Exemple #1
html_combobox("webguiproto", gettext("Protocol"), $pconfig['webguiproto'], array("http" => "HTTP", "https" => "HTTPS"), gettext("Select Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) for the WebGUI."), false, false, "webguiproto_change()");
html_inputbox("webguiport", gettext("Port"), $pconfig['webguiport'], gettext("Enter a custom port number for the WebGUI if you want to override the default (80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS)."), false, 6);
html_inputbox("webguihostsallow", gettext("Hosts allow"), $pconfig['webguihostsallow'], gettext("Space delimited set of IP or CIDR notation that permitted to access the WebGUI. (empty is the same network of LAN interface)"), false, 60);
html_textarea("certificate", gettext("Certificate"), $pconfig['certificate'], gettext("Paste a signed certificate in X.509 PEM format here."), true, 65, 7, false, false);
html_textarea("privatekey", gettext("Private key"), $pconfig['privatekey'], gettext("Paste an private key in PEM format here."), true, 65, 7, false, false);
html_languagecombobox("language", gettext("Language"), $pconfig['language'], gettext("Select the language of the WebGUI."), "", false);
						<td colspan="2" valign="top" class="listtopic"><?php 
echo gettext("Hostname");
html_inputbox("hostname", gettext("Hostname"), $pconfig['hostname'], sprintf(gettext("Name of the NAS host, without domain part e.g. %s."), "<em>" . strtolower(get_product_name()) . "</em>"), true, 40);
html_inputbox("domain", gettext("Domain"), $pconfig['domain'], sprintf(gettext("e.g. %s"), "<em>com, local</em>"), false, 40);
Exemple #2
html_inputbox("username", gettext("Username"), $pconfig['username'], gettext("If you want to change the username for accessing the WebGUI, enter it here."), false, 20);
html_combobox("webguiproto", gettext("Protocol"), $pconfig['webguiproto'], array("http" => "HTTP", "https" => "HTTPS"), "", false, false, "webguiproto_change()");
html_inputbox("webguiport", gettext("Port"), $pconfig['webguiport'], gettext("Enter a custom port number for the WebGUI above if you want to override the default (80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS)."), false, 5);
html_textarea("certificate", gettext("Certificate"), $pconfig['certificate'], gettext("Paste a signed certificate in X.509 PEM format here."), true, 65, 7, false, false);
html_textarea("privatekey", gettext("Private key"), $pconfig['privatekey'], gettext("Paste an private key in PEM format here."), true, 65, 7, false, false);
html_languagecombobox("language", gettext("Language"), $pconfig['language'], "", false);
html_timezonecombobox("timezone", gettext("Time zone"), $pconfig['timezone'], gettext("Select the location closest to you."), false);
						<td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell"><?php 
echo gettext("System time");