/** * GMW Tools page function - Display tools page tabs * * @since 2.5 * @author Original function written by Pippin Williamson and modified for the needs of GEO my WP * */ function gmw_tools_page_output() { $active_tab = isset($_GET['tab']) ? $_GET['tab'] : 'import_export'; ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2 class="gmw-wrap-top-h2"> <i class="fa fa-wrench"></i> <?php echo _e('GEO my WP Tools', 'GMW'); ?> <?php gmw_admin_support_button(); ?> </h2> <div class="clear"></div> <h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper" style=margin-bottom:20px;"> <?php foreach (gmw_get_tools_tabs() as $tab_id => $tab_name) { $tab_url = admin_url('admin.php?page=gmw-tools&tab=' . $tab_id); $active = $active_tab == $tab_id ? ' nav-tab-active' : ''; echo '<a href="' . esc_url($tab_url) . '" title="' . esc_attr($tab_name) . '" class="nav-tab' . $active . '">' . esc_html($tab_name) . '</a>'; } ?> </h2> <div class="gmw-tools metabox-holder"> <?php do_action('gmw_tools_tab_' . $active_tab); ?> </div><!-- .metabox-holder --> </div><!-- .wrap --> <?php }
/** * output list of forms * * @access public * @return void */ public function output() { $this->addons = get_option('gmw_addons'); $nextFormID = 1; if (!empty($this->forms)) { $nextFormID = max(array_keys($this->forms)) + 1; } //$gmw_forms = get_option( 'gmw_forms' ); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2 class="gmw-wrap-top-h2"> <i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> <?php echo _e('GEO my WP Forms', 'GMW'); ?> <?php echo self::new_form_list(); ?> <?php gmw_admin_support_button(); ?> </h2> <div class="clear"></div> <table class="widefat" style="margin-top: 10px"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:50px;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('ID', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="id" class="manage-column"><?php _e('Type', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="id" class="manage-column"><?php _e('Name', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="id" class="manage-column"><?php _e('Action', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="active" class="manage-column"><?php _e('Usage', 'GMW'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="list:user user-list"> <?php if (!empty($this->forms)) { ?> <?php $rowNumber = 0; ?> <?php foreach ($this->forms as $key => $option) { ?> <?php if (!empty($option['addon']) && !empty($this->addons[$option['addon']]) && $this->addons[$option['addon']] == 'active') { ?> <?php $alternate = $rowNumber % 2 == 0 ? 'alternate' : ''; ?> <?php $formName = !empty($option['name']) ? $option['name'] : 'form_id_' . $option['ID']; ?> <tr class="<?php echo $alternate; ?> " style="height:50px;"> <td> <span><?php echo $option['ID']; ?> </span> </td> <td> <span><a title="<?php __('Edit this form', 'GMW'); ?> " href="admin.php?page=gmw-forms&gmw_action=edit_form&gmw_form_title=<?php echo $option['form_title']; ?> &gmw_form_prefix=<?php echo $option['prefix']; ?> &form_type=<?php echo $option['form_type']; ?> &formID=<?php echo $option['ID']; ?> "><?php echo $option['form_title']; ?> </a></span> </td> <td> <span> <a title="<?php echo $formName; ?> " href="admin.php?page=gmw-forms&gmw_action=edit_form&gmw_form_title=<?php echo $option['form_title']; ?> &gmw_form_prefix=<?php echo $option['prefix']; ?> &form_type=<?php echo $option['form_type']; ?> &formID=<?php echo $option['ID']; ?> &gmw_form_name=<?php echo $formName; ?> ""><?php echo $formName; ?> </a></span> </td> <td> <span class="edit"> <a title="<?php __('Edit this form', 'GMW'); ?> " href="admin.php?page=gmw-forms&gmw_action=edit_form&gmw_form_title=<?php echo $option['form_title']; ?> &gmw_form_prefix=<?php echo $option['prefix']; ?> &form_type=<?php echo $option['form_type']; ?> &formID=<?php echo $option['ID']; ?> "><?php _e('Edit', 'GMW'); ?> </a> | </span> <span class="edit"> <a title="<?php __('Duplicate this form', 'GMW'); ?> " href="admin.php?page=gmw-forms&gmw_action=duplicate_form&form_type=<?php echo $option['form_type']; ?> &formID=<?php echo $option['ID']; ?> &gmw_form_id=<?php echo $nextFormID; ?> "><?php _e('Duplicate', 'GMW'); ?> </a> | </span> <span class="edit"> <a title="<?php __('Delete this form', 'GMW'); ?> " href="admin.php?page=gmw-forms&gmw_action=delete_form&formID=<?php echo $option['ID']; ?> " onclick="return confirm( 'sure?' ); "><?php _e('Delete', 'GMW'); ?> </a> </span> </td> <td class="column-title" style="padding: 5px 0px;"> <code>[gmw form="<?php echo $option['ID']; ?> "]</code> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php $rowNumber++; ?> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <tr class="<?php echo $alternate; ?> " style="height:50px;"> <td> <span></span> </td> <td> <span><?php _e("You don't have any forms yet.", "GMW"); ?> </span> </td> <td class="column-title" style="padding: 5px 0px;"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:50px;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('ID', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="id" class="manage-column"><?php _e('Type', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="id" class="manage-column"><?php _e('Name', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="active" class="manage-column"><?php _e('Usage', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="id" class="manage-column"><?php _e('Action', 'GMW'); ?> </th> </tr> </tfoot> </table> </div> <?php }
