function handleTemplateSpecifics($req, $resp, $args, $tplName, &$htdoc)
    /* If we're an internal-only template, will be inside /internal/ folder.
     * List them here so can validate and look in there
    $internalPages = ["loggedInWelcomeTemplate", "newTripTemplate", "viewTripTemplate", "wordSwapTemplate"];
    if (in_array($tplName, $internalPages)) {
        if (hasValidSession()) {
        } else {
            // Read in the unauthorized access deal
    } else {
        // If not an internal page, no need to check session
    // A few details specific to individual views
    switch ($tplName) {
        case "navbarTemplate":
            // Get the home url but with https
            $selfAddr = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
            $baseAddr = explode('/api.php', $selfAddr)[0];
            $secureURL = 'https://' . $baseAddr . "/#logIn";
            // Set the href on log in (https/http)
            $loginlink = $htdoc->getElementById("login");
            $loginlink->setAttribute("href", $secureURL);
        case "loggedInWelcomeTemplate":
            if (hasValidSession()) {
                // Put in welcome message to specific username
                $wtx = "Welcome " . getSessionUserName() . "!";
                $htdoc->getElementById("welcUser")->nodeValue = $wtx;
Exemple #2
/* test_api.php
 * Server-side tests for application, deny access in production via .htaccess
 * David Lenkner, c. 2016
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
require_once 'php/templateSpecifics.php';
require_once 'php/authentication.php';
require_once 'php/utils.php';
$app = new \Slim\App();
// Test session variables and login session functions
$app->get('/testSession', function ($request, $response, $args) {
    $un = getSessionUserName();
    echo "User name is " . $un . "\n";
    if (hasValidSession()) {
        echo "Valid session.\n";
    } else {
        echo "Invalid session.\n";
// Test session variables alone by setting
$app->get('/setSV', function ($request, $response, $args) {
    echo "4\n";
    $_SESSION["a"] = '12345';
    // echo "Okay set session var to " . $_SESSION["a"] . "\n";
// Test session variables alone by getting
$app->get('/getSV', function ($request, $response, $args) {
    echo "SV A IS " . $_SESSION["a"];
Exemple #3
    // Special view-specific handling... loads some template from file
    handleTemplateSpecifics($request, $response, $args, $templateName, $htdoc);
    // Return document to client
    echo $htdoc->saveHTML();
// Route for attempting to log in
$app->post('/login', function () {
    validateAndCreateSession($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']);
// Route for logging out
$app->get('/logout', function () {
// Middleware function to return empty error response if not logged in
$RequireAuthMW = function ($request, $response, $next) {
    if (!hasValidSession()) {
        $rsp = new JsonResponse_Basic("Authentication required for route.");
    $response = $next($request, $response);
    return $response;
// Route for starting a trip
$app->get('/startTrip', function () {
// Route for stopping a trip
$app->get('/stopTrip', function () {
// Route for logging a point during a trip