Exemple #1
 public function build($name, $value = null, $attribs = null, $disable = false)
     //$info = $this->_getInfo($name, $value, $attribs);
     //extract($info); // name, value, attribs, options, listsep, disable
     // build the element
     if ($disable) {
         // disabled
         $xhtml = $this->_hidden($name, $value) . htmlspecialchars($value);
     } else {
         // enabled
         if (!isset($attribs["id"])) {
             $id = "person_selector_" . $name;
             $attribs["id"] = $id;
         if (!isset($attribs["onclick"])) {
             $attribs["onclick"] = 'userSelTool.show( null, \'' . $attribs["id"] . '\', this, \'' . @$attribs["param"] . '\' );return false;';
             if (!isset($attribs["style"])) {
                 $attribs["style"] = 'cursor:pointer;';
         $sitePath = Watt_Config::getSiteRoot();
         $xhtml = $this->_getCommonHtml();
         $xhtml .= Watt_View_Helper::buildElmentByVartype("C", $name, $value, $attribs);
                     $xhtml = '<input type="text"'
                            . ' name="' . htmlspecialchars($name) . '"'
                            . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '"'
                            . $this->_htmlAttribs($attribs)
                            . ' />';*/
         $xhtml .= '<a href="#" class="btn" type="button" id="btnSelectCr" onclick="userSelTool.show( null, \'' . $attribs["id"] . '\', this, \'' . @$attribs["param"] . '\' );return false;">' . i18ntrans('#选') . '</a>';
     return $xhtml;
Exemple #2
 public function build($name, $value = null, $attribs = null, $disable = false)
     //$info = $this->_getInfo($name, $value, $attribs);
     //extract($info); // name, value, attribs, options, listsep, disable
     // build the element
     if ($disable) {
         // disabled
         $xhtml = $this->_hidden($name, $value) . htmlspecialchars($value);
     } else {
         // enabled
         $id = "dingdan_selector_" . $name;
         $attribs["id"] = $id;
         $sitePath = Pft_Config::getSiteRoot();
         $xhtml = $this->_getCommonHtml();
         $xhtml .= Pft_View_Helper::buildElmentByVartype("C", $name, $value, $attribs);
         //echo "<script>alert('aa');</script>";
                     $xhtml = '<input type="text"'
                            . ' name="' . htmlspecialchars($name) . '"'
                            . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '"'
                            . $this->_htmlAttribs($attribs)
                            . ' />';*/
         $xhtml .= '<a href="#" class="btn" type="button" id="btnSelectCr" onclick="ddSelTool.show(  \'' . $attribs["id"] . '\', this,\'\',\'s0=\'+document.all.' . $name . '.value+\'\' );return false;">' . i18ntrans('#选') . '</a>';
     return $xhtml;
Exemple #3
  * 获取时间差距描述字符串
  * @author y31
  * Tue Feb 05 23:16:03 CST 2008
 public static function getTimeDiffString($newTime, $oldTime)
     $arr = self::getTimeDiff($newTime, $oldTime);
     $rev = '';
     $rev .= $arr['direction'] >= 0 ? '' : '-';
     //		$rev .= $arr['week']?$arr['week'].'W':'';
     //		$rev .= $arr['day']?$arr['day'].'D':'';
     //		$rev .= $arr['hour']?$arr['hour'].'H':'';
     //		$rev .= $arr['min']?$arr['min'].'m':'';
     //		$rev .= $arr['sec']?$arr['sec'].'s':'';
     $rev .= $arr['week'] ? $arr['week'] . i18ntrans('#周') : '';
     $rev .= $arr['day'] ? $arr['day'] . i18ntrans('#天') : '';
     $rev .= $arr['hour'] ? $arr['hour'] . i18ntrans('#小时') : '';
     $rev .= $arr['min'] ? $arr['min'] . i18ntrans('#分') : '';
     $rev .= $arr['sec'] ? $arr['sec'] . i18ntrans('#秒') : '';
     return $rev;
Exemple #4

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../inc/header.inc.php';
<div id="login_area">
<form method="post">
	<div><label for="user_name"><?php 
echo i18ntrans('用户名');
</label><input type="text" class="input" name="uname" id="user_name"/></div>
	<div><label for="password"><?php 
echo i18ntrans('密码');
</label><input type="password" class="input" name="pwd" id="password"/></div>
	<div><input type="submit"/></div>
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../inc/footer.inc.php';
Exemple #5
  * @todo 解决和dialog重复的问题
  * @param boolean $show
  * @return string
 public function render($show = true)
     $haveHeaderInfo = $this->_header && is_array($this->_header);
      * 是否输出主体,默认输出
     $outputBody = true;
     //echo "Html Header";
     //echo "Body Header";
     if ($haveHeaderInfo) {
         //这里展开了 sys_title 和 tpm_css
     if (!isset($sys_title) || $sys_title == "") {
         $sys_title = "TPM";
     $sys_title .= "[" . i18ntrans(Watt_Session::getSession()->getRoleName()) . "." . Watt_Session::getSession()->getUserName() . "]";
     include $this->_getAbsViewPathFilename("inc/header.html.php");
      * 这里显示 Tq消息
      * Tq消息要在 tip 之前
     echo Tpm_Message_Sender_Tq::getMsgHtml();
     if ($haveHeaderInfo) {
          * 处理在 ctrl 里设置的tip提示信息
         if (key_exists(Watt_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP, $this->_header)) {
             $tip = $this->_header[Watt_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP];
             echo "<script>";
             $msg = $tip[Watt_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP_MSG];
             if ($nextUrl = $tip[Watt_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP_URL]) {
                 $matchs = null;
                 if (preg_match("/^javascript:(.*)/", $nextUrl, $matchs)) {
                     //						echo "function onloadTip(){Ext.Msg.alert('TPM', '".addslashes($tip[Watt_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP_MSG])."', function(){{$matchs[1]};return false;});}";
                     echo "function onloadTip() {" . ($msg ? "alert('" . addslashes($msg) . "');" : '') . "{$matchs[1]}}";
                 } else {
                     //						echo "function onloadTip(){Ext.Msg.alert('TPM', '".addslashes($tip[Watt_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP_MSG])."', function(){location.href='".$nextUrl."';return false;});}";
                     echo "function onloadTip() {" . ($msg ? "alert('" . addslashes($msg) . "');" : '') . "location.href='" . $nextUrl . "'}";
                 $outputBody = false;
             } else {
                 //					echo "function onloadTip(){Ext.Msg.alert('TPM', '".addslashes($tip[Watt_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP_MSG])."');}";
                 echo "function onloadTip() {" . ($msg ? "alert('" . addslashes($msg) . "');" : '') . "}";
             echo "window.onload = onloadTip;";
             echo "</script>";
     if ($outputBody) {
         //这里显示菜单 有true 是因为 菜单数据目前是在Watt_View_Helper_Menu里的
         if (isset($this->_header["menu"])) {
             $menu = new Watt_View_Helper_Menu();
          * 这里显示主体部分
      * 这里显示底部
     include $this->_getAbsViewPathFilename("inc/footer.html.php");
     //		$out = ob_get_clean();
     //		if( $show )
     //		{
     //			echo $out;
     //		}
     //		return $out;
Exemple #6

if (!isset($title)) {
    $title = '方便快捷的订餐平台';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/pft.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
echo i18ntrans('后台管理');
echo $title;
<link href="css/default/admin.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="admin_top">
	<div id="admin_logo"></div>
<div id="admin_mainbody">
	<div id="admin_menu">
		<li><a href="?do=adm_index_index">首页</a></li>
		<li><a href="?do=adm_crm_mem_list">用户中心</a></li>
Exemple #7
     * buildGridToOutArray副本
     * @param unknown_type $grid
     * @param unknown_type $params
     * @param unknown_type $searchCols
     * @return unknown
    public static function buildGridToOutArrayBack($grid, $params = "", $searchCols = 4)
         * 这里判断数据是否符合规则
         * 应该根据 Shema 判断
        if (!is_array($grid)) {
            $e = new Watt_Exception(Watt_I18n::trans("ERR_INVALID_DATATYPE"));
            throw $e;
        if (is_array($params)) {
            $gridId = @$params['id'];
            $formAttribs = @$params['formAttribs'];
        } else {
            $formAttribs = $params;
            $gridId = null;
        //随机生成一个 search form 的id
        //$specSearchFormId = mt_rand( 10000, 99999 );
         * 用来记录orderby了的字段和orderbyorder
        $orderByCols = array();
        if (isset($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_COLS]) && count($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_COLS]) > 0) {
            $isDefCols = true;
            $cols = $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_COLS];