/** * output edit form page. * * @access public * @return void */ public function output() { $this->form_settings = $this->init_form_settings(); $gmw_forms = get_option('gmw_forms'); $formID = $_GET['formID']; $gmw_form = $gmw_forms[$formID]; $form_type = $_GET['form_type']; ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2 class="gmw-wrap-top-h2"> <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> <?php echo _e('GEO my WP Edit Form Page', 'GMW'); ?> <?php gmw_admin_support_button(); ?> </h2> <div class="clear"></div> <?php if (!empty($_GET['settings-updated'])) { echo '<div class="updated" style="clear:both"><p>' . __('Form successfully updated', 'GMW') . '</p></div>'; } ?> <form method="post" action="options.php"> <?php echo '<input type="hidden" name="gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][ID]" value="' . $gmw_form['ID'] . '" />'; ?> <?php echo '<input type="hidden" name="gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][addon]" value="' . $gmw_form['addon'] . '" />'; ?> <?php echo '<input type="hidden" name="gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][form_title]" value="' . $gmw_form['form_title'] . '" />'; ?> <?php echo '<input type="hidden" name="gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][form_type]" value="' . $gmw_form['form_type'] . '" />'; ?> <?php echo '<input type="hidden" name="gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][prefix]" value="' . $gmw_form['prefix'] . '" />'; ?> <?php echo '<input type="hidden" name="gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][ajaxurl]" value="' . GMW_AJAX . '" />'; ?> <?php settings_fields($this->forms_group); ?> <div class="gmw-form-details-panel" style="display:block !important"> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:18% !important;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Form Details', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td class="gmw-form-feature-desc"> <label><?php _e('Form ID', 'GMW'); ?> </label> </td> <td class="gmw-form-feature-settings"> <?php echo $formID; ?> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="gmw-form-feature-desc"> <label><?php _e('Form Type', 'GMW'); ?> </label> </td> <td class="gmw-form-feature-settings"> <?php echo $gmw_forms[$formID]['form_title']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="gmw-form-feature-desc"> <label><?php _e('Form Name', 'GMW'); ?> </label> </td> <td class="gmw-form-feature-settings"> <input type="text" name="gmw_forms[<?php echo $formID; ?> ][name]" value="<?php echo isset($gmw_forms[$formID]['name']) && !empty($gmw_forms[$formID]['name']) ? $gmw_forms[$formID]['name'] : 'form_id_' . $gmw_forms[$formID]['ID']; ?> " /> <span style="margin-left: 5px"> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Changes', 'GMW'); ?> " /> </span> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="gmw-form-feature-desc"> <label><?php _e('Actions', 'GMW'); ?> </label> </td> <td class="gmw-form-feature-settings"> <span style="margin-left: 5px"> <a class="button action" title="<?php __('Delete this form', 'GMW'); ?> " href="admin.php?page=gmw-forms&gmw_action=delete_form&formID=<?php echo $formID; ?> " onclick="return confirm('sure?');"><?php _e('Delete This Form', 'GMW'); ?> </a> </span> <span style="margin-left: 5px"> <a class="button action" title="<?php __('Go back to list of forms', 'GMW'); ?> " href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=gmw-forms'); ?> " ><?php _e('Go Back To List of Forms', 'GMW'); ?> </a> </span> <span> <?php echo GMW_Forms::new_form_list(); ?> </span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <h2 style="margin:20px 0px 10px"><?php _e('Form Editor', 'GMW'); ?> </h2> <!-- Form tabs --> <div class="gmw-tabs-table gmw-edit-form-page-nav-tabs gmw-nav-tab-wrapper"> <?php foreach ($this->form_settings as $key => $section) { if (empty($section[1])) { continue; } if ($key != 'hidden') { echo '<a href="#settings-' . sanitize_title($key) . '" id="' . sanitize_title($key) . '" class="gmw-nav-tab gmw-nav-trigger">' . esc_html($section[0]) . '</a>'; } } echo '<a href="#settings-form-usage" id="form-usage" class="gmw-nav-tab gmw-nav-trigger" style="float:right;margin-bottom: -2px">' . __('Form Usage', 'GMW') . '</a>'; ?> </div> <?php foreach ($this->form_settings as $key => $section) { if (empty($section[1])) { continue; } ?> <div id="settings-<?php echo sanitize_title($key); ?> " class="gmw-settings-panel"> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:18% !important;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Feature', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:57%;padding:11px 10px"> <?php _e('Settings', 'GMW'); ?> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" style="float:right" value="<?php _e('Save Changes', 'GMW'); ?> " /> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php do_action('form_editor_tab_start', $key, $section, $formID, $gmw_forms[$formID]); $rowNumber = 0; foreach ($section[1] as $sec => $option) { if ($option['name'] == 'tab_top_message' || $option['name'] == 'tab_bottom_message') { echo '<div style="background: white;border:1px solid #ddd;padding:5px;">'; echo '<' . $option['tag'] . ' style="' . implode(';', $option['attributes']) . '">' . $option['message'] . '</' . $option['tag'] . '>'; echo '</div>'; continue; } $placeholder = !empty($option['placeholder']) ? 'placeholder="' . $option['placeholder'] . '"' : ''; $class = !empty($option['class']) ? $option['class'] : ''; $value = isset($gmw_forms[$formID][$key][$option['name']]) && !empty($gmw_forms[$formID][$key][$option['name']]) ? $gmw_forms[$formID][$key][$option['name']] : $option['std']; $option['type'] = !empty($option['type']) ? $option['type'] : ''; $attributes = array(); $checkboxDefault = isset($option['std']) && !empty($option['std']) ? $option['std'] : 1; if (!empty($option['attributes']) && is_array($option['attributes'])) { foreach ($option['attributes'] as $attribute_name => $attribute_value) { $attributes[] = esc_attr($attribute_name) . '="' . esc_attr($attribute_value) . '"'; } } //$alternate = ( $rowNumber % 2 == 0 ) ? 'alternate' : ''; $alternate = ''; echo '<tr valign="top" id="sort-search-form-' . $option['name'] . '-tr" class="gmw-item-sort ' . $class . ' ' . $alternate . '" >'; echo '<td class="gmw-form-feature-desc">'; echo '<label for="setting-' . $option['name'] . '" >' . $option['label'] . '</label>'; if (!empty($option['desc'])) { echo ' <p class="description">' . $option['desc'] . '</p>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td class="gmw-form-feature-settings ' . $option['type'] . '">'; switch ($option['type']) { case "function": $function = isset($option['function']) && !empty($option['function']) ? $option['function'] : $option['name']; do_action('gmw_' . $_GET['form_type'] . '_form_settings_' . $function, $gmw_forms, $formID, $key, $option); do_action('gmw_form_settings_' . $function, $gmw_forms, $formID, $key, $option); break; case "multicheckbox": foreach ($option['options'] as $keyVal => $name) { ?> <p><label><input id="setting-<?php echo $key . '-' . $option['name'] . '-' . $keyVal; ?> " class="setting-<?php echo $option['name']; ?