  *	Load All Notices
  *	@return	void
 private function loadAllNotices()
     $query = $this->DB->Query("SELECT Title,Date,Id FROM dbo.CTM_Notices ORDER BY Id DESC");
     $GLOBALS['all_notices'] = array();
     if ($this->DB->CountRows($query) > 0) {
         while ($data = $this->DB->FetchArray($query)) {
             $GLOBALS['all_notices'][$data['Id']] = array("title" => htmlDecode($data['Title'], true), "date" => date("d/m/Y - h:i a", $data['Date']));
Exemple #2
  *	Init Module
  *	@return	void
 public function initSection($id = 0)
     $queryString = "SELECT CTM_Notices.*, CTM_TeamMembers.Name, " . MUGEN_CORE . ".dbo.Character." . COLUMN_CHARIMAGE . "";
     $queryString .= " FROM dbo.CTM_Notices JOIN dbo.CTM_TeamMembers ON (CTM_TeamMembers.Account = CTM_Notices.Account)";
     $queryString .= " LEFT JOIN " . MUGEN_CORE . ".dbo.Character ON (";
     $queryString .= MUGEN_CORE . ".dbo.Character.Name = CTM_TeamMembers.Name) WHERE CTM_Notices.Id = %d";
     $this->DB->Query($queryString, $query);
     if ($this->DB->CountRows($query) < 1) {
         return $this->output->showError($this->lang->words['ViewNotice']['Error']);
     $notice = $this->DB->FetchObject($query);
     $GLOBALS['view_notice'] = array("id" => $id, "title" => htmlDecode($notice->Title, true), "author" => array("name" => $notice->Name, "image" => self::instance()->functions->GetCharImage($notice->{COLUMN_CHARIMAGE})), "date" => date("d/m/Y - h:i a", $notice->Date), "text" => htmlDecode($notice->Text, true), "comments_switch" => (bool) $notice->CommentSwitch);
     $this->lang->setTags("ViewNotice,Header", $GLOBALS['view_notice']['author']['name'], $GLOBALS['view_notice']['date']);
     $this->output->loadSkinCache("notices", "view_notice");
Exemple #3
  *	Init Module
  *	@return	void
 public function initSection()
     $ma = MUACC_CORE . ".dbo.";
     $mg = MUGEN_CORE . ".dbo.";
     $queryString = "SELECT CTM_TeamMembers.*, CTM_TeamGroups.Name AS GroupName, CTM_TeamGroups.GroupTitle, CTM_TeamGroups.FormatPrefix, CTM_TeamGroups.FormatSuffix";
     $queryString .= ", {$ma}MEMB_STAT.ConnectStat, {$ma}MEMB_STAT.ServerName, {$mg}Character.Class, {$mg}Character." . COLUMN_CHARIMAGE;
     $queryString .= " FROM " . CTMEW_CORE . ".dbo.CTM_TeamMembers LEFT JOIN " . CTMEW_CORE . ".dbo.CTM_TeamGroups ON (CTM_TeamGroups.Id = CTM_TeamMembers.PrimaryGroup)";
     $queryString .= " LEFT JOIN " . MUACC_CORE . ".dbo.MEMB_STAT ON ({$ma}MEMB_STAT.memb___id = CTM_TeamMembers.Account)";
     $queryString .= " LEFT JOIN " . MUGEN_CORE . ".dbo.Character ON ({$mg}Character.Name = CTM_TeamMembers.Name) ORDER BY CTM_TeamMembers.Id ASC";
     $query = $this->DB->Query($queryString);
     $members = array();
     if ($this->DB->CountRows($query) > 0) {
         while ($member = $this->DB->FetchObject($query)) {
             $title = strlen($member->CustomTitle) < 2 ? $member->GroupTitle : $member->CustomTitle;
             $status = $member->ConnectStat > 0 ? "<font color=\"green\">Online</span>" : "<font color=\"red\">Offline</font>";
             $server = $this->functions->GetServerName($member->ServerName);
             $members[] = array("name" => utf8_decode($member->Name), "contact" => $member->Contact, "group" => utf8_decode($member->GroupName), "title" => utf8_decode($title), "image" => $this->functions->GetCharImage($member->{COLUMN_CHARIMAGE}), "class" => $this->functions->ClassInfo($member->Class), "status" => $status, "server" => $server, "format_prefix" => htmlDecode($member->FormatPrefix, TRUE), "format_suffix" => htmlDecode($member->FormatSuffix, TRUE));
     $GLOBALS['team_members'] = $members;
  *	Option: Tickets
  *	Tickets for support
  *	@return	void
 public function SupportTickets()
     switch ($_GET['section'] ? $_GET['section'] : $this->URLData[2]) {
         case "list":
             $this->DB->Query("SELECT Id, Departament, Subject, Status, [Date] FROM dbo.CTM_Tickets WHERE Account = '%s' ORDER BY Id DESC", $all_tickets_q);
             $tickets_opened = array();
             $tickets_progress = array();
             $tickets_closed = array();
             if ($this->DB->CountRows($all_tickets_q) > 0) {
                 while ($all_tickets = $this->DB->FetchObject($all_tickets_q)) {
                     switch ($all_tickets->Status) {
                         case 0:
                             $var_name = "tickets_opened";
                             $status = "<span style='color: blue;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['Status']['Opened'] . "</span>";
                         case 1:
                             $var_name = "tickets_progress";
                             $status = "<span style='color: green;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['Status']['Responded'] . "</span>";
                         case 2:
                             $var_name = "tickets_progress";
                             $status = "<span style='color: orange;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['Status']['Progress'] . "</span>";
                         case 3:
                             $var_name = "tickets_closed";
                             $status = "<span style='color: red;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['Status']['Closed'] . "</span>";
                     ${$var_name}[$all_tickets->Id] = array("departament" => htmlEncode($this->settings['USERPANEL']['SUPPORT']['TICKETS']['DEPARTAMENTS'][$all_tickets->Departament]), "subject" => htmlEncode($all_tickets->Subject), "date" => date("d/m/Y - h:i a", $all_tickets->Date), "status" => $status);
             $GLOBALS['userpanel']['support_tickets']['auto_load_ticket'] = $_GET['showticket'] ? $_GET['showticket'] : $this->URLData[3];
             $GLOBALS['userpanel']['support_tickets']['list_tickets'] = array("opened" => $tickets_opened, "progress" => $tickets_progress, "closed" => $tickets_closed);
             return $this->LoadPage("option_supportTickets_list", true);
         case "show":
             $ticket_id = intval($_GET['id']);
             $this->DB->Arguments($ticket_id, USER_ACCOUNT);
             $this->DB->Query("SELECT * FROM dbo.CTM_Tickets WHERE Id = %d AND Account = '%s'", $get_ticket);
             if ($this->DB->CountRows($get_ticket) < 1) {
                 return exit(showMessage(sprintf($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['ErrorMessage'], CoreVariables::ErrorsCode()->TicketNotFound), 2));
             $ticket = $this->DB->FetchObject($get_ticket);
             switch ($_GET['do']) {
                 case "show_annex":
                     if (!empty($ticket->Annex)) {
                         $filename = $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['DIRECTORY']['TICKET_ANNEX'] . $ticket->Annex;
                         if (preg_match("/\\.([gif|jpg|jpeg|png])/i", substr($filename, strrpos($filename, ".")))) {
                             header("Location: " . $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['DIRECTORY']['TICKET_ANNEX'] . $ticket->Annex);
                         } else {
                             header("Content-type: text/plain");
                 case "reply":
                     if (empty($_POST['ReplyMessage'])) {
                         exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['ShowTicket']['Messages']['ReplyVoid'], 1));
                     } else {
                         $message = htmlEncode(nl2br(strip_tags($_POST['ReplyMessage'])));
                         $insert_columns = array("TicketID" => $ticket_id, "Author" => "%s", "Account" => "%s", "Date" => time(), "Message" => "%s");
                         $this->DB->Arguments($ticket->Character, USER_ACCOUNT, htmlEncode(nl2br(strip_tags($_POST['ReplyMessage']))));
                         $this->DB->Insert("CTM_TicketReplies", $insert_columns);
                         $this->DB->Arguments($ticket_id, USER_ACCOUNT);
                         $this->DB->Update("CTM_Tickets", array("Status" => 2), "Id = %d AND Account = '%s'");
                         exit("<script>CTM.AjaxLoad('?app=core&module=userpanel&option=supportTickets&showticket=" . $ticket_id . "', 'showTicket');</script>");
                 case "close":
                     if ($ticket->Status == 3) {
                         exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['ShowTicket']['Messages']['IsClosed'], 2));
                     } else {
                         $this->DB->Arguments($ticket_id, USER_ACCOUNT);
                         $this->DB->Query("UPDATE dbo.CTM_Tickets SET Status = 3 WHERE Id = %d AND Account = '%s'");
                         $string = "<script>changeTicketStatus(";
                         $string .= "'" . $ticket->Id . "','";
                         $string .= str_replace("'", "\\'", htmlEncode($this->settings['USERPANEL']['SUPPORT']['TICKETS']['DEPARTAMENTS'][$ticket->Departament])) . "',";
                         $string .= "'" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $ticket->Subject) . "',";
                         $string .= "'" . date("d/m/Y - H:i", $ticket->Date) . "',";
                         $string .= "'<span style=\\'color: red;\\'>";
                         $string .= str_replace("'", "\\'", $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['Status']['Closed']);
                         $string .= "</span>',3);</script>" . showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['ShowTicket']['Messages']['Closed'], 3);
             switch ($ticket->Status) {
                 case 0:
                     $status = "<span style='color: blue;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['Status']['Opened'] . "</span>";
                 case 1:
                     $status = "<span style='color: green;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['Status']['Responded'] . "</span>";
                 case 2:
                     $status = "<span style='color: orange;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['Status']['Progress'] . "</span>";
                 case 3:
                     $status = "<span style='color: red;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['Status']['Closed'] . "</span>";
             $this->DB->Query("SELECT * FROM dbo.CTM_TicketReplies WHERE TicketID = %d ORDER BY Id DESC", $get_replies);
             $replies = array();
             if ($this->DB->CountRows($get_replies) > 0) {
                 while ($_reply = $this->DB->FetchObject($get_replies)) {
                     $replies[] = array("author" => $_reply->Author, "date" => date("d/m/Y - h:i a", $_reply->Date), "message" => htmlDecode($_reply->Message));
             $GLOBALS['userpanel']['support_tickets']['show_ticket'] = array("id" => $ticket_id, "departament" => htmlEncode($this->settings['USERPANEL']['SUPPORT']['TICKETS']['DEPARTAMENTS'][$ticket->Departament]), "subject" => htmlDecode($ticket->Subject), "character" => $ticket->Character, "status" => $status, "date" => date("d/m/Y - h:i a", $ticket->Date), "message" => htmlDecode($ticket->Text), "_replies" => $replies, "_opened" => $ticket->Status < 3);
             if (strlen($ticket->Annex) > 1) {
                 $GLOBALS['userpanel']['support_tickets']['show_ticket']['annex'] = array("link" => "?app=core&amp;module=userpanel&amp;option=supportTickets&amp;section=show&amp;id=" . $ticket_id . "&amp;do=show_annex", "name" => $ticket->Annex);
             $this->lang->setArguments("UserPanel,SupportTickets,ShowTicket,Title", "#" . $ticket_id);
             return $this->LoadPage("option_supportTickets_show", true);
         case "open":
             $departament = !is_null($_GET['departament']) ? $_GET['departament'] : $this->URLData[3];
             if (is_null($departament) || !array_key_exists($departament, $this->settings['USERPANEL']['SUPPORT']['TICKETS']['DEPARTAMENTS'])) {
                 if ($_GET['write'] == true) {
                     exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['OpenTicket']['Messages']['SelectDepartament'], 2));
                 return $this->LoadPage("option_supportTickets_open", true);
             } else {
                 if ($_GET['write'] == true) {
                     $error = $this->LoadClass("Error", "class_sources");
                     if (empty($_POST['Subject'])) {
                         $error->addError($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['OpenTicket']['Messages']['SubjectVoid'], 0);
                     if (empty($_POST['Character'])) {
