function getpostinfo($id, $type, $colsarray = '') { global $_G; $sql = $comma = ''; $type = in_array($type, array('tid', 'pid', 'blogid')) && !empty($type) ? $type : 'tid'; $cols = '*'; if (!empty($colsarray) && is_array($colsarray)) { $cols = ''; foreach ($colsarray as $val) { $cols .= $comma . $val; $comma = ', '; } } switch ($type) { case 'tid': $sql = "SELECT {$cols} FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE tid='{$id}' AND displayorder>='0'"; break; case 'pid': $posttable = getposttablebytid($_G['tid']); $sql = "SELECT {$cols} FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " p, " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t WHERE'{$id}' AND p.invisible='0' AND t.tid=p.tid"; break; case 'blogid': $sql = "SELECT {$cols} FROM " . DB::table('home_blog') . " WHERE blogid='{$id}' AND status='0'"; break; } if ($sql) { $info = DB::fetch_first($sql); if (!$info) { showmessage('magics_target_nonexistence'); } else { return daddslashes($info, 1); } } }
function usesubmit() { global $_G; if (empty($_G['gp_pid'])) { showmessage(lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_info_nonexistence')); } $_G['tid'] = $_G['gp_ptid']; $post = getpostinfo($_G['gp_pid'], 'pid', array('p.first', 'p.tid', 'p.fid', 'p.authorid', 'p.dateline', 'p.anonymous')); $this->_check($post); $query = DB::query("SELECT username FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE uid='{$post['authorid']}'"); $author = daddslashes(DB::result($query, 0), 1); $thread = getpostinfo($post['tid'], 'tid', array('tid', 'subject', 'author', 'replies', 'lastposter')); $posttable = getposttablebytid($post['tid']); if ($post['first']) { $lastposter = $thread['replies'] > 0 ? $thread['lastposter'] : $author; DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table($posttable) . " SET anonymous='0' WHERE tid='{$post['tid']}' AND first='1'"); } else { $lastposter = $author; $author = $thread['author']; DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table($posttable) . " SET anonymous='0' WHERE pid='{$_G['gp_pid']}'"); } $forum['lastpost'] = explode("\t", DB::result_first("SELECT lastpost FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fid='{$post['fid']}'")); if ($thread['subject'] == $forum['lastpost'][1] && ($forum['lastpost'][3] == '' && $post['anonymous'])) { $lastpost = "{$thread['tid']}\t{$thread['subject']}\t{$_G['timestamp']}\t{$lastposter}"; DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET lastpost='{$lastpost}' WHERE fid='{$post['fid']}'", 'UNBUFFERED'); } DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET author='{$author}', lastposter='{$lastposter}' WHERE tid='{$post['tid']}'"); usemagic($this->magic['magicid'], $this->magic['num']); updatemagiclog($this->magic['magicid'], '2', '1', '0', 0, 'tid', $_G['gp_tid']); if ($post['authorid'] != $_G['uid']) { notification_add($post['authorid'], 'magic', lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_notification'), array('pid' => $_G['gp_pid'], 'tid' => $_G['gp_tid'], 'subject' => $thread['subject'], 'magicname' => $this->magic['name'])); } showmessage(lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_succeed'), dreferer(), array(), array('showdialog' => 1, 'locationtime' => true)); }
function updatersscache($num) { global $_G; DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('forum_rsscache') . ""); require_once libfile('function/post'); foreach ($_G['cache']['forums'] as $fid => $forum) { if ($forum['type'] != 'group') { $query = DB::query("SELECT tid, readperm, author, dateline, subject\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . "\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE fid='{$fid}' AND displayorder>='0'\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT {$num}"); $forum['name'] = addslashes($forum['name']); while ($thread = DB::fetch($query)) { $thread['author'] = $thread['author'] != '' ? addslashes($thread['author']) : 'Anonymous'; $thread['subject'] = addslashes($thread['subject']); $posttable = getposttablebytid($thread['tid']); $post = DB::fetch_first("SELECT pid, attachment, message, status FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE tid='{$thread['tid']}' AND first='1'"); $attachdata = ''; if ($post['attachment'] == 2) { $attach = DB::fetch_first("SELECT remote, attachment, filesize FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE pid='{$post['pid']}' AND isimage='1' ORDER BY dateline LIMIT 1"); $attachdata = "\t" . $attach['remote'] . "\t" . $attach['attachment'] . "\t" . $attach['filesize']; } $thread['message'] = $post['message']; $thread['status'] = $post['status']; $thread['description'] = $thread['readperm'] > 0 || $thread['price'] > 0 || $thread['status'] & 1 ? '' : addslashes(messagecutstr($thread['message'], 250 - strlen($attachdata)) . $attachdata); DB::query("REPLACE INTO " . DB::table('forum_rsscache') . " (lastupdate, fid, tid, dateline, forum, author, subject, description)\r\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$_G['timestamp']}', '{$fid}', '{$thread['tid']}', '{$thread['dateline']}', '{$forum['name']}', '{$thread['author']}', '{$thread['subject']}', '{$thread['description']}')"); } } } }
function post_mobile_message($message, $url_forward, $values, $extraparam, $custom) { if ($message == 'comment_add_succeed') { showmessage($message); } if ($values['tid'] && $values['pid']) { global $_G; $threadstatus = DB::result_first("SELECT status FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE tid='{$values['tid']}'"); $setstatusold = base_convert(getstatus($threadstatus, 13) . getstatus($threadstatus, 12) . getstatus($threadstatus, 11), 2, 10); $updatestatus = false; if (!empty($_POST['allowsound'])) { $setstatus = array(1, 0, 0); $updatestatus = $setstatusold < 4; } elseif (!empty($_POST['allowphoto'])) { $setstatus = array(0, 1, 1); $updatestatus = $setstatusold < 3; } elseif (!empty($_POST['allowlocal'])) { $setstatus = array(0, 1, 0); $updatestatus = $setstatusold < 2; } else { $setstatus = array(0, 0, 1); } if ($updatestatus) { foreach ($setstatus as $i => $bit) { $threadstatus = setstatus(13 - $i, $bit, $threadstatus); } //note DB::update('forum_thread', array('status' => $threadstatus), "tid='$values[tid]'"); C::t('forum_thread')->update($values['tid'], array('status' => $threadstatus)); } $posttable = getposttablebytid($values['tid']); $poststatus = DB::result_first("SELECT status FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE pid='{$values['pid']}'"); $poststatus = setstatus(4, 1, $poststatus); if (!empty($_POST['allowlocal'])) { $poststatus = setstatus(6, 1, $poststatus); } if (!empty($_POST['allowsound'])) { $poststatus = setstatus(7, 1, $poststatus); } if (!empty($_POST['mobiletype']) && $_POST['mobiletype'] < 8) { $mobiletype = base_convert($_POST['mobiletype'], 10, 2); $mobiletype = sprintf('%03d', $mobiletype); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $poststatus = setstatus(10 - $i, $mobiletype[$i], $poststatus); } } //note DB::update($posttable, array('status' => $poststatus), "pid='$values[pid]'"); C::t('forum_post')->update('tid:' . $values['tid'], $values['pid'], array('status' => $poststatus)); if ($_POST['location']) { list($mapx, $mapy, $location) = explode('|', dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['location'])); C::t('forum_post_location')->insert(array('pid' => $values['pid'], 'tid' => $values['tid'], 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'mapx' => $mapx, 'mapy' => $mapy, 'location' => $location)); } } }
