Exemple #1
function sky_form_system_theme_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state)
    $form['at']['font'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Fonts'), '#description' => t('<h3>Fonts</h3><p>Here you can set a default font which will style all text. You can also set unique fonts for the page title, site name and slogan, and fonts for node, comment and block titles. First select the font type (Websafe or Google web font), then select the font family. You can preview Google web fonts here: <a href="!link" target="_blank">http://www.google.com/webfonts</a></p>', array('!link' => 'http://www.google.com/webfonts')));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Default font'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('base_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="base_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_container']['base_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('base_font'), '#options' => array('bf-sss' => t('Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'bf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'bf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'bf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="base_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_gwf_container']['base_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('base_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Site Name'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_name_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="site_name_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_container']['site_name_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_name_font'), '#options' => array('snf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'snf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'snf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'snf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="site_name_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_gwf_container']['site_name_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_name_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Site Slogan'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_slogan_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="site_slogan_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_container']['site_slogan_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_slogan_font'), '#options' => array('ssf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'ssf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ssf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ssf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="site_slogan_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_gwf_container']['site_slogan_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_slogan_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Page Title'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="page_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_container']['page_title_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_font'), '#options' => array('ptf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'ptf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ptf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ptf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="page_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_gwf_container']['page_title_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // Node title font
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Node Title'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="node_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_container']['node_title_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_font'), '#options' => array('ntf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'ntf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ntf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ntf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="node_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_gwf_container']['node_title_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // Comment title font
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Comment Title'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="comment_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_container']['comment_title_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_font'), '#options' => array('ctf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'ctf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ctf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ctf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="comment_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_gwf_container']['comment_title_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // Block title font
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Block Title'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    // Block title font
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="block_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_container']['block_title_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_font'), '#options' => array('btf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'btf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'btf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'btf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="block_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_gwf_container']['block_title_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    $form['at']['size'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Font Size'), '#description' => t('<h3>Font Size</h3>'));
    $form['at']['size']['font_size'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font Size'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('font_size'), '#description' => t('This sets a base font-size on the body element - all text will scale relative to this value.'), '#options' => array('fs-smallest' => t('Smallest'), 'fs-small' => t('Small'), 'fs-medium' => t('Medium'), 'fs-large' => t('Large'), 'fs-largest' => t('Largest')));
    $form['at']['headings'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Heading Styles'), '#description' => t('<h3>Heading Styles</h3><p>Add extra styles to headings. Shadows ony work for CSS3 capable browsers such as Firefox, Safari, IE9 etc.</p>'));
    $form['at']['headings']['headings_styles_caps'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('All Caps'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('headings_styles_caps'));
    $form['at']['headings']['headings_styles_weight'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Font weight normal'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('headings_styles_weight'));
    $form['at']['headings']['headings_styles_shadow'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Text shadows'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('headings_styles_shadow'));
    $form['at']['corners'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Rounded corners'), '#description' => t('<h3>Rounded Corners</h3><p>Rounded corners are implimented using CSS and only work in modern compliant browsers. You can set the radius for both the main content and main menu tabs.</p>'));
    $form['at']['corners']['content_corner_radius'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Main content radius'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('content_corner_radius'), '#description' => t('Change the corner radius for the main content area.'), '#options' => array('rc-0' => t('none'), 'rc-4' => t('4px'), 'rc-6' => t('6px'), 'rc-8' => t('8px'), 'rc-10' => t('10px'), 'rc-12' => t('12px')));
    $form['at']['corners']['tabs_corner_radius'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Menu tabs radius'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('tabs_corner_radius'), '#description' => t('Change the corner radius for the main menu tabs.'), '#options' => array('rct-0' => t('none'), 'rct-4' => t('4px'), 'rct-6' => t('6px'), 'rct-8' => t('8px'), 'rct-10' => t('10px'), 'rct-12' => t('12px')));