                         $error->addError($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['OpenTicket']['Messages']['SelectCharacter'], 0);
                     if (empty($_POST['Text'])) {
                         $error->addError($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['OpenTicket']['Messages']['MessageVoid'], 0);
                     if ($error->count[0] > 0) {
                         $_error = "<strong>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['OpenTicket']['Messages']['VoidMessage'] . "<strong><br />";
                         exit(showMessage($_error . "<br />" . $error->showError(0), 1));
                     } else {
                         if ($this->settings['USERPANEL']['SUPPORT']['TICKETS']['LIMIT_OPEN'] > 0) {
                             $this->DB->Query("SELECT 1 FROM dbo.CTM_Tickets WHERE Account = '%s' AND Status < 3");
                             if ($this->DB->CountRows() >= $this->settings['USERPANEL']['SUPPORT']['TICKETS']['LIMIT_OPEN']) {
                                 exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['OpenTicket']['Messages']['LimitReached'], 2));
                         $current_id = $this->DB->Query("SELECT Id FROM dbo.CTM_Tickets ORDER BY Id DESC");
                         $current_id = $this->DB->FetchRow($current_id);
                         $current_id = strlen($current_id[0]) < 1 ? 0 : $current_id[0];
                         $protocol = date("Y") . str_pad($current_id, 6, "1", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                         if ($_POST['u_sendFile'] == 1) {
                             if ($_POST['u_ready'] == 1) {
                                 $size = $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['FILESIZE']['TICKET_ANNEX'];
                                 $dir = CTM_ROOT_PATH . $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['DIRECTORY']['TICKET_ANNEX'];
                                 Uploadify::set("Filedata", $size, array("gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "txt", "log"), $protocol, $dir, $session);
                                 exit("<script>startUpload('{$protocol}', '{$session}');</script>");
                         if ($_POST['u_sendFile'] == 1) {
                             $data = unserialize(base64_decode($_POST['u_fileUploaded']));
                             $annex = $data['parsed_file_name'];
                             if (!$data) {
                                 exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['OpenTicket']['Messages']['AnnexError'], 2));
                             } elseif ($data['error_no'] == 2) {
                                 $this->lang->setArguments("UserPanel,SupportTickets,OpenTicket,Messages,ErrorFormat", "<b>JPEG</b>, <b>GIF</b>, <b>PNG</b>, <b>TXT/LOG</b>");
                                 exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['OpenTicket']['Messages']['ErrorFormat'], 2));
                             } elseif ($data['error_no'] == 3) {
                                 $this->lang->setArguments("UserPanel,ChangeAvatar,Messages,ErrorSize", "<b>" . $data['max_file_size'] . "</b>");
                                 exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['OpenTicket']['Messages']['ErrorSize'], 2));
                             } elseif ($data['error_no'] != 0) {
                                 exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['OpenTicket']['Messages']['AnnexError'], 2));
                         $columns_insert = array("Account" => USER_ACCOUNT, "Character" => $_POST['Character'], "Protocol" => $protocol, "Status" => 0, "Subject" => htmlEncode($_POST['Subject']), "Departament" => intval($_GET['departament']), "Date" => time(), "Text" => htmlEncode(nl2br(strip_tags($_POST['Text']))), "Annex" => $annex);
                         //$this->DB->ForceDataType("Protocol", "integer");
                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Status", "integer");
                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Departament", "integer");
                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Date", "integer");
                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Annex", empty($annex) ? "null" : "string");
                         $this->DB->Insert("CTM_Tickets", $columns_insert);
                         $this->WriteLog(array("option" => "Support Tickets", "character" => false, "data" => array("Protocol: " . $protocol, "Subject: " . strip_tags($_POST['Subject']), "Departament: " . $this->settings['USERPANEL']['SUPPORT']['TICKETS']['DEPARTAMENTS'][intval($_GET['departament'])], "Character: " . $_POST['Character'], "Annex: " . (!empty($annex) ? $annex : "None"))));
                         exit(showMessage(sprintf($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['SupportTickets']['OpenTicket']['Messages']['Success'], $protocol), 3));
                 $GLOBALS['userpanel']['support_tickets']['open_ticket']['departament'] = !is_null($_GET['departament']) ? $_GET['departament'] : $this->URLData[3];
                 $GLOBALS['userpanel']['support_tickets']['open_ticket']['characters'] = array();
                 $this->DB->Query("SELECT Name FROM " . MUGEN_CORE . ".dbo.Character WHERE AccountID = '%s'", $find_characters_q);
                 if ($this->DB->CountRows($find_characters_q) > 0) {
                     while ($find_characters = $this->DB->FetchObject($find_characters_q)) {
                         $GLOBALS['userpanel']['support_tickets']['open_ticket']['characters'][] = $find_characters->Name;
                 return $this->LoadPage("option_supportTickets_open_form", true);
             if ($_GET['showticket']) {
                 $GLOBALS['userpanel']['support_tickets']['auto_load_ticket'] = $_GET['showticket'];
             } elseif (strstr($this->URLData[2], "showticket-")) {
                 $GLOBALS['userpanel']['support_tickets']['auto_load_ticket'] = str_replace("showticket-", NULL, $this->URLData[2]);
Exemple #5
  *	Init Module
  *	@return	void
 public function initSection()
     $find_invoice_q = $this->DB->Query("SELECT * FROM dbo.CTM_Invoices WHERE Id = %d");
     if ($this->DB->CountRows($find_ticket_q) > 0) {
         $invoice = $this->DB->FetchObject($find_invoice_q);
         define("EDIT_INVOICE_ACCESS", $this->CheckPermissionItem("edit_ticket"));
         define("DELETE_INVOICE_ACCESS", $this->CheckPermissionItem("delete_ticket"));
         switch ($_GET['cmd']) {
             case "approve":
                 if ($invoice->Status != 0 && $invoice->Status != 1) {
                     exit(adminShowMessage($this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['ViewInvoice']['Messages']['IsClosed'], 2));
                 } else {
                     $quantity = (int) $_GET['quantity'];
                     if ($quantity < 0) {
                         exit(adminShowMessage($this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['ViewInvoice']['ApproveInvoice']['Messages']['SetNumber'], 2));
                     } else {
                         $this->DB->Arguments($invoice->Account, 1, $quantity, intval(COIN_USE_CACHE));
                         $this->DB->Query("EXEC dbo.CTM_PlusAccountCoin '%s', %d, %d, %d");
                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Status", "integer");
                         $this->DB->Update("CTM_Invoices", array("Status" => 2), "Id = %d");
                         exit("<script>approveThisInvoice('" . $quantity . "', '" . $invoice->Account . "');");
             case "reject":
                 if ($invoice->Status != 0 && $invoice->Status != 1) {
                     exit(adminShowMessage($this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['ViewInvoice']['Messages']['IsClosed'], 2));
                 } else {
                     $this->DB->ForceDataType("Status", "integer");
                     $this->DB->Update("CTM_Invoices", array("Status" => 3), "Id = %d");
             case "edit":
                 if (EDIT_INVOICE_ACCESS == TRUE) {
                     if ($_POST['Quantity'] == NULL || $_POST['Value'] == NULL || $_POST['Status'] == NULL) {
                         exit(adminShowMessage($this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['ViewInvoice']['EditInvoice']['Messages']['FieldsVoid'], 1));
                     } elseif (!is_numeric($_POST['Quantity'])) {
                         exit(adminShowMessage($this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['ViewInvoice']['EditInvoice']['Messages']['InvalidQuantity'], 2));
                     } elseif ($_POST['Status'] != 0 && $_POST['Status'] != 1 && $_POST['Status'] != 2 && $_POST['Status'] != 3 && $_POST['Status'] != 4) {
                         exit(adminShowMessage($this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['ViewInvoice']['EditInvoice']['Messages']['InvalidStatus'], 2));
                     } else {
                         $update = array("CoinQuantity" => $_POST['Quantity'], "Value" => $_POST['Value'], "Status" => $_POST['Status']);
                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Quantity", "integer");
                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Value", "string");
                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Status", "integer");
                         $this->DB->Update("CTM_Invoices", $update, "Id = %d");
                         switch ($_POST['Status']) {
                             case 0:
                                 $status = "<span style='color: #C00;'>" . $this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['Status']['Pending'] . "</span>";
                             case 1:
                                 $status = "<span style='color: blue;'>" . $this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['Status']['InProgress'] . "</span>";
                             case 2:
                                 $status = "<span style='color: green;'>" . $this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['Status']['Paid'] . "</span>";
                             case 3:
                                 $status = "<span style='color: red;'>" . $this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['Status']['Rejected'] . "</span>";
                             case 4:
                                 $status = "<span style='color: #666;'>" . $this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['Status']['Canceled'] . "</span>";
                         exit("<script>completeEditInvoice('" . $_POST['Quantity'] . "', '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $_POST['Value']) . "', '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $status) . "', " . $_POST['Status'] . ");</script>");
             case "reopen":
                 if ($invoice->Status == 0) {
                     exit(adminShowMessage($this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['ViewInvoice']['Messages']['IsOpened'], 2));
                 } else {
                     $this->DB->ForceDataType("Status", "integer");
                     $this->DB->Update("CTM_Invoices", array("Status" => 0), "Id = %d");
             case "delete":
                 if (DELETE_INVOICE_ACCESS) {
                     $query = "DELETE FROM dbo.CTM_Invoices WHERE Id = %d;\n";
                     $query .= "DELETE FROM dbo.CTM_Payments WHERE InvoiceID = %d;";
                     $this->DB->Arguments($_GET['id'], $_GET['id']);
                     if (!empty($ticket->Annex)) {
                         if (file_exists("../" . $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['DIRECTORY']['PAYMENT_ANNEX'] . $ticket->Annex)) {
                             unlink("../" . $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['DIRECTORY']['PAYMENT_ANNEX'] . $ticket->Annex);
                     exit("<script>location.href='" . $this->acp_vars['acp_url'] . "?app=effectweb&module=financial&section=invoices&message=deleted';</script>");
         $GLOBALS['view_invoice'] = array("id" => $_GET['id'], "method_key" => $invoice->PaymentMethod, "document" => $invoice->Document, "start_date" => date("d/m/Y - h:i a", $invoice->StartDate), "quantity" => number_format($invoice->CoinQuantity, 0, false, "."), "value" => CTM_Text::MoneyFormat(MONEY_SYMBOL, $invoice->Value), "account" => $invoice->Account, "status" => $invoice->Status, "canceled" => $invoice->Status == 4);
         if ($invoice->Status > 0 && $invoice->PaymentMethod != "none") {
