Exemple #1
// Block Spams
if ($_POST['comment_title'] != '' || $_POST['name'] != '' || $_POST['mail'] != '' || $_POST['address'] != '' || $_POST['comment'] != '' || $_POST['url_key'] != '') {
    // echo 'Hi, Spammer! :-P';
    header('Location: ' . $cd . '/forum/index.php');
if (isset($_POST['user_name'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['color'], $_POST['user_pass'], $_POST['refer_id'])) {
    // comment field name
    $comment_field_name = md5($block_spam['comment_field_name']);
    $user_name = insert_safe($_POST['user_name']);
    $mail = insert_safe($_POST['user_email']);
    $title = insert_tag_safe($_POST['title']);
    $comment = insert_tag_safe($_POST[$comment_field_name]);
    $color = insert_safe($_POST['color']);
    $user_pass = insert_safe($_POST['user_pass']);
    $refer_id = insert_safe(intval($_POST['refer_id']));
    // Unicode conversion
    if ($cfg['enable_unicode'] == 'on') {
        mb_convert_variables($cfg['mysql_lang'], 'auto', $user_name, $title, $comment);
    // If title is empty
    $title = $title == '' ? 'Untitled' : $title;
    // Block Spams
    if (isset($_POST['user_uri']) && substr_count($_POST['user_uri'], "@") > 0 || substr_count($comment, "http://") >= (int) $block_spam['uri_count'] || preg_match($block_spam['tags'], $_POST[$comment_field_name]) || preg_match($block_spam['keywords'], $_POST[$comment_field_name]) || $block_spam['deny_1byteonly'] == 'yes' && !preg_match('/.*[\\x80-\\xff]/', $_POST[$comment_field_name]) || preg_match($block_spam['tags'], $_POST['title']) || check_spammer() > 0) {
        // echo 'Hi, Spammer! :-p';
        header('Location: ' . $cd . '/forum/index.php');
    // Deny comment with same content
    $check_sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) as num FROM ' . $forum_table . " WHERE comment = '{$comment}'";
    $check_res = mysql_query($check_sql);
Exemple #2
if ($session_status == 'on') {
    if (isset($_POST['bin_title'], $_POST['binname'], $_POST['bin_category'], $_POST['bincomment'])) {
        // Get the parameters posted from "update.php"
        if ($_POST['bin_title'] == '') {
            $contents = "<h2>Ooops.</h2>\n" . '<h3 class="warning">' . $lang['no_title'] . '</h3>' . "\n";
        } elseif ($_POST['binname'] == '') {
            $contents = "<h2>Ooops.</h2>\n" . '<h3 class="warning">' . $lang['no_f_name'] . '</h3>' . "\n";
        } elseif ($_POST['bincomment'] == '') {
            $contents = "<h2>Ooops.</h2>\n" . '<h3 class="warning">' . $lang['no_comment'] . '</h3>' . "\n";
        } else {
            $id = insert_safe(intval($_POST['id']));
            $bin_title = insert_safe($_POST['bin_title']);
            $binname = insert_safe($_POST['binname']);
            $bin_category = preg_replace('/,+$/', '', insert_safe($_POST['bin_category']));
            $bincomment = insert_tag_safe($_POST['bincomment']);
            if ($cfg['enable_unicode'] == 'on') {
                mb_convert_variables($cfg['mysql_lang'], "auto", $bin_title, $binname, $bincomment, $bin_category);
            // Update query
            $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $info_table . " SET bin_title = '{$bin_title}', binname = '{$binname}', bin_category = '{$bin_category}', bincomment = '{$bincomment}'";
            if (isset($_POST['no_update_mod'])) {
                $bin_mod = $_POST['bin_mod'];
                $sql .= ", bin_mod = '{$bin_mod}'";
            } else {
                $cmod = gmdate('YmdHis', time() + $cfg['tz'] * 3600);
                $sql .= ", bin_mod = '{$cmod}'";
            // Make private
            if (isset($_POST['private'])) {
Exemple #3
 $bin_category = preg_replace('/,+$/', '', insert_safe($_POST['bin_category']));
 $bincomment = insert_tag_safe($_POST['bincomment']);
 if ($cfg['enable_unicode'] == 'on') {
     mb_convert_variables($cfg['mysql_lang'], "auto", $bin_title, $bincomment, $bin_category);
 $binfile = $_FILES['binfile'];
 if (isset($binfile)) {
     $bin_src = $binfile["tmp_name"];
     $bin_type = $binfile["type"];
     $bin_name = $binfile["name"];
     $bin_size = filesize($bin_src);
     //get the size of it
     if (isset($_POST['bindate']) && preg_match("/^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+).([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\$/", $_POST['bindate'])) {
         $bin_date = insert_safe($_POST['bindate']);
         $cmod = preg_replace("/^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+).([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\$/", "\$1\$2\$3\$4\$5\$6", $bin_date);
     } else {
         $time = filemtime($bin_src);
         //get the last access date of it
         $bin_date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time + $cfg['tz'] * 3600);
         //format the UNIX timestamp
         $cmod = gmdate('YmdHis', time() + $cfg['tz'] * 3600);
     if (file_exists($bin_src)) {
         //if file exists...