    $form['at']['pagestyles'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Textures'), '#description' => t('<h3>Textures</h3><p>Textures are small, semi-transparent images that tile to fill the entire page background.</p>'));
    $form['at']['pagestyles']['textures'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Textures'), '#description' => t('<h3>Body Textures</h3><p>This setting adds a texture over the main background color - the darker the background the more these stand out, on light backgrounds the effect is subtle.</p>'));
    $form['at']['pagestyles']['textures']['body_background'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Select texture'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('body_background'), '#options' => array('bb-n' => t('None'), 'bb-h' => t('Hatch'), 'bb-vl' => t('Vertical lines'), 'bb-hl' => t('Horizontal lines'), 'bb-g' => t('Grid'), 'bb-d' => t('Dots')));
    // Image styles
    $form['at']['images'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Image Settings'), '#description' => '<h3>Image Settings</h3>');
    $form['at']['images']['alignment'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Image Alignment'));
    $form['at']['images']['alignment']['image_alignment'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('<strong>Image field alignment</strong>'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('image_alignment'), '#description' => t('This will only affect images added using an image-field. If you use another method such as embedding images directly into text areas this will not affect those images.'), '#options' => array('ia-n' => t('None'), 'ia-l' => t('Left'), 'ia-c' => t('Centered'), 'ia-r' => t('Right')));
    $form['at']['images']['captions'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Image Captions'), '#description' => t('<strong>Display the image title as a caption</strong>'));
    $form['at']['images']['captions']['image_caption_teaser'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show captions on teaser view'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('image_caption_teaser'));
    $form['at']['images']['captions']['image_caption_full'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show captions on full view'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('image_caption_full'));
    $form['at']['menu_styles'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Menu Bullets'), '#description' => t('<h3>Menu Bullets</h3><p>This setting allows you to customize the bullet images used on menus items. Bullet images only show on normal vertical block menus.</p>'));
    $form['at']['menu_styles']['menu_bullets'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Menu Bullets'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('menu_bullets'), '#options' => array('mb-n' => t('None'), 'mb-dd' => t('Drupal default'), 'mb-ah' => t('Arrow head'), 'mb-ad' => t('Double arrow head'), 'mb-ca' => t('Circle arrow'), 'mb-fa' => t('Fat arrow'), 'mb-sa' => t('Skinny arrow')));
    $form['theme_settings']['#collapsible'] = TRUE;
    $form['theme_settings']['#collapsed'] = TRUE;
    $form['logo']['#collapsible'] = TRUE;
    $form['logo']['#collapsed'] = TRUE;
    $form['favicon']['#collapsible'] = TRUE;
    $form['favicon']['#collapsed'] = TRUE;
 * Implements hook_form_system_theme_settings_alter().
 * @param $form['at']
 *   Nested array of form elements that comprise the form.
 * @param $form['at']_state
 *   A keyed array containing the current state of the form.
function pixture_reloaded_form_system_theme_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state)
    $form['at']['font'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Fonts'), '#description' => t('<h3>Fonts</h3><p>Here you can set a default font which will style all text. You can also set unique fonts for the page title, site name and slogan, and fonts for node, comment and block titles. First select the font type (Websafe or Google web font), then select the font family. You can preview Google web fonts here: <a href="!link" target="_blank">http://www.google.com/webfonts</a></p>', array('!link' => 'http://www.google.com/webfonts')));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Default font'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('base_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="base_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_container']['base_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('base_font'), '#options' => array('bf-sss' => t('Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'bf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'bf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'bf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="base_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_gwf_container']['base_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('base_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Site Name'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_name_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="site_name_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_container']['site_name_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_name_font'), '#options' => array('snf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'snf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'snf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'snf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="site_name_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_gwf_container']['site_name_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_name_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Site Slogan'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_slogan_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="site_slogan_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_container']['site_slogan_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_slogan_font'), '#options' => array('ssf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'ssf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ssf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ssf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="site_slogan_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_gwf_container']['site_slogan_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_slogan_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Page Title'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="page_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_container']['page_title_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_font'), '#options' => array('ptf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'ptf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ptf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ptf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="page_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_gwf_container']['page_title_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // Node title font
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Node Title'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="node_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_container']['node_title_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_font'), '#options' => array('ntf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'ntf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ntf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ntf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="node_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_gwf_container']['node_title_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // Comment title font
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Comment Title'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="comment_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_container']['comment_title_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_font'), '#options' => array('ctf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'ctf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ctf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ctf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="comment_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_gwf_container']['comment_title_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // Block title font
