function discover_new_device($hostname, $source = 'xdp', $protocol = NULL, $device = NULL, $snmp_port = 161) { global $config; $source = strtolower($source); // Check if source is enabled for autodiscovery if ($config['autodiscovery'][$source]) { $flags = OBS_DNS_ALL; if (!$protocol) { $protocol = strtoupper($source); } print_cli_data("Try discovering host", "{$hostname} through {$protocol}", 3); // By first detect hostname is IP or domain name (IPv4/6 == 4/6, hostname == FALSE) $ip_version = get_ip_version($hostname); if ($ip_version) { // Hostname is IPv4/IPv6 $use_ip = TRUE; $ip = $hostname; } else { $use_ip = FALSE; // Add "mydomain" configuration if this resolves, converts switch1 -> if (!empty($config['mydomain']) && isDomainResolves($hostname . '.' . $config['mydomain'], $flags)) { $hostname .= '.' . $config['mydomain']; } // Determine v4 vs v6 $ip = gethostbyname6($hostname, $flags); if ($ip) { $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); print_debug("Host {$hostname} resolved as {$ip}"); } else { // No DNS records print_debug("Host {$hostname} not resolved, autodiscovery fails."); return FALSE; } } if ($ip_version == 6) { $flags = $flags ^ OBS_DNS_A; // Exclude IPv4 } if (isset($config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip']) && $config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip']) { $flags = $flags | OBS_PING_SKIP; // Add skip pings flag } if (match_network($ip, $config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'])) { print_debug("Host {$hostname} ({$ip}) founded inside configured nets, trying to add:"); // By first check if pingable $pingable = isPingable($ip, $flags); if (!$pingable && (isset($config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip']) && $config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip'])) { $flags = $flags | OBS_PING_SKIP; // Add skip pings flag if allowed in config $pingable = TRUE; } if ($pingable) { // Check if device duplicated by IP $ip = $ip_version == 4 ? $ip : Net_IPv6::uncompress($ip, TRUE); $db = dbFetchRow('SELECT D.`hostname` FROM ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses AS A LEFT JOIN `ports` AS P ON A.`port_id` = P.`port_id` LEFT JOIN `devices` AS D ON D.`device_id` = P.`device_id` WHERE D.`disabled` = 0 AND A.`ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ?', array($ip)); if ($db) { print_debug('Already have device ' . $db['hostname'] . " with IP {$ip}"); return FALSE; } // Detect snmp transport, net-snmp needs udp6 for ipv6 $snmp_transport = $ip_version == 4 ? 'udp' : 'udp6'; $new_device = detect_device_snmpauth($ip, $snmp_port, $snmp_transport); if ($new_device) { if ($use_ip) { // Detect FQDN hostname // by sysName $snmphost = snmp_get($new_device, 'sysName.0', '-Oqv', 'SNMPv2-MIB'); if ($snmphost) { $snmp_ip = gethostbyname6($snmphost, $flags); } if ($snmp_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $snmphost; } else { // by PTR $ptr = gethostbyaddr6($ip); if ($ptr) { $ptr_ip = gethostbyname6($ptr, $flags); } if ($ptr && $ptr_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $ptr; } else { if ($config['autodiscovery']['require_hostname']) { print_debug("Device IP {$ip} does not seem to have FQDN."); return FALSE; } else { $hostname = $ip_version == 4 ? $ip : Net_IPv6::compress($hostname, TRUE); // Always use compressed IPv6 name } } } print_debug("Device IP {$ip} linked to FQDN name: {$hostname}"); } $new_device['hostname'] = $hostname; if (!check_device_duplicated($new_device)) { $snmp_v3 = array(); if ($new_device['snmp_version'] === 'v3') { $snmp_v3['snmp_authlevel'] = $new_device['snmp_authlevel']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authname'] = $new_device['snmp_authname']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authpass'] = $new_device['snmp_authpass']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authalgo'] = $new_device['snmp_authalgo']; $snmp_v3['snmp_cryptopass'] = $new_device['snmp_cryptopass']; $snmp_v3['snmp_cryptoalgo'] = $new_device['snmp_cryptoalgo']; } $remote_device_id = createHost($new_device['hostname'], $new_device['snmp_community'], $new_device['snmp_version'], $new_device['snmp_port'], $new_device['snmp_transport'], $snmp_v3); if ($remote_device_id) { if (is_flag_set(OBS_PING_SKIP, $flags)) { set_entity_attrib('device', $remote_device_id, 'ping_skip', 1); } $remote_device = device_by_id_cache($remote_device_id, 1); if ($port) { humanize_port($port); log_event("Device autodiscovered through {$protocol} on " . $device['hostname'] . " (port " . $port['port_label'] . ")", $remote_device_id, 'port', $port['port_id']); } else { log_event("Device autodiscovered through {$protocol} on " . $device['hostname'], $remote_device_id, $protocol); } //array_push($GLOBALS['devices'], $remote_device); // createHost() already puth this return $remote_device_id; } } } } } else { print_debug("IP {$ip} ({$hostname}) not permitted inside \$config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'] in config.php"); } print_debug('Autodiscovery for host ' . $hostname . ' failed.'); } else { print_debug('Autodiscovery for protocol ' . $protocol . ' disabled.'); } return FALSE; }
} if (isset($peerlist)) { // Walk vendor oids if ($vendor_mib) { if (!isset($vendor_use_index[$vendor_PeerRemoteAddrType])) { $vendor_bgp = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $vendor_PeerRemoteAddrType, $vendor_bgp, $vendor_mib, NULL, OBS_SNMP_ALL_NUMERIC_INDEX); } if ($vendor_PeerIndex && !isset($vendor_use_index[$vendor_PeerIndex])) { $vendor_bgp = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $vendor_PeerIndex, $vendor_bgp, $vendor_mib, NULL, OBS_SNMP_ALL_NUMERIC_INDEX); } $vendor_counters = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $vendor_PrefixCountersSafi, array(), $vendor_mib, NULL, OBS_SNMP_ALL_NUMERIC_INDEX); } echo PHP_EOL; foreach ($peerlist as $peer) { $astext = get_astext($peer['as']); $reverse_dns = gethostbyaddr6($peer['ip']); if ($reverse_dns == $peer['ip']) { unset($reverse_dns); } // Search remote device if possible $peer_addr_type = get_ip_version($peer['ip']); if ($peer_addr_type) { if (in_array($peer['ip'], array('', '', '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001', '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000'))) { $ip_array = FALSE; } else { $peer_addr_type = 'ipv' . $peer_addr_type; $query_ip = 'SELECT `device_id`, `port_id`, `ifOperStatus`, `ifAdminStatus` FROM `' . $peer_addr_type . '_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `' . $peer_addr_type . '_address` = ? AND `device_id` IN (SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `bgpLocalAs` > 0 AND `disabled` = 0)'; $ip_array = dbFetchRows($query_ip, array($peer['ip']));
} else { echo 'Not correct MAC address'; } exit; break; case "ip": list($ip) = explode('/', $vars['entity_id']); $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); if ($ip_version) { if (isset($_SESSION['cache']['response_' . $vars['entity_type'] . '_' . $ip])) { echo $_SESSION['cache']['response_' . $vars['entity_type'] . '_' . $ip]; //echo '<h2>CACHED!</h2>'; exit; } $response = ''; $reverse_dns = gethostbyaddr6($ip); if ($reverse_dns) { $response .= '<h4>' . $reverse_dns . '</h4><hr />' . PHP_EOL; } // WHOIS if (is_executable($config['whois']) && !isset($config['http_proxy'])) { // Use direct whois cmd query (preferred) // NOTE, for now not tested and not supported for KRNIC, ie:, 2001:02B8:00A2:: $cmd = $config['whois'] . ' ' . $ip; $whois = external_exec($cmd); $multi_whois = explode('# start', $whois); // Some time whois return multiple (ie: whois, than use last if (count($multi_whois) > 1) { $whois = array_pop($multi_whois); } $org = 0;
print_vars($pws); } foreach ($pws as $pw_type => $entry) { foreach ($entry as $pw_name => $entry2) { foreach ($entry2 as $pw_ifIndex => $pw) { //if (strlen($pw['jnxVpnPwRowStatus']) && $pw['jnxVpnPwRowStatus'] != 'active') { continue; } // Skip inactive (active, notinService, notReady, createAndGo, createAndWait, destroy) // Get full index $pw_index = snmp_translate('jnxVpnPwRowStatus.' . $pw_type . '."' . $pw_name . '".' . $pw_ifIndex, 'JUNIPER-VPN-MIB'); $pw_index = str_replace('.', '', $pw_index); $peer_addr = hex2ip($pw['jnxVpnRemotePeIdAddress']); $peer_addr_version = get_ip_version($peer_addr); $peer_addr_type = $pw['jnxVpnRemotePeIdAddrType']; if ($peer_addr_version) { $peer_addr_type = 'ipv' . $peer_addr_version; // Override address type, because snmp sometime return incorrect $peer_rdns = gethostbyaddr6($peer_addr); // PTR name if ($peer_addr_type == 'ipv6') { $peer_addr = Net_IPv6::uncompress($peer_addr, TRUE); } // FIXME. Retarded way $remote_device = dbFetchCell('SELECT `device_id` FROM `' . $peer_addr_type . '_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `' . $peer_addr_type . '_address` = ? LIMIT 1;', array($peer_addr)); } else { $peer_rdns = ''; $peer_addr = ''; // Unset peer address print_debug("Not found correct peer address. See snmpwalk for 'jnxVpnRemotePeIdAddress'."); } if (empty($remote_device)) {