         // put these info into the data-info table
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $info_table . " (`bin_title`, `bintype`, `binname`, `binsize`, `bindate`, `bin_mod`, `bin_category`, `bincomment`, `draft`)" . " VALUES ('{$bin_title}', '{$bin_type}', '{$bin_name}', '{$bin_size}', " . "'{$bin_date}', '{$cmod}', '{$bin_category}', '{$bincomment}', '1')";
         if (!($res = mysql_query($sql))) {
             die("<h2>MySQL error</h2> " . mysql_errno() . " : " . mysql_error());
Exemple #4
} else {
    require_once './lang/english.inc.php';
    $ex_lang = 'en';
// Connect to MySQL
mysql_connect($host, $user, $password) or die("<h2>MySQL Connection Error</h2>\n<h3>Why?: " . mysql_error() . "</h3>\n");
if (isset($_POST['install_type'], $_POST['root_path'], $_POST['default_lang'], $_POST['tz_offset'])) {
    $install_type = insert_safe($_POST['install_type']);
    $root_path = insert_safe($_POST['root_path']);
    $default_lang = insert_safe($_POST['default_lang']);
    if ($default_lang == 'ja') {
        $mysql_internal_encode = 'EUC-JP';
    } else {
        $mysql_internal_encode = 'Latin1';
    $tz_offset = insert_safe($_POST['tz_offset']);
    // NOTE:
    // If you post the wrong root path, you won't be able to display the preferences.
    // If you post your root path as "/path/to/p_blog/", you can display it.
    // This means "/path/to/p_blog/" is safer than the wrong-root-path-posting.
    switch ($install_type) {
        case 'upgrade':
            /////////////////////////////////// UPGRADE ///////////////////////////////////
            $title = $lang['upgrade'];
            // Select Database
            $sql = 'USE ' . $dbname;
            $res = mysql_query($sql);
            if ($res == FALSE) {
                // If database does not exists, create DB.
                $sql1 = 'CREATE DATABASE ' . $dbname;
                $res1 = mysql_query($sql1);
Exemple #5
 $category = preg_replace('/,+$/', '', insert_safe($_POST['category']));
 $comment = insert_tag_safe($_POST['comment']);
 if ($cfg['enable_unicode'] == 'on') {
     $name = mb_convert_encoding($name, $cfg['mysql_lang'], 'auto');
     $category = mb_convert_encoding($category, $cfg['mysql_lang'], 'auto');
     $comment = mb_convert_encoding($comment, $cfg['mysql_lang'], 'auto');
 // First, upload the attachment files
 // Save Trackback Ping URI
 if ($cfg['trackback'] == 'on') {
     if (!empty($_POST['send_ping_uri'])) {
         $tb_table = ', `ping_uri`';
         $senduri = insert_safe($_POST['send_ping_uri']);
         $tb_table_value = ", '" . $senduri . "'";
         $tb_encode = '&encode=' . insert_safe($_POST['encode']);
     } else {
         $tb_table = '';
         $tb_table_value = '';
         $tb_encode = '';
     if (!empty($_POST['send_update_ping'])) {
         switch ($_POST['send_update_ping']) {
             case 'yes':
                 $up_ping = '&up_ping=yes';
                 $up_ping = '&up_ping=no';
     } else {
Exemple #6
     $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] = @gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     $re_host = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'];
 } else {
     $re_host = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'];
 if (isset($_POST['user_uri'])) {
     $user_uri = $_POST['user_uri'];
 // Format the date
 $fdate = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $cfg['tz'] * 3600);
 $cmod = gmdate('YmdHis', time() + $cfg['tz'] * 3600);
 // 親ポストかレスかによってSQLを切り替える
 // レスのとき( tid「トピックID」が指定され、ポストされる)
 if (isset($_POST['tid'])) {
     $tid = insert_safe(intval($_POST['tid']));
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . "{$forum_table}(`tid`, `parent_key`, `title`, `comment`, `user_name`, `user_pass`, `user_mail`, `user_uri`, `color`, `date`, `mod`, `user_ip`, `refer_id`) " . "VALUES('" . $tid . "', '" . $parent_key . "', '" . $title . "', '" . $comment . "', '" . $user_name . "', md5('" . $user_pass . "'), '" . $mail . "', '" . $user_uri . "', '" . $color . "', '" . $fdate . "', '" . $cmod . "', '" . $re_host . "', '" . $refer_id . "')";
     $res = mysql_query($sql);
     if ($res) {
         // update the modification date of the parent log which is the index of the thread.
