public function testReturnsFormattedUriFromRequestObject() { $request = new Shows(get_token(), Carbon::now(), 7); $formattedUri = UriBuilder::format($request); $this->assertContains($formattedUri, $formattedUri); $this->assertContains(Carbon::now()->format("Y-m-d"), $formattedUri); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->token = get_token(); $this->wecha_id = get_openid(); // 读取配置 $pay_config_db = M('payment_set'); $paymentSet = $pay_config_db->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); if ($paymentSet['wx_cert_pem'] && $paymentSet['wx_key_pem']) { $ids[] = $paymentSet['wx_cert_pem']; $ids[] = $paymentSet['wx_key_pem']; $map['id'] = array('in', $ids); $fileData = M('file')->where($map)->select(); $downloadConfig = C(DOWNLOAD_UPLOAD); foreach ($fileData as $f) { if ($paymentSet['wx_cert_pem'] == $f['id']) { $certpath = SITE_PATH . str_replace('/', '\\', substr($downloadConfig['rootPath'], 1) . $f['savepath'] . $f['savename']); } else { $keypath = SITE_PATH . str_replace('/', '\\', substr($downloadConfig['rootPath'], 1) . $f['savepath'] . $f['savename']); } } $paymentSet['cert_path'] = $certpath; $paymentSet['key_path'] = $keypath; } $this->payConfig = $paymentSet; session('paymentinfo', $this->payConfig); }
function reply($dataArr, $keywordArr = array()) { $map['id'] = $keywordArr['aim_id']; $param['token'] = get_token(); $param['openid'] = get_openid(); if ($keywordArr['extra_text'] == 'custom_reply_mult') { // 多图文回复 $mult = M('custom_reply_mult')->where($map)->find(); $map_news['id'] = array('in', $mult['mult_ids']); $list = M('custom_reply_news')->where($map_news)->select(); foreach ($list as $k => $info) { if ($k > 8) { continue; } $articles[] = array('Title' => $info['title'], 'Description' => $info['intro'], 'PicUrl' => get_cover_url($info['cover']), 'Url' => $this->_getNewsUrl($info, $param)); } $res = $this->replyNews($articles); } elseif ($keywordArr['extra_text'] == 'custom_reply_news') { // 单条图文回复 $info = M('custom_reply_news')->where($map)->find(); // 组装微信需要的图文数据,格式是固定的 $articles[0] = array('Title' => $info['title'], 'Description' => $info['intro'], 'PicUrl' => get_cover_url($info['cover']), 'Url' => $this->_getNewsUrl($info, $param)); $res = $this->replyNews($articles); } else { // 增加积分 add_credit('custom_reply', 300); // 文本回复 $info = M('custom_reply_text')->where($map)->find(); $contetn = replace_url(htmlspecialchars_decode($info['content'])); $this->replyText($contetn); } }
function credit_data() { $model = $this->getModel('credit_data'); $map['token'] = get_token(); session('common_condition', $map); parent::common_lists($model, 0, 'Addons/lists'); }
private function formText($user, $config) { if (!$user) { return '请先回复绑定并绑定真实信息以使用本功能.'; } if ($user['user_type'] == 1) { return '老师是没有考试成绩的0.0'; } else { $textArr = array(); $userGrades = M('cjcx')->where(array('school_id' => $user['school_id'], 'term' => $config['term']))->select(); if (0 == count($userGrades)) { return "空记录! 还没有更新呢!"; } foreach ($userGrades as $item) { $_t = ''; $_t .= "课程名称: {$item['course_name']},\n"; $_t .= "课程属性: {$item['class_type']}, \n"; $_t .= "学分: {$item['study_score']},\n"; $_t .= "分数: {$item['stu_grade']}"; array_push($textArr, $_t); } $basic = implode("\n\n", $textArr); $params['openid'] = get_openid(); $params['token'] = get_token(); $more = "\n\n" . "<a href='" . addons_url("Cjcx://Cjcx/center", $params) . "'>查看完整记录</a>"; return $basic . $more; } }
