function get_option_array($load_unavailable = false)
    $default_options = array('global_options' => array('pagelines_custom_logo' => array('default' => THEME_IMAGES . '/logo-platformpro.png', 'default_free' => THEME_IMAGES . '/logo-platform.png', 'type' => 'image_upload', 'imagepreview' => '270', 'inputlabel' => 'Upload custom logo', 'title' => 'Custom Header Image', 'shortexp' => 'Input Full URL to your custom header or logo image.', 'exp' => 'Optional way to replace "heading" and "description" text for your website ' . 'with an image.'), 'pagelines_favicon' => array('default' => CORE_IMAGES . "/favicon-pagelines.ico", 'type' => 'image_upload', 'imagepreview' => '16', 'title' => 'Favicon Image', 'shortexp' => 'Input Full URL to favicon image ("favicon.ico" image file)', 'exp' => 'Enter the full URL location of your custom "favicon" which is visible in ' . 'browser favorites and tabs.<br/> (<strong>Must be .png or .ico file - 16px by 16px</strong> ).'), 'twittername' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Your Twitter Username', 'title' => 'Twitter Integration', 'shortexp' => 'Places your Twitter feed in your site (<em>"Twitter for WordPress" plugin required</em>)', 'exp' => 'This places your Twitter feed on the site. Leave blank if you want to hide or not use.<br/><br/><strong>Note: "Twitter for WordPress" plugin is required for this to work.</strong>'), 'site_design_mode' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 'full_width', 'type' => 'select', 'selectvalues' => array('full_width' => array("name" => "Full-Width Design Framework"), 'fixed_width' => array("name" => "Fixed-Width Design Framework", "version" => "pro")), 'inputlabel' => 'Site Design Mode', 'title' => 'Site Design Mode', 'shortexp' => 'Choose between full width HTML or fixed width HTML', 'exp' => 'There are two css design modes available for ' . THEMENAME . '.<br/><br/><strong>Full-Width Mode</strong> Full width design mode allows you to have aspects of your site that are the full-width of your screen; while others are the width of the content area.<br/><br/><strong>Fixed-Width Mode</strong> Fixed width design mode creates a fixed with "page" that can be used as the area for your design.  You can set a background to the page; and the content will have a seperate "fixed-width" background area (i.e. the width of the content).'), 'pagelines_touchicon' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'image_upload', 'imagepreview' => '60', 'title' => 'Apple Touch Image', 'shortexp' => 'Input Full URL to Apple touch image (.jpg, .gif, .png)', 'exp' => 'Enter the full URL location of your Apple Touch Icon which is visible when ' . 'your users set your site as a <strong>webclip</strong> in Apple Iphone and ' . 'Touch Products. It is an image approximately 57px by 57px in either .jpg, ' . '.gif or .png format.'), 'pagebg' => array('default' => '#FFFFFF', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'selectors' => 'body #page', 'css_prop' => 'background', 'inputlabel' => 'Hex Code', 'title' => 'Page Content Background Color', 'shortexp' => 'Change the background color of the page content area', 'exp' => 'Use this option to quickly change the color of the page content background.<br/><br/><strong>Note:</strong> For advanced background effects, we recommend using custom CSS.'), 'bodybg' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'css_prop' => 'background', 'selectors' => 'body, body.fixed_width', 'inputlabel' => 'Hex Code', 'title' => 'Body Background Color', 'shortexp' => 'Change the color of the body', 'exp' => 'Use this option to quickly change the color of the page body, in full-width mode; this is only apparent in the footer. In fixed-width mode this includes the background.<br/><br/> <strong>Note:</strong> For advanced background effects, we recommend using custom CSS.')), 'template_setup' => array('template_setup' => array('type' => 'options_info', 'layout' => 'full', 'exp' => '<p>"Template Setup" is where you set up the various templates for your site (e.g. sidebars, page-templates, etc..).</p>' . '<p>Your templates structure can be configured using theme "sections" which are drag-and-drop bits of HTML that can moved around in your theme.</p>' . '<p><strong>To Use:</strong> Select the template you would like to edit in the drop down menu. Once you have your template selected, you will see a list of its current displayed sections on the left of the "drag and drop" area, and sections that are available to use on the right.<br />' . 'To activate sections in your template, just drag the section you want to use to the "Displayed Page Content Area" column. To remove a section, just drag the section back to the "Available/Disabled" column on the right.