Exemple #1
function CreateView($args, $targs)
    grokit_assert(\count($args) == 1, 'CreateView supports exactly 1 input');
    $type = $args[0];
    grokit_assert($type->is('array'), 'CreateView cannot create view on non-array type');
    $innerType = $type->get('type');
    $size = $type->get('size');
    $viewType = lookupType('BASE::FixedArrayView', ['type' => $innerType, 'size' => $size]);
    $funcname = generate_name('CreateView_');

    echo $viewType;
    echo $funcname;
( const <?php 
    echo $type;
 &array ) {
	return <?php 
    echo $viewType;

    return ['kind' => 'FUNCTION', 'name' => $funcname, 'input' => $args, 'result' => $viewType, 'deterministic' => false];
Exemple #2
 public static function lookupAttribute($name)
     if (!array_key_exists($name, self::$att_map)) {
         fwrite(STDERR, 'lookupAttribute called with name: ' . print_r($name, true));
         //fwrite(STDERR, print_r(self::$att_map, true) );
     grokit_assert(array_key_exists($name, self::$att_map), 'Attempting to lookup unknown attribute ' . $name);
     return self::$att_map[$name];
function PatternMatcherOnig($t_args, $inputs)
    grokit_assert(\count($inputs) == 1, 'PatternMatcherOnig GF only supports 1 input!');
    $pattern = get_first_key($t_args, ['pattern']);
    $inName = array_keys($inputs)[0];
    $inType = array_get_index($inputs, 0);
    $inTypeString = $inType->name();
    $validTypes = ['BASE::STRING_LITERAL'];
    grokit_assert(in_array($inTypeString, $validTypes), 'Unsupported input type ' . $inTypeString);
    $className = generate_name('PatternMatcherOnigGF');

class <?php 
    echo $className;

    PatternMatcherOnig matcher;

    echo $className;
() :
    echo $pattern;
    { }

    bool Filter( const <?php 
    echo $inType;
 & <?php 
    echo $inName;
 ) {
        return matcher.Match(<?php 
    echo $inName;

    return ['kind' => 'GF', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $inputs, 'user_headers' => ['PatternMatcherOnig.h']];
Exemple #4
 public static function getState($wp, $query)
     grokit_assert(array_key_exists($wp, self::$states), 'No states available for waypoint ' . $wp);
     grokit_assert(array_key_exists($query, self::$states[$wp]), 'No state available for query ' . $query . ' in waypoint ' . $wp);
     return self::$states[$wp][$query];
function parseCase($ast)
    assert_ast_type($ast, NodeType::CASE_NODE);
    $data = ast_node_data($ast);
    $source = ast_node_source($ast);
    $base_ast = ast_get($data, NodeKey::BASE);
    $cases = ast_get($data, NodeKey::CASES);
    $default_ast = ast_get($data, NodeKey::DEFAULT_CASE);
    // TODO: Allow case to handle no default if we add in null values.
    grokit_assert($default_ast !== null, 'Case statements with no default currently unsupported ' . ast_node_source($ast));
    grokit_logic_assert(is_array($cases), 'Cases attribute of CASE statement was not an array! ' . ast_node_source($ast));
    $default = parseExpression($default_ast);
    if ($base_ast === null) {
        return parseCaseNoBase($source, $cases, $default);
    } else {
        $base = parseExpression($base_ast);
        return parseCaseBase($source, $base, $cases, $default);
Exemple #6
function Contains($args, $targs)
    grokit_assert(\count($args) == 1, 'Contains supports exactly 1 input, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('values', $targs), 'Contains() requires a "values" template argument');
    $inputName = 'contains_input';
    $inputType = $args[0];
    $boolType = lookupType('base::bool');
    $typename = generate_name('_ContainsType');
    $funcname = generate_name('Contains');
    $sys_headers = ['cstddef'];
    $use_mct = get_default($targs, 'use.mct', false);
    if ($use_mct) {
        $sys_headers[] = 'mct/closed-hash-set.hpp';
        $setType = 'mct::closed_hash_set<' . $inputType . ', KeyHash>';
    } else {
        $sys_headers[] = 'unordered_set';
        $setType = 'std::unordered_set<' . $inputType . ', KeyHash>';
    $values = $targs['values'];
    grokit_assert(is_array($values), 'Contains(): values argument must be an array of strings');
    $quotedValues = [];
    $escapeChars = "\"'\n\r\t\\";
    foreach ($values as $index => $val) {
        grokit_assert(is_string($val), "Contains(): Value at index {$index} is not a string");
        $quotedValues[] = '"' . addcslashes($val, $escapeChars) . '"';
    $nVals = \count($quotedValues);

class <?php 
    echo $typename;
	struct KeyHash {
		std::size_t operator () (const <?php 
    echo $inputType;
 & val) const {
			return static_cast<std::size_t>(Hash(val));

	using Set = <?php 
    echo $setType;

	// Singleton
	static const <?php 
    echo $typename;

	static const char* str_values[<?php 
    echo $nVals;

	Set values;

    echo $typename;
    echo $inputType;
		for( auto str : str_values ) {
			FromString(temp, str);

	bool exists(const <?php 
    echo $inputType;
 & <?php 
    echo $inputName;
) const {
		return values.count(<?php 
    echo $inputName;
) > 0;

const <?php 
    echo $typename;
    echo $typename;
const char* <?php 
    echo $typename;
    echo $nVals;
] = {
    echo implode(", ", $quotedValues);

    echo $boolType;
    echo $funcname;
(const <?php 
    echo $inputType;
 & <?php 
    echo $inputName;
) {
	return <?php 
    echo $typename;
    echo $inputName;

    return ['kind' => 'FUNCTION', 'name' => $funcname, 'input' => $args, 'result' => $boolType, 'determinstic' => true, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers];
Exemple #7
 *  A GLA that counts the number of distinct elements by keeping track of the
 *  distinct elements.
 *  Unless an exact count of the distinct is absolutely needed, consider using
 *  an approximation of the distinct, such as a Bloom Filter.
function CountDistinct(array $t_args, array $input, array $output)
    grokit_assert(\count($output) == 1, 'CountDistinct should have only 1 output, ' . \count($output) . 'given');
    $outputName = array_keys($output)[0];
    $outputType = array_get_index($output, 0);
    if (is_null($outputType)) {
        $outputType = lookupType('BASE::BIGINT');
    $output[$outputName] = $outputType;
    grokit_assert($outputType->is('numeric'), 'CountDistinct output must be numeric!');
    $useMCT = get_default($t_args, 'use.mct', true);
    $keepHashes = get_default($t_args, 'mct.keep.hashes', false);
    $initSize = get_default($t_args, 'init.size', 65536);
    $nullCheck = get_default($t_args, 'null.check', false);
    grokit_assert(is_bool($useMCT), 'CountDistinct use.mct argument must be boolean');
    grokit_assert(is_integer($initSize), 'Distinct init.size argument must be an integer');
    grokit_assert($initSize > 0, 'Distinct init.size argument must be positive');
    grokit_assert(is_bool($keepHashes), 'CountDistinct mct.keep.hashes argument must be boolean');
    $distTmpArgs = ['use.mct' => $useMCT, 'init.size' => $initSize, 'mct.keep.hashes' => $keepHashes, 'null.check' => $nullCheck];
    $gla = lookupGLA('BASE::DISTINCT', $distTmpArgs, $input, $input);
    $className = generate_name('CountDistinct');
class <?php 
    echo $className;
    using Distinct = <?php 
    echo $gla->value();

    Distinct distinctGLA;


    echo $className;
    { }

    echo $className;
(void) { }

    void AddItem(<?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($input);
) {
    echo args($input);

    void AddState(<?php 
    echo $className;
 & o) {

    void GetResult(<?php 
    echo $outputType;
 & <?php 
    echo $outputName;
) {
    echo $outputName;
 = distinctGLA.get_countDistinct();
    return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => 'single'];
Exemple #8
function ExtremeTuples(array $t_args, array $inputs, array $outputs)
    $extremes = get_first_key($t_args, ['extremes']);
    $nExt = \count($extremes);
    grokit_assert($nExt > 0, 'No extremes specified for ExtremeTuples GLA.');
    if (\count($inputs) == 0) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('inputs', $t_args), 'No arguments specified for ExtremeTuples GLA.');
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($t_args['inputs'] as $type) {
            if (is_identifier($type)) {
                $type = lookupType(strval($type));
            grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'Only datatypes can be specified as inputs to ' . 'the ExtremeTuples GLA');
            $name = 'et_val' . $count;
            $inputs[$name] = $type;
    $outputMap = [];
    foreach ($inputs as $name => $type) {
        $oKey = key($outputs);
        $outputs[$oKey] = $type;
        $outputMap[$oKey] = $name;
    grokit_assert($nExt <= \count($inputs), 'There can not be more extreme values than there are inputs!');
    $mainAtts = [];
    $extraAtts = [];
    $minOpts = ['MIN', 'MINIMUM', '-', '<'];
    $maxOpts = ['MAX', 'MAXIMUM', '+', '>'];
    $inArrayCase = function ($needle, $haystack) {
        foreach ($haystack as $item) {
            if (strcasecmp($needle, $item) == 0) {
                return true;
        return false;
    $minimum = [];
    foreach ($extremes as $name => $val) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists($name, $inputs), "ExtremeTuples: Expression with name " . $name . " specified as extreme not found in inputs");
    foreach ($inputs as $name => $type) {
        if (array_key_exists($name, $extremes)) {
            $mainAtts[$name] = $type;
            if ($inArrayCase($extremes[$name], $minOpts)) {
                $minimum[$name] = true;
            } else {
                if ($inArrayCase($extremes[$name], $maxOpts)) {
                    $minimum[$name] = false;
                } else {
                    grokit_error('Unknown extreme type ' . $extremes[$name] . ' specified for ' . $name);
        } else {
            $extraAtts[$name] = $type;
    $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0);
    $className = generate_name('ExtremeTuples');

class <?php 
    echo $className;

    struct Tuple {
    foreach ($inputs as $name => $type) {
        echo $type;
        echo $name;
    // foreach input

        // Default Constructor, Copy Constructor, and Copy Assignment are all
        // default
        Tuple(void) = default;
        Tuple(const Tuple &) = default;
        Tuple & operator = (const Tuple &) = default;

    echo array_template('const {val} & _{key}', ', ', $inputs);
) :
    echo array_template('{key}(_{key})', ', ', $inputs);

        { }

        // operator > means that this tuple is "better" than the other tuple.
        bool operator > ( const Tuple & other ) const {
    foreach ($mainAtts as $name => $type) {
        $op1 = $minimum[$name] ? '<' : '>';
        $op2 = !$minimum[$name] ? '<' : '>';
            if( <?php 
        echo $name;
        echo $op1;
        echo $name;
                return true;
            else if( <?php 
        echo $name;
        echo $op2;
        echo $name;
                return false;
    // foreach main attribute

            return false;

        bool operator < ( const Tuple& other ) const {
            return other > *this;

        bool operator <= (const Tuple & other ) const {
            return ! (*this > other );

        bool operator >= (const Tuple & other ) const {
            return !( other > *this );

        bool operator == (const Tuple & other ) const {
            bool ret = true;
    foreach ($mainAtts as $name => $type) {
            ret &= <?php 
        echo $name;
 == other.<?php 
        echo $name;
    // foreach main attribute
            return ret;
    }; // struct Tuple

    typedef std::vector<Tuple> TupleVector;
    class Iterator {
        typedef TupleVector::const_iterator iter_type;

        iter_type begin;
        iter_type end;

        Iterator(void) = default;
        Iterator(const Iterator &) = default;
        Iterator( const iter_type & _begin, const iter_type & _end ) : begin(_begin), end(_end)
        { }
        Iterator( const iter_type && _begin, const iter_type && _end ) : begin(_begin), end(_end)
        { }

        bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
) {
            if( begin != end ) {
    foreach ($outputs as $name => $type) {
        echo $name;
 = begin-><?php 
        echo $outputMap[$name];
                return true;
            else {
                return false;



    uintmax_t __count;  // number of tuples covered

    TupleVector tuples;

    // Iterator for multi output type
    Iterator multiIterator;

    // Constructor and destructor
    echo $className;
(void) : __count(0), tuples(), multiIterator()
    { }

    echo $className;
() { }

    void AddItem( <?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($inputs);
 ) {
        Tuple t(<?php 
    echo args($inputs);

        if( tuples.empty() ) {
        else if( t > tuples.front() ) {
        else if( t == tuples.front() ) {

    void AddState( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) {
        if( tuples.size() == 0 ) {
        else if( other.tuples.size() == 0 ) {
            // Do nothing
        else if( tuples.front() > other.tuples.front() ) {
            // fast path
        else if( other.tuples.front() > tuples.front() ) {
        else {
            for( Tuple & t : other.tuples ) {

    void Finalize( void ) {
        multiIterator = Iterator(tuples.cbegin(), tuples.cend());

    bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
) {
        return multiIterator.GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo args($outputs);
}; // class <?php 
    echo $className;

    $system_headers = ['vector', 'algorithm', 'cinttypes'];
    if ($debug > 0) {
        $system_headers = array_merge($system_headers, ['iostream', 'sstream', 'string']);
    return array('kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $inputs, 'output' => $outputs, 'result_type' => 'multi', 'system_headers' => $system_headers);
Exemple #9
 *  A GLA that estimates the cardinality of a dataset using a bloom filter of
 *  a configurable size.
 *  Note: This filter has very high performance, so long as all of the states
 *  fit into cache, preferably L1 or L2, but L3 is also fine. Once the states
 *  are large enough that all of them cannot fit inside L3 cache at the same
 *  time, performance takes a nose dive (4x loss minimum).
function BloomFilter(array $t_args, array $input, array $output)
    grokit_assert(\count($output) == 1, 'BloomFilter produces only 1 value, ' . \count($output) . ' outputs given.');
    $outputName = array_keys($output)[0];
    $outputType = array_get_index($output, 0);
    if (is_null($outputType)) {
        $outputType = lookupType('BASE::BIGINT');
    $output[$outputName] = $outputType;
    grokit_assert($outputType->is('numeric'), 'BloomFilter output must be numeric!');
    $exp = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['exponent'], 16);
    grokit_assert(is_integer($exp), 'BloomFilter exponent must be an integer.');
    grokit_assert($exp > 0 && $exp < 64, 'BloomFilter exponent must be in range (0,64), ' . $exp . ' given.');
    $nullCheck = get_default($t_args, 'null.check', false);
    $nullable = [];
    if (is_bool($nullCheck)) {
        foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
            $nullable[$name] = $nullCheck;
    } else {
        if (is_array($nullCheck)) {
            foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
                $nullable[$name] = false;
            foreach ($nullCheck as $index => $n) {
                grokit_assert(is_string($n), 'BloomFilster null.check has invalid value at position ' . $index);
                grokit_assert(array_key_exists($n, $nullable), 'BloomFilster null.check has unknown input ' . $n . ' at position ' . $index);
                $nullable[$n] = true;
        } else {
            grokit_error('BloomFilster null.check must be boolean or list of inputs to check for nulls');
    $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0);
    $bits = pow(2, $exp);
    $bytes = ceil($bits / 8.0);
    // Calculate the number of bits set for every possible value of a byte
    $nBits = [];
    for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
        $n = $i;
        $b = 0;
        while ($n > 0) {
            $n &= $n - 1;
        $nBits[$i] = $b;
    $className = generate_name('BloomFilter');
class <?php 
    echo $className;
    static constexpr size_t BITS = <?php 
    echo $bits;
    static constexpr size_t BYTES = <?php 
    echo $bytes;
    static constexpr size_t MASK = BITS - 1;
    static constexpr std::array<unsigned char, 256> BITS_SET = { <?php 
    echo implode(', ', $nBits);
    static constexpr std::array<unsigned char, 8> BIT_MASKS = {
        0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80

    size_t count;

    std::array<unsigned char, BYTES> set;
    //unsigned char set[BYTES];
    //std::bitset<BITS> set;

    echo $className;
() : count(0), set() {
        for( size_t i = 0; i < BYTES; i++ ) { //>
            set[i] = 0;

    echo $className;
() { }

    void AddItem( <?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($input);
 ) {
    foreach ($nullable as $name => $check) {
        if ($check) {
        if( IsNull( <?php 
            echo $name;
 ) ) return;
        // if checking for nulls
    // foreach input
        size_t hashVal = H_b;
    foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
        hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(<?php 
        echo $name;
), hashVal);
    // foreach input
        hashVal = hashVal & MASK;
        const size_t bucket = hashVal >> 3;
        const size_t bucket_index = hashVal & 0x07;
        const unsigned char mask = BIT_MASKS[bucket_index];
        set[bucket] |= mask;

    void AddState( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) {
        count += o.count;
        for( size_t i = 0; i < BYTES; i++ ) { //>
            set[i] |= o.set[i];

    void GetResult( <?php 
    echo $outputType;
 & <?php 
    echo $outputName;
 ) {
        size_t nBitsSet = 0;
        constexpr long double bits = static_cast<long double>(BITS);
        for( size_t i = 0; i < BYTES; i++ ) { //>
            nBitsSet += BITS_SET[set[i]];
        long double bitsSet = static_cast<long double>(nBitsSet);

        if( nBitsSet == BITS ) {
            // All Bits set, just give the cardinality as an estimate.
    echo $outputName;
 = count;
        } else {
            long double cardinality = - bits * std::log(1 - (bitsSet / bits));
    echo $outputName;
 = cardinality;

    if ($debug > 0) {
        std::cout << "BloomFilter:"
            << " bitsSet(" << bitsSet << ")"
            << " bits(" << bits << ")"
            << " cardinality(" << cardinality << ")"
            << " output(" << <?php 
        echo $outputName;
 << ")"
            << std::endl;; //>
    // if debugging enabled

