function _block() { include_once Util::app_Path("common/view/classes/miguel_navform.class.php"); $ret_val = container(); $titulo = html_h4('Ha salido correctamente de la aplicación'); $titulo->set_tag_attribute('class', 'ptexto01'); $msg = html_p('Para continuar trabajando en este Campus debe regresar a la página de inicio y acceder de nuevo.'); $msg->set_tag_attribute('class', 'ptexto01'); $ret_val->add($titulo); $ret_val->add($msg); //Dejar así, no usar $this->addForm(), ya que el enlace se hace sin SID $ret_val->add(new FormProcessor(new miguel_navForm(), 'reload', Util::main_URLPath('index.php'))); return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $ret_val->add(html_h4("Inscripción - Paso 2")); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); if (!Session::getValue("inscript")) { $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::main_URLPath('index.php'), agt('Regresar a la página principal'))); $ret_val->add(html_br(2)); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::app_URLPath('auth/index.php'), agt('Nuevo Usuario'))); } else { //$ret_val->add(new FormProcessor(new miguel_inscriptionForm())); } return $ret_val; }
function right_block() { /* * As usual, we create a container and add to it the main elements * and set some of its properties */ $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $ret_val->add(html_h4(agt("miguel_AuthorTool"))); /* * Arrays of possible statuses. We'll use them to simplify the code */ $statusArray = array(1 => "List", "Send_File", "Send_Document", "Send_Folder", "Delete"); $statusArray2 = array(1 => "list", "send_file", "send_document", "send_folder", "delete"); $status = $this->getViewVariable('status'); /* * We check that satatus has a recognizable status for security. * Note that we obviate that status var exists nbecause it was set in * control class. */ if ($id = array_search($status, $statusArray2)) { /* * If any change form operation was executed, * then show operation status. */ if ($this->issetViewVariable('submit')) { /* * getViewVariable('opstat') is either * '(db|fs|zipdirdb)?error' or 'success'. */ $opStat = html_div(agt("opstat-{$status}-" . $this->getViewVariable('opstat'))); $opStat->set_id("opstat"); $ret_val->add($opStat); } $ret_val->add($this->addForm('authortool', "miguel_VAuthorTool_" . $statusArray[$id])); } elseif ($status == "Show_File") { /* * Show document!!! */ } return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $ret_val->add(html_h4("Alta Título Bibliográfico de la Bibilioteca Virtual del Campus")); if ($this->issetViewVariable('newbook') && $this->getViewVariable('newbook') == 'ok') { $ret_val->add(html_h2(agt('Alta de título correcto.'))); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("main/index.php", 'id=institution'), agt('Volver'))); $ret_val->add(_HTML_SPACE); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('newBook/index.php'), agt('Nuevo Título Bibliográfico'))); } else { $ret_val->add($this->addForm('newBook', 'miguel_bookForm')); } return $ret_val; }
function main_block() { $content = container(); //$hr = html_hr(); //$hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); //$hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); //$ret_val->add($hr); $content->add(html_h4(agt('Preinscripción'))); $content->add(html_br()); if ($this->issetViewVariable('strError')) { $strError = $this->getViewVariable('strError'); $ret_val->add(html_b(agt('Falta de informar los siguientes campos obligatorios: ') . $strError)); $ret_val->add(html_br(2)); } if ($this->issetViewVariable('newclient') && $this->getViewVariable('newclient') == 'ok') { $content->add(html_h2(agt('Preinscripción de usuario correcta.'))); $content->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('main/index.php'), agt('Volver'))); } else { $content->add($this->addForm('newInscription', 'miguel_inscriptionForm')); } $ret_val = html_table(Session::getContextValue("mainInterfaceWidth"), 0, 1, 0); $ret_val->add_row(html_td('', '', _HTML_SPACE), html_td('', '', $content), html_td('', '', _HTML_SPACE)); return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $ret_val->add(html_h4("Inscripción al Campus Virtual")); if ($this->issetViewVariable('newclient') && $this->getViewVariable('newclient') == 'ok') { $ret_val->add(html_h2(agt('Alta de usuario correcta.'))); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("main/index.php", 'id=institution'), agt('Volver'))); $ret_val->add(_HTML_SPACE); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('auth/index.php'), agt('Nuevo Usuario'))); } else { $ret_val->add($this->addForm('auth', 'miguel_inscriptionForm')); } return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $ret_val->add(html_h4("Insertar nuevo enlace")); if ($this->issetViewVariable('newlink') && $this->getViewVariable('newlink') == 'ok') { $ret_val->add(html_h2(agt('Inserción de enlace correcto.'))); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::main_URLPath('index.php'), agt('Regresar a la página principal'))); $ret_val->add(html_br(2)); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::app_URLPath('links/index.php'), agt('Página de Enlaces'))); } else { if ($this->issetViewVariable('msgError') && $this->getViewVariable('msgError') != '') { $ret_val->add(html_h2($this->getViewVariable('msgError'))); } $ret_val->add($this->addForm('links', 'miguel_insertionform')); } return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function _block() { $ret_val = container(); $ret_val->add(html_h4("Inscripción - Paso 1")); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $ret_val->add(new FormProcessor(new miguel_inscriptionForm())); return $ret_val; }
/** * This function is responsible for building * the header block that lives at the top * of every page. * * @return HTMLtag object. */ function header_block() { $header = html_div('pageheader'); $header->add(html_comment('HEADER BLOCK AREA')); $logo = html_a('/', html_img('/images/OnYourMarksWhite_080x066.png'), null, null, 'Home'); $logo->set_style('headerimage'); $header->add($logo, html_h2(FT_PAGE_HEADER), html_h4(FT_PAGE_SUBHEADER)); return $header; }