function trade_create($trade) { global $_G; extract($trade); $special = 2; $expiration = $item_expiration ? strtotime($item_expiration) : 0; $closed = $expiration > 0 && strtotime($item_expiration) < TIMESTAMP ? 1 : $closed; $item_price = floatval($item_price); switch ($transport) { case 'offline': $item_transport = 0; break; case 'seller': $item_transport = 1; break; case 'buyer': $item_transport = 2; break; case 'virtual': $item_transport = 3; break; case 'logistics': $item_transport = 4; break; } $seller = dhtmlspecialchars($seller); $item_name = dhtmlspecialchars($item_name); $item_locus = dhtmlspecialchars($item_locus); $item_number = intval($item_number); $item_quality = intval($item_quality); $item_transport = intval($item_transport); $postage_mail = intval($postage_mail); $postage_express = intval($postage_express); $postage_ems = intval($postage_ems); $item_type = intval($item_type); $typeid = intval($typeid); $item_costprice = floatval($item_costprice); if (!$item_price || $item_price <= 0) { $item_price = $postage_mail = $postage_express = $postage_ems = ''; } if (empty($pid)) { $posttable = getposttablebytid($tid); $pid = DB::result_first("SELECT pid FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE tid='{$tid}' AND first='1' LIMIT 1"); } if (!$item_price && $item_credit) { $seller == ''; } DB::insert('forum_trade', array('tid' => $tid, 'pid' => $pid, 'typeid' => $typeid, 'sellerid' => $_G['uid'], 'seller' => $author, 'tenpayaccount' => $tenpayaccount, 'account' => $seller, 'subject' => $item_name, 'price' => $item_price, 'amount' => $item_number, 'quality' => $item_quality, 'locus' => $item_locus, 'transport' => $item_transport, 'ordinaryfee' => $postage_mail, 'expressfee' => $postage_express, 'emsfee' => $postage_ems, 'itemtype' => $item_type, 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'expiration' => $expiration, 'lastupdate' => $_G['timestamp'], 'totalitems' => '0', 'tradesum' => '0', 'closed' => $closed, 'costprice' => $item_costprice, 'aid' => $aid, 'credit' => $item_credit, 'costcredit' => $item_costcredit)); }
function usesubmit() { global $_G; $id = intval($_G['gp_id']); if (empty($id)) { showmessage(lang('magic/anonymouspost', 'anonymouspost_info_nonexistence')); } $idtype = !empty($_G['gp_idtype']) ? htmlspecialchars($_G['gp_idtype']) : ''; if (!in_array($idtype, array('pid', 'cid'))) { showmessage(lang('magic/anonymouspost', 'anonymouspost_use_error')); } if ($idtype == 'pid') { $_G['tid'] = $_G['gp_ptid']; $post = getpostinfo($id, 'pid', array('p.first', 'p.tid', 'p.fid', 'p.authorid', '', 'p.dateline', 'p.anonymous')); $this->_check($post); if ($post['authorid'] != $_G['uid']) { showmessage('magics_operation_nopermission'); } $thread = getpostinfo($post['tid'], 'tid', array('tid', 'subject', 'author', 'replies', 'lastposter')); $posttable = getposttablebytid($post['tid']); if ($post['first']) { $author = ''; $lastposter = $thread['replies'] > 0 ? $thread['lastposter'] : ''; } else { $author = $thread['author']; $lastposter = ''; } DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table($posttable) . " SET anonymous='1' WHERE pid='{$id}'"); $forum['lastpost'] = explode("\t", DB::result_first("SELECT lastpost FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fid='{$post['fid']}'")); if ($post['dateline'] == $forum['lastpost'][2] && ($post['author'] == $forum['lastpost'][3] || $forum['lastpost'][3] == '' && $post['anonymous'])) { $lastpost = "{$thread['tid']}\t{$thread['subject']}\t{$_G['timestamp']}\t{$lastposter}"; DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET lastpost='{$lastpost}' WHERE fid='{$post['fid']}'", 'UNBUFFERED'); } DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET author='{$author}', lastposter='{$lastposter}' WHERE tid='{$post['tid']}'"); } elseif ($idtype == 'cid') { $value = DB::fetch_first('SELECT * FROM ' . DB::table('home_comment') . " WHERE cid = '{$id}' AND authorid = '{$_G['uid']}'"); if (empty($value)) { showmessage('anonymouspost_use_error'); } elseif ($value['author'] == '') { showmessage('anonymouspost_once_limit'); } DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('home_comment') . " SET author='' WHERE cid='{$id}' AND authorid='{$_G['uid']}'"); } usemagic($this->magic['magicid'], $this->magic['num']); updatemagiclog($this->magic['magicid'], '2', '1', '0', 0, $idtype, $id); showmessage(lang('magic/anonymouspost', 'anonymouspost_succeed'), dreferer(), array(), array('showdialog' => 1, 'locationtime' => true)); }
function updatethreadcount($tid, $updateattach = 0) { $posttable = getposttablebytid($tid); $replycount = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE tid='{$tid}' AND invisible='0'") - 1; $lastpost = DB::fetch_first("SELECT author, anonymous, dateline FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE tid='{$tid}' AND invisible='0' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1"); $lastpost['author'] = $lastpost['anonymous'] ? lang('forum/misc', 'anonymous') : addslashes($lastpost['author']); $lastpost['dateline'] = !empty($lastpost['dateline']) ? $lastpost['dateline'] : TIMESTAMP; if ($updateattach) { $attach = DB::result_first("SELECT attachment FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE tid='{$tid}' AND invisible='0' AND attachment>0 LIMIT 1"); $attachadd = ', attachment=\'' . ($attach ? 1 : 0) . '\''; } else { $attachadd = ''; } DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET replies='{$replycount}', lastposter='{$lastpost['author']}', lastpost='{$lastpost['dateline']}' {$attachadd} WHERE tid='{$tid}'", 'UNBUFFERED'); }
* $Id: topicadmin_merge.php 31741 2012-09-26 08:12:08Z zhangjie $ */ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } if (!$_G['group']['allowmergethread']) { showmessage('no_privilege_mergethread'); } if (!submitcheck('modsubmit')) { include template('forum/topicadmin_action'); } else { //删除缓存 memory('rm', 'forumdisplay_' . $_G['fid']); $posttable = getposttablebytid($_G['tid']); $othertid = intval($_GET['othertid']); $otherposttable = getposttablebytid($othertid); $modaction = 'MRG'; $reason = checkreasonpm(); $other = C::t('forum_thread')->fetch_by_tid_displayorder($othertid, 0); if (!$other) { showmessage('admin_merge_nonexistence'); } elseif ($other['special']) { showmessage('special_noaction'); } if ($othertid == $_G['tid'] || $_G['adminid'] == 3 && $other['fid'] != $_G['forum']['fid']) { showmessage('admin_merge_invalid'); } $other['views'] = intval($other['views']); $other['replies']++; if (!$other['maxposition']) { $other['maxposition'] = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_maxposition_by_tid($other['posttableid'], $othertid);