> " name="<?php echo 'gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . '][' . $keyVal . ']'; ?> " type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $checkboxDefault; ?> " <?php if (isset($gmw_forms[$formID][$key][$option['name']][$keyVal]) && $gmw_forms[$formID][$key][$option['name']][$keyVal] == $checkboxDefault) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo $name; ?> </label></p> <?php } break; case "multicheckboxvalues": foreach ($option['options'] as $keyVal => $name) { ?> <p><label><input id="setting-<?php echo $key . '-' . $option['name'] . '-' . $keyVal; ?> " class="setting-<?php echo $option['name']; ?> setting-<?php echo $key . '-' . $option['name']; ?> " name="<?php echo 'gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . '][]'; ?> " type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $keyVal; ?> " <?php if (!empty($gmw_forms[$formID][$key][$option['name']]) && in_array($keyVal, $gmw_forms[$formID][$key][$option['name']])) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo $name; ?> </label></p> <?php } break; case "checkbox": ?> <p><label><input id="setting-<?php echo $key . '-' . $option['name']; ?> " class="setting-<?php echo $option['name']; ?> " name="<?php echo 'gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']'; ?> " type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $checkboxDefault; ?> " <?php echo implode(' ', $attributes); ?> <?php checked($checkboxDefault, $value); ?> /> <?php echo $option['cb_label']; ?> </label></p><?php break; case "textarea": ?> <textarea id="setting-<?php echo $key . '-' . $option['name']; ?> " class="large-text" cols="50" rows="3" name="<?php echo 'gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']'; ?> " <?php echo implode(' ', $attributes); ?> <?php echo $placeholder; ?> ><?php echo esc_textarea($value); ?> </textarea><?php break; case "radio": $rc = 1; foreach ($option['options'] as $keyVal => $name) { $checked = $rc == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : checked($value, $keyVal, false); echo '<span id="setting-' . $key . '-' . $option['name'] . '-' . $keyVal . '-wrapper"><input type="radio" id="setting-' . $key . '-' . $option['name'] . '-' . $keyVal . '" class="setting-' . $option['name'] . '" name="gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']" value="' . esc_attr($keyVal) . '" ' . $checked . ' />' . $name . ' </span>'; $rc++; } break; case "select": ?> <select id="setting-<?php echo $key . '-' . $option['name']; ?> " class="regular-text" name="<?php echo 'gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']'; ?> " <?php echo implode(' ', $attributes); ?> ><?php foreach ($option['options'] as $keyVal => $name) { echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($keyVal) . '" ' . selected($value, $keyVal, false) . '>' . esc_html($name) . '</option>'; } ?> </select><?php break; case "multiselect": ?> <select multiselect id="setting-<?php echo $key . '-' . $option['name']; ?> " class="regular-text" name="<?php echo 'gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . '][]'; ?> " <?php echo implode(' ', $attributes); ?> ><?php foreach ($option['options'] as $keyVal => $name) { $selected = in_array($keyVal, $value) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($keyVal) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . esc_html($name) . '</option>'; } ?> </select><?php break; case "password": ?> <input id="setting-<?php echo $key . '-' . $option['name']; ?> " class="regular-text" type="password" name="<?php echo 'gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']'; ?> " value="<?php esc_attr_e($value); ?> " <?php echo implode(' ', $attributes); ?> <?php echo $placeholder; ?> /><?php break; case "hidden": ?> <input id="setting-<?php echo $key . '-' . $option['name']; ?> " class="gmw-form-hidden-field" id="setting-<?php echo $option['name']; ?> " class="regular-text" type="hidden" name="<?php echo 'gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']'; ?> " value="<?php echo $value; ?> " /><?php break; default: ?> <input id="setting-<?php echo $key . '-' . $option['name']; ?> " class="regular-text" type="text" name="<?php echo 'gmw_forms[' . $formID . '][' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']'; ?> " value="<?php esc_attr_e($value); ?> " <?php echo implode(' ', $attributes); ?> <?php echo $placeholder; ?> /><?php break; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; $rowNumber++; } do_action('form_editor_tab_end', $key, $section, $formID, $gmw_forms[$formID]); ?> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr style="height:40px;"> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:50px;padding:11px 10px"> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Changes', 'GMW'); ?> " /> </th> <th scope="col" id="id" class="manage-column"></th> </tr> </tfoot> </table> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- form usage --> <div id="settings-form-usage" class="gmw-settings-panel"> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:20% !important;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Post/Page Content', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:40% !important;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Tempalte file', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:40%;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Description', 'GMW'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if ($gmw_form['addon'] == 'global_maps') { ?> <tr> <td> <code>[gmw form="<?php echo $formID; ?> "]</code> </td> <td> <code><?php echo '<?php echo do_shortcode(\'[gmw form="' . $formID . '"]\'); ?>'; ?> </code> </td> <td> <?php _e('Use this shortcode to display the global map anywhere on the page.', 'GMW'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } else { ?> <tr> <td> <code>[gmw form="<?php echo $formID; ?> "]</code> </td> <td> <code><?php echo '<?php echo do_shortcode(\'[gmw form="' . $formID . '"]\'); ?>'; ?> </code> </td> <td> <?php _e('Use this shortcode to display the search form and search results of this form.', 'GMW'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <code>[gmw search_form="<?php echo $formID; ?> "]</code> </td> <td> <code><?php echo '<?php echo do_shortcode(\'[gmw search_form="' . $formID . '"]\'); ?>'; ?