// Storage for static members
constexpr std::array<unsigned char, 256> <?php 
    echo $className;
constexpr std::array<unsigned char, 8> <?php 
    echo $className;
    $system_headers = ['cmath', 'array'];
    if ($debug > 0) {
        $system_headers[] = 'iostream';
    return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => 'single', 'user_headers' => ['HashFunctions.h'], 'system_headers' => $system_headers];
Exemple #10
 *  A GLA that estimates the cardinality of a dataset using the HyperLogLog
 *  algorithm, with a configurable number of bins.
function HyperLogLog(array $t_args, array $input, array $output)
    $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0);
    grokit_assert(\count($output) == 1, 'HyperLogLog produces only 1 value, ' . \count($output) . ' outputs given.');
    $outputName = array_keys($output)[0];
    $outputType = array_get_index($output, 0);
    if (is_null($outputType)) {
        $outputType = lookupType('BASE::BIGINT');
    $output[$outputName] = $outputType;
    grokit_assert($outputType->is('numeric'), 'BloomFilter output must be numeric!');
    $exp = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['bins.exponent'], 4);
    grokit_assert(is_integer($exp), 'HyperLogLog bins.exponent must be an integer');
    // Set limit of 2^24 bins, because states past 16MB start to get silly
    grokit_assert($exp >= 4 && $exp < 24, 'HyperLogLog bins.exponent must be in range [4, 24]');
    $useBuiltinCtz = get_default($t_args, 'use.builtin.ctz', true);
    $ctzFunc = $useBuiltinCtz ? '__builtin_ctzl' : 'ctz';
    $bins = pow(2, $exp);
    // Determine the value of alpha based on $exp
    switch ($exp) {
        case 4:
            $alpha = 0.673;
        case 5:
            $alpha = 0.697;
        case 6:
            $alpha = 0.709;
            $alpha = 0.7213000000000001 / (1 + 1.079 / $bins);
    $className = generate_name('HyperLogLog');

class <?php 
    echo $className;
    // Number of bins for registers
    static constexpr const size_t NUM_BINS = <?php 
    echo $bins;
    // Number of bits used to index into registers, log2(NUM_BINS)
    static constexpr const size_t INDEX_BITS = <?php 
    echo $exp;
    // Mask used to obtain register index from hash value
    static constexpr const size_t INDEX_MASK = NUM_BINS - 1;

    // Alpha coefficient used to correct cardinality estimate. Based on NUM_BINS.
    static constexpr const long double ALPHA = <?php 
    echo $alpha;

    // Value of cardinality estimate after which we must apply the
    // large range correction
    static constexpr const long double LARGE_BREAKPOINT = (1.0 / 30.0) * <?php 
    echo pow(2, 32);

    // Constants for population count
    static constexpr const uint64_t m1  = 0x5555555555555555;
    static constexpr const uint64_t m2  = 0x3333333333333333;
    static constexpr const uint64_t m4  = 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f;
    static constexpr const uint64_t h01 = 0x0101010101010101;

    // The registers
    std::array<unsigned char, NUM_BINS> registers;

    // A count used to remember how many tuples were processed, mostly for debugging.
    size_t count;


    echo $className;
(void) : registers() {
        for( auto & elem : registers ) {
            elem = 0;

    echo $className;
() { }

    int popcount(uint64_t x) {
        // Put count of each 2 bits into those 2 bits
        x -= (x >> 1) & m1;
        // Put count of each 4 bits into those 4 bits
        x = (x & m2) + ((x >> 2) & m2);
        // Put count of each 8 bits into those 8 bits
        x  = (x + (x >> 4)) & m4;
        // Returns left 8 bits of x + (x << 8) + (x << 16) + ...
        return (x * h01) >> 56;

    int ctz(int64_t x) {
        return popcount((x & -x) - 1);

    void AddItem( <?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($input);
 ) {

        uint64_t hashVal = H_b;
    foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
        hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(<?php 
        echo $name;
), hashVal);
    // for each input

        const size_t registerIndex = hashVal & INDEX_MASK;
        uint64_t value = hashVal >> INDEX_BITS;
        unsigned char nZeros = <?php 
    echo $ctzFunc;

        unsigned char & registerValue = registers[registerIndex];
        registerValue = registerValue > nZeros ? registerValue : nZeros;

    void AddState( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) {
        for( size_t i = 0; NUM_BINS > i; i++ ) {
            unsigned char & rVal = registers[i];
            unsigned char & oVal = other.registers[i];
            rVal = rVal > oVal ? rVal : oVal;

    void GetResult( <?php 
    echo $outputType;
 & <?php 
    echo $outputName;
 ) {
        // Compute harmonic sum of registers and correct by alpha
        long double cardEst = 0;
        size_t nZeroRegisters = 0;
        for( auto elem : registers ) {
            long double power = - static_cast<long double>(elem);
            cardEst += std::pow(2.0, power);

            if( elem == 0 )
        const long double nBins = static_cast<long double>(NUM_BINS);
        const long double zeroBins = static_cast<long double>(nZeroRegisters);

        cardEst = 1 / cardEst;
        cardEst *= ALPHA * nBins * nBins;

        long double cardinality = cardEst;

        if( (cardEst < 2.5 * NUM_BINS) ) { //>
            // Possible small range correction
            if( nZeroRegisters > 0 ) {
                // Small range correction
                cardinality = nBins * std::log(nBins / zeroBins);
        // TODO: Figure out if the large range correction is needed for 64-bit
        // hashes.

    echo $outputName;
 = cardinality;
    $system_headers = ['cmath', 'array', 'cinttypes'];
    if ($debug > 0) {
        $system_headers[] = 'iostream';
    return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => 'single', 'user_headers' => ['HashFunctions.h'], 'system_headers' => $system_headers];
Exemple #11
function BITSET(array $t_args)
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('values', $t_args), 'No values specified for bitset!');
    $values = $t_args['values'];
    $indicies = array_keys($values);
    $maxIndex = \max($indicies);
    $minIndex = \min($indicies);
    grokit_assert($maxIndex < 64, 'Highest index of bitset must be less than 64');
    grokit_assert($minIndex >= 0, 'Indicies of bitset must be >= 0');
    $mask = 0;
    foreach ($values as $index => $name) {
        $firstChar = substr($name, 0, 1);
        $arr = str_split($name);
        $valid = array_reduce($arr, function ($res, $item) {
            $res = $res && (ctype_alnum($item) || $item == '_');
            return $res;
        }, ctype_alpha($firstChar) || $firstChar == '_');
        grokit_assert($valid, "Invalid name ({$name}) given for index ({$index}) in bitset.");
        $mask = $mask | 1 << $index;
    $nBits = floor(pow(2, ceil(log($maxIndex + 1, 2))));
    $nBits = \max(8, $nBits);
    $nHex = $nBits / 4;
    $storageType = "uint{$nBits}_t";
    switch ($nBits) {
        case 8:
            $methodIntType = 'base::BYTE';
        case 16:
            $methodIntType = 'base::SMALLINT';
        case 32:
            $methodIntType = 'base::INT';
        case 64:
            $methodIntType = 'base::BIGINT';
            grokit_error('BITSET requires invalid number of bits (' . $nBits . ')');
    $className = generate_name('BITSET');
    $methods = [];
    $constructors = [];
    $functions = [];
    $globalContents = "";

class <?php 
    echo $className;
    typedef <?php 
    echo $storageType;

    StorageType bits;

    static constexpr StorageType _MASK_ = 0x<?php 
    echo sprintf("%0{$nHex}X", $mask);


    echo $className;
    $constructors[] = [[$methodIntType], true];
    echo $className;
(const StorageType _bits);

    echo $className;
 & operator =( const StorageType _bits );

    /***** Comparison Opeators *****/
    bool operator ==( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const;
    bool operator !=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const;
    bool operator <( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const;
    bool operator >( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const;
    bool operator <=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const;
    bool operator >=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const;

    /***** Conversion *****/
    void ToJson( Json::Value & dest ) const;
    void FromJson( const Json::Value & src );

    /***** Accessors *****/
    $methods[] = ['Bits', [], $methodIntType, true];
    StorageType Bits(void) const;

    $methods[] = ['IsSet', ['base::BYTE'], 'base::bool', true];
    // Whether or not a bit is set by index
    bool IsSet(unsigned char index) const;

    // Accessors for each value
    foreach ($values as $index => $name) {
        $methods[] = [$name, [], 'base::bool', true];
    bool <?php 
        echo $name;
(void) const;
    // for each value

    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( void ) : bits(0) { }

    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( const StorageType _bits ) : bits(_bits) { }

    echo $className;
 & <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator = (const StorageType _bits) {
    bits = _bits;
    return *this;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator == (const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const {
    return bits == o.bits;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator != (const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const {
    return bits != o.bits;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator < (const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const {
    return (bits == (bits & o.bits)) && (bits != o.bits);

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator > (const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const {
    return (bits == (bits | o.bits)) && (bits != o.bits);

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator <= (const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const {
    return bits == (bits & o.bits);

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator >= (const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const {
    return bits == (bits | o.bits);

auto <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: Bits( void ) const -> StorageType {
    return bits;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
::IsSet(unsigned char index) const {
    StorageType mask = ((StorageType) 1) << index; //>
    return bits & mask;

void <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: ToJson( Json::Value & dest ) const {
    dest = (Json::Int64) bits;

void <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: FromJson( const Json::Value & src ) {
    bits = (StorageType) src.asInt64();

    foreach ($values as $index => $name) {
bool <?php 
        echo $className;
        echo $name;
(void) const {
    return bits & 0x<?php 
        echo sprintf("%X", 1 << $index);

    // for each value


    $functions[] = ['Hash', ['@type'], 'base::BIGINT', true, true];
uint64_t Hash(const @type & thing) {
    return thing.Bits();

void FromString( @type & c, const char * str ) {
    c = atol(str);

int ToString( const @type & c, char * buffer ) {
    $format = $nBits < 16 ? 'hh' : ($nBits < 32 ? 'h' : ($nBits < 64 ? '' : 'l'));
    sprintf(buffer, "%<?php 
    echo $format;
d", c.Bits());
    return strlen(buffer) + 1;

void ToJson( const @type & src, Json::Value & dest ) {

void FromJson( const Json::Value & src, @type & dest ) {

    $globalContents .= ob_get_clean();

    return ['kind' => 'TYPE', 'name' => $className, 'binary_operators' => ['==', '!=', '>', '<', '>=', '<='], 'system_headers' => ['cinttypes'], 'global_content' => $globalContents, 'complex' => false, 'methods' => $methods, 'constructors' => $constructors, 'functions' => $functions, 'describe_json' => DescribeJson('integer'), 'extras' => ['size.bytes' => $nBits / 8]];
Exemple #12
function Segmenter(array $t_args, array $input, array $output, array $given_states)
    $resType = ['fragment', 'multi'];
    $system_headers = ['array', 'vector', 'memory', 'cinttypes', 'unordered_map'];
    $user_headers = ['HashFunctions.h'];
    $lib_headers = [];
    $preferFragment = get_default($t_args, 'inner.prefer.fragment', false);
    $wantedRes = $preferFragment ? ['fragment', 'multi'] : ['multi', 'fragment'];
    $nInputs = \count($input);
    grokit_assert($nInputs > 1, 'Segmenter: Not enough inputs specified!');
    $keyName = array_keys($input)[0];
    $keyType = array_get_index($input, 0);
    $innerInputs = array_slice($input, 1, $nInputs - 1, true);
    $gla = get_first_key($t_args, ['gla', 'GLA', 0]);
    grokit_assert(is_gla($gla), 'Segmenter: [gla] argument must be a valid GLA');
    $gla = $gla->apply($innerInputs, $output, $given_states);
    $n_passes = get_default($t_args, 'passes', 1);
    grokit_assert(is_int($n_passes), 'Segmenter: [passes] argument must be an integer');
    grokit_assert($n_passes > 0, 'Segmenter: [passes] argument must be > 0');
    $libraries = $gla->libraries();
    $innerRes = get_first_value($gla->result_type(), $wantedRes);
    $innerInputs = $gla->input();
    $innerOutput = $gla->output();
    $input = array_merge([$keyName => $keyType], $innerInputs);
    $output = $innerOutput;
    $segments = get_default($t_args, 'segments', 64);
    $constState = lookupResource('BASE::SegmenterState', ['gla' => $gla, 'passes' => $n_passes, 'segments' => $segments]);
    $className = generate_name('Segmenter_');
    $savedArgs = [];
    $cArgs = [];
    $innerCArgs = [];
    if ($gla->configurable()) {
        $savedArgs['json_init'] = 'Json::Value';
        $cArgs['json_init'] = 'Json::Value';
        $innerCArgs[] = 'json_init';
    $cArgs['const_state'] = $constState;
    if ($gla->has_state()) {
        $innerCArgs[] = 'constState.inner_cstate';
    $cstStr = \count($innerCArgs) > 0 ? '(' . implode(',', $innerCArgs) . ')' : '';
    grokit_assert(!$gla->iterable(), 'Segementer does not support iterable GLAs');
    $iterable = $n_passes > 1;

class <?php 
    echo $className;

    using ConstantState = <?php 
    echo $constState;
    using SplitState = ConstantState::SplitState;

    static constexpr const size_t NUM_STATES = SplitState::NUM_STATES;

    using InnerGLA = <?php 
    echo $gla;
    using InnerGLAPtr = std::unique_ptr<InnerGLA>;
    using GLA_Array = std::array<InnerGLAPtr, NUM_STATES>;

    using size_type = std::size_t;

    if ($innerRes == 'fragment') {
    class Iterator {
        InnerGLA * gla;
        int fragmentNum;

        InnerGLA::Iterator * innerIter;

        Iterator( InnerGLA * _gla, int _fragmentNum, int _innerFrag ) :
            gla(_gla), fragmentNum(_fragmentNum),
            innerIter = gla->Finalize(_innerFrag);

        ~Iterator(void) {
            if( innerIter != nullptr ) {
                delete innerIter;
                innerIter = nullptr;

        bool GetNextResult( <?php 
        echo typed_ref_args($gla->output());
 ) {
            return innerIter->GetNextResult(<?php 
        echo args($gla->output());

        int FragmentNumber() {
            return fragmentNum;
    } else {
        // if inner result type is fragment
    class Iterator {
        InnerGLA * gla;
        int fragmentNum;