             if (!($payment_data = unserialize($invoice->PaymentData))) {
                 $payment_data = array();
             switch ($invoice->PaymentMethod) {
                 case "bank":
                     $method_name = $this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['Methods']['Bank'];
                     $this->DB->Query("SELECT * FROM dbo.CTM_Payments WHERE InvoiceId = %d", $find_payment);
                     if ($this->DB->CountRows($find_payment) > 0) {
                         $payment = $this->DB->FetchObject($find_payment);
                         switch ($payment->Status) {
                             case 0:
                                 $status = "<span style='color: blue;'>" . $this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['PaymentStatus']['Opened'] . "</span>";
                             case 1:
                                 $status = "<span style='color: green;'>" . $this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['PaymentStatus']['Confirmed'] . "</span>";
                             case 2:
                                 $status = "<span style='color: red;'>" . $this->lang->words['EWFinancial']['Invoices']['PaymentStatus']['Rejected'] . "</span>";
                         if (!($_payment_data = unserialize($payment->ConfirmData))) {
                             $_payment_data = array();
                         $GLOBALS['view_invoice']['bank_payment'] = array("method" => htmlEncode($this->settings['PAYMENTMETHOD']['FORM'][$payment->Method][0]), "confirm_date" => date("d/m/Y - h:i a", $payment->ConfirmDate), "status" => $status, "quantity" => number_format($payment->Quantity, 0, false, ".") . " " . COIN_NAME_1, "date" => $payment->Date, "hour" => $payment->Hour, "value" => $payment->Value, "local" => utf8_decode($payment->Local), "message" => htmlDecode($payment->Message), "payment_data" => $_payment_data);
                         if (strlen($payment->Annex) > 1) {
                             $GLOBALS['view_invoice']['bank_payment']['annex'] = array("link" => $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['DIRECTORY']['PAYMENT_ANNEX'] . $payment->Annex, "name" => $payment->Annex);
             $GLOBALS['view_invoice']['payment_method'] = array("method" => $method_name, "data" => $payment_data, "key" => $invoice->PaymentMethod);
         if ($noOpenCache == false) {
Exemple #6
  *	Private: Edit Notice
  *	Edit the notice from Effect Web
  *	@return	void
 private function loadEditNotice()
     $GLOBALS['notice_exists'] = $this->loadCheckNotice($_GET['id']);
     if ($GLOBALS['notice_exists'] == true) {
         if ($_GET['write'] == true) {
             if (empty($_POST['fieldTitle'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = $this->lang->words['EWMain']['Notices']['EditNotice']['Messages']['TitleVoid'];
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = adminShowMessage($GLOBALS['result_command'], 1);
             } elseif (empty($_POST['fieldText'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = $this->lang->words['EWMain']['Notices']['EditNotice']['Messages']['TextVoid'];
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = adminShowMessage($GLOBALS['result_command'], 1);
             } else {
                 $update_columns = array("Title" => htmlEncode($_POST['fieldTitle']), "Text" => htmlEncode($_POST['fieldText']), "CommentSwitch" => $_POST['enableComments'] == true ? 1 : 0);
                 if ($_POST['refreshDate'] == true) {
                     $update_columns['Date'] = time();
                 $this->DB->Update("CTM_Notices", $update_columns, "Id = " . intval($_GET['id']));
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = $this->lang->words['EWMain']['Notices']['EditNotice']['Messages']['Success'];
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = adminShowMessage($GLOBALS['result_command'], 3);
         $select_notice = $this->DB->Select("*", "CTM_Notices", "Id = " . intval($_GET['id']));
         $fetch_notice = $this->DB->FetchObject($select_notice);
         $GLOBALS['notice_data'] = array("id" => intval($_GET['id']), "title" => str_replace(array("<", ">"), array("&lt;", "&gt;"), htmlDecode($fetch_notice->Title)), "date" => date("d/m/Y", $fetch_notice->Date), "text" => str_replace(array("<", ">"), array("&lt;", "&gt;"), htmlDecode($fetch_notice->Text)), "comments_enabled" => $fetch_notice->CommentSwitch == 1);
         $this->lang->setArguments("EWMain,Notices,EditNotice,Title", $_GET['id']);
 function processEntry($serverID, $e, $sync_mode = SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LINK)
     global $CONF;
     global $DBGcat, $DBGlvl;
     if ($DBGlvl > 0) {
         echo "<PRE>";
         echo "</PRE>";
     if (is_array($e['ActionXML'])) {
         $actionData =& $e['ActionXML'];
     } else {
         if (is_array($e['actionData'])) {
             $actionData =& $e['actionData'];
         } else {
             if (is_array($e['flight'])) {
                 $actionData =& $e;
             } else {
                 return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : actionData section not found");
     // if this log entry is not for a flight of the specific server
     // then check if we are allowesd to accpet these flights from this server
     if (isset($actionData['flight']['serverID'])) {
         $thisEntryServerID = $actionData['flight']['serverID'];
     } else {
         if (isset($e['serverID'])) {
             $thisEntryServerID = $e['serverID'];
         } else {
             return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : ServerID for Log entry could not be determined ");
     if ($thisEntryServerID != $serverID) {
         $wrongServer = 1;
         if (is_array($CONF['servers']['list'][$serverID]['accept_also_servers'])) {
             if (in_array($thisEntryServerID, $CONF['servers']['list'][$serverID]['accept_also_servers'])) {
                 $wrongServer = 0;
         if ($wrongServer) {
             return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : We dont accept flights originally from server " . $thisEntryServerID);
     if ($e['type'] == '1') {
         // flight
         if ($e['action'] == 4) {
             // delete
             $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($actionData['flight']['serverID'], $actionData['flight']['id']);
             if (!$flightIDlocal) {
                 return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : Flight with serverID " . $actionData['flight']['serverID'] . " and original ID : " . $actionData['flight']['id'] . " is not found in the local DB -> Wont delete it");
             // echo "Will delete flight $flightIDlocal<BR>";
             $extFlight = new flight();
             $extFlight->getFlightFromDB($flightIDlocal, 0);
             return array(1, "Flight with local ID: {$flightIDlocal} DELETED");
         if ($e['action'] == 16) {
             // rename tracklog
             $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($e['serverID'], $e['id']);
             if (!$flightIDlocal) {
                 return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : Flight with serverID " . $e['serverID'] . " and original ID : " . $e['id'] . " is not found in the local DB -> Wont rename tracklog<BR>");
             $extFlight = new flight();
             $extFlight->getFlightFromDB($flightIDlocal, 0);
             $extFlight->renameTracklog($actionData['newFilename'], $actionData['oldFilename']);
             return array(1, "Flight tracklog renamed for local ID {$flightIDlocal}");
         if ($e['action'] == 8) {
             // scoring info
             $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($e['serverID'], $e['id']);
             if (!$flightIDlocal) {
                 return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : Flight with serverID " . $e['serverID'] . " and original ID : " . $e['id'] . " is not found in the local DB -> Wont update scoring<BR>");
             // echo "Will update scoring  info for flight $flightIDlocal<BR>";
             // no need to pull flight info
             //$extFlight=new flight();
             require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_flightScore.php';
             $flightScore = new flightScore($flightIDlocal);
             // we have the score array in $actionData['score']
             $sArr =& $actionData['score'];
             //put also in scores table, the flight is sure to be present in flights table
             $flightScore->putToDB(1, 1);
             return array(1, "Flight Score was *pulled* for local ID {$flightIDlocal}");
         // now deal with add/update
         $getValidationData = 1;
         $getScoreData = 1;
         //	check 'alien' pilot  and insert him or update him anyway
         $userServerID = $actionData['flight']['serverID'];
         if ($userServerID == 0) {
             $userServerID = $serverID;
         //  echo "logReplicator::checkPilot";
         list($effectiveServerID, $effectiveUserID) = logReplicator::checkPilot($userServerID, $actionData['flight']['pilot']);
         //echo "effectiveServerID: $effectiveServerID, effectiveUserID: $effectiveUserID
         // userServerID: $userServerID, userID: ".$actionData['flight']['pilot']['userID']."<BR>";
         // check if a maping took place and LOG it!!
         if ($effectiveServerID != $userServerID || $effectiveUserID != $actionData['flight']['pilot']['userID']) {
             $orgUserIDstr = $userServerID + 0 . '_' . $actionData['flight']['pilot']['userID'];
         } else {
             $orgUserIDstr = '';
         // $userIDstr=$userServerID.'_'.$actionData['flight']['pilot']['userID'];
         $userIDstr = $effectiveServerID . '_' . $effectiveUserID;
         list($nearestTakeoffID, $nearestDistance) = logReplicator::checkLocation($userServerID, $actionData['flight']['location'], $actionData['flight']['bounds']);
         list($nearestLandingID, $nearestLandingDistance) = findNearestWaypoint($actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLat'], $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLon']);
         // get only the first 2 bits
         $externalFlightType = $sync_mode & 0x3;
         $addFlightNote = '';
         // if action ==update check to see if the flight exists !
         if ($e['action'] == 2) {
             $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($actionData['flight']['serverID'], $actionData['flight']['id']);
             if (!$flightIDlocal) {
                 // we then INSERT IT instead
                 echo " [Not found,will insert] ";
                 $e['action'] = 1;
         } else {
             if ($e['action'] == 1) {
                 // if action == insert we make an extra check to see if the fligh is there, if yes we UPDATE instead
                 $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($actionData['flight']['serverID'], $actionData['flight']['id']);
                 if ($flightIDlocal) {
                     // we then UPDATE IT instead
                     echo " [Already here,will update] ";
                     $e['action'] = 2;
         if ($e['action'] == 1) {
             // add
             $igcFilename = $actionData['flight']['filename'];
             $igcFileURL = $actionData['flight']['linkIGC'];
             $igcZipFileURL = $actionData['flight']['linkIGCzip'];
             $tempFilename = LEONARDO_ABS_PATH . '/' . $CONF['paths']['tmpigc'] . '/' . $igcFilename;
             $hash = $actionData['flight']['validation']['hash'];
             $sameHashIDarray = flight::findSameHash($hash);
             if (count($sameHashIDarray) > 0) {
                 $isFlightDup = 0;
                 $markFlightAsDisabled = 1;
                 $msg = '';
                 if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['allow_duplicate_flights']) {
                     foreach ($sameHashIDarray as $sameHashFlightInfo) {
                         if ($sameHashFlightInfo['serverID'] == $actionData['flight']['serverID']) {
                             // from same server
                             $isFlightDup = 1;
                             $msg .= " local flight: " . $sameHashFlightInfo['serverID'] . '_' . $sameHashFlightInfo['ID'] . " , new entry:" . $actionData['flight']['serverID'] . '_' . $actionData['flight']['id'];
                         } else {
                             // we have a flight with same hash that is not from this specific server.
