Exemple #1
function new_build_i_world_map_exec($id, $overlay = false)
    global $iwmparam_array;
    global $apiver;
    //    i_world_map_defaults();
    $simplemap = get_field('interactive_regions', $id);
    if ($simplemap == 'simple') {
        if (get_field('simple_interactive_regions', $id)) {
            $mapinput = '';
            while (has_sub_field('simple_interactive_regions', $id)) {
                $regioncode = imap_place_replace(get_sub_field('region_code'));
                $tooltiptitle = imap_place_replace(get_sub_field('title'));
                $tooltipinfo = imap_place_replace(get_sub_field('tooltip'));
                $actionvalue = imap_place_replace(get_sub_field('action_value'));
                $colorcode = imap_place_replace(get_sub_field('color'));
                $mapinput .= $regioncode . ',' . $tooltiptitle . ',' . $tooltipinfo . ',' . $actionvalue . ',' . $colorcode . ';';
            //            $input = htmlspecialchars($mapinput);
            $input = $mapinput;
    } else {
        $input = get_field('advanced_data_editor', $id);
        //        $input = htmlspecialchars($mapinput);
    $styles = '';
    $overrideh = false;
    //    $placeholder = __("<div class='iwm_placeholder'><img width='32px' src='".plugins_url('imgs/placeholder.png', __FILE__)."'><br>".$mapdata['name']."</div>",'iw_maps');
    //$input = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), ' ', addslashes($mapdata['places']));
    $usehtml = 1;
    $apiv = "1";
    $apiv = $apiver;
    $bg_color = '#FFFFFF';
    $ina_color = 'transparent';
    $border_color = '#CCCCCC';
    $border_stroke = 0;
    $act_color = '#438094';
    $marker_size = 10;
    $width = "";
    $height = "";
    $aspect_ratio = 1;
    $tooltipt = 1;
    //none , selection , focus
    $diplaym = get_field('display_mode', $id);
    $interactive = "true";
    $display_mode = $diplaym;
    $areashow = explode(",", get_field('region_to_display', $id));
    $region = $areashow[0];
    $resolution = $areashow[1];
    $map_action = get_field('active_region_action', $id);
    $custom_action = '';
    $projection = "mercator";
    $beforediv = "";
    $afterdiv = "";
    if ($map_action != "none" || $map_action != 'null') {
        if ($map_action == 'i_map_action_content_below') {
            $afterdiv .= "<div id='imap" . $id . "message'></div>";
        if ($map_action == 'i_map_action_content_above') {
            $beforediv = "<div id='imap" . $id . "message'></div>";
    $new_iwm_array = array("apiversion" => $apiv, "usehtml" => $usehtml, "id" => $id, "bgcolor" => $bg_color, "stroke" => $border_stroke, "bordercolor" => $border_color, "incolor" => $ina_color, "actcolor" => $act_color, "width" => $width, "height" => $height, "aspratio" => $aspect_ratio, "interactive" => $interactive, "tooltip" => $tooltipt, "region" => $region, "resolution" => $resolution, "markersize" => $marker_size, "displaymode" => $display_mode, "placestxt" => $input, "action" => $map_action, "custom_action" => '', "projection" => $projection);
    array_push($iwmparam_array, $new_iwm_array);
    $style = '';
    if ($overlay == 'base') {
        $style .= "style='pointer-events:visible;' ";
    $class = '';
    $style .= "class='iwm_map_canvas";
    if ($overlay == 'data') {
        $style .= " iwm_data";
    //closing class=""
    $style .= "'";
    //if the size height is overrided with css, we need extra class
    if ($overrideh) {
        $beforediv .= '<div id="iwm_' . $id . '">';
        $afterdiv = '</div>' . $afterdiv;
    return $styles . $beforediv . "<div " . $style . "><div id='map_canvas_" . $id . "' class='i_world_map ' " . $style . ">" . $placeholder . "</div></div>" . $afterdiv;
Exemple #2
function build_i_world_map_exec($id, $type, $overlay = false, $atts)
    global $wpdb;
    global $table_name_imap;
    global $iwmparam_array;
    global $apiver;
    $options = get_option('i-world-map-settings');
    if ($options == false) {
        $options = get_option('i-world-map-settings');
    $mapdata = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$table_name_imap} WHERE id = {$id}", ARRAY_A);
    $input = $mapdata['places'];
    $id = $mapdata['id'];
    //Check if custom css for this map exist
    $styles = '';
    $overrideh = false;
    if ($mapdata['custom_css'] != '' && isset($options['default_responsive']) && $options['default_responsive'] == '1') {
        $css = array_filter(json_decode(stripslashes($mapdata['custom_css']), true), 'iwm_array_empty');
        $inactivecolor = strtolower($mapdata['ina_color']);
        if (!empty($css)) {
            $styles = "<!-- Map Generated CSS --> \n <style>";
