function read($len) { if ($this->id === false) { return ''; // wr-only blob } if (!($e = $this->_firstUse())) { return $e; } $data = ibase_blob_get($this->blob, $len); if ($data === false) { return $this->_setDbError('read'); } return $data; }
function form($id = '') { if ($id) { $data['id'] = $id; $data['user_data'] = $this->data_model->get_data_by_id($id); if (isset($data['user_data']['DESKRIPSI'])) { $blob_data = ibase_blob_info($data['user_data']['DESKRIPSI']); $blob_hndl = ibase_blob_open($data['user_data']['DESKRIPSI']); $deskripsi = ibase_blob_get($blob_hndl, $blob_data[0]); $data['user_data']['DESKRIPSI'] = $deskripsi; } } $data['title'] = 'SIPTU - BERITA'; $data['main_content'] = 'master/berita'; $this->load->view('layout/template', $data); }
/** * This function advances the reader to the next record. * * @access public * @override * @return boolean whether another record was fetched * * @see */ public function read() { $this->record = @ibase_fetch_assoc($this->command); if ($this->record !== FALSE) { foreach ($this->blobs as $field) { $info = @ibase_blob_info($this->resource, $this->record[$field]); if (is_array($info) and !$info['isnull']) { $buffer = ''; $handle = @ibase_blob_open($this->resource, $this->record[$field]); if ($handle !== FALSE) { for ($i = 0; $i < $info[1]; $i++) { $size = $i == $info[1] - 1 ? $info[0] - $i * $info[2] : $info[2]; $value = @ibase_blob_get($handle, $size); if ($value !== FALSE) { $buffer .= $value; } } @ibase_blob_close($handle); } $this->record[$field] = $buffer; } else { $this->record[$field] = NULL; } } return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function _BlobDecode($blob) { if (ADODB_PHPVER >= 0x5000) { $blob_data = ibase_blob_info($this->_connectionID, $blob); $blobid = ibase_blob_open($this->_connectionID, $blob); } else { $blob_data = ibase_blob_info($blob); $blobid = ibase_blob_open($blob); } if ($blob_data[0] > $this->maxblobsize) { $realblob = ibase_blob_get($blobid, $this->maxblobsize); while ($string = ibase_blob_get($blobid, 8192)) { $realblob .= $string; } } else { $realblob = ibase_blob_get($blobid, $blob_data[0]); } ibase_blob_close($blobid); return $realblob; }
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * BLOB字段解密函数 Firebird特有 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @access public +---------------------------------------------------------- * @param $blob 待解密的BLOB +---------------------------------------------------------- * @return 二进制数据 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @throws ThinkExecption +---------------------------------------------------------- */ public function BlobDecode($blob) { $maxblobsize = 262144; $blob_data = ibase_blob_info($this->_linkID, $blob); $blobid = ibase_blob_open($this->_linkID, $blob); if ($blob_data[0] > $maxblobsize) { $realblob = ibase_blob_get($blobid, $maxblobsize); while ($string = ibase_blob_get($blobid, 8192)) { $realblob .= $string; } } else { $realblob = ibase_blob_get($blobid, $blob_data[0]); } ibase_blob_close($blobid); return $realblob; }
/** * Read data from large object input stream. * * @param int $lob handle to a lob created by the createLob() function * @param blob $data reference to a variable that will hold data to be * read from the large object input stream * @param int $length integer value that indicates the largest ammount of * data to be read from the large object input stream. * @return mixed length on success, a MDB error on failure * @access private */ function _readResultLOB($lob, &$data, $length) { $db =& $GLOBALS['_MDB2_databases'][$this->db_index]; if (MDB2::isError($lobresult = $this->_retrieveLOB($lob))) { return $lobresult; } $data = @ibase_blob_get($db->lobs[$lob]['handle'], $length); if (!is_string($data)) { $db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR, NULL, NULL, 'Read Result LOB: ' . @ibase_errmsg()); } if (($length = strlen($data)) == 0) { $db->lobs[$lob]['EndOfLOB'] = 1; } return $length; }