                             // HERE we must make the decision whether to mark this flight as DISABLED
                             // WE always mark this new flight as DISABLED because :
                             // the local flight takes precedence anyway.
                             // ONE case
                             // we are DHV mirror , the new flight is from DHV and there is a dup from XContest
                             // we should insert,
                 } else {
                     $isFlightDup = 1;
                 if ($isFlightDup) {
                     return array(-1, "Flight already exists : {$msg}");
             if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['allow_duplicate_flights']) {
             	$sameHashIDarray=flight::findSameHash( $hash , $actionData['flight']['serverID'] );
             	if (count($sameHashIDarray)>0 )  {
             		return array(-1,"Flight already exists in local with ID: $sameHashID (dups allowed)");
             	} else {
             		// $addFlightNote="*(Duplicate Flight)*";
             } else {
             	$sameHashIDarray=flight::findSameHash( $hash );
             	if (count($sameHashIDarray)>0 ) 	 {
             		return array(-1,"Flight already exists in local with ID: $sameHashID");
         } else {
             if ($e['action'] == 2) {
                 // update
                 // This is not needed , we have found $flightIDlocal earlier and if it didnt exist we will insert it instead
                 if (!$flightIDlocal) {
                 	return array(0,"logReplicator::processEntry : Flight with serverID ".$actionData['flight']['serverID']." and original ID : ".
                 			$actionData['flight']['id']." is not found in the local DB -> Wont update<BR>");
                 // echo "Will update flight $flightIDlocal<BR>";
         $thisCat = $actionData['flight']['info']['cat'] + 0;
         // when we get data from leonardo servers, we just ignore these fields
         // since they can be computed on the fly
         $originalURL = htmlDecode($actionData['flight']['linkDisplay']);
         $originalKML = htmlDecode($actionData['flight']['linkGE']);
         if ($actionData['flight']['serverID'] != 0) {
             global $CONF;
             if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['isLeo'] == 1) {
                 $originalURL = '';
                 $originalKML = '';
         $argArray = array("private" => $actionData['flight']['info']['private'] + 0, "cat" => $actionData['flight']['info']['gliderCat'] + 0, "linkURL" => $actionData['flight']['info']['linkURL'], "comments" => $actionData['flight']['info']['comments'], "glider" => $actionData['flight']['info']['glider'], "gliderBrandID" => $actionData['flight']['info']['gliderBrandID'] + 0, "category" => $thisCat >= 0 ? $thisCat : 0, "dateAdded" => $actionData['flight']['dateAdded'], "originalURL" => $originalURL, "originalKML" => $originalKML, "original_ID" => $actionData['flight']['id'], "serverID" => $actionData['flight']['serverID'], "userServerID" => $actionData['flight']['serverID'], "originalUserID" => $orgUserIDstr, "externalFlightType" => $externalFlightType, "allowDuplicates" => $CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['allow_duplicate_flights'] + 0);
         // print_r($argArray);
         if ($e['action'] == 1 && $sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_REPROCESS_LOCALLY) {
             if (!($igcFileStr = fetchURL($igcFileURL, 20))) {
                 return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry() : Cannot Fetch {$igcFileURL}");
             writeFile($tempFilename, $igcFileStr);
             list($res, $flightID) = addFlightFromFile($tempFilename, 0, $userIDstr, $argArray);
             if ($res != 1) {
                 return array(-128, "Problem: " . getAddFlightErrMsg($res, $flightID));
             return array(1, "Flight *pulled* OK with local ID {$flightID}");
         } else {
             // if ( ( $e['action']==1 && $sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LINK  ) || $e['action']==2 ){
             // inserting in LINK / LOCAL mode or updates - NOT reproccess
             if ($e['action'] == 1) {
                 $extFlight = new flight();
                 // get igc if required
                 if ($sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL) {
                     echo " Geting IGC file : ";
                     if (!$e['tmpDir']) {
                         $e['tmpDir'] = '/tmp';
                     $igcFileTmp = $e['tmpDir'] . '/' . $actionData['flight']['id'] . '.igc';
                     if (!is_file($igcFileTmp)) {
                         echo "igc file: {$igcFileURL}<BR>\n";
                         echo "tmpfile: {$igcFileTmp}<BR>\n";
                         echo "NOT in zip -> will fetch ...";
                         if (!($igcFileStr = fetchURL($igcFileURL, 20))) {
                             return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry() : Cannot Fetch {$igcFileURL}");
                         writeFile($igcFileTmp, $igcFileStr);
                     } else {
                         echo "IN zip -> will use that ...";
             } else {
                 $extFlight = new flight();
                 $extFlight->getFlightFromDB($flightIDlocal, 0);
             $igcFilename = $actionData['flight']['filename'];
             $igcFileURL = $actionData['flight']['linkIGC'];
             if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['exclude_from_list']) {
                 $extFlight->excludeFrom |= 3;
             if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['exclude_from_league']) {
                 $extFlight->excludeFrom |= 2;
             foreach ($argArray as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
                 // if the flight is already present
                 // we must tkae care to honor ONLY
                 // the 1st bit of 'private' , the others are used locally !!
                 if ($fieldName == 'private') {
                     if ($fieldValue & 0x1) {
                         $fieldValue = $extFlight->private | 0x1;
                     } else {
                         if ($fieldValue & 0x4) {
                             // visible to friends
                             $fieldValue = $extFlight->private | 0x4;
                         } else {
                             $fieldValue = $extFlight->private & 0xfa;
                 $extFlight->{$fieldName} = $fieldValue;
             // echo " gliderBrandID : $extFlight->gliderBrandID #<BR>";
             $extFlight->takeoffID = $nearestTakeoffID;
             $extFlight->takeoffVinicity = $nearestDistance;
             $extFlight->landingID = $nearestLandingID;
             $extFlight->landingVinicity = $nearestLandingDistance;
             // no userid will be assgined to this flight since it will not be inserted locally
             // so userID= userServerID;
             // $extFlight->userID=$extFlight->originalUserID;
             // now we take care of mapping between users
             $extFlight->userID = $effectiveUserID;
             $extFlight->userServerID = $effectiveServerID;
             $extFlight->dateAdded = $actionData['flight']['dateAdded'];
             $extFlight->DATE = $actionData['flight']['time']['date'];
             $extFlight->timezone = $actionData['flight']['time']['Timezone'] + 0;
             $extFlight->START_TIME = $actionData['flight']['time']['StartTime'] + 0;
             $extFlight->DURATION = $actionData['flight']['time']['Duration'] + 0;
             $extFlight->END_TIME = $extFlight->START_TIME + $extFlight->DURATION;
             $extFlight->forceBounds = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['forceBounds'] + 0;
             $extFlight->firstLon = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstLon'] + 0;
             $extFlight->firstLat = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstLat'] + 0;
             $extFlight->firstPointTM = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstTM'] + 0;
             $extFlight->lastLon = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLon'] + 0;
             $extFlight->lastLat = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLat'] + 0;
             $extFlight->lastPointTM = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastTM'] + 0;
             $firstPoint = new gpsPoint();
             $firstPoint->gpsTime = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstTM'] % 86400;
             $lastPoint = new gpsPoint();
             $lastPoint->gpsTime = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastTM'] % 86400;
             // $extFlight->FIRST_POINT=$firstPoint->to_IGC_Record();
             // $extFlight->LAST_POINT=$lastPoint->to_IGC_Record();
             // not used!!
             					if (	is_array($actionData['flight']['turnpoints']) ) {
             						foreach ($actionData['flight']['turnpoints'] as $i=>$tp){
             							$tpPoint=new gpsPoint();
             							$varname="turnpoint$tpNum" ;
             							$extFlight->$varname = $tpPoint->getLatMin().' '.$tpPoint->getLonMin() ;
             if ($getValidationData) {
                 $extFlight->validated = $actionData['flight']['validation']['validated'];
                 $extFlight->grecord = $actionData['flight']['validation']['grecord'];
                 $extFlight->hash = $actionData['flight']['validation']['hash'];
                 $extFlight->validationMessage = $actionData['flight']['validation']['validationMessage'];
                 $extFlight->airspaceCheck = $actionData['flight']['validation']['airspaceCheck'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->airspaceCheckFinal = $actionData['flight']['validation']['airspaceCheckFinal'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->airspaceCheckMsg = $actionData['flight']['validation']['airspaceCheckMsg'];
             $getScoreDataExtra = 0;
             $getScoreDataExtraMissing = 0;
             if ($getScoreData) {
                 // we should get these from the [score] section  also
                 $extFlight->BEST_FLIGHT_TYPE = $actionData['flight']['stats']['FlightType'];
                 $extFlight->FLIGHT_KM = $actionData['flight']['stats']['XCdistance'];
                 $extFlight->FLIGHT_POINTS = $actionData['flight']['stats']['XCscore'];
                 $extFlight->LINEAR_DISTANCE = $actionData['flight']['stats']['StraightDistance'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MAX_LINEAR_DISTANCE = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MaxStraightDistance'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MEAN_SPEED = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MeanGliderSpeed'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MAX_SPEED = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MaxSpeed'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MAX_VARIO = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MaxVario'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MIN_VARIO = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MinVario'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MAX_ALT = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MaxAltASL'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MIN_ALT = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MinAltASL'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->TAKEOFF_ALT = $actionData['flight']['stats']['TakeoffAlt'] + 0;
                 if (is_array($actionData['flight']['score']) && count($actionData['flight']['score']) > 0) {
                     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_flightScore.php';
                     $flightScore = new flightScore($extFlight->flightID);
                     // we have the score array in $actionData['score']
                     $sArr =& $actionData['flight']['score'];
                     $extFlight->flightScore = $flightScore;
                     $getScoreDataExtra = 1;
                     $extFlight->BEST_FLIGHT_TYPE = $flightScore->bestScoreType;
                     $extFlight->FLIGHT_KM = $flightScore->bestDistance * 1000;
                     $extFlight->FLIGHT_POINTS = $flightScore->bestScore;
                     // check for missing linear distance
                     if ($extFlight->LINEAR_DISTANCE == 0 && $extFlight->MAX_LINEAR_DISTANCE > 0) {
