuncName)) { $iCal = call_user_func($icalToolFuncName, $iCal, $context); } } } } $iCalFilePath = $iCalRepositorySys; if (array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context)) { $iCalFilePath .= $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] . '.'; } if (array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP, $context)) { $iCalFilePath .= 'g' . $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP] . '.'; } if ('ics' == $calType || get_conf('iCalGenStandard', true)) { $stdICalFilePath = $iCalFilePath . 'ics'; if (false !== ($fpICal = @fopen($stdICalFilePath, 'w'))) { fwrite($fpICal, $iCal->getOutput('ics')); fclose($fpICal); } } if ('xcs' == $calType || get_conf('iCalGenXml', true)) { $xmlICalFilePath = $iCalFilePath . 'xml'; if (false !== ($fpICal = @fopen($xmlICalFilePath, 'w'))) { fwrite($fpICal, $iCal->getOutput('xcs')); fclose($fpICal); } } if ('rdf' == $calType || get_conf('iCalGenRdf', false)) { $rdfICalFilePath = $iCalFilePath . 'rdf'; if (false !== ($fpICal = @fopen($rdfICalFilePath, 'w'))) { fwrite($fpICal, $iCal->getOutput('rdf')); fclose($fpICal); } } switch ($calType) { case 'xcs': return $xmlICalFilePath; break; case 'rdf': return $rdfICalFilePath; break; default: return $stdICalFilePath; break; } } return false; }
public function render() { $claro_buffer = new ClaroBuffer(); $claro_buffer->append("\n" . '<!-- ' . $this->name . ' -->' . "\n"); foreach ($this->appletList as $applet) { set_current_module_label($applet['label']); pushClaroMessage('Current module label set to : ' . get_current_module_label(), 'debug'); // install course applet if (claro_is_in_a_course()) { install_module_in_course($applet['label'], claro_get_current_course_id()); } if ($applet['activation'] == 'activated' && file_exists($applet['path'])) { load_module_config(); Language::load_module_translation(); if ($this->useList() && count($this->appletList) > 0) { $claro_buffer->append("<li\n id=\"dock-" . $this->name . "-applet-" . $applet['label'] . "\"\n class=\"applet dock-" . $this->name . " applet-" . $applet['label'] . "\"><span>\n"); } else { $claro_buffer->append("<span\n id=\"dock-" . $this->name . "-applet-" . $applet['label'] . "\"\n class=\"applet dock-" . $this->name . " applet-" . $applet['label'] . "\">\n"); } include_once $applet['path']; if ($this->useList() && count($this->appletList) > 0) { $claro_buffer->append("\n</span></li>\n"); } else { $claro_buffer->append("\n</span>\n"); } } else { Console::debug("Applet not found or not activated : " . $applet['label']); } clear_current_module_label(); pushClaroMessage('Current module label set to : ' . get_current_module_label(), 'debug'); } $claro_buffer->append("\n" . '<!-- End of ' . $this->name . ' -->' . "\n"); return $claro_buffer->getContent(); }
/** * Change the activation status for the given tool in the given course * @param int $toolId main tool id * @param string $courseId * @param boolean $activated * @return boolean */ function update_course_tool_activation_in_course($toolId, $courseId, $activated) { if ($activated && !course_tool_already_installed($toolId, $courseId)) { $tLabel = get_module_label_from_tool_id($toolId); if ($tLabel) { if (!is_tool_registered_in_course($toolId, $courseId)) { register_module_in_single_course($toolId, $courseId); } install_module_in_course($tLabel, $courseId); update_tool_installation_in_course($toolId, $courseId); } } $sql_activated = $activated ? "'true'" : "'false'"; $tbl_cdb_names = claro_sql_get_course_tbl(claro_get_course_db_name_glued($courseId)); $tblCourseToolList = $tbl_cdb_names['tool']; $sql = "UPDATE `{$tblCourseToolList}`\n" . "SET `activated` = " . $sql_activated . "\n" . "WHERE tool_id = " . (int) $toolId; if (claro_sql_query($sql)) { return claro_sql_affected_rows(); } else { false; } }
function build_rss($context) { if (is_array($context) && count($context) > 0) { $rss = new UniversalFeedCreator(); if (array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context)) { // $rssFilePath .= $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] . '.'; $_course = claro_get_course_data($context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE]); $rss->title = '[' . get_conf('siteName') . '] ' . $_course['officialCode']; $rss->description = $_course['name']; $rss->editor = $_course['titular'] == '' ? get_conf('administrator_name') : $_course['titular']; $rss->editorEmail = $_course['email'] == '' ? get_conf('administrator_email') : $_course['email']; $rss->link = get_path('rootWeb') . get_path('coursesRepositoryAppend') . claro_get_course_path(); $rss->generator = 'Feedcreator'; if (array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP, $context)) { // $rssFilePath .= 'g'.$context[CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP] . '.'; $rss->title .= '[' . get_lang('Group') . $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP] . ']'; $rss->description .= get_lang('Group') . $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP]; } } else { $rss->title = '[' . get_conf('siteName') . '] ' . $_course['officialCode']; $rss->description = $_course['name']; $rss->editor = get_conf('administrator_name'); $rss->editorEmail = get_conf('administrator_email'); $rss->link = get_path('rootWeb'); } $rss->language = get_locale('iso639_1_code'); $rss->docs = ''; $rss->pubDate = date("r", time()); $toolLabelList = rss_get_tool_compatible_list(); //var_dump($toolLabelList); $rssItems = array(); foreach ($toolLabelList as $toolLabel) { /*var_dump(is_tool_activated_in_course( get_tool_id_from_module_label( $toolLabel ), $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] ));*/ if (is_tool_activated_in_course(get_tool_id_from_module_label($toolLabel), $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE])) { if (!is_module_installed_in_course($toolLabel, $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE])) { install_module_in_course($toolLabel, $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE]); } $rssToolLibPath = get_module_path($toolLabel) . '/connector/rss.write.cnr.php'; $rssToolFuncName = $toolLabel . '_write_rss'; if (file_exists($rssToolLibPath)) { include_once $rssToolLibPath; if (function_exists($rssToolFuncName)) { $rssItems = array_merge($rssItems, call_user_func($rssToolFuncName, $context)); } } } } $sortDate = array(); foreach ($rssItems as $key => $rssItem) { $sortDate[$key] = $rssItem['pubDate']; } // die(var_export($sortDate, true)); array_multisort($sortDate, SORT_DESC, $rssItems); foreach ($rssItems as $rssItem) { $item = new FeedItem(); $item->title = claro_utf8_encode($rssItem['title'], get_conf('charset')); $item->description = claro_utf8_encode($rssItem['description']); $item->category = $rssItem['category']; $item->guid = $rssItem['guid']; $item->link = $rssItem['link']; $item->date = $rssItem['pubDate']; $rss->addItem($item); } return $rss->outputFeed("RSS2.0"); } return false; }