<?php $results = ""; $head = "\\SetWatermarkText{" . $watermark . "}\n"; $head .= "\\normalsize Биоматериал: КРОВЬ ИЗ ВЕНЫ\n\n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~СОСКОБ\n\n\\vspace{3px}"; $head .= "\\vspace{-10px} \\begin{center}\\large{\\textbf{Gine-Mix максима}}\n\\vspace{3px}\\rule{1\\linewidth}{0.1mm} \n \\normalsize{\\textbf{Маркеры опухолевого роста}} \\vspace{-5px} \n\n \\end{center}"; $apprdate = find_apprdate($ordersid, $dbh); $restm = "select o.comments_pic as com from orders ord inner join ordtask o on o.ordersid = where o.testcode =1912 and in(" . $ordersid . ")"; $row = ibase_query($restm); $data = ibase_fetch_object($row); $blob_data = ibase_blob_info($data->COM); $blob_hndl = ibase_blob_open($data->COM); $comments = ibase_blob_get($blob_hndl, $blob_data[0]); $comments = str_replace('%', '\\%', $comments); $comments = str_replace('_', '\\_', $comments); ibase_blob_close($blob_hndl); ibase_free_result($row); $results .= "\n\n" . $comments; $apprusergist = ""; $restm = "select u.fullname from ordtask o inner join users u on u.usernam = o.appruser inner join tests t on = o.testcode where o.ordersid in(" . $ordersid . ") and t.dept =4"; $res = ibase_query($dbh, $restm); while ($row = ibase_fetch_row($res)) { $apprusergist .= $row[0]; } ibase_free_result($res); $apprpcr = ""; $restm = "select u.fullname from ordtask o inner join users u on u.usernam = o.appruser inner join tests t on = o.testcode where o.ordersid in(" . $ordersid . ") and t.dept =3"; $res = ibase_query($dbh, $restm); while ($row = ibase_fetch_row($res)) { $apprpcr .= $row[0]; }
function daftar_data_spt() { if (!isset($_POST['oper'])) { $this->load->model('spt_model'); $id = $this->uri->segment(3); $page = $_REQUEST['page']; // get the requested page $limit = $_REQUEST['rows']; // get how many rows we want to have into the grid $sidx = $_REQUEST['sidx']; // get index row - i.e. user click to sort $sord = $_REQUEST['sord']; // get the direction if(!$sidx) $sidx =1; $req_param = array("id" => $id, "sort_by" => $sidx, "sort_direction" => $sord, "limit" => null, "search" => $_REQUEST['_search'], "search_field" => isset($_REQUEST['searchField']) ? $_REQUEST['searchField'] : null, "search_operator" => isset($_REQUEST['searchOper']) ? $_REQUEST['searchOper'] : null, "search_str" => isset($_REQUEST['searchString']) ? $_REQUEST['searchString'] : null); $row = $this->spt_model->get_data($req_param)->result_array(); $count = count($row); if ($count > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } if ($page > $total_pages) { $page = $total_pages; } $start = $limit * $page - $limit; // do not put $limit*($page - 1) if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } $req_param['limit'] = array('start' => $start, 'end' => $limit); $result = $this->spt_model->get_data($req_param)->result_array(); // sekarang format data dari dB sehingga sesuai yang diinginkan oleh jqGrid dalam hal ini pakai JSON format $response->page = $page; $response->total = $total_pages; $response->records = $count; for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { $blob_data = ibase_blob_info($result[$i]['MAKSUD']); $blob_hndl = ibase_blob_open($result[$i]['MAKSUD']); $maksud = ibase_blob_get($blob_hndl, $blob_data[0]); $response->rows[$i]['id'] = $result[$i]['ID_SPT']; // data berikut harus sesuai dengan kolom-kolom yang ingin ditampilkan di view (js) $response->rows[$i]['cell'] = array($result[$i]['ID_SPT'], $result[$i]['SPT_NO'], date('d/m/Y', strtotime($result[$i]['TANGGAL'])), $maksud, $result[$i]['DARI'] . ' - ' . $result[$i]['TUJUAN'], date('d/m/Y', strtotime($result[$i]['TANGGAL_BERANGKAT'])) . ' - ' . date('d/m/Y', strtotime($result[$i]['TANGGAL_PULANG'])), $result[$i]['KENDARAAN'], $result[$i]['NAMA_PEGAWAI_PEMBERI'], $result[$i]['ID_PEGAWAI_PEMBERI'], $result[$i]['NAMA_PEGAWAI_PENERIMA'], $result[$i]['ID_PEGAWAI_PENERIMA']); } echo json_encode($response); } else { $id = $this->input->post('id'); if ($_POST['oper'] === 'add') { //$this->tambah_data_spt(); } else { if ($_POST['oper'] === 'edit') { //$this->edit_data_spt($id); } else { if ($_POST['oper'] === 'del') { $this->hapus_spt($id); } } } } }