> </code> </td> <td> <?php _e('Use this shortcode to display only the search form of this form.', 'GMW'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <code>[gmw search_results="<?php echo $formID; ?> "]</code> </td> <td> <code><?php echo '<?php echo do_shortcode(\'[gmw search_results="' . $formID . '"]\'); ?>'; ?> </code> </td> <td> <?php _e('Use this shortcode to display only the search results of this form.', 'GMW'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <code>[gmw map="<?php echo $formID; ?> "]</code> </td> <td> <code><?php echo '<?php echo do_shortcode(\'[gmw map="' . $formID . '"]\'); ?>'; ?> </code> </td> <td> <?php _e('Use this shortcode to display the results map anywhere on a page. By default, the form you create will display the map above the list of results. Using this shortcode you can display the map anywhere else on the page. Note that this shortcode must go together with one of the results shortocdes mentioned above. You also need to set the "Display Map" feature ( "Search Results" tab ) to "using shortcode".', 'GMW'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <code>[gmw form="results"]</code> </td> <td> <code><?php echo '<?php echo do_shortcode(\'[gmw form="results"]\'); ?>'; ?> </code> </td> <td> <?php _e('Use this shortcode in the page where you would like to display the search results. That is in case that you choose to display the search results in a different page than the search form or when using "GMW Form" widget.', 'GMW'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <br /> </form> <?php $current_tab = isset($_COOKIE['gmw_admin_tab']) ? $_COOKIE['gmw_admin_tab'] : false; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // $("#settings-search_form table tbody").sortable({ // items:'.gmw-item-sort', // opacity: 0.5, // cursor: 'pointer', // axis: 'y', // update: function() { // jQuery.post( // ajaxurl, // { // action: 'list_update_order', // order: jQuery(this).sortable('serialize') // }, // function(response){ // console.log(response); // } // ); // } // }); // }); if ( jQuery('#setting-page_load_results-display_posts').is(':checked') ) { jQuery("#setting-page_load_results-display_map-results-wrapper").show(); } else { jQuery("#setting-page_load_results-display_map-results-wrapper").hide(); if ( jQuery("#setting-page_load_results-display_map-results").is(":checked") ) { jQuery("#setting-page_load_results-display_map-shortcode").attr("checked","checked"); } } jQuery('#setting-page_load_results-display_posts').change(function() { if ( jQuery(this).is(':checked') ) { jQuery("#setting-page_load_results-display_map-results-wrapper").show(); } else { jQuery("#setting-page_load_results-display_map-results-wrapper").hide(); if ( jQuery("#setting-page_load_results-display_map-results").is(":checked") ) { jQuery("#setting-page_load_results-display_map-shortcode").attr("checked","checked"); } } }); jQuery('.gmw-form-hidden-field').each(function() { jQuery(this).closest('tr').hide(); }); if ( '<?php echo $current_tab; ?> ' != false ) { jQuery('#<?php echo $current_tab; ?> ').click(); } jQuery('#form-usage-trigger').click(function() { jQuery('#usage-table-wrapper').slideToggle(); }); if ( jQuery( '#settings-search_form #setting-form_template' ).val() == 'no_form' ) { jQuery("#settings-search_form :input").attr("disabled", true); jQuery("#settings-search_form #setting-form_template").attr("disabled", false); jQuery("#settings-search_form .manage-column .button-primary").attr("disabled", false); } jQuery('#settings-search_form #setting-form_template').change(function() { if ( jQuery(this).val() == 'no_form' ) { jQuery("#settings-search_form :input").attr("disabled", true); jQuery("#settings-search_form #setting-form_template").attr("disabled", false); jQuery("#settings-search_form .manage-column .button-primary").attr("disabled", false); } else { jQuery("#settings-search_form :input").attr("disabled", false); } }); }); </script> </div> <?php }
/** * output function. * * @access public * @return void */ public function output() { $updater = get_option('gmw_updater_disabled'); //get installed plugins $plugins = get_plugins(); //get remote addons data from geomywp.com $remote_addons = self::get_feed_addons(); $addons_data = $this->addons_data; //verify feed. if feed ok merge it with the addons array if (!empty($remote_addons)) { //merge remote add-ons with local addons data $addons_data = array_replace_recursive($addons_data, $remote_addons); } //sort add-ons by add-on name $inst = $title = array(); foreach ($addons_data as $key => $row) { $title[$key] = $row['title']; } array_multisort($title, SORT_ASC, $addons_data); //move the core add-ons to the beggining of the list $addons_data = array('posts' => $addons_data['posts'], 'friends' => $addons_data['friends'], 'single_location' => $addons_data['single_location'], 'current_location' => $addons_data['current_location'], 'sweetdate_geolocation' => $addons_data['sweetdate_geolocation']) + $addons_data; ?> <!-- Addons page wrapper --> <div class="wrap"> <!-- Title --> <h2 class="gmw-wrap-top-h2"> <i class="fa fa-puzzle-piece"></i> <?php _e('GEO my WP Add-ons', 'GMW'); ?> <?php gmw_admin_support_button(); ?> </h2> <div class="clear"></div> <!-- add-ons page information --> <div class="gmw-addons-page-top-area"> <div></span><h3 style="display:inline-block;margin:2px 0px"><?php _e("Add-ons usage", "GMW"); ?> </h3> - <a href="#" id="addons-info-toggle" onclick="jQuery('#addons-info-wrapper').slideToggle();"><?php _e("Show info", "GMW"); ?> </a></div> <ol id="addons-info-wrapper" style="display:none"> <li><?php _e("<strong>Add-ons installation</strong> - GEO my WP add-ons ( Except the free add-ons \"Posts Locator\" and \"Members Locator\" ) are WordPress plug-ins and need to be installed just as any other WordPress plug-ins via the plug-ins page of your site's dashboard. See <a href=\"http://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins\" target=\"_blank\">this post</a> for information about plug-ins installation.", "GMW"); ?> </li> <li><?php _e("<strong>Add-ons activation</strong> - after installation please activate your add-ons. Activation can be done via the WordPress's Plug-ins page or from this Add-ons page of GEO my WP.", "GMW"); ?