            $styles .= "\n.iwm_map_canvas { overflow:hidden; }";
            //set margin left
            if (isset($css['iwm_left']) && $css['iwm_left'] != '') {
                $styles .= "\n#map_canvas_" . $id . " { margin-left: " . $css['iwm_left'] . "%; }";
            //set margin top
            if (isset($css['iwm_top']) && $css['iwm_top'] != '') {
                $styles .= "\n#map_canvas_" . $id . " { margin-top: " . $css['iwm_top'] . "%; }";
            //set size %
            if (isset($css['iwm_size']) && $css['iwm_size'] != '' && $css['iwm_size'] != '100') {
                $styles .= "\n#map_canvas_" . $id . " { width: " . $css['iwm_size'] . "%; height: " . $css['iwm_size'] . "%; }";
            //set vertical override size
            if (isset($css['iwm_hsize']) && $css['iwm_hsize'] != '' && $css['iwm_hsize'] != '61.7') {
                $overrideh = true;
                $styles .= '#iwm_' . $id . ' .iwm_map_canvas:after { padding-top:' . $css['iwm_hsize'] . '%; }';
            //set hovercolor
            if (isset($css['hovercolor']) && $css['hovercolor'] != '') {
                if ($mapdata['use_defaults'] == 1) {
                    $inactivecolor = strtolower($options['default_ina_color']);
                //old simple way to implement hover
                //$styles .= '#map_canvas_'.$id.' path:not([fill^="'.$inactivecolor.'"]):hover { fill:'.$css['hovercolor'].'; }';
                //new way to implement hover
                $styles .= "#map_canvas_" . $id . " path[stroke-width^='3'] + path { display:none; }";
                $styles .= "#map_canvas_" . $id . " path[stroke-width^='3'] + path + path:not([fill^='" . $inactivecolor . "']) { display:none; }";
                $styles .= "#map_canvas_" . $id . " path[stroke-width^='3'] { fill:" . $css['hovercolor'] . ";  }";
                $bw = 1;
                if (isset($css['bwidth']) && $css['bwidth'] != '') {
                    $bw = $css['bwidth'];
                $styles .= "#map_canvas_" . $id . " path:not([fill^='" . $inactivecolor . "']) + path[stroke-width^='3'] { stroke-width:" . $bw . "; stroke-opacity:0; stroke:" . $css['hovercolor'] . "; }";
                //for circle and text
                $styles .= "#map_canvas_" . $id . " circle:hover { fill:" . $css['hovercolor'] . ";  }";
                $styles .= "#map_canvas_" . $id . " text:hover { fill:" . $css['hovercolor'] . ";  }";
            //set cursor
            if (isset($css['showcursor']) && $css['showcursor'] == '1') {
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' path:not([fill^="' . $inactivecolor . '"]):hover { cursor:pointer; }';
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' circle:hover { cursor:pointer; }';
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' text:hover { cursor:pointer; }';
            //set border/path colour
            if (isset($css['bcolor']) && $css['bcolor'] != '') {
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' path { stroke:' . $css['bcolor'] . '; }';
            //set border/path width
            if (isset($css['bwidth']) && $css['bwidth'] != '') {
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' path { stroke-width:' . $css['bwidth'] . '; }';
            //set border/path width for inactive regions
            if (isset($css['biwidth']) && $css['biwidth'] != '') {
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' path[fill^="' . $inactivecolor . '"] { stroke-width:' . $css['biwidth'] . '; }';
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' path[fill^="' . $inactivecolor . '"]:hover { stroke-width:' . $css['biwidth'] . '; }';
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' path[fill^="none"] { stroke-width:' . $css['biwidth'] . '; stroke-opacity:0; }';
            //set background image
            if (isset($css['bgimage']) && $css['bgimage'] != '') {
                $mapdata['bg_color'] = 'transparent';
                $options['default_bg_color'] = 'transparent';
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' { background-image: url("' . $css['bgimage'] . '"); }';
            //set background image repeat
            if (isset($css['bgrepeat']) && $css['bgrepeat'] != '') {
                if ($css['bgrepeat'] == '1') {
                    $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' { background-repeat:repeat; }';
            if (!isset($css['bgrepeat'])) {
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' { background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; }';
            //HTML Tooltips
            if (isset($css['tooltipfontfamily']) && $css['tooltipfontfamily'] != '') {
