Exemple #1
// Copyright 2015 The Haohaoxiuche Team Authors. All right reserved.
// Use of this source that is governed by a Apache-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// 技術版API編號010 獲取歷史問題的詳細信息
// @authors hjboss <*****@*****.**> 2015-12-16#
// @version 1.0.0
// @package hhxc
if (!defined('HHXC')) {
    die('Permission denied');
if (CheckOpenID($params['openid'], $params['uid']) == FALSE) {
    $result['msg'] = MESSAGE_WARNING;
} else {
    $condition = array('schema' => 'hh_questions_list', 'fields' => array('*', ifSQL('nick'), ifSQL('headerimg')), 'filter' => array('qid' => Assign($params['qid'], 0)));
    $recordset = StorageFind($condition);
    if (is_array($recordset) == FALSE or empty($recordset) == TRUE) {
        $result['msg'] = MESSAGE_EMPTY;
    } else {
        $result = array('code' => '101', 'data' => array());
        foreach ($recordset as $index => $row) {
            $result['data'][] = array('userpic' => $row['h_headerimg'], 'usernick' => $row['h_nick'], 'posttime' => $row['pubtime'], 'message' => $row['content'], 'index' => $index + 1);
/**************************************** 輔助函數 ****************************************/
function ifSQL($field)
    $sql_left = "SELECT {$field} FROM hh_techuser WHERE id=uid";
    $sql_right = "SELECT {$field} FROM hh_caruser WHERE id=uid";
Exemple #2
// @authors hjboss <*****@*****.**> 2015-12-16#
// @version 1.0.0
// @package hhxc
if (!defined('HHXC')) {
    die('Permission denied');
if (CheckOpenID($params['openid'], $params['uid']) == FALSE) {
    $result['msg'] = MESSAGE_WARNING;
} else {
    $condition = array('schema' => array('hh_questions', 'hh_techuser'), 'fields' => array('*', 't0.id AS qid', 't1.id AS uid'), 'filter' => array('t0.pubuser' => 't1.id', 't0.zhuangtai' => 1, 't0.lockby' => Assign($params['uid'], 0)));
    $record = StorageFindOne($condition);
    if (is_array($record) and empty($record) == TRUE) {
        $result['msg'] = MESSAGE_EMPTY;
    } else {
        $result = array('code' => '101', 'data' => array('uid' => $record['uid'], 'userpic' => $record['headerimg'], 'usernick' => $record['nick'], 'difficulty' => $record['difficulty'], 'posttime' => $record['pubtime'], 'question' => $record['question'], 'qid' => $record['qid'], 'report' => array(), 'answers' => array()));
        $condition_s = array('schema' => 'hh_questions_list', 'fields' => array('*', ifSQL('nick'), ifSQL('headerimg')), 'filter' => array('qid' => $recod['qid'], 'zhuangtai' => 0));
        $buf = StorageFind($condition_s);
        if (is_array($buf) and empty($buf) == FALSE) {
            foreach ($buf as $index => $row) {
                $result['data'][0][] = array('type' => $row['type'], 'userpic' => $row['h_headerimg'], 'usernick' => $row['h_nick'], 'posttime' => $row['posttime'], 'message' => $row['content'], 'index' => $row['no']);
/**************************************** 輔助函數 ****************************************/
function ifSQL($field)
    $sql_left = "SELECT {$field} FROM hh_techuser WHERE id=uid";
    $sql_right = "SELECT {$field} FROM hh_caruser WHERE id=uid";
    return "IF(type=1,({$sql_left}),({$sql_right})) AS h_{$field}";