if (isset($_GET['deleted'])) {
            html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully deleted selected groups"), '86%', 'center');
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['default'])) {
                if (isset($user_group_name_array[$_GET['default']])) {
                    html_display_success_msg(sprintf(gettext('Successfully set default group to "%s".'), $user_group_name_array[$_GET['default']]), '86%', 'center');
                } else {
                    if ($_GET['default'] == 0) {
                        html_display_success_msg(gettext('Successfully cleared default group'), '86%', 'center');
            } else {
                if (sizeof($user_groups_array['user_groups_array']) < 1) {
                    html_display_warning_msg(gettext("No User Groups have been set up. To add a group click the 'Add New' button below."), '86%', 'center');
                } else {
                    html_display_warning_msg(gettext("To change the default group, click the tick in the right-hand column. Note: The default group will be applied the first time a user visits your forum. It will not be applied retrospectively."), '86%', 'center');
echo "<br />\n";
echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"f_folders\" action=\"admin_user_groups.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
echo "  ", form_csrf_token_field(), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"86%\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "          <tr>\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">", gettext("Display AdSense Ads after post"), ":</td>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\">", form_input_text('adsense_message_number', isset($forum_global_settings['adsense_message_number']) && is_numeric($forum_global_settings['adsense_message_number']) ? $forum_global_settings['adsense_message_number'] : 1, 15, 40), "</td>\n";
echo "                      </tr>\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "                      </tr>\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\n";
echo "                          <p class=\"smalltext\">", gettext("Your Beehive Forum supports 2 different sizes of <b>Google AdSense</b> adverts. Enter the slot ids of the relevant sized ads into the boxes above and Beehive will automatically choose the correct ad for each page."), "</p>\n";
echo "                        </td>\n";
echo "                      </tr>\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">\n";
html_display_warning_msg(gettext("If you do not have a Google AdSense Account you will need to sign up for one by clicking <a href=\"https://www.google.com/adsense/\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>."), '95%', 'center');
html_display_warning_msg(gettext("If you wish to enable or disable Google AdSense ads on a particular forum you can do so by visiting that forum's Forum Settings page."), '95%', 'center');
echo "                        </td>\n";
echo "                      </tr>\n";
echo "                    </table>\n";
echo "                  </td>\n";
echo "                </tr>\n";
echo "              </table>\n";
echo "            </td>\n";
echo "          </tr>\n";
echo "        </table>\n";
echo "      </td>\n";
echo "    </tr>\n";
echo "  </table>\n";
echo "  <br />\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"600\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
function forum_check_password($forum_fid)
    if (!is_numeric($forum_fid)) {
        return false;
    $webtag = get_webtag();
    if (!($forum_passhash = forum_get_password($forum_fid))) {
        return true;
    $forum_passhash_check = session::get_value("{$webtag}_PASSWORD");
    if (isset($_POST['forum_password']) && strlen($_POST['forum_password']) > 0) {
        $forum_passhash_check = md5($_POST['forum_password']);
    if ($forum_passhash == $forum_passhash_check) {
        session::set_value("{$webtag}_PASSWORD", $forum_passhash_check);
        return true;
    html_draw_top(sprintf("title=%s", gettext("Password Protected Forum")));
    echo "<h1>", gettext("Password Protected Forum"), "</h1>\n";
    if (session::get_value("{$webtag}_PASSWORD")) {
        html_display_error_msg(gettext("The username or password you supplied is not valid."), '550', 'center');
    if ($password_protected_message = forum_get_setting('password_protected_message')) {
        echo fix_html($password_protected_message);
    } else {
        html_display_warning_msg(gettext("This forum is password protected. To gain access enter the password below."), '400', 'center');
    echo "<br />\n";
    echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
    echo "  <form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" method=\"post\" action=\"", get_request_uri(), "\" target=\"_self\" autocomplete=\"off\">\n";
    if (isset($_POST) && is_array($_POST) && sizeof($_POST) > 0) {
        echo form_input_hidden_array($_POST);
    echo "    ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
    echo "    <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"400\">\n";
    echo "      <tr>\n";
    echo "        <td align=\"left\">\n";
    echo "          <table class=\"box\" width=\"400\">\n";
    echo "            <tr>\n";
    echo "              <td class=\"posthead\" align=\"center\">\n";
    echo "                <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
    echo "                  <tr>\n";
    echo "                    <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\" colspan=\"2\">", gettext("Enter Password"), "</td>\n";
    echo "                  </tr>\n";
    echo "                </table>\n";
    echo "                <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"90%\">\n";
    echo "                  <tr>\n";
    echo "                    <td align=\"left\">", gettext("Password"), ":</td>\n";
    echo "                    <td align=\"left\">", form_input_password('forum_password', '', 40, false, ''), "</td>\n";
    echo "                  </tr>\n";
    echo "                  <tr>\n";
    echo "                    <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "                  </tr>\n";
    echo "                </table>\n";
    echo "              </td>\n";
    echo "            </tr>\n";
    echo "          </table>\n";
    echo "        </td>\n";
    echo "      </tr>\n";
    echo "      <tr>\n";
    echo "        <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "      </tr>\n";
    echo "      <tr>\n";
    echo "        <td align=\"center\">", form_submit("logon", gettext("Logon")), "&nbsp;", form_submit("cancel", gettext("Cancel")), "</td>\n";
    echo "      </tr>\n";