                $styles .= "\n#map_canvas_" . $id . " .google-visualization-tooltip * { font-family:'" . $css['tooltipfontfamily'] . "' !important; }";
            if (isset($css['tooltipfontsize']) && $css['tooltipfontsize'] != '') {
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' .google-visualization-tooltip * { font-size:' . $css['tooltipfontsize'] . ' !important; }';
            if (isset($css['tooltipbg']) && $css['tooltipbg'] != '') {
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' .google-visualization-tooltip { background:' . $css['tooltipbg'] . '; }';
            if (isset($css['tooltipminwidth']) && $css['tooltipminwidth'] != '') {
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' .google-visualization-tooltip { width:' . $css['tooltipminwidth'] . '; }';
            if (isset($css['tooltiphidetitle']) && $css['tooltiphidetitle'] != '' && $css['tooltiphidetitle'] == 1) {
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' .google-visualization-tooltip-item:first-child { display:none;}';
            if (isset($css['tooltipbordercolor']) && $css['tooltipbordercolor'] != '') {
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' .google-visualization-tooltip { border-color:' . $css['tooltipbordercolor'] . '; }';
            if (isset($css['tooltipborderwidth']) && $css['tooltipborderwidth'] != '') {
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' .google-visualization-tooltip { border-width:' . $css['tooltipborderwidth'] . '; }';
            if (isset($css['fontawesomeapply']) && $css['fontawesomeapply'] != '') {
                $styles .= '#map_canvas_' . $id . ' text { font-family:fontAwesome; }';
            if (isset($css['fontawesomeinclude']) && $css['fontawesomeinclude'] != '') {
            $styles .= '</style>';
    /* Check if any of the entries is a group */
    if (strpos($input, 'group:') !== false) {
        //if there's a group, we replicate the group entries
        $entries = explode(";", $input);
        $entries = array_slice($entries, 0, -1);
        $input = '';
        foreach ($entries as $entry) {
            if (strpos($entry, 'group:') !== false) {
                $regentry = explode(',', $entry);
                $regioncode = $regentry[0];
                $regioncode = str_replace('group:', '', $regioncode);
                $newcodes = explode('|', $regioncode);
                foreach ($newcodes as $new) {
                    $entry = $new . ',' . $regentry[1] . ',' . $regentry[2] . ',' . $regentry[3] . ',' . $regentry[4];
                    $input .= $entry . ';';
            } else {
                $input .= $entry . ';';
    /* Conditional tag to populate the map automatically, if using categories as source */
    if ($input == 'categories_count') {
        $input = '';
        $args = array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => 0);
        $categories = get_categories($args);
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            //model: Region Code, Tooltip Title, Tooltip info, Action Value (URL), Color Code;
            $input .= $category->name . ',' . $category->name . ',' . $category->description . $category->count . ',' . get_category_link($category->term_id) . ',' . $options['default_act_color'] . ';';
    /* Conditional tag to populate the map automatically, if using CUSTOM POST TYPE as source */
    if ($input == 'custom_post_type') {
        //EDIT HERE
        $cpt_id = 'iwm';
        $region_code_meta = 'wpcf-regioncode';
        //custom meta field name to fetch region code;
        $tooltip_meta = 'wpcf-tooltip';
        //custom meta field name to fetch tooltip info;
        $color_meta = 'wpcf-color';
        //cutom meta field name to fetch color codes
        $input = '';
        $args = array('post_type' => $cpt_id);
        $cpt = new WP_Query($args);
        // The Loop
        if ($cpt->have_posts()) {
            while ($cpt->have_posts()) {
                $regioncode = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $region_code_meta, true);
                $tooltiptitle = get_the_title();
                $tooltipinfo = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $tooltip_meta, true);
                $actionvalue = do_shortcode(get_the_content());
                $colorcode = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $color_meta, true);
                //to clean the content from commas (,) and semi-colons (;)
                $oreplace = array(",", ";");
                $ofinal = array("&#44", "&#59");
                $actionvalue = str_replace($oreplace, $ofinal, $actionvalue);
                //model: Region Code, Tooltip Title, Tooltip info, Action Value (URL), Color Code;
