Exemple #1
    $tleechs = "f.leechers+ifnull(x.leechers,0) as leechers";
    $tcompletes = "f.finished+ifnull(x.completed,0) as finished";
    $ttables = "{$TABLE_PREFIX}files f LEFT JOIN xbt_files x ON x.info_hash = f.bin_hash";
} else {
    $tseeds = "f.seeds as seeds";
    $tleechs = "f.leechers as leechers";
    $tcompletes = "f.finished as finished";
    $ttables = "{$TABLE_PREFIX}files f";
if (!$CURUSER || $CURUSER["view_torrents"] != "yes") {
    err_msg($language["ERROR"], $language["NOT_AUTHORIZED"] . " " . $language["MNU_TORRENT"] . "!<br />\n" . $language["SORRY"] . "...");
$res = get_result("SELECT tag, f.screen1, f.screen2, f.screen3, f.image, u.warn, f.info_hash, f.filename, f.url, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(f.data) as data, f.size, f.comment, f.uploader, c.name as cat_name, {$tseeds}, {$tleechs}, {$tcompletes}, f.speed, f.external, f.announce_url,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(f.lastupdate) as lastupdate,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(f.lastsuccess) as lastsuccess, f.anonymous, u.username FROM {$ttables} LEFT JOIN {$TABLE_PREFIX}categories c ON c.id=f.category LEFT JOIN {$TABLE_PREFIX}users u ON u.id=f.uploader WHERE f.info_hash ='" . $id . "'", true, $btit_settings['cache_duration']);
$res_m = getmoderstatusbyhash($id);
if (count($res) < 1) {
    stderr($language["ERROR"], "Bad ID!", $GLOBALS["usepopup"]);
$row = $res[0];
$spacer = "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$torrenttpl = new bTemplate();
// Snatchers hack by DT dec 2008
$sres = get_result("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}history WHERE infohash = '{$id}' AND date IS NOT NULL ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10 ", true, $btit_settings['cache_duration']);
$srow = count($sres);
if (count($sres) > 0) {
    $snatchers = array();
$plus = 0;
foreach ($sres as $id => $srow) {
    $res = get_result("SELECT prefixcolor, suffixcolor, users.id, username, level FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users users INNER JOIN {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level users_level ON users.id_level=users_level.id WHERE users.id='" . $srow["uid"] . "'", true, $btit_settings['cache_duration']);
Exemple #2
 } else {
     $tseeds = "f.seeds as seeds";
     $tleechs = "f.leechers as leechers";
     $tcompletes = "f.finished as finished";
     $ttables = "{$TABLE_PREFIX}files f";
 $query = "SELECT f.gold, f.sticky, tag, f.image, f.screen1, f.screen2, f.screen3, f.info_hash, f.filename, f.visible, f.url, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(f.data) as data, f.size, f.comment, f.category as cat_name, {$tseeds}, {$tleechs}, {$tcompletes}, f.speed, f.uploader FROM {$ttables} WHERE f.info_hash ='" . AddSlashes($_GET["info_hash"]) . "'";
 $res = do_sqlquery($query, true);
 $results = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
 if (!$results || mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) {
     err_msg($language["ERROR"], $language["TORRENT_EDIT_ERROR"]);
 } else {
     if (!$CURUSER || $CURUSER["uid"] < 2 || $CURUSER["edit_torrents"] == "no" && $CURUSER["uid"] != $results["uploader"]) {
         stderr($language["ERROR"], $language["CANT_EDIT_TORR"]);
     $moder_status = getmoderstatusbyhash(AddSlashes($_GET["info_hash"]));
     $torrenttpl = new bTemplate();
     $torrenttpl->set("language", $language);
     $row = $res[0];
     $torrenttpl->set("imageon", $GLOBALS["imageon"] == "true", TRUE);
     $torrenttpl->set("screenon", $GLOBALS["screenon"] == "true", TRUE);
         $s = "<select name=\"type\">\n<option value=\"0\">(".$language["CHOOSE_ONE"].")</option>\n";