function discuzcode($message, $smileyoff, $bbcodeoff, $htmlon = 0, $allowsmilies = 1, $allowbbcode = 1, $allowimgcode = 1, $allowhtml = 0, $jammer = 0, $parsetype = '0', $authorid = '0', $allowmediacode = '0', $pid = 0) { global $_G; static $authorreplyexist; if ($parsetype != 1 && !$bbcodeoff && $allowbbcode && (strpos($message, '[/code]') || strpos($message, '[/CODE]')) !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/\\s?\\[code\\](.+?)\\[\\/code\\]\\s?/ies", "codedisp('\\1')", $message); } $msglower = strtolower($message); $htmlon = $htmlon && $allowhtml ? 1 : 0; if (!$htmlon) { $message = dhtmlspecialchars($message); } if (!$smileyoff && $allowsmilies) { $message = parsesmiles($message); } if ($_G['setting']['allowattachurl'] && strpos($msglower, 'attach://') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/attach:\\/\\/(\\d+)\\.?(\\w*)/ie", "parseattachurl('\\1', '\\2')", $message); } if ($allowbbcode) { if (strpos($msglower, 'ed2k://') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/ed2k:\\/\\/(.+?)\\//e", "parseed2k('\\1')", $message); } } if (!$bbcodeoff && $allowbbcode) { if (strpos($msglower, '[/url]') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/\\[url(=((https?|ftp|gopher|news|telnet|rtsp|mms|callto|bctp|thunder|synacast){1}:\\/\\/|www\\.|mailto:)?([^\\s\\[\"']+?))?\\](.+?)\\[\\/url\\]/ies", "parseurl('\\1', '\\5', '\\2')", $message); } if (strpos($msglower, '[/email]') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/\\[email(=([a-z0-9\\-_.+]+)@([a-z0-9\\-_]+[.][a-z0-9\\-_.]+))?\\](.+?)\\[\\/email\\]/ies", "parseemail('\\1', '\\4')", $message); } $nest = 0; while (strpos($msglower, '[table') !== FALSE && strpos($msglower, '[/table]') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/\\[table(?:=(\\d{1,4}%?)(?:,([\\(\\)%,#\\w ]+))?)?\\]\\s*(.+?)\\s*\\[\\/table\\]/ies", "parsetable('\\1', '\\2', '\\3')", $message); if (++$nest > 4) { break; } } $message = str_replace(array('[/color]', '[/size]', '[/font]', '[/align]', '[b]', '[/b]', '[s]', '[/s]', '[hr]', '[/p]', '[i=s]', '[i]', '[/i]', '[u]', '[/u]', '[list]', '[list=1]', '[list=a]', '[list=A]', "\r\n[*]", '[*]', '[/list]', '[indent]', '[/indent]', '[/float]'), array('</font>', '</font>', '</font>', '</p>', '<strong>', '</strong>', '<strike>', '</strike>', '<hr class="l" />', '</p>', '<i class="pstatus">', '<i>', '</i>', '<u>', '</u>', '<ul>', '<ul type="1" class="litype_1">', '<ul type="a" class="litype_2">', '<ul type="A" class="litype_3">', '<li>', '<li>', '</ul>', '<blockquote>', '</blockquote>', '</span>'), preg_replace(array("/\\[color=([#\\w]+?)\\]/i", "/\\[color=(rgb\\([\\d\\s,]+?\\))\\]/i", "/\\[size=(\\d{1,2}?)\\]/i", "/\\[size=(\\d{1,2}(\\.\\d{1,2}+)?(px|pt)+?)\\]/i", "/\\[font=([^\\[\\<]+?)\\]/i", "/\\[align=(left|center|right)\\]/i", "/\\[p=(\\d{1,2}|null), (\\d{1,2}), (left|center|right)\\]/i", "/\\[float=(left|right)\\]/i"), array("<font color=\"\\1\">", "<font style=\"color:\\1\">", "<font size=\"\\1\">", "<font style=\"font-size: \\1\">", "<font face=\"\\1 \">", "<p align=\"\\1\">", "<p style=\"line-height: \\1px; text-indent: \\2em; text-align: \\3;\">", "<span style=\"float: \\1;\">"), $message)); if ($parsetype != 1) { if (strpos($msglower, '[/quote]') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/\\s?\\[quote\\][\n\r]*(.+?)[\n\r]*\\[\\/quote\\]\\s?/is", tpl_quote(), $message); } if (strpos($msglower, '[/free]') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/\\s*\\[free\\][\n\r]*(.+?)[\n\r]*\\[\\/free\\]\\s*/is", tpl_free(), $message); } } if (strpos($msglower, '[/media]') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/\\[media=([\\w,]+)\\]\\s*([^\\[\\<\r\n]+?)\\s*\\[\\/media\\]/ies", $allowmediacode ? "parsemedia('\\1', '\\2')" : "bbcodeurl('\\2', '<a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">{url}</a>')", $message); } if (strpos($msglower, '[/audio]') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/\\[audio(=1)*\\]\\s*([^\\[\\<\r\n]+?)\\s*\\[\\/audio\\]/ies", $allowmediacode ? "parseaudio('\\2', 400, '\\1')" : "bbcodeurl('\\2', '<a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">{url}</a>')", $message); } if (strpos($msglower, '[/flash]') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/\\[flash(=(\\d+),(\\d+))?\\]\\s*([^\\[\\<\r\n]+?)\\s*\\[\\/flash\\]/ies", $allowmediacode ? "parseflash('\\2', '\\3', '\\4');" : "bbcodeurl('\\4', '<a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">{url}</a>')", $message); } if ($parsetype != 1 && $allowbbcode < 0 && isset($_G['cache']['bbcodes'][-$allowbbcode])) { $message = preg_replace($_G['cache']['bbcodes'][-$allowbbcode]['searcharray'], $_G['cache']['bbcodes'][-$allowbbcode]['replacearray'], $message); } if ($parsetype != 1 && strpos($msglower, '[/hide]') !== FALSE && $pid) { if (strpos($msglower, '[hide]') !== FALSE) { if ($authorreplyexist === null) { $posttable = getposttablebytid($_G['tid']); $authorreplyexist = !$_G['forum']['ismoderator'] ? DB::result_first("SELECT pid FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE tid='{$_G['tid']}' AND " . ($_G['uid'] ? "authorid='{$_G['uid']}'" : "authorid=0 AND useip='{$_G['clientip']}'") . " LIMIT 1") : TRUE; } if ($authorreplyexist) { $message = preg_replace("/\\[hide\\]\\s*(.+?)\\s*\\[\\/hide\\]/is", tpl_hide_reply(), $message); } else { $message = preg_replace("/\\[hide\\](.+?)\\[\\/hide\\]/is", tpl_hide_reply_hidden(), $message); $message .= '<script type="text/javascript">replyreload += \',\' + ' . $pid . ';</script>'; } } if (strpos($msglower, '[hide=') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/\\[hide=(\\d+)\\]\\s*(.+?)\\s*\\[\\/hide\\]/ies", "creditshide(\\1,'\\2', {$pid})", $message); } } } if (!$bbcodeoff) { if ($parsetype != 1 && strpos($msglower, '[swf]') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace("/\\[swf\\]\\s*([^\\[\\<\r\n]+?)\\s*\\[\\/swf\\]/ies", "bbcodeurl('\\1', ' <img src=\"'.STATICURL.'image/filetype/flash.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=\"\" /> <a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">Flash: {url}</a> ')", $message); } if (strpos($msglower, '[/img]') !== FALSE) { $message = preg_replace(array("/\\[img\\]\\s*([^\\[\\<\r\n]+?)\\s*\\[\\/img\\]/ies", "/\\[img=(\\d{1,4})[x|\\,](\\d{1,4})\\]\\s*([^\\[\\<\r\n]+?)\\s*\\[\\/img\\]/ies"), $allowimgcode ? array("bbcodeurl('\\1', '<img src=\"{url}\" onload=\"thumbImg(this)\" alt=\"\" />')", "parseimg('\\1', '\\2', '\\3')") : array("bbcodeurl('\\1', '<a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">{url}</a>')", "bbcodeurl('\\3', '<a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">{url}</a>')"), $message); } } for ($i = 0; $i <= $_G['forum_discuzcode']['pcodecount']; $i++) { $message = str_replace("[\tDISCUZ_CODE_{$i}\t]", $_G['forum_discuzcode']['codehtml'][$i], $message); } if (!empty($_G['gp_highlight'])) { $highlightarray = explode('+', $_G['gp_highlight']); $sppos = strrpos($message, chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0)); if ($sppos !== FALSE) { $specialextra = substr($message, $sppos + 3); $message = substr($message, 0, $sppos); } $message = preg_replace(array("/(^|>)([^<]+)(?=<|\$)/sUe", "/<highlight>(.*)<\\/highlight>/siU"), array("highlight('\\2', \$highlightarray, '\\1')", "<strong><font color=\"#FF0000\">\\1</font></strong>"), $message); if ($sppos !== FALSE) { $message = $message . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . $specialextra; } } unset($msglower); if ($jammer) { $message = preg_replace("/\r\n|\n|\r/e", "jammer()", $message); } return $htmlon ? $message : nl2br(str_replace(array("\t", ' ', ' '), array(' ', ' ', ' '), $message)); }
