Exemple #1
 public function newOrderList($viewed = '')
     $merchant_id = Yii::app()->functions->getMerchantID();
     $and = '';
     /*if (is_numeric($viewed)){
      		$and.=" AND viewed='0'";
     $db_ext = new DbExt();
     $stmt = "\r\n    \t      SELECT * FROM\r\n    \t      {{order}}\r\n    \t      WHERE    \t          \t      \r\n    \t      date_created like '" . date('Y-m-d') . "%'\r\n    \t      AND\r\n    \t      merchant_id ='{$merchant_id}'\r\n    \t      AND\r\n    \t      viewed='1'\r\n    \t      AND status NOT IN ('" . initialStatus() . "')\r\n    \t      ORDER BY date_created DESC\r\n    \t";
     if ($res = $db_ext->rst($stmt)) {
         return $res;
     return false;
Exemple #2
 public function rptAdminSalesRpt()
     $and = '';
     if (isset($this->data['start_date']) && isset($this->data['end_date'])) {
         if (!empty($this->data['start_date']) && !empty($this->data['end_date'])) {
             $and = " AND date_created BETWEEN  '" . $this->data['start_date'] . " 00:00:00' AND \r\n\t    \t\t        '" . $this->data['end_date'] . " 23:59:00'\r\n\t    \t\t ";
     $order_status_id = '';
     $or = '';
     if (isset($this->data['stats_id'])) {
         if (is_array($this->data['stats_id']) && count($this->data['stats_id']) >= 1) {
             foreach ($this->data['stats_id'] as $stats_id) {
                 $order_status_id .= "'{$stats_id}',";
             if (!empty($order_status_id)) {
                 $order_status_id = substr($order_status_id, 0, -1);
     if (!empty($order_status_id)) {
         $and .= " AND status IN ({$order_status_id})";
     $DbExt = new DbExt();
     $merchant_id = isset($this->data['merchant_id']) ? $this->data['merchant_id'] : '';
     $stmt = "SELECT a.*,\r\n\t    \t(\r\n\t    \tselect concat(first_name,' ',last_name)\r\n\t    \tfrom\r\n\t    \t{{client}}\r\n\t    \twhere\r\n\t    \tclient_id=a.client_id\r\n\t    \t) as client_name,\r\n\t    \t\r\n\t    \t(\r\n\t    \tselect group_concat(item_name)\r\n\t    \tfrom\r\n\t    \t{{order_details}}\r\n\t    \twhere\r\n\t    \torder_id=a.order_id\r\n\t    \t) as item\r\n\t    \t\r\n\t    \tFROM\r\n\t    \t{{order}} a\r\n\t    \tWHERE\r\n\t    \tmerchant_id='{$merchant_id}'\r\n\t    \tAND status NOT IN ('" . initialStatus() . "')\t    \t\r\n\t    \t{$and}\r\n\t    \tORDER BY order_id DESC\r\n\t    \tLIMIT 0,2000\r\n\t    \t";
     $_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'] = $stmt;
     if ($res = $DbExt->rst($stmt)) {
         foreach ($res as $val) {
             $action = "<a data-id=\"" . $val['order_id'] . "\" class=\"edit-order\" href=\"javascript:\">" . Yii::t("default", "Edit") . "</a>";
             $action .= "<a data-id=\"" . $val['order_id'] . "\" class=\"view-receipt\" href=\"javascript:\">" . Yii::t("default", "View") . "</a>";
             $date = FormatDateTime($val['date_created']);
             $feed_data['aaData'][] = array($val['order_id'], ucwords($val['client_name']), $val['item'], ucwords(Yii::t("default", $val['trans_type'])), strtoupper(Yii::t("default", $val['payment_type'])), prettyFormat($val['sub_total'], $merchant_id), prettyFormat($val['tax'], $merchant_id), prettyFormat($val['total_w_tax'], $merchant_id), ucwords($val['status']), $date);
Exemple #3
 public function merchantCommission()
     $and = '';
     $and_date = '';
     if (isset($this->data['start_date']) && isset($this->data['end_date'])) {
         if (!empty($this->data['start_date']) && !empty($this->data['end_date'])) {
             $and = " AND a.date_created BETWEEN  '" . $this->data['start_date'] . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t    \t\t        '" . $this->data['end_date'] . " 23:59:00'\n\t    \t\t ";
             $and_date = " AND date_created BETWEEN  '" . $this->data['start_date'] . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t    \t\t        '" . $this->data['end_date'] . " 23:59:00'\n\t    \t\t ";
     if ($this->data['query'] == "last15") {
         $start_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('-15 days'));
         $end_date = date("Y-m-d");
         $and = " AND a.date_created BETWEEN  '" . $start_date . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t\t    \t\t        '" . $end_date . " 23:59:00'\n\t\t    \t\t ";
         $and_date = " AND date_created BETWEEN  '" . $start_date . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t\t    \t\t        '" . $end_date . " 23:59:00'\n\t\t    \t\t ";
     } elseif ($this->data['query'] == "last30") {
         $start_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('-30 days'));