         $cats = genrelist();
         foreach ($cats as $row) {
             $s .= "<option value=\"" . $row["id"] . "\"";
             if ($row["id"] == $results["cat_name"])
                 $s .= " \"selected\"";
             $s .= ">" . unesc($row["name"]) . "</option>\n";
Exemple #3
    echo $language["SHORT_S"];
    <td align="center" width="30" class="header">&nbsp;<?php 
    echo $language["SHORT_L"];
    <td align="center" width="40" class="header">&nbsp;<?php 
    echo $language["SHORT_C"];
    if ($row) {
        foreach ($row as $id => $data) {
            if (getmoderstatusbyhash($data['hash']) == 'ok') {
                echo "<tr>";
                if (strlen($data["hash"]) > 0) {
                    echo "\n\t<td align=\"center\" class=\"lista\" width=\"20\" style=\"text-align: center;\">";
                    echo "<a class=\"lasttor\" href=\"download.php?id=" . $data["hash"] . "&amp;f=" . rawurlencode($data["filename"]) . ".torrent\"><img src='images/torrent.png' border='0' alt='" . $language["DOWNLOAD_TORRENT"] . "' title='" . $language["DOWNLOAD_TORRENT"] . "' /></a>";
                    echo "</td>";
                    echo "\n\t<td align=\"center\" class=\"lista\" width=\"20\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><a href=index.php?page=bookmark&do=add&torrent_id=" . $data["hash"] . "><img src=\"images/bookmark.png\" /></a></TD>";
                    $data["filename"] = unesc($data["filename"]);
                    $filename = cut_string($data["filename"], intval($btit_settings["cut_name"]));
                    // team
                    $fteam = $data["team"];
                    if (isset($fteam) && !empty($fteam)) {
                        $teamshit = "SELECT name, image, id FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}teams where id=" . $fteam;
                        $rim = do_sqlquery($teamshit) or err_msg($language["ERROR"], $language["CANT_DO_QUERY"] . (is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false)));
                        $datat = mysqli_fetch_array($rim);
                        $team = "<a href='index.php?page=modules&amp;module=team&team=" . $datat["id"] . "'><img src=\"" . $datat["image"] . "\" border=\"0\" title=\"" . $datat["name"] . "\"></a>";
Exemple #4
            $prettynew = str_replace("day", "d", $pretty);
        if (strpos($pretty, "hour") == true) {
            $prettynew = str_replace("hour", "h", $pretty);
        if (strpos($pretty, "min") == true) {
            $prettynew = str_replace("min", "m", $pretty);
        if (!$CURUSER || $CURUSER["id_level"] <= "2") {
            $name = "anonymous";
        $updown = mysqli_result($result, $i, "updown");
        if ($updown == 'up') {
            $upd = "<img src=\"images/speed_up.png\">";
        } else {
            $upd = "<img src=\"images/speed_down.png\">";
        if (getmoderstatusbyhash($hash_info) == 'ok') {
            echo "<tr><td>{$prettynew}</td><td>{$upd}</td>";
            echo "<td><b><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"1px\" color=\"#254117\"><a href=\"index.php?page=userdetails&id={$uid}\">" . $name . "</font></td>";
            echo "<td align=left><b><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"1px\" color=\"#254117\"><a href=\"index.php?page=torrent-details&id={$hash_info}\">" . $fname . "</a></font></td></tr>";
} else {
    echo "<br>No up/downloads the last 48 hours<br><br>";
echo "</b></center></td></tr></table>";
echo "<font size=0>Ago Legend: d=day, w=week, m=min, h=hour";
echo "<center><table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\">";
echo "</table>";