                         // echo "compute MAxtakeoffDistance";
                         $extFlight->LINEAR_DISTANCE = $flightScore->computeMaxTakeoffDistance($firstPoint);
                     //put also in scores table, the flight is sure to be present in flights table
                     if ($e['action'] == 2) {
                         // update so we already know the flightID
                         $flightScore->putToDB(1, 1);
                 } else {
                     $getScoreDataExtraMissing = 1;
             // we also have [gliderBrand] => GRADIENT
             if ($e['action'] == 1) {
                 if ($sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL) {
                     $tmpPilot = new pilot($effectiveServerID, $effectiveUserID);
                     $extFlight->filename = $igcFilename;
                     if ($DBGlvl > 0) {
                         echo "Moving file into place: " . $extFlight->getIGCFilename() . "<BR>";
                     while (is_file($extFlight->getIGCFilename())) {
                         if ($DBGlvl > 0) {
                             echo "Same filename is already present<BR>";
                         $extFlight->filename = '_' . $extFlight->filename;
                     @rename($igcFileTmp, $extFlight->getIGCFilename());
                     $opString = '*inserted*';
                 } else {
                     $opString = '*linked*';
                 // insert flight
                 // take care of sme flights (hide /unhide)
                 if ($getScoreData && $getScoreDataExtra) {
                     $flightScore->flightID = $extFlight->flightID;
                     $flightScore->putToDB(1, 1);
                 } else {
                     if ($getScoreDataExtraMissing && $CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['rescore_if_missing'] && $sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL) {
                         echo " [Re-score] ";
                 return array(1, "Flight {$opString} OK {$addFlightNote} with local ID {$extFlight->flightID}");
             } else {
                 //update flight
                 if ($getScoreDataExtraMissing && $CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['rescore_if_missing'] && $sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL) {
                     echo " [Re-score] ";
                     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_flightScore.php';
                     $flightScore = new flightScore($extFlight->flightID);
                     if ($flightScore->gotValues) {
                         echo "[not needed] ";
                     } else {
                 return array(1, "Flight with local ID {$flightIDlocal} UPDATED OK");
         return array(0, "Unknown error, we should have returned by this far...");
     // if type==1
  *	Option: Invoices
  *	Invoices of payments
  *	@return	void
 public function Invoices()
     switch ($_GET['section'] ? $_GET['section'] : $this->URLData[2]) {
         case "list":
             $this->DB->Query("SELECT Id, Document, Status, StartDate, [Value], CoinQuantity FROM dbo.CTM_Invoices WHERE Account = '%s' ORDER BY Id DESC", $all_invoices_q);
             $invoices_opened = array();
             $invoices_finalized = array();
             $invoices_canceled = array();
             if ($this->DB->CountRows($all_invoices_q) > 0) {
                 while ($all_invoices = $this->DB->FetchObject($all_invoices_q)) {
                     switch ($all_invoices->Status) {
                         case 0:
                             $var_name = "invoices_opened";
                             $status = "<span style='color: #C00;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['Status']['Pending'] . "</span>";
                         case 1:
                             $var_name = "invoices_opened";
                             $status = "<span style='color: blue;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['Status']['InProgress'] . "</span>";
                         case 2:
                             $var_name = "invoices_finalized";
                             $status = "<span style='color: green;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['Status']['Paid'] . "</span>";
                         case 3:
                             $var_name = "invoices_finalized";
                             $status = "<span style='color: red;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['Status']['Rejected'] . "</span>";
                         case 4:
                             $var_name = "invoices_canceled";
                             $status = "<span style='color: #CCC;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['Status']['Canceled'] . "</span>";
                     ${$var_name}[$all_invoices->Id] = array("document" => $all_invoices->Document, "quantity" => number_format($all_invoices->CoinQuantity, 0, false, ".") . " " . COIN_NAME_1, "value" => CTM_Text::MoneyFormat(MONEY_SYMBOL, $all_invoices->Value), "date" => date("d/m/Y - h:i a", $all_invoices->StartDate), "status" => $status);
             $GLOBALS['userpanel']['invoices']['auto_load_invoice'] = $_GET['showinvoice'] ? $_GET['showinvoice'] : $this->URLData[3];
             $GLOBALS['userpanel']['invoices']['list_invoices'] = array("opened" => $invoices_opened, "finalized" => $invoices_finalized, "canceled" => $invoices_canceled);
             return $this->LoadPage("option_invoices_list", true);
         case "show":
             $invoice_id = intval($_GET['id'] ? $_GET['id'] : $this->URLData[3]);
             $section = $_GET['do'] ? $_GET['do'] : $this->URLData[4];
             $this->DB->Arguments($invoice_id, USER_ACCOUNT);
             $this->DB->Query("SELECT * FROM dbo.CTM_Invoices WHERE Id = %d AND Account = '%s'", $get_invoice);
             if ($this->DB->CountRows($get_invoice) < 1) {
                 return exit(showMessage(sprintf($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['ErrorMessage'], CoreVariables::ErrorsCode()->PaymentNotFound), 2));
             $invoice = $this->DB->FetchObject($get_invoice);
             if ($section) {
                 switch ($section) {
                     case "payment":
                         $this->DB->Arguments($invoice_id, USER_ACCOUNT);
                         $this->DB->Query("SELECT * FROM dbo.CTM_Payments WHERE InvoiceId = %d AND Account = '%s'", $get_payment);
                         if ($this->DB->CountRows($get_payment) < 1) {
                             if ($invoice->Status != 0 && $invoice->Status != 3) {
                                 exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['ShowInvoice']['Messages']['InvoiceInProgress'], 0));
                             $method = strlen($_GET['method']) > 0 ? $_GET['method'] : $this->URLData[5];
                             if (strlen($method) < 1 || !array_key_exists($method, $this->settings['PAYMENTMETHOD']['FORM'])) {
                                 $GLOBALS['userpanel']['payments']['confirm_payment']['invoice_id'] = $invoice_id;
                                 if ($_GET['write'] == true) {
                                     exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['ConfirmPayment']['Messages']['SelectMethod'], 2));
                                 return $this->LoadPage("option_payments_confirm", true);
                             } else {
                                 $error = $this->LoadClass("Error", "class_sources");
                                 $method = intval($method);
                                 if ($_GET['write'] == true) {
                                     if (empty($_POST['Date'])) {
                                         $error->addError($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['ConfirmPayment']['Messages']['DateVoid'], 0);
                                     if (empty($_POST['Hour'])) {
                                         $error->addError($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['ConfirmPayment']['Messages']['HourVoid'], 0);
                                     if (empty($_POST['Value'])) {
                                         $error->addError($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['ConfirmPayment']['Messages']['ValueVoid'], 0);
                                     if (empty($_POST['Local'])) {
                                         $error->addError($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['ConfirmPayment']['Messages']['LocalVoid'], 0);
                                     foreach ($this->settings['PAYMENTMETHOD']['FORM'][$method][1] as $key => $value) {
                                         if (empty($_POST[$key])) {
                                             $error->addError(htmlEncode($value), 0);
                                     if ($error->count[0] > 0) {
                                         $_error = "<strong>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['ConfirmPayment']['Messages']['VoidMessage'] . "<strong><br />";
                                         exit(showMessage($_error . "<br />" . $error->showError(0), 1));
                                     } else {
                                         if ($_POST['u_sendFile'] == 1) {
                                             if ($_POST['u_ready'] == 1) {
                                                 $name = str_pad($this->DB->GetCurrentId("CTM_Payments") + 1, 10, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
                                                 $size = $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['FILESIZE']['PAYMENT_ANNEX'];
                                                 $dir = CTM_ROOT_PATH . $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['DIRECTORY']['PAYMENT_ANNEX'];
                                                 Uploadify::set("Filedata", $size, array("gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png"), $name, $dir, $session);
                                                 exit("<script>startUpload('{$name}', '{$session}');</script>");
                                             } else {
                                                 $data = unserialize(base64_decode($_POST['u_fileUploaded']));
                                                 $annex = $data['parsed_file_name'];
                                                 if (!$data) {
                                                     exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['ConfirmPayment']['Messages']['AnnexError'], 2));
                                                 } elseif ($data['error_no'] == 2) {
                                                     $this->lang->setArguments("UserPanel,Payments,ConfirmPayment,Messages,ErrorFormat", "<b>JPEG</b>, <b>GIF</b>, <b>PNG</b>");
                                                     exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['ConfirmPayment']['Messages']['ErrorFormat'], 2));
                                                 } elseif ($data['error_no'] == 3) {
                                                     $this->lang->setArguments("UserPanel,Payments,ConfirmPayment,Messages,ErrorSize", "<b>" . $data['max_file_size'] . "</b>");
                                                     exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['ConfirmPayment']['Messages']['ErrorSize'], 2));
                                                 } elseif ($data['error_no'] != 0) {
                                                     exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['ConfirmPayment']['Messages']['AnnexError'], 2));
                                         $payment_data = array();
                                         foreach ($this->settings['PAYMENTMETHOD']['FORM'][$method][1] as $key => $value) {
                                             $payment_data[$key] = utf8_encode($_POST[$key]);
                                         $columns_insert = array("Account" => USER_ACCOUNT, "InvoiceId" => $invoice_id, "Status" => 0, "ConfirmDate" => time(), "Method" => $method, "Date" => $_POST['Date'], "Hour" => $_POST['Hour'], "Value" => $_POST['Value'], "Local" => utf8_encode($_POST['Local']), "ConfirmData" => serialize($payment_data), "Message" => htmlEncode(nl2br(strip_tags($_POST['Message']))), "Annex" => $annex);
                                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("InvoiceId", "integer");