</p>'), 'templates' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'templates', 'layout' => 'full', 'title' => THEMENAME . ' Template Setup', 'shortexp' => 'Drag and drop control over your website\'s templates.<br/> Note: Select "Hidden by Default" to hide the section by default; and activate with individual page/post options.'), 'resettemplates' => array('default' => '', 'inputlabel' => __("Reset Template Section Order", 'pagelines'), 'type' => 'reset', 'callback' => 'reset_templates_to_default', 'title' => 'Reset Section Order To Default', 'layout' => 'full', 'shortexp' => 'Changes your template sections back to their default order and layout (options settings are not affected)')), 'layout_editor' => array('layout_default' => array('default' => "one-sidebar-right", 'type' => 'layout_select', 'title' => 'Default Layout Mode', 'layout' => 'full', 'shortexp' => 'Select your default layout mode, this can be changed on individual pages.<br />Once selected, you can adjust the layout in the Layout Builder.', 'exp' => 'The default layout for your site; your blog page will always have this layout. Dimensions can be changed using the content layout editor.'), 'layout' => array('default' => 'one-sidebar-right', 'type' => 'layout', 'layout' => 'full', 'title' => 'Content Layout Editor', 'shortexp' => 'Configure the default layout for your site which is initially selected in the Default Layout Mode option in Global Options. <br/>This option allows you to adjust columns and margins for the default layout.'), 'resetlayout' => array('default' => '', 'inputlabel' => __("Reset Layout", 'pagelines'), 'type' => 'reset', 'callback' => 'reset_layout_to_default', 'title' => 'Reset Layout To Default', 'layout' => 'full', 'shortexp' => 'Changes layout mode and dimensions back to default')), 'header_and_nav' => array('icon_position' => array('version' => 'pro', 'type' => 'text_multi', 'inputsize' => 'tiny', 'selectvalues' => array('icon_pos_bottom' => array('inputlabel' => 'Distance From Bottom (in pixels)', 'default' => 21), 'icon_pos_right' => array('inputlabel' => 'Distance From Right (in pixels)', 'default' => 1)), 'title' => 'Social Icon Position', 'shortexp' => 'Control the location of the social icons in the branding section', 'exp' => 'Set the position of your header icons with these options. They will be relative to the "branding" section of your site.'), 'rsslink' => array('default' => true, 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Display the Blog RSS icon and link?', 'title' => 'News/Blog RSS Icon', 'shortexp' => 'Places News/Blog RSS icon in your header', 'exp' => ''), 'icon_social' => array('version' => 'pro', 'type' => 'text_multi', 'inputsize' => 'regular', 'selectvalues' => array('facebooklink' => array('inputlabel' => 'Your Facebook Profile URL', 'default' => ''), 'twitterlink' => array('inputlabel' => 'Your Twitter Profile URL', 'default' => ''), 'linkedinlink' => array('inputlabel' => 'Your LinkedIn Profile URL', 'default' => ''), 'youtubelink' => array('inputlabel' => 'Your YouTube Profile URL', 'default' => '')), 'title' => 'Social Icons', 'shortexp' => 'Add social network profile icons to your header', 'exp' => 'Fill in the URLs of your social networking profiles. This option will create icons in the header/branding section of your site.')), 'blog_and_posts' => array('blog_layout_mode' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 'magazine', 'type' => 'select', 'selectvalues' => array('magazine' => array("name" => "Magazine Layout Mode", "version" => "pro"), 'blog' => array("name" => "Blog Layout Mode")), 'inputlabel' => 'Post Layout Mode', 'title' => 'Blog Post Layout Mode', 'shortexp' => 'Choose between magazine style and blog style layout.', 'exp' => 'Choose between two magazine or blog layout mode. <br/><br/> <strong>Magazine Layout Mode</strong><br/> Magazine layout mode makes use of post "clips". These are summarized excerpts shown at half the width of the main content column.<br/>  <strong>Note:</strong> There is an option for showing "full-width" posts on your main "posts" page.