> </li> <li><?php _e("<strong>License activation</strong> - If any of your add-ons require a license key please enter it in the license key input box and click \"Activate\".", "GMW"); ?> <?php _e(" The license key provided to you after a purchase of an add-on via the purchase receipt which should be sent to your email address. You can also retrieve and manage any of your license keys via your <a href=\"http://geomywp.com/purchase-history\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase History page</a>.", "GMW"); ?> <?php _e(" Note that the license key must be valid and activated in order to receive automatic updates and support for its add-on.", "GMW"); ?> </li> <li><?php _e("<strong>License deactivation</strong> - To deactivate a license simply click on \"Deactivate License\".", "GMW"); ?> </li> <li><?php _e("<strong>Add-ons deactivation</strong> - deactivation can be done from this Add-ons page of GEO my WP or via the plugins.", "GMW"); ?> <?php _e(" Please note, the license of an add-on must be deactivated before you could deactivate its add-on. This is done to prevent conflicts with any license keys you might have.", "GMW"); ?> </li> </ol> </div> <!-- updater form --> <form method="post" action="" style="text-align:center"> <div class="gmw-addons-page-top-area <?php echo !empty($updater) ? 'updater-disabled' : 'updater-enabled'; ?> "> <p class="description" style="margin-bottom: 10px;border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;padding-bottom: 10px;"> <?php _e('Disable/enable the premium add-ons auto-updating system. The system can cause a slow load of the plugins.php/update.php pages of your site when checking for new version of the premium add-ons.', 'GMW'); ?> <?php _e('You can temporary disable the system when working in the admin area and enable it again when you are ready to check for add-ons update. This can be useful when working on a development site and there is no need to check for updates.', 'GMW'); ?> </p> <?php if (!empty($updater)) { ?> <div> <p class="description" style="color:red"><?php _e('The add-ons updater is disabled and will not check for new updates.', 'GMW'); ?> </p> <input type="submit" name="gmw_enable_updater" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Enable Updater', 'GMW'); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="gmw_updater_action" value="enabled" /> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div> <p class="description" style="color:green"><?php _e('The add-ons updater is enabled and will check for updates when needed. You will be notified when new updates are avalible.', 'GMW'); ?> </p> <input type="submit" name="gmw_disable_updater" class="button-secondary" value="<?php _e('Disable Updater', 'GMW'); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="gmw_updater_action" value="disabled" /> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <input type="hidden" name="gmw_action" value="updater_action" /> <?php wp_nonce_field('gmw_addon_updater_nonce', 'gmw_addon_updater_nonce'); ?> </form> <ul class="widefat fixed"> <?php $addOnsArray = array(); ?> <?php foreach ($addons_data as $addon) { ?> <?php //Reset some variables $addon['update_avaliable'] = '0'; //check for some data in permium add-ons if (empty($addon['core'])) { //Reset some variables $addon['installed'] = false; $addon['activated'] = false; $addon['license'] = true; $addon['version'] = !empty($addon['current_version']) ? $addon['current_version'] : '1.0'; //create basename if not exist if (empty($addon['basename'])) { $addon['basename'] = plugin_basename($addon['file']); } //create file if doesnt exist if (empty($addon['file'])) { $addon['file'] = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/' . $addon['basename']; } //if add-on installed if (isset($plugins[$addon['basename']])) { $addon['installed'] = true; $addon['version'] = $plugins[$addon['basename']]['Version']; //if add-on activated if (is_plugin_active($addon['basename'])) { $addon['activated'] = true; //check if update avaliable and required if (!empty($addon['required_version']) && version_compare($addon['version'], $addon['required_version'], '<')) { $addon['update_avaliable'] = '1'; //check if update available but not required } elseif (!empty($addon['current_version']) && version_compare($addon['version'], $addon['current_version'], '<')) { $addon['update_avaliable'] = '2'; } } } } ?> <!-- addon wrapper --> <li class="gmw-single-addon-wrapper <?php echo $addon['name']; ?> first"> <!-- ribbons --> <!-- free add-on --> <?php if (!empty($addon['core']) && empty($addon['activated'])) { ?> <div class="gmw-ribbon-wrapper"><div class="gmw-ribbon free"><?php _e('Free Add-on', 'GMW'); ?> </div></div> <?php } ?> <!-- New add-on --> <?php if (empty($addon['installed']) && !empty($addon['new_addon'])) { ?> <div class="gmw-ribbon-wrapper"><div class="gmw-ribbon blue"><?php _e('New Add-on', 'GMW'); ?> </div></div> <?php } ?> <!-- GMW version is too low --> <?php if (!empty($addon['gmw_required'])) { ?> <div class="gmw-ribbon-wrapper"><div class="gmw-ribbon red"><?php _e('Incompatible', 'GMW'); ?> </div></div> <!-- Add-on new version is available and requires update --> <?php } elseif ($addon['update_avaliable'] == 1) { ?> <div class="gmw-ribbon-wrapper"><div class="gmw-ribbon red"><?php _e('Update Required', 'GMW'); ?> </div></div> <!-- Add-on new version is available but not required --> <?php } elseif ($addon['update_avaliable'] == 2) { ?> <div class="gmw-ribbon-wrapper"><div class="gmw-ribbon green"><?php _e('Update Available', 'GMW'); ?> </div></div> <?php } ?> <!-- addon title --> <div class="gmw-addon-top-wrapper"> <h2 class="gmw-addon-title"> <?php echo esc_attr($addon['title']); ?> <span style="float:right;"> <?php if (isset($addon['version'])) { echo esc_attr($addon['version']); } ?> </span> </h2> </div> <div class="gmw-addon-content-wrapper"> <!-- Image --> <div class="gmw-addon-image-wrapper"> <?php //get image from add-on //if ( isset( $addon['image'] ) && $addon['image'] != false ) { //echo '<img src="' . $addon['image'] . '" />'; //get no-image image //} else //if ( empty( $addon['image'] ) ) { // echo '<img src="https://geomywp.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/no-featured-image.png" />'; //get image from GEO my WP server // } else { echo '<img src="https://geomywp.com/wp-content/uploads/addons-images/' . esc_attr($addon['name']) . '.png" />'; //} ?