function createShowAlist(&$alist, $subaction = null) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; return $alist; if (checkIfLatest() && !if_demo()) { return null; } }
function isSelect() { if (if_demo()) { if (array_search_bool($this->nname, array('wholesale', 'reseller', 'customer'))) { return false; } } return true; }
static function execCommand($iid, $command) { if (if_demo()) { throw new lxException("not_allowed_in_demo"); } global $global_shell_error, $global_shell_ret; $global_shell_error = null; $out = shell_exec("{$command} 2>&1"); return array('output' => $out, 'error' => $global_shell_error); }
function dbactionAdd() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login; if (if_demo()) { return; } $_filepath = "__path_home_root/lxguard/"; $result = $this->main->__var_hostlist; $result = merge_array_object_not_deleted($result, $this->main); $list = get_namelist_from_arraylist($result, 'hostname', 'hostname'); dprintr($list); lfile_put_serialize($_filepath, $list); lxshell_return("__path_php_path", "../bin/common/lxguard.php"); }
function dosyncToSystem() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login; if (if_demo()) { return; } $_filepath = "__path_real_etc_root/hosts.deny"; $string = null; foreach ((array) $this->main->__var_hostlist as $v) { $string .= "ALL: {$v['hostname']}\n"; } if ($this->isDeleted() != "delete") { $string .= "ALL: {$this->main->hostname}\n"; } lfile_put_contents($_filepath, $string); }
function dbactionUpdate($subaction) { if (if_demo()) { throw new lxException("demo", $v); } if ($this->main->ssh_port && !($this->main->ssh_port > 0)) { throw new lxException('invalid_ssh_port', 'ssh_port', ''); } dprint($this->main->ssh_port); $this->main->ssh_port = trim($this->main->ssh_port); if (!$this->main->ssh_port) { $port = "22"; } else { $port = $this->main->ssh_port; } if (lxfile_exists("/etc/fedora-release")) { $str = lfile_get_contents("../file/template/sshd_config-fedora-2"); } else { $str = lfile_get_contents("../file/template/sshd_config"); } $str = str_replace("%ssh_port%", $port, $str); if ($this->main->isOn('without_password_flag')) { $wt = 'without-password'; } else { $wt = 'yes'; } if ($this->main->isOn('disable_password_flag')) { $pwa = 'no'; } else { $pwa = 'yes'; } $str = str_replace("%permit_root_login%", $wt, $str); $str = str_replace("%permit_password%", $pwa, $str); $ret = lfile_put_contents("/etc/ssh/sshd_config", $str); if (!$ret) { throw new lxException('could_not_write_config_file', '', ''); } exec_with_all_closed("/etc/init.d/sshd restart"); }
function if_demo_throw_exception($where = null) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if ($sgbl->dbg < 0) { $where = null; } if (if_demo()) { throw new lxException("{$where} not_allowed_in_demo_version"); } }
function updateMaintenance($param) { if (if_demo()) { throw new lxException("not_allowed_in_demo"); } return $param; }
function password_contact_check() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if (!$login->isAdmin()) { return; } if (csb($ghtml->frm_action, 'update') && $ghtml->frm_subaction === 'password') { return; } if (if_demo()) { return; } if (check_raw_password('client', 'admin', 'admin')) { print "<br> <br> <br> "; if (!isset($ghtml->__http_vars['frm_emessage'])) { $ghtml->__http_vars['frm_emessage'] = 'security_warning'; } $ghtml->print_message(); $gbl->frm_ev_list = "old_password_f"; do_updateform($login, 'password'); exit; } }
function display($var) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if ($var === "logintime" || $var === "timeout" || $var === 'last_access') { return " " . lxgettime($this->{$var}) . " "; } if ($var === 'current_f') { if ($gbl->c_session->nname === $this->nname) { return 'on'; } return 'dull'; } if ($var === 'ip_address') { if (if_demo()) { return 'Masked in Demo'; } } return parent::display($var); }