    echo "    </table>\n";
    if (session::check_perm(USER_PERM_ADMIN_TOOLS, 0) || session::check_perm(USER_PERM_FORUM_TOOLS, 0)) {
        html_display_warning_msg(gettext("If you want to change some settings on your forum click the Admin link in the navigation bar above."), '400', 'center');
    echo "  </form>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
html_draw_top(array('title' => gettext('Admin - Admin Access Log'), 'class' => 'window_title', 'main_css' => 'admin.css'));
$admin_log_array = admin_get_log_entries($page, $group_by, $sort_by, $sort_dir);
echo "<h1>", gettext("Admin"), html_style_image('separator'), gettext("Admin Access Log"), "</h1>\n";
if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
    html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '86%', 'center');
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['pruned'])) {
        html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully Pruned Admin Log"), '86%', 'center');
    } else {
        if (sizeof($admin_log_array['admin_log_array']) < 1) {
            html_display_warning_msg(gettext("Admin Log is empty"), '86%', 'center');
        } else {
            html_display_warning_msg(gettext("This list shows the last actions sanctioned by users with Admin privileges."), '86%', 'center');
echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"86%\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "          <tr>\n";
echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
echo "              <table width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "                <tr>\n";
echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" width=\"10%\" align=\"left\">\n";
if ($sort_by == 'CREATED' && $sort_dir == 'ASC') {
    echo "                    <a href=\"admin_viewlog.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;sort_by=CREATED&amp;sort_dir=DESC&amp;group_by={$group_by}&amp;page={$page}\">", gettext("Date/Time"), "</a>\n";
    html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '86%', 'center');
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['kicked'])) {
        html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully ended sessions for selected users"), '86%', 'center');
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['approved'])) {
            html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully approved selected users"), '86%', 'center');
        } else {
            if (sizeof($admin_user_array['user_array']) < 1) {
                if (isset($user_search) && strlen($user_search) > 0) {
                    html_display_error_msg(gettext("Your search did not return any matches. Try simplifying your search parameters and try again."), '86%', 'center');
                } else {
                    html_display_error_msg(gettext("No user accounts matching filter"), '86%', 'center');
            } else {
                html_display_warning_msg(sprintf(gettext("This list shows a selection of users who have logged on to your forum, sorted by %s. To alter a user's permissions click their name."), htmlentities_array($sort_by_array[$sort_by])), '86%', 'center');
echo "<br />\n";
echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" action=\"admin_users.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('user_search', htmlentities_array($user_search)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden("sort_by", htmlentities_array($sort_by)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden("sort_dir", htmlentities_array($sort_dir)), "\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"86%\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
echo "      <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"3\">\n";
echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
Exemple #6
        } else {
            $error_msg_array[] = gettext("Error creating user record");
            $valid = false;
html_draw_top(sprintf('title=%s', gettext("User Registration")), 'emoticons.js', 'register.js', "basetarget={$frame_top_target}", 'class=window_title');
echo "<h1>", gettext("User Registration"), "</h1>\n";
if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
    html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '600', 'center');
if (isset($user_agree_rules) && $user_agree_rules == 'Y') {
    html_display_warning_msg(gettext("More Profile and Preference options are available once you register"), '600', 'center');
    echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
    echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"form_register\" action=\"register.php\" method=\"post\" target=\"_self\">\n";
    echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
    echo "  ", form_input_hidden('user_agree_rules', htmlentities_array($user_agree_rules)), "\n";
    echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"600\">\n";
    echo "    <tr>\n";
    echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
    echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
    echo "          <tr>\n";
    echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
    echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
    echo "                <tr>\n";
    echo "                  <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\">", gettext("Registration Information (Required)"), "</td>\n";
    echo "                </tr>\n";
    echo "              </table>\n";
         echo "                                      <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
         echo "                                    </tr>\n";
         echo "                                  </table>\n";
     echo "                                </div>\n";
     echo "                              </td>\n";
     echo "                            </tr>\n";
     echo "                          </table>\n";
     echo "                        </td>\n";
     echo "                      </tr>\n";
     echo "                    </table>\n";
     echo "                  </td>\n";
     echo "                </tr>\n";
     echo "                <tr>\n";
     echo "                  <td>\n";
     html_display_warning_msg(gettext("Note: This user may be inheriting additional permissions from any user groups listed below."), '95%', 'center');
     echo "                  </td>\n";
     echo "                </tr>\n";
     echo "              </table>\n";
     echo "            </td>\n";
     echo "          </tr>\n";
     echo "        </table>\n";
     echo "      </td>\n";
     echo "    </tr>\n";
     echo "  </table>\n";
     echo "  <br />\n";
 echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"600\">\n";