function init_follow($openid, $token = '', $has_subscribe = false) { empty($token) && ($token = get_token()); addWeixinLog($openid . '::_' . $token, 'init_follow_in'); if (empty($openid) || $openid == -1 || empty($token) || $token == -1) { return false; } $data['token'] = $token; $data['openid'] = $openid; $datas = $data; $uid = M('public_follow')->where($data)->getField('uid'); addWeixinLog($uid, 'init_follow_check_uid'); if ($uid) { return $uid; } // 自动注册 $config = getAddonConfig('UserCenter', $token); $user = array('experience' => intval($config['experience']), 'score' => intval($config['score']), 'reg_ip' => get_client_ip(1), 'reg_time' => NOW_TIME, 'last_login_ip' => get_client_ip(1), 'last_login_time' => NOW_TIME, 'status' => 1, 'is_init' => 1, 'is_audit' => 1, 'come_from' => 1); $user2 = getWeixinUserInfo($openid); $user = array_merge($user, $user2); $data['uid'] = $uid = D('Common/User')->add($user); if ($has_subscribe !== false) { $data['has_subscribe'] = $has_subscribe; } M('public_follow')->add($data); return $uid; }
public function testCheckIn() { $json = '{ "watched_at": "2014-08-06T01:11:37.953Z", "sharing": { "facebook": true, "twitter": true, "tumblr": false }, "movie": { "title": "Guardians of the Galaxy", "year": 2014, "ids": { "trakt": 28, "slug": "guardians-of-the-galaxy-2014", "imdb": "tt2015381", "tmdb": 118340 } } }'; $client = Mockery::mock(stdClass::class . ", " . ClientInterface::class); $request = Mockery::mock(stdClass::class . ", " . RequestInterface::class); $response = Mockery::mock(stdClass::class . ", " . ResponseInterface::class); $client->shouldReceive("createRequest")->once()->andReturn($request); $response->shouldReceive("getStatusCode")->once()->andReturn(200); $response->shouldReceive("json")->once()->andReturn(json_decode($json)); $client->shouldReceive("send")->once()->andReturn($response); $auth = mock_auth(); $trakt = new Trakt($auth, $client); $checkIn = $trakt->checkIn; $this->assertInstanceOf("Wubs\\Trakt\\Api\\CheckIn", $checkIn); $response = $checkIn->create(get_token(), movie($client), "nooo way!", ['facebook' => false, 'twitter' => false, 'tumblr' => false], "1200", "blablabla", "1.1", $this->today->format("Y-m-d")); $this->assertInstanceOf("Wubs\\Trakt\\Response\\CheckIn", $response); }
function switch_theme() { global $themes; if (isset($_COOKIE['adminer_theme'])) { $THEME = $_COOKIE['adminer_theme']; } else { $THEME = "default"; } echo "<form style='' action='' method='post' id='themes-form'>\n<div id='themes'>"; echo lang('Themes: '); echo "<select name='theme' onchange='this.form.submit();'>"; echo "<option value='default'>Default</option>"; foreach ($themes as $key => $value) { $selected = ""; if ($key == $THEME) { $selected = " selected='selected' "; } echo "<option value='{$key}' {$selected}>{$value}</option>"; } echo "</select>"; echo " <input type='submit' value='" . lang('Use') . "' class='hidden'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='" . get_token() . "'>\n"; // $token may be empty in echo "</div>\n</form>\n"; }