        Iterator( InnerGLA * _gla, int fragNo ) : gla(_gla), fragmentNum(fragNo) {

        ~Iterator(void) { }

        bool GetNextResult( <?php 
        echo typed_ref_args($gla->output());
 ) {
            return gla->GetNextResult(<?php 
        echo args($gla->output());

        int FragmentNumber() {
            return fragmentNum;
    // if inner result type is multi


    const ConstantState & constState;
    GLA_Array localState;

    // Iteration state for multi result type
    int numFrags;
    int multiFragNo;
    Iterator * multiIter;

    if ($innerRes == 'fragment') {
    using frag_info = std::pair<int, int>;
    using frag_map_t = std::unordered_map<int, frag_info>;
    frag_map_t fragMap;

    foreach ($savedArgs as $name => $type) {
    const <?php 
        echo $type;
        echo $name;
    // foreach saved arg


    // Constructor
    echo $className;
( <?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($cArgs);
 ) :
        , localState()
        , numFrags(0)
        , multiFragNo(0)
        , multiIter(nullptr)
    if ($innerRes == 'fragment') {
        , fragMap()
    foreach ($savedArgs as $name => $type) {
        , <?php 
        echo $name;
        echo $name;
    // foreach constructor arg to save
        for( auto & elem : localState ) {
            elem.reset(new InnerGLA<?php 
    echo $cstStr;

    void AddItem( <?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($input);
 ) {
        uint64_t hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(<?php 
    echo $keyName;
), H_b + 1);
        uint64_t passNum = (hashVal / NUM_STATES) % ConstantState::N_PASSES;
        uint64_t segNum = hashVal % NUM_STATES;

    if ($n_passes > 1) {
        if( passNum != constState.pass ) {
    // more than 1 pass
    echo args($innerInputs);

    void ChunkBoundary(void) {
        // Merge local states into the global state

        SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments;

        int theseAreOk[NUM_STATES];
        for( int i = 0; NUM_STATES > i; i++ ) {
            theseAreOk[i] = 1;

        int segsLeft = NUM_STATES;

        while( segsLeft > 0 ) {
            InnerGLA * checkedOut = nullptr;
            int whichOne = globalStates.CheckOutOne( theseAreOk, checkedOut );

            if( checkedOut == NULL ) {
                checkedOut = new InnerGLA<?php 
    echo $cstStr;

            checkedOut->AddState( *(localState[whichOne]) );

            globalStates.CheckIn( whichOne, checkedOut );

            theseAreOk[whichOne] = 0;

        // Re-initialize the local states
        for( auto & elem : localState ) {
    if ($gla->is('resettable')) {
    } else {
        // if resettable
            elem.reset(new InnerGLA<?php 
        echo $cstStr;
    // if not resettable

    void AddState( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) {
        // Do nothing

    void Finalize() {
        SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments;

        if( multiIter != nullptr)
            delete multiIter;

        multiFragNo = 0;
    if ($innerRes == 'fragment') {
        frag_info fInfo = fragMap[multiFragNo];
        multiIter = new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(fInfo.first), multiFragNo,
    } else {
        multiIter = new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(multiFragNo), multiFragNo);

    bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($output);
) {
        bool gotResult = false;
        SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments;

        while( (multiFragNo < numFrags && multiIter != nullptr) && !gotResult ) {
            gotResult = multiIter->GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo args($output);

            if( !gotResult ) {
                delete multiIter;

                if( numFrags > multiFragNo ) {
    if ($innerRes == 'fragment') {
                    frag_info fInfo = fragMap[multiFragNo];
                    multiIter = new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(fInfo.first), multiFragNo,
    } else {
                    multiIter = new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(multiFragNo), multiFragNo);
                } else {
                    multiIter = nullptr;

        return gotResult;

    int GetNumFragments(void) {
    if ($innerRes == 'fragment') {
        SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments;
        numFrags = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STATES; i++) {
            int curFrags = globalStates.Peek(i)->GetNumFragments();

            for (int curFrag = 0; curFrag < curFrags; curFrag++) {
                fragMap[numFrags] = frag_info(i, curFrag);

    } else {
        numFrags = NUM_STATES;
        return numFrags;

    Iterator * Finalize( int fragment ) {
        SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments;

    if ($innerRes == 'fragment') {
        frag_info info = fragMap[fragment];
        return new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(info.first), fragment, info.second);
    } else {
        return new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(fragment), fragment);

    bool GetNextResult( Iterator * it, <?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($output);
 ) {
        bool ret = it->GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo args($output);

        return ret;

    if ($iterable) {
    bool ShouldIterate( ConstantState & modible ) {

        return modible.pass < ConstantState::N_PASSES;

    void PostFinalize() {
    // iterable

    if ($gla->is('finite container')) {
    size_type size() {
        SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments;
        size_type s = 0;
        for( int i = 0; NUM_STATES > i; i++ ) {
            InnerGLA * ptr = globalStates.Peek(i);
            s += ptr->size();

        return s;

    size_type size(int frag) {
        SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments;
        return globalStates.Peek(frag)->size();
    // if the gla is a container

typedef <?php 
    echo $className;
::Iterator <?php 
    echo $className;

    return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $system_headers, 'user_headers' => $user_headers, 'lib_headers' => $lib_headers, 'libraries' => $libraries, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => $resType, 'generated_state' => $constState, 'required_states' => $gla->req_states(), 'chunk_boundary' => true, 'configurable' => $gla->configurable(), 'iterable' => $iterable, 'post_finalize' => $iterable, 'intermediates' => true];
Exemple #13
function Multiplexer(array $t_args, array $inputs, array $outputs)
    $className = generate_name('Multiplexer');
    if (\count($inputs) == 0) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('input', $t_args), 'No inputs specified for Multiplexer');
        $inputs = $t_args['input'];
        foreach ($t_args['inputs'] as $name => &$type) {
            if (is_identifier($type)) {
                $type = lookupType(strval($type));
            grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'Only types may be specified as inputs to Multiplexer.');
        $inputs = ensure_valid_names($inputs, 'multi_input');
    $glas = get_first_key($t_args, ['glas', 0]);
    grokit_assert(\count($glas) > 0, 'No GLAs specified for Multiplexer.');
    $myGLAs = [];
    $glaInputs = [];
    $glaOutputs = [];
    $resultType = 'multi';
    $usedOutputs = [];
    $libraries = [];
    $glaGenStates = [];
    $glaReqStates = [];
    $configurable = false;
    $constArgs = [];
    $genStates = [];
    $reqStates = [];
    $iterable = null;
    foreach ($glas as $name => $glaInfo) {
        grokit_assert(is_array($glaInfo), 'Template argument \'glas\' must be an array');
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('gla', $glaInfo), 'No GLA given for glas[' . $name . ']');
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('inputs', $glaInfo), 'No inputs given for glas[' . $name . ']');
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('outputs', $glaInfo), 'No outputs given for glas[' . $name . ']');
        $gla = $glaInfo['gla'];
        $glaInAtts = $glaInfo['inputs'];
        $glaOutAtts = $glaInfo['outputs'];
        grokit_assert(is_gla($gla), 'Non-GLA given for glas[' . $name . '][gla]');
        grokit_assert(is_array($glaInAtts), 'Non-array given for inputs for gla ' . $name);
        grokit_assert(is_array($glaOutAtts), 'Non-array given for outputs for gla ' . $name);
        $glaInAtts = array_map('strval', $glaInAtts);
        $glaOutAtts = array_map('strval', $glaOutAtts);
        $glaName = "innerGLA_" . $name;
        $glaInputs[$glaName] = [];
        $glaOutputs[$glaName] = [];
        foreach ($glaInAtts as $att) {
            grokit_assert(array_key_exists($att, $inputs), 'Input ' . $att . ' for GLA ' . $name . ' not found in inputs');
            $glaInputs[$glaName][$att] = $inputs[$att];
        foreach ($glaOutAtts as $att) {
            grokit_assert(array_key_exists($att, $outputs), 'Output ' . $att . ' for GLA ' . $name . ' not found in outputs');
            grokit_assert(!in_array($att, $usedOutputs), 'Output ' . $att . ' used by multiple GLAs');
            $usedOutputs[] = $att;
            $glaOutputs[$glaName][$att] = $outputs[$att];
        //fwrite(STDERR, "Inputs for GLA " . $glaName . ": " . print_r($glaInputs[$glaName], true) . PHP_EOL );
        //fwrite(STDERR, "Outputs for GLA " . $glaName . ": " . print_r($glaOutputs[$glaName], true) . PHP_EOL );
        $gla = $gla->apply($glaInputs[$glaName], $glaOutputs[$glaName]);
        $myGLAs[$glaName] = $gla;
        $glaRez[$glaName] = get_first_value($gla->result_type(), ['multi', 'single', 'state']);
        $libraries = array_merge($libraries, $gla->libraries());
        if ($glaRez[$glaName] == 'state') {
            grokit_assert(\count($glaOutputs[$glaName]) == 1, "GLA {$glaName} is produced as state, and thus must have exactly 1 output.");
            $stateType = lookupType('base::STATE', ['type' => $gla]);
            $glaOutputs[$glaName] = array_combine(array_keys($glaOutputs[$glaName]), [$stateType]);
        } else {
            grokit_assert(\count($glaOutputs[$glaName]) == \count($gla->output()), 'GLA ' . $glaName . ' produces different number of outputs than expected');
            $glaOutputs[$glaName] = array_combine(array_keys($glaOutputs[$glaName]), $gla->output());
        // Set types for our output
        foreach ($glaOutputs[$glaName] as $attName => $type) {
            $outputs[$attName] = $type;
        if (is_null($iterable)) {
            $iterable = $gla->iterable();
        } else {
            grokit_assert($iterable == $gla->iterable(), 'Multiplexer does not support mixing iterable and non-iterable GLAs');
        $glaReqStates[$glaName] = $gla->req_states();
        foreach ($gla->req_states() as $rstate) {
            $reqStates[] = $rstate;
        $glaGenStates[$glaName] = $gla->state();
        // TODO: Support constant states
        grokit_assert(!$gla->has_state(), 'Multiplexer currently does not support constant states.');
    $libraries = array_unique($libraries);
    $extra = ['glas' => $myGLAs];

class <?php 
    echo $className;
    foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) {
        echo $type;
        echo $name;
    // foreach inner gla

    class Iterator {

        bool _gotResultsOnce;
        bool _valid;

    foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) {
        echo $type;
 * it_<?php 
        echo $name;
    // foreach inner gla

        Iterator(void) : _gotResultsOnce(false), _valid(false),
    echo array_template('it_{key}(nullptr)', ', ', $myGLAs);

        { }

    echo typed_ref_args($myGLAs);
) : _gotResultsOnce(false), _valid(true),
    echo array_template('it_{key}(&{key})', ', ', $myGLAs);

    foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) {
        if ($glaRez[$name] == 'multi') {
            echo $name;
        // if inner GLA is multi
    // foreach inner gla

        Iterator( const Iterator & other) = default;

        ~Iterator() { }

        bool GetNextResult( <?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
 ) {
            FATALIF(!_valid, "Tried to get results from an invalid iterator.");

            bool ret = !_gotResultsOnce;
            _gotResultsOnce = true;

    foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) {
        if ($glaRez[$name] == 'multi') {
            ret |= it_<?php 
            echo $name;
            echo args($glaOutputs[$name]);
        // if inner GLA is multi
    // foreach inner gla

            if( ret ) {
    foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) {
        if ($glaRez[$name] == 'single') {
            echo $name;
            echo args($glaOutputs[$name]);
        } else {
            if ($glaRez[$name] == 'state') {
                $stateVar = array_keys($glaOutputs[$name])[0];
                $stateType = $glaOutputs[$name][$stateVar];
                echo $stateVar;
 = <?php 
                echo $stateType;
                echo $name;
        // if inner GLA is state
    // foreach inner gla

            return ret;

    Iterator multiIterator;

    echo $className;
() { }
    echo $className;
() { }

    void AddItem(<?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($inputs);
) {
        // Call AddItem individually on each GLA.
    foreach ($myGLAs as $gName => $gType) {
        echo $gName;
        echo args($glaInputs[$gName]);
    // foreach inner gla

    void AddState( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) {
        // Call AddState individually on each GLA.
    foreach ($myGLAs as $gName => $gType) {
        echo $gName;
        echo $gName;
    // foreach inner gla

    void Finalize() {
        multiIterator = Iterator(<?php 
    echo args($myGLAs);

    bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
) {
        return multiIterator.GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo args($outputs);

    void GetResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
) {
    echo args($outputs);

    foreach (array_keys($myGLAs) as $index => $name) {
    const <?php 
        echo $myGLAs[$name];
& GetGLA<?php 
        echo $index;
() const {
      return <?php 
        echo $name;

    return array('kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $inputs, 'output' => $outputs, 'result_type' => $resultType, 'libraries' => $libraries, 'configurable' => $configurable, 'extra' => $extra);
Exemple #14
 public function __construct($hash, $name, $value, array &$args, array $targs)
     $global = get_default($args, 'global', false);
     if ($global) {
         $nameParts = LibraryManager::SplitNamespace($value);
         $value = $nameParts[\count($nameParts) - 1];
     parent::__construct(InfoKind::T_FUNC, $hash, $name, $value, $args, $targs);
     grokit_assert(array_key_exists('input', $args), 'Malformed return value from function generator ' . $name . ': No input defined.');
     $this->args = $args['input'];
     grokit_assert(array_key_exists('result', $args), 'Malformed return value from function generator ' . $name . ': No result type defined.');
     $this->resultType = $args['result'];
     if (array_key_exists('deterministic', $args)) {
         $this->deterministic = $args['deterministic'];
Exemple #15
function BernoulliSample($t_args, $inputs)
    $p = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['p', 0], 0.5);
    grokit_assert(is_float($p) || is_integer($p), "BernoulliSample: p must be a number in the range [0, 1]");
    grokit_assert($p >= 0 && $p <= 1, "BernoulliSample: p must be in the range [0, 1]");
    $rng = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['rng'], 'mt19937_64');
    $sys_headers = ['random'];
    // assuming std
    $libs = [];
    // assuming std
    $ns = 'std';
    // assuming standard library
    $cState = lookupResource('base::BernoulliSampleState', ['sys_headers' => $sys_headers, 'libs' => $libs, 'namespace' => $ns]);
    $name = generate_name('BernoulliSample');

class <?php 
    echo $name;
	using state_type = <?php 
    echo $cState;
	using rng_type = <?php 
    echo $ns;
    echo $rng;
	using dist_type = <?php 
    echo $ns;


	rng_type rng;
	dist_type bernoulli;

	const constexpr static double P = <?php 
    echo $p;

    echo $name;
(state_type & _state):
	{ }

	bool Filter( <?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($inputs);
 ) {
		return bernoulli(rng);