$commentlist = $org = array(); if ($article['id'] && $article['idtype']) { if ($article['idtype'] == 'blogid') { $org = db::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . db::table('home_blog') . " WHERE blogid='{$article['id']}'"); $common_url = "home.php?mod=space&uid={$org['uid']}&do=blog&id={$article['id']}"; $form_url = "home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=comment"; $article['commentnum'] = getcount('home_comment', array('id' => $article['id'], 'idtype' => 'blogid')); $query = DB::query("SELECT authorid AS uid, author AS username, dateline, message\n\t\t\tFROM " . DB::table('home_comment') . " WHERE id='{$article['id']}' AND idtype='blogid' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,20"); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { $commentlist[] = $value; } } else { $common_url = "forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid={$article['id']}"; $form_url = "forum.php?mod=post&action=reply&tid={$article['id']}&replysubmit=yes&infloat=yes&handlekey=fastpost"; require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); $posttable = getposttablebytid($article['id']); $article['commentnum'] = getcount($posttable, array('tid' => $article['id'], 'first' => '0')); $firstpost = DB::fetch_first("SELECT first, authorid AS uid, author AS username, dateline, message, smileyoff, bbcodeoff, htmlon, attachment, pid\n\t\t\tFROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE tid='{$article['id']}' AND first='1'"); if (!($org = $firstpost)) { db::update('portal_article_title', array('id' => 0, 'idtype' => ''), array('aid' => $aid)); header("location: portal.php?mod=view&aid={$aid}"); exit; } $attachpids = -1; $attachtags = $aimgs = array(); $firstpost['message'] = $content['content']; if ($firstpost['attachment']) { if ($_G['group']['allowgetattach']) { $attachpids .= ",{$firstpost['pid']}"; if (preg_match_all("/\\[attach\\](\\d+)\\[\\/attach\\]/i", $firstpost['message'], $matchaids)) { $attachtags[$firstpost['pid']] = $matchaids[1];
} $moderate = array(); $toforumallowspecial = array(1 => $toforum['allowpostspecial'] & 1, 2 => $toforum['allowpostspecial'] & 2, 3 => isset($_G['setting']['extcredits'][$_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][2]]) && $toforum['allowpostspecial'] & 4, 4 => $toforum['allowpostspecial'] & 8, 5 => $toforum['allowpostspecial'] & 16, 127 => $_G['setting']['threadplugins'] ? unserialize($toforum['threadplugin']) : array()); foreach ($threadlist as $tid => $thread) { $allowmove = 0; if ($thread['closed']) { continue; } if (!$thread['special']) { $allowmove = 1; } else { if ($thread['special'] != 127) { $allowmove = $toforum['allowpostspecial'] ? $toforumallowspecial[$thread['special']] : 0; } else { if ($toforumallowspecial[127]) { $posttable = getposttablebytid($thread['tid']); $message = DB::result_first("SELECT message FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE tid='{$thread['tid']}' AND first='1'"); $sppos = strrpos($message, chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0)); $specialextra = substr($message, $sppos + 3); $allowmove = in_array($specialextra, $toforumallowspecial[127]); } else { $allowmove = 0; } } } if ($allowmove) { $moderate[] = $tid; $thread = daddslashes($thread, 1); DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " (fid, readperm, author, authorid, subject, dateline, lastpost, lastposter, views, replies, displayorder, digest, closed, special, attachment, isgroup)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$moveto}', '{$thread['readperm']}', '" . addslashes($thread['author']) . "', '{$thread['authorid']}', '" . addslashes($thread['subject']) . "', '{$thread['dateline']}', '" . TIMESTAMP . "', '" . addslashes($thread['lastposter']) . "', '{$thread['views']}', '{$thread['replies']}', '0', '{$thread['digest']}', '{$thread['tid']}', '{$thread['special']}', '{$thread['attachment']}', '{$thread['isgroup']}')"); $newtid = DB::insert_id(); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET closed='{$newtid}' WHERE tid='{$thread['tid']}'");
<?php /** * [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc. * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: topicadmin_getip.php 20099 2011-02-15 01:55:29Z monkey $ */ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } if (!$_G['group']['allowviewip']) { showmessage('no_privilege_viewip'); } $pid = $_G['gp_pid']; $posttable = getposttablebytid($_G['tid']); $member = DB::fetch_first("SELECT m.adminid, p.first, p.useip FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " p\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_member') . " m ON m.uid=p.authorid\r\n\t\t\tWHERE'{$pid}' AND p.tid='{$_G['tid']}'"); if (!$member) { showmessage('thread_nonexistence', NULL); } elseif ($member['adminid'] == 1 && $_G['adminid'] > 1 || $member['adminid'] == 2 && $_G['adminid'] > 2) { showmessage('admin_getip_nopermission', NULL); } $member['iplocation'] = convertip($member['useip']); include template('forum/topicadmin_getip');
$_G['connect']['is_oauth_user'] = true; if (empty($_G['member']['conuinsecret'])) { $_G['connect']['is_oauth_user'] = false; } $referer = str_replace($_G['siteurl'], '', dreferer()); if (!empty($_G['gp_connect_autoshare'])) { if (strpos($referer, '?') !== false) { $referer .= '&connect_autoshare=1'; } else { $referer .= '?connect_autoshare=1'; } } $_G['connect']['loginbind_url'] = $_G['siteurl'] . 'connect.php?mod=login&op=init&type=loginbind&referer=' . urlencode($_G['connect']['referer'] ? $_G['connect']['referer'] : 'index.php'); } elseif ($pluginop == 'share') { $_G['gp_share_url'] = $_G['connect']['discuz_new_share_url']; $posttable = getposttablebytid($tid); $post = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE tid = '{$tid}' AND first='1' AND invisible='0'"); $thread = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE tid = '{$tid}' AND displayorder >= 0"); if ($_G['group']['allowgetimage'] && $thread['price'] == 0) { connect_parse_bbcode($post['message'], $thread['fid'], $post['pid'], $post['htmlon'], $attach_images); if ($attach_images && is_array($attach_images)) { $_G['gp_share_images'] = array_slice($attach_images, 0, 3); $attach_images = array(); foreach ($_G['gp_share_images'] as $image) { $attach_images[] = $image['big']; } $_G['gp_attach_image'] = implode('|', $attach_images); unset($attach_images); } } } elseif ($pluginop == 'new') {