function _initialize() { //模板初始化 C('DEFAULT_THEME', session('DEFAULT_THEME')); $token = get_token(); $param = array('lists', 'config', 'nulldeal'); if (in_array(_ACTION, $param) && (empty($token) || $token == '-1')) { $url = U('Public/lists?from=2'); redirect($url); } // 管理员需要对插件的管理权限进行判断 if (is_login()) { $token_status = D('Common/AddonStatus')->getList(false); if ($token_status[_ADDONS] == -1) { $this->error('你没有权限管理和配置该插件'); } return true; } C('EDITOR_UPLOAD.rootPath', './Uploads/Editor/' . $token . '/'); if ($GLOBALS['is_wap']) { // 默认错误跳转对应的模板文件 C('TMPL_ACTION_ERROR', 'Addons:dispatch_jump_mobile'); // 默认成功跳转对应的模板文件 C('TMPL_ACTION_SUCCESS', 'Addons:dispatch_jump_mobile'); } else { $this->_nav(); } }
function show($widget) { $map['token'] = get_token(); if ($widget['data_from'] == 2) { // 部分商品 cate_id=1,2,3&search_key=[search_key]&shopping_list=1 $condition = str_replace(array('[cate_id]', '[search_key]'), array($_REQUEST['cate_id'], $_REQUEST['search_key']), $widget['data_condition']); parse_str($condition, $output); if (!empty($output['cate_id'])) { $map = getIdsForMap($output['cate_id'], $map, 'cate_id_1'); } if (!empty($output['search_key'])) { $key = safe($output['search_key']); $map['title'] = array('like', "%{$key}%"); } if (isset($output['shopping_list'])) { // 购物清单 TODO } } elseif ($widget['data_from'] == 1) { // 指定商品 $map = getIdsForMap($widget['data_ids'], $map); } if (isset($_REQUEST['cate_id'])) { $cid = intval($_REQUEST['cate_id']); $map['_string'] = ' (cate_id_1=' . $cid . ' or cate_id_2=' . $cid . ') '; } $list = M('shop_product')->where($map)->order($widget['order'])->selectPage($widget['list_row']); // dump ( $list ); $this->assign('list', $list); // dump ( $widget ); return $this->getWidgetHtml($widget); }
function add_qr_code($action_name = 'QR_SCENE', $addon = '', $aim_id = '', $extra_int = '', $extra_text = '') { set_time_limit(30); $data['scene_id'] = $this->get_scene_id($action_name); if (!$data['scene_id']) { return -1; // 场景值已满 } $data['addon'] = $addon; $data['aim_id'] = $aim_id; $data['action_name'] = $action_name; $data['extra_text'] = $extra_text; $data['extra_int'] = $extra_int; $data['cTime'] = time(); $data['token'] = get_token(); $data['qr_code'] = $this->QrcodeCreate($data['scene_id'], $data['action_name']); // dump ( $data ); // exit (); if (!$data['qr_code']) { return -2; // 获取二维码失败 } $res = $this->add($data); if (!$res) { return -3; // 保存数据失败 } return $data['qr_code']; }
/** * 编辑器挂载的后台文档模型文章内容钩子 * * type=db&table=common_category&module=shop_category&value_field=id * type=text&data=[广西[南宁,桂林], 广东[广州, 深圳[福田区, 龙岗区, 宝安区]]] */ public function cascade($data) { $key = $data['name'] . '_' . get_token(); $json = S($key); if ($json === false) { parse_str($data['extra'], $arr); empty($arr['type']) && ($arr['type'] = 'db'); if ($arr['type'] == 'db') { $table = !empty($arr['table']) ? $arr['table'] : 'common_category'; $value_field = !empty($arr['value_field']) ? $arr['value_field'] : 'id'; $custom_field = !empty($arr['custom_field']) ? $arr['custom_field'] : 'id,title,pid,sort'; $custom_pid = !empty($arr['custom_pid']) ? $arr['custom_pid'] : 0; unset($arr['type'], $arr['table'], $arr['value_field'], $arr['custom_field'], $arr['custom_pid']); // dump($arr); $arr['token'] = get_token(); $list = M($table)->where($arr)->field($custom_field)->order('pid asc, sort asc')->select(); // lastsql(); // dump($list); $tree = $this->makeTree($list, $custom_pid, $value_field); } else { $tree = $this->str2json($arr['data']); } // dump ( $tree ); $json = json_encode($tree); S($key, $json, 86400); } // dump ( $json ); $this->assign('json', $json); $data['default_value'] = $data['value']; empty($data['default_value']) || ($data['default_value'] = '"' . str_replace(',', '","', $data['default_value']) . '"'); $this->assign($data); $this->display('content'); }