        } else {
            $isDefCols = false;
            $cols = null;
        $datas = $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_DATAS];
        $output_searchs = "";
         * 开始输出查询信息
        $output_searchs .= '<form method="get" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" id="searchform" ' . $formAttribs . ' onsubmit="if($(\'searchFormPageTotal\')){$(\'searchFormPageTotal\').value=\'\';}">';
        $initParams = $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_SEARCHS][Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_INITPARAMS];
        foreach ($initParams as $initKey => $initValue) {
            $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $initKey . '" value="' . h($initValue) . '">';
            $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::INIT_PARAM_NAME . '[]" value="' . h($initKey) . '">';
        if (isset($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_SEARCHS]) && is_array($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_SEARCHS]) || isset($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_PAGER]) && is_array($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_PAGER]) || isset($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_ORDERBYS]) && is_array($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_ORDERBYS])) {
            $output_searchs .= '<div class="search_container">' . "\n";
            //$output_searchs .= '<div class="search"><form method="post" id="searchform" '.$formAttribs.'>';
            /* 070322 暂时给演示注销*/
            $output_searchs .= '<div class="search">';
            $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="'.$_REQUEST['do'].'">';
            //var_dump( $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_SEARCHS] );
            $SCHEMA_SEARCHS = $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_SEARCHS];
            $output_searchs .= '<div class="grid">';
            //$output_searchs .= '<div style="float:left;width:33%">';
            //if( isset( $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_SEARCHS][Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::SEARCH_ADV_SIGN] ) ){
            if (key_exists(Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::SEARCH_ADV_SIGN, $SCHEMA_SEARCHS)) {
                $advSign = $SCHEMA_SEARCHS[Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::SEARCH_ADV_SIGN];
                $output_searchs .= '<input name="' . Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::SEARCH_ADV_SIGN . '" id="' . Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::SEARCH_ADV_SIGN . '" value="' . h($advSign) . '">';
            $searchs = $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_SEARCHS][Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_SEARCHS];
            //$output_searchs .= '高级</div>';
            $output_searchs .= '</div>';
            $searchsCounter = 0;
            $output_searchs .= '<div id="search_searchs" style="clear:both">';
            $output_searchs .= '<table><tr>';
            foreach ($searchs as $search) {
                $opration = $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_OPERATION];
                if ($opration == Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::LIKE) {
                    $oprationTip = i18ntrans('#模糊匹配');
                } elseif ($opration == Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::EQUAL || $opration == Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::IN) {
                    $oprationTip = i18ntrans('#精确匹配');
                } else {
                    $oprationTip = sprintf(i18ntrans('#规则为(%s)'), $opration);
                //$output_searchs .= '<div style="float:left;width:200px;text-align:right;">';
                $output_searchs .= '<td class="search_name">';
                $output_searchs .= '<span class="search_name" title="' . $oprationTip . '">' . $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_TITLE] . ': </span>';
                $output_searchs .= '</td><td style="text-align:left">';
                if (is_array($search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_REFERENCE])) {
                    $output_searchs .= '<select class="search_input" name="' . $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="' . $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '">';
                    $output_searchs .= '<option>               </option>';
                    foreach ($search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_REFERENCE] as $key => $value) {
                        $selSign = $key == $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE] && $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE] !== '' && !is_null($search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE]) ? "selected" : "";
                        $output_searchs .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '" ' . $selSign . '>' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</option>';
                    $output_searchs .= '';
                    $output_searchs .= '</select>';
                } else {
                    switch ($search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_SHOWTYPE]) {
                        case Watt_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_DATE:
                            $dateselector = new Watt_View_Helper_DateSelector();
                            $output_searchs .= $dateselector->build($search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'dateselector'));
                        case Watt_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
                            $dateselector = new Watt_View_Helper_DateSelector();
                            $output_searchs .= $dateselector->build($search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'dateselector'));
                        case Watt_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_TIMESEC:
                            $dateselector = new Watt_View_Helper_DateSelector();
                            $output_searchs .= $dateselector->build($search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'dateselector'));
                        case Watt_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_SELECTOR_PERSON:
                            $dateselector = new Watt_View_Helper_PersonSelector();
                            $output_searchs .= $dateselector->build($search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'personselector'));
                        case Watt_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_SELECTOR_DINGDAN:
                            $dateselector = new Watt_View_Helper_DingdanSelector();
                            $output_searchs .= $dateselector->build($search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'dingdanselector'));
                        case Watt_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_SEARCHTIP:
                            //$dateselector = new Watt_View_Helper_SearchTip();
                            //$output_searchs .=  $dateselector->build($search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME],$search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE],  array('class' => 'search_input'),null,$search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_EXTEND]);
                        //$dateselector = new Watt_View_Helper_SearchTip();
                        //$output_searchs .=  $dateselector->build($search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME],$search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE],  array('class' => 'search_input'),null,$search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_EXTEND]);
                            $output_searchs .= '<input class="search_input" name="' . $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="' . $search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" value="' . h($search[Watt_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE]) . '">' . "\n";
                $output_searchs .= '</td>';
                //$output_searchs .= '</div>';
                if ($searchsCounter > 0 && $searchsCounter % $searchCols == 0) {
                    $output_searchs .= '</tr><tr>';
            if (count($searchs)) {
                $output_searchs .= '<td colspan="' . ($searchCols - $searchsCounter % $searchCols) * 2 . '">
				<div style="clear:both;text-align:center">
				<input type="submit" id="searchFormSubmit" value="' . Watt_I18n::trans("SEARCH") . '" class="btn">
				</td>' . "\n";