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Block Title'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    // Block title font
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="block_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_container']['block_title_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_font'), '#options' => array('btf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'btf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'btf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'btf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="block_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_gwf_container']['block_title_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    $form['at']['size'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Font Size'), '#description' => t('<h3>Font Size</h3>'));
    $form['at']['size']['font_size'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font Size'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('font_size'), '#description' => t('This sets a base font-size on the body element - all text will scale relative to this value.'), '#options' => array('fs-smallest' => t('Smallest'), 'fs-small' => t('Small'), 'fs-medium' => t('Medium'), 'fs-large' => t('Large'), 'fs-largest' => t('Largest')));
    $form['at']['headings'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Heading Styles'), '#description' => t('<h3>Heading Styles</h3><p>Add extra styles to headings. Shadows ony work for CSS3 capable browsers such as Firefox, Safari, IE9 etc.</p>'));
    $form['at']['headings']['headings_styles_caps'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('All Caps'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('headings_styles_caps'));
    $form['at']['headings']['headings_styles_weight'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Font weight normal'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('headings_styles_weight'));
    $form['at']['headings']['headings_styles_shadow'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Text shadows'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('headings_styles_shadow'));
    $form['at']['corners'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Rounded corners'));
    $form['at']['corners']['corner_radius'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Corner radius'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('corner_radius'), '#description' => t('Change the corner radius for blocks, node teasers and comments.'), '#options' => array('rc-0' => t('none'), 'rc-4' => t('4px'), 'rc-8' => t('8px'), 'rc-12' => t('12px')));
    $form['at']['corners']['htc'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('IE corners'));
    $form['at']['corners']['htc']['ie_corners'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Enable rounded corners for Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('ie_corners'), '#description' => t('<p>NOTE: For this to work you must download install the <a href="!link">CSS3PIE</a> library to <code>sites/all/libraries/PIE</code>.</p><p>The path should be like this: <code>sites/all/libraries/PIE/PIE.htc</code></p><p>Then you MUST change the path in <strong>ie-htc.css</strong> to be absolute and match this path, e.g. <code>http://examplesite.com/sites/all/libraries/PIE/PIE.htc</code> - look in the <code>/css</code> folder to find this file.<p>Usage is at your own risk. Elements such as text inside other JS items such as drop menus or slideshows may be degraded in Internet Explorer.</p>', array('!link' => 'http://css3pie.com/')));
    $form['at']['pagestyles'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Box Shadows and Textures'), '#description' => t('<h3>Shadows and Textures</h3><p>The box shadows are implimented using CSS and only work in modern compliant browsers. The textures are small, semi-transparent images that tile to fill the entire background.</p>'));
    $form['at']['pagestyles']['shadows'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Box Shadows'), '#description' => t('<h3>Box Shadows</h3><p>Box shadows (a drop shadow/glow effect) apply to the main content column and work only in CSS3 compliant browsers such as Firefox, Safari and Chrome.</p>'));
    $form['at']['pagestyles']['shadows']['box_shadows'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('<strong>Apply a box shadow to the main content column</strong>'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('box_shadows'), '#options' => array('bs-n' => t('None'), 'bs-l' => t('Box shadow - light'), 'bs-d' => t('Box shadow - dark')));
    $form['at']['pagestyles']['textures'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Textures'), '#description' => t('<h3>Body Textures</h3><p>This setting adds a texture over the main background color - the darker the background the more these stand out, on light backgrounds the effect is subtle.</p>'));
    $form['at']['pagestyles']['textures']['body_background'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Select texture'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('body_background'), '#options' => array('bb-n' => t('None'), 'bb-h' => t('Hatch'), 'bb-vl' => t('Vertical lines'), 'bb-hl' => t('Horizontal lines'), 'bb-g' => t('Grid'), 'bb-d' => t('Dots')));
    // Image styles
    $form['at']['images'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Image Settings'), '#description' => '<h3>Image Settings</h3>');
    $form['at']['images']['alignment'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Image Alignment'));
    $form['at']['images']['alignment']['image_alignment'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('<strong>Image field alignment</strong>'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('image_alignment'), '#description' => t('This will only affect images added using an image-field. If you use another method such as embedding images directly into text areas this will not affect those images.'), '#options' => array('ia-n' => t('None'), 'ia-l' => t('Left'), 'ia-c' => t('Centered'), 'ia-r' => t('Right')));
    $form['at']['images']['captions'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Image Captions'), '#description' => t('<strong>Display the image title as a caption</strong>'));
    $form['at']['images']['captions']['image_caption_teaser'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show captions on teaser view'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('image_caption_teaser'));
    $form['at']['images']['captions']['image_caption_full'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show captions on full view'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('image_caption_full'));
    $form['at']['menus'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Menu Settings'));
    $form['at']['menus']['mbp'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Menu Bar Alignment'), '#description' => t('<h3>Menu Bar Alignment</h3><p>Position the Menu Bar left, center or right. This will position any menu (Superfish included) placed in the Menu Bar region.</p>'));
    $form['at']['menus']['mbp']['menu_bar_position'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Set the position of the Menu bar'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('menu_bar_position'), '#options' => array('mbp-l' => t('Left (default)'), 'mbp-c' => t('Center'), 'mbp-r' => t('Right')));
    $form['at']['menus']['mb'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Menu Bullets'), '#description' => t('<h3>Menu Bullets</h3><p>This setting allows you to customize the bullet images used on menus items. Bullet images only show on normal vertical block menus.</p>'));
    $form['at']['menus']['mb']['menu_bullets'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Menu Bullets'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('menu_bullets'), '#options' => array('mb-n' => t('None'), 'mb-dd' => t('Drupal default'), 'mb-ah' => t('Arrow head'), 'mb-ad' => t('Double arrow head'), 'mb-ca' => t('Circle arrow'), 'mb-fa' => t('Fat arrow'), 'mb-sa' => t('Skinny arrow')));
 * Implements hook_form_system_theme_settings_alter().