function create_position(&$select, $lastpid = 0) { if (empty($select) || !is_array($select)) { return 0; } $tid = $select[0]; if (empty($lastpid)) { $check = DB::result_first("SELECT tid FROM " . DB::table('forum_postposition') . " WHERE tid='{$tid}' LIMIT 1"); if ($check) { unset($select[0]); return 0; } } $round = 500; $posttable = getposttablebytid($tid); $query = DB::query("SELECT pid FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE tid='{$tid}' AND pid>'{$lastpid}' ORDER BY pid ASC LIMIT 0, {$round}"); while ($post = DB::fetch($query)) { if (empty($post) || empty($post['pid'])) { continue; } savepostposition($tid, $post['pid']); $lastid = $post['pid']; } if (DB::num_rows($query) < $round) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET status=status | '1' WHERE tid='{$tid}'"); unset($select[0]); return 0; } else { return $lastid; } }
} elseif ($_G['gp_action'] == 'getimage') { $_G['gp_aid'] = intval($_G['gp_aid']); $image = DB::fetch_first('SELECT * FROM ' . DB::table(getattachtablebyaid($_G['gp_aid'])) . " WHERE aid='{$_G['gp_aid']}' AND isimage='1'"); include template('common/header_ajax'); if ($image['aid']) { echo '<img src="' . getforumimg($image['aid'], 1, 300, 300, 'fixnone') . '" id="image_' . $image['aid'] . '" onclick="insertAttachimgTag(\'' . $image['aid'] . '\')" width="' . ($image['width'] < 110 ? $image['width'] : 110) . '" cwidth="' . ($image['width'] < 300 ? $image['width'] : 300) . '" />'; } include template('common/footer_ajax'); dexit(); } elseif ($_G['gp_action'] == 'setthreadcover') { $aid = intval($_G['gp_aid']); require_once libfile('function/post'); if ($_G['forum'] && $aid) { $threadimage = DB::fetch_first("SELECT tid, pid, attachment, remote FROM " . DB::table(getattachtablebyaid($aid)) . " WHERE aid='{$aid}'"); if ($threadimage['tid'] && $threadimage['pid']) { $firstpost = DB::result_first("SELECT first FROM " . DB::table(getposttablebytid($threadimage['tid'])) . " WHERE pid='{$threadimage['pid']}'"); if (empty($firstpost)) { $trade_aid = DB::result_first("SELECT aid FROM " . DB::table('forum_trade') . " WHERE pid='{$threadimage['pid']}'"); if ($trade_aid == $aid) { $firstpost = 1; } } } else { $firstpost = 0; } if (empty($firstpost)) { showmessage('set_cover_faild', '', array(), array('closetime' => 3)); } if (setthreadcover(0, 0, $aid)) { $threadimage = daddslashes($threadimage); DB::delete('forum_threadimage', "tid='{$threadimage['tid']}'");
function _getThreadPosts($tIds) { global $_G; $result = array(); $posttable = getposttablebytid($tIds); foreach ($posttable as $posttableid => $tid) { $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table($posttableid) . " WHERE tid IN (" . dimplode($tid) . ") AND first='1' AND invisible='0'"); while ($post = DB::fetch($query)) { $result[$post['tid']] = $this->_convertPost($post); } } return $result; }
if (!$_G['group']['allowstickreply']) { showmessage('undefined_action', NULL); } $topiclist = $_G['gp_topiclist']; if (empty($topiclist)) { showmessage('admin_stickreply_invalid'); } elseif (!$_G['tid']) { showmessage('admin_nopermission', NULL); } $posttable = getposttablebytid($_G['tid']); $sticktopiclist = $posts = array(); foreach ($topiclist as $pid) { $post = DB::fetch_first("SELECT p.tid, p.authorid, p.dateline, p.first, t.special FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " p\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t USING(tid) WHERE'{$pid}'"); $posts[]['authorid'] = $post['authorid']; $sqladd = $post['special'] ? "AND first=0" : ''; $posttable = getposttablebytid($post['tid']); $curpostnum = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE tid='{$post['tid']}' AND dateline<='{$post['dateline']}' {$sqladd}"); if (empty($post['first'])) { $sticktopiclist[$pid] = $curpostnum; } } if (!submitcheck('modsubmit')) { $stickpid = ''; foreach ($sticktopiclist as $id => $postnum) { $stickpid .= '<input type="hidden" name="topiclist[]" value="' . $id . '" />'; } include template('forum/topicadmin_action'); } else { if ($_G['gp_stickreply']) { foreach ($sticktopiclist as $pid => $postnum) { DB::query("REPLACE INTO " . DB::table('forum_poststick') . " SET tid='{$_G['tid']}', pid='{$pid}', position='{$postnum}', dateline='{$_G['timestamp']}'");
/** * 获取转发主题信息 For DiscuzX1.5 * @param $tid int 论坛thread id * @return array */ function forShare($tid) { $threadURL = $this->getThreadUrl($tid); $url = ' ' . $threadURL; /* 分表 */ $posttable = getposttablebytid($tid); if (empty($posttable)) { return FALSE; } /* 获取主题信息 */ $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $query = "SELECT pid, subject, message FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " t WHERE tid='{$tid}' AND invisible='0' AND first='1'"; $post = $db->fetch_first($query); if (empty($post)) { return FALSE; } /* 转码 */ $subject = $this->_convert(trim($post['subject'])); /* 过滤UBB与表情 */ $subject = $this->_filter($subject); /* 将最后附带的url给删除 */ $subject = preg_replace("|\\s*http://[a-z0-9-\\.\\?\\=&_@/%#]*\$|sim", "", $subject); /* 合并标题和链接 */ $message = $subject . $url; // 取出所有图片 $img_urls = array(); if (XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_upload_image')) { $image_list = $this->_getImage($post['pid'], $post['message'], 999999); /* 增加新浪帖子同步图标过滤 2010-11-1 */ $iconLogo = XWB_plugin::getPluginUrl('images/bgimg/icon_logo.png'); if (in_array($iconLogo, $image_list)) { $unKey = array_search($iconLogo, $image_list); unset($image_list[$unKey]); } /* END */ if (!empty($image_list)) { $img_urls = $image_list; } } return array('url' => $threadURL, 'title' => $subject, 'message' => $message, 'pics' => array_map('trim', $img_urls)); }
switch ($_GET['from_idtype']) { case 'blogid': $blog = array_merge(C::t('home_blog')->fetch($_GET['from_id']), C::t('home_blogfield')->fetch($_GET['from_id'])); if ($blog) { if ($blog['friend']) { showmessage('article_push_invalid_private'); } $article['title'] = getstr($blog['subject'], 0); $article['summary'] = portalcp_get_summary($blog['message']); $article['fromurl'] = 'home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $blog[uid] . '&do=blog&id=' . $blog[blogid]; $article['author'] = $blog['username']; $article_content['content'] = dhtmlspecialchars($blog['message']); } break; default: $posttable = getposttablebytid($_GET['from_id']); $thread = C::t('forum_thread')->fetch($_GET['from_id']); $thread = array_merge($thread, C::t('forum_post')->fetch_threadpost_by_tid_invisible($_GET['from_id'])); if ($thread) { $article['title'] = $thread['subject']; $thread['message'] = portalcp_get_postmessage($thread, $_GET['getauthorall']); $article['summary'] = portalcp_get_summary($thread['message']); $article['fromurl'] = 'forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=' . $thread['tid']; $article['author'] = $thread['author']; $article_content['content'] = dhtmlspecialchars($thread['message']); $article['attach_image'] = $article['attach_file'] = ''; foreach (C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch_all_by_id('tid:' . $thread['tid'], 'pid', $thread['pid'], 'aid DESC') as $attach) { $attachcode = '[attach]' . $attach['aid'] . '[/attach]'; if (!strexists($article_content['content'], $attachcode)) { $article_content['content'] .= '<br /><br />' . $attachcode; }