    return ['kind' => 'GF', 'name' => $name, 'input' => $inputs, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'libraries' => $libs, 'generated_state' => $cState];
Exemple #16
 public function lookupType($name, &$t_args)
     if (self::IsNamespaced($name)) {
         // Look up the type in the inner namespace
         $parts = self::SplitNamespace($alias);
         $ns = $parts[0];
         $base = $parts[1];
         $inner =& getInnerNS($ns);
         return $inner->lookupType($base, $t_args);
     } else {
         // See if we have the type in the cache.
         // For now, we will only do this for basic types
         if ($t_args === null) {
             if (array_key_exists($name, $this->typeCache)) {
                 return $this->typeCache[$name];
         $fullName = self::JoinNamespace($this->fullName(), $name);
         // It wasn't in the cache, so see if the function exists
         // to instantiate it.
         $php_ns = self::JoinNamespacePHP($this->phpName(), 'Type');
         $cpp_ns = self::JoinNamespace($this->fullName(), 'Type');
         $func_name = self::JoinNamespacePHP($php_ns, $name);
         grokit_assert(function_exists($func_name), 'Unable to instantiate type ' . $fullName . ': No corresponding ' . 'function ' . $func_name . ' found');
         $args = [];
         if ($t_args !== null) {
             $args[] = $t_args;
         $info = self::CallGenerator($cpp_ns, $func, $args);
         // Create a TypeInfo for the type.
         $tName = self::JoinNamespace($cpp_ns, $info['name']);
         $dt = new DataType($fullName, $tName, $info);
         // Store the type in the cache
         // Only for basic types right now
         $this->typeCache[$name] = $dt;
         return $dt;
Exemple #17
 *  A GLA that determines the distinct values of a dataset.
function Distinct(array $t_args, array $input, array $output)
    grokit_assert(\count($input) == \count($output), 'Distinct must have the same outputs as inputs.');
    $outputsToInputs = [];
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
        $outputsToInputs[array_keys($output)[$i]] = $name;
        array_set_index($output, $i++, $type);
    $useMCT = get_default($t_args, 'use.mct', true);
    $initSize = get_default($t_args, 'init.size', 65536);
    $keepHashes = get_default($t_args, 'mct.keep.hashes', false);
    $fragmentSize = get_default($t_args, 'fragment.size', 100000);
    $nullCheck = get_default($t_args, 'null.check', false);
    grokit_assert(is_bool($useMCT), 'Distinct use.mct argument must be boolean');
    grokit_assert(is_integer($initSize), 'Distinct init.size argument must be an integer');
    grokit_assert($initSize > 0, 'Distinct init.size argument must be positive');
    grokit_assert(is_bool($keepHashes), 'Distinct mct.keep.hashes argument must be boolean');
    grokit_assert(is_integer($fragmentSize), 'Distinct fragment.size argument must be integral');
    grokit_assert($fragmentSize > 0, 'Distinct fragment.size argumenst must be positive');
    $nullable = [];
    if (is_bool($nullCheck)) {
        foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
            $nullable[$name] = $nullCheck;
    } else {
        if (is_array($nullCheck)) {
            foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
                $nullable[$name] = false;
            foreach ($nullCheck as $index => $n) {
                grokit_assert(is_string($n), 'Distinct null.check has invalid value at position ' . $index);
                grokit_assert(array_key_exists($n, $nullable), 'Distinct null.check has unknown input ' . $n . ' at position ' . $index);
                $nullable[$n] = true;
        } else {
            grokit_error('Distinct null.check must be boolean or list of inputs to check for nulls');
    $keepHashesText = $keepHashes ? 'true' : 'false';
    $system_headers = ['cinttypes', 'functional', 'vector'];
    if ($useMCT) {
        $system_headers[] = 'mct/hash-set.hpp';
        $definedSet = "mct::closed_hash_set<Key, HashKey, std::equal_to<Key>, std::allocator<Key>, {$keepHashesText}>";
    } else {
        $system_headers[] = 'unordered_map';
        $definedSet = "std::unordered_set<Key, HashKey, std::equal_to<Key>, std::allocator<Key>>";
    $className = generate_name('Distinct');
class <?php 
    echo $className;

    // Value being placed into the set.
    struct Key {
    foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
        echo $type;
        echo $name;
    // for each input

        // Construct the value by copying all of the attributes.
    echo const_typed_ref_args($input);
) :
    $first = true;
    foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
        echo $first ? ' ' : ',';
        echo $name;
        echo $name;
        $first = false;
    // for each input
        { }

        bool operator==(const Key & o ) const {
            return true <?php 
    echo array_template("&& ({key} == o.{key})", ' ', $input);

        size_t hash_value() const {
            uint64_t hash = H_b;
    foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
            hash = CongruentHash(Hash(<?php 
        echo $name;
), hash);
    // for each input
            return size_t(hash);

    // Hashing functor for our value
    struct HashKey {
        size_t operator()(const Key& o) const {
            return o.hash_value();

    using Set = <?php 
    echo $definedSet;

    // Iterator object used in multi and fragment result types
    class Iterator {
        using iterator_t = Set::const_iterator;


        iterator_t start;
        iterator_t end;


        Iterator() : start(), end() { }

        Iterator( const iterator_t & _start, const iterator_t & _end ) :
            start(_start), end(_end)
        { }

        Iterator( const Iterator & o ) : start(o.start), end(o.end)
        { }

        bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($output);
) {
            if( start != end ) {
    foreach ($output as $name => $type) {
        echo $name;
 = start-><?php 
        echo $outputsToInputs[$name];
    // for each output
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;


    // Constants
    static constexpr size_t INIT_SIZE = <?php 
    echo $initSize;
    static constexpr size_t FRAG_SIZE = <?php 
    echo $fragmentSize;

    // Member variables

    uint64_t count;         // Total # tuples seen

    Set distinct;           // Set of distinct values

    using IteratorList = std::vector<Iterator>;

    Iterator multiIterator;     // Internal iterator for multi result type
    IteratorList fragments;     // Iterator for fragments


    echo $className;
() :
    { }

    echo $className;
() { }

    void Reset(void) {
        count = 0;

    void AddItem(<?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($input);
) {
    foreach ($nullable as $name => $check) {
        if ($check) {
        if( IsNull( <?php 
            echo $name;
 ) ) return;
        // if checking for nulls
    // foreach input

        Key key(<?php 
    echo args($input);

        auto it = distinct.find(key);
        if( it == distinct.end() ) {

    void AddState( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) {
        for( auto & elem : other.distinct ) {
            auto it = distinct.find(elem);
            if( it == distinct.end() ) {
        count += other.count;

    // Multi interface
    void Finalize(void) {
        multiIterator = Iterator(distinct.cbegin(), distinct.cend());

    bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($output);
) {
        return multiIterator.GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo args($output);

    // Fragment interface
    int GetNumFragments(void) {
        int nFrag = 0;

        Iterator::iterator_t prev = distinct.cbegin();
        Iterator::iterator_t end = distinct.cend();
        Iterator::iterator_t next = prev;

        while( next != end ) {
            for( size_t i = 0; next != end && FRAG_SIZE > i; i++ ) {
            Iterator nIter(prev, next);

            prev = next;

        return nFrag;

    Iterator * Finalize(int fragment) {
        return new Iterator(fragments[fragment]);

    bool GetNextResult(Iterator * it, <?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($output);
) {
        return it->GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo args($output);

    // General methods
    uint64_t get_count() const {
        return count;

    uint64_t get_countDistinct() const {
        return distinct.size();

    const Set & get_distinct() const {
        return distinct;

typedef <?php 
    echo $className;
::Iterator <?php 
    echo $className;
    return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => ['multi', 'fragment'], 'user_headers' => ['HashFunctions.h'], 'system_headers' => $system_headers, 'properties' => ['resettable']];
Exemple #18
function ConnectedComponents(array $t_args, array $inputs, array $outputs)
    // Class name is randomly generated
    $className = generate_name("CCompGLA");
    // Processing of inputs.
    grokit_assert(count($inputs) == 2, 'Connected Components: 2 inputs expected');
    $inputs_ = array_combine(['src', 'dst'], $inputs);
    // Setting output type
    $outType = lookupType('int');
    $outputs_ = ['node' => $outType, 'component' => $outType];
    $outputs = array_combine(array_keys($outputs), $outputs_);
    $sys_headers = ["vector", "mct/hash-map.hpp"];
    $user_headers = [];
    $lib_headers = [];

using namespace std;

class <?php 
    echo $className;

class <?php 
    echo $className;
 class UnionFindMap{
    mct::closed_hash_map<uint64_t, uint64_t>* parent; 
    mct::closed_hash_map<uint64_t, uint64_t> sz;

    const uint64_t NON_EXISTING_ID = -1;
    // constructor did nothing
      parent = new mct::closed_hash_map<uint64_t, uint64_t>();

    uint64_t Find(uint64_t i){
      if ((*parent).find(i) == (*parent).end()){
        return NON_EXISTING_ID;
      // use path compression here
      while (i != (*parent)[i]){
        (*parent)[i] = (*parent)[(*parent)[i]];
        i = (*parent)[i];
      return i;

    // put merge small tree into higher tree
    // if disjoint, merge and return false
    void Union(uint64_t i, uint64_t j){
      uint64_t ip = Find(i);
      uint64_t jp = Find(j);

      if (ip != NON_EXISTING_ID && jp != NON_EXISTING_ID){// both exists
        if (ip != jp){
          if (sz[ip] < sz[jp]){
            (*parent)[ip] = jp; sz[jp] += sz[ip];
            (*parent)[jp] = ip; sz[ip] += sz[jp];
      }else if(ip == NON_EXISTING_ID && jp == NON_EXISTING_ID){// both new
        (*parent)[i] = i; sz[i] = 2;
        (*parent)[j] = i; 
      }else if (jp == NON_EXISTING_ID){ // i exists
        (*parent)[j] = ip; sz[ip] ++;
        (*parent)[i] = jp; sz[jp] ++;

    mct::closed_hash_map<uint64_t, uint64_t>* GetUF(){
      return parent;

    bool IsEmpty(){
      return (*parent).empty();

    uint64_t GetSize(){
      return (uint64_t) (*parent).size(); 

    void SetData(mct::closed_hash_map<uint64_t, uint64_t>* other_data){
      parent = other_data;

    void FinalizeRoot(){
      for(mct::closed_hash_map<uint64_t, uint64_t>::iterator it = (*parent).begin(); it != (*parent).end(); ++ it){
        it->second = Find(it->first);

    void Clear(){
        delete parent;


  // union-find map data structure, which contains nodeID->compID information
  UnionFindMap primary_uf;
  mct::closed_hash_map<uint64_t, uint64_t>::iterator output_iterator, output_iterator_end;
  bool localFinalized = false;
    echo $className;
() {}

  void AddItem(<?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($inputs_);
) {
    uint64_t src_ = Hash(src);
    uint64_t dst_ = Hash(dst);
    primary_uf.Union(src_, dst_);

  void AddState(<?php 
    echo $className;
 &other) {
      mct::closed_hash_map<uint64_t, uint64_t>* this_state_data = primary_uf.GetUF();
      mct::closed_hash_map<uint64_t, uint64_t>* other_state_data = other.primary_uf.GetUF();

      if (primary_uf.GetSize() < other.primary_uf.GetSize()){
        mct::closed_hash_map<uint64_t, uint64_t>* tmp = this_state_data;
        this_state_data = other_state_data;
        other_state_data = tmp;

      assert(primary_uf.GetSize() >= other.primary_uf.GetSize());
      UnionFindMap secondary_uf;
      //go over the other state, and maintain a secondary table
      for(auto const& entry:(*other_state_data)){
        if ((*this_state_data).count(entry.first) == 1){// key exists in this state
          uint64_t this_comp_id = (*this_state_data)[entry.first];
          if (this_comp_id != entry.second) // merge needed
            secondary_uf.Union(this_comp_id, entry.second);
          (*this_state_data)[entry.first] = entry.second;

      // check if side table empty
      if (secondary_uf.IsEmpty()){

      // apply the side table
      mct::closed_hash_map<uint64_t, uint64_t>* secondary_state_data = secondary_uf.GetUF();
      for (auto& p:(*this_state_data)){
        if ((*secondary_state_data).find(p.second) != (*secondary_state_data).end()){
          p.second = (*secondary_state_data)[p.second];

  void FinalizeLocalState(){
  	if (!localFinalized){
  		localFinalized = true;

  void Finalize(){
      output_iterator = primary_uf.GetUF()->begin();
      output_iterator_end = primary_uf.GetUF()->end();

  bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs_);
) {
      if (output_iterator != output_iterator_end){
        node = output_iterator->first;
        component = output_iterator->second;
        ++ output_iterator;
        return true;
        return false;

    return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => $user_headers, 'lib_headers' => $lib_headers, 'input' => $inputs, 'output' => $outputs, 'result_type' => 'multi'];
Exemple #19
function STATE(array $t_args)
    $type = get_first_key($t_args, ['type', '0']);
    grokit_assert(is_gla($type), 'Template argument to STATE must be a valid GLA.');
    $type = $type->lookup();
    $gContent = '';
    $functions = [];
    $methods = [];
    $className = generate_name('STATE_');

/** Type definition for generic GLA states. This type is only used to
    trannsport states withing the same memory space between
    operators. The object the state points to MUST be treated like a

    Note: this type cannot be read from the disk or written to the
    output. A different mechanism will be used for that.

    The type in the object must be a hash of the name of the class
    used to encode the object. Any function that assumes a certain
    type must explicitly verify the correctness of the type.

    The object can be manipulated like a basic datatype. STATE objects
    do not know how to deallocate the memory they use. Other
    mechanisms have to be used to ensure correct deallocation
    (acknowledgements of data packets that contain this as members).


class <?php 
    echo $className;
    typedef <?php 
    echo $type;
* pointer_type;
    typedef uint64_t hash_type;

    pointer_type object;
    hash_type type;


    echo $className;
    echo $className;
(pointer_type _object):
    echo $type->cHash();

    pointer_type GetObject() const {
        FATALIF(type != <?php 
    echo $type->cHash();
, "STATE contains incorrect type!");
        return object;

    $methods[] = ['IsNull', [], 'BASE::BOOL', true];
    bool IsNull() const {
        return object == nullptr;

    /** no destructor. object should not be deallocated here */


    $functions[] = ['IsNull', ['@type'], 'BASE::BOOL', true, true];
bool IsNull( const @type & d ) {
    return d.IsNull();

    $gContent .= ob_get_clean();

    return array('kind' => 'TYPE', 'name' => $className, "complex" => false, 'extras' => ['type' => $type], 'properties' => ['__state__'], 'global_content' => $gContent, 'methods' => $methods, 'functions' => $functions);
Exemple #20
 public function CallGenerator($name, &$args, $func, &$buffer)
     $name_parts = explode(self::NS_SEP, $name);
     $ns_parts = array_map('strtoupper', explode(self::NS_SEP, $name, -1));
     $name_end = $name_parts[\count($name_parts) - 1];
     $ns = \implode(self::NS_SEP, $ns_parts);
     $name = self::JoinNamespace($ns, $name_end);
     if (is_string($func)) {
         grokit_assert(function_exists($func), 'Unable to generate ' . $name . ', no function named ' . $func . ' exists');
     grokit_logic_assert(is_callable($func), 'Unable to generate ' . $name . ', value passed as function is not callable!');
     $preamble = '';
     $postamble = '';
     foreach ($ns_parts as $part) {
         $preamble .= 'namespace ' . $part . '{' . PHP_EOL;
         $postamble .= PHP_EOL . '} // end namespace ' . $part . PHP_EOL;
     $res = call_user_func_array($func, $args);
     $cont = ob_get_clean();
     if (is_typeinfo($res)) {
         return $res;
     // Ensure the return value was correct and create the info object
     grokit_assert(is_array($res), 'Malformed return value from generator for ' . $name . ', got ' . gettype($res) . ' instead of an array');
     grokit_assert(array_key_exists('kind', $res), 'Malformed return value from generator for ' . $name . ', no kind present.');
     $tName = $name;
     if (array_key_exists('name', $res)) {
         // They gave us back a name, so append it to the namespace.
         $tName = self::JoinNamespace($ns, $res['name']);
     $res['name'] = $tName;
     if (array_key_exists('system_headers', $res)) {
         $sysHeaders = $res['system_headers'];
         foreach ($sysHeaders as $h) {
             $this->addHeader('<' . $h . '>');
     if (array_key_exists('user_headers', $res)) {
         $sysHeaders = $res['user_headers'];
         foreach ($sysHeaders as $h) {
             $this->addHeader('"' . $h . '"');
     if (array_key_exists('lib_headers', $res)) {
         $libHdrs = $res['lib_headers'];
         foreach ($libHdrs as $h) {
             if (\count(explode('\\', $h)) == 1) {
                 // No library specified, assume current
                 $h = implode('\\', $ns_parts) . '\\' . $h;
     $buffer .= $preamble;
     $buffer .= $cont;
     $buffer .= $postamble;
     if (array_key_exists('global_content', $res)) {
         $gCont = str_replace('@type', $tName, $res['global_content']);
         $buffer .= PHP_EOL . $gCont . PHP_EOL;
     return $res;
Exemple #21
 * A fixed-size typed array view on top of memory. The view is read-only
 * This is used to prevent copying of data when extracting from a column.
function FixedArrayView(array $t_args)
    $constructors = [];
    $methods = [];
    $functions = [];
    $globalContent = '';
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('type', $t_args), 'FixedArrayView: No type given.');
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('size', $t_args), 'FixedArrayView: No size given');
    $type = $t_args['type'];
    $size = $t_args['size'];
    if (is_array($type)) {
        $type = call_user_func_array('lookupType', $type);
    } else {
        $type = $type->lookup();
    grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'arrayView: [type] argument must be a valid datatype.');
    grokit_assert($type->isFixedSize(), 'FixedArray: variable-sized types not supported');
    grokit_assert(is_int($size), 'FixedArrayView: [size] argument must be an integer');
    grokit_assert($size > 0, 'FixedArrayView: [size] arugment must be a positive number.');
    $className = generate_name('FixedArrayView_' . $size . '_');
struct <?php 
    echo $className;
	using value_type             = <?php 
    echo $type;
    using size_type              = std::size_t;
    using difference_type        = std::ptrdiff_t;

    using reference              = value_type &;
    using const_reference        = const value_type &;
    using pointer                = value_type *;
    using const_pointer          = const value_type *;
    using iterator               = value_type *;
    using const_iterator         = const value_type *;
    using reverse_iterator       = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
    using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;

	static constexpr const size_type SIZE = <?php 
    echo $size;

    const_pointer __elems_;

    echo $className;
(): __elems_(nullptr) { }

	// Constructor from externally managed memory
    echo $className;
(const_pointer ptr): __elems_(ptr) { }