 * @param $form
 *   Nested array of form elements that comprise the form.
 * @param $form_state
 *   A keyed array containing the current state of the form.
function at_commerce_form_system_theme_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state)
    // Content displays
    $form['at']['content_display'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Content Displays'), '#description' => t('<h3>Content Displays</h3><p>Display the front page or taxonomy term pages as a grid. You can set the max number of columns to appear. These settings use the normal node teasers and format them as a grid. Article links (such as the <em>Read More</em> link) are hidden when displayed in the grid. These settings will work well with the responsive design, unlike a Views table grid which does not.</p>'));
    $form['at']['content_display']['content_display_grids']['frontpage'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Frontpage'), '#description' => t('<h3>Frontpage</h3>'));
    $form['at']['content_display']['content_display_grids']['frontpage']['content_display_grids_frontpage'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Display front page teasers as a grid'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('content_display_grids_frontpage'));
    $form['at']['content_display']['content_display_grids']['frontpage']['content_display_grids_frontpage_colcount'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Enter the max number of grid columns'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('content_display_grids_frontpage_colcount'), '#options' => array('fpcc-2' => t('2'), 'fpcc-3' => t('3'), 'fpcc-4' => t('4'), 'fpcc-5' => t('5'), 'fpcc-6' => t('6'), 'fpcc-7' => t('7'), 'fpcc-8' => t('8')), '#states' => array('visible' => array('input[name="content_display_grids_frontpage"]' => array('checked' => TRUE))));
    $form['at']['content_display']['content_display_grids']['taxonomy'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Taxonomy'), '#description' => t('<h3>Taxonomy Pages</h3>'));
    $form['at']['content_display']['content_display_grids']['taxonomy']['content_display_grids_taxonomy_pages'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Display taxonomy page teasers as a grid'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('content_display_grids_taxonomy_pages'));
    $form['at']['content_display']['content_display_grids']['taxonomy']['content_display_grids_taxonomy_pages_colcount'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Enter the max number of grid columns'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('content_display_grids_taxonomy_pages_colcount'), '#options' => array('tpcc-2' => t('2'), 'tpcc-3' => t('3'), 'tpcc-4' => t('4'), 'tpcc-5' => t('5'), 'tpcc-6' => t('6'), 'tpcc-7' => t('7'), 'tpcc-8' => t('8')), '#states' => array('visible' => array('input[name="content_display_grids_taxonomy_pages"]' => array('checked' => TRUE))));
    // Draw
    $form['at']['draw'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Slidedown Draw'), '#description' => t('<h3>Slidedown Draw</h3><p>Enter the link text to display for the Slidedown draw link. The draw is activated by placing blocks into the Draw region. When the toggle link is clicked the draw will slide open to reveal your block content. This is good for showing a login form, contact information etc.'));
    $form['at']['draw']['toggle_text'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Enter the toggle text:'), '#size' => 15, '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('toggle_text'));
    // Header layout
    $form['at']['header'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Header layout'), '#description' => t('<h3>Header layout</h3><p>Change the position of the logo, site name and slogan. Note that his will automatically alter the header region layout also. If the branding elements are centered the header region will center below them, otherwise the header region will float in the opposite direction.</p>'));
    $form['at']['header']['header_layout'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Branding position'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('header_layout'), '#options' => array('hl-l' => t('Left'), 'hl-r' => t('Right'), 'hl-c' => t('Centered')));
    // Slider
    $form['at']['slideshow'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Slideshow'), '#description' => t('<h3>Slideshow</h3><p>Unchecking this setting will disable the slideshow. If you are not using the built in slideshow it is safe to uncheck this setting.</p>'));
    $form['at']['slideshow']['show_slideshow'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Enable slideshows'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('show_slideshow'));
    $form['at']['slideshow']['slideshow_width'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Enter the image width'), '#description' => t('This must match the width used for the image-style for your slides.'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('slideshow_width'), '#size' => 4, '#field_suffix' => 'px', '#maxlength' => 4, '#states' => array('visible' => array('input[name="show_slideshow"]' => array('checked' => TRUE))));
    $form['at']['slideshow']['show_slideshow_caption'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show the tile element as a caption'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('show_slideshow_caption'), '#description' => t('You must enable titles on the image field and enter caption text on the node edit form.'), '#states' => array('visible' => array('input[name="show_slideshow"]' => array('checked' => TRUE))));
    $form['at']['slideshow']['show_slideshow_direction_controls'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show the direction controls (arrows)'), '#description' => t('By default these show as semi-transarent arrows over the slides.'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('show_slideshow_direction_controls'), '#states' => array('visible' => array('input[name="show_slideshow"]' => array('checked' => TRUE))));
    $form['at']['slideshow']['show_slideshow_navigation_controls'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show the navigation controls (dots)'), '#description' => t('By default these show as small dots below the slides.'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('show_slideshow_navigation_controls'), '#states' => array('visible' => array('input[name="show_slideshow"]' => array('checked' => TRUE))));
    $form['at']['slideshow']['hide_slideshow_node_title'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Hide the node title'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('hide_slideshow_node_title'), '#description' => t('This will hide the node title using element-invisible.'), '#states' => array('visible' => array('input[name="show_slideshow"]' => array('checked' => TRUE))));