private function _adminTopic($fid, $tid, $pid, $act, $type) { global $_G; $errorMsg = ''; $_GET['topiclist'] = array($_GET['pid']); // 在DISCUZ_ROOT/source/module/forum/forum_topicadmin.php基础上进行二次开发 $_GET['topiclist'] = !empty($_GET['topiclist']) ? is_array($_GET['topiclist']) ? array_unique($_GET['topiclist']) : $_GET['topiclist'] : array(); loadcache(array('modreasons', 'stamptypeid', 'threadtableids')); require_once libfile('function/post'); require_once libfile('function/misc'); $modpostsnum = 0; $resultarray = $thread = array(); if ($_G['group']['reasonpm'] == 2 || $_G['group']['reasonpm'] == 3 || !empty($_GET['sendreasonpm'])) { $forumname = strip_tags($_G['forum']['name']); $sendreasonpm = 1; } else { $sendreasonpm = 0; } if ($type == 'topic') { if ($act == 'band') { $resultarray = $this->_topicAdmin_band($fid, $tid, $pid, $act, $type, array('sendreasonpm' => $sendreasonpm, 'thread' => $_G['forum_thread'])); } else { // 在DISCUZ_ROOT/source/include/topicadmin/topicadmin_moderate.php基础上进行二次开发 $thread = $_G['forum_thread']; $thread['dblastpost'] = $thread['lastpost']; $threadlist[$thread['tid']] = $thread; $modpostsnum = count($threadlist); $stickcheck = $closecheck = $digestcheck = array('', '', '', '', ''); empty($threadlist[$_G['tid']]['displayorder']) ? $stickcheck[0] = 'selected="selected"' : ($stickcheck[$threadlist[$_G['tid']]['displayorder']] = 'selected="selected"'); empty($threadlist[$_G['tid']]['digest']) ? $digestcheck[0] = 'selected="selected"' : ($digestcheck[$threadlist[$_G['tid']]['digest']] = 'selected="selected"'); empty($threadlist[$_G['tid']]['closed']) ? $closecheck[0] = 'checked="checked"' : ($closecheck[1] = 'checked="checked"'); if (!empty($_POST)) { $tidsarr = array_keys($threadlist); $moderatetids = dimplode($tidsarr); $reason = checkreasonpm(); $stampstatus = 0; $stampaction = 'SPA'; $operationMap = array('top' => 'stick', 'marrow' => 'digest', 'delete' => 'delete'); $operation = $operationMap[$act]; $updatemodlog = TRUE; switch ($act) { case 'top': $sticklevel = intval($_GET['sticklevel']); if ($sticklevel < 0 || $sticklevel > 3 || $sticklevel > $_G['group']['allowstickthread']) { // showmessage('no_privilege_stickthread'); $this->_exitWithHtmlAlert('no_privilege_stickthread'); } $expiration = checkexpiration($_GET['expirationstick'], $operation); $expirationstick = $sticklevel ? $_GET['expirationstick'] : 0; $forumstickthreads = $_G['setting']['forumstickthreads']; $forumstickthreads = isset($forumstickthreads) ? dunserialize($forumstickthreads) : array(); C::t('forum_thread')->update($tidsarr, array('displayorder' => $sticklevel, 'moderated' => 1), true); $delkeys = array_keys($threadlist); foreach ($delkeys as $k) { unset($forumstickthreads[$k]); } C::t('common_setting')->update('forumstickthreads', $forumstickthreads); $stickmodify = 0; foreach ($threadlist as $thread) { $stickmodify = (in_array($thread['displayorder'], array(2, 3)) || in_array($sticklevel, array(2, 3))) && $sticklevel != $thread['displayorder'] ? 1 : $stickmodify; } if ($_G['setting']['globalstick'] && $stickmodify) { require_once libfile('function/cache'); updatecache('globalstick'); } $modaction = $sticklevel ? $expiration ? 'EST' : 'STK' : 'UST'; C::t('forum_threadmod')->update_by_tid_action($tidsarr, array('STK', 'UST', 'EST', 'UES'), array('status' => 0)); if (!$sticklevel) { $stampaction = 'SPD'; } $stampstatus = 1; break; case 'marrow': $digestlevel = intval($_GET['digestlevel']); if ($digestlevel < 0 || $digestlevel > 3 || $digestlevel > $_G['group']['allowdigestthread']) { // showmessage('no_privilege_digestthread'); $this->_exitWithHtmlAlert('no_privilege_digestthread'); } $expiration = checkexpiration($_GET['expirationdigest'], $operation); $expirationdigest = $digestlevel ? $expirationdigest : 0; C::t('forum_thread')->update($tidsarr, array('digest' => $digestlevel, 'moderated' => 1), true); foreach ($threadlist as $thread) { if ($thread['digest'] != $digestlevel) { if ($digestlevel == $thread['digest']) { continue; } $extsql = array(); if ($digestlevel > 0 && $thread['digest'] == 0) { $extsql = array('digestposts' => 1); } if ($digestlevel == 0 && $thread['digest'] > 0) { $extsql = array('digestposts' => -1); } if ($digestlevel == 0) { $stampaction = 'SPD'; } updatecreditbyaction('digest', $thread['authorid'], $extsql, '', $digestlevel - $thread['digest']); } } $modaction = $digestlevel ? $expiration ? 'EDI' : 'DIG' : 'UDG'; C::t('forum_threadmod')->update_by_tid_action($tidsarr, array('DIG', 'UDI', 'EDI', 'UED'), array('status' => 0)); $stampstatus = 2; break; case 'delete': if (!$_G['group']['allowdelpost']) { // showmessage('no_privilege_delpost'); $this->_exitWithHtmlAlert('no_privilege_delpost'); } loadcache('threadtableids'); $stickmodify = 0; $deleteredirect = $remarkclosed = array(); foreach ($threadlist as $thread) { if ($thread['digest']) { updatecreditbyaction('digest', $thread['authorid'], array('digestposts' => -1), '', -$thread['digest']); } if (in_array($thread['displayorder'], array(2, 3))) { $stickmodify = 1; } if ($_G['forum']['status'] == 3 && $thread['closed'] > 1) { $deleteredirect[] = $thread['closed']; } if ($thread['isgroup'] == 1 && $thread['closed'] > 1) { $remarkclosed[] = $thread['closed']; } } $modaction = 'DEL'; require_once libfile('function/delete'); $tids = array_keys($threadlist); if ($_G['forum']['recyclebin']) { deletethread($tids, true, true, true); manage_addnotify('verifyrecycle', $modpostsnum); } else { deletethread($tids, true, true); $updatemodlog = FALSE; } $forumstickthreads = $_G['setting']['forumstickthreads']; $forumstickthreads = !empty($forumstickthreads) ? dunserialize($forumstickthreads) : array(); $delkeys = array_keys($threadlist); foreach ($delkeys as $k) { unset($forumstickthreads[$k]); } C::t('common_setting')->update('forumstickthreads', $forumstickthreads); C::t('forum_forum_threadtable')->delete_none_threads(); if (!empty($deleteredirect)) { deletethread($deleteredirect); } if (!empty($remarkclosed)) { C::t('forum_thread')->update($remarkclosed, array('closed' => 0)); } if ($_G['setting']['globalstick'] && $stickmodify) { require_once libfile('function/cache'); updatecache('globalstick'); } updateforumcount($_G['fid']); if ($_GET['crimerecord']) { include_once libfile('function/member'); foreach ($threadlist as $thread) { crime('recordaction', $thread['authorid'], 'crime_delpost', lang('forum/misc', 'crime_postreason', array('reason' => $reason, 'tid' => $thread['tid'], 'pid' => 0))); } } break; case 'close': if (!$_G['group']['allowclosethread']) { $this->_exitWithHtmlAlert('no_privilege_closethread'); } $expiration = checkexpiration($_GET['expirationclose'], $operation); $modaction = $expiration ? 'ECL' : 'CLS'; C::t('forum_thread')->update($tidsarr, array('closed' => 1, 'moderated' => 1), true); C::t('forum_threadmod')->update_by_tid_action($tidsarr, array('CLS', 'OPN', 'ECL', 'UCL', 'EOP', 'UEO'), array('status' => 0)); break; case 'open': if (!$_G['group']['allowclosethread']) { $this->_exitWithHtmlAlert('no_privilege_openthread'); } $expiration = checkexpiration($_GET['expirationclose'], $operation); $modaction = $expiration ? 