 echo "    <tr>\n";
 echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
 echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
    echo "                  <td align=\"center\">\n";
    echo "                    <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"95%\">\n";
    echo "                      <tr>\n";
    echo "                        <td align=\"left\" width=\"220\">", gettext("Display AdSense Ads for"), ":</td>\n";
    echo "                        <td align=\"left\">", form_dropdown_array('adsense_display_users', $adsense_user_type_array, isset($forum_global_settings['adsense_display_users']) && in_array($forum_global_settings['adsense_display_users'], array_keys($adsense_user_type_array)) ? $forum_global_settings['adsense_display_users'] : ADSENSE_DISPLAY_NONE), "</td>\n";
    echo "                      </tr>\n";
    echo "                      <tr>\n";
    echo "                        <td align=\"left\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">", gettext("Display AdSense Ads on"), ":</td>\n";
    echo "                        <td align=\"left\">", form_dropdown_array('adsense_display_pages', $adsense_page_type_array, isset($forum_global_settings['adsense_display_pages']) && in_array($forum_global_settings['adsense_display_pages'], array_keys($adsense_page_type_array)) ? $forum_global_settings['adsense_display_pages'] : ADSENSE_DISPLAY_TOP_OF_ALL_PAGES), "</td>\n";
    echo "                      </tr>\n";
    echo "                      <tr>\n";
    echo "                        <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "                      </tr>\n";
    echo "                      <tr>\n";
    echo "                        <td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">\n";
    html_display_warning_msg(gettext("To change Google AdSense account details and other settings please see Global Forum Settings"), '95%', 'center');
    echo "                        </td>\n";
    echo "                      </tr>\n";
    echo "                    </table>\n";
    echo "                  </td>\n";
    echo "                </tr>\n";
    echo "              </table>\n";
    echo "            </td>\n";
    echo "          </tr>\n";
    echo "        </table>\n";
    echo "      </td>\n";
    echo "    </tr>\n";
    echo "  </table>\n";
    echo "  <br />\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"700\">\n";
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['deleted'])) {
                html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully deleted selected messages"), '96%', 'center', 'pm_delete_success');
            } else {
                if (isset($_GET['archived'])) {
                    html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully archived selected messages"), '96%', 'center', 'pm_archive_success');
                } else {
                    if (isset($_GET['search_no_results'])) {
                        html_display_warning_msg(gettext("Search Returned No Results"), '96%', 'center');
                    } else {
                        if (isset($_GET['search_frequency_error'])) {
                            $search_frequency = forum_get_setting('search_min_frequency', null, 0);
                            html_display_warning_msg(sprintf(gettext("You can only search once every %s seconds. Please try again later."), $search_frequency), '96%', 'center');
                        } else {
                            if (isset($pm_messages_array['message_array']) && sizeof($pm_messages_array['message_array']) < 1) {
                                html_display_warning_msg(sprintf(gettext("Your %s folder is empty"), htmlentities_array($pm_folder_names_array[$current_folder])), '96%', 'center');
echo "<br />\n";
echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"pm\" action=\"pm_messages.php\" method=\"post\" target=\"_self\">\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('mid', htmlentities_array($mid)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('folder', htmlentities_array($current_folder)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('page', htmlentities_array($page)), "\n";
 $forums_array = admin_get_forum_list($page);
 echo "<h1>", gettext("Admin"), html_style_image('separator'), gettext("Manage Forums"), "</h1>\n";
 if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
     html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '86%', 'center');
 } else {
     if (isset($_GET['added'])) {
         html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully created new forum"), '86%', 'center', 'forum_created');
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['edited'])) {
             html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully updated forum"), '86%', 'center', 'forum_updated');
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET['deleted'])) {
                 html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully deleted selected forums"), '86%', 'center', 'forum_removed');
             } else {
                 if (sizeof($forums_array['forums_array']) < 1) {
                     html_display_warning_msg(gettext("No existing forums found. To create a new forum click the 'Add New' button below."), '86%', 'center');
 echo "<br />\n";
 echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
 echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"forums\" action=\"admin_forums.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
 echo "  ", form_csrf_token_field(), "\n";
 echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
 echo "  ", form_input_hidden('page', htmlentities_array($page)), "\n";
 echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"86%\">\n";
 echo "    <tr>\n";
 echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
 echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
html_draw_top(sprintf('title=%s', gettext("Admin - User Groups")), 'class=window_title');
$user_groups_array = perm_get_user_groups($page, $sort_by, $sort_dir);
echo "<h1>", gettext("Admin"), "<img src=\"", html_style_image('separator.png'), "\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" />", gettext("User Groups"), "</h1>\n";
if (isset($_GET['added'])) {
    html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully added group"), '86%', 'center');
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['edited'])) {
        html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully edited group"), '86%', 'center');
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['deleted'])) {
            html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully deleted selected groups"), '86%', 'center');