	// Default copy and move constructors/assignment
    echo $className;
(const <?php 
    echo $className;
 &other) = default;
    echo $className;
 & operator=(const <?php 
    echo $className;
 &other) = default;
    echo $className;
    echo $className;
 &&other) = default;
    echo $className;
 & operator=(<?php 
    echo $className;
 &&other) = default;

	/***** Element Access *****/

    $methods[] = ['at', ['base::BIGINT'], $type->value(), true];
    const_reference at( size_type pos ) const {
        if( size() <= pos ) {
            std::ostringstream ss;
            ss  << "Element access out of range:"
                << " size=" << size()
                << " index=" << pos;

             throw std::out_of_range(ss.str());
        return __elems_[pos];

    const_reference operator[]( size_type pos ) const {
        return __elems_[pos];

    $methods[] = ['front', [], $type->value(), true];
    const_reference front() const {
        return __elems_[0];

    $methods[] = ['back', [], $type->value(), true];
    const_reference back() const {
        return __elems_[SIZE-1];

    const_pointer data() const noexcept {
        return __elems_;

	/***** Iterators *****/

    const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept {
        return __elems_;

    const_iterator begin() const noexcept {
        return cbegin();

    const_iterator cend() const noexcept {
        return __elems_ + size();

    const_iterator end() const noexcept {
        return cend();

    const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept {
        return const_reverse_iterator(cend());

    const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept {
        return crbegin();

    const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept {
        return const_reverse_iterator(cbegin());

    const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept {
        return crend();

	/***** Capacity *****/

    $methods[] = ['empty', [], 'base::bool', true];
    bool empty() const noexcept {
        return SIZE == 0;

    $methods[] = ['size', [], 'base::BIGINT', true];
    size_type size() const noexcept {
        return SIZE;

    size_type max_size() const noexcept {
        return SIZE;

    /***** Operations *****/

    void swap( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) noexcept {
        std::swap( __elems_, other.__elems_ );

    /***** EXTENTIONS *****/

    void from_memory( const_pointer mem ) {
        __elems_ = mem;


bool operator == ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
	// Fast-track for views referring to the same memory
	if (lhs.__elems_ == rhs.__elems_)
		return true;

    for( @type::size_type i = 0; i < @type::SIZE; i++ ) {
        if( lhs[i] != rhs[i] ) return false;
    return true;

bool operator != ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
	// Fast-track for views referring to the same memory
	if (lhs.__elems_ == rhs.__elems_)
		return false;

    for( @type::size_type i = 0; i < @type::SIZE; i++ ) {
        if( lhs[i] != rhs[i] ) return true;
    return false;

bool operator < ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.cbegin(), lhs.cend(), rhs.cbegin(), rhs.cend());

bool operator > ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    return rhs < lhs;

bool operator <= ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    return !(lhs > rhs);

bool operator >=( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    return !(lhs < rhs);

// ostream operator for easier debugging.
template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& operator << ( std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits> & os, const @type s ) {
    std::ostringstream ss;
    bool first = true;
    ss << "[";

    for( const auto & elem : s ) {
        if( first ) {
            first = false;
        } else {
            ss << ", ";

        ss << elem;

    ss << "]";

    os << ss.str();
    return os;

std::size_t SizeFromBuffer<@type>(const char *buffer) {
	return @type::SIZE * sizeof(@type::value_type);

std::size_t SerializedSize(const @type& from) {
	return @type::SIZE * sizeof(@type::value_type);

std::size_t Serialize(char *buffer, const @type &from) {
	@type::pointer ptr = reinterpret_cast<@type::pointer>(buffer);
	std::copy(from.cbegin(), from.cend(), ptr);
	return SerializedSize(from);

std::size_t Deserialize(const char *buffer, @type &dest) {
	@type::const_pointer ptr = reinterpret_cast<@type::const_pointer>(buffer);
	return SizeFromBuffer<@type>(buffer);

void ToJson( const @type & src, Json::Value & dest ) {
    dest = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
    for( @type::const_reference elem : src ) {
        Json::Value tmp;
        ToJson( elem, tmp );

int ToString( const @type & x, char * buffer ) {
    if ($size > 0) {
    char * start = buffer;
    char * current = start;

    for( const auto & val : x ) {
        current += ToString( val, current );

        // Replace null with space
        *(current-1) = ' ';

    // Replace final comma with null
    *(current-1) = '\0';

    return current - start;
    } else {
        // if size > 0
    buffer[0] = '\0';

    return 1;
    // if size == 0

    $functions[] = ['Hash', ['@type'], 'BASE::BIGINT', true, true];
uint64_t Hash( const @type & val ) {
    uint64_t hashVal = H_b;
    for( @type::const_reference elem : val ) {
        hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(elem), hashVal);
    return hashVal;

namespace std {

#ifdef _HAS_STD_HASH

// C++11 STL-compliant hash struct specialization
template <>
class hash<@type> {
    size_t operator () (const @type& key) const {
        return Hash(key);
#endif // _HAS_STD_HASH

// std::swap specializations

void swap( @type& lhs, @type& rhs ) {


    $globalContent .= ob_get_clean();

    $innerDesc = function ($var, $myType) use($type) {
        $describer = $type->describer('json');
        echo $var;
["size"] = Json::Int64(<?php 
        echo $myType;
        $innerVar = "{$var}[\"inner_type\"]";
        $describer($innerVar, $type);
    $sys_headers = ['iterator', 'algorithm', 'stdexcept', 'utility', 'cstdint', 'cstddef', 'iostream', 'sstream', 'cstring'];
    $user_headers = ['Config.h'];
    $extras = ['size' => $size, 'type' => $type];
    $sizeBytes = $size * $type->get('size.bytes');
    $extras['size.bytes'] = $sizeBytes;
    return ['kind' => 'TYPE', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => $user_headers, 'constructors' => $constructors, 'methods' => $methods, 'functions' => $functions, 'binary_operators' => ['==', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='], 'global_content' => $globalContent, 'complex' => "ColumnIterator<@type, 0, {$sizeBytes}>", 'properties' => ['container', 'sequence', 'array-view'], 'extras' => $extras, 'describe_json' => DescribeJson('array', $innerDesc)];
Exemple #22
function SelectionGenerate($wpName, $queries, $attMap)
    //echo PHP_EOL . '/*' . PHP_EOL;
    //echo PHP_EOL . '*/' . PHP_EOL;

// module specific headers to allow separate compilation
#include "GLAData.h"
#include "Errors.h"

//+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"Pre-Processing", "action":"start"}
extern "C"
int SelectionPreProcessWorkFunc_<?php 
    echo $wpName;

(WorkDescription& workDescription, ExecEngineData& result) {
    SelectionPreProcessWD myWork;
    QueryExitContainer& queries = myWork.get_whichQueryExits();
    QueryToGLASContMap & requiredStates = myWork.get_requiredStates();

    QueryToGLAStateMap constStates;

    foreach ($queries as $query => $info) {
        $gf = $info['gf'];
        if (!is_null($gf) && $gf->has_state()) {
            $state = $gf->state();
            if ($state->configurable()) {
                $carg = $info['cargs'];
                echo '    // JSON Configuration for query ' . queryName($query) . PHP_EOL;
                echo PHP_EOL;
            // if gf const state is configurable
        // if gf has state
    //foreach query

    FOREACH_TWL(iter, queries) {
    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
        if( iter.query == <?php 
        echo queryName($query);
) {
        if ($val['gf'] !== null) {
            // This is a generalized filter
            $gf = $val['gf'];
            $given_states = $val['states'];
            if ($gf->has_state()) {
                $cstArgs = [];
                $state = $gf->state();
                // If the state is configurable, give it the JSON carg
                if ($state->configurable()) {
                    $carg = $query['cargs'];
                    $cstArgs[] = $carg->name();
                // if gf state is configurable
                if (\count($given_states) > 0) {
                    echo queryName($query);
                "No required states received for query that declared required states");
            GLAStateContainer& givenStates = requiredStates.Find(<?php 
                    echo queryName($query);
            GLAPtr reqTemp;
                    foreach ($givenStates as $gs) {
                        $cstArgs[] = $gs->name();
            // Extract state from waypoint[<?php 
                        echo $gs->waypoint();
                        echo $gs->type();
 * <?php 
                        echo $gs->name();
 = nullptr;
            FATALIF( reqTemp.get_glaType() != <?php 
                        echo $gs->type()->cHash();
                "Got different type than expected for required state of type <?php 
                        echo $gs > type();
                        echo $gs->name();
 = (<?php 
                        echo $gs->type();
 *) reqTemp.get_glaPtr();
                    // foreach given state
                // if we have given states
                $cstStr = \count($cstArgs) > 0 ? '(' . implode(', ', $cstArgs) . ')' : '';
                echo $state;
 * temp = new <?php 
                echo $state;
                echo $cstStr;
            GLAPtr newPtr( <?php 
                echo $state->cHash();
, (void *) temp );
            QueryID qryID = <?php 
                echo queryName($query);
            constStates.Insert(qryID, newPtr);
            // if gf has state
        // if( $val['gf'] !== null )
        } // if <?php 
        echo queryName($query);
 is current query
    // foreach query

  SelectionPreProcessRez myRez( constStates );

  return WP_PREPROCESSING; // for PreProcess
//+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"Pre-Processing", "action":"end"}

//+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"Process Chunk", "action":"start"}
extern "C"
int SelectionProcessChunkWorkFunc_<?php 
    echo $wpName;
 (WorkDescription &workDescription, ExecEngineData &result) {
    // go to the work description and get the input chunk
    SelectionProcessChunkWD myWork;
    myWork.swap (workDescription);
    Chunk &input = myWork.get_chunkToProcess ();
    QueryToGLAStateMap& constStates = myWork.get_constStates();


    QueryIDSet queriesToRun = QueryExitsToQueries(myWork.get_whichQueryExits ());
    cgAccessColumns($attMap, 'input', $wpName);
    // Declare the constants needed by the filters and synth expressions.
    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
    // Constants for query <?php 
        echo queryName($query);
        $filters = $val['filters'];
        $synths = $val['synths'];
    // foreach query

    // prepare bitstring iterator
    Column inBitCol;
    BStringIterator queries;
    input.SwapBitmap (queries);

    // creating storage for syhthesized attributes
    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
        $synList = $val['synths'];
        foreach ($synList as $att => $syn) {
    MMappedStorage <?php 
            echo attStorage($att);
    Column <?php 
            echo attCol($att);
            echo attStorage($att);
            echo attIteratorType($att);
            echo $att;
            echo attCol($att);
            echo attType($att);
            echo $att;
        // foreach synthesized attribute
    // foreach query

    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
        $givenStates = $val['states'];
        $gf = $val['gf'];
        $cargs = $val['cargs'];
        grokit_assert($gf !== null || count($givenStates) == 0, 'We were given states for query ' . $query . ' when we have no GF!');
        if (!is_null($gf) && $gf->has_state()) {
            $state = $gf->state();
            $stateName = 'cst_state_' . queryName($query);
            $constMod = $state->mutable() ? '' : 'const ';
    // Extracting constant state for query <?php 
            echo queryName($query);
            echo queryName($query);
), "No constant state found for query <?php 
            echo queryName($query);
            echo $constMod;
            echo $state;
 * <?php 
            echo $stateName;
 = nullptr;
        GLAState& curState = constStates.Find(<?php 
            echo queryName($query);
        GLAPtr tmp;
        FATALIF( tmp.get_glaType() != <?php 
            echo $state->cHash();
            "Got different type than expected for constant state of type <?php 
            echo $state;
            echo $stateName;
 = (<?php 
            echo $constMod;
            echo $state;
 *) tmp.get_glaPtr();

        // if gf requires constant state
        if ($gf !== null) {
            $ctrArgs = [];
            if ($gf->configurable()) {
                echo '    // JSON initialiser for query ' . queryName($query) . PHP_EOL;
                echo PHP_EOL;
                $ctrArgs[] = $cargs->name();
            if ($gf->has_state()) {
                $ctrArgs[] = '*' . $stateName;
            $ctrStr = \count($ctrArgs) > 0 ? '(' . implode(', ', $ctrArgs) . ')' : '';
    // Construct GF for query <?php 
            echo queryName($query);

            echo $gf->value();
            echo queryName($query);
            echo $ctrStr;
        // if we have a GF
    // foreach query

    MMappedStorage bitStore;
    Column outBitCol(bitStore);
    BStringIterator outQueries (outBitCol, queriesToRun);

    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
    int64_t n_tuples_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
 = 0;
    // foreach query

    int64_t numTuples = 0;
    while (!queries.AtEndOfColumn ()) {
        QueryIDSet qry;
        qry = queries.GetCurrent();

        //selection code for all the predicates
    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
        $gf = $val['gf'];
        $filters = $val['filters'];
        $synths = $val['synths'];
        $stateName = queryName($query) . '_state';
        $filterVals = array_map(function ($expr) {
            return '(' . $expr . ')';
        }, $filters);
        if ($gf === null) {
            // Simple set of expressions.
            if (\count($filterVals) > 0) {
                $selExpr = implode(' && ', $filterVals);
            } else {
                $selExpr = 'true';
        } else {
            // We have a GF
            $selExpr = "{$stateName}.Filter(" . implode(', ', $filterVals) . ")";
        // do <?php 
        echo queryName($query);
        foreach ($synths as $att => $syn) {
            echo attType($att);
            echo $att;
        // foreach synthesized attribute
        if( qry.Overlaps(<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
) ) {
        echo queryName($query);
        cgDeclarePreprocessing($filters, 2);
            if( <?php 
        echo $selExpr;
 ) {
                // compute synthesized
        cgDeclarePreprocessing($synths, 3);
        foreach ($synths as $att => $expr) {
            echo $att;
 = <?php 
            echo $expr;
        //foreach synthesized attribute
            } else {
        echo queryName($query);
        foreach ($synths as $att => $syn) {
            echo $att;
            echo $att;
            echo $att;
        // foreach synthesized attribute
    // foreach query

    } // while we still have tuples remaining

    // finally, if there were any results, put the data back in the chunk
    cgPutbackColumns($attMap, 'input', $wpName);
    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
        $synths = $val['synths'];
    if (<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
.Overlaps(queriesToRun)) {
        foreach ($synths as $att => $expr) {
            echo $att;
            echo attCol($att);
            echo attCol($att);
, <?php 
            echo attSlot($att);
        //foreach synthesized attribute
    } // If <?php 
        echo queryName($query);
 overlaps queriesToRun
    // foreach query