'EOP' : 'OPN'; C::t('forum_thread')->update($tidsarr, array('closed' => 0, 'moderated' => 1), true); C::t('forum_threadmod')->update_by_tid_action($tidsarr, array('CLS', 'OPN', 'ECL', 'UCL', 'EOP', 'UEO'), array('status' => 0)); break; case 'move': if (!$_G['group']['allowmovethread']) { $this->_exitWithHtmlAlert('no_privilege_movethread'); } $moveto = $_GET['moveto']; $toforum = C::t('forum_forum')->fetch_info_by_fid($moveto); if (!$toforum || $_G['adminid'] != 1 && $toforum['status'] != 1 || $toforum['type'] == 'group') { // showmessage('admin_move_invalid'); $this->_exitWithHtmlAlert('admin_move_invalid'); } elseif ($_G['fid'] == $toforum['fid']) { continue; } else { $moveto = $toforum['fid']; $modnewthreads = (!$_G['group']['allowdirectpost'] || $_G['group']['allowdirectpost'] == 1) && $toforum['modnewposts'] ? 1 : 0; $modnewreplies = (!$_G['group']['allowdirectpost'] || $_G['group']['allowdirectpost'] == 2) && $toforum['modnewposts'] ? 1 : 0; if ($modnewthreads || $modnewreplies) { // showmessage('admin_move_have_mod'); $this->_exitWithHtmlAlert('admin_move_have_mod'); } } if ($_G['adminid'] == 3) { $priv = C::t('forum_forumfield')->check_moderator_for_uid($moveto, $_G['uid'], $_G['member']['accessmasks']); if (($priv['postperm'] && !in_array($_G['groupid'], explode("\t", $priv['postperm'])) || $_G['member']['accessmasks'] && ($priv['allowview'] || $priv['allowreply'] || $priv['allowgetattach'] || $priv['allowpostattach']) && !$priv['allowpost']) && !$priv['istargetmod']) { // showmessage('admin_move_nopermission'); $this->_exitWithHtmlAlert('admin_move_nopermission'); } } $moderate = array(); $stickmodify = 0; $toforumallowspecial = array(1 => $toforum['allowpostspecial'] & 1, 2 => $toforum['allowpostspecial'] & 2, 3 => isset($_G['setting']['extcredits'][$_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][2]]) && $toforum['allowpostspecial'] & 4, 4 => $toforum['allowpostspecial'] & 8, 5 => $toforum['allowpostspecial'] & 16, 127 => $_G['setting']['threadplugins'] ? dunserialize($toforum['threadplugin']) : array()); foreach ($threadlist as $tid => $thread) { $allowmove = 0; if (!$thread['special']) { $allowmove = 1; } else { if ($thread['special'] != 127) { $allowmove = $toforum['allowpostspecial'] ? $toforumallowspecial[$thread['special']] : 0; } else { if ($toforumallowspecial[127]) { $posttable = getposttablebytid($thread['tid']); $message = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_threadpost_by_tid_invisible($thread['tid']); $message = $message['message']; $sppos = strrpos($message, chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0)); $specialextra = substr($message, $sppos + 3); $allowmove = in_array($specialextra, $toforumallowspecial[127]); } else { $allowmove = 0; } } } if ($allowmove) { $moderate[] = $tid; if (in_array($thread['displayorder'], array(2, 3))) { $stickmodify = 1; } if ($_GET['appbyme_movetype'] == 'redirect') { // if($_GET['type'] == 'redirect') { $insertdata = array('fid' => $thread['fid'], 'readperm' => $thread['readperm'], 'author' => $thread['author'], 'authorid' => $thread['authorid'], 'subject' => $thread['subject'], 'dateline' => $thread['dateline'], 'lastpost' => $thread['dblastpost'], 'lastposter' => $thread['lastposter'], 'views' => 0, 'replies' => 0, 'displayorder' => 0, 'digest' => 0, 'closed' => $thread['tid'], 'special' => 0, 'attachment' => 0, 'typeid' => $_GET['threadtypeid']); $newtid = C::t('forum_thread')->insert($insertdata, true); if ($newtid) { C::t('forum_threadclosed')->insert(array('tid' => $thread['tid'], 'redirect' => $newtid), true, true); } } } } if (!($moderatetids = implode(',', $moderate))) { showmessage('admin_moderate_invalid'); } $fieldarr = array('fid' => $moveto, 'isgroup' => 0, 'typeid' => $_GET['threadtypeid'], 'moderated' => 1); if ($_G['adminid'] == 3) { $fieldarr['displayorder'] = 0; } C::t('forum_thread')->update($tidsarr, $fieldarr, true); C::t('forum_forumrecommend')->update($tidsarr, array('fid' => $moveto)); loadcache('posttableids'); $posttableids = $_G['cache']['posttableids'] ? $_G['cache']['posttableids'] : array('0'); foreach ($posttableids as $id) { C::t('forum_post')->update_by_tid($id, $tidsarr, array('fid' => $moveto)); } $typeoptionvars = C::t('forum_typeoptionvar')->fetch_all_by_tid_optionid($tidsarr); foreach ($typeoptionvars as $typeoptionvar) { C::t('forum_typeoptionvar')->update_by_tid($typeoptionvar['tid'], array('fid' => $moveto)); C::t('forum_optionvalue')->update($typeoptionvar['sortid'], $typeoptionvar['tid'], $_G['fid'], "fid='{$moveto}'"); } if ($_G['setting']['globalstick'] && $stickmodify) { require_once libfile('function/cache'); updatecache('globalstick'); } $modaction = 'MOV'; $_G['toforum'] = $toforum; updateforumcount($moveto); updateforumcount($_G['fid']); break; default: $errorMsg = '错误的动作参数'; break; } if ($errorMsg == '') { if ($updatemodlog) { if ($operation != 'delete') { updatemodlog($moderatetids, $modaction, $expiration); } else { updatemodlog($moderatetids, $modaction, $expiration, 0, $reason); } } updatemodworks($modaction, $modpostsnum); foreach ($threadlist as $thread) { modlog($thread, $modaction); } if ($sendreasonpm) { $modactioncode = lang('forum/modaction'); $modtype = $modaction; $modaction = $modactioncode[$modaction]; foreach ($threadlist as $thread) { if ($operation == 'move') { sendreasonpm($thread, 'reason_move', array('tid' => $thread['tid'], 'subject' => $thread['subject'], 'modaction' => $modaction, 'reason' => $reason, 'tofid' => $toforum['fid'], 'toname' => $toforum['name'], 'from_id' => 0, 'from_idtype' => 'movethread')); } else { sendreasonpm($thread, 'reason_moderate', array('tid' => $thread['tid'], 'subject' => $thread['subject'], 'modaction' => $modaction, 'reason' => $reason, 'from_id' => 0, 'from_idtype' => 'moderate_' . $modtype)); } } } if ($stampstatus) { set_stamp($stampstatus, $stampaction, $threadlist, $expiration); } $this->getController()->redirect(WebUtils::createUrl_oldVersion('index/returnmobileview')); } } else { if ($act == 'move') { require_once libfile('function/forumlist'); $forumselect = forumselect(FALSE, 0, $threadlist[$_G['tid']]['fid'], $_G['adminid'] == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE); } } } } else { if ($type == 'post') { if ($act == 'band') { $resultarray = $this->_topicAdmin_band($fid, $tid, $pid, $act, $type, array('sendreasonpm' => $sendreasonpm, 'thread' => $_G['forum_thread'])); } else { // 在DISCUZ_ROOT/source/include/topicadmin/topicadmin_delpost.php基础上进行二次开发 $resultarray = array(); $thread = $_G['forum_thread']; $topiclist = array($pid); $modpostsnum = 1; $pids = $posts = $authors = array(); $posttable = getposttablebytid($_G['tid']); foreach (C::t('forum_post')->fetch_all('tid:' . $_G['tid'], $topiclist, false) as $post) { if ($post['tid'] != $_G['tid']) { continue; } if ($post['first'] == 1) { dheader("location: {$_G['siteurl']}forum.php?mod=topicadmin&action=moderate&operation=delete&optgroup=3&fid={$_G['fid']}&moderate[]={$thread['tid']}&inajax=yes" . ($_GET['infloat'] ? "&infloat=yes&handlekey={$_GET['handlekey']}" : '')); } else { $authors[$post['authorid']] = 