         $update_sql = "UPDATE `{$forum_table}` SET `mod` = '" . $cmod . "' WHERE `parent_key` = '1' AND `tid` = '" . $tid . "'";
         $update_res = mysql_query($update_sql);
         header('Location: ' . $http . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $cfg['root_path'] . 'article.php?id=' . urlencode($refer_id) . '#comments');
 } else {
     // 親ポストの場合、前のtidを取得した後、それに1を加えたものを新しいtidとし、新規に挿入。
     // check the max value of thread ID in database, and then
     // plus "1" to the ID of the new thread.
     $get_id_sql = "SELECT MAX(`tid`) FROM `{$forum_table}`";
     $max_id_res = mysql_query($get_id_sql);
Exemple #7
     // Matching a valid User password
 } elseif (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z]{4,16}$/i', $_POST['mod_user_pass'])) {
     $contents = '<h2 id="account-manager">' . $lang['invalid_pass'] . '</h2>' . '<p><span class="stronger">&#187;</span>&#160;<a href="./user_list.php">' . $lang['user_list'] . '</a> | <a href="./user_regist.php">' . $lang['create_accounts'] . '</a></p>' . '<p class="warning">' . $lang['invalid_pass_msg'] . '</p>';
     // Matching a valid Email address
 } elseif (!preg_match('/^[^@\\s]+@([-a-z0-9]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,}$/i', $_POST['mod_user_email'])) {
     $contents = '<h2 id="account-manager">' . $lang['invalid_email'] . '</h2>' . '<p><span class="stronger">&#187;</span>&#160;<a href="./user_list.php">' . $lang['user_list'] . '</a> | <a href="./user_regist.php">' . $lang['create_accounts'] . '</a></p>' . '<p class="warning">' . $lang['invalid_email_msg'] . '</p>';
 } else {
     if ($_SESSION['root_admin_login'] == '') {
         $_SESSION['root_user_name'] = $mysql_user;
         $_SESSION['root_user_pass'] = $mysql_pass;
         $_SESSION['root_admin_login'] = TRUE;
     $mod_user_name = insert_safe($_POST['mod_user_name']);
     $mod_user_pass = insert_safe($_POST['mod_user_pass']);
     $mod_user_email = insert_safe($_POST['mod_user_email']);
     $user_id = insert_safe(intval($_POST['user_id']));
     $sql = "UPDATE `{$user_table}` SET `user_name` = '{$mod_user_name}', `user_pass` = md5('{$mod_user_pass}'), `user_mail` = '{$mod_user_email}' WHERE `user_id` = '{$user_id}'";
     if (!($result = mysql_query($sql))) {
     $contents = '<h2 id="account-manager">' . $lang['account_updated'] . '</h2>' . '<h3>' . $lang['account_updated_msg'] . '</h3>' . '<p><span class="stronger">&#187;</span>&#160;<a href="./user_list.php">' . $lang['user_list'] . '</a> | <a href="./user_regist.php">' . $lang['create_accounts'] . '</a></p>';
     // Send Mail
     if ($cfg['sendmail_account_id'] == 'yes') {
         if ($cfg['xml_lang'] == 'ja') {
             require_once './mail_mb.php';
         } else {
             require_once './mail.php';
 $admin = 'yes';
Exemple #8
require_once $cd . '/include/config.inc.php';
require_once $cd . '/include/fnc_error_msgs.inc.php';
require_once $cd . '/include/http_headers.inc.php';
require_once '../include/fnc_search.inc.php';
require_once '../include/fnc_forum.inc.php';
if ($session_status == 'on') {
    if (isset($_POST['user_name'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['comment'], $_POST['id'], $_POST['mod_user_pass'], $_POST['tid'], $_POST['mod_del'])) {
        $user_name = insert_safe($_POST['user_name']);
        $mod_user_pass = insert_safe($_POST['mod_user_pass']);
        $title = insert_tag_safe($_POST['title']);
        $comment = insert_tag_safe($_POST['comment']);
        $id = insert_safe(intval($_POST['id']));
        $tid = insert_safe(intval($_POST['tid']));
        $mod_del = insert_safe(intval($_POST['mod_del']));
        $contents = <<<EOD

<ul class="flip-menu">
<li><a href="../index.php">{$lang['topic_list']}</a></li>
<li><a href="../topic.php?tid={$tid}&amp;p=0">{$lang['back_to_topic']}</a></li>