         $end_date = date("Y-m-d");
         $and = " AND a.date_created BETWEEN  '" . $start_date . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t\t    \t\t        '" . $end_date . " 23:59:00'\n\t\t    \t\t ";
         $and_date = " AND date_created BETWEEN  '" . $start_date . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t\t    \t\t        '" . $end_date . " 23:59:00'\n\t\t    \t\t ";
     } elseif ($this->data['query'] == "month") {
         $query_date = $this->data['query_date'];
         $start_date = date('Y-m-01', strtotime($query_date));
         $end_date = date('Y-m-t', strtotime($query_date));
         $and = " AND a.date_created BETWEEN  '" . $start_date . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t\t    \t\t        '" . $end_date . " 23:59:00'\n\t\t    \t\t ";
         $and_date = " AND date_created BETWEEN  '" . $start_date . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t\t    \t\t        '" . $end_date . " 23:59:00'\n\t\t    \t\t ";
     $order_status_id = '';
     $or = '';
     if (isset($this->data['stats_id'])) {
         if (is_array($this->data['stats_id']) && count($this->data['stats_id']) >= 1) {
             foreach ($this->data['stats_id'] as $stats_id) {
                 $order_status_id .= "'{$stats_id}',";
             if (!empty($order_status_id)) {
                 $order_status_id = substr($order_status_id, 0, -1);
     if (!empty($order_status_id)) {
         $where = " WHERE a.status IN ({$order_status_id})";
         $and_date .= " AND status IN ({$order_status_id})";
     } else {
         $where = " WHERE a.status NOT IN ('" . initialStatus() . "')";
         $and_date .= "AND status NOT IN ('" . initialStatus() . "')";
     if ($this->data['merchant_id'] >= 1) {
         $and .= " AND a.merchant_id='" . $this->data['merchant_id'] . "' ";
     if (isset($this->data['payment_type'])) {
         if ($this->data['payment_type'] == 2) {
             // cash
             $and_date .= " AND payment_type IN ('cod','pyr','ccr') ";
             $and .= " AND payment_type IN ('cod','pyr','ccr') ";
         } else {
             if ($this->data['payment_type'] == 3) {
                 // card
                 $and_date .= " AND payment_type NOT IN ('cod','pyr','ccr') ";
                 $and .= " AND payment_type NOT IN ('cod','pyr','ccr') ";
     $DbExt = new DbExt();
     $stmt = "SELECT a.*,b.is_commission,\n\t    \t(\n\t    \tselect restaurant_name \n\t    \tfrom\n\t    \t{{merchant}}\n\t    \twhere merchant_id = a.merchant_id \n\t    \t) as merchant_name,\n\t    \t\n\t    \t(\n\t    \tselect sum(total_w_tax) \n\t    \tfrom\n\t    \t{{order}}\n\t    \twhere merchant_id = a.merchant_id \t  \n\t    \t{$and_date}  \t\t \n\t    \t) as total_order,\n\t    \t\n\t    \t(\n\t    \tselect sum(total_commission)\n\t    \tfrom\n\t    \t{{order}}\n\t    \twhere merchant_id = a.merchant_id \t \n\t    \t{$and_date}   \t\t \n\t    \t) as total_commission\n\t    \t\n\t    \tFROM\n\t    \t{{order}} a\t  \t    \n\t    \tleft join {{merchant}} b\n\t\t\tOn\n\t\t\ta.merchant_id=b.merchant_id\n\t    \t  \t  \n\t    \t{$where}\n\t    \t{$and}\t    \t\n\t    \tAND b.is_commission='2'\n\t    \t\n\t    \tGROUP BY merchant_id\n\t    \tORDER BY order_id DESC\n\t    \tLIMIT 0,2000\n\t    \t";
     if (isset($_GET['debug'])) {
     $_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'] = $stmt;
     if ($res = $DbExt->rst($stmt)) {
         if (isset($_GET['debug'])) {
         $total_commission = 0;
         foreach ($res as $val) {
             $link = websiteUrl() . "/admin/merchantcommissiondetails";
             $link .= "/mtid/" . $val['merchant_id'];
             $link .= "/where/" . $where;
             $link .= "/and/" . $and;
             /*$action="<a class=\"view-details\" data-id=\"$val[merchant_id]\" href=\"javascript:;\" data-where=\"$where\" data-and=\"$and\">".
             $total_commission += $val['total_commission'];
             $action = "<a href=\"{$link}\" >" . Yii::t("default", "Details") . "</a>";
             $date = prettyDate($val['date_created'], true);
             $date = Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($date);
             $feed_data['aaData'][] = array($val['merchant_id'], $val['merchant_name'], displayPrice(adminCurrencySymbol(), normalPrettyPrice($val['total_order'])), displayPrice(adminCurrencySymbol(), normalPrettyPrice($val['total_commission'])), $action);
         $feed_data['total_commission'] = displayPrice(adminCurrencySymbol(), normalPrettyPrice($total_commission));