public function getCommonArticles($extra_int) { $map['token'] = get_token(); $extra_int && ($map['id'] = $extra_int); $data = M('scratch')->where($map)->order('id desc')->select(); if (!$data) { return true; } // 其中token和openid这两个参数一定要传,否则程序不知道是哪个微信用户进入了系统 //$param ['token'] = get_token (); //$param ['openid'] = get_openid (); foreach ($data as $key => $vo) { $param['id'] = $vo['id']; $url = addons_url('Scratch://Scratch/show', $param); $articles[$key] = array('Title' => $vo['title'], 'Url' => $url); $now = time(); if ($vo['end_time'] > $now) { $articles[$key]['Description'] = $vo['intro']; $articles[$key]['PicUrl'] = !empty($vo['cover']) ? get_cover_url($vo['cover']) : SITE_URL . '/Addons/Scratch/View/default/Public/cover_pic.jpg'; } else { $articles[$key]['Description'] = $vo['end_tips']; $articles[$key]['PicUrl'] = !empty($vo['end_cover']) ? get_cover_url($vo['end_cover']) : SITE_URL . '/Addons/Scratch/View/default/Public/cover_pic_over.png'; } } //foreach $this->replyNews($articles); }
function move_group($id, $group_id) { is_array($id) || ($id = explode(',', $id)); $data['uid'] = $map['uid'] = array('in', $id); // $data ['group_id'] = $group_id; //TODO 前端微信用户只能有一个微信组 $res = M('auth_group_access')->where($data)->delete(); $data['group_id'] = $group_id; foreach ($id as $uid) { $data['uid'] = $uid; $res = M('auth_group_access')->add($data); // 更新用户缓存 D('Common/User')->getUserInfo($uid, true); } $group = $this->find($group_id); // 同步到微信端 if (C('USER_GROUP') && !empty($group['wechat_group_id'])) { $url = '' . get_access_token(); $map['token'] = get_token(); $follow = M('public_follow')->where($map)->field('openid, uid')->select(); foreach ($follow as $v) { if (empty($v['openid'])) { continue; } $param['openid'] = $v['openid']; $param['to_groupid'] = $group['wechat_group_id']; $param = JSON($param); $res = post_data($url, $param); } } return $group; }
public function ImageManager() { $name = I("name"); $id = I("id"); $times = I("times", 0, "intval"); $where = array(); if (!empty($times)) { $where = $this->getTimeMap($times); } /*wzh2015年8月13日15:24:46增加token筛选,避免不同账号图片错乱*/ $where['token'] = get_token(); $strTimes = $this->getPictureTimes(array('token' => $where['token'])); $PictureResult = $this->getAllPictureData($where); $config = $this->config; //var_dump($PictureResult);die; $this->assign("addon_path", "./Plugins/ImageManager/"); $this->assign("curtime", $times); $this->assign("strTimes", $strTimes); $arrname = strpos($name, '[') == false ? $name : explode('[', trim($name, ']')); is_array($arrname) && ($name = $arrname[1]); $this->assign("name", $name); $this->assign("id", $id); $this->assign("config", $config); $this->assign($PictureResult); $this->display('index'); }
public function testWithDaysAndStartDate() { $startDate = Carbon::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", "2014-03-01"); $request = new Shows(get_token(), $startDate, 25); $this->assertContains("25", (string) $request->getDays()); $this->assertContains("2014-03-01", (string) $request->getStartDate()); }