        } else {
            if (sizeof($user_groups_array['user_groups_array']) < 1) {
                html_display_warning_msg(gettext("No User Groups have been set up. To add a group click the 'Add New' button below."), '86%', 'center');
echo "<br />\n";
echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"f_folders\" action=\"admin_user_groups.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"86%\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "          <tr>\n";
echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
 $ban_list_array = admin_get_ban_data($sort_by, $sort_dir, $page);
 echo "<h1>", gettext("Admin"), html_style_image('separator'), gettext("Ban Controls"), "</h1>\n";
 if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
     html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '86%', 'center');
 } else {
     if (isset($_GET['added'])) {
         html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully added ban"), '86%', 'center');
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['removed'])) {
             html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully removed selected bans"), '86%', 'center');
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET['edited'])) {
                 html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully updated ban"), '86%', 'center');
             } else {
                 if (sizeof($ban_list_array['ban_array']) < 1) {
                     html_display_warning_msg(gettext("There is no existing ban data. To add a ban click the 'Add New' button below."), '86%', 'center');
 echo "<br />\n";
 echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
 echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"admin_banned_form\" action=\"admin_banned.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
 echo "  ", form_csrf_token_field(), "\n";
 echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
 echo "  ", form_input_hidden("ret", htmlentities_array($ret)), "\n";
 echo "  ", form_input_hidden("page", htmlentities_array($page)), "\n";
 echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"86%\">\n";
 echo "    <tr>\n";
 echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
    if ($valid) {
if ($thread_data['DELETED'] == 'N') {
    html_draw_top(sprintf('title=%s', sprintf(gettext("Thread Options - %s"), $thread_data['TITLE'])), "basetarget=_blank", 'search_popup.js', 'class=window_title');
    echo "<h1>", gettext("Thread Options"), "<img src=\"", html_style_image('separator.png'), "\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" /><a href=\"messages.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;msg={$msg}\" target=\"_self\">", word_filter_add_ob_tags($thread_data['TITLE'], true), "</a></h1>\n";
    if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
        html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '600', 'center');
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['updated'])) {
            html_display_success_msg(gettext("Updates saved successfully"), '600', 'center');
        } else {
            if (thread_is_poll($tid)) {
                html_display_warning_msg(gettext("To rename this thread you must edit the poll."), '600', 'center');
    echo "<br />\n";
    echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
    echo "  <form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"thread_options\" action=\"thread_options.php\" method=\"post\" target=\"_self\">\n";
    echo "  ", form_input_hidden("webtag", htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
    echo "  ", form_input_hidden("msg", htmlentities_array($msg)), "\n";
    echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"600\">\n";
    echo "    <tr>\n";
    echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
    echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
    echo "          <tr>\n";
    echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
    echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
        echo "    <tr>\n";
        echo "      <td align=\"center\">", form_submit("approve", gettext("Approve")), "&nbsp;", form_submit("delete", gettext("Delete")), "&nbsp;", form_submit("cancel", gettext("Cancel")), "</td>\n";
        echo "    </tr>\n";
        echo "  </table>\n";
        echo "</form>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
    } else {
        html_draw_error(gettext("Invalid link ID!"), 'admin_link_approve.php', 'post', array('cancel' => gettext("Cancel")), array('ret' => $ret), '_self', 'center');
} else {
    html_draw_top(sprintf('title=%s', gettext("Admin - Link Approval Queue")), 'class=window_title');
    $link_approval_array = admin_get_link_approval_queue($page);
    echo "<h1>", gettext("Admin"), "<img src=\"", html_style_image('separator.png'), "\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" />", gettext("Link Approval Queue"), "</h1>\n";
    if (sizeof($link_approval_array['link_array']) < 1) {
        html_display_warning_msg(gettext("No links are awaiting approval"), '86%', 'center');
    echo "<br />\n";
    echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
    echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"86%\">\n";
    echo "    <tr>\n";
    echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
    echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
    echo "          <tr>\n";
    echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
    echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
    echo "                 <tr>\n";
    echo "                   <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\" width=\"20\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "                   <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\">", gettext("Name"), "</td>\n";
    echo "                   <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\">", gettext("Folder"), "</td>\n";
    echo "                   <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\" width=\"200\">", gettext("User"), "</td>\n";
 $profile_sections = profile_sections_get_by_page($page);
 echo "<h1>", gettext("Admin"), html_style_image('separator'), gettext("Manage Profile Sections"), "</h1>\n";
 if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
     html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '86%', 'center');
 } else {
     if (isset($_GET['added'])) {
         html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully added profile section"), '86%', 'center');
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['edited'])) {
             html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully edited profile section"), '86%', 'center');