    // put in the output bitmap
    outQueries.Done ();
    input.SwapBitmap (outQueries);

    // Finish performance counters

    PCounterList counterList;
    PCounter totalCnt("tpi", numTuples, "<?php 
    echo $wpName;
    PCounter tplOutCnt("tpo", numTuples, "<?php 
    echo $wpName;

    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
        $filters = $val['filters'];
    if( <?php 
        echo queryName($query);
.Overlaps(queriesToRun)) {
        PCounter cnt("<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
", numTuples_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
, "<?php 
        echo $wpName;
    // foreach query

    PROFILING2_SET(counterList, "<?php 
    echo $wpName;

    ChunkContainer tempResult (input);
    tempResult.swap (result);

    return WP_PROCESS_CHUNK; // For Process Chunk
//+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"Process Chunk", "action":"end"}

Exemple #23
function Max(array $t_args, array $input, array $output)
    grokit_assert(\count($output) >= 1, 'Max GLA  produces at least one output!');
    grokit_assert(\count($output) == \count($input), 'Max GLA should have the same number of inputs and outputs');
    $nValues = \count($output);
    $inputNames = array_keys($input);
    $outputNames = array_keys($output);
    // Outputs should be the same type as the inputs
    for ($index = 0; $index < $nValues; $index++) {
        array_set_index($output, $index, array_get_index($input, $index));
    $name = generate_name('Max_');
class <?php 
    echo $name;
    uintmax_t count;

    foreach ($output as $k => $v) {
        echo $v;
        echo $k;
    // foreach output

    echo $name;
() :
    foreach ($output as $k => $v) {
        echo $k;
    // foreach output
    { }

    void AddItem( <?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($input);
 ) {
        if( count > 0 ) {
    for ($index = 0; $index < $nValues; $index++) {
        echo $outputNames[$index];
 = std::max(_<?php 
        echo $outputNames[$index];
, <?php 
        echo $inputNames[$index];
    // foreach value
        } else {
    for ($index = 0; $index < $nValues; $index++) {
        echo $outputNames[$index];
 = <?php 
        echo $inputNames[$index];
    // foreach value

    void AddState( <?php 
    echo $name;
 & o ) {
        if (count > 0 && o.count > 0) {
    for ($index = 0; $index < $nValues; $index++) {
        echo $outputNames[$index];
 = std::max(_<?php 
        echo $outputNames[$index];
, o._<?php 
        echo $outputNames[$index];
    // foreach value
        } else if(o.count > 0) { // count == 0
    for ($index = 0; $index < $nValues; $index++) {
        echo $outputNames[$index];
 = o._<?php 
        echo $outputNames[$index];
    // foreach value
        // Otherwise, count > 0 && o.count == 0, so just keep our values

        count += o.count;

    void GetResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($output);
) {
    foreach ($output as $k => $v) {
        echo $k;
 = _<?php 
        echo $k;
    // foreach output
    return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $name, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => 'single', 'system_headers' => ['algorithm', 'cstdint']];
Exemple #24
 public function absorbInfo($info)
     grokit_assert(is_object($info), "Called absorbInfo on non-object: " . print_r($info, true));
Exemple #25
function GroupBy(array $t_args, array $inputs, array $outputs, array $states)
    // Ensure we have valid inputs.
    if (\count($inputs) == 0) {
        // No inputs given, try to get them from template arguments.
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('input', $t_args), 'No inputs given for GroupBy');
        $inputs = $t_args['input'];
        if (!is_array($inputs)) {
            $inputs = [$inputs];
        foreach ($inputs as $name => &$type) {
            if (is_identifier($type)) {
                $type = lookupType(strval($type));
            grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'Invalid type given for input ' . $name);
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('group', $t_args), 'No groups specified for GroupBy');
    $gbyAttMap = $t_args['group'];
    grokit_assert(is_array($gbyAttMap), 'Invalid value given for groups, expected an expression name or list of expression names');
    $gbyAttMap = array_map('strval', $gbyAttMap);
    $gbyAttNames = array_keys($gbyAttMap);
    foreach ($gbyAttMap as $in => $out) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists($in, $inputs), 'Group ' . $in . ' not present in input');
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists($out, $outputs), 'Output Attribute ' . $out . ' for group ' . $in . ' not found in outputs');
    $numGByAtts = \count($gbyAttNames);
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('aggregate', $t_args), 'No aggregate specified for GroupBy');
    $innerGLA = $t_args['aggregate'];
    grokit_assert(is_gla($innerGLA), 'Non-GLA specified as aggregate for GroupBy');
    $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0);
    $init_size = get_default($t_args, 'init.size', 1024);
    $use_mct = get_default($t_args, 'use.mct', true);
    $keepHashes = get_default($t_args, 'mct.keep.hashes', false);
    grokit_assert(is_bool($keepHashes), 'GroupBy mct.keep.hashes argument must be boolean');
    // determine the result type
    $use_fragments = get_default($t_args, 'use.fragments', true);
    $resType = $use_fragments ? ['fragment', 'multi'] : ['multi'];
    $fragSize = get_default($t_args, 'fragment.size', 2000000);
    // Always support state
    $resType[] = 'state';
    // Class name randomly generated
    $className = generate_name("GroupBy");
    // instantiate the inner GLA. input/output is derived from the main input/output
    $gbyAtts = [];
    $gbyAttsOut = [];
    $glaInputAtts = [];
    $glaOutputAtts = [];
    foreach ($inputs as $name => $type) {
        if (in_array($name, $gbyAttNames)) {
            $gbyAtts[$name] = $type;
            $gbyAttsOut[$gbyAttMap[$name]] = $type;
            $outputs[$gbyAttMap[$name]] = $type;
        } else {
            $glaInputAtts[$name] = $type;
    foreach ($outputs as $name => $type) {
        if (!in_array($name, $gbyAttMap)) {
            $glaOutputAtts[$name] = $type;
    $innerGLA = $innerGLA->apply($glaInputAtts, $glaOutputAtts, $states);
    $libraries = $innerGLA->libraries();
    $innerRes = get_first_value($innerGLA->result_type(), ['multi', 'single', 'state']);
    if ($innerRes == 'state') {
        // If the result type is state, the only output is a state object
        // containing the GLA.
        $outputName = array_keys($glaOutputAtts)[0];
        $innerOutputs = [$outputName => lookupType('base::STATE', ['type' => $innerGLA])];
    } else {
        $innerOutputs = $innerGLA->output();
        grokit_assert(\count($innerOutputs) == \count($glaOutputAtts), 'Expected ' . \count($glaOutputAtts) . ' outputs fromm Inner GLA, got ' . \count($innerOutputs));
    $constState = lookupResource('GroupByState', ['gla' => $innerGLA, 'groups' => $gbyAtts, 'debug' => $debug]);
    // constructor argumetns are inherited from inner GLA
    $configurable = $innerGLA->configurable();
    $reqStates = $innerGLA->req_states();
    // We need to specially create the constructor string because apparently
    // declaring Type Name(); is a function declaration instead of a variable
    // declaration for some reason.
    $constructorParts = [];
    if ($configurable) {
        $constructorParts[] = 'jsonInit';
    if ($innerGLA->has_state()) {
        $constructorParts[] = 'innerState';
    $constructorString = \count($constructorParts) > 0 ? '(' . implode(', ', $constructorParts) . ')' : '';
    // add the outputs we got from the gla
    foreach ($innerOutputs as $name => $type) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists($name, $outputs), 'Inner GLA\'s outputs refer to unknown attribute ' . $name);
        grokit_assert($type !== null, 'GroupBy Inner GLA left output ' . $name . ' with no type');
        $outputs[$name] = $type;
    $iterable = $innerGLA->iterable();
    // need to keep track of system includes needed
    $extraHeaders = array();
    $allocatorText = "std::allocator<std::pair<const Key, {$innerGLA}> >";
    if ($use_mct) {
        $keepHashesText = $keepHashes ? 'true' : 'false';
        $extraHeaders[] = "mct/hash-map.hpp";
        $map = "mct::closed_hash_map<Key, {$innerGLA}, HashKey, std::equal_to<Key>, {$allocatorText}, {$keepHashesText}>";
        $mapType = 'mct::closed_hash_map';
    } else {
        $extraHeaders[] = "unordered_map";
        $map = "std::unordered_map<Key, {$innerGLA}, HashKey, std::equal_to<Key>, {$allocatorText}>";
        $mapType = 'std::unordered_map';
    if ($debug > 0) {
        $extraHeaders[] = 'cstdio';

class <?php 
    echo $className;
    using ConstantState = <?php 
    echo $constState;
    if ($innerGLA->has_state()) {
    using InnerState = ConstantState::InnerState;
    // if gla has state
    using Key = ConstantState::Key;
    using HashKey = ConstantState::HashKey;
    using InnerGLA = <?php 
    echo $innerGLA;

    typedef <?php 
    echo $map;
    static const size_t INIT_SIZE = <?php 
    echo $init_size;

    class Iterator {
        MapType::iterator it; // current value
        MapType::iterator end; // last value in the fragment

        Iterator() { }

        Iterator(MapType::iterator _it, MapType::iterator _end):
            it(_it), end(_end)
            if( it != end ) {

    switch ($innerRes) {
        case 'multi':
        case 'state':
            if ($innerGLA->finalize_as_state()) {
            // if we need to finalize as a state
    // end switch inner restype

        bool GetNextResult( <?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
 ) {
            bool gotResult = false;
            while( it != end && !gotResult ) {
    echo $innerGLA;
 & gla = it->second;
    foreach ($gbyAttMap as $in => $out) {
        echo $out;
 = it->first.<?php 
        echo $in;
    // foreach grouping attribute

    switch ($innerRes) {
        case 'multi':
                gotResult = gla.GetNextResult( <?php 
            echo args($innerOutputs);
                if( !gotResult ) {
                    if( it != end ) {
        case 'single':
                gotResult = true;
            echo args($innerOutputs);
        case 'state':
            // Assuming that $innerOutputs contains a single value that is
            // the state type.
            $oName = key($innerOutputs);
            $oType = current($innerOutputs);
                gotResult = true;
            echo $oName;
 = <?php 
            echo $oType;
( &gla );
    // switch inner result type

            return gotResult;

    const ConstantState & constState;

    if ($configurable) {
    const Json::Value jsonInit;
    // if configurable

    size_t count;

    MapType groupByMap;

    std::vector<MapType::iterator> theIterators;  // the iterators, only 2 elements if multi, many if fragment
    Iterator multiIterator;


    echo $className;
    if ($configurable) {
const Json::Value & _jsonInit, <?php 
const ConstantState & _constState ) :
    if ($configurable) {
        , jsonInit(_jsonInit)
    // if configurable
        , count(0)
        , groupByMap( INIT_SIZE )
        , theIterators()
        , multiIterator()
    { }

    echo $className;
() {}

    void Reset(void) {
        count = 0;

    void AddItem(<?php 
    echo array_template('const {val} & {key}', ', ', $inputs);
) {
        // check if _key is already in the map; if yes, add _value; else, add a new
        // entry (_key, _value)
        Key key(<?php 
    echo array_template('{key}', ', ', $gbyAtts);

        MapType::iterator it = groupByMap.find(key);
        if (it == groupByMap.end()) { // group does not exist
            // create an empty GLA and insert
            // better to not add the item here so we do not have
            // to transport a large state

    if ($innerGLA->has_state()) {
            const InnerState & innerState = constState.getConstState(key);
    // if gla has state
            InnerGLA gla<?php 
    echo $constructorString;
            auto ret = groupByMap.insert(MapType::value_type(key, gla));
            it = ret.first; // reposition
    echo array_template('{key}', ', ', $glaInputAtts);

    void AddState(<?php 
    echo $className;
& other) {
        count += other.count;
        // scan other hash and insert or update content in this one
        for (MapType::iterator it = other.groupByMap.begin(); it != other.groupByMap.end();
                ++it) {
            const Key& okey = it->first;
    echo $innerGLA;
& ogla = it->second;

            MapType::iterator itt = groupByMap.find(okey);
            if (itt != groupByMap.end()) { // found the group
    echo $innerGLA;
& gla = itt->second;
            } else {
                // add the other group to this hash
                groupByMap.insert(MapType::value_type(okey, ogla));

    if ($iterable) {
    bool ShouldIterate(ConstantState& modibleState) {
        if ($debug > 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "<?php 
            echo $className;
: ==== ShouldIterate ====\n");
        // if debugging enabled
        bool shouldIterate = false;
        for( MapType::iterator it = groupByMap.begin(); it != groupByMap.end(); ++it ) {
            const Key & key = it->first;
            InnerGLA & gla = it->second;
        if ($innerGLA->has_state()) {
            InnerState & innerState = modibleState.getModibleState(key);
        // if gla has state
            bool glaRet = gla.ShouldIterate(innerState);
            shouldIterate = shouldIterate || glaRet;
        if ($debug > 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "<?php 
            echo $className;
: Key(%s) shouldIterate(%s)\n",
                glaRet ? "true" : "false");
        // if debugging enabled

        return shouldIterate;
    // if iterable

    if (in_array('fragment', $resType)) {

    int GetNumFragments(void){
        int size = groupByMap.size();
        int sizeFrag = <?php 
        echo $fragSize;
        // setup the fragment boundaries
        // scan via iterator and count
        int frag=0;
        int pos=0;
        MapType::iterator it = groupByMap.begin();
        theIterators.push_back( it );
        // special case when size < num_fragments
        // >
        if (sizeFrag == 0){
            it = groupByMap.end();
            theIterators.push_back( it );
            return 1; // one fragment

            while(it!=groupByMap.end() && pos<( frag + 1 )*sizeFrag){
            theIterators.push_back( it );

        if ($debug > 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "<?php 
            echo $className;
: fragments(%d)\n", frag);

        return frag;


    Iterator* Finalize(int fragment){
        // Call finalize on all inner GLAs in this fragment.
        MapType::iterator iter = theIterators[fragment];
        MapType::iterator iterEnd = theIterators[fragment+1];

        Iterator* rez
            = new Iterator(theIterators[fragment], theIterators[fragment+1] );
        return rez;

    bool GetNextResult(Iterator* it,  <?php 
        echo array_template('{val} & {key}', ', ', $outputs);
) {
        return it->GetNextResult(<?php 
        echo args($outputs);
    // if using fragment interface

    void Finalize() {
        multiIterator = Iterator( groupByMap.begin(), groupByMap.end() );

    if ($debug >= 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "<?php 
        echo $className;
: groups(%lu) tuples(%lu)\n", groupByMap.size(), count);

    bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo array_template('{val} & {key}', ', ', $outputs);
) {
        return multiIterator.GetNextResult( <?php 
    echo args($outputs);

    std::size_t size() const {
        return groupByMap.size();

    const MapType& GetMap() const {
      return groupByMap;

    bool Contains(<?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($gbyAtts);
) const {
      Key key(<?php 
    echo args($gbyAtts);
      return groupByMap.count(key) > 0;

    const InnerGLA& Get(<?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($gbyAtts);
) const {
      Key key(<?php 
    echo args($gbyAtts);
      return groupByMap.at(key);

    bool Contains(Key key) const {
      return groupByMap.count(key) > 0;

    const InnerGLA& Get(Key key) const {
      return groupByMap.at(key);

    if (in_array('fragment', $resType)) {
typedef <?php 
        echo $className;
::Iterator <?php 
        echo $className;

