} else { $action = @$_REQUEST["action"]; $VipUser = $_COOKIE["AdminUser"]; $title = @$_REQUEST["biaoti"]; $content = @$_REQUEST["yaoqiu"]; $pianshu = @$_REQUEST["pianshu"]; $price = @$_REQUEST["jiage"]; $data = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $flag = @$_REQUEST["flag"]; $encontent = @$_REQUEST["yijian"]; $ID = @$_REQUEST["userid"]; switch ($action) { case "add": $flag = 0; $flag1 = 3; $order_id = getyear($data) . getmonth($data) . getday($data) . rand(10000, 99999); $sqls = "select * from admin where AdminUser='******'"; $results = mysql_db_query($dbname, $sqls); $rss = mysql_fetch_array($results); if ($rss != NULL) { $leixing = "软文代写"; $sqlc = "insert into caiwu (order_id,VipUser,operator,leixing,jine,flag,data) values ('" . $order_id . "','" . $VipUser . "','" . $VipUser . "','" . $leixing . "'," . $price . "," . $flag1 . ",'" . $data . "')"; mysql_db_query($dbname, $sqlc); $yue = $rss["yue"] - $price; $sqlu = "update admin set yue=" . $yue . " where AdminUser='******'"; mysql_db_query($dbname, $sqlu); $sql = "insert into daixie_info (order_id,title,content,pianshu,price,VipUser,data,flag) values ('" . $order_id . "','" . $title . "','" . $content . "'," . $pianshu . "," . $price . ",'" . $VipUser . "','" . $data . "'," . $flag . ")"; mysql_db_query($dbname, $sql); //mysql_select_db($dbname); //$result=mysql_query($sql); echo "<script>alert('提交代写成功!');location.href='daixie.php';</script>";
/** * Cnews::edit() * * @param integer $catalogue_id * @param integer $news_id * @return */ function edit($catalogue_id = 0, $news_id = 0) { $newscatalogue = new newscatalogue($catalogue_id); if (!$newscatalogue->exists()) { show_404(); } $news = new article($news_id); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET") { if (!$news->exists()) { } else { if (getconfigkey('use_ftp')) { $this->load->library('ftp'); $config['hostname'] = $this->cauhinh->where('fieldname', 'ftp_server')->get()->value; $config['username'] = $this->cauhinh->where('fieldname', 'ftp_username')->get()->value; $config['password'] = $this->cauhinh->where('fieldname', 'ftp_password')->get()->value; if (empty($news->dir)) { $ex = explode(' ', $news->created); $createdate = $ex[0]; $y = getyear($createdate); $m = getmonth($createdate); $d = getday($createdate); $ddir = "img/news/" . $y . '/' . $m . '/' . $d . '/' . md5(date("Y-m-d h:i:s")) . '/'; $news->dir = $ddir; $news->save(); $this->_create_dir($ddir); } else { if ($this->ftp->list_files($news->dir) == FALSE) { $this->_create_dir($news->dir); } } $this->ftp->close(); } else { if (empty($news->dir)) { $news->dir = getconfigkey("default_news_dir"); } } } } else { $this->load->helper('remove_vn_helper'); $this->load->library('file_lib'); $news->title_vietnamese = $this->input->post('title_vietnamese'); $news->title_english = $this->input->post('title_english'); $news->title_japanese = $this->input->post('title_japanese'); $news->title_none = remove_vn($news->title_vietnamese); $news->author = $this->input->post('author'); $news->tag = $this->input->post('tag'); $tags = remove_vn($this->input->post('tag') . ' ' . $this->input->post('title_vietnamese') . ' ' . $this->input->post('short_vietnamese')); $tags = explode('-', $tags); $news->tag_search = implode(' ', $tags); $news->short_vietnamese = strip_tags($this->input->post('txtShort_vietnamese')); $news->full_vietnamese = $this->input->post('txtFull_vietnamese'); $news->short_english = strip_tags($this->input->post('txtShort_english')); $news->full_english = $this->input->post('txtFull_english'); $news->short_japanese = strip_tags($this->input->post('txtShort_japanese')); $news->full_japanese = $this->input->post('txtFull_japanese'); $news->dir = $this->input->post('dir'); $news->pagi = $this->input->post('pagi'); if ($this->logged_in_user->adminrole->id == 1) { $news->navigation = $this->input->post('navigation'); $news->menu_active = $this->input->post('menu_active'); $news->old_id = $this->input->post('old_id'); } $new_image = $this->input->post('newimage'); if ($new_image == '1') { $dataupload = $this->file_lib->upload('image', "img/news"); if (!is_array($dataupload)) { flash_message('error', $dataupload); } else { $news->image = $dataupload['file_name']; $this->resize_image($news->dir . $dataupload['file_name']); } } else { $news->image = trim($this->input->post('imagelink')); } //newstopic $newstp = new newstopic($this->input->post('newstopic')); $newsc = new newscatalogue($this->input->post('newscatalogue')); if (!$news->exists()) { $news->active = 0; } if ($news->save(array($newsc, $newstp))) { $this->session->unset_userdata('dir_for_news'); redirect($this->admin . 'cnews/edit/' . $news->newscatalogue->id . '/' . $news->id); } else { flash_message("error", "Lỗi"); } } //setup start folder for kfm $newscat = new newscatalogue(); $newscat->where('parentcat_id !=', 'NULL'); $newscat->where('parentcat_id', $newscatalogue->parentcat_id); $newscat->order_by('position', 'asc'); $newscat->get(); $newstopic = new newstopic(); $newstopic->order_by('id', 'desc'); $newstopic->get(); $sitelanguage = new Sitelanguage(); $sitelanguage->order_by('position', 'asc'); $sitelanguage->get(); $dis['sitelanguage'] = $sitelanguage; $dis['newstopic'] = $newstopic; $dis['base_url'] = base_url(); $dis['newscatalogue'] = $newscat; $dis['currentcatalogue'] = $newscatalogue; $dis['title'] = "Thêm/ Sửa trang"; $dis['menu_active'] = "Tin"; $dis['view'] = "news/edit"; $dis['object'] = $news; $dis['nav_menu'] = array(array("type" => "back", "text" => "Back", "link" => "{$this->admin_url}cnews/list_all", "onclick" => "")); if ($this->logged_in_user->adminrole->id == 1 && $this->logged_in_user->adminrole->id == 1) { array_push($dis['nav_menu'], array("type" => "copymove", "text" => "Copy/Move", "link" => "javascript:void(0);", "onclick" => "show_copy()")); } $this->viewadmin($dis); }
if (!isset($_SESSION[$diary->sessname])) { die('It was a dark, cloudy morning!'); } // End if. // End Access check code. $act = @$_REQUEST['act']; if (!isset($act)) { exit; } $gt_dt_d = @$_GET['dt_d']; // Date passed to this script in the format yyyy-mm-dd switch ($act) { // makerequest // case 'getday': getday($diary->link, $gt_dt_d, $d_date5, $arr_d, $datetoday); // $d_date5 will get passed to popp function break; // // case 'gotoday': gotoday($diary->link, $gt_dt_d, $arr_d); break; // Delete entry // Delete entry case 'del': del($diary->link); break; // Update / insert new entry // Update / insert new entry case 'upd':
function printdate($datetime) { return date('n月j日', $datetime) . ' ' . getday($datetime); }
/** * get all day names (eventually with short name) * * @param boolean $shortName define output format of day * * @return array with all day names */ function getalldays($shortName = false) { $ret = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++) { $ret[] = getday($i, $shortName); } return $ret; }