            $output_searchs .= '</tr></table>';
            //$output_searchs .= '<div style="clear:both">&nbsp;</div>';
            $output_searchs .= '</div>';
             * 如果有排序定义,输出排序表单域
            if (is_array($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_ORDERBYS]) && count($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_ORDERBYS][Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYS])) {
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYS . '" id="searchFormOrderBy" value="' . $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_ORDERBYS][Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYS][0] . '">';
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYORDERS . '" id="searchFormOrderByOrder" value="' . $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_ORDERBYS][Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYORDERS][0] . '">';
                $orderByCols[$grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_ORDERBYS][Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYS][0]] = $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_ORDERBYS][Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYORDERS][0] == Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DESC ? "↓" : "↑";
            } else {
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYS . '" id="searchFormOrderBy" value="">' . "\n";
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYORDERS . '" id="searchFormOrderByOrder" value="">' . "\n";
             * 这是order by 的js脚本
             * //已写到 common.js 里了
            //			$descSign = Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::DESC;
            //			$ascSign  = Watt_Util_Grid_Searchs::ASC;
            //			$output_searchs .= <<<EOT
            //function orderby{$specSearchFormId}(colName){document.getElementById("searchFormOrderBy").value=colName;if(document.getElementById("searchFormOrderByOrder").value=="{$ascSign}"){document.getElementById("searchFormOrderByOrder").value="{$descSign}"}else{document.getElementById("searchFormOrderByOrder").value="{$ascSign}"}document.getElementById("searchform").submit();}
             * 如果有页码定义,输出页码表单域
            if (is_array($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_PAGER])) {
                //已写到 common.js 里了
                //				$output_searchs .= <<<EOT
                //						<script>function gotoPage(pn){document.getElementById("searchFormPageNum").value=pn;document.getElementById("searchform").submit();}</script>
                //这里不显示 PAGER_VAR_PAGE_NUM 是为了 按 search 后进入到第1页
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Watt_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_PAGE_NUM . '" id="searchFormPageNum" value="">';
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Watt_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_PAGE_SIZE . '" id="searchFormPageSize" value="' . $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_PAGER][Watt_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_PAGE_SIZE] . '">';
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Watt_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_TOTAL . '" id="searchFormPageTotal" value="' . $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_PAGER][Watt_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_TOTAL] . '">';
                //var_dump( $output_searchs );
            $output_searchs .= "</div>\n";
            $output_searchs .= "</div>\n";
        $output_searchs .= '</form>';
         * 这里开始输出数据信息
        $output_body = "";
        $output_body .= '<div class="grid">' . "\n";
        $output_body .= '<table class="grid" cellspacing="1" ' . ($gridId ? 'id="' . $gridId . '"' : '') . ' >' . "\n";
         * 输出 header col 头信息
        $output_body .= "<thead>\n";
        if ($isDefCols) {
            $output_body .= "<tr>";
            foreach ($cols as $col) {
                $col_title = is_null($col["title"]) ? Watt_I18n::trans($col["colname"]) : $col["title"];
                if (trim($col[Watt_Util_Grid::COL_COLNAME]) != "" && $col["sortable"]) {
                    $orderBySign = key_exists($col[Watt_Util_Grid::COL_COLNAME], $orderByCols) ? $orderByCols[$col[Watt_Util_Grid::COL_COLNAME]] : "";
                    if ($output_searchs) {
                        //如果在 $col["sortable"] 中不是 boolean,那么就是填写的 order by 的值
                        if (is_bool($col["sortable"])) {
                            $orderByColname = $col["colname"];
                        } else {
                            $orderByColname = $col["sortable"];
                        //如果有search信息,则输出order by
                        $output_body .= "<th nowrap=\"true\"><a href=\"javascript:orderby('" . addslashes($orderByColname) . "')\">" . $col_title . "</a>" . $orderBySign . $col["colext"] . "</th>";
                    } else {
                        //否则不输出order by脚本
                        $output_body .= "<th nowrap=\"true\">" . $col_title . "</th>";
                } else {
                    $output_body .= "<th nowrap=\"true\">" . $col_title . $col["colext"] . "</th>";
            $output_body .= "</tr>\n";
        } else {
            if (count($datas)) {
                $row = current($datas);
                if (is_array($row)) {
                    $output_body .= "<tr>";
                    foreach ($row as $key => $col) {
                        $output_body .= "<th>" . Watt_I18n::trans($key) . "</th>";
                    $output_body .= "</tr>\n";
        $output_body .= "</thead>\n";
         * Body 信息
        $output_body .= "<tbody>\n";
        if (is_array($datas) && count($datas)) {
            $output_arr = self::_getRenderedDataByGridData($datas, $cols);
            foreach ($output_arr as $row) {
                if (!is_array($row)) {
                $output_body .= "<tr>";
                if ($isDefCols) {
                    foreach ($cols as $col) {
                        $output_body .= "<td {$col["coltags"]}>" . current($row) . "</td>";
                } else {
                    foreach ($row as $col) {
                        $output_body .= "<td>" . $col . "</td>";
                $output_body .= "</tr>\n";
            //			$showText = "";
            //			foreach ( $datas as $row )
            //			{
            //				if( !is_array( $row ) )continue;
            //				$output_body .= "<tr>";
            //				if( $isDefCols )
            //				{
            //					reset( $cols );
            //					foreach ( $cols as $col )
            //					{
            //						if( isset($col["render"]) && $col["render"] != "" )
            //						{
            //							$showText = "";
            //							@eval('$showText = '.$col["render"].';');
            //						}
            //						else
            //						{
            //							if( isset($col["colname"]) ){
            //								$showText = @$row[$col["colname"]];
            //							}else{
            //								$showText = "";
            //							}
            //						}
            //						$output_body .= "<td {$col["coltags"]}>".$showText."</td>";
            //					}
            //				}
            //				else
            //				{
            //					foreach ( $row as $col )
            //					{
            //						$output_body .= "<td>". $col ."</td>";
            //					}
            //				}
            //				$output_body .= "</tr>\n";
            //			}
        //end if( is_array
        $output_body .= "</tbody>\n";
        $output_body .= "</table>\n";
        $output_body .= "</div>\n";
        $output_page = "";
        //if( is_array( $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_PAGER] ) && $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_PAGER][Watt_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_PAGE_COUNT] > 1 ){
        if (is_array($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_PAGER]) && $grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_PAGER][Watt_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_PAGE_COUNT] > 0) {
            // 只要存在数据就显示 GRID FOOTER,具体显示哪些元素由 toHtml 函数内判断 //bobit Tue Dec 11 10:13:54 CST 200710:13:54
            $output_page = '<div class="search_container">' . "\n";
            $output_page .= Watt_View_Helper_Pager::toHtml($grid[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_PAGER], '"javascript:gotoPage($pg)"');
            $output_page .= '</div>' . "\n";
        $rev[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_SEARCHS] = $output_searchs;
        $rev[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_DATAS] = $output_body;