                                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Status", "integer");
                                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("ConfirmDate", "integer");
                                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Method", "integer");
                                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Message", empty($_POST['Message']) ? "null" : "string");
                                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Annex", empty($annex) ? "null" : "string");
                                         $this->DB->Insert("CTM_Payments", $columns_insert);
                                         $this->DB->ForceDataType("Status", "integer");
                                         $this->DB->Update("CTM_Invoices", array("Status" => 1, "PaymentMethod" => "bank"), "Id = %d");
                                         return exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['ConfirmPayment']['Messages']['Success'], 3));
                                 $inputs = array();
                                 foreach ($this->settings['PAYMENTMETHOD']['FORM'][$method][1] as $key => $value) {
                                     $inputs[$key] = htmlEncode($value);
                                 $GLOBALS['userpanel']['payments']['confirm_payment'] = array("invoice_id" => $invoice_id, "method_name" => htmlEncode($this->settings['PAYMENTMETHOD']['FORM'][$method][0]), "method_id" => $method, "method_fields" => $inputs);
                                 return $this->LoadPage("option_payments_confirm_form", true);
                         } else {
                             $payment = $this->DB->FetchObject($get_payment);
                             switch ($payment->Status) {
                                 case 0:
                                     $status = "<span style='color: blue;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['Status']['Opened'] . "</span>";
                                 case 1:
                                     $status = "<span style='color: green;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['Status']['Confirmed'] . "</span>";
                                 case 2:
                                     $status = "<span style='color: red;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Payments']['Status']['Rejected'] . "</span>";
                             if (!($payment_data = unserialize($payment->ConfirmData))) {
                                 $payment_data = array();
                             $GLOBALS['userpanel']['payments']['show_payment'] = array("id" => $payment_id, "method" => htmlEncode($this->settings['PAYMENTMETHOD']['FORM'][$payment->Method][0]), "confirm_date" => date("d/m/Y - h:i a", $payment->ConfirmDate), "status" => $status, "quantity" => number_format($payment->Quantity, 0, false, ".") . " " . COIN_NAME_1, "date" => $payment->Date, "hour" => $payment->Hour, "value" => $payment->Value, "local" => utf8_decode($payment->Local), "message" => htmlDecode($payment->Message), "payment_data" => $payment_data);
                             if (strlen($payment->Annex) > 1) {
                                 $GLOBALS['userpanel']['payments']['show_payment']['annex'] = array("link" => $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['DIRECTORY']['PAYMENT_ANNEX'] . $payment->Annex, "name" => $payment->Annex);
                             return $this->LoadPage("option_payments_show", true);
             switch ($invoice->Status) {
                 case 0:
                     $status = "<span style='color: #C00;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['Status']['Pending'] . "</span>";
                 case 1:
                     $status = "<span style='color: blue;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['Status']['InProgress'] . "</span>";
                 case 2:
                     $status = "<span style='color: green;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['Status']['Paid'] . "</span>";
                 case 3:
                     $status = "<span style='color: red;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['Status']['Rejected'] . "</span>";
                 case 4:
                     $status = "<span style='color: #CCC;'>" . $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['Status']['Canceled'] . "</span>";
             $GLOBALS['userpanel']['invoices']['show_invoice'] = array("id" => $invoice_id, "document" => $invoice->Document, "start_date" => date("d/m/Y - h:i a", $invoice->StartDate), "quantity" => number_format($invoice->CoinQuantity, 0, false, "."), "value" => CTM_Text::MoneyFormat(MONEY_SYMBOL, $invoice->Value), "status" => $status, "canceled" => $invoice->Status == 4);
             if ($invoice->Status > 0 && $invoice->PaymentMethod != "none") {
                 if (!($payment_data = unserialize($invoice->PaymentData))) {
                     $payment_data = array();
                 switch ($invoice->PaymentMethod) {
                     case "bank":
                         $method_name = $this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['Methods']['Bank'];
                 $GLOBALS['userpanel']['invoices']['show_invoice']['payment_method'] = array("method" => $method_name, "data" => $payment_data, "key" => $invoice->PaymentMethod);
             $this->lang->setArguments("UserPanel,Invoices,ShowInvoice,Title", $invoice_id);
             return $this->LoadPage("option_invoices_show", true);
         case "open":
             if ($this->settings['USERPANEL']['FINANCIAL']['INVOICES']['LIMIT_OPENED'] > 0) {
                 $this->DB->Query("SELECT 1 FROM dbo.CTM_Invoices WHERE Account = '%s' AND Status < 2", $count_invoices);
                 if ($this->DB->CountRows($count_invoices) >= $this->settings['USERPANEL']['FINANCIAL']['INVOICES']['LIMIT_OPENED']) {
                     $limit = $this->settings['USERPANEL']['FINANCIAL']['INVOICES']['LIMIT_OPENED'];
                     exit(showMessage(sprintf($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['OpenInvoice']['Messages']['LimitReached'], $limit), 2));
             if ($_GET['write'] == true) {
                 if (empty($_POST['Quantity'])) {
                     exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['OpenInvoice']['Messages']['QuantityVoid'], 1));
                 if (!is_numeric($_POST['Quantity'])) {
                     exit(showMessage($this->lang->words['UserPanel']['Invoices']['OpenInvoice']['Messages']['QuantitySyntax'], 2));
                 $_POST['Quantity'] = ltrim($_POST['Quantity'], 0);
                 $money_value = COIN_PRICE * $_POST['Quantity'];
                 if (strstr($money_value, ".")) {
                     list($note, $coin) = explode(".", $money_value);
                     if (strlen($coin) > 2) {
                         $coin = substr($coin, 0, 2);
                     while ($coin % 5 != 0 && $coin > 0) {
                         if ($coin < 5 && $coin > 0) {
                             $coin = 5;
                         } else {
                     if (strlen($coin) == 1) {
                         $coin = "0" . $coin;
                     $final_money = $note . "." . $coin;
                 } else {
                     $final_money = $money_value . ".00";
                 if ($_GET['confirm'] == true) {
                     $insert_columns = array("Account" => USER_ACCOUNT, "StartDate" => time(), "EndDate" => 0, "Value" => $final_money, "CoinQuantity" => $_POST['Quantity'], "Status" => 0);
                     $this->DB->Insert("CTM_Invoices", $insert_columns);
                     $last_id = $this->DB->GetLastedId();
                     $this->DB->Update("CTM_Invoices", array("Document" => INVOICE_PREFIX . $last_id), "Id = " . $last_id);
                 } else {
                     exit("<script>showConfirmMessage('" . CTM_Text::MoneyFormat(MONEY_SYMBOL, $final_money) . "');</script>");
             $GLOBALS['default_value'] = str_replace(MONEY_SYMBOL . " ", NULL, CTM_Text::MoneyFormat(MONEY_SYMBOL, COIN_PRICE));
             return $this->LoadPage("option_invoices_open", true);
             if ($_GET['showinvoice']) {
                 $GLOBALS['userpanel']['invoices']['auto_load_invoice'] = $_GET['showinvoice'];
             } elseif (strstr($this->URLData[2], "showinvoice-")) {
                 $GLOBALS['userpanel']['invoices']['auto_load_invoice'] = str_replace("showinvoice-", NULL, $this->URLData[2]);
  *	Notices from Site
  *	@return	array	Result
 private function loadNotices()
     if ($this->settings['HOME']['NOTICES']['SHOW'] == true) {
         $build = $this->DB->Query("SELECT TOP " . $this->settings['HOME']['NOTICES']['LIMIT'] . " Title,[Date],Id FROM dbo.CTM_Notices ORDER BY Id DESC");
         $notices = array();
         if ($this->DB->CountRows($build) > 0) {
             while ($notice = $this->DB->FetchObject($build)) {
                 $notices[] = array("id" => $notice->Id, "title" => htmlDecode($notice->Title, true), "post_date" => date("d/m/Y - h:i a", $notice->Date));
         return $notices;
Exemple #10
        print $_lang[MailLogsSubject];
        $r = @mysql_query("select * from mail_logs where uid='" . $_SESSION["userId"] . "' order by id desc LIMIT {$start},{$perPage}") or die("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . __LINE__ . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
        $mailLogUserDelete = GetSetting('mailLogUserDelete');
        $cnt = 0;
        while ($rr = @mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
            if ($mailLogUserDelete) {
                $delete = "<A class=rootlink href=?do={$do}&sub=delete&id={$rr->id} onclick=\"javascript: return confirm('" . $_lang[MailLogsDeleteAlert] . "');\"><img src=./_rootimages/del.gif border=0 alt='" . $_lang[MailLogsDelete] . "'></a>";
            } else {
                $delete = "";
            $rr->subject = htmlDecode($rr->subject);
			<tr class="<?php 
            print $font_row;
" height=30>
			<td valign=middle>&nbsp;<?php 
            print $cnt;
            print $rr->dt;
			<td>&nbsp;<a class=rootlink href=?do=<?php 
            print $do;
Exemple #11
  *	Private: Manage Team Groups
  *	Manage the team groups
  *	@return	void
 private function loadManageTeamGroups()
     $load_page = TRUE;
     if ($_GET['do'] == "delete" && $this->loadCheckGroup($_GET['id'])) {
         if ($_GET['write'] == true) {
             if (empty($_POST['NewGroup'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = $this->lang->words['Members']['Team']['Groups']['ManageGroups']['Delete']['Messages']['SelectGroup'];
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = adminShowMessage($GLOBALS['result_command'], 1);
                 $load_page = FALSE;
             } elseif (!$this->loadCheckGroup($_POST['NewGroup'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = $this->lang->words['Members']['Team']['Groups']['ManageGroups']['Delete']['Messages']['GroupNoExists'];
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = adminShowMessage($GLOBALS['result_command'], 2);
                 $load_page = FALSE;
             } elseif (in_array($_GET['id'], $this->settings['ADMINCONTROLPANEL']['SADMIN_GROUPS'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = $this->lang->words['Members']['Team']['Groups']['ManageGroups']['Delete']['Messages']['NoDelGroup'];
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = adminShowMessage($GLOBALS['result_command'], 2);
                 $load_page = FALSE;
             } else {
                 $query = "DELETE FROM dbo.CTM_TeamGroups WHERE Id = " . intval($_GET['id']) . ";\n";
                 $query .= "DELETE FROM dbo.CTM_TeamPermission WHERE RowType = 'group' AND RowValue = " . intval($_GET['id'] . ";\n");
                 $this->DB->Query("SELECT Account, PrimaryGroup, SecondaryGroups FROM dbo.CTM_TeamMembers", $member_q);
                 while ($member = $this->DB->FetchObject($member_q)) {
                     $temp = NULL;
                     $update = FALSE;
                     if ($member->PrimaryGroup == intval($_GET['id'])) {
                         $temp .= "PrimaryGroup = " . intval($_POST['NewGroup']);
                         $update = TRUE;
                     if (strlen($member->SecondaryGroups) > 0) {
                         $tmp = NULL;
