function __construct($SET)
     $this->id = i();
     html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgSettingsEditor.js');
     $this->SET = $SET;
     $_SESSION['qgSettingsEditor roots'][$SET->i] = 1;
 public function index($start = 0)
     $this->session->set_userdata("URL_BACK", uri_string());
     $items = ITEMS_POR_PAG;
     $items_lista = crearConsulta("SELECT p FROM " . $this->entityStr . " p");
     $config['base_url'] = site_url($this->ctrlPath . "/index");
     $config['total_rows'] = count($items_lista->execute());
     $config['per_page'] = $items;
     $config['uri_segment'] = 3;
     //1->Controlador, 2->Metodo, 3 en adelante son los argumentos
     if ($this->accionesDefault) {
         $this->acciones = array("agregar" => array("url" => $this->ctrlPath . "agregar"), "editar" => array("url" => $this->ctrlPath . "/editar", "texto" => icon("fa-pencil") . " Editar", "propiedades" => array("class" => "btn-primary")), "eliminar" => array("texto" => i("", array("class" => "glyphicon glyphicon-remove")) . " Eliminar", "url" => $this->ctrlPath . "/eliminar", "propiedades" => array("class" => "eliminar_link btn-danger")));
     if ($this->vistaPre !== NULL) {
         $this->admin->agregarVistaPre($this->vistaPre, $this->datosPre);
 public function render()
     // Here comes the rendering process
     $footerClass = "impressum stdanimation1_2";
     //array mit link, icon, label
     // mit i übersetzen
     $footerArray[] = array("link" => "index.php?view=impressum", "icon" => "icon_house_alt", "label" => "Impressum");
     $footerArray[] = array("link" => "index.php?view=contact", "icon" => "icon_tag", "label" => "Contact");
     $footerArray[] = array("link" => "index.php?view=version", "icon" => "icon_profile", "label" => "Shop version");
     $footerArray[] = array("link" => "index.php?view=support", "icon" => "icon_gift", "label" => "Support");
     $footerList = "";
     //create a list item for every array found
     $footerList = "";
     foreach ($footerArray as $footerpoint) {
         //do translation
         $footerpoint["label"] = i($footerpoint["label"]);
         $footerList .= '
         <div class="' . $footerClass . '" ><a href="' . $footerpoint["link"] . '">' . $footerpoint["label"] . '</a></div>
     return $footerList;
     return '<div class="impressum stdanimation1_2">Impressum</div>
     <div class="impressum stdanimation1_2">Kontakt</div>
     <div class="impressum stdanimation1_2">Shopversion</div>
     <div class="impressum stdanimation1_2">&Uuml;ber uns</div>
     <div class="impressum stdanimation1_2">Support Hotline</div>';
 public function notifyNewArgument(Question $q, Argument $a)
     global $sDB, $sTimer, $sTemplate;
     $res = $sDB->exec("SELECT `notifications`.`userId`, `notifications`.`flags`, `users`.`email`, `users`.`userName` FROM `notifications`\n                           LEFT JOIN `users` ON `users`.`userId` = `notifications`.`userId`\n                           WHERE `questionId` = '" . i($q->questionId()) . "';");
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
         // no notifications for our own arguments.
