function total_price($cart) { $price = 0.0; if (is_array($cart)) { foreach ($cart as $isbn => $qty) { $bookprice = getbookprice($isbn); if ($bookprice) { $price += $bookprice * $qty; } } } return $price; }
$card_number = $_POST['card_number']; $card_PID = $_POST['card_PID']; $card_expire = strtotime($_POST['card_expire']); $card_owner = $_POST['card_owner']; // find customer $customerid = getCustomerId($name, $address, $city, $zip_code, $country); if ($customerid == null) { // insert customer into database and return customerid $customerid = setCustomerId($name, $address, $city, $zip_code, $country); } $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); insertIntoOrder($conn, $customerid, $_SESSION['total_price'], $date, $name, $address, $city, $zip_code, $country); // take orderid from order to insert order items $orderid = getOrderId($conn, $customerid); foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $isbn => $qty) { $bookprice = getbookprice($isbn); $query = "INSERT INTO order_items VALUES \n\t\t('{$orderid}', '{$isbn}', '{$bookprice}', '{$qty}')"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query); if (!$result) { echo "Insert value false!" . mysqli_error($conn2); exit; } } session_unset(); ?> <p class="lead text-success">Your order has been processed sucessfully. Please check your email to get your order confirmation and shipping detail!. Your cart has been empty.</p> <?php if (isset($conn)) { mysqli_close($conn);