> </div> <!-- description --> <div class="gmw-addon-desc-wrapper"> <div class="gmw-addon-desc-inner"> <em><?php esc_attr_e($addon['desc']); ?> </em> <!-- Notices --> <?php if (!empty($addon['gmw_required'])) { ?> <div class="gmw-addon-update-required-wrapper"> <em><?php echo $addon['gmw_required_message']; ?> <?php echo GMW_Admin::update_addon_link($plugins[$addon['basename']]['Name']); ?> </em> </div> <?php } elseif ($addon['update_avaliable'] == 1) { ?> <div class="gmw-addon-update-required-wrapper"> <em><?php echo $addon['required_message']; ?> <?php echo GMW_Admin::update_addon_link($plugins[$addon['basename']]['Name']); ?> </em> </div> <?php } elseif ($addon['update_avaliable'] == 2) { ?> <div class="gmw-addon-update-available-wrapper"> <em>New version of <?php esc_attr_e($addon['title']); ?> <?php esc_attr_e($addon['current_version']); ?> is available for update. <?php echo GMW_Admin::update_addon_link($plugins[$addon['basename']]['Name']); ?> </em>. </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <!-- when add-on is deactivated --> <?php if (!isset($this->addons) || !isset($this->addons[$addon['name']]) || $this->addons[$addon['name']] == 'inactive') { ?> <?php if ($addon['license']) { ?> <table> <tr class="gmw-license-key-wrapper"> <td class="plugin-update" colspan="3"> <div class="gmw-license-key-fields-wrapper"> <form method="post" action=""> <div class="gmw-license-wrapper gmw-license-invalid-wrapper addon-deactivated"> <span><?php _e('License Key:', 'GMW'); ?> </span> <input class="gmw-license-key-input-field" disabled="disabled" type="text" size="30" value="" placeholder="license Key" /> <button disabled="disabled" type="submit" class="gmw-license-key-button button-secondary activate-license-btn button-primary" name="gmw_license_key_activate" title="<?php _e('Activate License Key', 'GMW'); ?> " style="padding: 0 8px !important;" value="<?php echo $this->license_name; ?> "><?php _e('Activate License', 'GMW'); ?> </button> <p class="description"><?php _e('Please activate the add-on to be able to enter and activate the license key.', 'GMW'); ?> </p> </div> <!-- if status invalid --> </form> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } else { ?> <table> <tr class="active gmw-license-key-wrapper"> <td class="plugin-update" colspan="3"> <div class="gmw-license-key-fields-wrapper"> <form method="post" action=""> <div class="gmw-license-wrapper gmw-license-invalid-wrapper addon-deactivated"> <span>License Key: </span> <input class="gmw-license-key-input-field" disabled="disabled" type="text" size="30" value="" placeholder="license Key" /> <p class="description"><?php _e('This is a free add-on and does not require a license key. Please activate the add-on to start using it.', 'GMW'); ?> </p> </div> <!-- if status invalid --> </form> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> <div class="gmw-addon-license-wrapper gmw-license-invalid gmw-addon-deactivate <?php if (empty($addon['installed'])) { echo 'not-installed'; } ?> "> <?php if (!empty($addon['installed'])) { ?> <form method="post" action=""> <!-- activate add-on button --> <input type="submit" class="button-secondary button-primary gmw-addon-activation-btn" value="<?php _e('Activate Add-on', 'GMW'); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="gmw_addon_basename" value="<?php echo plugin_basename(esc_attr($addon['file'])); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="gmw_action" value="activate_addon" /> <input type="hidden" name="gmw_addon_activated" value="<?php echo esc_attr($addon['name']); ?> " /> <?php wp_nonce_field($addon['name'] . '_activate_addon_nonce', $addon['name'] . '_activate_addon_nonce'); ?> </form> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($addon['premalink']); ?> " class="button-secondary button-primary gmw-addon-activation-btn" target="_blank" title="Get add-on"><?php _e('Get Add-on', 'GMW'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <?php if ($addon['license']) { ?> <table> <?php if (class_exists('GMW_License_Key')) { //display license key box $gmw_license_key = new GMW_License_Key($addon['file'], $addon['item'], $addon['name']); $gmw_license_key->license_key_output(); } ?> </table> <?php } else { ?> <table> <tr class="active gmw-license-key-wrapper"> <td class="plugin-update" colspan="3"> <div class="gmw-license-key-fields-wrapper"> <form method="post"> <div class="gmw-license-wrapper gmw-license-valid-wrapper"> <span>License Key: </span> <input class="gmw-license-key-input-field" disabled="disabled" type="text" size="30" value="" placeholder="license Key" /> <p class="description"><?php _e('This is a free add-on and does not require a license key. Thank you for using GEO my WP.', 'GMW'); ?> </p> </div> <!-- if status invalid --> </form> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> <?php if (isset($addon['name'])) { ?> <?php $deactivation_message = __('Please deactivate the license key before deactivating the plugin', 'GMW'); ?> <div class="gmw-addon-license-wrapper gmw-addon-activate"> <form method="post" action=""> <input type="submit" title="<?php esc_attr_e($deactivation_message); ?> " <?php if (gmw_is_license_valid($addon['name'])) { ?> onclick="alert('<?php esc_attr_e($deactivation_message); ?> '); return false;" <?php } ?> class="button-secondary gmw-addon-activation-btn btn-disabled" value="<?php _e('Deactivate Add-on', 'GMW'); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="gmw_addon_basename" value="<?php echo plugin_basename(esc_attr($addon['file'])); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="gmw_action" value="deactivate_addon" /> <input type="hidden" name="gmw_addon_deactivated" value="<?php echo esc_attr($addon['name']); ?> " /> <?php wp_nonce_field($addon['name'] . '_deactivate_addon_nonce', $addon['name'] . '_deactivate_addon_nonce'); ?> </form> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php }