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET['deleted'])) {
                 html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully removed selected profile sections"), '86%', 'center');
             } else {
                 if (sizeof($profile_sections['profile_sections_array']) < 1) {
                     html_display_warning_msg(gettext("No existing profile sections found. To add a profile section click the 'Add New' button below."), '86%', 'center');
 echo "<br />\n";
 echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
 echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"f_sections\" action=\"admin_prof_sect.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
 echo "  ", form_csrf_token_field(), "\n";
 echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
 echo "  ", form_input_hidden('page', htmlentities_array($page)), "\n";
 echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"86%\">\n";
 echo "    <tr>\n";
 echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
 echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
    html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '600', 'left');
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['updated'])) {
        html_display_success_msg(gettext("Thread interests updated successfully"), '600', 'left');
    } else {
        if (sizeof($thread_subscriptions['thread_array']) < 1) {
            if (isset($search_keyword) && strlen(trim($search_keyword)) > 0) {
                html_display_warning_msg(gettext("Search Returned No Results"), '600', 'left');
            } else {
                if ($view == THREAD_IGNORED) {
                    html_display_warning_msg(gettext("You are not ignoring any threads."), '600', 'left');
                } else {
                    if ($view == THREAD_INTERESTED) {
                        html_display_warning_msg(gettext("You have no high interest threads."), '600', 'left');
                    } else {
                        html_display_warning_msg(gettext("You are not subscribed to any threads."), '600', 'left');
echo "<br />\n";
echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"subscriptions\" action=\"edit_subscriptions.php\" method=\"post\" target=\"_self\">\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden("page", htmlentities_array($page)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden("search_keyword", htmlentities_array($search_keyword)), "\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"600\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
echo "      <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"3\">\n";
echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
    html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '86%', 'center');
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['added'])) {
        html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully added new folder"), '86%', 'center');
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['edited'])) {
            html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully edited folder"), '86%', 'center');
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['deleted'])) {
                html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully removed selected folders"), '86%', 'center');
            } else {
                if (sizeof($folder_array['folder_array']) < 1) {
                    html_display_warning_msg(gettext("No existing folders found. To add a folder click the 'Add New' button below."), '86%', 'center');
                } else {
                    html_display_warning_msg(gettext("Folder order only applies when user has enabled 'Sort Thread List by folders' in Forum Options."), '86%', 'center');
echo "<br />\n";
echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"f_folders\" action=\"admin_folders.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
echo "  ", form_csrf_token_field(), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('page', htmlentities_array($page)), "\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"86%\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
Exemple #18
function forum_restricted_message()
    $lang = load_language_file();
    $forum_name = forum_get_setting('forum_name', false, 'A Beehive Forum');
    echo "<h1>{$lang['restricted']}</h1>\n";
    if ($restricted_message = forum_get_setting('restricted_message', false)) {
        html_display_error_msg(fix_html($restricted_message), '600', 'center');
    } else {
        html_display_error_msg(sprintf($lang['youdonothaveaccesstoforum'], _htmlentities($forum_name)), '600', 'center');
        html_display_warning_msg($lang['toapplyforaccessplease'], '600', 'center');
    if (bh_session_check_perm(USER_PERM_ADMIN_TOOLS, 0) || bh_session_check_perm(USER_PERM_FORUM_TOOLS, 0)) {
        html_display_warning_msg($lang['adminforumclosedtip'], '600', 'center');
    echo "    </tr>\n";
} else {
    echo "    <tr>\n";
    echo "      <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "    </tr>\n";
    echo "    <tr>\n";
    echo "      <td align=\"center\">", form_submit("back", gettext("Back")), "</td>\n";
    echo "    </tr>\n";
echo "  </table>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
echo "<br />\n";
if (isset($user_search) && strlen(trim($user_search)) > 0) {
    $user_search_array = admin_user_search($user_search, 'LOGON', 'ASC', 0, $search_page);
    if (sizeof($user_search_array['user_array']) < 1) {
        html_display_warning_msg(gettext("Search Returned No Results"), '500', 'center');
    echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" method=\"post\" action=\"admin_forum_access.php\" target=\"_self\">\n";
    echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
    echo "  ", form_input_hidden('ret', htmlentities_array($ret)), "\n";
    echo "  ", form_input_hidden("user_search", htmlentities_array($user_search)), "\n";
    echo "  ", form_input_hidden("main_page", htmlentities_array($main_page)), "\n";
    echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"500\">\n";
    echo "    <tr>\n";
    echo "      <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
    echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
    echo "          <tr>\n";
    echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
    echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
    echo "                <tr>\n";
    echo "                  <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\" colspan=\"2\">", gettext("Search Results"), "</td>\n";
} else {
    if (!is_array($thread_info)) {
