Exemple #1
//	$row4     = mysql_fetch_array($result4, MYSQL_ASSOC);
//	$school_home_current = $row4['school'];
//	$arena_name_home_current = $row4['arena_name'];
//	$team_img_home_current = $row4['team_img'];
$school_home_current = getteaminfo($team_id_home_current, school);
$arena_name_home_current = getteaminfo($team_id_home_current, arena_name);
$team_img_home_current = getteaminfo($team_id_home_current, team_img);
//	$query5   = "SELECT * FROM team WHERE team_id = $team_id_away_current LIMIT 1";
//	$result5  = mysql_query($query5) or die('Error, query failed. ' . mysql_error());
//	$row5     = mysql_fetch_array($result5, MYSQL_ASSOC);
//	$school_away_current = $row5['school'];
//	$arena_name_away_current = $row5['arena_name'];
//	$team_img_away_current = $row5['team_img'];
$school_away_current = getteaminfo($team_id_away_current, school);
$arena_name_away_current = getteaminfo($team_id_away_current, arena_name);
$team_img_away_current = getteaminfo($team_id_away_current, team_img);
// Start the image generation
// File and new size
$filename = 'images/scoreboard-off-big-panthers.png';
if (isset($_GET[size])) {
    $percent = $_GET[size] / 100;
    if ($percent > '1.50') {
        $percent = '1.5';
} else {
    $percent = 1;
// Content type
header('Content-type: image/png');
// Get new sizes
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename);
" name="refresh"></center>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
      var t = 10 // interval in seconds
      image = "render.php?size=40&display_home_team=<?php 
echo $team_id_home_current;
" //name of the image
      function Start() {
      tmp = new Date();
      tmp = "&garbage="+tmp.getTime()
      document.images["refresh"].src = image+tmp
      setTimeout("Start()", t*1000)
      // -->

<center><strong><font color="#3E6C3B"><?php 
echo getteaminfo($team_id_home_current, school);
 vs. <?php 
echo getteaminfo($team_id_away_current, school);

<center><a target="_blank" href="http://www.thebus.ca"><img border="none" width="317" src="/images/transitad-video.png" alt="Sponsored by Charlottetown Transit Services. Please see their online interactive bus schedule map for more information." width="400" /></a></center>