Exemple #5
$utorrents = intval($CURUSER["torrentsperpage"]);
if ($numtorrent > 0) {
    list($pagertop, $pagerbottom, $limit) = pager($utorrents == 0 ? 15 : $utorrents, $numtorrent, "index.php?page=usercp&amp;uid={$uid}&amp;", array("pagename" => "ucp_uploaded"));
    $usercptpl->set("pagertop", $pagertop);
    $resuploaded = get_result("SELECT f.filename, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(f.data) as added, f.size, {$tseeds} as seeds, {$tleechs} as leechers, {$tcompletes} as finished, f.info_hash as hash FROM {$ttables} WHERE uploader={$uid} ORDER BY data DESC {$limit}", true, $btit_settings['cache_duration']);
if ($resuploaded && count($resuploaded) > 0) {
    include "include/offset.php";
    $usercptpl->set("RESULTS", true, true);
    $uptortpl = array();
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($resuploaded as $id => $rest) {
        $uptortpl[$i]["filename"] = cut_string(unesc($rest["filename"]), intval($btit_settings["cut_name"]));
        $uptortpl[$i]["added"] = date("d/m/Y", $rest["added"] - $offset);
        $uptortpl[$i]["moder"] = getmoderdetails(getmoderstatusbyhash($rest['hash']), $rest['hash']);
        $uptortpl[$i]["size"] = makesize($rest["size"]);
        $uptortpl[$i]["seedcolor"] = linkcolor($rest["seeds"]);
        $uptortpl[$i]["seeds"] = $rest[seeds];
        $uptortpl[$i]["leechcolor"] = linkcolor($rest["leechers"]);
        $uptortpl[$i]["leechers"] = $rest[leechers];
        $uptortpl[$i]["completed"] = $rest["finished"] > 0 ? $rest["finished"] : "---";
        $uptortpl[$i]["editlink"] = "index.php?page=edit&amp;info_hash=" . $rest["hash"] . "&amp;returnto=" . urlencode("index.php?page=torrents") . "";
        $uptortpl[$i]["dellink"] = "index.php?page=delete&amp;info_hash=" . $rest["hash"] . "&amp;returnto=" . urlencode("index.php?page=torrents") . "";
        $uptortpl[$i]["editimg"] = image_or_link("{$STYLEPATH}/images/edit.png", "", $language["EDIT"]);
        $uptortpl[$i]["delimg"] = image_or_link("{$STYLEPATH}/images/delete.png", "", $language["DELETE"]);
    $usercptpl->set("uptor", $uptortpl);
} else {
    $usercptpl->set("RESULTS", false, true);
Exemple #6
     if ($torlist['downloaded'] > 0) {
         $peerratio = number_format($torlist['uploaded'] / $torlist['downloaded'], 2);
     } else {
         $peerratio = '&#8734;';
     $tortpl[$i]["peerratio"] = unesc($peerratio);
     $tortpl[$i]["seedscolor"] = linkcolor($torlist['seeds']);
     $tortpl[$i]["seeds"] = "<a href=\"javascript:poppeer('index.php?page=peers&amp;id=" . $torlist['infohash'] . "')\">" . $torlist['seeds'] . "</a>";
     $tortpl[$i]["leechcolor"] = linkcolor($torlist['leechers']);
     $tortpl[$i]["leechs"] = "<a href=\"javascript:poppeer('index.php?page=peers&amp;id=" . $torlist['infohash'] . "')\">" . $torlist['leechers'] . "</a>";
     $tortpl[$i]["completed"] = "<a href=\"javascript:poppeer('index.php?page=torrent_history.php&amp;id=" . $torlist['infohash'] . "')\">" . $torlist['finished'] . "</a>";
     $userdetailtpl->set("tortpl", $tortpl);
 } else {
     $tortpl[$i]["filename"] = "<a href=\"index.php?page=torrent-details&amp;id=" . $torlist['infohash'] . "\" title=\"" . $language["VIEW_DETAILS"] . ": " . $torlist['filename'] . "\">" . $filename . "</a>";
     getmoderdetails(getmoderstatusbyhash($torlist->infohash), $torlist->infohash);
     $tortpl[$i]["size"] = makesize($torlist['size']);
     $tortpl[$i]["status"] = unesc($torlist['status']);
     $tortpl[$i]["downloaded"] = makesize($torlist['downloaded']);
     $tortpl[$i]["uploaded"] = makesize($torlist['uploaded']);
     if ($torlist['downloaded'] > 0) {