<br/><br/><strong>Blog Layout Mode</strong><br/> This is your classical blog layout. Posts span the entire width of the main content column.'), 'full_column_posts' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 2, 'type' => 'count_select', 'count_number' => get_option('posts_per_page'), 'inputlabel' => 'Number of Full Width Posts?', 'title' => 'Full Width Posts (Magazine Layout Mode Only)', 'shortexp' => 'When using magazine layout mode, select the number of "featured" or full-width posts.', 'exp' => 'Select the number of posts you would like shown at the full width of the main content column in magazine layout mode (the rest will be half-width post "clips").'), 'posts_page_layout' => array('type' => 'select', 'selectvalues' => array('fullwidth' => array('name' => 'Fullwidth layout', 'version' => 'pro'), 'one-sidebar-right' => array('name' => 'One sidebar on right'), 'one-sidebar-left' => array('name' => 'One sidebar on left'), 'two-sidebar-right' => array('name' => 'Two sidebars on right', 'version' => 'pro'), 'two-sidebar-left' => array('name' => 'Two sidebars on left', 'version' => 'pro'), 'two-sidebar-center' => array('name' => 'Two sidebars, one on each side', 'version' => 'pro')), 'title' => "Posts Page-Content Layout", 'shortexp' => "Select the content layout on posts pages only", 'inputlabel' => 'Posts Page Layout Mode (optional)', 'exp' => 'Use this option to change the content layout mode on all posts pages (if different than default layout).'), 'thumb_handling' => array('type' => 'check_multi', 'selectvalues' => array('thumb_blog' => array('inputlabel' => 'Posts/Blog Page', 'default' => true), 'thumb_single' => array('inputlabel' => 'Single Post Pages', 'default' => false), 'thumb_search' => array('inputlabel' => 'Search Results', 'default' => false), 'thumb_category' => array('inputlabel' => 'Category Lists', 'default' => true), 'thumb_archive' => array('inputlabel' => 'Post Archives', 'default' => true), 'thumb_clip' => array('inputlabel' => 'In Post Clips (Magazine Mode)', 'default' => true)), 'title' => 'Post Thumbnail Placement', 'shortexp' => 'Where should the theme use post thumbnails?', 'exp' => 'Use this option to control where post "featured images" or thumbnails are used. Note: The post clips option only applies when magazine layout is selected.'), 'byline_handling' => array('type' => 'check_multi', 'selectvalues' => array('byline_author' => array('inputlabel' => 'Author', 'default' => true), 'byline_date' => array('inputlabel' => 'Date', 'default' => true), 'byline_comments' => array('inputlabel' => 'Comments', 'default' => true), 'byline_categories' => array('inputlabel' => 'Categories', 'default' => false)), 'title' => 'Post Byline Information (Blog Mode and Full-Width Posts Only)', 'shortexp' => 'What should be shown in post bylines?', 'exp' => 'The byline shows meta information about who wrote the post, what category it is in, etc... Use this option to control what is shown.'), 'excerpt_handling' => array('type' => 'check_multi', 'selectvalues' => array('excerpt_blog' => array('inputlabel' => 'Posts/Blog Page', 'default' => true), 'excerpt_single' => array('inputlabel' => 'Single Post Pages', 'default' => false), 'excerpt_search' => array('inputlabel' => 'Search Results', 'default' => true), 'excerpt_category' => array('inputlabel' => 'Category Lists', 'default' => true), 'excerpt_archive' => array('inputlabel' => 'Post Archives', 'default' => true)), 'title' => 'Post Excerpt or Summary Handling', 'shortexp' => 'Where should the theme use post excerpts when showing full column posts?', 'exp' => 'This option helps you control where post excerpts are displayed.<br/><br/> <strong>About:</strong> Excerpts are small summaries of articles filled out when creating a post.'), 'pagetitles' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Automatically show Page titles?', 'title' => 'Page Titles', 'shortexp' => 'Show the title of pages above the page content.', 'exp' => 'This option will automatically place page titles on all pages.'), 'continue_reading_text' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 'Continue Reading', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Continue Reading Link Text', 'title' => '"Continue Reading" Link Text (When Using Excerpts)', 'shortexp' => 'The link at the end of your excerpt.', 'exp' => "This text will be used as the link to your full article when viewing articles on your posts page (when excerpts are turned on)."), 'content_handling' => array('type' => 'check_multi', 'selectvalues' => array('content_blog' => array('inputlabel' => 'Posts/Blog Page', 'default' => false), 'content_search' => array('inputlabel' => 'Search Results', 'default' => false), 'content_category' => array('inputlabel' => 'Category Lists', 'default' => false), 'content_archive' => array('inputlabel' => 'Post Archives', 'default' => false)), 'title' => 'Full Post Content', 'shortexp' => 'In addition to single post pages and page templates, where should the theme place the full content of posts?', 'exp' => 'Choose where the full content of posts is displayed. Choose between all posts pages or just single post