Exemple #1
 public function find_users($search)
     global $DB;
     // Get list of allowed roles.
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $this->courseid);
     if ($validroleids = groups_get_possible_roles($context)) {
         list($roleids, $roleparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($validroleids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'r');
     } else {
         $roleids = " = -1";
         $roleparams = array();
     // Get the search condition.
     list($searchcondition, $searchparams) = $this->search_sql($search, 'u');
     // Build the SQL
     list($enrolsql, $enrolparams) = get_enrolled_sql($context);
     $fields = "SELECT r.id AS roleid, r.shortname AS roleshortname, r.name AS rolename, u.id AS userid,\n                          " . $this->required_fields_sql('u') . ",\n                          (SELECT count(igm.groupid)\n                             FROM {groups_members} igm\n                             JOIN {groups} ig ON igm.groupid = ig.id\n                            WHERE igm.userid = u.id AND ig.courseid = :courseid) AS numgroups";
     $sql = "   FROM {user} u\n                   JOIN ({$enrolsql}) e ON e.id = u.id\n              LEFT JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON (ra.userid = u.id AND ra.contextid " . get_related_contexts_string($context) . " AND ra.roleid {$roleids})\n              LEFT JOIN {role} r ON r.id = ra.roleid\n                  WHERE u.deleted = 0\n                        AND u.id NOT IN (SELECT userid\n                                          FROM {groups_members}\n                                         WHERE groupid = :groupid)\n                        AND {$searchcondition}";
     $orderby = "ORDER BY u.lastname, u.firstname";
     $params = array_merge($searchparams, $roleparams, $enrolparams);
     $params['courseid'] = $this->courseid;
     $params['groupid'] = $this->groupid;
     if (!$this->is_validating()) {
         $potentialmemberscount = $DB->count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT u.id) {$sql}", $params);
         if ($potentialmemberscount > group_non_members_selector::MAX_USERS_PER_PAGE) {
             return $this->too_many_results($search, $potentialmemberscount);
     $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("{$fields} {$sql} {$orderby}", $params);
     $roles = groups_calculate_role_people($rs, $context);
     //don't hold onto user IDs if we're doing validation
     if (empty($this->validatinguserids)) {
         if ($roles) {
             foreach ($roles as $k => $v) {
                 if ($v) {
                     foreach ($v->users as $uid => $userobject) {
                         $this->potentialmembersids[] = $uid;
     return $this->convert_array_format($roles, $search);
Exemple #2
    public function find_users($search) {
        global $DB;

        // Get list of allowed roles.
        $context = context_course::instance($this->courseid);
        if ($validroleids = groups_get_possible_roles($context)) {
            list($roleids, $roleparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($validroleids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'r');
        } else {
            $roleids = " = -1";
            $roleparams = array();

        // Get the search condition.
        list($searchcondition, $searchparams) = $this->search_sql($search, 'u');

        // Build the SQL
        list($enrolsql, $enrolparams) = get_enrolled_sql($context);
        $fields = "SELECT r.id AS roleid, u.id AS userid,
                          " . $this->required_fields_sql('u') . ",
                          (SELECT count(igm.groupid)
                             FROM {groups_members} igm
                             JOIN {groups} ig ON igm.groupid = ig.id
                            WHERE igm.userid = u.id AND ig.courseid = :courseid) AS numgroups";
        $sql = "   FROM {user} u
                   JOIN ($enrolsql) e ON e.id = u.id
              LEFT JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON (ra.userid = u.id AND ra.contextid " . get_related_contexts_string($context) . " AND ra.roleid $roleids)
              LEFT JOIN {role} r ON r.id = ra.roleid
              LEFT JOIN {groups_members} gm ON (gm.userid = u.id AND gm.groupid = :groupid)
                  WHERE u.deleted = 0
                        AND gm.id IS NULL
                        AND $searchcondition";

        list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('u', $search, $this->accesscontext);
        $orderby = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort;

        $params = array_merge($searchparams, $roleparams, $enrolparams);
        $params['courseid'] = $this->courseid;
        $params['groupid']  = $this->groupid;

        if (!$this->is_validating()) {
            $potentialmemberscount = $DB->count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT u.id) $sql", $params);
            if ($potentialmemberscount > group_non_members_selector::MAX_USERS_PER_PAGE) {
                return $this->too_many_results($search, $potentialmemberscount);