1; $pids[] = $post['pid']; $posts[] = $post; } } if (!empty($_POST)) { $reason = checkreasonpm(); $uidarray = $puidarray = $auidarray = array(); $losslessdel = $_G['setting']['losslessdel'] > 0 ? TIMESTAMP - $_G['setting']['losslessdel'] * 86400 : 0; if ($pids) { require_once libfile('function/delete'); if ($_G['forum']['recyclebin']) { deletepost($pids, 'pid', true, false, true); manage_addnotify('verifyrecyclepost', $modpostsnum); } else { $logs = array(); $ratelog = C::t('forum_ratelog')->fetch_all_by_pid($pids); $rposts = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_all('tid:' . $_G['tid'], $pids, false); foreach (C::t('forum_ratelog')->fetch_all_by_pid($pids) as $rpid => $author) { if ($author['score'] > 0) { $rpost = $rposts[$rpid]; updatemembercount($rpost['authorid'], array($author['extcredits'] => -$author['score'])); $author['score'] = $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$id]['title'] . ' ' . -$author['score'] . ' ' . $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$id]['unit']; $logs[] = dhtmlspecialchars("{$_G['timestamp']}\t{$_G[member][username]}\t{$_G['adminid']}\t{$rpost['author']}\t{$author['extcredits']}\t{$author['score']}\t{$thread['tid']}\t{$thread['subject']}\t{$delpostsubmit}"); } } if (!empty($logs)) { writelog('ratelog', $logs); unset($logs); } deletepost($pids, 'pid', true); } if ($_GET['crimerecord']) { include_once libfile('function/member'); foreach ($posts as $post) { crime('recordaction', $post['authorid'], 'crime_delpost', lang('forum/misc', 'crime_postreason', array('reason' => $reason, 'tid' => $post['tid'], 'pid' => $post['pid']))); } } } updatethreadcount($_G['tid'], 1); updateforumcount($_G['fid']); $_G['forum']['threadcaches'] && deletethreadcaches($thread['tid']); $modaction = 'DLP'; $resultarray = array('redirect' => "forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid={$_G['tid']}&page={$_GET['page']}", 'reasonpm' => $sendreasonpm ? array('data' => $posts, 'var' => 'post', 'item' => 'reason_delete_post', 'notictype' => 'post') : array(), 'reasonvar' => array('tid' => $thread['tid'], 'subject' => $thread['subject'], 'modaction' => $modaction, 'reason' => $reason), 'modtids' => 0, 'modlog' => $thread); } } } } // 在DISCUZ_ROOT/source/module/forum/forum_topicadmin.php基础上进行二次开发 if ($resultarray) { if ($resultarray['modtids']) { updatemodlog($resultarray['modtids'], $modaction, $resultarray['expiration']); } updatemodworks($modaction, $modpostsnum); if (is_array($resultarray['modlog'])) { if (isset($resultarray['modlog']['tid'])) { modlog($resultarray['modlog'], $modaction); } else { foreach ($resultarray['modlog'] as $thread) { modlog($thread, $modaction); } } } if ($resultarray['reasonpm']) { $modactioncode = lang('forum/modaction'); $modaction = $modactioncode[$modaction]; foreach ($resultarray['reasonpm']['data'] as $var) { sendreasonpm($var, $resultarray['reasonpm']['item'], $resultarray['reasonvar'], $resultarray['reasonpm']['notictype']); } } // showmessage((isset($resultarray['message']) ? $resultarray['message'] : 'admin_succeed'), $resultarray['redirect']); $this->getController()->redirect(WebUtils::createUrl_oldVersion('index/returnmobileview')); } $this->getController()->renderPartial('topicAdmin', array('formUrl' => WebUtils::createUrl_oldVersion('forum/topicadminview', array('fid' => $fid, 'tid' => $tid, 'pid' => $pid, 'act' => $act, 'type' => $type)), 'errorMsg' => $errorMsg, 'action' => $act, '_G' => $_G, 'stickcheck' => $stickcheck, 'digestcheck' => $digestcheck, 'closecheck' => $closecheck, 'forumselect' => WebUtils::u($forumselect))); }
$common_url = "home.php?mod=space&uid={$org['uid']}&do=blog&id={$article['id']}"; $form_url = "home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=comment"; $article['commentnum'] = C::t('home_comment')->count_by_id_idtype($article['id'], 'blogid'); if ($article['commentnum']) { $query = C::t('home_comment')->fetch_all_by_id_idtype($article['id'], 'blogid', 0, 20, '', 'DESC'); foreach ($query as $value) { if ($value['status'] == 0 || $_G['adminid'] == 1 || $value['uid'] == $_G['uid']) { $commentlist[] = $value; } } } } elseif ($article['idtype'] == 'tid') { $common_url = "forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid={$article['id']}"; $form_url = "forum.php?mod=post&action=reply&tid={$article['id']}&replysubmit=yes&infloat=yes&handlekey=fastpost"; require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); $posttable = empty($thread['posttable']) ? getposttablebytid($article['id']) : $thread['posttable']; $_G['tid'] = $article['id']; $article['commentnum'] = getcount($posttable, array('tid' => $article['id'], 'first' => '0')); if ($article['allowcomment'] && $article['commentnum']) { $attachpids = $attachtags = array(); $_G['group']['allowgetattach'] = $_G['group']['allowgetimage'] = 1; foreach (C::t('forum_post')->fetch_all_by_tid('tid:' . $article['id'], $article['id'], true, 'ASC', 0, 20, null, 0) as $value) { $value['uid'] = $value['authorid']; $value['username'] = $value['author']; if ($value['status'] != 1 && !$value['first']) { $value['message'] = discuzcode($value['message'], $value['smileyoff'], $value['bbcodeoff'], $value['htmlon']); $value['cid'] = $value['pid']; $commentlist[$value['pid']] = $value; if ($value['attachment']) { $attachpids[] = $value['pid']; if (preg_match_all("/\\[attach\\](\\d+)\\[\\/attach\\]/i", $value['message'], $matchaids)) {
cpmsg("{$lang['counter_forum']}: " . cplang('counter_processing', array('current' => $start, 'next' => $end)), $nextlink, 'loading'); } else { $inc = $id['max'] + 1; DB::query("ALTER TABLE " . DB::table('forum_post') . " AUTO_INCREMENT = {$inc}"); cpmsg('tools:success', "action=plugins&identifier=tools&operation={$operation}&do={$do}&pmod=maintain&cp=aboutdb", 'succeed'); } } elseif (submitcheck('clearthreadsubmit', 1)) { $id = getmaxmin('forum_thread', 'tid'); if ($_G['gp_start'] == 0) { $_G['gp_start'] = $id['min']; } $start = $_G['gp_start']; $end = $_G['gp_start'] + $rpp; $query = DB::query("SELECT tid,subject FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE tid >= {$start} AND tid < {$end}"); while ($thread = DB::fetch($query)) { $posttableid = getposttablebytid($thread[tid]); $posts = DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB::table("{$posttableid}") . " WHERE tid = {$thread['tid']}"); if ($posts <= 0) { $rows++; DB::delete('forum_thread', "tid = {$thread['tid']}"); } elseif ($thread['subject'] == '') { $rows++; DB::delete('forum_thread', "tid = {$thread['tid']}"); DB::delete("{$posttableid}", "tid = {$thread['tid']}"); } else { $query = DB::query("SELECT a.aid FROM " . DB::table("{$posttableid}") . " p," . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " a WHERE a.tid = {$thread['tid']} AND = AND p.invisible = 0 LIMIT 1"); $attachment = DB::num_rows($query) ? 1 : 0; //修复附件 $query = "SELECT pid, subject, rate FROM " . DB::table("{$posttableid}") . " WHERE tid= {$thread['tid']} AND invisible='0' ORDER BY dateline LIMIT 1"; $firstpost = DB::fetch_first($query); $firstpost['subject'] = trim($firstpost['subject']) ? $firstpost['subject'] : $thread['subject'];