                $input .= $regioncode . ',' . $tooltiptitle . ',' . $tooltipinfo . ',' . $actionvalue . ',' . $colorcode . ';';
        /* Restore original Post Data */
    $placeholder = __("<div class='iwm_placeholder'><img width='32px' alt='" . $mapdata['name'] . " Placeholder' title='" . $mapdata['name'] . "' src='" . plugins_url('imgs/placeholder.png', __FILE__) . "'><br>" . $mapdata['name'] . "</div>", 'iw_maps');
    //$input = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), ' ', addslashes($mapdata['places']));
    //add custom css function
    add_action('wp_footer', 'i_world_map_custom_css_js', 99);
    if ($options == false) {
        $options = get_option('i-world-map-settings');
    $usehtml = array_key_exists('default_usehtml', $options) ? $options['default_usehtml'] : "0";
    $apiv = "1";
    if ($usehtml == 1) {
        $apiv = $apiver;
    if ($mapdata['use_defaults'] == 1) {
        $bg_color = $options['default_bg_color'];
        $border_color = $options['default_border_color'];
        $border_stroke = $options['default_border_stroke'];
        $ina_color = $options['default_ina_color'];
        $act_color = $options['default_act_color'];
        $marker_size = $options['default_marker_size'];
        $width = $options['default_width'];
        $height = $options['default_height'];
        $aspect_ratio = $options['default_aspect_ratio'];
    } else {
        $bg_color = $mapdata['bg_color'];
        $border_color = $mapdata['border_color'];
        $border_stroke = $mapdata['border_stroke'];
        $ina_color = $mapdata['ina_color'];
        $act_color = $mapdata['act_color'];
        $marker_size = $mapdata['marker_size'];
        $width = $mapdata['width'];
        $height = $mapdata['height'];
        $aspect_ratio = $mapdata['aspect_ratio'];
    if ($overlay == 'data') {
        $bg_color = 'transparent';
        $ina_color = 'transparent';
    if (isset($options['default_responsive']) && $options['default_responsive'] == 1) {
        $width = "";
        $height = "";
    $interactive = $mapdata['interactive'];
    $tooltipt = $mapdata['showtooltip'];
    $diplaym = $mapdata['display_mode'];
    if ($interactive == 0 || $overlay == 'data') {
        $interactive = "false";
    } else {
        $interactive = "true";
    if ($tooltipt == 0) {
        $tooltipt = "none";
    } else {
        if ($tooltipt == 2) {
            $tooltipt = "selection";
        } else {
            $tooltipt = "focus";
    $display_mode = $diplaym;
    $areashow = explode(",", $mapdata['region']);
    $region = $areashow[0];
    $resolution = $areashow[1];
    $map_action = $mapdata['map_action'];
    $custom_action = $mapdata['custom_action'];
    $projection = array_key_exists('map_projection', $options) ? $options['map_projection'] : "mercator";
    $beforediv = "";
    $afterdiv = "";
    if (isset($atts['extras']) && $atts['extras'] == 'dropdown' && ($overlay == 'base' || $overlay == false)) {
        $afterdiv .= iwm_build_i_world_map_dropdown($atts);
    if ($map_action != "none" || $map_action != 'null') {
        if ($map_action == 'i_map_action_content_below') {
            $afterdiv .= "<div id='imap" . $id . "message'></div>";
        if ($map_action == 'i_map_action_content_above') {
            $beforediv = "<div id='imap" . $id . "message'></div>";
    $html = '';
    if ($map_action == "i_map_action_custom") {
        $old_value = "ivalue_" . $id . "[selectedRegion]";
        $new_action = str_replace($old_value, "value", $custom_action);
        $html = '<script type="text/javascript">';
        $html .= 'function iwm_custom_action_' . $id . '(value) {';
        $html .= $new_action;
        $html .= '}</script>';
    $new_iwm_array = array("apiversion" => $apiv, "usehtml" => $usehtml, "id" => $id, "bgcolor" => $bg_color, "stroke" => $border_stroke, "bordercolor" => $border_color, "incolor" => $ina_color, "actcolor" => $act_color, "width" => $width, "height" => $height, "aspratio" => $aspect_ratio, "interactive" => $interactive, "tooltip" => $tooltipt, "region" => $region, "resolution" => $resolution, "markersize" => $marker_size, "displaymode" => $display_mode, "placestxt" => $input, "action" => $map_action, "custom_action" => $custom_action, "projection" => $projection);
    array_push($iwmparam_array, $new_iwm_array);
    //if the theme loads content via ajax, we need to output some js variables in a different way
    $ajax_enabled = false;
    if (isset($options['ajax_enabled']) && $options['ajax_enabled'] == 1) {
        $ajax_enabled = true;
    $style = '';
    if ($overlay == 'base') {
        $style .= "style='pointer-events:visible;' ";
    $class = '';
    $style .= "class='iwm_map_canvas";
