// no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted accessd'); // Check for the framework, if not found eject include_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/xef/bootstrap.php'; if (!defined('XEF_INCLUDED')) { echo 'Your Module installation is broken; please re-install. Alternatively, extract the installation archive and copy the xef directory inside your site\'s libraries directory.'; return; } // Include the syndicate functions only once require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper.php'; //set module id $module_id = XEFUtility::getModuleId($module, $params); // Content source $content_source = $params->get('content_source', 'joomla'); // Import source and get the class name $class_name = importSource($content_source); // Create instance of the class $instance = new $class_name($module, $params); // Lets set some variables $cat_ids = array(); $cat_field = ''; $items = array(); // assign ids based on contetn_source switch ($content_source) { case 'joomla': $cat_ids = $params->get('jom_catid'); $cat_field = 'jom_catid'; break; case 'k2': $cat_ids = $params->get('k2_catid'); $cat_field = 'k2_catid';
# Technical Support: Forum - http://templaza.com/Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die; include_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/tzm/tz_news.php'; $version = new JVersion(); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); if ($params->get('enable_jquery') == 1) { $document->addScript(JUri::base() . 'modules/mod_tz_news_pro/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js'); } //$document->addStyleSheet(JUri::base() . 'modules/mod_tz_news_pro/css/mod_tz_news.css'); // Include the syndicate functions only once require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper.php'; // Import source and get the class name $class_name = importSource("modules"); // Create instance of the class $instance = new $class_name($module, $params); // Get the items $items = $instance->getItems(); $tzcontent = $params->get('manager'); $list = modTzNewsHelper::getList($params); $tabs = $params->get('tz_count', 3); $tabs_position = $params->get('tabs_position', 'top'); $title = $params->get('show_title'); $hits = $params->get('show_hits'); $image = $params->get('show_image'); $date = $params->get('show_date'); $des = $params->get('show_description'); $readmore = $params->get('show_readmore'); $readtext = $params->get('readmore_text');