/** * Передает переменные в шаблон для вывода в поток * * @param string|array $data * @param mix $value * * @return void */ public function assignHtml($data, $value = null) { if (is_array($data)) { $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $data); } else { $this->data[$data] = htmlChars($value); } return $this; }
<img src="' . getThumbURLFromFileName($value['Thumbnail']['localName']) . '" alt="' . htmlChars($value['Title']) . '" alt="Highslide JS" title="Click to enlarge" /> </a>'; echo '<div class="highslide-heading">' . $value['Title'] . '</div>'; echo '<div class="highslide-caption"> <a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $value['kid'] . '/b">View Full Record</a> </div></div>'; $galleryTotal = $galleryTotal + 1; } if (!empty($value['Image'])) { $thumbWidth = 100; $thumbHeight = 120; //echo '<a href="'.baseURL.pfolder.'object/'.$value['kid'].'/"><img class="essayImg" width="'.$thumbWidth.'" height="'.$thumbHeight.'" src="'.getThumbURLFromFileName($value['Image']['localName']).'" alt="'.htmlChars($value['Title']).'" /></a>'; //echo "<br />"; echo '<div class="highslide-gallery">'; echo '<a id = ' . $value['kid'] . 'single href="' . getFullURLFromFileName($value['Image']['localName']) . '" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: ' . $galleryTotal . '} )"> <img src="' . getThumbURLFromFileName($value['Image']['localName']) . '" alt="' . htmlChars($value['Title']) . '" alt="Highslide JS" title="Click to enlarge" /> </a>'; echo '<div class="highslide-heading">' . $value['Title'] . '</div>'; echo '<div class="highslide-caption"> <a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $value['kid'] . '/b">View Full Record</a> </div></div>'; $galleryTotal = $galleryTotal + 1; } //echo "<br />"; ?> </div><?php $i++; if (!empty($value['Object Associator'])) { //collect object associators $obj_assocs = $value['Object Associator']; }
} } ?> "> <a class="button" href="#">Essays</a> <?php $essay_fields = array('Section Order', 'Tagline (short title)'); $essay_order[] = array('field' => 'Section Order', 'direction' => SORT_ASC); $essay_query = new KORA_Clause("KID", "!=", ""); $essay_obj = KORA_Search(token, $projID, $essayID, $essay_query, $essay_fields, $essay_order); ?> <ul><?php //var_dump($essay_obj); foreach ($essay_obj as $value) { // change "project" to specific project name echo '<li><a class="button" href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'essays/' . $value['kid'] . '/">' . htmlChars($value['Tagline (short title)']) . '</a></li>'; } ?> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <div class="space2"></div> </li> <li> <!-- change "project" and "project name" to specific project name --> <div class="secondary_link"><a href="<?php echo baseURL . pfolder; ?> ">Home</a></div> </li>
echo '<div class="modtitle"><h5><a href="' . $value['URL'] . '">' . $value['Title'] . '</a></h5></div>'; } if (!empty($value['Thumbnail']['localName'])) { $thumbWidth = 120; $thumbHeight = 120; $localName = $value['Thumbnail']['localName']; $file = getFullURLFromFileName($localName); $image = getThumbURLFromFileName($localName); //getThumbnailKORA($value['Thumbnail']['localName'], $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight); // Get thumb from KORA echo '<a href="' . $value['URL'] . '"><img class="moduleImg" width="' . $thumbWidth . '" height="' . $thumbHeight . '" src="' . $image . '" alt="' . htmlChars($value['Title']) . '" /></a><br />'; } else { //Create thumb if needed if (!empty($hi_obj['Image']['localName'])) { createthumb(getFullPathFromFileName($value['Image']['localName']), 'thumbs/' . $value['Image']['localName'], 100, 100); echo '<a href="' . $value['URL'] . '"><img src="' . baseURL . 'thumbs/' . $value['Image']['localName'] . '" alt="' . htmlChars($value['Title']) . '" /></a><br />'; } } if (!empty($value['Date'])) { foreach ($value['Date'] as $date) { if (!empty($date)) { if ($date == "CE") { break; } echo $date . "<br/>"; } } } if (!empty($value['Description'])) { echo fixTags($value['Description']) . "<br />"; }