function updateFollowTotalCredit($uid) { $map['uid'] = $map2['id'] = $uid; $map['token'] = get_token(); $info = $this->where($map)->field('sum(score) as score, sum(experience) as experience')->find(); D('Common/Follow')->update($uid, $info); }
function subscribe($dataArr) { $config = getAddonConfig('Wecome'); // 获取后台插件的配置参数 // 其中token和openid这两个参数一定要传,否则程序不知道是哪个微信用户进入了系统 $param['token'] = get_token(); $param['openid'] = get_openid(); $sreach = array('[follow]', '[website]'); $replace = array(addons_url('UserCenter://UserCenter/edit', $param), addons_url('WeiSite://WeiSite/index', $param)); $config['description'] = str_replace($sreach, $replace, $config['description']); switch ($config['type']) { case '3': $articles[0] = array('Title' => $config['title'], 'Description' => $config['description'], 'PicUrl' => $config['pic_url'], 'Url' => str_replace($sreach, $replace, $config['url'])); $res = $this->replyNews($articles); break; // case '2' : // $media_id = 1; // $res = $this->replyImage ( $media_id ); // break; // case '2' : // $media_id = 1; // $res = $this->replyImage ( $media_id ); // break; default: $res = $this->replyText($config['description']); } return $res; }
public function productDetail($map) { $token = get_token(); $map['token'] = $token; $list = M('product')->where($map)->select(); return $list[0]; }
public function getUnitCost($id) { $map['token'] = get_token(); $map['id'] = $id; $price = M('shop_product')->where($map)->field('discount_price')->limit(1)->select(); return $price[0]['discount_price']; }
public function __construct() { if ($_REQUEST['doNotInit']) { return true; } $content = wp_file_get_contents('php://input'); !empty($content) || die('这是微信请求的接口地址,直接在浏览器里无效'); if ($_GET['encrypt_type'] == 'aes') { vendor('WXBiz.wxBizMsgCrypt'); $this->sReqTimeStamp = I('get.timestamp'); $this->sReqNonce = I('get.nonce'); $this->sEncryptMsg = I('get.msg_signature'); $map['id'] = I(''); $info = M('member_public')->where($map)->find(); get_token($info['token']); // 设置token $this->wxcpt = new \WXBizMsgCrypt('weiphp', $info['encodingaeskey'], $info['appid']); $sMsg = ""; // 解析之后的明文 $errCode = $this->wxcpt->DecryptMsg($this->sEncryptMsg, $this->sReqTimeStamp, $this->sReqNonce, $content, $sMsg); if ($errCode != 0) { addWeixinLog($_GET, "DecryptMsg Error: " . $errCode); exit; } else { // 解密成功,sMsg即为xml格式的明文 $content = $sMsg; } } $data = new \SimpleXMLElement($content); // $data || die ( '参数获取失败' ); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $this->data[$key] = strval($value); } }
// dump($list_data); $this->display('Addons/lists'); } public function edit($id = 0) { $model = $this->getModel('credit_config'); $id || ($id = I('id')); // 获取数据 $data = M(get_table_name($model['id']))->find($id); $data || $this->error('数据不存在!'); if (IS_POST) { $act = 'save'; if ($data['token'] == 0) { $_POST['token'] = get_token(); unset($_POST['id']); $act = 'add'; } $Model = D(parse_name(get_table_name($model['id']), 1)); // 获取模型的字段信息 $Model = $this->checkAttr($Model, $model['id']); if ($Model->create() && $Model->{$act}()) { // dump($Model->getLastSql()); $this->success('保存' . $model['title'] . '成功!', U('lists?model=' . $model['name'])); } else { // dump($Model->getLastSql()); $this->error($Model->getError()); } } else { $fields = get_model_attribute($model['id']); $this->assign('fields', $fields); $this->assign('data', $data); $this->meta_title = '编辑' . $model['title'];