function getMysqlDbAdmin(&$alist) { if (!$this->isLocalhost('mysqldbsyncserver')) { $fqdn = getFQDNforServer($this->mysqldbsyncserver); //$dbadminUrl = "http://$fqdn:7778/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; if (http_is_self_ssl()) { $dbadminUrl = "https://{$fqdn}:7777/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; } else { $dbadminUrl = "http://{$fqdn}:7778/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; } } else { $dbadminUrl = "/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; } try { $dbad = $this->getPrimaryDb(); if (!$dbad) { return; } $user = $dbad->nname; $pass = $dbad->dbpassword; if (if_demo()) { //$pass = "******"; } $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "{$dbadminUrl}?pma_username={$user}&pma_password={$pass}", 'purl' => "c=mysqldb&a=updateform&sa=phpmyadmin", 'target' => "target='_blank'")); } catch (Exception $e) { } }
function create_servername() { $pserver = new pserver(null, 'localhost', "localhost"); $pserver->initThisDef(); $pserver->rolelist = array("web", "dns"); if (if_demo()) { $pserver->realpass = '******'; $pserver->password = crypt("admin"); $pserver->cpstatus = 'on'; } $pserver->dbaction = "add"; $pserver->postAdd(); $pserver->superPostAdd(); $pserver->was(); //dprintr($pserver); return; }
function isSelect() { if (if_demo()) { if ($this->nname === '') { return false; } if ($this->nname === '') { return false; } if ($this->nname === '') { return false; } if ($this->nname === '') { return false; } } return true; }
function createShowRlist($subaction) { //$l = $this->pserverInfo(); global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; static $rlist; //print("hello\n"); if ($subaction) { return null; } if ($rlist) { return $rlist; } $master_server = $this->__masterserver; $slave_server = $this->syncserver; $driverapp = $gbl->getSyncClass($master_server, $slave_server, 'vps'); if ($this->isXen()) { if (if_demo()) { $disk['used'] = '300'; $disk['total'] = '6000'; } else { // Build the params $maindisk = $this->getXenMaindiskName(); $is_windows = $this->isWindows(); $root_path = $this->corerootdir; $parameters = array($maindisk, $is_windows, $root_path); $disk = rl_exec_get($master_server, $slave_server, array("vps__{$driverapp}", "getDiskUsage"), $parameters); } if (!$this->priv->disk_usage) { $this->priv->disk_usage = $disk['total']; $this->setUpdateSubaction(); $this->write(); } $rlist[] = array('disk_usage', "Disk:Disk Usage", $disk['used'], $disk['total']); $rlist[] = array('realmem_usage', "Mem:Memory Usage", 'NA', $this->priv->realmem_usage); } else { $l = rl_exec_get($this->__masterserver, $this->syncserver, array("vps__{$driverapp}", "vpsInfo"), array($this->getIid(), $this->corerootdir)); $rlist[] = array('disk_usage', "Disk:Disk Usage", $l['used_s_disk'], $l['priv_s_disk']); $rlist[] = array('disk_inode', "Inode:Disk Inodes", $l['used_s_inode'], $l['priv_s_inode']); /// Rlist takes an array... $rlist[] = array('memory_usage', "Memory:Memory Usage (MB)", $l['used_s_memory'], $l['priv_s_memory']); if (isset($l['used_s_swap'])) { $rlist[] = array('swap_usage', "Swap:Swap Usage (MB)", $l['used_s_swap'], $l['priv_s_swap']); } if (isset($l['used_s_virtual'])) { $rlist[] = array('Virtual Memory', "Virtual Memory Usage (MB)", $l['used_s_virtual'], $l['priv_s_virtual']); } } $rlist['priv'] = null; if (!$this->isXen()) { $cpu = $l['cpu']; foreach ($cpu as $k => $c) { $rlist[] = array('cpu', "CPU{$k} speed", "{$c['used_s_cpuspeed']}", '-'); //$rlist[] = array('cpu', "CPU$k Speed", $c['used_s_cpuspeed'], '-'); //$rlist[] = array('cpu', "CPU$k Cache", $c['used_s_cpucache'], '-'); } } return $rlist; }
