ini_set('error_append_string', null); } include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; $usersmenus = new usersMenus(); if (!$usersmenus->AsSquidAdministrator) { $tpl = new templates(); $alert = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body('{ERROR_NO_PRIVS}'); echo "alert('{$alert}');"; die; } if (isset($_GET["hosts"])) { hosts(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["host-js"])) { hosts_js(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["host-popup"])) { hosts_popup(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["host-tab"])) { hosts_tab(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["delete-host-js"])) {
function edit() { global $colors, $tabs_thold, $config; /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request("id")); /* ==================================================== */ /* set the default tab */ load_current_session_value("tab", "sess_thold_notify_tab", "general"); $current_tab = $_REQUEST["tab"]; if (sizeof($tabs_thold) && isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { /* draw the tabs */ print "<table class='tabs' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' align='center'><tr>\n"; foreach (array_keys($tabs_thold) as $tab_short_name) { print "<td style='padding:3px 10px 2px 5px;background-color:" . ($tab_short_name == $current_tab ? "silver;" : "#DFDFDF;") . "white-space:nowrap;'" . " width='1%' " . " align='center' class='tab'>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='textHeader'><a href='" . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . "plugins/thold/notify_lists.php?action=edit&id=" . get_request_var_request('id') . "&tab=" . $tab_short_name) . "'>{$tabs_thold[$tab_short_name]}</a></span>\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\n\t\t\t\t<td width='1'></td>\n"; } print "<td></td>\n</tr></table>\n"; } $header_label = get_notification_header_label(); if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $list = db_fetch_row('SELECT * FROM plugin_notification_lists WHERE id=' . $_REQUEST['id']); } else { $list = array(); $current_tab = 'general'; } if ($current_tab == "general") { html_start_box("<strong>General Settings</strong> " . htmlspecialchars($header_label), "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", ""); $fields_notification = array("name" => array("method" => "textbox", "friendly_name" => "Name", "description" => "Enter a name for this Notification List", "value" => "|arg1:name|", "max_length" => "80"), "description" => array("method" => "textarea", "friendly_name" => "Description", "description" => "Enter a description for this Notification List", "value" => "|arg1:description|", "class" => "textAreaNotes", "textarea_rows" => "2", "textarea_cols" => "80"), "emails" => array("method" => "textarea", "friendly_name" => "Email Addresses", "description" => "Enter a comma separated list of Email addresses for this notification list.", "value" => "|arg1:emails|", "class" => "textAreaNotes", "textarea_rows" => "4", "textarea_cols" => "80"), "phones" => array("method" => "textarea", "friendly_name" => "Phone Numbers", "description" => "Enter a comma separated list of Phone Numbers for this notification list.", "value" => "|arg1:phones|", "class" => "textAreaNotes", "textarea_rows" => "4", "textarea_cols" => "80"), "id" => array("method" => "hidden_zero", "value" => "|arg1:id|"), "save_component" => array("method" => "hidden", "value" => "1")); draw_edit_form(array("config" => array(), "fields" => inject_form_variables($fields_notification, isset($list) ? $list : array()))); html_end_box(); form_save_button("notify_lists.php", "return"); } elseif ($current_tab == "hosts") { hosts($header_label); } elseif ($current_tab == "tholds") { tholds($header_label); } else { templates($header_label); } }
if(isset($_GET["verbose"])){$GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]=true;ini_set('display_errors', 1);ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);ini_set('error_prepend_string',null);ini_set('error_append_string',null);} include_once('ressources/'); include_once('ressources/'); include_once('ressources/'); include_once('ressources/'); include_once('ressources/'); $usersmenus=new usersMenus(); if(!$usersmenus->AsSquidAdministrator){ $tpl=new templates(); $alert=$tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body('{ERROR_NO_PRIVS}'); echo "alert('$alert');"; die(); } if(isset($_GET["hosts"])){hosts();exit;} if(isset($_GET["host-js"])){hosts_js();exit;} if(isset($_GET["delete-host-js"])){hosts_js_delete();exit;} if(isset($_POST["delete-host-id"])){hosts_delete();exit;} if(isset($_POST["domain"])){domain_save();exit;} if(isset($_GET["table"])){table();exit;} js(); function js(){ header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); $ID=$_GET["ID"];
function edit() { global $tabs_thold, $config; /* ================= input validation ================= */ get_filter_request_var('id'); get_filter_request_var('tab', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, array('options' => array('regexp' => '/^([a-zA-Z]+)$/'))); /* ==================================================== */ /* set the default tab */ load_current_session_value('tab', 'sess_thold_notify_tab', 'general'); $current_tab = get_request_var('tab'); if (sizeof($tabs_thold) && isset_request_var('id')) { print "<div class='tabs'><nav><ul>\n"; if (sizeof($tabs_thold)) { foreach (array_keys($tabs_thold) as $tab_short_name) { print "<li><a class='pic" . ($tab_short_name == $current_tab ? ' selected' : '') . "' href='" . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/notify_lists.php' . '?action=edit&id=' . get_filter_request_var('id') . '&tab=' . $tab_short_name . "'>" . $tabs_thold[$tab_short_name] . "</a></li>\n"; } } print "</ul></nav></div>\n"; } $header_label = get_notification_header_label(); if (isset_request_var('id')) { $list = db_fetch_row('SELECT * FROM plugin_notification_lists WHERE id=' . get_request_var('id')); } else { $list = array(); $current_tab = 'general'; } if ($current_tab == 'general') { form_start('notify_lists.php'); html_start_box(__('List General Settings') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($header_label), '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); $fields_notification = array('name' => array('method' => 'textbox', 'friendly_name' => __('Name'), 'description' => __('Enter a name for this Notification List.'), 'value' => '|arg1:name|', 'max_length' => '80'), 'description' => array('method' => 'textarea', 'friendly_name' => __('Description'), 'description' => __('Enter a description for this Notification List.'), 'value' => '|arg1:description|', 'class' => 'textAreaNotes', 'textarea_rows' => '2', 'textarea_cols' => '80'), 'emails' => array('method' => 'textarea', 'friendly_name' => __('Email Addresses'), 'description' => __('Enter a comma separated list of Email addresses for this Notification List.'), 'value' => '|arg1:emails|', 'class' => 'textAreaNotes', 'textarea_rows' => '4', 'textarea_cols' => '80'), 'id' => array('method' => 'hidden_zero', 'value' => '|arg1:id|'), 'save_component' => array('method' => 'hidden', 'value' => '1')); draw_edit_form(array('config' => array(), 'fields' => inject_form_variables($fields_notification, isset($list) ? $list : array()))); html_end_box(); form_save_button('notify_lists.php', 'return'); } elseif ($current_tab == 'hosts') { hosts($header_label); } elseif ($current_tab == 'tholds') { tholds($header_label); } else { templates($header_label); } }