public function execute($_addons = null, $_controller = null, $_action = null) { if (!empty($_action) && !empty($_addons) && empty($_controller)) { $_controller = $_GET['_controller'] = $_addons; $_REQUEST['_controller'] = $_REQUEST['_addons']; } if (C('URL_CASE_INSENSITIVE')) { $_addons = ucfirst(parse_name($_addons, 1)); $_controller = parse_name($_controller, 1); } define('ADDON_PUBLIC_PATH', __ROOT__ . '/Addons/' . $_addons . '/View/default/Public'); defined('_ADDONS') or define('_ADDONS', $_addons); defined('_CONTROLLER') or define('_CONTROLLER', $_controller); defined('_ACTION') or define('_ACTION', $_action); $token = get_token(); if (in_array($_action, array('lists', 'config', 'nulldeal')) && (empty($token) || $token == '-1')) { $this->error('请先增加公众号!', U('Home/MemberPublic/lists')); } $this->_nav(); if (!empty($_addons) && !empty($_controller) && !empty($_action)) { tongji($_addons); A("Addons://{$_addons}/{$_controller}")->{$_action}(); } else { $this->error('没有指定插件名称,控制器或操作!'); } }
function reply($dataArr, $keywordArr = array()) { $config = getAddonConfig('Draw'); // 获取后台插件的配置参数 //dump($config); $map['token'] = get_token(); $keywordArr['aim_id'] && ($map['id'] = $keywordArr['aim_id']); $data = M('lottery_games')->where($map)->find(); // 其中token和openid这两个参数一定要传,否则程序不知道是哪个微信用户进入了系统 $param['token'] = get_token(); $param['openid'] = get_openid(); $param['games_id'] = $data['id']; $url = addons_url('Draw://Wap/index', $param); $articles[0] = array('Title' => $data['title'], 'Url' => $url, 'Description' => $data['intro']); switch ($data['game_type']) { case 1: $articles[0]['PicUrl'] = SITE_URL . '/Addons/Draw/View/default/Public/guaguale_cover.jpg'; break; case 2: $articles[0]['PicUrl'] = SITE_URL . '/Addons/Draw/View/default/Public/dzp_cover.jpg'; break; case 3: $articles[0]['PicUrl'] = SITE_URL . '/Addons/Draw/View/default/Public/zjd_cover.jpg'; break; case 4: $articles[0]['PicUrl'] = SITE_URL . '/Addons/Draw/View/default/Public/nine_cover.jpg'; break; } $this->replyNews($articles); }
function edit() { $id = $this->shop_id; $model = $this->getModel(); if (IS_POST) { // $_POST ['update_time'] = NOW_TIME; $Model = D(parse_name(get_table_name($model['id']), 1)); if ($Model->create() && $Model->save()) { $this->_saveKeyword($model, $id); } // 清空缓存 method_exists($Model, 'clear') && $Model->clear($id, 'edit'); $this->success('保存' . $model['title'] . '成功!'); } else { $fields = get_model_attribute($model['id']); // 获取数据 $data = D('Shop')->getInfo($id, true); $data || $this->error('数据不存在!'); $token = get_token(); if (isset($data['token']) && $token != $data['token'] && defined('ADDON_PUBLIC_PATH')) { $this->error('非法访问!'); } $this->assign('fields', $fields); $this->assign('data', $data); $this->display(); } }