function display_init() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; initProgram(); initLanguage(); if ($sgbl->is_this_slave()) { print "This is a Slave Server. You control it at the Master Server.\n"; exit; } // The only thing that gets modified when the dbaction is not a modify action, is the ssession table. Other tables should get modified only inside non-form actions. if (isModifyAction() && isUpdating()) { $ghtml->print_redirect_back('system_is_updating_itself', ''); exit; } try { do_display_init(); main_system_lock(); print_navigation($gbl->__navig); if (if_demo()) { //$url = $ghtml->get_get_from_current_post(null); //log_clicks($url); } print_warning(); password_contact_check(); } catch (Exception $e) { log_log("redirect_error", "exception"); $gbl->setSessionV('__tmp_redirect_var', $ghtml->__http_vars); $gbl->c_session->write(); if (is_array($e->variable)) { $evlist = implode(",", $e->variable); } else { $evlist = $e->variable; } $ghtml->print_redirect_back($e->getMessage(), $evlist, $e->value); exit; } //license_check(); if ($ghtml->frm_filter) { $filtername = $gbl->__c_object->getFilterVariableForThis($ghtml->frm_o_cname); $list[$filtername] = $ghtml->frm_filter; $login->setupHpFilter($list); $login->setUpdateSubaction(); } if ($ghtml->frm_hpfilter) { //dprintr($ghtml->frm_hpfilter); $login->setupHpFilter($ghtml->frm_hpfilter); $login->setUpdateSubaction(); } }
function checkRestart() { if (if_demo()) { return; } log_log("cron_exec", "Check service restarts...\n"); $res = lscandir_without_dot("__path_program_etc/.restart"); if ($res === false) { dprint(".restart does not exist... Creating\n"); lxfile_mkdir("__path_program_etc/.restart"); lxfile_generic_chown("__path_program_etc/.restart", "lxlabs"); } foreach ((array) $res as $r) { if (csb($r, "._restart_")) { $cmd = strfrom($r, "._restart_"); } lunlink("__path_program_etc/.restart/{$r}"); dprint("Restarting {$cmd}\n"); switch ($cmd) { case 'lxcollectquota': log_log("cron_exec", "Start collecting Quota's\n"); exec_justdb_collectquota(); break; case 'openvz_tc': log_log("cron_exec", "Start openvz_tc script\n"); exec_openvz_tc(); break; default: log_log("cron_exec", "Restarting {$cmd}\n"); exec_with_all_closed("/etc/init.d/{$cmd} restart"); break; } } }
function updateSwitchHelp($param) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if ($gbl->isOn('show_help')) { $this->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->show_help = 'off'; $gbl->setSessionV('show_help', 'off'); } else { if (!if_demo()) { $this->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->show_help = 'on'; } $gbl->setSessionV('show_help', 'on'); } $special = $this->sp_specialplay_o; $special->setUpdateSubaction('switchhelp'); $login->was(); save_login(); $ghtml->print_redirect_left_panel("/htmllib/mibin/lpanel.php"); return null; }
function getMysqlDbAdmin(&$alist) { if (!$this->isLocalhost('nname')) { $fqdn = getFQDNforServer($this->nname); //$dbadminUrl = "http://$fqdn:7778/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; if (http_is_self_ssl()) { $dbadminUrl = "https://{$fqdn}:7777/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; } else { $dbadminUrl = "http://{$fqdn}:7778/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; } } else { $dbadminUrl = "/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; } //$pass = urlencode($pass); $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; if (csa($server, ":")) { list($server, $port) = explode(":", $server); } try { $dbad = $this->getFromList('dbadmin', "mysql___{$this->syncserver}"); $user = $dbad->dbadmin_name; $pass = $dbad->dbpassword; if (if_demo()) { $pass = "******"; } $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "{$dbadminUrl}?pma_username={$user}&pma_password={$pass}", 'purl' => "c=mysqldb&a=updateform&sa=phpmyadmin", 'target' => "target='_blank'")); } catch (Exception $e) { } }