function discover_new_device($hostname, $source = 'xdp', $protocol = NULL, $device = NULL, $port = 161) { global $config; $source = strtolower($source); if ($config['autodiscovery'][$source]) { if (!$protocol) { $protocol = strtoupper($source); } print_message("Discovering new host {$hostname} through {$protocol}"); // By first detect hostname is IP or domain name (IPv4/6 == 4/6, hostname == FALSE) $ip_version = get_ip_version($hostname); if ($ip_version) { // Hostname is IPv4/IPv6 $use_ip = TRUE; } else { $use_ip = FALSE; if (!empty($config['mydomain']) && isDomainResolves($hostname . '.' . $config['mydomain'])) { $hostname .= '.' . $config['mydomain']; } $ip = gethostbyname6($hostname); if ($ip) { $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); print_debug("Host {$hostname} resolved as {$ip}"); } else { // No DNS records print_debug("Host {$hostname} not resolved, autodiscovery fails."); return FALSE; } } if (match_network($ip, $config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'])) { print_debug("Host {$hostname} ({$ip}) founded inside configured nets, try to adding:"); if (isPingable($ip)) { // Check if device duplicated by IP $ip = $ip_version == 4 ? $hostname : Net_IPv6::uncompress($hostname, TRUE); $db = dbFetchRow('SELECT D.`hostname` FROM ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses AS A LEFT JOIN `ports` AS P ON A.`port_id` = P.`port_id` LEFT JOIN `devices` AS D ON D.`device_id` = P.`device_id` WHERE D.`disabled` = 0 AND A.`ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ?', array($ip)); if ($db) { print_debug('Already have device ' . $db['hostname'] . " with {$ip}"); return FALSE; } // Detect snmp transport $transport = $ip_version == 4 ? 'udp' : 'udp6'; $new_device = detect_device_snmpauth($ip, $port, $transport); if ($new_device) { if ($use_ip) { // Detect FQDN hostname // by sysName $snmphost = snmp_get($new_device, "sysName.0", "-Oqv", "SNMPv2-MIB", mib_dirs()); if ($snmphost) { $snmp_ip = gethostbyname6($snmphost); } if ($snmp_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $snmphost; } else { // by PTR $ptr = gethostbyaddr6($ip); if ($ptr) { $ptr_ip = gethostbyname6($ptr); } if ($ptr && $ptr_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $ptr; } else { print_debug("Device IP {$ip} not have FQDN name"); return FALSE; } } print_debug("Device IP {$ip} founded FQDN name: {$hostname}"); } $new_device['hostname'] = $hostname; if (!check_device_duplicated($new_device)) { $v3 = array(); if ($new_device['snmpver'] === 'v3') { $v3['authlevel'] = $new_device['authlevel']; $v3['authname'] = $new_device['authname']; $v3['authpass'] = $new_device['authpass']; $v3['authalgo'] = $new_device['authalgo']; $v3['cryptopass'] = $new_device['cryptopass']; $v3['cryptoalgo'] = $new_device['cryptoalgo']; } $remote_device_id = createHost($new_device['hostname'], $new_device['community'], $new_device['snmpver'], $new_device['port'], $new_device['transport'], $v3); if ($remote_device_id) { $remote_device = device_by_id_cache($remote_device_id, 1); if ($port) { humanize_port($port); log_event("Device autodiscovered through {$protocol} on " . $device['hostname'] . " (port " . $port['label'] . ")", $remote_device_id, 'port', $port['port_id']); } else { log_event("Device autodiscovered through {$protocol} on " . $device['hostname'], $remote_device_id, $protocol); } //array_push($GLOBALS['devices'], $remote_device); // createHost() already puth this return $remote_device_id; } } } } } else { print_debug("IP {$ip} ({$hostname}) not permitted inside \$config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'] in config.php"); } print_debug('Autodiscovery for host ' . $hostname . ' fails.'); } else { print_debug('Autodiscovery for protocol ' . $protocol . ' disabled.'); } return FALSE; }