/** * @brief query xml에 navigation 정보가 있을 경우 페이징 관련 작업을 처리한다 * * 그닥 좋지는 않은 구조이지만 편리하다.. -_-; **/ function _getNavigationData($table_list, $columns, $left_join, $condition, $output) { require_once _XE_PATH_ . 'classes/page/PageHandler.class.php'; $query_groupby = ''; if ($output->groups) { foreach ($output->groups as $key => $val) { $group_list[] = $this->autoQuotes($val); } if (count($group_list)) { $query_groupby = sprintf(" GROUP BY %s", implode(", ", $group_list)); } } /* // group by 절이 포함된 SELECT 쿼리의 전체 갯수를 구하기 위한 수정 // 정상적인 동작이 확인되면 주석으로 막아둔 부분으로 대체합니다. // $count_condition = strlen($query_groupby) ? sprintf('%s group by %s', $condition, $query_groupby) : $condition; $total_count = $this->getCountCache($output->tables, $count_condition); if($total_count === false) { $count_query = sprintf('select count(*) as "count" from %s %s %s', implode(', ', $table_list), implode(' ', $left_join), $count_condition); if (count($output->groups)) $count_query = sprintf('select count(*) as "count" from (%s) xet', $count_query); $result = $this->_query($count_query); $count_output = $this->_fetch($result); $total_count = (int)$count_output->count; $this->putCountCache($output->tables, $count_condition, $total_count); } */ // 전체 개수를 구함 $count_query = sprintf("select count(*) as \"count\" from %s %s %s", implode(',', $table_list), implode(' ', $left_join), $condition); $total_count = $this->getCountCache($output->tables, $condition); if ($total_count === false) { $result = $this->_query($count_query); $count_output = $this->_fetch($result); if (!$this->transaction_started) { @ibase_commit($this->fd); } $total_count = (int) $count_output->count; $this->putCountCache($output->tables, $condition, $total_count); } $list_count = $output->list_count['value']; if (!$list_count) { $list_count = 20; } $page_count = $output->page_count['value']; if (!$page_count) { $page_count = 10; } $page = $output->page['value']; if (!$page) { $page = 1; } // 전체 페이지를 구함 if ($total_count) { $total_page = (int) (($total_count - 1) / $list_count) + 1; } else { $total_page = 1; } // 페이지 변수를 체크 if ($page > $total_page) { $page = $total_page; } $start_count = ($page - 1) * $list_count; // list_order, update_order 로 정렬시에 인덱스 사용을 위해 condition에 쿼리 추가 if ($output->order) { $conditions = $this->getConditionList($output); if (!in_array('list_order', $conditions) && !in_array('update_order', $conditions)) { foreach ($output->order as $key => $val) { $col = $val[0]; if (!in_array($col, array('list_order', 'update_order'))) { continue; } if ($condition) { $condition .= sprintf(' and "%s" < 2100000000 ', $col); } else { $condition = sprintf(' where "%s" < 2100000000 ', $col); } } } } $limit = sprintf('FIRST %d SKIP %d ', $list_count, $start_count); $query = sprintf('SELECT %s %s FROM %s %s %s', $limit, $columns, implode(',', $table_list), implode(' ', $left_join), $condition); if (strlen($query_groupby)) { $query .= $query_groupby; } if ($output->order) { foreach ($output->order as $key => $val) { $index_list[] = sprintf("%s %s", $this->autoQuotes($val[0]), $val[1]); } if (count($index_list)) { $query .= sprintf(" ORDER BY %s", implode(",", $index_list)); } } $query .= ";"; $result = $this->_query($query); if ($this->isError()) { if (!$this->transaction_started) { @ibase_rollback($this->fd); } $buff = new Object(); $buff->total_count = 0; $buff->total_page = 0; $buff->page = 1; $buff->data = array(); $buff->page_navigation = new PageHandler($total_count, $total_page, $page, $page_count); return $buff; } $virtual_no = $total_count - ($page - 1) * $list_count; while ($tmp = ibase_fetch_object($result)) { foreach ($tmp as $key => $val) { $type = $output->column_type[$key]; if ($type == null) { foreach ($output->columns as $cols) { if ($cols['alias'] == $key) { $type = $output->column_type[$cols['name']]; } } } if ($type == "text" || $type == "bigtext") { $blob_data = ibase_blob_info($tmp->{$key}); $blob_hndl = ibase_blob_open($tmp->{$key}); $tmp->{$key} = ibase_blob_get($blob_hndl, $blob_data[0]); ibase_blob_close($blob_hndl); } } $data[$virtual_no--] = $tmp; } if (!$this->transaction_started) { @ibase_commit($this->fd); } $buff = new Object(); $buff->total_count = $total_count; $buff->total_page = $total_page; $buff->page = $page; $buff->data = $data; $buff->page_navigation = new PageHandler($total_count, $total_page, $page, $page_count); return $buff; }
public function getBlob($data) { if (isset($data)) { $blob_data = @ibase_blob_info($data); $blob_hndl = @ibase_blob_open($data); $content = @ibase_blob_get($blob_hndl, $blob_data[0]); return $content; } else { return ''; } }
