function opendatabaseupdate() { // get user info from db. $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "cobblest_markh", "jobs358"); mysql_select_db(getdbname(), $db); return $db; }
function opendatabaseupdate() { // get user info from db. $db = mysql_connect($GLOBALS['dynamic_mysqlhost'], $GLOBALS['dynamic_mysqluser'], $GLOBALS['dynamic_mysqlpass']); mysql_select_db(getdbname(), $db); $myquery = "SET NAMES latin1"; if (!mysql_query($myquery)) { DoError(1, "", mysql_error()); } return $db; }
exit; } else { //Make sure we have a match. $thecatid = $thepage->gettablename() . "id"; $matchquery = "SELECT * FROM " . $thepage->gettablename() . " WHERE " . $thefield . "='" . $thefile . "' AND " . $thecatid . "='" . $indid . "'"; if ($validquery = mysql_query($matchquery)) { if (mysql_num_rows($validquery) == 0) { $headerloc = "Location: ../../index.php?page=" . $thepage->getfoldername() . "/edit/index.php&message=nomatcherror" . $merror . "&indid=" . $indid; header($headerloc); unset($headerloc); exit; } else { //Update the image file name to none. $deletequery = "UPDATE " . $thepage->gettablename() . " SET " . $thefield . "='none' WHERE " . $thefield . "='" . $thefile . "' AND " . $thecatid . "='" . $indid . "'"; //Make sure the user deletion succeeded. if (mysql_db_query(getdbname(), $deletequery, $db)) { //Move on. } else { $merror = mysql_error(); $headerloc = "Location: ../../index.php?page=" . $thepage->getfoldername() . "/edit/index.php&message=dataerror&merror=" . $merror . $merror . "&indid=" . $indid; header($headerloc); unset($headerloc); exit; } $thedeletefile = "../" . $thepage->getimagefolder() . $thefile; //If we find the file, then we remove it. if (is_file($thedeletefile)) { unlink($thedeletefile); } //If we get this far, then we have succeeded, so let's go back to the appropriate view page... $headerloc = "Location: ../../index.php?page=" . $thepage->getfoldername() . "/edit/index.php&message=success" . $merror . "&indid=" . $indid;
$multicounter = 0; for ($k = 0; $k < count($multiinstances); $k++) { $multicounter++; $tempinst = new multilink("", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $tempinst = $multiinstances[$k]; //If the user selected any, then go through them. if (count($_POST['themultiples' . $multicounter]) > 0) { //Go through the multiples. for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['themultiples' . $multicounter]); $i++) { $themultiple = $_POST['themultiples' . $multicounter][$i]; //First make sure there isn't already a record for this link. if ($verifyquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $tempinst->getmultilinktablename() . " WHERE " . $thepage->gettablename() . "id='{$theid}' && " . $tempinst->getmultitablename() . "id='{$themultiple}'")) { if (mysql_num_rows($verifyquery) == 0) { //Then add a rows to the table. $multiaddquery = "INSERT INTO " . $tempinst->getmultilinktablename() . " (" . $tempinst->getmultilinktablename() . "id," . $thepage->gettablename() . "id, " . $tempinst->getmultitablename() . "id) VALUES ('0','{$theid}','{$themultiple}')"; if (mysql_db_query(getdbname(), $multiaddquery, $db)) { //Success } else { $merror = mysql_error(); $headerloc = "Location: ../../index.php?page=" . $thepage->getfoldername() . "/add/index.php&message=dataerror&merror=" . $merror; header($headerloc); unset($headerloc); exit; } } } else { DoError(1, "", mysql_error()); } } } }
<?php $qstr = getenv('QUERY_STRING'); parse_str($qstr); include 'db.php'; $dbname = getdbname($season); $max_pos = isset($team) ? null : 50; $sql = <<<END with params as (select :lsel as league_select, :tsel as team_select, :max as max_pos), innings_data as (select b.player, b.balls, b.runs, b.wickets, printf('%d%.15f%d/%d', b.wickets, 10 - (cast(b.runs as real) / b.balls), 999 - b.runs, b.runs) as sort_key from bowling b, player p, team t, league l, params parms where b.player = and = and t.league = and (parms.league_select is null or instr(, parms.league_select) <> 0) and (parms.team_select is null or parms.team_select = ), bowling_data as ( select as player_name, as team_id, as team_name, sum(b.balls) as balls, sum(b.runs) as runs, sum(b.wickets) as wickets, round(cast(sum(b.runs) as real) / sum(b.wickets), 2) as average, round(cast(sum(b.runs) * 6 as real) / sum(b.balls), 2) as economy, max(b.sort_key) as best, printf('%d%.15f', sum(b.wickets) + 10, 10 - (cast(sum(b.runs) as real) / sum(b.balls))) as sort_key from innings_data b, player p, team t where b.player = and = group by player) select player_name, team_id, team_name, balls / 6 + 0.1 * (balls % 6) as overs,