         $peerratio = number_format($torlist['uploaded'] / $torlist['downloaded'], 2);
     } else {
         $peerratio = '&#8734;';
     $tortpl[$i]["peerratio"] = unesc($peerratio);
     $tortpl[$i]["seedscolor"] = linkcolor($torlist['seeds']);
     $tortpl[$i]["seeds"] = "<a href=\"index.php?page=peers&amp;id=" . $torlist['infohash'] . "\">" . $torlist['seeds'] . "</a>";
     $tortpl[$i]["leechcolor"] = linkcolor($torlist['leechers']);
     $tortpl[$i]["leechs"] = "<a href=\"index.php?page=peers&amp;id=" . $torlist['infohash'] . "\">" . $torlist['leechers'] . "</a>";
     $tortpl[$i]["completed"] = "<a href=\"index.php?page=torrent_history&amp;id=" . $torlist['infohash'] . "\">" . $torlist['finished'] . "</a>";
Exemple #7
$torrenttpl->set("torrent_header_size", "<a href=\"{$scriptname}&amp;{$addparam}" . (strlen($addparam) > 0 ? "&amp;" : "") . "order=size&amp;by=" . ($order == "size" && $by == "DESC" ? "ASC" : "DESC") . "\">" . $language["SIZE"] . "</a>" . ($order == "size" ? $mark : ""));
$torrenttpl->set("uploader", $SHOW_UPLOADER, TRUE);
$torrenttpl->set("torrent_header_uploader", $language["UPLOADER"]);
$torrenttpl->set("torrent_header_seeds", "<a href=\"{$scriptname}&amp;{$addparam}" . (strlen($addparam) > 0 ? "&amp;" : "") . "order=5&amp;by=" . ($order == "seeds" && $by == "DESC" ? "1" : "2") . "\">" . $language["SHORT_S"] . "</a>" . ($order == "seeds" ? $mark : ""));
$torrenttpl->set("torrent_header_leechers", "<a href=\"{$scriptname}&amp;{$addparam}" . (strlen($addparam) > 0 ? "&amp;" : "") . "order=6&amp;by=" . ($order == "leechers" && $by == "DESC" ? "1" : "2") . "\">" . $language["SHORT_L"] . "</a>" . ($order == "leechers" ? $mark : ""));
$torrenttpl->set("torrent_header_complete", "<a href=\"{$scriptname}&amp;{$addparam}" . (strlen($addparam) > 0 ? "&amp;" : "") . "order=7&amp;by=" . ($order == "finished" && $by == "ASC" ? "2" : "1") . "\">" . $language["SHORT_C"] . "</a>" . ($order == "finished" ? $mark : ""));
$torrenttpl->set("torrent_header_downloaded", "<a href=\"{$scriptname}&amp;{$addparam}" . (strlen($addparam) > 0 ? "&amp;" : "") . "order=8&amp;by=" . ($order == "dwned" && $by == "ASC" ? "2" : "1") . "\">" . $language["DOWNLOADED"] . "</a>" . ($order == "dwned" ? $mark : ""));
$torrenttpl->set("torrent_header_speed", "<a href=\"{$scriptname}&amp;{$addparam}" . (strlen($addparam) > 0 ? "&amp;" : "") . "order=9&amp;by=" . ($order == "speed" && $by == "ASC" ? "2" : "1") . "\">" . $language["SPEED"] . "</a>" . ($order == "speed" ? $mark : ""));
$torrenttpl->set("torrent_header_average", $language["AVERAGE"]);
$torrenttpl->set("XBTT", $XBTT_USE, TRUE);
$torrenttpl->set("torrent_pagerbottom", $pagerbottom);
$torrents = array();
$i = 0;
if ($count > 0) {
    foreach ($results as $tid => $data) {
        if (getmoderstatusbyhash($data["hash"]) == 'ok') {
            /*Mod by losmi - visible mod*/
            $ok_level = $data['visible'];
            $curr_l = getLevelVisible($CURUSER['id_level']);
            if ($CURUSER['username'] == $data['uploader'] || $curr_l >= $ok_level) {
                /*Mod by losmi - end visible mod*/
                $torrenttpl->set("WT1", intval($CURUSER["WT"]) > 0, TRUE);
                /*Mod by losmi - sticky mod
                  Start Operation #5*/
                $sticky_color = get_result("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}sticky ORDER BY id", true, $btit_settings['cache_duration']);
                if (count($sticky_color) > 0) {
                    $st = mysql_fetch_assoc($sticky_color);
                    $s_c = $st['color'];
                } else {
                    /*Default value some green #bce1ac;*/
                    $s_c = '#bce1ac;';