         /*if($a->userId() == $row->userId)
         $uId = new BaseConvert($row->userId);
         $qId = new BaseConvert($q->questionId());
         $profileUrl = $sTemplate->getShortUrlBase() . "u" . $uId->val();
         $unfollowUrl = $sTemplate->getShortUrlBase() . "f" . $qId->val();
         $url = $a->shortUrl();
         if (!SHORTURL_BASE) {
             $profileUrl = $sTemplate->getRoot() . "user/" . $row->userId . "/";
             $unfollowUrl = $sTemplate->getRoot() . "unfollow.php?qId=" . $q->questionId();
             $url = $a->fullurl();
         $subject = $sTemplate->getString("NOTIFICATION_NEW_ARGUMENT_SUBJECT");
         $message = $sTemplate->getString("NOTIFICATION_NEW_ARGUMENT_BODY", array("[USERNAME]", "[AUTHOR]", "[URL]", "[QUESTION]", "[ARGUMENT]", "[UNFOLLOW_URL]", "[PROFILE_URL]"), array($row->userName, $a->author(), $url, $q->title(), $a->headline(), $unfollowUrl, $profileUrl));
         $this->sendMail($row->email, "", $subject, $message);
  *    constructor
 public function __construct()
     $this->major = self::getVersion(i(self::VERSION_PART_MAJOR));
     $this->minor = self::getVersion(i(self::VERSION_PART_MINOR));
     $this->revision = self::getVersion(i(self::VERSION_PART_REVISION));
     $this->build = self::getVersion(i(self::VERSION_PART_BUILD));
 public function Argument($argumentId, $row = false, $parent = false)
     global $sDB, $sQuery;
     if (!$row) {
         $res = $sDB->exec("SELECT * FROM `arguments` WHERE `argumentId` = '" . i($argumentId) . "' LIMIT 1;");
         $row = mysql_fetch_object($res);
     if (!$row) {
         $this->argumentId = -1;
     $this->argumentId = $argumentId;
     $this->questionId = $row->questionId;
     $this->parentId = $row->parentId;
     $this->parent = $parent;
     $this->userId = $row->userId;
     $this->username = $sQuery->getUsernameById($row->userId);
     $this->headline = $row->headline;
     $this->abstract = $row->abstract;
     $this->details = $row->details;
     $this->dateAdded = $row->dateAdded;
     $this->type = $row->type;
     $this->score = $row->score;
     $this->url = $row->url;
     $this->timeSince = timeSinceString($row->dateAdded);
     $this->arguments = array();
function new_dropoff_transaction()
    $s = q("insert into transaction values('', NULL, '', CURDATE());");
    if (a() > 0) {
        return i();
    return false;
function create_aid($name)
    $s = q("insert into aid values('','" . clean_query($name) . "','0');");
    if (a() > 0) {
        return i();
    return false;
Exemple #9
function create_product($name, $quantity)
    $s = q("insert into product values('', '" . $name . "', '" . $quantity . "');");
    if (a() > 0) {
        return i();
    return false;
Exemple #10
 public function remove(Charcoal_Integer $index, Charcoal_Integer $length = NULL)
     if (!$length) {
         $length = i(1);
     $index = $index->getValue();
     $length = $length->getValue();
     return array_splice($this->values, $index, $length);
 public static function getTranslatedGenres()
     $list = static::findList(null, array('id', 'key'));
     $genres = array();
     foreach ($list as $row) {
         $genres[] = array('value' => $row['id'], 'label' => i('db_genre_key_' . $row['key']));
     return $genres;
Exemple #12
function param($name, $default_value = false)
    global $QUERY;
    $return = i($QUERY, $name);
    if (!$return and $default_value === false) {
        die("Neccessary Parameter Missing: {$name}");
    return $return;
function array_to_string($result)
    $data = i('IP,PING次数,掉包量' . "\n");
    $size_result = sizeof($result);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $size_result; $i++) {
        $data .= i($result[$i]['IP']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['PING']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['TIME_OUT']) . "\n";
    return $data;
 public function question()
     $LoginLogic = D('Login', 'Logic');
     $studentID = $LoginLogic->apiLoginCheck();
     $paperID = I('post.paperID');
     $num = i('post.q');
     $examLogic = D('Exam', 'Logic');
     $question = $examLogic->getQuestion($paperID, $num);
 public function ajaxWiki()