        $rev[Watt_Util_Grid::GRID_SCHEMA_PAGER] = $output_page;
        return $rev;
Exemple #8
     * 将建立grid并输出到数组
     * @param array $grid
     * @param array $params	[formAttribs,id]
    public static function buildGridToOutArray($grid, $params = "", $searchCols = 4)
         * 这里判断数据是否符合规则
         * 应该根据 Shema 判断
        if (!is_array($grid)) {
            $e = new Pft_Exception(Pft_I18n::trans("ERR_INVALID_DATATYPE"));
            throw $e;
        if (is_array($params)) {
            $gridId = @$params['id'];
            $formAttribs = @$params['formAttribs'];
        } else {
            $formAttribs = $params;
            $gridId = null;
        //随机生成一个 search form 的id
        $specSearchFormId = mt_rand(1000, 9999);
         * 用来记录orderby了的字段和orderbyorder
        $orderByCols = array();
        if (isset($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_COLS]) && count($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_COLS]) > 0) {
            $isDefCols = true;
            $cols = $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_COLS];
        } else {
            $isDefCols = false;
            $cols = null;
        $datas = $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_DATAS];
        $output_searchs = "";
         * 开始输出查询信息
        $output_searchs .= '<form method="get" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" id="searchform' . $specSearchFormId . '" ' . $formAttribs . ' onsubmit="if($(\'searchFormPageTotal\')){$(\'searchFormPageTotal\').value=\'\';}">';
        $initParams = $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_SEARCHS][Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_INITPARAMS];
        foreach ($initParams as $initKey => $initValue) {
            $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $initKey . '" value="' . h($initValue) . '">';
            $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::INIT_PARAM_NAME . '[]" value="' . h($initKey) . '">';
        if (isset($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_SEARCHS]) && is_array($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_SEARCHS]) || isset($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_PAGER]) && is_array($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_PAGER]) || isset($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_ORDERBYS]) && is_array($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_ORDERBYS])) {
            $output_searchs .= '<div class="search_container">' . "\n";
            //$output_searchs .= '<div class="search"><form method="post" id="searchform" '.$formAttribs.'>';
            /* 070322 暂时给演示注销*/
            $output_searchs .= '<div class="search">';
            $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="'.$_REQUEST['do'].'">';
            $SCHEMA_SEARCHS = $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_SEARCHS];
            $output_searchs .= '<div class="grid">';
            //$output_searchs .= '<div style="float:left;width:33%">';
            //if( isset( $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_SEARCHS][Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::SEARCH_ADV_SIGN] ) ){
            if (key_exists(Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::SEARCH_ADV_SIGN, $SCHEMA_SEARCHS)) {
                $advSign = $SCHEMA_SEARCHS[Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::SEARCH_ADV_SIGN];
                $output_searchs .= '<input name="' . Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::SEARCH_ADV_SIGN . '" id="' . Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::SEARCH_ADV_SIGN . '" value="' . h($advSign) . '">';
            $searchs = $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_SEARCHS][Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_SEARCHS];
            if (isset($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_SEARCHS][Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_SEARCHGROUP])) {
                $searchgroup = $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_SEARCHS][Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_SEARCHGROUP];
            if (isset($grid[Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_EXPORT])) {
                $isexport = $grid[Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_EXPORT];
            if (isset($grid[Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_EXPORTFILE])) {
                $exportfile = $grid[Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_EXPORTFILE];
            if (isset($grid[Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_EXPORTFILE_NAME])) {
                $exportfile_name = $grid[Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_EXPORTFILE_NAME];
            if (isset($grid[Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_EXPORTFILE_FORMAT])) {
                $exportfile_format = $grid[Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_EXPORTFILE_FORMAT];
            $exportfilestr = '';
            if (isset($exportfile) && $exportfile) {
                $exportfilestr = "&nbsp;<font><a href=" . $exportfile . ">" . Pft_I18n::trans('JT_DINGDAN_XIAZAIWENJIAN') . "</a></font>";
            //$output_searchs .= '高级</div>';
            $output_searchs .= '</div>';
            $searchsCounter = 0;
            $output_searchs .= '<div id="search_searchs" style="clear:both">';
            $output_searchs .= '<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr>';
            $number = 2;
            if (isset($searchgroup) && count($searchgroup) && !key_exists(Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::SEARCH_ADV_SIGN, $SCHEMA_SEARCHS)) {
                $group = $searchgroup;
                //$itemdata = array();
                $groupgx = array();
                $x = 0;
                if (is_array($group) && count($group)) {
                    foreach ($group as $key => $val) {
                        $groupgx[$key] = array();
                        if (is_array($val['item']) && count($val['item'])) {
                            foreach ($val['item'] as $key1 => $val1) {
                                //$itemdata[] = array($key1=>$val1);
                                $groupgx[$key][] = $x;
                //$output_searchs .= '<td >';
                $table_group = '';
                foreach ($searchs as $xb => $search) {
                    $groupnum = count($group);
                    $groupon = 0;
                    $groupdjg = 0;
                    if (is_array($groupgx) && count($groupgx)) {
                        foreach ($groupgx as $key => $val) {
                            if (is_array($val) && count($val)) {
                                foreach ($val as $key1 => $val1) {
                                    if ($val1 == $xb) {
                                        $groupon = $key;
                                        $groupdjg = $key1;
                    //$table_group .= '<table>';
                    $opration = $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_OPERATION];
                    if ($opration == Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::LIKE) {
                        $oprationTip = i18ntrans('#模糊匹配');
                    } elseif ($opration == Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::EQUAL || $opration == Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::IN) {
                        $oprationTip = i18ntrans('#精确匹配');
                    } else {
                        $oprationTip = sprintf(i18ntrans('#规则为(%s)'), $opration);
                    //$output_searchs .= '<div style="float:left;width:200px;text-align:right;">';
                    $contstr = '';
                    if (is_array($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_ITEM]) && count($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_ITEM])) {
                        //and or
                        $isviewandor = $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_ISVIEWANDOR];
                        if ($isviewandor && $isviewandor == 'Y') {
                            $contstr .= '<select name="isor_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="isor_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" style="width:50px;">';
                            if ($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_ISOR]) {
                                $contstr .= '<option value="0">' . Pft_I18n::trans('并且') . '</option>';