echo "<h3>" . $currFilter . "</h3>"; echo "<h4>" . $currFilterDesc . "</h4>"; } ?> <div class="browse_item" style = "height: 150px;"><?php if (!empty($value['Thumbnail']['localName'])) { echo '<div class="thumb">'; } else { echo '<div class="no_thumb">'; } $m; if (!empty($value['Thumbnail']['localName'])) { $thumbWidth = 100; $thumbHeight = 120; // Get thumb from KORA echo '<a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $value['kid'] . '/b"><img class="essayImg" width="' . $thumbWidth . '" height="' . $thumbHeight . '" src="' . getThumbURLFromFileName($value['Thumbnail']['localName']) . '" alt="' . htmlChars($value['Title']) . '" /></a><br />'; } //echo "<br />"; echo "</div>"; $i++; if (!empty($value['Object Associator'])) { //collect object associators $obj_assocs = $value['Object Associator']; } if (!empty($value['Title'])) { echo '<h4><a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $value['kid'] . '/b/">' . $value['Title'] . '</a></h4>'; } if (is_array($value['Date Original'])) { echo '<strong>Date: </strong>' . formatDate($value['Date Original']['month'], $value['Date Original']['day'], $value['Date Original']['year']) . '<br />'; } else { if (is_array($value['Date Range'])) {
?> secondary_link<?php } } ?> "> <a class="button" href="#">Essays</a> <?php $essay_fields = array('Section Order', 'Tagline (short title)'); $essay_order[] = array('field' => 'Section Order', 'direction' => SORT_ASC); $essay_query = new KORA_Clause("KID", "!=", ""); $essay_obj = KORA_Search(token, $projID, $essayID, $essay_query, $essay_fields, $essay_order); ?> <ul><?php foreach ($essay_obj as $value) { echo '<li><a class="button" href="' . baseURL . 'failedislamicstates/essays/' . $value['kid'] . '/">' . htmlChars($value['Tagline (short title)']) . '</a></li>'; } ?> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <div class="space2"></div> </li> <li> <div class="secondary_link"><a href="<?php echo baseURL; ?> failedislamicstates/">Failed Islamic States</a></div> </li> </ul>
} else { if (!empty($value['Thumbnail']['localName'])) { $thumbWidth = 100; $thumbHeight = 120; // Get thumb from KORA echo '<a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $value['kid'] . '/b"><img width="' . $thumbWidth . '" height="' . $thumbHeight . '" src="' . getThumbURLFromFileName($value['Thumbnail']['localName']) . '" alt="' . htmlChars($value['Title']) . '" /></a><br />'; } else { if (!empty($value['Multi-Part Associator'])) { $fields = array('Title', 'Image'); $query = new KORA_Clause("KID", "=", $value['Multi-Part Associator'][0]); $sort = array('fields' => $fields, 'direction' => SORT_ASC, 'byProject' => false); $m = KORA_Search(token, $projIDs, $multPartIDs, $query, $fields, $sort); //var_dump($m); $thumbWidth = 100; $thumbHeight = 120; echo '<a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $value['kid'] . '/b"><img width="' . $thumbWidth . '" height="' . $thumbHeight . '" src="' . getThumbURLFromFileName($m[$value['Multi-Part Associator'][0]]['Image']['localName']) . '" alt="' . htmlChars($m[$value['Multi-Part Associator'][0]]['Title']) . '" /></a>'; echo "<br />"; } } } echo "<br />"; ?> </div><?php /*if($currType == "Document") { echo "</div>"; }*/ $i++; if (!empty($value['Object Associator'])) { //collect object associators $obj_assocs = $value['Object Associator']; }
//var_dump(baseURL); $images[] = $thumbDiv . '<a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $match['kid'] . '/e/' . $kid . '/"> <img class="essayImg" src="' . getThumbURLFromFileName($match['Image']['localName'], $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight) . '" title="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($match['Title'])) . '" alt="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($match['Title'])) . '" /> <div class="clearboth"><strong>' . $match['Title'] . '</strong><br />' . ' </div></a></div>'; } else { $fields = array('Title', 'Image'); $query = new KORA_Clause("KID", "!=", " "); $multiObj = KORA_Search(token, $projID, $multPartID, $query, $fields); $m[] = array(); foreach ($multiObj as $mpo) { $m[] = $mpo['kid']; } $assocObj = array_intersect($match['Multi-Part Associator'], $m); $images[] = $thumbDiv . '<a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $assocObj[0] . '/y/' . $kid . '/"> <img class="essayImg" src="' . getThumbURLFromFileName($multiObj[$assocObj[0]]['Image']['localName'], $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight) . '" title="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($multiObj[$assocObj[0]]['Title'])) . '" alt="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($multiObj[$assocObj[0]]['Title'])) . '" /> <div class="clearboth"><strong>' . $match['Title'] . '</strong><br />' . ' </div></a></div>'; } $i++; $groupNo++; } echo ""; } } echo "<div>"; echo str_replace($totalReplacements, $images, $value['Description']) . '<br />'; echo "</div>"; } else { echo "<div>"; echo fixTags($value['Description']) . '<br />';