     $query = isset($_REQUEST['query']) ? $_REQUEST['query'] : null;
     $result = Utilities::wiki($query);
     if (!$result) {
         $result = i('We could not find a suitable wikipedia article');
     // we will return the value as json encoded content
     return json_encode(array('query' => $query, 'wiki' => $result));
  *  验证用户名是否存在
 public function ajax_check_name()
     $name = i('username', '', 'trim');
     $id = i('id', 0, 'intval');
     if ($this->_mod->name_exists($name, $id)) {
         echo 0;
     } else {
         echo 1;
 private function _getShowCase($genre, $page = 0, $size = 4)
     $books = $this->_getBooksByGenre($genre, $page, $size);
     $num_books = Core::instance()->getDb()->countBookyByGenre($genre);
     if (count($books) == 0) {
         return null;
     $args = array('books' => $books, 'style' => 'showcase', 'text_details' => i('To the details'), 'navigation' => true, 'prev_hidden' => $num_books <= $size, 'next_hidden' => count($books) < $size, 'config' => urlencode(json_encode(array('page' => $page, 'size' => $size, 'request' => Controller::instance()->getViewUrl() . '&ajax=1&ajax_fn=nextShowcasePage&page={%page%}&size={%size%}&genre=' . $genre))));
     return TemplateRenderer::instance()->extendedRender('theme/templates/snippets/showcase.html', $args);
function array_to_string($result)
    $data = i('网络,机房,PING_IP,掉包数,掉包率(%)' . "\n");
    $size_result = sizeof($result);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $size_result; $i++) {
        $data .= i($result[$i]['NAME']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['MROOM_NAME']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['PING_IP']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['TIME_OUT']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['PREC_TIME_OUT']) . "\n";
    return $data;
function array_to_string($result)
    $data = i('用户名,时长(分钟),流入(MB),流出(MB),总流量(MB),主要流量分布' . "\n");
    $size_result = sizeof($result);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $size_result; $i++) {
        $data .= i($result[$i]['VPN_USER']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['TOTALTIME']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['SEND_BYTES']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['RECEIVE_BYTES']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['TOTALBYTES']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['REMARKS']) . "\n";
    return $data;
 public function index()
     $server = i('server.HTTP_HOST');
 public function render()
     if (!static::$enabled) {
         return '';
     $html = '';
     foreach (static::$path as $folder) {
         $html .= ($html == '' ? '' : '<span class="arrow_carrot-right arrow"></span>') . '<a href="' . $folder['link'] . '" target="_self">' . $folder['name'] . '</a>';
     return '<div class="breadcrumb">' . i('Your are here:') . ' ' . $html . '</div>';
  *  Write file
  * @param Charcoal_String $mode File access mode
  * @return Charcoal_Integer Written size in bytes
 public function write($data)
     if (!$this->fp) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_FileOutputException($this->file->getPath()));
     $ret = fwrite($this->fp, $data);
     if ($ret === FALSE) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_FileOutputException($this->file->getPath()));
     return i($ret);
Exemple #23
 * 这个文件定义了一系列全局函数,用来操作APP
 * @author  ryan <*****@*****.**>
function init_var()
    // don't use $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], it is not good for urldecode()
    $GLOBALS['req_uri'] = $req_uri = reset(explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
    define('SELF_PAGE', $req_uri);
    $arr = explode('/', trim($req_uri, '/'));
    // we should use function here
    $GLOBALS['by_ajax'] = i($_REQUEST['is_ajax']) || strtolower(i($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'])) == strtolower('XMLHttpRequest');
    $GLOBALS['by_post'] = strtolower(i($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) == 'post';
    $GLOBALS['page'] = array('title' => $GLOBALS['config']['site']['name'], 'head' => array(), 'scripts' => array(), 'styles' => array(), 'append_divs' => array());
    // 关于这个页面的变量
 public function roleDel()