                                $contstr .= '<option value="1" selected >' . i18ntrans('#或者') . '</option>';
                            } else {
                                $contstr .= '<option value="0" selected >' . i18ntrans('#并且') . '</option>';
                                $contstr .= '<option value="1" >' . i18ntrans('#或者') . '</option>';
                            $contstr .= '';
                            $contstr .= '</select>';
                        } else {
                            if ($isviewandor && $isviewandor != 'Y') {
                                $contstr .= '<span style="width:50px;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . htmlspecialchars($isviewandor) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>';
                        $contstr .= '<select name="item_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="item_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '">';
                        foreach ($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_ITEM] as $key => $value) {
                            $selSign = $value == $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_TITLE] && $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_TITLE] !== '' && !is_null($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_TITLE]) ? "selected" : "";
                            $contstr .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '" ' . $selSign . '>' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</option>';
                        $contstr .= '';
                        $contstr .= '</select>';
                    } else {
                        $contstr .= '<span class="search_name" title="' . $oprationTip . '">' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_TITLE] . ': </span>';
                    //$contstr .= '</td><td style="text-align:left">';
                    if (is_array($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COND]) && count($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COND])) {
                        $contstr .= '<select name="cond_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="cond_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '">';
                        foreach ($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COND] as $key => $value) {
                            $selSign = $value == $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_OPERATION] && $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_OPERATION] !== '' && !is_null($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_OPERATION]) ? "selected" : "";
                            $contstr .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" ' . $selSign . '>' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '</option>';
                        $contstr .= '';
                        $contstr .= '</select>';
                    if (is_array($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_REFERENCE])) {
                        $contstr .= '<select class="search_input" name="' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '">';
                        $contstr .= '<option>               </option>';
                        foreach ($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_REFERENCE] as $key => $value) {
                            $selSign = $key == $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE] && $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE] !== '' && !is_null($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE]) ? "selected" : "";
                            $contstr .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '" ' . $selSign . '>' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</option>';
                        $contstr .= '';
                        $contstr .= '</select>';
                    } else {
                        switch ($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_SHOWTYPE]) {
                            case Pft_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_DATE:
                                $dateselector = new Pft_View_Helper_DateSelector();
                                $contstr .= $dateselector->build($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'dateselector'));
                            case Pft_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
                                $dateselector = new Pft_View_Helper_DateSelector();
                                $contstr .= $dateselector->build($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'dateselector'));
                            case Pft_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_TIMESEC:
                                $dateselector = new Pft_View_Helper_DateSelector();
                                $contstr .= $dateselector->build($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'dateselector'));
                            case Pft_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_SELECTOR_PERSON:
                                $dateselector = new Pft_View_Helper_PersonSelector();
                                $contstr .= $dateselector->build($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'personselector'));
                            case Pft_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_SELECTOR_DINGDAN:
                                $dateselector = new Pft_View_Helper_DingdanSelector();
                                $contstr .= $dateselector->build($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'dingdanselector'));
                            case Pft_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_SEARCHTIP:
                                $contstr .= '<input style="border:1px solid #000;width:100px;height:19px;" name="' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" value="' . h($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE]) . '">';
                    //$contstr .= '</td>';
                    //$output_searchs .= '</div>';
                    //if( $searchsCounter > 0 && $searchsCounter%$searchCols==0 )$output_searchs .= '</tr><tr>';
                    $joinstr = "";
                    if (!$groupdjg) {
                        if (!$groupon) {
                            $joinstr = "<td>" . $joinstr . "</td><td>";
                        } else {
                            if ($group[$groupon]['join'] == 'and') {
                                $joinstr = '<input type="radio" id="groupjone_' . $groupon . '" name="groupjone_' . $groupon . '" checked  value="and" style="border:none;"/>' . i18ntrans('#并且') . '<br><input type="radio" id="groupjone_' . $groupon . '" name="groupjone_' . $groupon . '" value="or" style="border:none;"/>' . i18ntrans('#或者');
                            } else {
                                if ($group[$groupon]['join'] == 'or') {
                                    $joinstr = '<input type="radio" id="groupjone_' . $groupon . '" name="groupjone_' . $groupon . '" value="and" style="border:none;"/>' . i18ntrans('#并且') . '<br><input type="radio" id="groupjone_' . $groupon . '" name="groupjone_' . $groupon . '" checked value="or" style="border:none;"/>' . i18ntrans('#或者');
                            $joinstr = "<td>" . $joinstr . "</td><td>";
                        $table_group .= $joinstr . $contstr . "<br>";
                    } else {
                        if (isset($group[$groupon]['item']) && $groupdjg == count($group[$groupon]['item']) - 1) {
                            if ($groupon && ($groupon + 1) % $number == 0 && $groupon != $groupnum - 1) {
                                $contstr .= "</td></tr><tr>";
                            } else {
                                $contstr .= "</td>";
                            $table_group .= $joinstr . $contstr;
                        } else {
                            $table_group .= $joinstr . $contstr . "<br>";
                $output_searchs .= $table_group;
                $output_searchs .= '</td ></tr>';
                if (count($searchs)) {
                    $exportstr = '';
                    if (isset($isexport) && $isexport) {
                        $exportstr = '&nbsp;<input type="submit" id="searchFormExport"  name="searchFormExport" value="' . Pft_I18n::trans("ec_dd_daochubaobiao") . '" class="btn">';
                    $output_searchs .= '<tr><td colspan="' . $number * 4 . '">
					<div style="clear:both;text-align:center">
					<input type="submit" id="searchFormSubmit" value="' . Pft_I18n::trans("SEARCH") . '" class="btn">' . $exportstr . $exportfilestr . '
