public function connect($func, $CDSA) { $conn = inf()->sap->conn; $conn["USER"] = $_SESSION["SAP_USERNAME"]; $conn["PASSWD"] = $_SESSION["SAP_PASSWORD"]; $this->user = $conn["USER"]; $this->conn = saprfc_open($conn); if (!$this->conn) { throw new Exception("SAPRFC CONNECTION FAILED"); } $this->func = saprfc_function_discover($this->conn, $func); if (!$this->func) { throw new Exception(sprintf("DISCOVERING INTERFACE OF FUNCTION %s MODULE FAILED", $func)); } $this->conf = inf()->sap->conf; $rs = DB::lookup("vfs")->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM sap_conf WHERE AREA_SUB='%s'", $CDSA); if ($rs->next()) { $this->conf["BUS_AREA"] = $rs->get("BUS_AREA"); $this->VR = $rs->get("VENDOR"); $this->VC = $rs->get("VENDOR_CO"); $this->CC = $rs->get("COST_CENTER"); $this->PC = $rs->get("PROFIT_CENTER"); } else { throw new Exception(sprintf("LOADING SAP CONFIG FOR FUNCTION %s MODULE FAILED", $func)); } }
/** * @ajax * @conn vfs */ public function POST($conn) { extract(dbm()->argv(inf()->rows->push("USR", array("type" => "alnum"))->getMap())); $_sql = "SELECT * FROM vfs_users"; if (isset($USR)) { $_arg = array(); array_push($_arg, sprintf("USR LIKE '%s'", "%" . $USR . "%")); array_push($_arg, sprintf("NAME LIKE '%s'", "%" . $USR . "%")); $_sql .= sprintf(" WHERE %s", implode(" OR ", $_arg)); } $_sql .= sprintf(" LIMIT %s, %s", $offset, $limit); $rs = $conn->executeQuery($_sql); $rows = null; $no = $offset + 1; while ($rs->next()) { $rows[] = array(array("value" => $no++, "align" => "right"), array("value" => $rs->get("USR"), "lookup" => "vfs/forms/Users/", "observer" => "SEARCH", "publish" => sprintf("%s=>USR", $rs->get("USR")), "align" => "center"), array("value" => $rs->get("AREA"), "align" => "center"), array("value" => $rs->get("AREA_SUB"), "align" => "center"), $rs->get("NAME"), array("value" => $rs->getInt("SHR") == 1 ? "Y" : "N", "align" => "center"), array("value" => $rs->get("DEF"), "align" => "center"), array("value" => $rs->get("EXP"), "align" => "center"), array("value" => $rs->get("C_USER"), "align" => "center"), array("value" => $rs->get("C_DATE"), "align" => "center")); } $re = array("rows" => $rows); if ($offset == 0) { $rs = $conn->executeQuery(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) T FROM (%s) SQLT", $_sql)); $re["total"] = $rs->next() ? $rs->getInt("T") : 0; $re["limit"] = $limit; } return $re; }
/** * @ajax * @conn vfs */ public function POST($conn) { extract(dbm()->argv(inf()->rows->getMap())); $re = $rows = null; $no = $offset + 1; $rs = $conn->vfs_positions()->orderBy("ID_POSITION ASC")->limit($limit, $offset)->select(); while ($rs->next()) { $rows[] = array($rs->setCell($no++, "right"), $rs->getCell("ID_POSITION", null, "center", "vfs/parameters/Positions/GET", $rs->httpQuery("ID_POSITION")), $rs->get("NAME"), $rs->setCell(sprintf("%s/%s", $rs->get("BP"), $rs->get("KP")), "center"), $rs->getCell("BEGDA", null, "center"), $rs->getCell("ENDDA", null, "center")); } $re["rows"] = $rows; if ($offset == 0) { $rs = $conn->executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) T FROM vfs_positions"); $re["total"] = $rs->next() ? $rs->getInt("T") : 0; $re["limit"] = $limit; } return $re; }
/** * @ajax * @conn vfs */ public function POST($conn) { extract(dbm()->argv(inf()->rows->getMap())); $re = $rows = null; $no = $offset + 1; $rs = $conn->vfs_clients_users()->orderBy("ID_USR, CID")->limit($limit, $offset)->select(); while ($rs->next()) { $rows[] = array($rs->getCell("CID", null, "right", "vfs/parameters/ClientsUsers/GET", $rs->httpQuery("CID")), $rs->get("ID_USR"), $rs->getCell("BEGDA", null, "center"), $rs->getCell("ENDDA", null, "center")); } $re["rows"] = $rows; if ($offset == 0) { $rs = $conn->executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) T FROM vfs_clients_users"); $re["total"] = $rs->next() ? $rs->getInt("T") : 0; $re["limit"] = $limit; } return $re; }