    $sys_headers = array_merge(['iomanip', 'iostream', 'cstring'], $extraHeaders);
    return array('kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => array('HashFunctions.h'), 'input' => $inputs, 'output' => $outputs, 'result_type' => $resType, 'configurable' => $configurable, 'generated_state' => $constState, 'required_states' => $reqStates, 'iterable' => $iterable, 'properties' => ['resettable', 'finite container'], 'libraries' => $libraries, 'extra' => ['inner_gla' => $innerGLA]);
Exemple #26
 *  A fixed array containing a given type.
 *  This is very similar to the STL array datatype, except that the size is not
 *  allowed to be 0.
function FixedArray(array $t_args)
    $constructors = [];
    $methods = [];
    $functions = [];
    $globalContent = '';
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('type', $t_args), 'FixedArray: No type given for elements');
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('size', $t_args), 'FixedArray: No size given');
    $type = $t_args['type'];
    $size = $t_args['size'];
    if (is_array($type)) {
        // Perform type lookup
        $type = call_user_func_array('lookupType', $type);
    } else {
        $type = $type->lookup();
    grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'FixedArray: [type] argument must be a valid datatype');
    grokit_assert($type->isFixedSize(), 'FixedArray: variable-sized types not supported');
    grokit_assert(is_int($size), 'FixedArray: [size] argument must be an integer');
    grokit_assert($size > 0, 'FixedArray: [size] arugment must be a positive number.');
    $className = generate_name('FixedArray_' . $size . '_');
struct <?php 
    echo $className;
    using value_type             = <?php 
    echo $type;
    using size_type              = std::size_t;
    using difference_type        = std::ptrdiff_t;

    using reference              = value_type &;
    using const_reference        = const value_type &;
    using pointer                = value_type *;
    using const_pointer          = const value_type *;
    using iterator               = value_type *;
    using const_iterator         = const value_type *;
    using reverse_iterator       = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
    using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;

    static constexpr const size_type SIZE = <?php 
    echo $size;

    value_type __elems_[SIZE > 0 ? SIZE : 1];

    // No explicit contruct/copy/destroy for aggregate type
    $constructors[] = [[], true];

    /***** Element Access *****/

    $methods[] = ['at', ['base::BIGINT'], $type->value(), true];
    reference at( size_type pos ) {
        if( size() <= pos ) {
            std::ostringstream ss;
            ss  << "Element access out of range:"
                << " size=" << size()
                << " index=" << pos;

            throw std::out_of_range(ss.str());
        return __elems_[pos];

    const_reference at( size_type pos ) const {
        if( size() <= pos ) {
            std::ostringstream ss;
            ss  << "Element access out of range:"
                << " size=" << size()
                << " index=" << pos;

             throw std::out_of_range(ss.str());
        return __elems_[pos];

    reference operator[]( size_type pos ) {
        return __elems_[pos];

    constexpr const_reference operator[]( size_type pos ) const {
        return __elems_[pos];

    $methods[] = ['front', [], $type->value(), true];
    reference front() {
        return __elems_[0];

    constexpr const_reference front() const {
        return __elems_[0];

    $methods[] = ['back', [], $type->value(), true];
    reference back() {
        return __elems_[SIZE-1];

    constexpr const_reference back() const {
        return __elems_[SIZE-1];

    pointer data() noexcept {
        return __elems_;

    const_pointer data() const noexcept {
        return __elems_;

    /***** Iterators *****/

    iterator begin() noexcept {
        return __elems_;

    const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept {
        return __elems_;

    const_iterator begin() const noexcept {
        return cbegin();

    iterator end() noexcept {
        return __elems_ + size();

    const_iterator cend() const noexcept {
        return __elems_ + size();

    const_iterator end() const noexcept {
        return cend();

    reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept {
        return reverse_iterator(end());

    const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept {
        return const_reverse_iterator(cend());

    const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept {
        return crbegin();

    reverse_iterator rend() noexcept {
        return reverse_iterator(begin());

    const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept {
        return const_reverse_iterator(cbegin());

    const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept {
        return crend();

    /***** Capacity *****/

    $methods[] = ['empty', [], 'base::bool', true];
    constexpr bool empty() const noexcept {
        return SIZE == 0;

    $methods[] = ['size', [], 'base::BIGINT', true];
    constexpr size_type size() const noexcept {
        return SIZE;

    constexpr size_type max_size() const noexcept {
        return SIZE;

    /***** Operations *****/

    void fill( const value_type & value ) {
        std::fill_n(begin(), SIZE, value);

    void swap( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) noexcept(noexcept(std::swap(std::declval<value_type&>(), std::declval<value_type&>()))) {
        std::swap( __elems_, other.__elems_ );

    /***** EXTENTIONS *****/

    void from_memory( const_pointer mem ) {
        std::copy(mem, mem+SIZE, __elems_);


bool operator == ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    for( @type::size_type i = 0; i < @type::SIZE; i++ ) { //>
        if( lhs[i] != rhs[i] ) return false;
    return true;

bool operator != ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    for( @type::size_type i = 0; i < @type::SIZE; i++ ) { //>
        if( lhs[i] != rhs[i] ) return true;
    return false;

bool operator < ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) { //>
    return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.cbegin(), lhs.cend(), rhs.cbegin(), rhs.cend());

bool operator > ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    return rhs < lhs; //>

bool operator <= ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) { //>
    return !(lhs > rhs);

bool operator >=( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    return !(lhs < rhs); //>

// ostream operator for easier debugging.
template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& operator << ( std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits> & os, const @type s ) {
    std::ostringstream ss;
    bool first = true;
    ss << "[";

    for( const auto & elem : s ) {
        if( first ) {
            first = false;
        } else {
            ss << ", ";

        ss << elem;

    ss << "]";

    os << ss.str();
    return os;

void ToJson( const @type & src, Json::Value & dest ) {
    dest = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
    for( @type::const_reference elem : src ) {
        Json::Value tmp;
        ToJson( elem, tmp );

void FromJson( const Json::Value & src, @type & dest ) {
    FATALIF(!src.isArray(), "Attempted to read array from non-array JSON");
    FATALIF(!(src.size() == @type::SIZE), "Invalid number of elements in JSON for Array");

    for( Json::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < @type::SIZE; i++ ) { //>
        FromJson( src[i], dest[i] );

int ToString( const @type & x, char * buffer ) {
    if ($size > 0) {
    char * start = buffer;
    char * current = start;

    for( const auto & val : x ) {
        current += ToString( val, current );

        // Replace null with space
        *(current-1) = ' ';

    // Replace final comma with null
    *(current-1) = '\0';

    return current - start;
    } else {
        // if size > 0
    buffer[0] = '\0';

    return 1;
    // if size == 0

void FromString( @type & x, const char * buffer ) {
    char * current = NULL;
    char * saveptr = NULL;
    const char * delim = " ";
    char * copy = strdup(buffer);

    current = strtok_r(copy, delim, &saveptr);

    for( auto & val : x ) {
        FATALIF(current == NULL, "Not enough elements in string representation of array");
        ToString(val, current);
        current = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &saveptr);

    free((void *) copy);

    $functions[] = ['Hash', ['@type'], 'BASE::BIGINT', true, true];
uint64_t Hash( const @type & val ) {
    uint64_t hashVal = H_b;
    for( @type::const_reference elem : val ) {
        hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(elem), hashVal);
    return hashVal;

namespace std {

#ifdef _HAS_STD_HASH

// C++11 STL-compliant hash struct specialization
template <>
class hash<@type> {
    size_t operator () (const @type& key) const {
        return Hash(key);
#endif // _HAS_STD_HASH

// std::get specializations

template< size_t I >
constexpr @type::reference get( @type& a ) {
    static_assert(I < @type::SIZE,
        "Index out of bounds for std::get(@type)");

    return a.__elems_[I];

template< size_t I >
constexpr @type::value_type&& get( @type&& a ) {
    static_assert(I < @type::SIZE,
        "Index out of bounds for std::get(@type)");

    return std::move(a.__elems_[I]);

template< size_t I >
constexpr @type::const_reference get( const @type& a ) {
    static_assert(I < @type::SIZE,
        "Index out of bounds for std::get(@type)");

    return a.__elems_[I];

// std::swap specializations

void swap( @type& lhs, @type& rhs ) {

// std::tuple_size

class tuple_size< @type > :
    public integral_constant<size_t, @type::SIZE>
{ };

// std::tuple_element

template<size_t I>
struct tuple_element< I, @type > {
    using type = @type::value_type;


    $globalContent .= ob_get_clean();

    $innerDesc = function ($var, $myType) use($type) {
        $describer = $type->describer('json');
        echo $var;
["size"] = Json::Int64(<?php 
        echo $myType;
        $innerVar = "{$var}[\"inner_type\"]";
        $describer($innerVar, $type);
    $sys_headers = ['iterator', 'algorithm', 'stdexcept', 'utility', 'cinttypes', 'cstddef', 'iostream', 'sstream', 'cstring', 'cstdlib'];
    $user_headers = ['Config.h'];
    $extras = ['size' => $size, 'type' => $type];
    if ($type->has('size.bytes')) {
        $extras['size.bytes'] = $size * $type->get('size.bytes');
    return ['kind' => 'TYPE', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => $user_headers, 'constructors' => $constructors, 'methods' => $methods, 'functions' => $functions, 'binary_operators' => ['==', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='], 'global_content' => $globalContent, 'complex' => false, 'properties' => ['container', 'sequence', 'array'], 'extras' => $extras, 'describe_json' => DescribeJson('array', $innerDesc)];
Exemple #27
 *  GI that generates data in clusters, using a specified distribution for each
 *  cluster.
 *  This GI requires the following template arguments:
 *      - 'n' or 0
 *          The number of tuples to generate. Note: this value is per task.
 *          The total number of tuples generated will be n_tasks * n
 *      - 'centers' or 1
 *          A list of configuration for the centers.
 *  The following template arguments are optional:
 *      - 'outputs'
 *          If the outputs of the GI are not given implicitly, they can be
 *          specified in this template argument. The number of dimensions will
 *          be determined by the number of outputs.
 *          All output types must be numeric real types. The default type for
 *          outputs is DOUBLE.
 *      - 'dist.lib' = 'std'
 *          Which library to use for generating distributions.
 *          Valid options are:
 *              - std
 *              - boost
 *      - 'seed' = null
 *          The seed to be used for the random number generator. This seed will
 *          be used to generate the seed for each task, and different runs with
 *          the same seed will produce the same data.
 *      - 'compute.sets' = 1
 *          The number of sets of tuples to compute at once.
 *  Each center configuration is a functor with the form:
 *      dist_name(args)
 *  The following distributions are supported:
 *      { Uniform Distributions }
 *      - uniform(a = 0, b = 1)
 *      { Normal Distributions }
 *      - normal(mean = 0.0, std_dev = 1.0) [ synonyms: gaussian ]
 *      - inverse_gaussian(mean = 1, shape = 1) [ synonyms: inverse_normal ]
 *      { Bernoulli Distributions }
 *      - binomial(t = 1, p = 0.5)
 *      - negative_binomial(k = 1, p = 0.5)
 *      { Poisson Distributions }
 *      - exponential( lambda = 1 )
 *      - gamma(alpha = 1, beta = 1)    [ synonyms: Gamma ]
function ClusterGen(array $t_args, array $outputs)
    $sys_headers = ['array', 'cinttypes'];
    $user_headers = [];
    $libraries = [];
    if (\count($outputs) == 0) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('outputs', $t_args), 'ClusterGen: No outputs specified');
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($t_args['outputs'] as $type) {
            if (is_identifier($type)) {
                $type = lookupType($type);
            grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'ClusterGen: Non data-type ' . $type . ' given as output');
            $name = 'output' . $count++;
            $outputs[$name] = $type;
    foreach ($outputs as $name => &$type) {
        if (is_null($type)) {
            $type = lookupType('base::DOUBLE');
        } else {
            grokit_assert($type->is('real'), 'ClusterGen: Non-real datatype ' . $type . ' given as output');
    $myOutputs = [];
    foreach ($outputs as $name => $type) {
        $myOutputs[$name] = $type;
    $tSize = \count($outputs);
    $seed = get_default($t_args, 'seed', null);
    if ($seed !== null) {
        grokit_assert(is_int($seed), 'ClusterGen: Seed must be an integer or null.');
    } else {
        $user_headers[] = 'HashFunctions.h';
    $distLib = get_default($t_args, 'dist.lib', 'std');
    $distNS = '';
    switch ($distLib) {
        case 'std':
            $sys_headers[] = 'random';
            $distNS = 'std';
        case 'boost':
            $sys_headers[] = 'boost/random.hpp';
            $distNS = 'boost::random';
            $libraries[] = 'boost_random-mt';
            if ($seed === null) {
                // Need random_device
                $sys_headers[] = 'boost/random/random_device.hpp';
                $libraries[] = 'boost_system-mt';
            grokit_error('ClusterGen: Unknown RNG library ' . $distLib);
    $distRNG = 'mt19937';
    $RNGtype = $distNS . '::' . $distRNG;
    $nTuples = get_first_key($t_args, ['n', '0']);
    grokit_assert(is_int($nTuples), 'ClusterGen: the number of tuples to be produced must be an integer.');
    $centers = get_first_key($t_args, ['centers', 1]);
    grokit_assert(is_array($centers), 'ClusterGen: centers must be an array of functors');
    $handleDist = function ($name, $args, $oType) use($distNS) {
        $distName = '';
        $distArgs = [];
        switch ($name) {
            case 'gaussian':
            case 'normal':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'normal_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Normal distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $mean = get_default($args, ['mean', 0], 0.0);
                $sigma = get_default($args, ['std_dev', 'sigma', 1], 1.0);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($mean), 'ClusterGen: mean parameter of binomial distribution must be a real number.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($sigma), 'ClusterGen: sigma parameter of binomial distribution must be a real number.');
                $mean = floatval($mean);
                $sigma = floatval($sigma);
                $distArgs = [$mean, $sigma];
            case 'binomial':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'binomial_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Binomial distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $t = get_default($args, ['t', 0], 1);
                $p = get_default($args, ['p', 1], 0.5);
                grokit_assert(is_int($t), 'ClusterGen: t parameter of binomial distribution must be an integer.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($p), 'ClusterGen: p parameter of binomial distribution must be a real number.');
                $p = floatval($p);
                grokit_assert($p >= 0 && $p <= 1, 'ClusterGen: p parameter of binomial distribution must be in the range [0, 1]');
                grokit_assert($t >= 0, 'ClusterGen: t parameter of binomial distribution must be in the range [0, +inf)');
                $distArgs = [$t, $p];
            case 'negative_binomial':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'negative_binomial_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Negative Binomial distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $k = get_default($args, ['k', 0], 1);
                $p = get_default($args, ['p', 1], 0.5);
                grokit_assert(is_int($k), 'ClusterGen: k parameter of binomial distribution must be an integer.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($p), 'ClusterGen: p parameter of binomial distribution must be a real number.');
                $p = floatval($p);
                grokit_assert($p > 0 && $p <= 1, 'ClusterGen: p parameter of negative binomial distribution must be in the range (0, 1]');
                grokit_assert($k > 0, 'ClusterGen: k parameter of negative binomial distribution must be in the range (0, +inf)');
                $distArgs = [$k, $p];
            case 'inverse_gaussian':
            case 'inverse_normal':
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Inverse Gaussian distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $mean = get_default($args, ['mean', 0], 1);
                $shape = get_default($args, ['shape', 1], 1);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($mean), 'ClusterGen: mean parameter of inverse gaussian distribution must be a real number.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($shape), 'ClusterGen: shape parameter of inverse gaussian distribution must be a real number.');
                $mean = floatval($mean);
                $shape = floatval($shape);
                grokit_assert($mean > 0, 'ClusterGen: mean of inverse gaussian distribution must be in range (0, inf)');
                grokit_assert($shape > 0, 'ClusterGen: shape of inverse gaussian distribution must be in range (0, inf)');
                $gen_args = ['output' => $oType, 'ns' => $distNS];
                $distName = strval(lookupResource('datagen::InverseGaussianGen', $gen_args));
                $distArgs = [$mean, $shape];
            case 'uniform':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'uniform_real_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Uniform distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $a = get_default($args, ['a', 0], 0.0);
                $b = get_default($args, ['b', 1], 1.0);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($a), 'ClusterGen: `a` parameter of uniform distribution must be a real number.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($b), 'ClusterGen: `b` parameter of uniform distribution must be a real number.');
                $a = floatval($a);
                $b = floatval($b);
                grokit_assert($b >= $a, 'ClusterGen: `b` parameter of uniform distribution must be >= the `a` parameter.');
                $distArgs = [$a, $b];
            case 'exponential':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'exponential_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 1, 'ClusterGen: Exponential distribution takes at most 1 argument.');
                $lambda = get_default($args, ['lambda', 0], 1.0);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($lambda), 'ClusterGen: `lambda` parameter of exponential distribution must be a real number.');
                $lambda = floatval($lambda);
                grokit_assert($lambda > 0, 'ClusterGen: `lambda` parameter of exponential distribution must be in range (0, +inf).');
                $distArgs = [$lambda];
            case 'gamma':
            case 'Gamma':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'gamma_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Gamma distribution takes at most 2 arguments.');
                $alpha = get_default($args, ['alpha', 0], 1.0);
                $beta = det_default($args, ['beta', 1], 1.0);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($alpha), 'ClusterGen: `alpha` parameter of gamma distribution must be a real number.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($beta), 'ClusterGen: `beta` parameter of gamma distribution must be a real number.');
                $alpha = floatval($alpha);
                $beta = floatval($beta);
                $distArgs = [$alpha, $beta];
                grokit_error('ClusterGen: Unknown distribution ' . $name . ' given for center');
        return [$distName, $distArgs];
    $dists = [];
    $distArgs = [];
    $count = 0;
    $oType = '';
    $nCenters = 1;
    foreach ($centers as $val) {
        $cluster = $val;
        if (is_functor($val)) {
            $cluster = [$val];
        } else {
            if (is_array($val)) {
                $nCenters = lcm($nCenters, \count($val));
            } else {
                grokit_error('ClusterGen: center descriptions must be functors or list of functors');
        $curDist = [];
        $curDistArgs = [];
        $curDistName = 'distribution' . $count++;
        $oType = strval(current($outputs));
        $iCount = 0;
        foreach ($cluster as $functor) {
            grokit_assert(is_functor($functor), 'ClusterGen: center description must be a functor');
            $vName = $curDistName . '_' . $iCount++;
            $ret = $handleDist($functor->name(), $functor->args(), $oType);
            $curDist[$vName] = $ret[0];
            $curDistArgs[$vName] = $ret[1];
        $dists[$curDistName] = $curDist;
        $distArgs[$curDistName] = $curDistArgs;
    // Determine the default number of sets to compute at a time.
    // We want to generate either $nTuples or 10,000 tuples, depending on which
    // is less.
    $defaultSetsTarget = min($nTuples, 10000);
    $setsToTarget = intval(ceil($defaultSetsTarget / $nCenters));
    $computeSets = get_default($t_args, 'compute.sets', $setsToTarget);
    grokit_assert(is_int($computeSets) && $computeSets > 0, 'ClusterGen: compute.sets must be a positive integer, ' . $computeSets . ' given');
    $className = generate_name('ClusterGen');
    // For some BIZZARE reason, the $outputs array was getting modified while
    // traversing over the $dists array. Making a deep copy of the outputs and
    // then reassigning it seems to fix the issue.
    $outputs = $myOutputs;

