/** * prints the status icon * @param string $p_icon Icon file name. * @return void * @access public */ function print_status_icon($p_icon) { echo icon_get_status_icon($p_icon); }
function renderIssues($status) { $content = array(); $t_bug_table = db_get_table('mantis_bug_table'); $t_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id(); $specific_where = helper_project_specific_where($this->project_id, $t_user_id); if ($this->severity) { $severityCond = '= ' . $this->severity; } else { $severityCond = '> -1'; } if ($this->version) { $versionCon = '= ' . $this->version; } else { $versionCon = '> -1'; } $query = "SELECT *\n\t\t\tFROM {$t_bug_table}\n\t\t\tWHERE {$specific_where}\n\t\t\tAND status = {$status}\n\t\t\tAND severity {$severityCond}\n AND version {$versionCon}\n\t\t\tORDER BY last_updated DESC\n\t\t\tLIMIT 20"; $result = db_query_bound($query); $category_count = db_num_rows($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $category_count; $i++) { $row = db_fetch_array($result); $content[] = '<div class="portlet ui-helper-clearfix" id="' . $row['id'] . '"> <div class="portlet-header">' . icon_get_status_icon($row['priority']) . ' ' . string_get_bug_view_link($row['id']) . ': ' . $row['summary'] . '</div> <div class="portlet-content">' . ($row['handler_id'] ? '<strong>Assigned:</strong> ' . user_get_name($row['handler_id']) . BR : '') . '</div></div>'; } if ($row) { //pre_var_dump(array_keys($row)); } return $content; }
function print_status_icon($p_icon) { print icon_get_status_icon($p_icon); }
kanbanColumn kanbanColumn<?php echo $column['status'][0]; ?> "><?php echo '<h2 style="background-color:' . $column['color'] . '">' . $title . ' (' . $t_bug_count . ')'; if ($column['wip_limit'] > 0) { echo " Limit: " . $column['wip_limit']; } echo ' </h2>'; if (!empty($rows)) { $i = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($i < 150) { $t_bug = $row; echo '<div data-userid="' . $t_current_user_id . '" data-ticketid="' . $t_bug->id . '" data-projectid="' . $t_bug->project_id . '" class="card ' . ($i % 2 == 1 ? 'cardOdd' : 'cardEven') . ' card' . category_full_name($t_bug->category_id, false) . '">'; echo icon_get_status_icon($t_bug->priority); echo ' <a href="' . string_get_bug_view_url($t_bug->id) . '" class="bugLink">' . string_display_line_links($t_bug->summary) . '</a>'; echo ' <a href="' . string_get_bug_view_url($t_bug->id) . '" class="bugLink right"> #' . $t_bug->id . '</a>'; $priority = get_enum_element('priority', $t_bug->priority); /* echo '<div class="info">'; echo '<img src="images/plus.png" alt="'.$bug_desc_title.'" title="'.$bug_desc_title.'" border="0"/>'; echo bug_get_text_field($t_bug->id, 'description'); echo string_display_line_links( $t_bug->summary ); echo project_get_name( $t_bug->project_id ); if( !bug_is_readonly( $t_bug->id ) && access_has_bug_level( $t_update_bug_threshold, $t_bug->id ) ) { echo '<a href="' . string_get_bug_update_url( $t_bug->id ) . '"><img border="0" src="plugins/MantisKanban/files/pencil.png' . '" alt="' . lang_get( 'update_bug_button' ) . '" /></a>'; echo '<br>' . kanban_ajax_button_bug_change_status( $t_bug->id, $t_bug->project_id, $t_current_user_id ); } // Check for attachments