/** * @ajax * @conn vfs */ public function POST($conn) { extract(dbm()->argv(inf()->rows->push("USR", array("type" => "alnum"))->getMap())); $_sql = "SELECT s.*, u.NAME FROM vfs_users_sessions s, vfs_users u WHERE s.USR=u.USR"; if (isset($USR)) { $_usr = $USR . "%"; $_sql .= sprintf(" AND s.USR LIKE '%s' OR u.NAME LIKE '%s'", $_usr, $_usr); } $_sql .= sprintf(" ORDER BY s.SES_TIME LIMIT %s, %s", $offset, $limit); $rs = $conn->executeQuery($_sql); $rows = null; while ($rs->next()) { $rows[] = array(array("name" => "SID_" . $rs->get("SES"), "value" => "1", "type" => "checkbox"), array("value" => $rs->get("USR"), "align" => "center"), $rs->get("NAME"), array("value" => $rs->get("SES_ADDR"), "align" => "center"), array("value" => $rs->get("SES_TIME"), "align" => "center"), array("value" => $rs->get("SES_DATE"), "align" => "center")); } $re = array("rows" => $rows); if ($offset == 0) { $rs = $conn->executeQuery(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) T FROM (%s) SQLT", $_sql)); $re["total"] = $rs->next() ? $rs->getInt("T") : 0; $re["limit"] = $limit; } return $re; }
/** * @ajax */ public function POST() { $rows = null; $rows[] = array(array("value" => "DATASOURCE", "colspan" => 3, "style" => array("fontWeight" => "bold"))); $rs = inf()->datasource->getMap(); foreach ($rs as $k => $v) { $rows[] = array(array("value" => $k, "align" => "right"), array("value" => $v, "colspan" => 2)); } $rows[] = array(array("value" => "SAP CONFIG", "colspan" => 3, "style" => array("fontWeight" => "bold"))); $rs = inf()->sap->getMap(); foreach ($rs["conf"] as $k => $v) { $rows[] = array(array("value" => $k, "align" => "right"), array("value" => $v, "colspan" => 2)); } foreach ($rs["conn"] as $k => $v) { $rows[] = array(array("value" => $k, "align" => "right"), array("value" => $v, "colspan" => 2)); } $rs = ini_get_all(); unset($rs["url_rewriter.tags"]); $rows[] = array(array("value" => "PHP INI", "colspan" => 3, "style" => array("fontWeight" => "bold"))); foreach ($rs as $k => $v) { $rows[] = array(array("value" => $k, "align" => "right"), $v["global_value"], $v["local_value"]); } return array("rows" => $rows); }
* * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * @author */ if (!defined("ENV")) { die("Undefined_ENV_Exception"); } if (sizeof($_SERVER["argv"]) > 1) { $conn = DB::lookup("vfs"); try { $conn->begin(); $methodName = inf()->execute; $execTime = DB::constant("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); for ($i = 1, $j = sizeof($_SERVER["argv"]); $i < $j; $i++) { $className = $_SERVER["argv"][$i]; $logMessage = Service::get($className, $methodName)->getInstance()->{$methodName}(); $conn->vfs_crons_logs(array("CMD" => $className, "LOG_MESSAGE" => $logMessage, "EXEC_TIME" => $execTime))->insert(); } $conn->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $conn->rollback(); dbg()->log(NS_ERROR, $e->getMessage()); } }
public static function push($instance) { $n = get_class($instance); if (isset(self::$singleton[$n])) { throw new Exception(inf()->singletonException($n)); } self::$singleton[$n] = $instance; }