        if (is_numeric($folder) && ($folder_title = folder_get_title($folder))) {
            $all_discussions_link = sprintf("<a href=\"thread_list.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;folder={$folder}&amp;mode=0\">%s</a>", gettext("click here"));
            html_display_warning_msg(sprintf(gettext("No &quot;%s&quot; in &quot;%s&quot; folder. Please select another folder, or %s for all threads."), $available_views[$mode], $folder_title, $all_discussions_link), '100%', 'left');
        } else {
            $all_discussions_link = sprintf("<a href=\"thread_list.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;mode=0\">%s</a>", gettext("click here"));
            html_display_warning_msg(sprintf(gettext("No &quot;%s&quot; available. Please %s for all threads."), $available_views[$mode], $all_discussions_link), '100%', 'left');
    } else {
        if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
            html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '100%', 'left');
        } else {
            if (is_numeric($folder) && ($folder_title = folder_get_title($folder))) {
                $all_folders_link = sprintf("<a href=\"thread_list.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;mode={$mode}\">%s</a>", gettext("click here"));
                html_display_warning_msg(sprintf(gettext("Viewing &quot;%s&quot; in &quot;%s&quot; only. To view threads in all folders %s."), $available_views[$mode], $folder_title, $all_folders_link), '100%', 'left');
            } else {
                echo "<br />";
if ($page > 1 && !is_numeric($folder)) {
    echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
    echo "  <tr>\n";
    echo "    <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"smalltext\" colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"", html_style_image('current_thread.png'), "\" alt=\"", gettext("Previous 50 threads"), "\" title=\"", gettext("Previous 50 threads"), "\" />&nbsp;<a href=\"thread_list.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;mode={$mode}&amp;page=", $page - 1, "\" title=\"", gettext("Show previous 50 threads"), "\">", gettext("Previous 50 threads"), "</a></td>\n";
    echo "  </tr>\n";
    echo "  <tr>\n";
    echo "    <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "  </tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
        echo "                <tr>\n";
        echo "                  <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                </tr>\n";
        echo "              </table>\n";
        echo "            </td>\n";
        echo "          </tr>\n";
        echo "        </table>\n";
        echo "      </td>\n";
        echo "    </tr>\n";
        echo "    <tr>\n";
        echo "      <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "    </tr>\n";
        echo "    <tr>\n";
        echo "      <td class=\"postbody\" align=\"center\">", html_page_links("admin_rss_feeds.php?webtag={$webtag}", $page, $rss_feeds['rss_feed_count'], 10), "</td>\n";
        echo "    </tr>\n";
        echo "    <tr>\n";
        echo "      <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "    </tr>\n";
        echo "    <tr>\n";
        echo "      <td align=\"center\">", form_submit("addfeed", gettext("Add New")), "&nbsp;", form_submit("delete", gettext("Delete Selected")), "</td>\n";
        echo "    </tr>\n";
        echo "    <tr>\n";
        echo "      <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "    </tr>\n";
        echo "  </table>\n";
        echo "</form>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
        html_display_warning_msg(gettext("Here you can setup some RSS feeds for automatic propagation into your forum. The items from the RSS feeds you add will be created as threads which users can reply to as if they were normal posts. The RSS feed must be accessible via HTTP or it will not work."), '70%', 'center');
Exemple #22
        $sort_dir = "ASC";
} else {
    if ($viewmode == LINKS_VIEW_HIERARCHICAL) {
        $sort_dir = "ASC";
    } else {
        $sort_dir = "DESC";
if ($viewmode == LINKS_VIEW_HIERARCHICAL) {
    $links = links_get_in_folder($fid, session::check_perm(USER_PERM_LINKS_MODERATE, 0), $sort_by, $sort_dir, $page);
} else {
    $links = links_get_all(session::check_perm(USER_PERM_LINKS_MODERATE, 0), $sort_by, $sort_dir, $page);
if (sizeof($links['links_array']) < 1) {
    html_display_warning_msg(gettext("No links in this folder."), '85%', 'center');
echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "          <tr>\n";
echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
echo "              <table width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "                <tr>\n";
if ($sort_by == "TITLE" && $sort_dir == "ASC") {
    echo "                  <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\"><a href=\"links.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;fid={$fid}&amp;viewmode={$viewmode}&amp;page={$page}&amp;sort_by=TITLE&amp;sort_dir=DESC\">", gettext("Name"), "</a>&nbsp;</td>\n";
} else {
    echo "                  <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\"><a href=\"links.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;fid={$fid}&amp;viewmode={$viewmode}&amp;page={$page}&amp;sort_by=TITLE&amp;sort_dir=ASC\">", gettext("Name"), "</a>&nbsp;</td>\n";
     echo "  </table>\n";
     html_display_warning_msg(sprintf('%s<p>%s</p>%s', gettext("<b>All</b> matches against the whole text so filtering mom to mum will also change moment to mument."), gettext("<b>Whole Word</b> matches against whole words only so filtering mom to mum will NOT change moment to mument."), gettext("<b>PREG</b> allows you to use Perl Regular Expressions to match text.")), '600', 'left');
     echo "</form>\n";
 } else {
     html_draw_top(sprintf('title=%s', gettext("My Controls - Edit Word Filter")), 'class=window_title');
     $word_filter_array = user_get_word_filter_list($page);
     echo "<h1>", gettext("Edit Word Filter"), "</h1>\n";
     if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
         html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '600', 'left');
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['updated'])) {
             html_display_success_msg(gettext("Word Filter updated"), '600', 'left');
         } else {
             if (sizeof($word_filter_array['word_filter_array']) < 1) {
                 html_display_warning_msg(gettext("No existing word filter entries found. To add a filter click the 'Add New' button below."), '600', 'left');
     echo "<br />\n";
     echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" method=\"post\" action=\"edit_wordfilter.php\">\n";
     echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
     echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"600\">\n";
     echo "    <tr>\n";
     echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
     echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
     echo "          <tr>\n";
     echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
     echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
     echo "                <tr>\n";
     echo "                  <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\" width=\"20\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
 $profile_items = profile_items_get_by_page($psid, $page);
 echo "<h1>", gettext("Admin"), html_style_image('separator'), gettext("Manage Profile Sections"), html_style_image('separator'), profile_section_get_name($psid), html_style_image('separator'), gettext("View items"), "</h1>\n";
 if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
     html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '86%', 'center');
 } else {
     if (isset($_GET['added'])) {
         html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully added new profile item"), '86%', 'center');
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['edited'])) {
             html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully edited profile item"), '86%', 'center');
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET['deleted'])) {
                 html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully removed selected profile items"), '86%', 'center');
             } else {
                 if (sizeof($profile_items['profile_items_array']) < 1) {
                     html_display_warning_msg(gettext("There are no existing profile items in this section. To add an item click the 'Add New' button below."), '86%', 'center');
 echo "<br />\n";
 echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
 echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"f_sections\" action=\"admin_prof_items.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
 echo "  ", form_csrf_token_field(), "\n";
 echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
 echo "  ", form_input_hidden("psid", htmlentities_array($psid)), "\n";
 echo "  ", form_input_hidden("sect_page", htmlentities_array($sect_page)), "\n";
 if (isset($viewitems)) {
     echo "  ", form_input_hidden("viewitems", "yes"), "\n";
Exemple #25
if (!isset($t_fid)) {
    $t_fid = 1;
if ($new_thread && !($folder_dropdown = folder_draw_dropdown($t_fid, "t_fid", "", FOLDER_ALLOW_NORMAL_THREAD, USER_PERM_THREAD_CREATE, "", "post_folder_dropdown"))) {
    html_draw_error(gettext("You cannot create new threads."));
if (isset($thread_data['CLOSED']) && $thread_data['CLOSED'] > 0 && !session::check_perm(USER_PERM_FOLDER_MODERATE, $t_fid)) {
    html_draw_error(gettext("This thread is closed, you cannot post in it!"));
html_draw_top(sprintf("title=%s", gettext("Post message")), "resize_width=785", "basetarget=_blank", "post.js", "attachments.js", "emoticons.js", "dictionary.js", 'search.js', 'search_popup.js', 'class=window_title');
echo "<h1>", gettext("Post message"), "</h1>\n";
if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
    html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '785', 'left');
if (!$new_thread && isset($thread_data['CLOSED']) && $thread_data['CLOSED'] > 0 && session::check_perm(USER_PERM_FOLDER_MODERATE, $t_fid)) {
    html_display_warning_msg(gettext("Warning: this thread is closed for posting to normal users."), '785', 'left');
echo "<br /><form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"f_post\" action=\"post.php\" method=\"post\" target=\"_self\">\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('t_dedupe', htmlentities_array($t_dedupe)), "\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"785\" class=\"max_width\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "          <tr>\n";
echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
if ($valid && isset($_POST['preview'])) {
    echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
    echo "                <tr>\n";
    echo "                  <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\">", gettext("Message Preview"), "</td>\n";
    echo "                </tr>\n";
     if (isset($_GET['added'])) {
         html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully added new forum link"), '86%', 'center');
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['edited'])) {
             html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully edited forum link"), '86%', 'center');
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET['deleted'])) {
                 html_display_success_msg(gettext("Successfully removed selected links"), '86%', 'center');
             } else {
                 if (isset($_GET['updated'])) {
                     html_display_success_msg(gettext("Preferences were successfully updated."), '86%', 'center');
                 } else {
                     if (sizeof($forum_links_array['forum_links_array']) < 1) {
                         html_display_warning_msg(gettext("Links added here appear in a drop down in the top right of the frame set. To add a link click the 'Add New' button below."), '86%', 'center');
                     } else {
                         html_display_warning_msg(gettext("Links added here appear in a drop down in the top right of the frame set."), '86%', 'center');
 echo "<br />\n";
 echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
 echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" method=\"post\" action=\"admin_forum_links.php\">\n";
 echo "  ", form_csrf_token_field(), "\n";
 echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
 echo "  ", form_input_hidden('page', htmlentities_array($page)), "\n";
 echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"86%\">\n";
 echo "    <tr>\n";
 echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
html_draw_top(array('title' => sprintf(gettext('My Controls - Folder Subscriptions - %s'), $header_text_array[$view]), 'js' => array('js/edit_subscriptions.js', 'js/prefs.js'), 'class' => 'window_title'));
echo "<h1>", gettext("Folder Subscriptions"), html_style_image('separator'), "{$header_text_array[$view]}</h1>\n";
if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
    html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '700', 'left');
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['updated'])) {
        html_display_success_msg(gettext("Folder interests updated successfully"), '700', 'left');
    } else {
        if (sizeof($folder_subscriptions['folder_array']) < 1) {