    // fonts
    $form['at']['font'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Fonts'), '#description' => t('<h3>Fonts</h3><p>Here you can set a default font which will style all text. You can also set unique fonts for the page title, site name and slogan, and fonts for node, comment and block titles. First select the font type (Websafe or Google web font), then select the font family. You can preview Google web fonts here: <a href="!link" target="_blank">http://www.google.com/webfonts</a></p>', array('!link' => 'http://www.google.com/webfonts')));
    // base font
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Default font'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('base_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="base_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_container']['base_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('base_font'), '#options' => array('bf-sss' => t('Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'bf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'bf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'bf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'bf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="base_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['base_font_wrapper']['base_font_gwf_container']['base_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('base_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // site name font
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Site Name'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_name_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="site_name_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_container']['site_name_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_name_font'), '#options' => array('snf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'snf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'snf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'snf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'snf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="site_name_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['site_name_font_wrapper']['site_name_font_gwf_container']['site_name_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_name_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // slogan font
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Site Slogan'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_slogan_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="site_slogan_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_container']['site_slogan_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_slogan_font'), '#options' => array('ssf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ssf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'ssf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ssf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ssf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="site_slogan_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['site_slogan_font_wrapper']['site_slogan_font_gwf_container']['site_slogan_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_slogan_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // main menu font
    $form['at']['font']['main_menu_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Main Menu'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['main_menu_font_wrapper']['main_menu_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('main_menu_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['main_menu_font_wrapper']['main_menu_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="main_menu_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['main_menu_font_wrapper']['main_menu_font_container']['main_menu_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('main_menu_font'), '#options' => array('mmf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'mmf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'mmf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'mmf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'mmf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'mmf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'mmf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'mmf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'mmf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['main_menu_font_wrapper']['main_menu_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="main_menu_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['main_menu_font_wrapper']['main_menu_font_gwf_container']['main_menu_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('main_menu_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // page title font
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Page Title'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="page_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_container']['page_title_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_font'), '#options' => array('ptf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ptf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'ptf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ptf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ptf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="page_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['page_title_font_wrapper']['page_title_font_gwf_container']['page_title_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // Node title font
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Node Title'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="node_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_container']['node_title_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_font'), '#options' => array('ntf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ntf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'ntf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ntf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ntf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="node_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['node_title_font_wrapper']['node_title_font_gwf_container']['node_title_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // Comment title font
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Comment Title'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="comment_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_container']['comment_title_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_font'), '#options' => array('ctf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'ctf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'ctf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ctf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'ctf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="comment_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['comment_title_font_wrapper']['comment_title_font_gwf_container']['comment_title_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    // Block title font