                         $exp = explode(",", $member->SecondaryGroups);
                         foreach ($exp as $v) {
                             if ($v == intval($_GET['id'])) {
                             $tmp .= $v . ",";
                         $tmp = rtrim($tmp, ",");
                         $temp .= ($update == true ? ", " : NULL) . "SecondaryGroups = '" . $tmp . "'";
                         $update = TRUE;
                     if ($update == true) {
                         $query .= "UPDATE dbo.CTM_TeamMembers SET {$temp} WHERE Account = '" . $member->Account . "';\n";
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = $this->lang->words['Members']['Team']['Groups']['ManageGroups']['Delete']['Messages']['Success'];
                 $GLOBALS['result_command'] = adminShowMessage($GLOBALS['result_command'], 3);
         } else {
             $load_page = FALSE;
         if ($load_page == false) {
             $this->DB->Query("SELECT Id, Name FROM dbo.CTM_TeamGroups ORDER BY Id ASC", $groups_q);
             $GLOBALS['groups'] = array();
             while ($group = $this->DB->FetchArray($groups_q)) {
                 $GLOBALS['groups'][$group['Id']] = utf8_decode($group['Name']);
             $this->lang->setArguments("Members,Team,Groups,ManageGroups,Delete,Title", intval($_GET['id']));
             return $this->output->setContent("team_deleteGroup");
     if ($load_page == true) {
         $this->DB->Query("SELECT dbo.CTM_TeamGroups.Id AS Id, dbo.CTM_TeamGroups.Name AS Name, dbo.CTM_TeamGroups.FormatPrefix AS FormatPrefix, dbo.CTM_TeamGroups.FormatSuffix AS FormatSuffix, dbo.CTM_TeamGroups.ACP_Access AS ACP_Access FROM dbo.CTM_TeamGroups ORDER BY dbo.CTM_TeamGroups.Id ASC", $find_groups_q);
         $GLOBALS['team_groups'] = array();
         if ($this->DB->CountRows($find_groups_q) > 0) {
             while ($find_groups = $this->DB->FetchObject($find_groups_q)) {
                 $member_count_q = $this->DB->Query("SELECT 1 FROM dbo.CTM_TeamMembers WHERE dbo.CTM_TeamMembers.PrimaryGroup = " . $find_groups->Id);
                 $member_count = $this->DB->CountRows($member_count_q);
                 $GLOBALS['team_groups'][$find_groups->Id] = array("name" => $find_groups->Name, "format_prefix" => htmlDecode($find_groups->FormatPrefix, true), "format_suffix" => htmlDecode($find_groups->FormatSuffix, true), "count_members" => intval($member_count), "acp_access" => $find_groups->ACP_Access == 1);
function insertdata($url, $cjtype)
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    wBreakpoint("../upload/maccjbreakpoint", "admin_maccj.php?action=" . $action . "&xt=" . $xt . "&rid=" . $rid . "&cjflag=" . $cjflag . "&rpage=" . $rpage . "&rtype=" . $rtype . "&rkey=" . $rkey . "&cjurl=" . $cjurl);
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    echo "<table class=\"tb\"><tr><td colspan=2>视频采集地址&nbsp;" . $url . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;共" . $pagecount . "页,正在采集第" . $rpage . "页</td></tr>";
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        $vodstarring = replaceStr($vodstarring, ",", " ");
        $vodstarring = replaceStr($vodstarring, ",", " ");
        $vodstarring = replaceStr($vodstarring, "  ", " ");
        if (strlen($vodstarring) > 255) {
            $vodstarring = substring($vodstarring, 255);
        $vodyear = replaceStr($vodyear, "'", "");
        if (strlen($vodyear) > 32) {
            $vodyear = substring($vodyear, 32);
        $vodlanguage = replaceStr($vodlanguage, "'", "");
        if (strlen($vodlanguage) > 32) {
            $vodlanguage = substring($vodlanguage, 32);
        $vodarea = replaceStr($vodarea, "'", "");
        if (strlen($vodarea) > 32) {
            $vodarea = substring($vodarea, 32);
        $vodpic = replaceStr($vodpic, "'", "");
        if (strlen($vodpic) > 255) {
            $vodpic = substring($vodpic, 255);
        $voddes = htmlDecode($voddes);
        $voddes = replaceStr($voddes, "'", "");
        $vodtype = getTypeID($vodtype);
        if (!isNum($vodtype)) {
            $vodtype = 0;
        if ($vodtype > 0) {
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM {pre}vod WHERE d_name ='" . $vodname . "' ";
            $row = $db->getRow($sql);
            if (!$row) {
                foreach ($array4[1] as $key => $value) {
                    if ($rc) {
                        $vodfrom .= "\$\$\$";
                        $vodurl .= "\$\$\$";
                    $vodfrom .= getFrom($value);
                    if ($xt == "1") {
                        $vodurl .= getVUrl($array4[2][$key]);
                    } else {
                        $vodurl .= $array4[2][$key];
                    if (substring($vodurl, 1, strlen($vodurl) - 1) == Chr(13)) {
                        $vodurl = substring($vodurl, strlen($vodurl) - 1);
                    $vodurl = replaceStr($vodurl, Chr(10), "#");
                    $vodurl = replaceStr($vodurl, Chr(13), "#");
                    $vodurl = replaceStr($vodurl, "##", "#");
                    $vodurl = replaceStr($vodurl, "'", "''");
                    $rc = true;
                $db->Add("{pre}vod", array("d_type", "d_name", "d_subname", "d_enname", "d_letter", "d_state", "d_color", "d_content", "d_remarks", "d_pic", "d_level", "d_hits", "d_starring", "d_directed", "d_year", "d_area", "d_language", "d_addtime", "d_time", "d_playurl", "d_downurl", "d_playfrom", "d_playserver"), array($vodtype, $vodname, $vodsubname, $vodenname, $vodletter, $vodstate, $vodcolor, $voddes, $vodremarks, $vodpic, 0, 0, $vodstarring, $voddirected, $vodyear, $vodarea, $vodlanguage, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), $vodurl, $voddownurl, $vodfrom, $vodplayserver));
                wTips($vodname, "新增数据");
            } else {
                $tmpplayurl = $row["d_playurl"];
                $tmpplayfrom = $row["d_playfrom"];
                $tmpplayserver = $row["d_playserver"];
                foreach ($array4[1] as $key => $value) {
                    $vodfrom = getFrom($value);
                    if ($xt == "1") {
                        $vodurl = getVUrl($array4[2][$key]);
                    } else {
                        $vodurl = $array4[2][$key];
                    if (substring($vodurl, 1, strlen($vodurl) - 1) == Chr(13)) {
                        $vodurl = substring($vodurl, strlen($vodurl) - 1);
                    $vodurl = replaceStr($vodurl, Chr(10), "#");
                    $vodurl = replaceStr($vodurl, Chr(13), "#");
                    $vodurl = replaceStr($vodurl, "##", "#");
                    $vodurl = replaceStr($vodurl, "'", "''");
                    if ($tmpplayurl == $vodurl) {
                        $resultdes = "无需更新播放地址";
                    } else {
                        if (isN($vodfrom)) {
                            wTips($vodname, "播放器类型为空,跳过");
                        } else {
                            if (isN($tmpplayurl) || strpos("," . $row["d_playfrom"], $vodfrom) <= 0) {
                                $resultdes = "新增播放地址组";
                                $tmpplayurl .= "\$\$\$" . $vodurl;
                                $tmpplayfrom .= "\$\$\$" . $vodfrom;
                                $tmpplayserver .= "\$\$\$" . $vodplayserver;
                            } else {
                                $resultdes = "更新播放地址";
                                $arr1 = explode("\$\$\$", $tmpplayurl);
                                $arr2 = explode("\$\$\$", $tmpplayfrom);
                                $rc = false;
                                $tmpplayurl = "";
                                for ($k = 0; $k < count($arr2); $k++) {
                                    if ($rc) {
                                        $tmpplayurl .= "\$\$\$";
                                    if ($arr2[$k] == $vodfrom) {
                                        $arr1[$k] = $vodurl;
                                    $tmpplayurl .= $arr1[$k];
                                    $rc = true;
                $tmpplayurl = replaceStr($tmpplayurl, Chr(13), "#");
                if (strpos("," . $row["d_pic"], "http:") <= 0) {
                    $vodpic = $row["d_pic"];
                $db->Update("{pre}vod", array("d_state", "d_pic", "d_remarks", "d_time", "d_playurl", "d_playfrom", "d_playserver"), array($vodstate, $vodpic, $vodremarks, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), $tmpplayurl, $tmpplayfrom, $tmpplayserver), "d_id=" . $row["d_id"]);
                wTips($vodname, $resultdes);
        } else {
            wTips($vodname, "没有绑定分类、跳过");
    echo "</table>";
    if ($action == "cjday" || $action == "cjall" || $action == "cjtype") {
        if ($rpage >= $pagecount) {
            echo "<br>数据采集完成<script language=\"javascript\">setTimeout(\"gonextpage();\",3000);function gonextpage(){location.href='?action=list&fa=1&xt=" . $xt . "&rid=" . $rid . "&cjflag=" . $cjflag . "&rtype=" . $rtype . "&cjurl=" . $cjurl . "';}</script>";
        } else {
            echo "<br>暂停3秒后继续采集...<script language=\"javascript\">setTimeout(\"gonextpage();\",3000);function gonextpage(){location.href='?action=" . $action . "&rpage=" . ($rpage + 1) . "&rtype=" . $rtype . "&rday=" . $rday . "&xt=" . $xt . "&rid=" . $rid . "&cjflag=" . $cjflag . "&cjurl=" . $cjurl . "';}</script><a href=\"?action=" . $action . "&rpage=" . ($rpage + 1) . "&rtype=" . $rtype . "&xt=" . $xt . "&rid=" . $rid . "&cjflag=" . $cjflag . "&cjurl=" . $cjurl . "\" >点击进入下一页</a>";
    } else {
        echo "<br>数据采集完成<script language=\"javascript\">setTimeout(\"gonextpage();\",3000);function gonextpage(){location.href='?action=list&fa=1&xt=" . $xt . "&rid=" . $rid . "&cjflag=" . $cjflag . "&rpage=" . $rpage . "&rtype=" . $rtype . "&cjurl=" . $cjurl . "';}</script>";
Exemple #13
function get_update_notice($sname, $file_lock, $path, $mail_lock, $remote_git = '', $remote_branch = '')
    $stime = time();
    $work = false;
    if (empty($_SESSION['working'])) {
        $work = true;
    if (file_exists($file_lock)) {
        $last_work_time = filemtime($file_lock);
        if ($last_work_time > 0 && time() - $last_work_time < 120) {
            echo "检测到正在进行工作中,本页面停止载入,请稍后再次访问。";
            return false;
        $work = true;
    } elseif (empty($_SESSION['work_time']) || $stime - $_SESSION['work_time'] > LOCK_TIME) {
        //保证 LOCK_TIME 秒内只访问一次
        $work = true;
    if ($work && !file_exists($file_lock)) {
        $_SESSION['working'] = true;
        $_SESSION['work_time'] = $stime;
        file_put_contents($file_lock, $stime);
    } else {
        echo "距离上次获取请求时间间隔多短,请稍后再次访问。";
        return false;
    echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " 准备中...<br>";
    if (IS_WIN) {
    if (!file_exists($path . '.git')) {
        echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " 没有git库,尝试创建...<br>";
        if ($remote_git) {
            echo "尝试从远程仓库克隆数据...<br>";
            $ret = Git::clone_remote($path, $remote_git, $remote_branch);
            if (!Git::is_repo($ret) || !file_exists($path . '.git') || !$ret) {
                echo "从远程仓库克隆失败,本地创建...<br>";
                $ret = Git::create($path);
        } else {
            $ret = Git::create($path);
        echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " 创建结果:" . (Git::is_repo($ret) ? '成功' : '失败') . "<br>";
    mk_dir($path . 'mp/');
    mk_dir($path . 'qy/');
    $files = ls_file($path);
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (!is_dir($path . $file)) {
            unlink($path . $file);
    $count = 0;
    $ccount = 0;
    $ret_mp = get_mp_notice();
    if ($ret_mp) {
        write($path . 'mp_notice.txt', json($ret_mp));
    $ret_qy = get_qy_notice();
    if ($ret_qy) {
        write($path . 'qy_notice.txt', json($ret_qy));
    $repo = Git::open($path);
    if ($count < 2) {
        echo "由于公告页面可能读取失败,等待下次检测。<br>";
        $_SESSION['work_time'] = $stime - LOCK_TIME;
        return false;
    echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " 读取公告列表完毕,开始读取公告内容页...<br>";
    $cover_count = 0;
    if ($ret_mp) {
        foreach ($ret_mp as $arr) {
            $date = strpos($arr['date'], '-') ? $arr['date'] : date('Y-m-d', $arr['date']);
            $file = $date . '#' . $arr['title'] . '.html';
            $file = $path . 'mp/' . preg_replace('/[\\/\\|*?\\\\:<>]/i', '_', $file);
            $file_exist = is_exist($file);
            if ($file_exist) {
            if (!$file_exist || $cover_count <= 3) {