        $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("$fields $sql $orderby", array_merge($params, $sortparams));
        $roles =  groups_calculate_role_people($rs, $context);

        //don't hold onto user IDs if we're doing validation
        if (empty($this->validatinguserids) ) {
            if($roles) {
                foreach($roles as $k=>$v) {
                    if($v) {
                        foreach($v->users as $uid=>$userobject) {
                            $this->potentialmembersids[] = $uid;

        return $this->convert_array_format($roles, $search);
Exemple #3
 public function find_users($search)
     global $DB;
     // Get list of allowed roles.
     $context = context_course::instance($this->courseid);
     if ($validroleids = groups_get_possible_roles($context)) {
         list($roleids, $roleparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($validroleids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'r');
     } else {
         $roleids = " = -1";
         $roleparams = array();
     // We want to query both the current context and parent contexts.
     list($relatedctxsql, $relatedctxparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($context->get_parent_context_ids(true), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'relatedctx');
     // Get the search condition.
     list($searchcondition, $searchparams) = $this->search_sql($search, 'u');
     // Build the SQL
     list($enrolsql, $enrolparams) = get_enrolled_sql($context);
     $fields = "SELECT r.id AS roleid, u.id AS userid,\n                          " . $this->required_fields_sql('u') . ",\n                          (SELECT count(igm.groupid)\n                             FROM {groups_members} igm\n                             JOIN {groups} ig ON igm.groupid = ig.id\n                            WHERE igm.userid = u.id AND ig.courseid = :courseid) AS numgroups";
     $sql = "   FROM {user} u\n                   JOIN ({$enrolsql}) e ON e.id = u.id\n              LEFT JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON (ra.userid = u.id AND ra.contextid {$relatedctxsql} AND ra.roleid {$roleids})\n              LEFT JOIN {role} r ON r.id = ra.roleid\n              LEFT JOIN {groups_members} gm ON (gm.userid = u.id AND gm.groupid = :groupid)\n                  WHERE u.deleted = 0\n                        AND gm.id IS NULL\n                        AND {$searchcondition}";
     list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('u', $search, $this->accesscontext);
     $orderby = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort;
     $params = array_merge($searchparams, $roleparams, $enrolparams, $relatedctxparams);
     $params['courseid'] = $this->courseid;
     $params['groupid'] = $this->groupid;
     if (!$this->is_validating()) {
         $potentialmemberscount = $DB->count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT u.id) {$sql}", $params);
         if ($potentialmemberscount > $this->maxusersperpage) {
             return $this->too_many_results($search, $potentialmemberscount);
     $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("{$fields} {$sql} {$orderby}", array_merge($params, $sortparams));
     $roles = groups_calculate_role_people($rs, $context);
     //don't hold onto user IDs if we're doing validation
     if (empty($this->validatinguserids)) {
         if ($roles) {
             foreach ($roles as $k => $v) {
                 if ($v) {
                     foreach ($v->users as $uid => $userobject) {
                         $this->potentialmembersids[] = $uid;
     return $this->convert_array_format($roles, $search);
Exemple #4
 public function find_users($search)
     // Get list of allowed roles.
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $this->courseid);
     if (!($validroleids = groups_get_possible_roles($context))) {
         return array();
     $roleids = 'IN (' . implode(',', $validroleids) . ')';
     // Get the search condition.
     $searchcondition = $this->search_sql($search, 'u');
     //TODO penny check the use of groupid here.
     // Build the SQL
     $fields = "SELECT r.id AS roleid, r.shortname AS roleshortname, r.name AS rolename, u.id AS userid, " . $this->required_fields_sql('u') . ", (SELECT count(igm.groupid) FROM {groups_members} igm JOIN {groups} ig ON\n                    igm.groupid = ig.id WHERE igm.userid = u.id AND ig.courseid = {$this->courseid}\n                ) AS numgroups\n        ";
     $sql = "\n                FROM {user} u\n                   JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON ra.userid = u.id\n                   JOIN {role} r ON r.id = ra.roleid\n                  WHERE ra.contextid " . get_related_contexts_string($context) . "\n                        AND u.deleted = 0\n                        AND ra.roleid {$roleids}\n                        AND u.id NOT IN (SELECT userid\n                                          FROM {groups_members}\n                                         WHERE groupid = {$this->groupid})\n                        AND {$searchcondition}";