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Block Title'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('font-element-wrapper')));
    // Block title font
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Type'), '#options' => array('' => t('Websafe font'), 'gwf' => t('Google font')), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_font_type'));
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="block_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => ''))));
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_container']['block_title_font'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_font'), '#options' => array('btf-sss' => t('Candara, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-ssl' => t('Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-a' => t('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-cc' => t('Calibri, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-m' => t('Segoe UI, Myriad Pro, Myriad, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'), 'btf-l' => t('Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif'), 'btf-ss' => t('Garamond, Perpetua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'btf-sl' => t('Georgia, Baskerville, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif'), 'btf-ms' => t('Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace')));
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_gwf_container'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#states' => array('visible' => array('select[name="block_title_font_type"]' => array('value' => 'gwf'))));
    $form['at']['font']['block_title_font_wrapper']['block_title_font_gwf_container']['block_title_font_gwf'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_font_gwf'), '#options' => google_web_fonts_list_options());
    $form['at']['size'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Font Size'), '#description' => t('<h3>Font Size</h3>'));
    $form['at']['size']['font_size'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font Size'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('font_size'), '#description' => t('This sets a base font-size on the body element - all text will scale relative to this value.'), '#options' => array('fs-medium' => t('Medium'), 'fs-small' => t('Small'), 'fs-smallest' => t('Smallest'), 'fs-large' => t('Large'), 'fs-largest' => t('Largest')));
    $form['at']['headings'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Heading Styles'), '#description' => t('<h3>Heading Styles</h3><p>Add extra styles to headings. Shadows only work for CSS3 capable browsers such as Firefox, Safari, IE9 etc.</p><p>There are no alignment settings for Site name and Slogan - instead use the Header Layout setting.'));
    // Site name
    $form['at']['headings']['site_name'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Site name'), '#description' => t('<strong>Site name settings</strong>'));
    $form['at']['headings']['site_name']['site_name_case'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Case'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_name_case'), '#options' => array('snc-n' => t('Normal'), 'snc-uc' => t('Upper case'), 'snc-lc' => t('Lower case'), 'snc-c' => t('Capitalize'), 'snc-sc' => t('Small caps')));
    $form['at']['headings']['site_name']['site_name_weight'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Font weight'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_name_weight'), '#options' => array('snw-n' => t('Normal'), 'snw-b' => t('Bold')));
    $form['at']['headings']['site_name']['site_name_shadow'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Text shadow'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_name_shadow'), '#options' => array('sns-n' => t('None'), 'sns-l' => t('Light'), 'sns-d' => t('Dark'), 'sns-w' => t('White')));
    // Site slogan
    $form['at']['headings']['site_slogan'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Site slogan'), '#description' => t('<strong>Site slogan settings</strong>'));
    $form['at']['headings']['site_slogan']['site_slogan_case'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Case'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_slogan_case'), '#options' => array('ssc-n' => t('Normal'), 'ssc-uc' => t('Upper case'), 'ssc-lc' => t('Lower case'), 'ssc-c' => t('Capitalize'), 'ssc-sc' => t('Small caps')));
    $form['at']['headings']['site_slogan']['site_slogan_weight'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Font weight'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_slogan_weight'), '#options' => array('ssw-n' => t('Normal'), 'ssw-b' => t('Bold')));
    $form['at']['headings']['site_slogan']['site_slogan_shadow'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Text shadow'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('site_slogan_shadow'), '#options' => array('sss-n' => t('None'), 'sss-l' => t('Light'), 'sss-d' => t('Dark'), 'sss-w' => t('White')));
    // Page title
    $form['at']['headings']['page_title'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Page title'), '#description' => t('<strong>Page title settings</strong>'));
    $form['at']['headings']['page_title']['page_title_case'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Case'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_case'), '#options' => array('ptc-n' => t('Normal'), 'ptc-uc' => t('Upper case'), 'ptc-lc' => t('Lower case'), 'ptc-c' => t('Capitalize'), 'ptc-sc' => t('Small caps')));
    $form['at']['headings']['page_title']['page_title_weight'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Font weight'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_weight'), '#options' => array('ptw-n' => t('Normal'), 'ptw-b' => t('Bold')));
    $form['at']['headings']['page_title']['page_title_alignment'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Alignment'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_alignment'), '#options' => array('pta-l' => t('Left'), 'pta-r' => t('Right'), 'pta-c' => t('Centered')));
    $form['at']['headings']['page_title']['page_title_shadow'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Text shadow'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('page_title_shadow'), '#options' => array('pts-n' => t('None'), 'pts-l' => t('Light'), 'pts-d' => t('Dark'), 'pts-w' => t('White')));
    // Node title