pages (i.e. posts pages can just show excerpts or titles).'), 'post_footer_social_text' => array('default' => 'If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it!', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Post Footer Social Links Text', 'title' => 'Post Footer Social Links Text', 'shortexp' => 'The text next to your social icons', 'exp' => "Set the text next to your social links shown on single post pages or on all " . "posts pages if the post footer link is set to 'always sharing links'."), 'post_footer_share_links' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'check_multi', 'selectvalues' => array('share_facebook' => array('inputlabel' => 'Facebook Sharing Icon', 'default' => true), 'share_twitter' => array('inputlabel' => 'Twitter Sharing Icon', 'default' => true), 'share_delicious' => array('inputlabel' => ' Sharing Icon', 'default' => true), 'share_mixx' => array('inputlabel' => 'Mixx Sharing Icon', 'default' => false), 'share_digg' => array('inputlabel' => 'Digg Sharing Icon', 'default' => true), 'share_stumbleupon' => array('inputlabel' => 'StumbleUpon Sharing Icon', 'default' => false)), 'inputlabel' => 'Select Which Share Links To Show', 'title' => 'Post Footer Sharing Icons', 'shortexp' => 'Select Which To Show', 'exp' => "Select which icons you would like to show in your post footer when sharing " . "links are shown.")), 'sidebar_options' => array('sidebar_no_default' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Hide Sidebars When Empty (no widgets)', 'title' => 'Remove Default Sidebars When Empty', 'shortexp' => 'Hide default sidebars when sidebars have no widgets in them', 'exp' => 'This allows you to remove sidebars completely when they have no widgets in them.'), 'sidebar_wrap_widgets' => array('default' => 'top', 'version' => 'pro', 'type' => 'select', 'selectvalues' => array('top' => array("name" => 'On Top of Sidebar'), 'bottom' => array("name" => 'On Bottom of Sidebar')), 'inputlabel' => 'Sidebar Wrap Widgets Position', 'title' => 'Sidebar Wrap Widgets', 'shortexp' => 'Choose whether to show the sidebar wrap widgets on the top or bottom of the sidebar.', 'exp' => 'You can select whether to show the widgets that you place in the sidebar wrap template in either the top or the bottom of the sidebar.')), 'footer_options' => array('footer_logo' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => THEME_IMAGES . '/logo-platformpro-small.png', 'type' => 'image_upload', 'imagepreview' => '100', 'inputlabel' => 'Add Footer logo', 'title' => 'Footer Logo', 'shortexp' => 'Show a logo in the footer', 'exp' => 'Add the full url of an image for use in the footer. Recommended size: 140px wide.'), 'footer_more' => array('default' => "Thanks for dropping by! Feel free to join the discussion by leaving " . "comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the <a href='" . get_bloginfo('rss2_url') . "'>RSS feed</a>.", 'type' => 'textarea', 'inputlabel' => 'More Statement In Footer', 'title' => 'More Statement', 'shortexp' => 'Add a quick statement for users who want to know more...', 'exp' => "This statement will show in the footer columns under the word more. It is for users who may want to know more about your company or service."), 'footer_terms' => array('default' => '&copy; ' . date('Y') . ' ' . get_bloginfo('name'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'inputlabel' => 'Terms line in footer:', 'title' => 'Site Terms Statement', 'shortexp' => 'A line in your footer for "terms and conditions text" or similar', 'exp' => "It's sometimes a good idea to give your users a terms and conditions " . "statement so they know how they should use your service or content.")), 'text_and_fonts' => array('gfonts' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => false, 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Use Google Fonts API', 'title' => 'Use Google Fonts API', 'shortexp' => 'Use the Google Fonts API to add cross-browser fonts to your site', 'exp' => 'Google has recently released a new API for including new "web safe" fonts on your site. To learn more about it, visit the <a href="">Google Fonts homepage</a>.'), 'gfonts_families' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 'Crimson+Text|Droid+Sans', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Google Font Families', 'title' => 'Google API: Font Family or Families', 'shortexp' => 'The fonts used with the Google API', 'exp' => 'Use this option to setup various Google fonts (Google fonts must be activated).  