} if ($schedule[$k]['startDate'] . ' ' . $schedule[$k]['startTime'] <= $j . ' ' . $date->format('H:i:s') && $schedule[$k]['endDate'] . ' ' . $schedule[$k]['endTime'] > $j . ' ' . $date->format('H:i:s')) { $count++; echo nameByNetId($schedule[$k]['employee']) . ' - ' . $schedule[$k]['name'] . "\n"; } } } } if ($count == 0) { echo '">' . $count . '</span></td>'; } else { echo '">' . $count . '</span></td>'; } $date->modify('+1 day'); } echo '<td id="hour' . $i . 'LabelRight">' . hourToTime($i) . '</td>'; $date->modify('-' . DAYS . ' day'); echo '</tr>'; $date->add($areaTimeInterval); } echo ' </table>'; if ($mode == DEFAULT_MODE) { echo '<input id="period" type="hidden" value="' . $schedule[0]['period'] . '">'; } echo ' <br /> <h2>Total Hours</h2>'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($employees); $i++) { $totalHours = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < count($schedule); $j++) { if (isset($schedule[$j]['employee']) && $schedule[$j]['employee'] == $employees[$i]) {
$startTime = getStartTime(); $endTime = getEndTime(); if (!isSchedulePosted($date)) { echo "<h3 align='center' style='color:red'>Schedule For Week Not Yet Posted</h3>"; } echo "<table class='schedule' id='sched'><thead><tr><th class='schedule_time'><b>Hours</b></th>"; while ($row = $hourTypesQuery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $hourTypes[] = $row['ID']; if (!in_array($row['ID'], $values)) { continue; } echo "<th class='schedule' style='background-color:" . $row['color'] . "'> <b> " . $row['name'] . "</b> </th>"; } echo "</tr></thead><tbody>"; for ($hour = $startTime * 1; $hour <= $endTime; $hour += $hourSize) { echo "<tr class='schedule'><td class='schedule_time'>" . hourToTime($hour) . "</td>"; foreach ($hourTypes as $curType) { if (!in_array($curType, $values)) { continue; } echo "<td class='schedule'>"; $shifts = getShifts(hourToMilitary($hour), hourToMilitary($hour + $hourSize), $curType, $date); foreach ($shifts as $curShift) { $netId = $curShift['employee']; if (!in_array($netId, $employees)) { continue; } if (checkStartShift($curShift, $hour) && $printMode == false) { echo "<span style='color:green'>" . nameByNetId($netId) . "</span>"; if (can("access", "033e3c00-4989-4895-a4d5-a059984f7997")) { echo " <a href='https://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "/performance/tardy.php?employee=" . $netId . "&startTime=" . $hour . "' >(T)</a>";
$hourDays[] = $date; if ($hourTimes[2] >= 24) { $hourTimes[2] -= 24; $hourDays[] = $nextDate; } else { $hourDays[] = $date; } echo "<table class='schedule'><tbody>"; // header stuff echo "<tr><th class='hourType'>Shift</th>"; for ($hour = 0; $hour < count($hourTimes); $hour++) { if ($hourTimes[$hour] == $currentTime && $hourDays[$hour] == $currentDate) { //echo "<th class='schedule'><span style='color:green'>".hourToTime($hourTimes[$hour])." - ".hourToTime($hourTimes[$hour]+$hourSize)."</span></th>"; echo "<th class='schedule' style='background:#c0c0c0'>" . hourToTime($hourTimes[$hour]) . " - " . hourToTime($hourTimes[$hour] + $hourSize) . "</th>"; } else { echo "<th class='schedule'>" . hourToTime($hourTimes[$hour]) . " - " . hourToTime($hourTimes[$hour] + $hourSize) . "</th>"; } } echo "</tr>"; // hour types and names try { $hourTypesQuery = $db->prepare("SELECT ID,value,name,color FROM scheduleHourTypes WHERE area=:area AND `deleted` = 0"); $hourTypesQuery->execute(array(':area' => $area)); } catch (PDOException $e) { exit("error in query"); } while ($row = $hourTypesQuery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (!in_array($row['ID'], $values)) { continue; } echo "<tr>";