    $form['at']['headings']['node_title'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Node titles'), '#description' => t('<strong>Node title settings</strong>'));
    $form['at']['headings']['node_title']['node_title_case'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Case'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_case'), '#options' => array('ntc-n' => t('Normal'), 'ntc-uc' => t('Upper case'), 'ntc-lc' => t('Lower case'), 'ntc-c' => t('Capitalize'), 'ntc-sc' => t('Small caps')));
    $form['at']['headings']['node_title']['node_title_weight'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Font weight'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_weight'), '#options' => array('ntw-n' => t('Normal'), 'ntw-b' => t('Bold')));
    $form['at']['headings']['node_title']['node_title_alignment'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Alignment'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_alignment'), '#options' => array('nta-l' => t('Left'), 'nta-r' => t('Right'), 'nta-c' => t('Centered')));
    $form['at']['headings']['node_title']['node_title_shadow'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Text shadow'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('node_title_shadow'), '#options' => array('nts-n' => t('None'), 'nts-l' => t('Light'), 'nts-d' => t('Dark'), 'nts-w' => t('White')));
    // Comment title
    $form['at']['headings']['comment_title'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Comment titles'), '#description' => t('<strong>Comment title settings</strong>'));
    $form['at']['headings']['comment_title']['comment_title_case'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Case'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_case'), '#options' => array('ctc-n' => t('Normal'), 'ctc-uc' => t('Upper case'), 'ctc-lc' => t('Lower case'), 'ctc-c' => t('Capitalize'), 'ctc-sc' => t('Small caps')));
    $form['at']['headings']['comment_title']['comment_title_weight'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Font weight'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_weight'), '#options' => array('ctw-n' => t('Normal'), 'ctw-b' => t('Bold')));
    $form['at']['headings']['comment_title']['comment_title_alignment'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Alignment'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_alignment'), '#options' => array('cta-l' => t('Left'), 'cta-r' => t('Right'), 'cta-c' => t('Cectered')));
    $form['at']['headings']['comment_title']['comment_title_shadow'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Text shadow'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('comment_title_shadow'), '#options' => array('cts-n' => t('None'), 'cts-l' => t('Light'), 'cts-d' => t('Dark'), 'cts-w' => t('White')));
    // Block title
    $form['at']['headings']['block_title'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Block titles'), '#description' => t('<strong>Block title settings</strong>'));
    $form['at']['headings']['block_title']['block_title_case'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Case'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_case'), '#options' => array('btc-n' => t('Normal'), 'btc-uc' => t('Upper case'), 'btc-lc' => t('Lower case'), 'btc-c' => t('Capitalize'), 'btc-sc' => t('Small caps')));
    $form['at']['headings']['block_title']['block_title_weight'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Font weight'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_weight'), '#options' => array('btw-n' => t('Normal'), 'btw-b' => t('Bold')));
    $form['at']['headings']['block_title']['block_title_alignment'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Alignment'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_alignment'), '#options' => array('bta-l' => t('Left'), 'bta-r' => t('Right'), 'bta-c' => t('Centered')));
    $form['at']['headings']['block_title']['block_title_shadow'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Text shadow'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('block_title_shadow'), '#options' => array('bts-n' => t('None'), 'bts-l' => t('Light'), 'bts-d' => t('Dark'), 'bts-w' => t('White')));
    $form['at']['corners'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Rounded corners'), '#description' => t('<h3>Rounded Corners</h3><p>Rounded corners are implimented using CSS and only work in modern compliant browsers.</p>'));
    $form['at']['corners']['forms'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Rounded corners for form elements'), '#description' => t('Rounded corners for form elements'));
    $form['at']['corners']['forms']['corner_radius_form_input_text'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Form text fields'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('corner_radius_form_input_text'), '#description' => t('Change the corner radius for text fields.'), '#options' => array('itrc-0' => t('none'), 'itrc-2' => t('2px'), 'itrc-3' => t('3px'), 'itrc-4' => t('4px'), 'itrc-6' => t('6px'), 'itrc-8' => t('8px'), 'itrc-10' => t('10px'), 'itrc-12' => t('12px')));
    $form['at']['corners']['forms']['corner_radius_form_input_submit'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Submit buttons'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('corner_radius_form_input_submit'), '#description' => t('Change the corner radius for submit buttons.'), '#options' => array('isrc-0' => t('none'), 'isrc-2' => t('2px'), 'isrc-3' => t('3px'), 'isrc-4' => t('4px'), 'isrc-6' => t('6px'), 'isrc-8' => t('8px'), 'isrc-10' => t('10px'), 'isrc-12' => t('12px')));
    $form['at']['corners']['htc'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('IE corners'));
    $form['at']['corners']['htc']['ie_corners'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Enable rounded corners for Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('ie_corners'), '#description' => t('<p>NOTE: For this to work you must download install the <a href="!link">CSS3PIE</a> library to <code>sites/all/libraries/PIE</code>.</p><p>The path should be like this: <code>sites/all/libraries/PIE/PIE.htc</code></p><p>Then you MUST change the path in <strong>ie-htc.css</strong> to be absolute and match this path, e.g. <code>http://examplesite.com/sites/all/libraries/PIE/PIE.htc</code> - look in the <code>/css</code> folder to find this file.<p>Usage is at your own risk. Elements such as text inside other JS items such as drop menus or slideshows may be degraded in Internet Explorer.</p>', array('!link' => 'http://css3pie.com/')));
    $form['at']['pagestyles'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Textures'), '#description' => t('<h3>Textures</h3><p>Textures are small, semi-transparent images that tile to fill the entire background.</p>'));
    // AT Commerce does not support box shadows, they dont work well with the overall design.