     $id = i('id');
     $role = M('Role');
     $where = array('id' => $id);
     $res = $role->where($where)->delete();
     if ($res) {
     } else {
Exemple #25
function create_bag($name, $source_bagid)
    $s = q("insert into bag values('', '" . clean_query($name) . "')");
    if (a() == 0) {
        return false;
    $bagid = i();
    if ($source_bagid != 'none') {
        copy_bag_contents($source_bagid, $bagid);
    return $bagid;
Exemple #26
 function array_to_string($result)
     if (empty($result)) {
         return i("没有符合您要求的数据!");
     $data = i('快递单号, 快递公司, 收件人, 收件人手机, 收件地址, 登记时间') . "\n";
     $size_result = sizeof($result);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $size_result; $i++) {
         $data .= '="' . i($result[$i]['out_id']) . '",' . i($result[$i]['express']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['owner_name']) . ',' . '="' . i($result[$i]['owner_mobile']) . '",' . i($result[$i]['address']) . ',' . '="' . i($result[$i]['sign_time']) . "\"\n";
     return $data;
  * テスト
 public function test($action, $context)
     $action = us($action);
     $cache_driver = Charcoal_Factory::createObject(s('memcache'), s('cache_driver'), s('Charcoal_ICacheDriver'));
     Charcoal_Cache::register(s('memcache'), $cache_driver);
     switch ($action) {
         case "get_empty_data":
             $value = Charcoal_Cache::get(s('foo'));
             $this->assertEquals(FALSE, $value);
             return TRUE;
         case "get_integer_data":
             Charcoal_Cache::set(s('foo'), i(100));
             $value = Charcoal_Cache::get(s('foo'));
             $this->assertEquals(i(100), $value);
             return TRUE;
         case "get_string_data":
             Charcoal_Cache::set(s('foo'), s('bar'));
             $value = Charcoal_Cache::get(s('foo'));
             $this->assertEquals(s('bar'), $value);
             return TRUE;
         case "get_array_data":
             $data = array('foo' => 100, 'bar' => 'baz');
             Charcoal_Cache::set(s('foo'), v($data));
             $value = Charcoal_Cache::get(s('foo'));
             $this->assertEquals(v($data), $value);
             return TRUE;
         case "get_boolean_data":
             Charcoal_Cache::set(s('foo'), b(TRUE));
             $value = Charcoal_Cache::get(s('foo'));
             $this->assertEquals(b(TRUE), $value);
             Charcoal_Cache::set(s('foo'), b(FALSE));
             $value = Charcoal_Cache::get(s('foo'));
             $this->assertEquals(b(FALSE), $value);
             return TRUE;
         case "get_float_data":
             Charcoal_Cache::set(s('foo'), f(3.14));
             $value = Charcoal_Cache::get(s('foo'));
             $this->assertEquals(f(3.14), $value);
             return TRUE;
         case "get_object_data":
             $data = new Charcoal_DTO();
             $data['foo'] = 100;
             $data['bar'] = 'test';
             Charcoal_Cache::set(s('foo'), $data);
             $value = Charcoal_Cache::get(s('foo'));
             echo "value:" . print_r($value, true) . eol();
             $this->assertEquals($data, $value);
             return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 private function load($group)
     global $sDB;
     if (@$this->cache[$group]) {
         return true;
     $this->cache[$group] = array();
     $res = $sDB->exec("SELECT * FROM `permissions` WHERE `groupId` = '" . i($group) . "';");
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
         $this->cache[$group][$row->action] = $row->state;
     return true;
 function array_to_string($result)
     if (empty($result)) {
         return i("没有符合您要求的数据!^_^");
     $data = '书ID,书名' . "\n";
     $size_result = sizeof($result);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $size_result; $i++) {
         $data .= i($result[$i]['name']) . ',' . i($result[$i]['option']) . "\n";
     return $data;
Exemple #30
 * *导出数据转换
 * @param
 *        	$result
function array_to_string($result)
    $data = '';
    foreach ($result as $v) {
        $line = '';
        foreach ($v as $vo) {
            $line .= i($vo) . ',';
        $line = rtrim($line, ',');
        $data .= $line . "\n";
    return $data;