function sendMailTrackback($my_trackback) { global $PIVOTX; $cat_weblogs = $PIVOTX['weblogs']->getWeblogsWithCat($PIVOTX['db']->entry['category']); $addr_arr = array(); // Using the same settings as for comments foreach ($cat_weblogs as $this_weblog) { if ($PIVOTX['weblogs']->get($this_weblog, 'comment_sendmail') == 1) { $addr_arr = array_merge($addr_arr, explode(",", $PIVOTX['weblogs']->get($this_weblog, 'comment_emailto'))); } } // make a nice title for the mail.. if (strlen($PIVOTX['db']->entry['title']) > 2) { $title = $PIVOTX['db']->entry['title']; $title = strip_tags($title); } else { $title = substr($PIVOTX['db']->entry['introduction'], 0, 300); $title = strip_tags($title); $title = str_replace("\n", "", $title); $title = str_replace("\r", "", $title); $title = substr($title, 0, 60); } $title = i18n_str_to_utf8($title); // maybe send some mail to authors.. if (count($addr_arr) > 0) { $adminurl = $PIVOTX['paths']['host'] . makeAdminPageLink(); $id = formatDate($my_trackback["date"], "%ye%%month%%day%%hour24%%minute%"); $editlink = $adminurl . "?page=trackbacks&uid=" . $PIVOTX['db']->entry['code']; /* $blocklink = $adminurl."menu=entries&func=edittracks&id=". $PIVOTX['db']->entry['code']. "&blocksingle=".$my_trackback['ip']; */ $body = sprintf(__('"%s" posted the following trackback') . ":", unentify($my_trackback['name'])); $body .= sprintf("\n\n-------------\n"); $body .= sprintf(__('Title') . ": %s\n", $my_trackback['title']); $body .= sprintf(__('URL') . ": %s\n", $my_trackback['url']); $body .= sprintf(__('Excerpt') . ":\n%s", unentify($my_trackback['excerpt'])); $body .= sprintf("\n-------------\n"); $body .= sprintf(__('IP-address') . ": %s\n", $my_trackback['ip']); $body .= sprintf(__('Date') . ": %s\n", $my_trackback['date']); $body .= sprintf("\n" . __('This is a trackback on entry "%s"') . "\n", $title); $body .= sprintf("-------------\n"); $body .= sprintf("%s:\n%s%s\n", __('View this entry'), $PIVOTX['paths']['host'], makeFileLink($PIVOTX['db']->entry, "", "")); $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s\n", __('Edit this trackback'), $editlink); //$body.=sprintf("\n%s:\n%s\n", __('Block this IP'), $blocklink ); $body = i18n_str_to_utf8($body); // pivotxMail encodes the subject and adds the needed headers for UTF-8 $subject = sprintf(__('New trackback on entry "%s"'), $title); $addr_arr = array_unique($addr_arr); foreach ($addr_arr as $addr) { $addr = trim($addr); if (pivotxMail($addr, $subject, $body, $add_header)) { debug("Sent Mail to {$addr} for '" . $my_trackback['name'] . "'"); } else { debug("Failed sending mail to {$addr} for '" . $my_trackback['name'] . "'"); break; } } } }
if (isset($_COOKIE['piv_reguser'])) { list($reg_name, $reg_hash) = explode("|", $Pivot_Cookies['piv_reguser']); if (check_user_hash($reg_name, $reg_hash)) { $reg_user = load_user($reg_name); if ($reg_user['show_address'] == 1) { $_COOKIE['piv_email'] = $reg_user['email']; } else { $_COOKIE['piv_email'] = ""; } $_COOKIE['piv_name'] = $reg_user['name']; $_COOKIE['piv_url'] = $reg_user['url']; } } if (count($_COOKIE) > 0) { $cookie = @fill_comment_form($_COOKIE['piv_name'], $_COOKIE['piv_email'], $_COOKIE['piv_url'], $_COOKIE['piv_rememberinfo'], $_COOKIE['piv_comment']); $cookie = i18n_str_to_utf8($cookie); $output = str_replace("</body>", $cookie . "</body>", $output); } add_hook("display_entry", "post"); execute_hook("display_entry", "post", $db->entry, $output, $dummy_variable); echo $output; } else { if (isset($Pivot_Vars['f_title'])) { // This shows the entry in preview mode. define('PREVIEW', TRUE); $db = new db(); $entry = get_entry_from_post(); $entry['status'] = 'publish'; $entry = $db->set_entry($entry); execute_hook("display_entry", "pre"); $output = parse_entry($entry['code'], "");