private function createNamespace($_USR, $NAME, $AREA_CODE, $AREA_SUB_CODE, $POSITION) { $c0 = DB::lookup("vfs", true); $_GID = array(); $_PKG = array(); $_CID = array(); $_ACL = array(); $r2 = $c0->executeQuery("SELECT GRP, NAME FROM vfs_groups WHERE GRP='1100'"); while ($r2->next()) { $_GID[$r2->getInt("GRP")] = $r2->get("NAME"); } // only if not expired if ($_SESSION["EXP"] == false) { $r2 = $c0->executeQuery("SELECT GRP, NAME FROM vfs_users_groups WHERE USR='******'", $_USR); while ($r2->next()) { $_GID[$r2->getInt("GRP")] = $r2->get("NAME"); } } $r3 = $c0->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM vfs_users_groups_classes WHERE GRP IN (%s)", implode(",", array_keys($_GID))); while ($r3->next()) { $PKG = $r3->getInt("PKG"); $PID = $r3->getInt("PID"); $CID = $r3->getInt("PKC"); if ($r3->getInt("FTR")) { $this->features[] = $CID; } if (!isset($this->CID[$PKG])) { $this->CID[$PKG] = array(); } if (!isset($_PKG[$r3->get("CODE")])) { $_PKG[$r3->get("CODE")] = $r3->get("PKG_NAME"); } if (!isset($_ACL[$PKG])) { $_ACL[$PKG] = array(); } $_ACL[$PKG][$CID] = $r3->get("ACL"); $Ga = $r3->get("DISP"); $this->CID[$PKG][$CID] = array("B" => $PID, "C" => $CID, "D" => $_ACL[$PKG][$CID], "G" => $r3->get("PKC_NAME"), "Ga" => $Ga, "H" => $r3->get("TYPE"), "PT" => $r3->get("TITLE"), "PD" => $r3->get("DESC"), "P" => $PID == 0 ? $r3->get("CODE") : $r3->get("PKC_NAME")); } foreach ($this->CID as $a => $b) { foreach ($b as $k => $v) { if ($v["B"]) { if (isset($this->CID[$a][$v["B"]])) { if (is_null($v["Ga"]) || empty($v["Ga"])) { $v["Ga"] = $v["G"]; } $this->CID[$a][$k]["P"] = $this->CID[$a][$v["B"]]["P"] . "/" . $v["G"] . "|" . $v["Ga"] . "@" . $v["H"]; } else { unset($this->CID[$a][$k]); } } } } $this->node = new api_TreeHelper(); foreach ($this->CID as $a => $thiz) { foreach ($thiz as $k => $v) { $key = $v["C"]; $this->TDA[$key] = array("T" => $v["PT"], "D" => $v["PD"]); $clz = $this->configure($v); if ($v["H"] != "C" && $v["H"] != "O") { $acl = $this->toACL($v["D"]); if (isset($this->ACL[$key])) { $tmp = $this->mergeACL($this->ACL[$key], $acl); $acl = $tmp; } $this->ACL[$clz] = $acl; } } } $_SESSION["ACL"] = $this->ACL; $_SESSION["TrH"] = $this->postProccess($this->node->pack()); $_SESSION["SPC"] = $this->SPC; $_SESSION["context"] = $_PKG; $_SESSION["ATR"] = array("NAME" => $NAME, "LOKER" => sprintf("%s: %s, %s: %s (%s)", inf()->term->AREA, $AREA_CODE, inf()->term->AREA_SUB, $AREA_SUB_CODE, vfs_Service::subAreaName($AREA_CODE, $AREA_SUB_CODE)), "UNIT" => $POSITION); $_SESSION["USR"] = $_USR; $_SESSION["EXT"] = null; $ex = $c0->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM vfs_users_ext WHERE USR='******'", $_USR); while ($ex->next()) { $_SESSION["EXT"][$ex->get("AREA")][] = $ex->get("AREA_SUB"); } }
* (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * @author */ if (!defined("REQUEST_URI")) { die("Undefined_ENV_Exception"); } $inf = inf(); $className = $inf->session; $methodName = $inf->execute; $p = strpos(REQUEST_URI, "?"); $q = $p > 0 ? substr(REQUEST_URI, 0, $p) : REQUEST_URI; $u = trim($q, FILE_SEPARATOR); if (!empty($u)) { if (substr($q, -1) == FILE_SEPARATOR || strpos($u, FILE_SEPARATOR) === false) { $u .= "/HEAD"; } $p = strrpos($u, FILE_SEPARATOR); $methodName = substr($u, $p + 1); $className = substr($u, 0, $p); } $req = req(); $chk = $req->ajax() ? false : REQUEST_METHOD == "POST";
public static function lookup($n, $u = false) { $v = new stdClass(); if (!isset(inf()->datasource->{$n})) { throw new Exception(sprintf("DataSource '%s' does not exist", $n)); } if ($u) { if (isset(self::$_map[$n])) { return self::$_map[$n]; } } $x = inf()->datasource->{$n}; $i = parse_url($x); if (!isset($i["scheme"]) || !isset($i["path"])) { throw new Exception(sprintf("InvalidURL: %s", $x)); } $q = null; if (isset($i["query"])) { parse_str($i["query"], $q); } $v = (object) array("u" => $i["user"], "p" => isset($i["pass"]) ? $i["pass"] : null, "h" => $i["host"], "c" => isset($i["port"]) ? $i["port"] : null, "d" => substr($i["path"], 1), "q" => $q, "f" => isset($i["fragment"]) ? $i["fragment"] : null); $t = $i["scheme"]; require_once sprintf("api/DB.%s.php", $t); $n = sprintf("api_%s_Connection", $t); $c = new $n($v, $x); array_push(self::$conn, $c); if ($u) { self::$_map[$n] = $c; } return $c; }