class <?php 
    echo $className;

    // The number of tuples to produce per task
    static constexpr size_t N = <?php 
    echo $nTuples;
    static constexpr size_t CacheSize = <?php 
    echo $computeSets * $nCenters;

    // Typedefs
    typedef std::tuple<<?php 
    echo array_template('{val}', ', ', $outputs);
> Tuple;
    typedef std::array<Tuple, CacheSize> TupleArray;
    typedef TupleArray::const_iterator TupleIterator;
    typedef <?php 
    echo $RNGtype;

    // Number of tuples produced.
    uintmax_t count;

    // Cache a number of outputs for efficiency
    TupleArray cache;
    TupleIterator cacheIt;

    // Random number generator
    RandGen rng;

    // Distributions
    // This is the section causing issues.
    foreach ($dists as $name => $list) {
        foreach ($list as $vName => $type) {
            echo $type;
            echo $vName;
        // foreach distribution
    // foreach cluster set

    // Helper function to generate tuples.
    void GenerateTuples(void) {
    $tIndex = 0;
    foreach ($dists as $name => $list) {
        $lCenters = \count($list);
        // $nCenters has been defined to be the LCM of the number of centers in
        // any column, so $lCenter is guaranteed to divide evenly into
        // CacheSize
        for( size_t index = 0; CacheSize > index; index += <?php 
        echo $lCenters;
 ) {
        $index = 0;
        foreach ($list as $vName => $type) {
            echo $tIndex;
>(cache[index + <?php 
            echo $index;
]) = <?php 
            echo $vName;
        // foreach value in tuple
    // foreach distribution
        cacheIt = cache.cbegin();

    // Constructor
    echo $className;
( GIStreamProxy & _stream ) :
        , cacheIt()
        , count(0)
        , rng()
    foreach ($dists as $name => $list) {
        foreach ($list as $vName => $type) {
        , <?php 
            echo $vName;
            echo implode(', ', $distArgs[$name][$vName]);
        // foreach distribution
    // foreach cluster set

    if (is_null($seed)) {
        echo $distNS;
::random_device rd;
    // if seed is null
        RandGen::result_type seed = <?php 
    echo is_null($seed) ? 'rd()' : "CongruentHash({$seed}, _stream.get_id() )";

        cacheIt = cache.cend();

    // Destructor
    echo $className;
(void) { }

    bool ProduceTuple(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
) {
        if( N > count ) {
            if( cacheIt == cache.cend() ) {
    $tIndex = 0;
    foreach ($outputs as $name => $type) {
        echo $name;
 = std::get<<?php 
        echo $tIndex;
    // foreach output


            return true;
        else {
            return false;

    return array('kind' => 'GI', 'name' => $className, 'output' => $outputs, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => $user_headers, 'libraries' => $libraries);
Exemple #28
function PrintGenerate($wpName, $queries, $attMap)

// module specifsic headers to allow separate compilation
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include "Profiling.h"

//+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"Process Chunk", "action":"start"}
extern "C"
int PrintWorkFunc_<?php 
    echo $wpName;
 (WorkDescription &workDescription, ExecEngineData &result) {

    // get the work description
    PrintWorkDescription myWork;
    myWork.swap (workDescription);
    Chunk &input = myWork.get_chunkToPrint ();
    QueryToFileMap& streams = myWork.get_streams();
    QueryToCounters& counters = myWork.get_counters();

    QueryIDSet queriesToRun = QueryExitsToQueries(myWork.get_whichQueryExits ());
    // prepare bitstring iterator
    Column inBitCol;
    BStringIterator queries;
    input.SwapBitmap (queries);

    cgAccessColumns($attMap, 'input', $wpName);

    // for each query, define a stream variable
    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
        $type = $val["type"];
        if ($type == 'json') {
            // Need some extra variables
    Json::Value json;
    Json::Value jsonRow;
    Json::FastWriter jsonWriter;
    std::string jsonString;
        // if type is json

    PrintFileObj& pfo_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
 = streams.Find(<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
    DistributedCounter* counter_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
 = counters.Find(<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
    FILE* file_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
 = pfo_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
    const char * DELIM_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
 = "<?php 
        echo $type == 'json' ? ',' : $val["separator"];
    size_t n_tuples_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
 = 0;
    // foreach query
    constexpr const size_t BUFFER_LENGTH = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 MB

    size_t n_tuples = 0;
    while (!queries.AtEndOfColumn ()){
        QueryIDSet qry;
        qry = queries.GetCurrent();

    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
        // execute <?php 
        echo queryName($query);
        if (qry.Overlaps(<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
) && counter_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
        echo queryName($query);
            int curr=0; // the position where we write the next attribute

        if ($type == 'json') {
            jsonRow = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);

            foreach ($val["expressions"] as $exp) {
            json = Json::Value(Json::nullValue);
                echo $exp->value();
, json);
            // for each expression

            jsonString = jsonWriter.write(jsonRow);
            echo queryName($query);
, "%s,", jsonString.c_str());
        } else {
            if ($type == 'csv') {
                foreach ($val["expressions"] as $exp) {
            curr += ToString(<?php 
                    echo $exp->value();
            curr += sprintf(buffer + (curr-1), "%s", DELIM_<?php 
                    echo queryName($query);
) - 1;
                // for each expression

            // Replace the last comma with a newline

            // Null terminate the string

            // Now we print the buffer
                echo queryName($query);
, "%s", buffer);
        // if output file is csv
    // for each query

    cgPutbackColumns($attMap, 'input', $wpName);


    PCounterList counterList;
    PCounter totalCnt("tpi", n_tuples, "<?php 
    echo $wpName;

    // add query counters to list
    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
        PCounter cnt("<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
", n_tuples_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
, "<?php 
        echo $wpName;

    PROFILING2_SET(counterList, "<?php 
    echo $wpName;

    // just return some arbitrary value... don't worry about reconstructing the chunk
    return WP_PROCESS_CHUNK;
//+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"Process Chunk", "action":"end"}

//+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"Finalize", "action":"start"}
extern "C"
int PrintFinalizeWorkFunc_<?php 
    echo $wpName;
 (WorkDescription &workDescription, ExecEngineData &result) {

    PrintFinalizeWorkDescription myWork;
    myWork.swap( workDescription );
    QueryToFileMap& streams = myWork.get_streams();

    QueryIDSet queriesToRun = QueryExitsToQueries(myWork.get_whichQueryExits());


    // For each query, define a stream variable
    $jsonVarsDefined = false;
    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
        $type = $val['type'];
        if ($type == 'json' && !$jsonVarsDefined) {
            $jsonVarsDefined = true;
    Json::Value json;
    Json::FastWriter jsonWriter;
    std::string jsonString;
        // if we need to define extra json vars
    PrintFileObj& pfo_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
 = streams.Find(<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
    FILE* file_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
 = pfo_<?php 
        echo queryName($query);
    // for each query

    foreach ($queries as $query => $val) {
        $type = $val['type'];
        if ($type == 'json') {
    // Set up the types array
    json = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);

            foreach ($val['expressions'] as $exp) {
                $describer = $exp->type()->describer('json');
                grokit_assert(is_callable($describer), 'Invalid JSON describer for type ' . $exp->type());
        Json::Value tmp;
            // for each expression

    jsonString = jsonWriter.write(json);
    // Last character is a newline, remove it
    jsonString.erase(jsonString.size() - 1, 1);

    // End the content section and write out the types
            echo queryName($query);
, -1, SEEK_CUR); // overwrite the last comma
            echo queryName($query);
, " ], \"types\": %s }", jsonString.c_str());

        // if type is json
    // for each query

    return WP_FINALIZE;
//+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"Finalize", "action":"end"}
Exemple #29
function SplitState(array $t_args)
    $sys_headers = ['mutex', 'condition_variable', 'array', 'random'];
    $user_headers = [];
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('type', $t_args), 'SplitState: No type given');
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('size', $t_args), 'SplitState: No size given');
    $type = $t_args['type'];
    $size = $t_args['size'];
    $className = generate_name('SplitState_');
class <?php 
    echo $className;
    using StateType = <?php 
    echo $type;

    static constexpr size_t NUM_STATES = <?php 
    echo $size;
    using UniqueLock =  std::unique_lock<std::mutex>;

    using StateArray = std::array<StateType *, NUM_STATES>;
    using BoolArray = std::array<bool, NUM_STATES>;

    // Array of states
    StateArray stateArray;

    // Mutex to protect states
    std::mutex myMutex;

    // Condition variable to wake up threads blocked on acquiring a state.
    std::condition_variable signalVar;

    // Keeps track of which states are available to be checked out.
    BoolArray writeLocked;

    // Random number generator
    std::mt19937_64 rng;


    // Constructor
    echo $className;
( ) :

        std::random_device rd;

        // 64-bits of seed
        uint32_t seed_vals[2];
        seed_vals[0] = rd();
        seed_vals[1] = rd();

        std::seed_seq seed(seed_vals, seed_vals + 2);


    // Destructor
    echo $className;
() {
        for( auto elem : stateArray ) {
            if( elem != nullptr ) {
                delete elem;

    // Methods

    int CheckOutOne( int *theseAreOK, StateType *& checkMeOut ) {
        // first, figure out all of the OK segments
        int numWanted = 0;
        int goodOnes[NUM_STATES];
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STATES; i++) { //>
            if (theseAreOK[i] == 1) {
                goodOnes[numWanted] = i;

        {   UniqueLock lock(myMutex); // Acquire lock

            // now, try them one-at-a-time, in random order
            while (1) {

                // try each of the desired hash table segments, in random order
                for (int i = 0; i < numWanted; i++) { //>

                    // randomly pick one of the guys in the list
                    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(i, numWanted-1);
                    int whichIndex = dist(rng);

                    // move him into the current slot
                    int whichToChoose = goodOnes[whichIndex];
                    goodOnes[whichIndex] = goodOnes[i];
                    goodOnes[i] = whichToChoose;

                    // try him
                    if (!writeLocked[whichToChoose]) {

                        // he is open, so write lock him
                        writeLocked[whichToChoose] = true;

                        // and return him
                        checkMeOut = stateArray[whichToChoose];
                        stateArray[whichToChoose] = nullptr;
                        return whichToChoose;

                // if we got here, then every one that we want is write locked.  So
                // we will go to sleep until one of them is unlocked, at which point
                // we will wake up and try again...

    void CheckIn( int whichEntry, StateType *& checkMeIn ) {
        // just note that no one is writing this one, then signal all potential writers
            UniqueLock lock(myMutex);
            writeLocked[whichEntry] = false;

            stateArray[whichEntry] = checkMeIn;
            checkMeIn = nullptr;


    StateType * Peek( int whichEntry ) {
        return stateArray[ whichEntry ];

    void Delete( int whichEntry ) {
        if( stateArray[whichEntry] != nullptr ) {

            delete stateArray[whichEntry];
            stateArray[whichEntry] = nullptr;

    void Reset() {
        for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_STATES; i++) {
    if ($type->is('resettable')) {
            if( stateArray[i] != nullptr ) {
    } else {
    // not resettabile
    return ['kind' => 'RESOURCE', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => $user_headers];
Exemple #30
function Average(array $t_args, array $input, array $output)
    $className = generate_name('Average');
    grokit_assert(\count($input) == \count($output), 'Average must have the same number of inputs and outputs');
    $outToIn = [];
    $internalTypes = [];
    $internalInit = [];
    foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
        $outKey = key($output);
        $outToIn[$outKey] = $name;
        if ($type->is('numeric')) {
            $internalTypes[$name] = 'long double';
            $internalInit[$name] = '0.0';
        } else {
            $internalTypes[$name] = $type;
            $internalInit[$name] = '';
        if (is_null(current($output))) {
            if ($type->is('numeric')) {
                $output[$outKey] = lookupType('base::DOUBLE');
            } else {
                $output[$outKey] = $type;
    $countType = 'uint64_t';
    $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0);
class <?php 
    echo $className;

    echo $countType;
 count; // keeps the number of tuples aggregated

    foreach ($internalTypes as $name => $type) {
        echo $type;
        echo $name;
    // foreach internal value

    echo $className;
() :
    foreach ($internalInit as $name => $init) {
        , sum_<?php 
        echo $name;
        echo $init;
    // foreach internal initializer

    void AddItem(<?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($input);
) {

    foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
        echo $name;
 += <?php 
        echo $name;
    // foreach input

    void AddState(<?php 
    echo $className;
& o){
        count += o.count;
    foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
        echo $name;
 += o.sum_<?php 
        echo $name;
    // foreach input

    // we only support one tuple as output
    void GetResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($output);
) const {
        if( count > 0 ) {
    foreach ($output as $name => $type) {
        $inName = $outToIn[$name];
        echo $name;
 = (sum_<?php 
        echo $inName;
) / count;
    // foreach output
        } else {
    foreach ($output as $name => $type) {
        echo $name;
 = sum_<?php 
        echo $inName;
    // foreach output


    $sys_headers = ['cinttypes'];
    if ($debug > 0) {
        $sys_headers[] = 'iostream';
        $sys_headers[] = 'sstream';
    return array('kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => 'single');