function blob_read($tablename, $fieldname, $where = "0=1") { if ($this->debug) { echo "<pre style=\"color : green\">Reading blob in {$tablename} ({$fieldname}) where {$where} on {$this->dbpath} <p style=\"color:purple;\"> {$sql}</p></pre>"; } switch ($this->dbtype) { /* Firebird Functionality */ case "firebird": $sql = "select first 1 {$fieldname} from {$tablename} where {$where}"; $this->reset_query(); $object = $this->first_row($sql); $fieldname = strtoupper($fieldname); $blobfield = $object->{$fieldname}; $blob_data = ibase_blob_info($this->dbh, $blobfield); $blob_hndl = ibase_blob_open($this->dbh, $blobfield); $content = ibase_blob_get($blob_hndl, $blob_data[0]); break; /* SQLite Functionality */ /* SQLite Functionality */ case "sqlite": $sql = "select first 1 {$fieldname} from {$tablename} where {$where}"; $this->reset_query(); $object = $this->first_row($sql); $fieldname = strtoupper($fieldname); $content = $object->{$fieldname}; break; /* MYSQL Functionality */ /* MYSQL Functionality */ case "mysql": $sql = "select first 1 {$fieldname} from {$tablename} where {$where}"; $this->reset_query(); $object = $this->first_row($sql); $fieldname = strtoupper($fieldname); $content = $object->{$fieldname}; break; /* Oracle Functionality */ /* Oracle Functionality */ case "oracle": //implement break; /* PGSQL Functionality */ /* PGSQL Functionality */ case "pgsql": // testing required $sql = "select first 1 {$fieldname} from {$tablename} where {$where}"; $this->reset_query(); $object = $this->first_row($sql); $fieldname = strtoupper($fieldname); $content = $object->{$fieldname}; break; } if ($this->debug) { echo "<pre style=\"color : blue\">Query Executed on {$this->dbpath} \n </pre>"; } return $content; }
/** * Read data from large object input stream. * * @param int $lob handle to a lob created by the createLob() function * @param blob $data reference to a variable that will hold data to be * read from the large object input stream * @param int $length integer value that indicates the largest ammount of * data to be read from the large object input stream. * @return mixed length on success, a MDB error on failure * @access private */ function _readResultLob($lob, &$data, $length) { if (MDB::isError($lobresult = $this->_retrieveLob($lob))) { return $lobresult; } $data = @ibase_blob_get($this->lobs[$lob]['Handle'], $length); if (!is_string($data)) { $this->raiseError(MDB_ERROR, NULL, NULL, 'Read Result LOB: ' . @ibase_errmsg()); } if (($length = strlen($data)) == 0) { $this->lobs[$lob]['EndOfLOB'] = 1; } return $length; }
function &BlobDecode($blob) { $blobid = ibase_blob_open($blob); $realblob = ibase_blob_get($blobid, 299999); // 2nd param is max size of blob -- Kevin Boillet <*****@*****.**> ibase_blob_close($blobid); return $realblob; }
function ReadResultLOB($lob, &$data, $length) { if (!$this->RetrieveLOB($lob)) { return -1; } $data = ibase_blob_get($this->lobs[$lob]["Handle"], $length); if (GetType($data) != "string") { $this->SetError("Read result LOB", "Could not open fetched large object field: " . ibase_errmsg()); return -1; } if (($length = strlen($data)) == 0) { $this->lobs[$lob]["EndOfLOB"] = 1; } return $length; }
/** * Read data from large object input stream. * * @param array $lob array * @param blob $data reference to a variable that will hold data to be * read from the large object input stream * @param int $length integer value that indicates the largest ammount of * data to be read from the large object input stream. * @return mixed length on success, a MDB2 error on failure * @access protected */ function _readLOB(&$lob, $length) { $data = @ibase_blob_get($lob['handle'], $length); if (!is_string($data)) { $db =& $this->getDBInstance(); if (PEAR::isError($db)) { return $db; } return $db->raiseError(null, null, null, 'Unable to read LOB', __FUNCTION__); } return $data; }
function _BlobDecode($blob) { $blobid = ibase_blob_open($blob); $realblob = ibase_blob_get($blobid, $this->maxblobsize); // 2nd param is max size of blob -- Kevin Boillet <*****@*****.**> while ($string = ibase_blob_get($blobid, 8192)) { $realblob .= $string; } ibase_blob_close($blobid); return $realblob; }
/** * Get the content of a blob field * * @access public * @param field * @return string */ function get_blob($field) { $s = ''; if (isset($field)) { $blob_data = ibase_blob_info($field); $blob_hndl = ibase_blob_open($field); $s = ibase_blob_get($blob_hndl, $blob_data[0]); ibase_blob_close($blob_hndl); } return $s; }