$seclevel = 2; } if ($yesno != "full" || $seclevel != 1) { header("Location: ../../index.php?page=files/index.php&message=loginerror"); exit; } else { //Now, we check for a proper match. $uid = finduserid($cookie_id); if ($checkquery = mysql_query("SELECT touserfileid FROM touserfile WHERE touserfileid='{$indid}' AND fromuser='******'")) { $numcheck = mysql_num_rows($checkquery); if ($numcheck == 0) { header("Location: ../../index.php?page=files/index.php&message=nomatcherror"); exit; } else { //Finally we are ready for the archival. $arcquery = "UPDATE touserfile SET archive='1' WHERE touserfileid='{$indid}' AND fromuser='******'"; //Make sure the user deletion succeeded. if (mysql_db_query(getdbname(), $arcquery, $db)) { //Move on. } else { header("Location: ../../index.php?page=files/index.php&message=dataerror"); exit; } header("Location: ../../index.php?page=files/index.php&message=archivesuccess"); } } else { header("Location: ../../index.php?page=files/index.php&message=dataerror"); exit; } } mysql_close($db);
unset($headerloc); exit; } //Now, we need to go through and clean out any files there were. for ($i = 0; $i < count($imgarr); $i++) { $thedeletefile = "../" . $thepage->getimagefolder() . $imgarr[$i]; //If we find the file, then we remove it. if (is_file($thedeletefile)) { unlink($thedeletefile); } unset($thedeletefile); } //And lastly, if there are any linked tables, we must take care of them. if ($thepage->getallowmultilink()) { $remquery = "DELETE FROM " . $thepage->getmultilinktablename() . " WHERE " . $thepage->gettablename() . "id='{$indid}'"; if (mysql_db_query(getdbname(), $remquery, $db)) { //Move on. } else { $merror = mysql_error(); $headerloc = "Location: ../../index.php?page=" . $thepage->getfoldername() . "/index.php&message=dataerror&merror=" . $merror; header($headerloc); unset($headerloc); exit; } } //If we get this far, then we have succeeded, so let's go back to the appropriate view page... $headerloc = "Location: ../../index.php?page=" . $thepage->getfoldername() . "/index.php&message=success"; header($headerloc); unset($headerloc); } } else {
$city = trim(addslashes($_POST['city'])); $postal = trim(addslashes($_POST['postal'])); $email = trim(addslashes($_POST['email'])); $province = $_POST['province']; $password = trim($_POST['password']); //Now edit the client. $editquery = "UPDATE useraccount SET name='{$clientname}', address='{$address}', phone='{$phone}', city='{$city}', province='{$province}', postal='{$postal}', email='{$email}' WHERE useraccountid='{$indid}' AND whosclient='{$uid}'"; if (mysql_db_query(getdbname(), $editquery, $db)) { //Move on. } else { header("Location: ../../index.php?page=clients/edit/index.php&message=dataerror&indid={$indid}"); exit; } //Then edit the client's login. $editloginquery = "UPDATE userlogin SET username='******', password='******' WHERE useraccountid='{$indid}'"; if (mysql_db_query(getdbname(), $editloginquery, $db)) { //Move on. } else { header("Location: ../../index.php?page=clients/edit/index.php&message=dataerror&indid={$indid}"); exit; } //If we get this far, then we have succeeded, so let's go back to the clients page... header("Location: ../../index.php?page=clients/index.php&message=editsuccess"); } } else { header("Location: ../../index.php?page=clients/edit/index.php&message=dataerror&indid={$indid}"); exit; } } //Close the database. mysql_close($db);
$loginrow = mysql_fetch_array($validloginquery); if (strcmp($username, $loginrow['username']) == 0 && strcmp($password, $loginrow['password']) == 0) { session_start(); $cookie_id = $loginrow['staffloginid']; $cookie_user = $loginrow['username']; $cookie_pass = crypt($loginrow['password'], 'xx'); $_SESSION['cookie_id'] = $cookie_id; $_SESSION['cookie_user'] = $cookie_user; $_SESSION['cookie_pass'] = $cookie_pass; //Now we grab the current time and IP Address. $now = time(); $ip = $REMOTE_ADDR; $updateid = $loginrow['staffloginid']; $updateloginquery = "UPDATE stafflogin SET lastlogin='******', lastip='{$ip}' WHERE staffloginid='{$updateid}'"; //Make sure the update succeeded. if (mysql_db_query(getdbname(), $updateloginquery, $db)) { //Keep moving. } else { $theerror = mysql_error(); header("Location: index.php?message=dataerror&merror={$theerror}"); exit; } //Then we clear out. header("Location: index.php"); } else { header("Location: index.php?message=loginerror"); exit; } } } else { $theerror = mysql_error();