function discover_new_device($hostname, $source = 'xdp', $protocol = NULL, $device = NULL, $snmp_port = 161) { global $config; $source = strtolower($source); if ($config['autodiscovery'][$source]) { if (!$protocol) { $protocol = strtoupper($source); } print_message("发现新主机 {$hostname} 通过 {$protocol}"); // By first detect hostname is IP or domain name (IPv4/6 == 4/6, hostname == FALSE) $ip_version = get_ip_version($hostname); if ($ip_version) { // Hostname is IPv4/IPv6 $use_ip = TRUE; $ip = $hostname; } else { $use_ip = FALSE; if (!empty($config['mydomain']) && isDomainResolves($hostname . '.' . $config['mydomain'])) { $hostname .= '.' . $config['mydomain']; } $ip = gethostbyname6($hostname); if ($ip) { $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); print_debug("主机 {$hostname} 解析为 {$ip}"); } else { // No DNS records print_debug("主机 {$hostname} 无法解析, 自动发现失败."); return FALSE; } } if (match_network($ip, $config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'])) { print_debug("主机 {$hostname} ({$ip}) 内部网络创建配置, 尝试增加:"); if (isPingable($ip)) { // Check if device duplicated by IP $ip = $ip_version == 4 ? $ip : Net_IPv6::uncompress($ip, TRUE); $db = dbFetchRow('SELECT D.`hostname` FROM ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses AS A LEFT JOIN `ports` AS P ON A.`port_id` = P.`port_id` LEFT JOIN `devices` AS D ON D.`device_id` = P.`device_id` WHERE D.`disabled` = 0 AND A.`ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ?', array($ip)); if ($db) { print_debug('已经有设备 ' . $db['hostname'] . " 包含 {$ip}"); return FALSE; } // Detect snmp transport $snmp_transport = $ip_version == 4 ? 'udp' : 'udp6'; $new_device = detect_device_snmpauth($ip, $snmp_port, $snmp_transport); if ($new_device) { if ($use_ip) { // Detect FQDN hostname // by sysName $snmphost = snmp_get($new_device, "sysName.0", "-Oqv", "SNMPv2-MIB", mib_dirs()); if ($snmphost) { $snmp_ip = gethostbyname6($snmphost); } if ($snmp_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $snmphost; } else { // by PTR $ptr = gethostbyaddr6($ip); if ($ptr) { $ptr_ip = gethostbyname6($ptr); } if ($ptr && $ptr_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $ptr; } else { print_debug("设备 IP {$ip} 没有 FQDN 名称"); return FALSE; } } print_debug("设备 IP {$ip} 发现 FQDN 名称: {$hostname}"); } $new_device['hostname'] = $hostname; if (!check_device_duplicated($new_device)) { $snmp_v3 = array(); if ($new_device['snmp_version'] === 'v3') { $snmp_v3['snmp_authlevel'] = $new_device['snmp_authlevel']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authname'] = $new_device['snmp_authname']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authpass'] = $new_device['snmp_authpass']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authalgo'] = $new_device['snmp_authalgo']; $snmp_v3['snmp_cryptopass'] = $new_device['snmp_cryptopass']; $snmp_v3['snmp_cryptoalgo'] = $new_device['snmp_cryptoalgo']; } $remote_device_id = createHost($new_device['hostname'], $new_device['snmp_community'], $new_device['snmp_version'], $new_device['snmp_port'], $new_device['snmp_transport'], $snmp_v3); if ($remote_device_id) { $remote_device = device_by_id_cache($remote_device_id, 1); if ($port) { humanize_port($port); log_event("设备自动发现通过 {$protocol} 在 " . $device['hostname'] . " (port " . $port['label'] . ")", $remote_device_id, 'port', $port['port_id']); } else { log_event("设备自动发现通过 {$protocol} 在 " . $device['hostname'], $remote_device_id, $protocol); } //array_push($GLOBALS['devices'], $remote_device); // createHost() already puth this return $remote_device_id; } } } } } else { print_debug("IP {$ip} ({$hostname}) 不允许内部 \$config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'] 位于 config.php"); } print_debug('自动发现主机 ' . $hostname . ' 错误.'); } else { print_debug('自动发现协议 ' . $protocol . ' 禁用.'); } return FALSE; }
} else { if ($addressSix) { $hostName = gethostbyaddr6($addressSix); } } } if (!$address) { if ($hostName) { $address = gethostbyname($hostName); } if (!$hostName) { if ($address) { $hostName = gethostbyaddr($address); } else { if ($addressSix) { $hostName = gethostbyaddr6($addressSix); } } } } if (!$addressSix) { $addressSix = gethostbyname6($hostName); } $oUser->addStatusMessage('HostName: ' . $hostName); $oUser->addStatusMessage('Address: ' . $address); $oUser->addStatusMessage('Address6: ' . $addressSix); $host->setData(array($host->userColumn => $oUser->getUserID(), 'host_name' => $hostName, 'address' => $address, 'address6' => $addressSix, 'use' => 'generic-host', 'platform' => $platform, 'register' => true, 'generate' => TRUE, 'alias' => $hostName, 'active_checks_enabled' => 1, 'passive_checks_enabled' => 0)); if ($host_group) { $hostgroup = new IEHostgroup($host_group); $host->addMember('hostgroups', $hostgroup->getId(), $hostgroup->getName()); $hostgroup->addMember('members', $host->getId(), $host->getName());