					</td>' . "\n";
            } else {
                if (!key_exists(Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::SEARCH_ADV_SIGN, $SCHEMA_SEARCHS)) {
                    foreach ($searchs as $search) {
                        $opration = $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_OPERATION];
                        if ($opration == Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::LIKE) {
                            $oprationTip = i18ntrans('#模糊匹配');
                        } elseif ($opration == Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::EQUAL || $opration == Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::IN) {
                            $oprationTip = i18ntrans('#精确匹配');
                        } else {
                            $oprationTip = sprintf(i18ntrans('#规则为(%s)'), $opration);
                        //$output_searchs .= '<div style="float:left;width:200px;text-align:right;">';
                        $output_searchs .= '<td >';
                        if ($searchsCounter && $search['isviewandor']) {
                            $output_searchs .= '<select name="isor_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="isor_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '">';
                            if ($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_ISOR]) {
                                $output_searchs .= '<option value="0">' . Pft_I18n::trans('并且') . '</option>';
                                $output_searchs .= '<option value="1" selected >' . i18ntrans('#或者') . '</option>';
                            } else {
                                $output_searchs .= '<option value="0" selected >' . i18ntrans('#并且') . '</option>';
                                $output_searchs .= '<option value="1" >' . i18ntrans('#或者') . '</option>';
                            $output_searchs .= '';
                            $output_searchs .= '</select>';
                        if (is_array($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_ITEM]) && count($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_ITEM])) {
                            //and or
                            $isviewandor = $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_ISVIEWANDOR];
                            if ($isviewandor && $isviewandor == 'Y') {
                                $output_searchs .= '<select name="isor_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="isor_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '">';
                                if ($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_ISOR]) {
                                    $output_searchs .= '<option value="0">' . Pft_I18n::trans('并且') . '</option>';
                                    $output_searchs .= '<option value="1" selected >' . i18ntrans('#或者') . '</option>';
                                } else {
                                    $output_searchs .= '<option value="0" selected >' . i18ntrans('#并且') . '</option>';
                                    $output_searchs .= '<option value="1" >' . i18ntrans('#或者') . '</option>';
                                $output_searchs .= '';
                                $output_searchs .= '</select>';
                            } else {
                                if ($isviewandor && $isviewandor != 'Y') {
                                    $output_searchs .= '<span>' . htmlspecialchars($isviewandor) . '</span>';
                            $output_searchs .= '<select name="item_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="item_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '">';
                            foreach ($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_ITEM] as $key => $value) {
                                $selSign = $value == $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_TITLE] && $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_TITLE] !== '' && !is_null($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_TITLE]) ? "selected" : "";
                                $output_searchs .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '" ' . $selSign . '>' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</option>';
                            $output_searchs .= '';
                            $output_searchs .= '</select>';
                        } else {
                            $output_searchs .= '<span class="search_name" title="' . $oprationTip . '">' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_TITLE] . ': </span>';
                        $output_searchs .= '</td><td style="text-align:left">';
                        if (is_array($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COND]) && count($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COND])) {
                            $output_searchs .= '<select name="cond_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="cond_' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '">';
                            foreach ($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COND] as $key => $value) {
                                $selSign = $value == $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_OPERATION] && $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_OPERATION] !== '' && !is_null($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_OPERATION]) ? "selected" : "";
                                $output_searchs .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" ' . $selSign . '>' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '</option>';
                            $output_searchs .= '';
                            $output_searchs .= '</select>';
                        if (is_array($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_REFERENCE])) {
                            $output_searchs .= '<select class="search_input" name="' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '">';
                            $output_searchs .= '<option>               </option>';
                            foreach ($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_REFERENCE] as $key => $value) {
                                $selSign = $key == $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE] && $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE] !== '' && !is_null($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE]) ? "selected" : "";
                                $output_searchs .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '" ' . $selSign . '>' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</option>';
                            $output_searchs .= '';
                            $output_searchs .= '</select>';
                        } else {
                            switch ($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_SHOWTYPE]) {
                                case Pft_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_DATE:
                                    $dateselector = new Pft_View_Helper_DateSelector();
                                    $output_searchs .= $dateselector->build($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'dateselector'));
                                case Pft_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
                                    $dateselector = new Pft_View_Helper_DateSelector();
                                    $output_searchs .= $dateselector->build($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'dateselector'));
                                case Pft_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_TIMESEC:
                                    $dateselector = new Pft_View_Helper_DateSelector();
                                    $output_searchs .= $dateselector->build($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'dateselector'));
                                case Pft_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_SELECTOR_PERSON:
                                    $dateselector = new Pft_View_Helper_PersonSelector();
                                    $output_searchs .= $dateselector->build($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'personselector'));
                                case Pft_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_SELECTOR_DINGDAN:
                                    $dateselector = new Pft_View_Helper_DingdanSelector();
                                    $output_searchs .= $dateselector->build($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME], $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE], array('class' => 'dingdanselector'));