Learn more on the Google Font <a href="">Quick Start</a> page.'), 'typekit_script' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => "", 'type' => 'textarea', 'inputlabel' => 'Typekit Header Script', 'title' => 'Typekit Font Replacement', 'shortexp' => 'Typekit is a service that allows you to use tons of new fonts on your site.', 'exp' => 'Typekit is a new service and technique that allows you to use fonts outside of the 10 or so "web-safe" fonts. <br/><br/>' . 'Visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to get the script for this option. Instructions for setting up Typekit are <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.'), 'fontreplacement' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => false, 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Use Cufon font replacement?', 'title' => 'Use Cufon Font Replacement', 'shortexp' => 'Use a special font replacement technique for certain text', 'exp' => 'Cufon is a special technique for allowing you to use fonts outside of the 10 or so "web-safe" fonts. <br/><br/>' . THEMENAME . ' is equipped to use it.  Select this option to enable it. Visit the <a href="">Cufon site</a>.'), 'font_file' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => THEME_JS . '/calluna.font.js', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Cufon replacement font file URL', 'title' => 'Cufon: Replacement Font File URL', 'shortexp' => 'The font file used to replace text.', 'exp' => 'Use the <a href="">Cufon site</a> to generate a font file for use with this theme.  Place it in your theme folder and add the full URL to it here. The default font is Museo Sans.'), 'replace_font' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 'h1', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'CSS elements for font replacement', 'title' => 'Cufon: CSS elements for font replacement', 'shortexp' => 'Add selectors of elements you would like replaced.', 'exp' => 'Use standard CSS selectors to replace them with your Cufon font. Font replacement must be enabled.'), 'headercolor' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => '#000000', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'selectors' => 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a, .fpost .post-title h2 a', 'inputlabel' => 'Hex Code', 'title' => 'Text Header Color (H1,H2, etc...)', 'shortexp' => 'Change the color of your titles and subtitles', 'exp' => 'Use "hex" colors. For example #000000 for black, #3399CC for light blue, ' . 'etc... Visit <a href="">this site</a> for a reference.'), 'linkcolor' => array('default' => '#225E9B', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'selectors' => 'a, #subnav_row li.current_page_item a, #subnav_row li a:hover, #grandchildnav .current_page_item > a, .branding h1 a:hover, .post-comments a:hover, .bbcrumb a:hover, 	#feature_slider .fcontent.fstyle-lightbg a, #feature_slider .fcontent.fstyle-nobg a', 'inputlabel' => 'Hex Code:', 'title' => 'Text Link Color', 'shortexp' => 'Change the default color of your links as well as other similar elements.', 'exp' => 'Select a hex color for your site\'s text links.'), 'linkcolor_hover' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'selectors' => 'a:hover,.commentlist cite a:hover,  #grandchildnav .current_page_item a:hover, .headline h1 a:hover', 'inputlabel' => 'Hex Code:', 'title' => 'Text Link Hover Color', 'shortexp' => 'Change the default color of your links when users hover over them.', 'exp' => 'Select a hex color for when users hover over text links.')), 'custom_code' => array('partner_link' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Enter Partner Link', 'title' => 'PageLines Partner Link', 'shortexp' => 'Change your PageLines footer link to a partner link', 'exp' => 'If you are a <a href="">PageLines Partner</a> enter your link here and the footer link will become a partner or affiliate link.'), 'forum_options' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Show bbPress Forum Addon Options', 'title' => 'Activate Forum Options', 'shortexp' => 'If you have integrated a PageLines bbPress forum, activate its options here.', 'exp' => 'This theme has some integrated options for its bbPress forum addon (if installed).'), 'customcss' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 'body{}', 'type' => 'textarea', 'layout' => 'full', 'inputlabel' => 'CSS Rules', 'title' => 'Custom CSS', 'shortexp' => 'Insert custom CSS styling here (this will override any default styling)', 'exp' => '<div class="theexample">Example:<br/> <strong>body{<br/> &nbsp;&nbsp;color:  #3399CC;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;line-height: 20px;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;font-size: 11px<br/>}</strong></div>Enter CSS Rules to change the style of your site.