        if ($cfg['enable_unicode'] == 'on') {
            mb_convert_variables($cfg['mysql_lang'], "auto", $user_name, $title, $comment);
        switch ($mod_del) {
            case '1':
                $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$forum_table}` WHERE `id` = '{$id}'";
                $res = mysql_query($sql);
                if ($res) {
Exemple #9
 } else {
     $fdate = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $cfg['tz'] * 3600);
     $cmod = gmdate('YmdHis', time() + $cfg['tz'] * 3600);
     // set current time (GMT + Offset) in SQL
     $new_date = "`date` = '{$fdate}'";
     // sync "date" and "mod"
     $new_mod = ", `mod` = '{$cmod}'";
 $name = insert_safe($_POST['name']);
 $href = insert_safe($_POST['href']);
 // if posted category value were ended with ",(comma)", remove it.
 $category = preg_replace('/,+$/', '', insert_safe($_POST['category']));
 $comment = insert_tag_safe($_POST['comment']);
 // Update Trackback Ping URI
 if ($_POST['send_ping_uri']) {
     $mod_ping_uri = insert_safe($_POST['send_ping_uri']);
     $new_ping_uri = ", `ping_uri` = '{$mod_ping_uri}'";
 } else {
     $new_ping_uri = '';
 if ($cfg['enable_unicode'] == 'on') {
     mb_convert_variables($cfg['mysql_lang'], "auto", $name, $category, $comment);
 // Submit query
 $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $log_table . " SET `name` = '{$name}', `href` = '{$href}', `category` = '{$category}', `comment` = '{$comment}', " . $new_date . $new_mod . $new_ping_uri . " WHERE `id` = '{$id}'";
 mysql_query($sql) or die("<h2>MySQL error</h2> " . mysql_errno() . " : " . mysql_error());
 if ($cfg['trackback'] == 'on') {
     if (isset($_POST['encode'])) {
         $tb_encode = $_POST['encode'];
         $selected = ' selected="selected"';
         switch ($tb_encode) {
Exemple #10
         $contents = '<h2 id="account-manager">' . $lang['invalid_name'] . '</h2>' . '<p><span class="stronger">&#187;</span>&#160;<a href="./user_list.php">' . $lang['user_list'] . '</a> | <a href="./user_regist.php">' . $lang['create_accounts'] . '</a></p>' . '<p class="warning">' . $lang['invalid_name_msg'] . '</p>';
         // Matching a valid User password
     } elseif (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z]{4,16}$/i', $_POST['new_pass'])) {
         $contents = '<h2 id="account-manager">' . $lang['invalid_pass'] . '</h2>' . '<p><span class="stronger">&#187;</span>&#160;<a href="./user_list.php">' . $lang['user_list'] . '</a> | <a href="./user_regist.php">' . $lang['create_accounts'] . '</a></p>' . '<p class="warning">' . $lang['invalid_pass_msg'] . '</p>';
         // Matching a valid Email address
     } elseif (!preg_match('/^[^@\\s]+@([-a-z0-9]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,}$/i', $_POST['new_email'])) {
         $contents = '<h2 id="account-manager">' . $lang['invalid_email'] . '</h2>' . '<p><span class="stronger">&#187;</span>&#160;<a href="./user_list.php">' . $lang['user_list'] . '</a> | <a href="./user_regist.php">' . $lang['create_accounts'] . '</a></p>' . '<p class="warning">' . $lang['invalid_email_msg'] . '</p>';
     } else {
         if ($_SESSION['root_admin_login'] == '') {
             $_SESSION['root_user_name'] = $mysql_user;
             $_SESSION['root_user_pass'] = $mysql_pass;
             $_SESSION['root_admin_login'] = TRUE;
         $new_user = insert_safe($_POST['new_user']);
         $new_pass = insert_safe($_POST['new_pass']);
         $new_email = insert_safe($_POST['new_email']);
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$user_table}` VALUES ('', '{$new_user}', md5('{$new_pass}'), '{$new_email}', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP())";
         if (!($result = mysql_query($sql))) {