     $orderby = " ORDER BY u.lastname, u.firstname";
     if (!$this->is_validating()) {
         $potentialmemberscount = count_records_sql('SELECT count(DISTINCT u.id) ' . $sql);
         if ($potentialmemberscount > group_non_members_selector::MAX_USERS_PER_PAGE) {
             return $this->too_many_results($search, $potentialmemberscount);
     $rs = get_recordset_sql($fields . $sql . $orderby);
     $roles = groups_calculate_role_people($rs, $context);
     return $this->convert_array_format($roles, $search);
Exemple #5
 public function find_users($search)
     global $DB;
     // Get list of allowed roles.
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $this->courseid);
     if (!($validroleids = groups_get_possible_roles($context))) {
         return array();
     list($roleids, $roleparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($validroleids);
     // Get the search condition.
     list($searchcondition, $searchparams) = $this->search_sql($search, 'u');
     // Build the SQL
     $fields = "SELECT r.id AS roleid, r.shortname AS roleshortname, r.name AS rolename, u.id AS userid, " . $this->required_fields_sql('u') . ', (SELECT count(igm.groupid) FROM {groups_members} igm JOIN {groups} ig ON
                 igm.groupid = ig.id WHERE igm.userid = u.id AND ig.courseid = ?) AS numgroups ';
     $sql = "   FROM {user} u\n                   JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON ra.userid = u.id\n                   JOIN {role} r ON r.id = ra.roleid\n                  WHERE ra.contextid " . get_related_contexts_string($context) . "\n                        AND u.deleted = 0\n                        AND ra.roleid {$roleids}\n                        AND u.id NOT IN (SELECT userid\n                                          FROM {groups_members}\n                                         WHERE groupid = ?)\n                        AND {$searchcondition}";
     $orderby = " ORDER BY u.lastname, u.firstname";
     $params = array_merge($roleparams, array($this->groupid), $searchparams);
     if (!$this->is_validating()) {
         $potentialmemberscount = $DB->count_records_sql('SELECT count(DISTINCT u.id) ' . $sql, $params);
         if ($potentialmemberscount > group_non_members_selector::MAX_USERS_PER_PAGE) {
             return $this->too_many_results($search, $potentialmemberscount);
     array_unshift($params, $this->courseid);
     $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($fields . $sql . $orderby, $params);
     $roles = groups_calculate_role_people($rs, $context);
     return $this->convert_array_format($roles, $search);
Exemple #6
 * Gets the users for a course who are not in a specified group, and returns
 * them in an array organised by role. For the array format, see 
 * groups_get_members_by_role.
 * @param int $groupid The id of the group
 * @param string searchtext similar to searchtext in role assign, search
 * @return array An array of role id or '*' => information about that role 
 *   including a list of users
function groups_get_users_not_in_group_by_role($courseid, $groupid, $searchtext = '', $sort = 'u.lastname ASC')
    global $CFG;
    $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid);
    if ($searchtext !== '') {
        // Search for a subset of remaining users
        $LIKE = sql_ilike();
        $FULLNAME = sql_fullname();
        $wheresearch = " AND u.id IN (SELECT id FROM {$CFG->prefix}user WHERE {$FULLNAME} {$LIKE} '%{$searchtext}%' OR email {$LIKE} '%{$searchtext}%' )";
    } else {
        $wheresearch = '';
    /// Get list of allowed roles
    if (!($validroleids = groups_get_possible_roles($context))) {
    $roleids = '(' . implode(',', $validroleids) . ')';
    /// Construct the main SQL
    $select = " SELECT r.id AS roleid,r.shortname AS roleshortname,r.name AS rolename,\n                       u.id AS userid, u.firstname, u.lastname";
    $from = " FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u\n                INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra ON ra.userid = u.id\n                INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role r ON r.id = ra.roleid";
    $where = " WHERE ra.contextid " . get_related_contexts_string($context) . "\n                  AND u.deleted = 0\n                  AND ra.roleid in {$roleids}\n                  AND u.id NOT IN (SELECT userid\n                                   FROM {$CFG->prefix}groups_members\n                                   WHERE groupid = {$groupid})\n                  {$wheresearch}";
    $orderby = " ORDER BY {$sort}";
    return groups_calculate_role_people(get_recordset_sql($select . $from . $where . $orderby), $context);