function run_cron_for_game($server_cfg, $game_cfg, $time_slots)
    $current_timestamp = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
    // Logger object has to be passed to all child functions,
    // put it in the game configuration array
    $game_cfg['logger'] = new Logger($server_cfg, $game_cfg);
    // All metrics are enabled by default
    if (!array_key_exists("enabled_metrics", $game_cfg)) {
        $enabled_metrics = array("rightscale_data", "xhprof_blob", "apache_stats", "zmonitor_data", "function_analytics", "slow_page");
    } else {
        $enabled_metrics = $game_cfg["enabled_metrics"];
    // If time slots are passed as parameter it should be passed
    // in correct format i.e. {t1,t2},where t1 etc are timeslots,
    // so that it can be used in glob with BRACE. If there is no
    // timestamp we assume processing is happening for the current
    // timeslot. We need the current time slot and the previous one
    // as we may have crossed the 30 min boundary after the cron
    // job was launched.
    if (empty($time_slots)) {
        $slot = (int) ($current_timestamp / 1800);
        $time_slots = sprintf("{%d,%d}", $slot, $slot - 1);
    error_log(sprintf("==> Game: %s, time_slots: %s<==\n", $game_cfg["name"], $time_slots), 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
    // we need to look at xhprof uploads only if any of the enabled
    // metrics need it.
    if (in_array("xhprof_blob", $enabled_metrics) || in_array("function_analytics", $enabled_metrics)) {
        process_xhprof_uploads($server_cfg, $game_cfg, $time_slots);
    insert_events($server_cfg, $game_cfg);
    foreach ($enabled_metrics as $metric) {
        try {
            $metric_function = "insert_{$metric}";
            // calls insert_apache_stats
            $metric_function($server_cfg, $game_cfg, $time_slots);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $game_cfg['logger']->log("Cron Run", "Failed to process and \n\t\t\t\t\t\t  insert data for {$metric}", Logger::CRIT);
            error_log("Failed to process and insert data for {$metric}\n", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
            error_log("Exception says: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
Exemple #2
<!-- insertion de la fonction permettant d'ajouter des utilisateurs à la base de données !-->
require 'FonctionsEvent.php';

		<h2> Formulaire de création d'événements : </h2>
		<!-- insertion du formulaire!-->
include "Form-Event.html";