         $contents = '<h2 id="account-manager">' . $lang['new_user_created'] . "</h2>\n" . '<p>' . $lang['new_user_created_success'] . "</p>\n" . '<p class="ref"><a href="./user_list.php">' . $lang['user_list'] . "</a></p>\n" . '<p class="ref"><a href="./user_regist.php">' . $lang['create_accounts'] . "</a></p>\n";
         // Send Mail
         if ($cfg['sendmail_account_id'] == 'yes') {
             if ($cfg['xml_lang'] == 'ja') {
                 require_once './mail_mb.php';
             } else {
                 require_once './mail.php';
 } else {
Exemple #11
 // Deny when required values are empty
 $root_dir = $cfg['root_path'];
 $root_dir = str_replace('/', '\\/', $root_dir);
 $root_dir = str_replace('.', '\\.', $root_dir);
 if (empty($url) or empty($title) or empty($excerpt) or empty($name) or $url == 'http://') {
     $error = 1;
     $message = 'Bad Request.';
     header('Location: ' . $http . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $cfg['root_path'] . 'article.php?id=' . urlencode($id));
 } else {
     mb_convert_variables($cfg['mysql_lang'], "UTF-8,EUC-JP,Shift_JIS,ASCII", $title, $excerpt, $url, $name);
     $blog_id = insert_safe(intval($_GET['id']));
     $title = insert_safe($title);
     $excerpt = insert_safe($excerpt);
     $url = insert_safe($url);
     $name = insert_safe($name);
     // Block Spam
     if (substr_count($url, "/") < 3 || substr_count($url, "/") == 3 && substr($url, -1) == "/" || preg_match($block_spam['keywords'], $title) || preg_match($block_spam['keywords'], $excerpt) || preg_match($block_spam['keywords'], $url) || preg_match($block_spam['keywords'], $name) || $block_spam['deny_1byteonly'] == 'yes' && !preg_match('/.*[\\x80-\\xff]/', $excerpt)) {
         //echo 'You Are A Spammer!';
         header('Location: ' . $cd . '/article.php?id=' . $blog_id);
     if (file_exists($cd . '/include/user_include/plugins/plg_trackback_spam_blocker.inc.php')) {
         include_once $cd . '/include/user_include/plugins/plg_trackback_spam_blocker.inc.php';
         if (class_exists('P_BLOG_TrackbackSpamBlocker')) {
             $tbBlock = new P_BLOG_TrackbackSpamBlocker();
     // Deny Ping from the same page
     $check_sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) as num FROM ' . $trackback_table . " WHERE (blog_id = '{$blog_id}') AND (url = '{$url}')";
Exemple #12
$cd = '..';
require_once $cd . '/include/config.inc.php';
require_once $cd . '/include/fnc_error_msgs.inc.php';
require_once $cd . '/include/http_headers.inc.php';
require_once './include/fnc_search.inc.php';
require_once './include/fnc_forum.inc.php';
if (isset($_POST['user_name'], $_POST['user_pass'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['comment'], $_POST['color'], $_POST['id'], $_POST['tid'])) {
    $user_name = insert_safe($_POST['user_name']);
    $user_pass = insert_safe(md5($_POST['user_pass']));
    $title = insert_tag_safe($_POST['title']);
    $comment = insert_tag_safe($_POST['comment']);
    $color = insert_safe(intval($_POST['color']));
    $id = insert_safe(intval($_POST['id']));
    $tid = insert_safe(intval($_POST['tid']));
    $mod_del = insert_safe($_POST['mod_del']);
    $contents = <<<EOD
<ul class="flip-menu">
<a href="./index.php" accesskey="i">{$lang['topic_list']}</a> 
<a href="./add.php" accesskey="n">{$lang['new_topic']}</a> 
<a href="./topic.php?tid={$tid}" accesskey="b">{$lang['back_to_topic']}</a>
    $check_sql = 'SELECT `user_pass` FROM `' . $forum_table . '` WHERE id = ' . $id;
    $check_res = mysql_query($check_sql);
    $check_row = mysql_fetch_array($check_res);
    if ($check_row['user_pass'] == $user_pass) {
        if ($cfg['enable_unicode'] == 'on') {
            mb_convert_variables($cfg['mysql_lang'], "auto", $user_name, $title, $comment);
        if (isset($_POST['user_uri'])) {