            if (isset($search_keyword) && strlen(trim($search_keyword)) > 0) {
                html_display_warning_msg(gettext("Search Returned No Results"), '700', 'left');
            } else {
                if ($view == FOLDER_IGNORED) {
                    html_display_warning_msg(gettext("You are not ignoring any folders."), '700', 'left');
                } else {
                    html_display_warning_msg(gettext("You are not subscribed to any folders."), '700', 'left');
echo "<br />\n";
echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"subscriptions\" action=\"folder_subscriptions.php\" method=\"post\" target=\"_self\">\n";
echo "  ", form_csrf_token_field(), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden("page", htmlentities_array($page)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden("search_keyword", htmlentities_array($search_keyword)), "\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"700\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
echo "      <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"3\">\n";
echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
Exemple #28
if (isset($_POST['reset_nickname_x']) || isset($_POST['reset_nickname_y'])) {
    $peer_nickname = user_get_nickname($peer_uid);
    $peer_relationship = user_get_peer_relationship($_SESSION['UID'], $peer_uid);
    user_rel_update($_SESSION['UID'], $peer_uid, $peer_relationship, $peer_nickname);
$peer_user_display = format_user_name($user_peer['LOGON'], $user_peer['NICKNAME']);
html_draw_top(array('title' => sprintf(gettext('User Relationship - %s'), $peer_user_display), 'class' => 'window_title'));
$peer_relationship = user_get_relationship($_SESSION['UID'], $peer_uid);
$peer_nickname = user_get_peer_nickname($_SESSION['UID'], $peer_uid);
echo "<h1>", gettext("User Relationship"), html_style_image('separator'), "<a href=\"user_profile.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;uid={$peer_uid}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"popup 650x500\">", word_filter_add_ob_tags($peer_user_display, true), "</a></h1>\n";
if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
    html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '600', 'left');
} else {
    if ($peer_perms & USER_PERM_FOLDER_MODERATE && !session::check_perm(USER_PERM_CAN_IGNORE_ADMIN, 0)) {
        html_display_warning_msg(gettext("You cannot ignore this user, as they are a moderator."), '600', 'left');
if (isset($_POST['preview_signature'])) {
    if (($t_sig_content = user_get_sig($peer_uid)) !== false) {
        $preview_message['RECIPIENTS'] = array();
        $preview_from_user = user_get($peer_uid);
        $preview_message['FROM_LOGON'] = $preview_from_user['LOGON'];
        $preview_message['FROM_NICKNAME'] = $preview_from_user['NICKNAME'];
        $preview_message['FROM_UID'] = $preview_from_user['UID'];
        $preview_message['CONTENT'] = gettext("Signature Preview");
        $preview_message['CONTENT'] .= "<div class=\"sig\">" . fix_html($t_sig_content) . "</div>";
        $preview_message['CREATED'] = time();
        echo "  <br />\n";
        echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"600\">\n";
        echo "    <tr>\n";
    $from_year = date('Y');
    $to_day = date('t');
    $to_month = date('n');
    $to_year = date('Y');
    $stats_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), 1, date('Y'));
    $stats_end = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('n'), date('t'), date('Y'));
    $num_days = ($stats_end - $stats_start) / 60 / 60 / 24;
    $user_stats_array = stats_get_post_tallys($stats_start, $stats_end);
html_draw_top(sprintf('title=%s', sprintf(gettext("Admin - Posting Stats For Period %s to %s"), format_date($stats_start), format_date($stats_end))), 'class=window_title');
echo "<h1>", gettext("Admin"), "<img src=\"", html_style_image('separator.png'), "\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" />", sprintf(gettext("Posting Stats For Period %s to %s"), format_date($stats_start), format_date($stats_end)), "</h1>\n";
if (isset($error_msg_array) && sizeof($error_msg_array) > 0) {
    html_display_error_array($error_msg_array, '700', 'center');
} else {
    if (sizeof($user_stats_array['user_stats']) < 1) {
        html_display_warning_msg(gettext("No post data recorded for this period."), '700', 'center');
echo "  <br />\n";
echo "  <div align=\"center\">\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"700\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "          <tr>\n";
echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "                <tr>\n";
echo "                  <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\" width=\"20\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "                  <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\" width=\"200\">", gettext("User"), "</td>\n";
echo "                  <td align=\"center\" class=\"subhead\" width=\"120\">", gettext("Total posts"), "</td>\n";
Exemple #30
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('quote_list', null), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('reply_to', null), "\n";
echo "</form>\n";
echo "<div id=\"quick_reply_container\" class=\"quick_reply_container_closed\">\n";
echo "<br />\n";
echo "<form accept-charset=\"utf-8\" name=\"quick_reply_form\" action=\"post.php\" method=\"post\" target=\"_parent\">\n";
echo "  ", form_csrf_token_field(), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('webtag', htmlentities_array($webtag)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('reply_to', htmlentities_array($msg)), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('post_interest', $high_interest), "\n";
echo "  ", form_input_hidden('attachment[]'), "\n";
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"500\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
html_display_warning_msg(gettext("Press Ctrl+Enter to quickly submit your post"), '100%', 'center');
echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "          <tr>\n";
echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "                <tr>\n";
echo "                  <td align=\"left\">\n";
echo "                    <table cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\">", gettext("Quick Reply"), "</td>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"right\" class=\"subhead\"><span id=\"quick_reply_header\"></span>&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "                      </tr>\n";
echo "                    </table>\n";
echo "                  </td>\n";
echo "                </tr>\n";
echo "              </table>\n";