                                case Pft_Util_Grid_Search::SHOW_TYPE_SEARCHTIP:
                                    //$dateselector = new Pft_View_Helper_SearchTip();
                                    //$output_searchs .=  $dateselector->build($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME],$search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE],  array('class' => 'search_input'),null,$search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_EXTEND]);
                                //$dateselector = new Pft_View_Helper_SearchTip();
                                //$output_searchs .=  $dateselector->build($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME],$search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE],  array('class' => 'search_input'),null,$search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_EXTEND]);
                                    $output_searchs .= '<input class="search_input" name="' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" id="' . $search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_COLNAME] . '" value="' . h($search[Pft_Util_Grid_Search::DEF_VALUE]) . '">' . "\n";
                        $output_searchs .= '</td>';
                        //$output_searchs .= '</div>';
                        if ($searchsCounter > 0 && $searchsCounter % $searchCols == 0) {
                            $output_searchs .= '</tr><tr>';
                    //				if( count( $searchs ) ){
                    //					//如果没有修改搜索条件,不会影响总记录的条数
                    //					$output_searchs .= '<td colspan="'.(( $searchCols-( $searchsCounter % $searchCols ) ) * 2).'">
                    //					<div style="clear:both;text-align:center">
                    //					<input type="submit" id="searchFormSubmit" value="'.Pft_I18n::trans("SEARCH").'" class="btn">
                    //					</div>
                    //					</td>'."\n";
                    //				}
                    if (count($searchs)) {
                        $exportstr = '';
                        if (isset($isexport) && $isexport) {
                            $exportstr = '&nbsp;<input type="button" id="searchFormExport1" onmouseover="document.getElementById(\'exportDiv\').style.display=\'\';" onclick="document.getElementById(\'exportDiv\').style.display=\'\';"  name="searchFormExport1" value="' . Pft_I18n::trans("ec_dd_daochubaobiao") . '" class="btn">';
                            $exportstr .= "<div id='exportDiv' style='display:none;position:absolute;height:25px;width:60px;background-color:#ffe;' onmouseout='this.style.display=\"none\"' onmouseover='this.style.display=\"\"' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul style='list-style:none'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>" . i18ntrans('#选择格式') . "</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><input type='radio' name='exportformat' id='exportformat' value='csv' checked>.csv</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><input type='radio' name='exportformat' id='exportformat' value='xls'>.xls&nbsp;</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><input type='submit' class='btn' id='searchFormExport' name='searchFormExport' value='" . i18ntrans('#确定') . "'></li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>";
                            //$exportstr ='&nbsp;<input type="submit" id="searchFormExport"  name="searchFormExport" value="'.Pft_I18n::trans("ec_dd_daochubaobiao").'" class="btn">';
                        $output_searchs .= '<td colspan="' . $number * 4 . '">
					<div style="clear:both;text-align:center;border:1px">
					<input type="submit" id="searchFormSubmit" value="' . Pft_I18n::trans("SEARCH") . '" class="btn">' . $exportstr . $exportfilestr . '
					</td>' . "\n";
                } else {
                    $exportstr = '';
                    if (isset($isexport) && $isexport) {
                        //$exportstr ='&nbsp;<input type="submit" id="searchFormExport"  name="searchFormExport" value="'.Pft_I18n::trans("ec_dd_daochubaobiao").'" class="btn">';
                        $exportstr = '&nbsp;<input type="button" id="searchFormExport1" onmouseover="document.getElementById(\'exportDiv\').style.display=\'\';" onclick="document.getElementById(\'exportDiv\').style.display=\'\';"  name="searchFormExport1" value="' . Pft_I18n::trans("ec_dd_daochubaobiao") . '" class="btn">';
                        $exportstr .= "<div id='exportDiv' style='display:none;position:absolute;height:25px;width:60px;background-color:#ffe;' onmouseout='this.style.display=\"none\"' onmouseover='this.style.display=\"\"' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul style='list-style:none'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>" . i18ntrans('#选择格式') . "</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><input type='radio' name='exportformat' id='exportformat' value='csv' checked>.csv</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><input type='radio' name='exportformat' id='exportformat' value='xls'>.xls&nbsp;</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><input type='submit' class='btn' id='searchFormExport' name='searchFormExport' value='" . i18ntrans('#确定') . "'></li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>";
                    $output_searchs .= '<td colspan="' . $number * 4 . '">
					<div style="clear:both;text-align:center;border:1px">
					<input type="submit" id="searchFormSubmit" value="' . Pft_I18n::trans("SEARCH") . '" class="btn">' . $exportstr . $exportfilestr . '
					</td>' . "\n";
            $output_searchs .= '</tr></table>';
            //$output_searchs .= '<div style="clear:both">&nbsp;</div>';
            $output_searchs .= '</div>';
             * 如果有排序定义,输出排序表单域
            if (is_array($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_ORDERBYS]) && count($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_ORDERBYS][Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYS])) {
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYS . '" id="searchFormOrderBy' . $specSearchFormId . '" value="' . $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_ORDERBYS][Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYS][0] . '">';
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYORDERS . '" id="searchFormOrderByOrder' . $specSearchFormId . '" value="' . $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_ORDERBYS][Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYORDERS][0] . '">';
                $orderByCols[$grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_ORDERBYS][Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYS][0]] = $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_ORDERBYS][Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYORDERS][0] == Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DESC ? "↓" : "↑";
            } else {
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYS . '" id="searchFormOrderBy' . $specSearchFormId . '" value="">' . "\n";
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DEF_ORDERBYORDERS . '" id="searchFormOrderByOrder' . $specSearchFormId . '" value="">' . "\n";
             * 这是order by 的js脚本
             * //已写到 common.js 里了
            $descSign = Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::DESC;
            $ascSign = Pft_Util_Grid_Searchs::ASC;
            $output_searchs .= <<<EOT
function orderby{$specSearchFormId}(colName){
\tvar orderSignObj = document.getElementById("searchFormOrderByOrder{$specSearchFormId}");
             * 如果有页码定义,输出页码表单域
             * @todo page的显示也要带上form id
            if (is_array($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_PAGER])) {
                //已写到 common.js 里了
                $output_searchs .= <<<EOT
\t\t\t\t\t\t<script>function gotoPage(pn){document.getElementById("searchFormPageNum").value=pn;document.getElementById("searchform").submit();}</script>
                //这里不显示 PAGER_VAR_PAGE_NUM 是为了 按 search 后进入到第1页
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Pft_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_PAGE_NUM . '" id="searchFormPageNum" value="">';
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Pft_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_PAGE_SIZE . '" id="searchFormPageSize" value="' . $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_PAGER][Pft_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_PAGE_SIZE] . '">';