function reply($dataArr, $keywordArr = array()) { $config = getAddonConfig('Dg'); // 获取后台插件的配置参数 // 其中token和openid这两个参数一定要传,否则程序不知道是哪个微信用户进入了系统 $param['token'] = get_token(); $param['openid'] = get_openid(); $keyword = $keywordArr['keyword']; //设置的关键词 $myword = trim($dataArr['Content']); //用户输入的内容 $myword = str_replace($keyword, '', $myword); //过滤匹配词 if (empty($myword) || empty($keyword)) { $randgqinfoarr = $this->getBaiDurand(); //随机歌曲 $songName = $randgqinfoarr['songName']; $artistName = $randgqinfoarr['artistName']; $songLink = $this->getBaiDugqurl($randgqinfoarr['songLink']); $this->replyMusicnothumb($songName, $artistName, $songLink, $songLink); } elseif ($keyword == '点歌') { $arr = $this->getBaiDugqlist($myword); $mygqinfoarr = $this->getBaiDugqinfo($arr['0']['song_id']); $songName = $mygqinfoarr['songName']; $artistName = $mygqinfoarr['artistName']; $songLink = $this->getBaiDugqurl($mygqinfoarr['songLink']); $this->replyMusicnothumb($songName, $artistName, $songLink, $songLink); $this->replyText($msg); } else { $this->replyText("系统指令出错\n发送【点歌】随机听歌,\n发送【点歌+歌曲名】点歌"); } }
function reply($dataArr, $keywordArr = array()) { $map['token'] = get_token(); $keywordArr['aim_id'] && ($map['id'] = $keywordArr['aim_id']); $data = M('sendredpack')->where($map)->order('id desc')->select(); foreach ($data as $key => $vo) { $param['id'] = $vo['id']; $url = addons_url('Sendredpack://Sendredpack/index', $param); $articles[$key] = array('Title' => $vo['title'], 'Url' => $url); $now = time(); if ($vo['end_time'] > $now) { $articles[$key]['Description'] = $vo['intro']; $articles[$key]['PicUrl'] = !empty($vo['cover']) ? get_cover_url($vo['cover']) : SITE_URL . '/Addons/Scratch/View/default/Public/cover_pic.jpg'; } else { $articles[$key]['Description'] = $vo['end_tips']; $articles[$key]['PicUrl'] = !empty($vo['end_cover']) ? get_cover_url($vo['end_cover']) : SITE_URL . '/Addons/Scratch/View/default/Public/cover_pic_over.png'; } } //foreach if ($articles) { $this->replyNews($articles); } else { $this->replyText('Sorry,当前无红包活动!'); } }
function suggest() { $config = getAddonConfig('Suggestions'); $this->assign($config); // dump ( $config ); $map['id'] = $data['uid'] = $this->mid; $user = get_followinfo($this->mid); $this->assign('user', $user); if (IS_POST) { // 保存用户信息 $nickname = I('nickname'); if ($config['need_nickname'] && !empty($nickname)) { $data['nickname'] = $nickname; } $mobile = I('mobile'); if ($config['need_mobile'] && !empty($mobile)) { $data['mobile'] = $mobile; } // 保存内容 $data['cTime'] = time(); $data['content'] = I('content'); $data['token'] = get_token(); $res = M('suggestions')->add($data); if ($res) { // 增加积分 add_credit('suggestions'); $this->success('增加成功,谢谢您的反馈'); } else { $this->error('增加失败,请稍后再试'); } } else { $this->display(); } }
function show() { $map['token'] = get_token(); $list = M('card_notice')->where($map)->order('id desc')->select(); $this->assign('list', $list); $this->display(); }
function detail() { if (!isset($_GET['invite_uid'])) { $param['id'] = I('id'); $param['invite_uid'] = $this->mid; $param['token'] = get_token(); redirect(U('detail', $param)); } $map['invite_id'] = I('id'); $map['uid'] = $this->mid; // $map ['token'] = get_token (); $info = D('Invite')->getInfo($map['invite_id']); $this->assign('info', $info); $this->deal($info); $recode = M('invite_user')->where($map)->find(); if (empty($_GET['invite_uid'])) { $recode['invite_uid'] = $info['uid']; } else { $recode['invite_uid'] = I('get.invite_uid'); } $this->assign('recode', $recode); // dump ( $recode ); // get_nickname (); // dump ( D ( 'Common/SnCode' )->getInfoById ( 30109 ) ); $this->display(); }