/** * display settings * * @access public * @return void */ public function output() { $this->shortcodes = self::get_shortcodes(); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2 class="gmw-wrap-top-h2"> <?php echo _e('Shortcodes', 'GMW'); ?> <?php gmw_admin_support_button(); ?> </h2> <div class="clear"></div> <form method="post" action="options.php"> <div class="gmw-tabs-table gmw-shortcodes-page-nav-tabs gmw-nav-tab-wrapper"> <?php foreach ($this->shortcodes as $key => $options) { echo '<span><a href="#settings-' . sanitize_title($key) . '" title="' . esc_html($options['name']) . '" class="gmw-nav-tab">' . esc_html($options['name']) . '</a></span>'; } ?> </div> <?php foreach ($this->shortcodes as $key => $options) { ?> <div id="settings-<?php echo sanitize_title($key); ?> " class="gmw-settings-panel"> <table class="widefat fixed" style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-top: -2px;"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:20%;padding:11px 10px;"> <label><?php _e('Post/Page Content Usage', 'GMW'); ?> </label> </th> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:40%;padding:11px 10px;"> <label><?php _e('Template File Usage', 'GMW'); ?> </label> </th> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:40%;padding:11px 10px;"> <label><?php _e('Description', 'GMW'); ?> </label> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="color: #555;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;min-width:400px;vertical-align: top"> <lablel><code><?php echo $options['basic_usage']; ?> </code></lablel> </td> <td style="color: #555;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;min-width:400px;vertical-align: top"> <lablel><code><?php echo $options['template_usage']; ?> </code></lablel> </td> <td style="color: #555;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;min-width:400px;vertical-align: top"> <p class="description"><?php echo $options['desc']; ?> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="widefat fixed" style="margin-top:10px;"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="text-align:center;padding:11px 10px;"><?php _e('Shortcode Attributes', 'GMW'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> </table> <table class="widefat fixed" style="margin-top:-2px"> <thead style="background-color:#f9f9f9;"> <tr valign="top" > <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:50px;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Attribute', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:50px;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Values Accepted', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:50px;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Default Value', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:50px;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Additional Information', 'GMW'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $rowNumber = 1; foreach ($options['attributes'] as $attr) { $alternate = $rowNumber % 2 == 0 ? 'alternate' : ''; ?> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row" style="color: #555;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;"><label for="setting-google_api"><?php echo $attr['attr']; ?> </label></th> <td style="color: #555;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;min-width:400px;vertical-align: top"> <?php $rowCount = 1; ?> <?php foreach ($attr['values'] as $value) { ?> <p class="description"><?php echo $rowCount++ . ')' . ' ' . $value; ?> </p> <?php } ?> </td> <?php $default = isset($attr['default']) ? $attr['default'] : __('N/A', 'GMW'); ?> <td style="color: #555;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;min-width:400px;vertical-align: top"><p class="description"><?php echo $default; ?> </p></td> <td style="color: #555;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;min-width:400px;vertical-align: top"><p class="description"><?php echo $attr['desc']; ?> </p></td> </tr> <?php $rowNumber++; } ?> </tbody> </table> <table class="widefat fixed" style="margin-top:10px;"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="text-align:center;padding:11px 10px;"><?php _e('Shortcode Examples', 'GMW'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> </table> <?php if (isset($options['examples']) && !empty($options['examples'])) { ?> <table class="widefat fixed" style="margin-top:-2px"> <thead style="background-color:#f9f9f9;"> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:50px;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Usage', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:50px;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Description', 'GMW'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $rowNumber = 1; foreach ($options['examples'] as $example) { $alternate = $rowNumber % 2 == 0 ? 'alternate' : ''; ?> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row" style="color: #555;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;"><label for="setting-google_api"><code><?php echo $example['example']; ?> </code></label></th> <td style="color: #555;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;min-width:400px;vertical-align: top"><p class="description"><?php echo $example['desc']; ?> </p></td> </tr> <?php $rowNumber++; } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </form> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('.gmw-nav-tab-wrapper a').click(function() { jQuery('.gmw-settings-panel').hide(); jQuery('.gmw-nav-tab-active').css('background', '#f7f7f7'); jQuery('.gmw-nav-tab-active').removeClass('gmw-nav-tab-active'); jQuery(jQuery(this).attr('href')).show(); jQuery(this).addClass('gmw-nav-tab-active'); return false; }); jQuery('.gmw-nav-tab-wrapper a:first').click(); </script> <?php }