    $form['at']['pagestyles']['textures'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Textures'), '#description' => t('<h3>Body Textures</h3><p>This setting adds a texture over the main background color - the darker the background the more these stand out, on light backgrounds the effect is subtle.</p>'));
    $form['at']['pagestyles']['textures']['body_background'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Select texture'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('body_background'), '#options' => array('bb-n' => t('None'), 'bb-b' => t('Bubbles'), 'bb-hs' => t('Horizontal stripes'), 'bb-dp' => t('Diagonal pattern'), 'bb-dll' => t('Diagonal lines - loose'), 'bb-dlt' => t('Diagonal lines - tight'), 'bb-sd' => t('Small dots'), 'bb-bd' => t('Big dots')));
    // Image styles
    $form['at']['images'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Image Settings'), '#description' => '<h3>Image Settings</h3>');
    $form['at']['images']['alignment'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Image Alignment'));
    $form['at']['images']['alignment']['image_alignment'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('<strong>Image field alignment</strong>'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('image_alignment'), '#description' => t('This will only affect images added using an image-field. If you use another method such as embedding images directly into text areas this will not affect those images.'), '#options' => array('ia-n' => t('None'), 'ia-l' => t('Left'), 'ia-c' => t('Centered'), 'ia-r' => t('Right')));
    $form['at']['images']['captions'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Image Captions'), '#description' => t('<strong>Display the image title as a caption</strong>'));
    $form['at']['images']['captions']['image_caption_teaser'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show captions on teaser view'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('image_caption_teaser'));
    $form['at']['images']['captions']['image_caption_full'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show captions on full view'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('image_caption_full'));
    $form['at']['menu_styles'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Menu Styles'));
    $form['at']['menu_styles']['main_menu'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Main Menu Alignment'), '#description' => t('<h3>Main Menu Alignment</h3>'));
    $form['at']['menu_styles']['main_menu']['main_menu_alignment'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Align the main menu left, centered or to the right.'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('main_menu_alignment'), '#options' => array('mma-l' => t('Left'), 'mma-c' => t('Centered'), 'mma-r' => t('Right')));
    $form['at']['menu_styles']['bullets'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Menu Bullets'), '#description' => t('<h3>Menu Bullets</h3><p>This setting allows you to customize the bullet images used on menus items. Bullet images only show on normal vertical block menus.</p>'));
    $form['at']['menu_styles']['bullets']['menu_bullets'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Menu Bullets'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('menu_bullets'), '#options' => array('mb-n' => t('None'), 'mb-dd' => t('Drupal default'), 'mb-ah' => t('Arrow head'), 'mb-ad' => t('Double arrow head'), 'mb-ca' => t('Circle arrow'), 'mb-fa' => t('Fat arrow'), 'mb-sa' => t('Skinny arrow')));
    // Collapse all other forms.
    $form['theme_settings']['#collapsible'] = TRUE;
    $form['theme_settings']['#collapsed'] = TRUE;
    $form['logo']['#collapsible'] = TRUE;
    $form['logo']['#collapsed'] = TRUE;
    $form['favicon']['#collapsible'] = TRUE;
    $form['favicon']['#collapsed'] = TRUE;
    // Noggin
    if (module_exists('noggin')) {
        // Rewrite the selector to suit Adaptivetheme and HTML5
        $form['noggin']['settings']['header_selector']['#default_value'] = variable_get('noggin:header_selector', 'header#header');
        // Extra fields for noggin settings
        $form['atnoggin'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Header Image Extra Styles'), '#description' => t('These settings extend the Noggin module Header Image Settings.'), '#collapsible' => FALSE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, '#states' => array('invisible' => array('input[name="use_header"]' => array('checked' => FALSE))));
        $form['atnoggin']['noggin_image_vertical_alignment'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Image alignment - vertical'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('noggin_image_vertical_alignment'), '#options' => array('t' => t('Top'), 'c' => t('Middle'), 'b' => t('Bottom')));
        $form['atnoggin']['noggin_image_horizontal_alignment'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Image alignment - horizontal'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('noggin_image_horizontal_alignment'), '#options' => array('l' => t('Left'), 'r' => t('Right'), 'c' => t('Center')));
        $form['atnoggin']['noggin_image_repeat'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Image repeat'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('noggin_image_repeat'), '#options' => array('ni-r-r' => t('Repeat'), 'ni-r-rx' => t('Horizontal repeat'), 'ni-r-ry' => t('Vertical repeat'), 'ni-r-nr' => t('No repeat')));
        $form['atnoggin']['noggin_image_width'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Image width'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('noggin_image_width'), '#options' => array('ni-w-a' => t('Auto <span class="description">- use actual image dimensions</span>'), 'ni-w-ftw' => t('100% width <span class="description"> - stretch to fit, this only works in modern CSS3 capable browsers</span>')));