                $output_searchs .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . Pft_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_TOTAL . '" id="searchFormPageTotal" value="' . $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_PAGER][Pft_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_TOTAL] . '">';
                //var_dump( $output_searchs );
            $output_searchs .= "</div>\n";
            $output_searchs .= "</div>\n";
        $output_searchs .= '</form>';
         * 这里开始输出数据信息
        $output_body = "";
        $output_body .= '<div class="grid_body">' . "\n";
        // style="width:100%;overflow:auto;" height:600px;
        $output_body .= '<table class="grid" cellspacing="1" ' . ($gridId ? 'id="' . $gridId . '"' : '') . ' >' . "\n";
         * 输出 header col 头信息
        $output_body .= "<thead>\n";
        if ($isDefCols) {
            $output_body .= "<tr>";
            foreach ($cols as $col) {
                $col_title = is_null($col["title"]) ? Pft_I18n::trans($col["colname"]) : $col["title"];
                if (trim($col[Pft_Util_Grid::COL_COLNAME]) != "" && $col["sortable"]) {
                    $orderBySign = key_exists($col[Pft_Util_Grid::COL_COLNAME], $orderByCols) ? $orderByCols[$col[Pft_Util_Grid::COL_COLNAME]] : "";
                    if ($output_searchs) {
                        //如果在 $col["sortable"] 中不是 boolean,那么就是填写的 order by 的值
                        if (is_bool($col["sortable"])) {
                            $orderByColname = $col["colname"];
                        } else {
                            $orderByColname = $col["sortable"];
                        //如果有search信息,则输出order by
                        $output_body .= "<th nowrap=\"true\"><a href=\"javascript:orderby{$specSearchFormId}('" . addslashes($orderByColname) . "')\">" . $col_title . "</a>" . $orderBySign . $col["colext"] . "</th>";
                    } else {
                        //否则不输出order by脚本
                        $output_body .= "<th nowrap=\"true\">" . $col_title . "</th>";
                } else {
                    $output_body .= "<th nowrap=\"true\">" . $col_title . $col["colext"] . "</th>";
            $output_body .= "</tr>\n";
        } else {
            if (count($datas)) {
                $row = current($datas);
                if (is_array($row)) {
                    $output_body .= "<tr>";
                    foreach ($row as $key => $col) {
                        $output_body .= "<th>" . Pft_I18n::trans($key) . "</th>";
                    $output_body .= "</tr>\n";
        $output_body .= "</thead>\n";
        //导出报表,jute 20080529
         * @todo 此处判断不对
        if (isset($_REQUEST['searchFormExport']) && $_REQUEST['searchFormExport']) {
            $baobiaodata = array();
            $biaotou = array();
            $exportCol = $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_EXPORT_COL];
            if ($isDefCols) {
                if (is_array($exportCol)) {
                    foreach ($cols as $colName => $val) {
                        if (!in_array($colName, $exportCol)) {
                foreach ($cols as $col) {
                    $biaotou[] = self::clearHtml(is_null($col["title"]) ? Pft_I18n::trans($col["colname"]) : $col["title"]);
            } else {
                if (count($datas)) {
                    $row = current($datas);
                    if (is_array($row)) {
                        foreach ($row as $key => $col) {
                            $biaotou[] = Pft_I18n::trans($key);
            $baobiaodata[] = $biaotou;
            if (is_array($datas) && count($datas)) {
                $output_arr = self::_getRenderedDataByGridData($datas, $cols);
                foreach ($output_arr as $row) {
                    $therow = array();
                    if (!is_array($row)) {
                    if ($isDefCols) {
                        foreach ($cols as $col) {
                            $therow[] = current($row);
                    } else {
                        foreach ($row as $col) {
                            $therow[] = $col;
                    $thenewrow = array();
                    foreach ($therow as $col) {
                        //$thenewrow[] = htmlspecialchars(self::clearHtml($col));
                        $thenewrow[] = self::clearHtml($col);
                    $baobiaodata[] = $thenewrow;
            if ($exportfile_name) {
                if ($exportfile_format == 'csv') {
                    $file = Pft_Util_Export::ExportToCsv($baobiaodata, $exportfile_name, true);
                } else {
                    $file = Pft_Util_Export::ExportToXls($baobiaodata, $exportfile_name, true);
            } else {
                if ($exportfile_format == 'csv') {
                    $file = Pft_Util_Export::ExportToCsv($baobiaodata, "Export");
                } else {
                    $file = Pft_Util_Export::ExportToXls($baobiaodata, "Export");
            if ($file) {
                $exportfilestr = '';
                //if(isset($exportfile) && $exportfile){
                $exportfilestr = "<div style='text-align:center;' class='notice'>&nbsp;<font><a href='" . $file . "' class='btn'>" . Pft_I18n::trans('JT_DINGDAN_XIAZAIWENJIAN') . "</a></font>&nbsp;<a href='#' onclick='window.history.go(-1);return false;' class='btn'>" . Pft_I18n::trans('返回') . "</a></div>";
                //$this->_exportfile = $file;
            $rev[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_DATAS] = $exportfilestr;
            return $rev;
         * Body 信息
        $output_body .= "<tbody>\n";
        if (is_array($datas) && count($datas)) {
            $output_arr = self::_getRenderedDataByGridData($datas, $cols);
            foreach ($output_arr as $row) {
                if (!is_array($row)) {
                $output_body .= "<tr>";
                if ($isDefCols) {
                    foreach ($cols as $col) {
                        $output_body .= "<td {$col["coltags"]}>" . current($row) . "</td>";
                } else {
                    foreach ($row as $col) {
                        $output_body .= "<td>" . $col . "</td>";
                $output_body .= "</tr>\n";
            //			$showText = "";
            //			foreach ( $datas as $row ){
            //				if( !is_array( $row ) )continue;
            //				$output_body .= "<tr>";
            //				if( $isDefCols ){
            //					reset( $cols );
            //					foreach ( $cols as $col )
            //					{
            //						if( isset($col["render"]) && $col["render"] != "" )
            //						{
            //							$showText = "";
            //							@eval('$showText = '.$col["render"].';');
            //						}
            //						else
            //						{
            //							if( isset($col["colname"]) ){
            //								$showText = @$row[$col["colname"]];
            //							}else{
            //								$showText = "";
            //							}
            //						}
            //						$output_body .= "<td {$col["coltags"]}>".$showText."</td>";
            //					}
            //				}else{
            //					foreach ( $row as $col ){
            //						$output_body .= "<td>". $col ."</td>";
            //					}
            //				}
            //				$output_body .= "</tr>\n";
            //			}
        //end if( is_array
        $output_body .= "</tbody>\n";
        $output_body .= "</table>\n";
        $output_body .= "</div>\n";
        $output_page = "";
        //if( is_array( $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_PAGER] ) && $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_PAGER][Pft_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_PAGE_COUNT] > 1 ){
        if (is_array($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_PAGER]) && $grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_PAGER][Pft_Util_Pager::PAGER_VAR_PAGE_COUNT] > 0) {
            // 只要存在数据就显示 GRID FOOTER,具体显示哪些元素由 toHtml 函数内判断 //bobit Tue Dec 11 10:13:54 CST 200710:13:54
            $output_page = '<div class="search_container">' . "\n";
            $output_page .= Pft_View_Helper_Pager::toHtml($grid[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_PAGER], '"javascript:gotoPage($pg)"');
            $output_page .= '</div>' . "\n";
        $rev[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_SEARCHS] = $output_searchs;
        $rev[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_DATAS] = $output_body;
        $rev[Pft_Util_Grid::GRID_PAGER] = $output_page;
        return $rev;