    if ($overlay == 'data') {
        $style .= " iwm_data";
    //closing class=""
    $style .= "'";
    //if the size height is overrided with css, we need extra class
    if ($overrideh) {
        $beforediv .= '<div id="iwm_' . $id . '">';
        $afterdiv = '</div>' . $afterdiv;
    if ($type == "shortcode") {
        return $html . $styles . $beforediv . "<div " . $style . "><div id='map_canvas_" . $id . "' class='i_world_map ' " . $style . ">" . $placeholder . "</div></div>" . $afterdiv;
    if ($type == "php") {
        echo $html . $styles . $beforediv . "<div " . $style . "><div id='map_canvas_" . $id . "' class='i_world_map ' " . $style . ">" . $placeholder . "</div></div>" . $afterdiv;
    if ($type == "nulloutput") {
Exemple #3
function build_i_world_map_exec($id, $type)
    global $wpdb;
    global $table_name_imap;
    global $iwmparam_array;
    global $apiver;
    $mapdata = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$table_name_imap} WHERE id = {$id}", ARRAY_A);
    $input = $mapdata['places'];
    //$input = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), ' ', addslashes($mapdata['places']));
    $options = get_option('i-world-map-settings');
    if ($options == false) {
        $options = get_option('i-world-map-settings');
    $usehtml = array_key_exists('default_usehtml', $options) ? $options['default_usehtml'] : "0";
    $apiv = "1";
    if ($usehtml == 1) {
        $apiv = $apiver;
    if ($mapdata['use_defaults'] == 1) {
        $bg_color = $options['default_bg_color'];
        $border_color = $options['default_border_color'];
        $border_stroke = $options['default_border_stroke'];
        $ina_color = $options['default_ina_color'];
        $act_color = $options['default_act_color'];
        $marker_size = $options['default_marker_size'];
        $width = $options['default_width'];
        $height = $options['default_height'];
        $aspect_ratio = $options['default_aspect_ratio'];
    } else {
        $bg_color = $mapdata['bg_color'];
        $border_color = $mapdata['border_color'];
        $border_stroke = $mapdata['border_stroke'];
        $ina_color = $mapdata['ina_color'];
        $act_color = $mapdata['act_color'];
        $marker_size = $mapdata['marker_size'];
        $width = $mapdata['width'];
        $height = $mapdata['height'];
        $aspect_ratio = $mapdata['aspect_ratio'];
    if (isset($options['default_responsive']) && $options['default_responsive'] == 1) {
        $width = "";
        $height = "";
    $interactive = $mapdata['interactive'];
    $tooltipt = $mapdata['showtooltip'];
    $diplaym = $mapdata['display_mode'];
    if ($interactive == 0) {
        $interactive = "false";
    } else {
        $interactive = "true";
    if ($tooltipt == 0) {
        $tooltipt = "none";
    } else {
        $tooltipt = "focus";
    $display_mode = $diplaym;
    $areashow = explode(",", $mapdata['region']);
    $region = $areashow[0];
    $resolution = $areashow[1];
    $map_action = $mapdata['map_action'];
    $custom_action = $mapdata['custom_action'];
    $beforediv = "";
    $afterdiv = "";
    if ($map_action != "none" || $map_action != 'null') {
        if ($map_action == 'i_map_action_content_below') {
            $afterdiv = "<div id='imap" . $id . "message'></div>";
        if ($map_action == 'i_map_action_content_above') {
            $beforediv = "<div id='imap" . $id . "message'></div>";
    if ($map_action == "i_map_action_custom") {
        $old_value = "ivalue_" . $id . "[selectedRegion]";
        $new_action = str_replace($old_value, "value", $custom_action);
        $html = '<script type="text/javascript">';
        $html .= 'function iwm_custom_action_' . $id . '(value) {';
        $html .= $new_action;
        $html .= '}</script>';
        echo $html;
    $new_iwm_array = array("apiversion" => $apiv, "usehtml" => $usehtml, "id" => $id, "bgcolor" => $bg_color, "stroke" => $border_stroke, "bordercolor" => $border_color, "incolor" => $ina_color, "actcolor" => $act_color, "width" => $width, "height" => $height, "aspratio" => $aspect_ratio, "interactive" => $interactive, "tooltip" => $tooltipt, "region" => $region, "resolution" => $resolution, "markersize" => $marker_size, "displaymode" => $display_mode, "placestxt" => $input, "action" => $map_action, "custom_action" => $custom_action);
    array_push($iwmparam_array, $new_iwm_array);
    if ($type == "shortcode") {
        return $beforediv . "<div id='map_canvas'><div id='map_canvas_" . $id . "' class='i_world_map'></div></div>" . $afterdiv;
    } else {
        echo $beforediv . "<div id='map_canvas'><div id='map_canvas_" . $id . "' class='i_world_map'></div></div>" . $afterdiv;