function sendMailComment($temp_comment, $notifications = '') { global $PIVOTX; $cat_weblogs = $PIVOTX['weblogs']->getWeblogsWithCat($PIVOTX['db']->entry['category']); $addr_arr = array(); foreach ($cat_weblogs as $this_weblog) { if ($PIVOTX['weblogs']->get($this_weblog, 'comment_sendmail') == 1) { $addr_arr = array_merge($addr_arr, explode(",", $PIVOTX['weblogs']->get($this_weblog, 'comment_emailto'))); } } // make a nice title for the mail.. if (strlen($PIVOTX['db']->entry['title']) > 2) { $title = $PIVOTX['db']->entry['title']; $title = strip_tags($title); } else { $title = substr($PIVOTX['db']->entry['introduction'], 0, 300); $title = strip_tags($title); $title = str_replace("\n", "", $title); $title = str_replace("\r", "", $title); $title = substr($title, 0, 60); } $title = i18n_str_to_utf8($title); // maybe send some mail to authors.. if (count($addr_arr) > 0) { $adminurl = $PIVOTX['paths']['host'] . makeAdminPageLink(); $id = safeString($temp_comment["name"], TRUE) . "-" . formatDate($temp_comment["date"], "%ye%%month%%day%%hour24%%minute%"); $editlink = $adminurl . "?page=comments&uid=" . $PIVOTX['db']->entry['code']; $approvelink = $adminurl . "?page=comments"; //$deletelink = $adminurl."menu=moderate_comments&".urlencode($id)."=2"; //$blocklink = $adminurl."menu=entries&func=editcomments&id=". $PIVOTX['db']->entry['code']."&blocksingle=".$temp_comment['ip']; $comment = $temp_comment['comment']; // $comment = unentify($comment); $body = sprintf(__('"%s" posted the following comment') . ":\n\n", unentify($temp_comment['name'])); $body .= sprintf("%s", $comment); $body .= sprintf("\n\n-------------\n\n"); $body .= sprintf(__('Name') . ": %s\n", unentify($temp_comment['name'])); $body .= sprintf(__('IP-address') . ": %s\n", $temp_comment['ip']); $body .= sprintf(__('Date') . ": %s\n", $temp_comment['date']); $body .= trim(sprintf(__('Email') . ": %s", $temp_comment['email'])) . "\n"; $body .= trim(sprintf(__('URL') . ": %s\n", $temp_comment['url'])) . "\n"; $body .= sprintf("\n" . __('This is a comment on entry "%s"') . "\n", $title); $body .= $notifications; $body .= sprintf("\n-------------\n\n"); if ($PIVOTX['config']->get('moderate_comments') == 1) { $body .= sprintf(__('Moderate this comment') . ":\n%s\n", $approvelink); // $body.=sprintf("\n".__('Delete this comment').":\n%s\n", $deletelink); } $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s%s\n", __('View this entry'), $PIVOTX['paths']['host'], makeFileLink($PIVOTX['db']->entry, "", "")); $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s%s\n", __('View this comment'), $PIVOTX['paths']['host'], makeFileLink($PIVOTX['db']->entry, "", $id)); $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s\n", __('Edit this comment'), $editlink); //$body.=sprintf("\n%s:\n%s\n", __('Block this IP'), $blocklink ); $body = i18n_str_to_utf8($body); // pivotxMail encodes the subject and adds the needed headers for UTF-8 $subject = sprintf(__('New comment on entry "%s"'), $title); $addr_arr = array_unique($addr_arr); foreach ($addr_arr as $addr) { $addr = trim($addr); if (pivotxMail($addr, $subject, $body, $add_header)) { debug("Sent Mail to {$addr} for '" . $temp_comment['name'] . "'"); } else { debug("Failed sending mail to {$addr} for '" . $temp_comment['name'] . "'"); break; } } } }