/** * display settings * * @access public * @return void */ public function output() { self::init_settings(); $gmw_options = get_option('gmw_options'); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2 class="gmw-wrap-top-h2"> <i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php echo _e('GEO my WP Settings', 'GMW'); ?> <?php gmw_admin_support_button(); ?> </h2> <div class="clear"></div> <form method="post" action="options.php"> <?php settings_fields($this->settings_group); ?> <?php if (!empty($_GET['settings-updated'])) { echo '<div class="updated fade" style="clear:both"><p>' . __('Settings successfully saved', 'GMW') . '</p></div>'; } ?> <div class="gmw-tabs-table gmw-settings-page-nav-tabs gmw-nav-tab-wrapper"> <?php foreach ($this->settings as $key => $section) { echo '<span><a href="#settings-' . sanitize_title($key) . '" id="' . sanitize_title($key) . '" title="' . esc_html($section[0]) . '" class="gmw-nav-tab">' . esc_html($section[0]) . '</a></span>'; } ?> </div> <?php foreach ($this->settings as $key => $section) { ?> <div id="settings-<?php echo sanitize_title($key); ?> " class="gmw-settings-panel"> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:20%;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Feature', 'GMW'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:35%;padding:11px 10px"><?php _e('Settings', 'GMW'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $rowNumber = 0; foreach ($section[1] as $option) { $placeholder = !empty($option['placeholder']) ? 'placeholder="' . $option['placeholder'] . '"' : ''; $class = !empty($option['class']) ? $option['class'] : ''; $value = !empty($gmw_options[$key][$option['name']]) ? $gmw_options[$key][$option['name']] : $option['std']; $option['type'] = !empty($option['type']) ? $option['type'] : ''; $attributes = array(); if (!empty($option['attributes']) && is_array($option['attributes'])) { foreach ($option['attributes'] as $attribute_name => $attribute_value) { $attributes[] = esc_attr($attribute_name) . '="' . esc_attr($attribute_value) . '"'; } } echo '<tr valign="top" class="' . $class . '">'; echo '<td class="gmw-form-feature-desc">'; echo '<label for="setting-' . $option['name'] . '">' . $option['label'] . '</label>'; if ($option['desc']) { echo ' <p class="description">' . $option['desc'] . '</p>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td class="gmw-form-feature-settings">'; switch ($option['type']) { case "function": $function = !empty($option['function']) ? $option['function'] : $option['name']; do_action('gmw_main_settings_' . $function, $gmw_options, $key, $option); break; case "checkbox": ?> <label><input class="setting-<?php echo $option['name']; ?> " name="<?php echo 'gmw_options[' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']'; ?> " type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo implode(' ', $attributes); ?> <?php checked('1', $value); ?> /> <?php echo $option['cb_label']; ?> </label><?php break; case "multicheckbox": foreach ($option['options'] as $keyVal => $name) { ?> <label><input class="setting-<?php echo $option['name']; ?> " name="<?php echo 'gmw_options[' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . '][' . $keyVal . ']'; ?> " type="checkbox" value="1" <?php if (isset($gmw_options[$key][$option['name']][$keyVal]) && $gmw_options[$key][$option['name']][$keyVal] == 1) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo $name; ?> </label><br /> <?php } break; //needs improvment /* case "multicheckboxvalues" : foreach ($option['options'] as $keyVal => $name) { ?><p><label><input id="setting-<?php echo $option[ 'name' ]; ?>" class="setting-<?php echo $option['name']; ?>" name="<?php echo 'gmw_options['.$key.']['.$option['name'].']['.$keyVal.']'; ?>" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $keyVal; ?>" <?php if ( isset( $gmw_options[ $key ][ $option[ 'name' ] ][ $keyVal ] ) && $gmw_options[ $key ][ $option[ 'name' ] ][ $keyVal ] == 1 ) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> /> <?php echo $name; ?></label><br /> <?php } break; */ //needs improvment /* case "multicheckboxvalues" : foreach ($option['options'] as $keyVal => $name) { ?><p><label><input id="setting-<?php echo $option[ 'name' ]; ?>" class="setting-<?php echo $option['name']; ?>" name="<?php echo 'gmw_options['.$key.']['.$option['name'].']['.$keyVal.']'; ?>" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $keyVal; ?>" <?php if ( isset( $gmw_options[ $key ][ $option[ 'name' ] ][ $keyVal ] ) && $gmw_options[ $key ][ $option[ 'name' ] ][ $keyVal ] == 1 ) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> /> <?php echo $name; ?></label><br /> <?php } break; */ case "textarea": ?> <textarea id="setting-<?php echo $option['name']; ?> " class="large-text" cols="50" rows="3" name="<?php echo 'gmw_options[' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']'; ?> " <?php echo implode(' ', $attributes); ?> <?php echo $placeholder; ?> ><?php echo esc_textarea($value); ?> </textarea><?php break; case "radio": $rc = 1; foreach ($option['options'] as $keyVal => $name) { $checked = $rc == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : checked($value, $keyVal, false); echo '<input type="radio" class="setting-' . $option['name'] . '" name="gmw_options[' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']" value="' . esc_attr($keyVal) . '" ' . $checked . ' />' . $name . ' '; $rc++; } break; case "select": ?> <select id="setting-<?php echo $option['name']; ?> " class="regular-text" name="<?php echo 'gmw_options[' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']'; ?> " <?php echo implode(' ', $attributes); ?> > <?php foreach ($option['options'] as $keyVal => $name) { ?> <?php echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($keyVal) . '" ' . selected($value, $keyVal, false) . '>' . esc_html($name) . '</option>'; ?> <?php } ?> </select> <?php break; case "password": ?> <input id="setting-<?php echo $option['name']; ?> " class="regular-text" type="password" name="<?php echo 'gmw_options[' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']'; ?> " value="<?php esc_attr_e($value); ?> " <?php echo implode(' ', $attributes); ?> <?php echo $placeholder; ?> /> <?php break; default: ?> <input id="setting-<?php echo $option['name']; ?> " class="regular-text" type="text" name="<?php echo 'gmw_options[' . $key . '][' . $option['name'] . ']'; ?> " value="<?php esc_attr_e($value); ?> " <?php echo implode(' ', $attributes); ?> <?php echo $placeholder; ?> /> <?php break; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; $rowNumber++; } ?> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr style="height:40px;"> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style="width:50px;padding:11px 10px"> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Changes', 'GMW'); ?> " /> </th> <th scope="col" id="id" class="manage-column">--</th> </tr> </tfoot> </table> </div> <?php } ?> </form> </div> <?php $current_tab = isset($_COOKIE['gmw_admin_tab']) ? $_COOKIE['gmw_admin_tab'] : false; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { if ( '<?php echo $current_tab; ?> ' != false ) { jQuery('#<?php echo $current_tab; ?> ').click(); } }); </script> <?php }