echo '<div id="object">'; echo '<a class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: \'imgGroup-' . $imageGroupNo . '\' })" href="' . getThumbnailKORA($value['Image']['localName'], 1500, 1500) . '"> <img src="' . getThumbnailKORA($value['Image']['localName'], $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight) . '" title="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($value['Title'])) . '" alt="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($value['Title'])) . '" /> </a> <div class="highslide-heading">' . $value['Title'] . '</div> <div class="highslide-caption"><a href="' . baseURL . 'sidiyyababa/object/' . $value['kid'] . '/">View Full Record</a><br /> </div>'; //echo '<div class="clearboth"></div>'; echo '</div>'; $imageGroupNo++; } } if (!empty($value['Title'])) { if (!empty($value['Image'])) { echo '<a href="' . getThumbnailKORA($value['Image']['localName'], 1500, 1500) . '" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: \'imgGroup-' . $imageGroupNo . '\' })">' . $value['Title'] . '</a> <div class="highslide-heading">' . htmlChars($value['Title']) . '</div> <div class="highslide-caption"><a href="' . baseURL . 'sidiyyababa/object/' . $value['kid'] . '/">View Full Record</a><br /> ' . '</div> <br />'; $imageGroupNo++; } else { echo '<a href="' . baseURL . 'sidiyyababa/object/' . $value['kid'] . '/">' . $value['Title'] . '</a><br />'; } } if (!empty($value['Date Original'])) { echo '<strong>Date: </strong>' . formatDate($value['Date Original']['month'], $value['Date Original']['day'], $value['Date Original']['year']) . ''; } else { if (!empty($value['Date Range'])) { echo '<strong>Date Range: </strong>' . $value['Date Range'][0]; } }
//OBJECT Assoc $obj_fields = array('Image', 'Title', 'Date Original', 'Description', 'Creditline'); $obj_order[] = array('field' => 'kid', 'direction' => SORT_ASC); //sort in order associated $obj_query = new KORA_Clause("KID", "IN", $obj_assocs); $obj_obj = KORA_Search(token, $projID, $objID, $obj_query, $obj_fields, $obj_order); if (!empty($obj_obj)) { echo "<strong>Related Objects</strong>"; echo "<br /><br />"; } foreach ($obj_obj as $o) { if (!empty($o['Image'])) { $thumbWidth = 100; $thumbHeight = 300; echo '<a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $o['kid'] . '/"> <img src="' . getThumbURLFromFileName($o['Image']['localName'], $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight) . '" title="' . htmlChars($o['Title']) . '" alt="' . htmlChars($o['Title']) . '" /></a>'; echo '<br />'; } if (!empty($o['Title'])) { if (!empty($o['Date Original'])) { echo '<a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $o['kid'] . '/">' . $o['Title'] . '</a> (' . formatDate($o['Date Original']['month'], $o['Date Original']['day'], $o['Date Original']['year']) . ')' . '<br />'; } else { echo '<a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $o['kid'] . '/">' . $o['Title'] . '</a><br />'; } } if (!empty($o['Creditline'])) { echo '<div class="desc">' . $o['Creditline'] . "</div>"; } echo "<br />"; } }
foreach ($obj as $value) { if (!empty($value['Thumbnail ']['localName'])) { //alternate thumb divs left and right if ($i % 2 == 0) { echo '<div class="thumb">'; } else { echo '<div class="thumb">'; } } else { echo '<div class="no_thumb">'; } $i++; $thumbWidth = 120; $thumbHeight = 300; // Get thumb from KORA echo '<a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $value['kid'] . '/"><img src="' . getThumbURLFromFileName($value['Image']['localName'], $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight) . '" alt="' . htmlChars($value['Title']) . '" /></a><br />'; ?> </div><?php if ($j % 2 == 0) { echo '<div>'; } else { echo '<div>'; } $j++; if (!empty($value['Title'])) { //link to full record echo '<h4><a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $value['kid'] . '/">' . $value['Title'] . '</a></h4>'; } if (is_array($value['Date Original'])) { echo '<strong>Date:</strong> ' . formatDate($value['Date Original']['month'], $value['Date Original']['day'], $value['Date Original']['year']) . "<br />"; } else {