                //只抓取未记录的公告 或已有记录的前3个
                $ret = http_get($arr['url']);
                $search = '/window\\.wxCgi[^=]+=[^{]+{([^}]*)}/s';
                preg_match($search, $ret, $strarr);
                $ret = isset($strarr[1]) ? $strarr[1] : '';
                $str_start = stripos($ret, 'content:');
                if ($str_start) {
                    $str_start += 9;
                    $str_end = stripos($ret, 'author:');
                    if ($str_end) {
                        $str_end -= 9;
                        $str = substr($ret, $str_start, stripos($ret, '",', $str_start) - $str_start);
                        if (!empty($str)) {
                            write($file, '<h3 class="announcement_title" style="text-align: center;">' . $arr['title'] . ' # ' . $date . '</h3><div id="content">' . $str . '</div>');
    $cover_count = 0;
    if ($ret_qy) {
        foreach ($ret_qy as $arr) {
            $file = strpos($arr['date'], '-') ? $arr['date'] : date('Y-m-d', $arr['date']);
            $file .= '#' . $arr['title'] . '.html';
            $file = $path . 'qy/' . preg_replace('/[\\/\\|*?\\\\:<>]/i', '_', $file);
            $file_exist = is_exist($file);
            if ($file_exist) {
            if (!$file_exist || $cover_count <= 3) {
                //只抓取未记录的公告 或已有记录的前3个
                $ret = http_get($arr['url']);
                if ($ret) {
                    write($file, $ret);
    echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " 读取页面" . $count . "个,抓取公告" . $ccount . "篇<br>";
    $ret = $repo->status(true);
    $no_commit = preg_match('/nothing to commit, working directory clean/', $ret);
    if ($no_commit) {
        echo " 未检测到更新,共计用时:" . (time() - $stime) . "秒<br>";
    } else {
        echo "待更新内容:<hr>" . $ret . "<hr>";
        $ret0 = $repo->add();
        $repo->run('config --global user.email "' . GIT_EMAIL . '"');
        //git config --global user.email "*****@*****.**"
        $repo->run('config --global user.name "' . GIT_NAME . '"');
        //git config --global user.name "Your Name"
        $repo->run('config --global core.quotepath false');
        $ret = $repo->commit('check time: ' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
        echo time() . " 已进行git提交,共计用时:" . (time() - $stime) . "秒<br><br>";
        if ($remote_git) {
            $branch = $repo->active_branch();
            echo "检测到远程仓库参数,提交到远程仓库...<br>";
            $repo->run("remote add {$stime} " . $remote_git);
            $repo->run("push -f {$stime} {$branch}:" . (empty($remote_branch) ? 'master' : "{$remote_branch}"));
            $repo->run("remote remove {$stime}");
        echo "提交git日志内容如下:<hr>" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($ret));
        $ret2 = $repo->run('log --stat -p -1');
        $ret2 = nl2br(htmlspecialchars(substr($ret2, 0, stripos($ret2, "\ndiff --git"))));
        echo "<hr>其他日志:<br>" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($ret0)) . $ret2;
        if (!stripos($ret2, '_notice.txt') && $ccount > 0) {
            $no_commit = true;
    return !$no_commit;
Exemple #14
  *	Init Module
  *	@return	void
 public function initSection()
     $find_ticket_q = $this->DB->Query("SELECT * FROM dbo.CTM_Tickets WHERE Id = %d");
     if ($this->DB->CountRows($find_ticket_q) > 0) {
         $ticket = $this->DB->FetchObject($find_ticket_q);
         define("EDIT_TICKET_ACCESS", $this->CheckPermissionItem("edit_ticket"));
         define("DELETE_TICKET_ACCESS", $this->CheckPermissionItem("delete_ticket"));
         switch ($_GET['cmd']) {
             case "annex":
                 if (!empty($ticket->Annex)) {
                     ini_set("memory_limit", "240M");
                     $filename = "../" . $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['DIRECTORY']['TICKET_ANNEX'] . $ticket->Annex;
                     $fileext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, "."));
                     if (preg_match("/\\.([gif|jpg|jpeg|png])/i", $fileext)) {
                         switch ($fileext) {
                             case ".gif":
                                 $image = imagecreatefromgif($filename);
                                 header("Content-type: image/gif");
                             case ".png":
                                 $image = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
                                 header("Content-type: image/png");
                             case ".jpg":
                                 $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
                                 header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
                             case ".jpeg":
                                 $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
                                 header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
                     } else {
                         header("Content-type: text/plain");
             case "close":
                 if ($ticket->Status == 3) {
                     if ($_GET['return'] == true) {
                     } else {
                         exit(adminShowMessage($this->lang->words['EWSupport']['Tickets']['ViewTicket']['CloseTicket']['Messages']['TicketClosed'], 2));
                 } else {
                     $this->DB->Query("UPDATE dbo.CTM_Tickets SET Status = 3 WHERE Id = %d");
                     if ($_GET['return'] == true) {
                     } else {
             case "reply":
                 if (empty($_POST['ReplyText'])) {
                     exit(adminShowMessage($this->lang->words['EWSupport']['Tickets']['ViewTicket']['ReplyTicket']['Messages']['TextVold'], 2));
                 } else {
                     $sendDate = time();
                     $this->DB->Arguments($_GET['id'], $this->member['account']['data']['Name'], USER_ACCOUNT, $sendDate, htmlEncode($_POST['ReplyText']));
                     $this->DB->Query("INSERT INTO dbo.CTM_TicketReplies (TicketID, Author, Account, [Date], Message) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s')");
                     $this->DB->Query("UPDATE dbo.CTM_Tickets SET Status = 1 WHERE Id = %d");
                     $id = $this->DB->GetLastedId();
                     exit("<script>addReplyTicket('" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $_POST['ReplyText']) . "','" . $this->member['account']['data']['Name'] . "','" . date("d/m/Y - H:i", $sendDate) . "',{$id});</script>");
             case "edit":
                 if (EDIT_TICKET_ACCESS) {
                     if (empty($_POST['Subject']) || empty($_POST['Message'])) {
                         exit(adminShowMessage($this->lang->words['EWSupport']['Tickets']['ViewTicket']['EditTicket']['Messages']['FieldsVold'], 1));
                     $this->DB->Arguments(htmlEncode($_POST['Subject']), $_POST['Departament'], $_POST['Status'], htmlEncode($_POST['Message']), $_GET['id']);
                     $this->DB->Query("UPDATE dbo.CTM_Tickets SET Subject = '%s',Departament = %d,Status = %d,Text = '%s' WHERE Id = %d");
                     switch ($_POST['Status']) {
                         case 0:
                             $status = "<span style='color: blue;'>" . $this->lang->words['EWSupport']['Tickets']['Status']['Opened'] . "</span>";
                         case 1:
                             $status = "<span style='color: green;'>" . $this->lang->words['EWSupport']['Tickets']['Status']['Responded'] . "</span>";
                         case 2:
                             $status = "<span style='color: orange;'>" . $this->lang->words['EWSupport']['Tickets']['Status']['Progress'] . "</span>";
                         case 3:
                             $status = "<span style='color: red;'>" . $this->lang->words['EWSupport']['Tickets']['Status']['Closed'] . "</span>";
                     $return = "<script>completeEditTicket(";
                     $return .= "'" . str_replace("'", "\\'", htmlDecode(htmlEncode($_POST['Subject']), TRUE)) . "',";
                     $return .= "'" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $this->settings['USERPANEL']['SUPPORT']['TICKETS']['DEPARTAMENTS'][$_POST['Departament']]) . "',";
                     $return .= "'" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $status) . "',";
                     $return .= "'" . str_replace("'", "\\'", htmlDecode(htmlEncode($_POST['Message']), TRUE)) . "'";
                     $return .= ");</script>";
             case "delete":
                 if (DELETE_TICKET_ACCESS) {
                     $query = "DELETE FROM dbo.CTM_Tickets WHERE Id = %d;\n";
                     $query .= "DELETE FROM dbo.CTM_TicketReplies WHERE TicketID = %d;";
                     $this->DB->Arguments($_GET['id'], $_GET['id']);
                     if (!empty($ticket->Annex)) {
                         if (file_exists("../" . $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['DIRECTORY']['TICKET_ANNEX'] . $ticket->Annex)) {
                             unlink("../" . $this->settings['WEBDATA']['UPLOADS']['DIRECTORY']['TICKET_ANNEX'] . $ticket->Annex);
                     exit("<script>location.href='" . $this->acp_vars['acp_url'] . "?app=effectweb&module=support&section=tickets&message=deleted';</script>");
             case "editReply":
                 $this->DB->Arguments($_GET['rid'], $_GET['id']);
                 $query = $this->DB->Query("SELECT Id,Message FROM dbo.CTM_TicketReplies WHERE Id = %d AND TicketID = %d");
                 if ($this->DB->CountRows($query) > 0) {
                     if ($_GET['write'] == TRUE) {
                         if (empty($_POST['ReplyMessage'])) {
                             exit(adminShowMessage($this->lang->words['EWSupport']['Tickets']['ViewTicket']['EditReply']['Messages']['FieldVoid'], 1));
                         $this->DB->Arguments(htmlEncode($_POST['ReplyMessage']), $_GET['rid'], $_GET['id']);
                         $this->DB->Query("UPDATE dbo.CTM_TicketReplies SET Message = '%s' WHERE Id = %d AND TicketID = %d");
                         exit("<script>editTicketReply('" . str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), NULL, $_POST['ReplyMessage']) . "'," . $_GET['rid'] . ");</script>");
                     } else {
                         $reply = $this->DB->FetchArray($query);
                         $noOpenCache = TRUE;
                         $GLOBALS['edit_reply']['ticket_id'] = $_GET['id'];
                         $GLOBALS['edit_reply']['reply_id'] = $_GET['rid'];
                         $GLOBALS['edit_reply']['reply_message'] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), NULL, htmlDecode($reply['Message'], true));
                         $this->output->setVariable("no_set_temp", true);
                 } else {
             case "deleteReply":
                 $this->DB->Arguments($_GET['rid'], $_GET['id']);
                 $query = $this->DB->Query("SELECT Id FROM dbo.CTM_TicketReplies WHERE Id = %d AND TicketID = %d");
                 if ($this->DB->CountRows($query) > 0) {
                     $this->DB->Arguments($_GET['rid'], $_GET['id']);
                     $this->DB->Query("DELETE FROM dbo.CTM_TicketReplies WHERE Id = %d AND TicketID = %d");
                     exit("<script>" . "\$" . "('#replyId-" . $_GET['rid'] . "').hide('slow');</script>");
         $query = $this->DB->Query("SELECT * FROM dbo.CTM_TicketReplies WHERE TicketID = %d");
         $replies = array();
         if ($this->DB->CountRows($query) > 0) {
             while ($reply = self::DB()->FetchObject($query)) {
                 $replies[$reply->Id] = array("author" => $reply->Author, "is_team" => $this->functions->CheckTeamACP($reply->Account), "send_date" => date("d/m/Y - G:i a", $reply->Date), "message" => htmlDecode($reply->Message, true));
         $GLOBALS['view_ticket'] = array("id" => $ticket->Id, "subject" => $ticket->Subject, "departament" => array("id" => $ticket->Departament, "title" => $this->settings['USERPANEL']['SUPPORT']['TICKETS']['DEPARTAMENTS'][$ticket->Departament]), "open_date" => date("d/m/Y - G:i a", $ticket->Date), "account" => $ticket->Account, "character" => $ticket->Character, "message" => nl2br(htmlDecode($ticket->Text)), "status" => $ticket->Status, "protocol" => $ticket->Protocol, "annex" => $ticket->Annex, "replies" => $replies);
         if ($noOpenCache == false) {