DoError(1, "", mysql_error()); } } } //Now, we have to go through all the link records for this item. If there is one that was //not selected this time, then the user must want to remove it. So it shall be. //Run through all the instances. if ($rquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $tempinst->getmultilinktablename() . " WHERE " . $thepage->gettablename() . "id='{$indid}'")) { if (mysql_num_rows($rquery) > 0) { while ($rdata = mysql_fetch_array($rquery)) { $tempid = $tempinst->getmultitablename() . "id"; if (!in_array($rdata[$tempid], $multitracker)) { //Then remove the record. $thedel = $rdata[$tempid]; $multiremovequery = "DELETE FROM " . $tempinst->getmultilinktablename() . " WHERE " . $tempinst->getmultitablename() . "id='{$thedel}' AND " . $thepage->gettablename() . "id='{$indid}'"; if (mysql_db_query(getdbname(), $multiremovequery, $db)) { //Success } else { $merror = mysql_error(); $headerloc = "Location: ../../index.php?page=" . $thepage->getfoldername() . "/add/index.php&message=dataerror&merror=" . $merror; header($headerloc); unset($headerloc); exit; } } } } } else { $merror = mysql_error(); $headerloc = "Location: ../../index.php?page=" . $thepage->getfoldername() . "/add/index.php&message=dataerror&merror=" . $merror; header($headerloc);
$clientname = trim(addslashes($_POST['clientname'])); $address = trim(addslashes($_POST['address'])); $phone = trim(addslashes($_POST['phone'])); $city = trim(addslashes($_POST['city'])); $postal = trim(addslashes($_POST['postal'])); $email = trim(addslashes($_POST['email'])); $province = $_POST['province']; $password = trim($_POST['password']); $uid = finduserid($cookie_id); //Now add the client. $addquery = "INSERT INTO useraccount (useraccountid, name, address, phone, city, province, postal, email, whosclient) VALUES ('0','{$clientname}','{$address}','{$phone}','{$city}','{$province}','{$postal}','{$email}','{$uid}')"; if (mysql_db_query(getdbname(), $addquery, $db)) { //Move on. } else { header("Location: ../../index.php?page=clients/add/index.php&message=dataerror"); exit; } $newid = mysql_insert_id(); //Now, insert the login information. $addloginquery = "INSERT INTO userlogin (userloginid, useraccountid, username, password, lastlogin, lastip, seclevel) VALUES ('0','{$newid}','{$username}','{$password}','never','none','2')"; if (mysql_db_query(getdbname(), $addloginquery, $db)) { //Move on. } else { header("Location: ../../index.php?page=clients/add/index.php&message=dataerror"); exit; } //If we get this far, then we have succeeded, so let's go back to the clients page... header("Location: ../../index.php?page=clients/index.php&message=success"); } //Close the database. mysql_close($db);
//Now, we simply move the category to the new position and take the category in that position to the other position. $updatequery = "UPDATE " . $thepage->gettablename() . " SET displayorder='{$towhat}' WHERE " . $thecatid . "='{$indid}'"; if (mysql_db_query(getdbname(), $updatequery, $db)) { //Move on. } else { $merror = mysql_error(); $headerloc = "Location: ../../index.php?page=" . $thepage->getfoldername() . "/index.php&indid={$indid}&message=dataerror&merror=" . $merror; header($headerloc); unset($headerloc); exit; } $old = $catdata['displayorder']; $oldid = $olddata[$thecatid]; //Then change the other one. $updateoldquery = "UPDATE " . $thepage->gettablename() . " SET displayorder='{$old}' WHERE " . $thecatid . "='{$oldid}'"; if (mysql_db_query(getdbname(), $updateoldquery, $db)) { //Move on. } else { $merror = mysql_error(); $headerloc = "Location: ../../index.php?page=" . $thepage->getfoldername() . "/index.php&indid={$indid}&message=dataerror&merror=" . $merror; header($headerloc); unset($headerloc); exit; } header("Location: ../../index.php?page=" . $thepage->getfoldername() . "/index.php&message=Record position successfully altered."); } } else { $merror = mysql_error(); $headerloc = "Location: ../../index.php?page=" . $thepage->getfoldername() . "/index.php&indid={$indid}&message=dataerror&merror=" . $merror; header($headerloc); unset($headerloc);