/* * This file is used by the /login/ page. * Refactoring is needed. Wrong place, wrong name */ $accountlist = array('client' => "Kloxo Account", 'domain' => 'Domain Owner', 'mailaccount' => "Mail Account"); $progname = $sgbl->__var_program_name; $ghtml->print_jscript_source("/htmllib/js/lxa.js"); if ($sgbl->is_this_slave()) { print "Slave Server\n"; exit; } $logfo = db_get_value("general", "admin", "login_pre"); $logfo = str_replace("<%programname%>", $sgbl->__var_program_name, $logfo); if (!$cgi_forgotpwd) { $ghtml->print_message(); if (if_demo()) { include_once "lib/demologins.php"; } else { ?> <div id="ctr" align="center"> <div class="login"> <div class="login-form"> <div align="center"><font size="5" color="red"><b> Login </b></font></div> <br /> <form name="loginform" action="/htmllib/phplib/" onsubmit="encode_url(loginform) ; return fieldcheck(this);" method="post"> <div class="form-block"> <div class="inputlabel">Username</div> <input name="frm_clientname" type="text" class="inputbox" size="30" /> <div class="inputlabel">Password</div> <input name="frm_password" type="password" class="passbox" size="30" />
function postUpdate() { // Hack Hack Hack... Redirecting the whole frame thing after a skin change... // It is supposed to be handled by the display.php, but since this is a single case, i am doing it here... global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $gbl->setSessionV('show_lpanel', $login->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->show_lpanel); $gbl->setSessionV('show_help', $login->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->show_help); if (if_demo()) { throw new lxexception('not_allowed_in_demo', ''); } if ($this->subaction === 'skin' && !$this->isClass('sp_childspecialplay')) { if ($sgbl->dbg < 0 && $this->getParentO()->isLogin()) { $login->was(); if ($ghtml->frm_consumedlogin !== 'true') { $ghtml->print_redirect_self("/"); exit; } } } }
function checkRestart() { if (if_demo()) { return; } $res = lscandir_without_dot("__path_program_etc/.restart"); if ($res === false) { dprint(".restart does not exist... Creating\n"); lxfile_mkdir("__path_program_etc/.restart"); lxfile_generic_chown("__path_program_etc/.restart", "lxlabs"); } foreach ((array) $res as $r) { if (csb($r, "._restart_")) { $cmd = strfrom($r, "._restart_"); } lunlink("__path_program_etc/.restart/{$r}"); dprint("Restarting {$cmd}\n"); // THe 3,4 etc are the tcp ports of this program, and it should be closed, else some programs will grab it. //exec("/etc/init.d/$cmd restart </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 3</dev/null 4</dev/null 5</dev/null 6</dev/null &"); switch ($cmd) { case 'lxcollectquota': exec_justdb_collectquota(); break; case 'openvz_tc': exec_openvz_tc(); break; default: exec_with_all_closed("/etc/init.d/{$cmd} restart"); break; } } }
function oldlpanel_help() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login; $img_path = $login->getSkinDir(); $tbg = $img_path . "/lp_bg.gif"; $helpimg = $img_path . "/"; ?> <table cellpadding="0" width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" align=center> <tr> <td align=center><br> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=center> <tr align=center> <td><img id=helppic name=namepic src="<?php echo $helpimg; ?> /help_head.gif" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="'<?php echo $this->get_help_url(); ?> ')"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </td></tr> <tr align=center> <td align=center> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=center> <tr> <td><img src="<?php echo $helpimg; ?> /help_edge.gif"></td> <td background="<?php echo $helpimg; ?> /help_bg.gif" width=170> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td width=10></td> <td> <div id=help class=helparea> <script> document.write(help_data['helparea']) </script> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td><img src="<?php echo $helpimg; ?> /help_edge.gif"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <?php if (if_demo()) { ?> <tr> <td align=center> <table> <tr align=center> <td align=center nowrap><a href=/live target=_blank class=tableheadtext>Click Here for Live Support.</a></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } return; }