<br/><br/> A lot can be accomplished by simply changing the default styles of the "body" tag such as "line-height", "font-size", or "color" (as in text color).'), 'google_ie' => array('default' => false, 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Include Google IE Compatibility Script?', 'title' => 'Google IE Compatibility Fix', 'shortexp' => 'Include a Google JS script that fixes problems with IE.', 'exp' => 'More info on this can be found here: <strong></strong>.'), 'headerscripts' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'layout' => 'full', 'inputlabel' => 'Headerscripts Code', 'title' => 'Header Scripts', 'shortexp' => 'Scripts inserted directly before the end of the HTML &lt;head&gt; tag', 'exp' => ''), 'footerscripts' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'layout' => 'full', 'inputlabel' => 'Footerscripts Code or Analytics', 'title' => 'Footer Scripts &amp; Analytics', 'shortexp' => 'Any footer scripts including Google Analytics', 'exp' => ""), 'asynch_analytics' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'layout' => 'full', 'inputlabel' => 'Asynchronous Analytics', 'title' => 'Asynchronous Analytics', 'shortexp' => 'Placeholder for Google asynchronous analytics. Goes underneath "body" tag.', 'exp' => ""), 'hide_introduction' => array('default' => '', 'version' => 'pro', 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => '', 'inputlabel' => 'Hide the introduction?', 'title' => 'Show Theme Introduction', 'shortexp' => 'Uncheck this option to show theme introduction.', 'exp' => "")));
    if (!pagelines_option('hide_introduction') && VPRO) {
        $welcome = array('_welcome' => array('theme_introduction' => array('type' => 'text_content', 'layout' => 'full', 'exp' => get_theme_intro()), 'hide_introduction' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => '', 'inputlabel' => 'Hide the introduction', 'title' => 'Remove This Theme Introduction', 'shortexp' => 'Remove this introduction from the admin.', 'exp' => "This introduction can be added back under the 'custom code' tab (once hidden)...")));
    } else {
        $welcome = array();
    if (pagelines_option('forum_options')) {
        $forum_options = array('forum_settings' => array('forum_tags' => array('default' => true, 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Show tags in sidebar?', 'title' => 'Tag Cloud In Sidebar', 'shortexp' => 'Including post tags on the forum sidebar.', 'exp' => 'Tags are added by users and moderators on your forum and can help people locate posts.'), 'forum_image_1' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'image_upload', 'inputlabel' => 'Upload Forum Image', 'imagepreview' => 125, 'title' => 'Forum Sidebar Image #1', 'shortexp' => 'Add a 125px by 125px image to your forum sidebar', 'exp' => "Spice up your forum with a promotional image in the forum sidebar."), 'forum_image_link_1' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Image Link URL', 'title' => 'Forum Image #1 Link', 'shortexp' => 'Full URL for your forum image.', 'exp' => "Add the full url for your forum image."), 'forum_image_2' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'image_upload', 'imagepreview' => 125, 'inputlabel' => 'Upload Forum Image', 'title' => 'Forum Sidebar Image #2', 'shortexp' => 'Add a 125px by 125px image to your forum sidebar', 'exp' => "Spice up your forum with a promotional image in the forum sidebar."), 'forum_image_link_2' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Image Link URL', 'title' => 'Forum Image #2 Link', 'shortexp' => 'Full URL for your forum image.', 'exp' => "Add the full url for your forum image."), 'forum_sidebar_link' => array('default' => '#', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Forum Image Caption URL', 'title' => 'Forum Caption Link URL (Text Link)', 'shortexp' => 'Add the URL for your forum caption (optional)', 'exp' => "Text link underneath your forum images."), 'forum_sidebar_link_text' => array('default' => 'About ' . get_bloginfo('name'), 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Forum Sidebar Link Text', 'title' => 'Forum Sidebar Link Text', 'shortexp' => 'The text of your image caption link', 'exp' => "Change the text of the caption placed under your forum images.")));
    } else {
        $forum_options = array();
    	Merge preset functions
    $optionarray = array_merge($welcome, $default_options, $forum_options);
    	Load Section Options
    // Comes before, so you can load on to 'new' option sets
    $optionarray = array_merge(load_section_options('new', 'top', $load_unavailable), $optionarray, load_section_options('new', 'bottom', $load_unavailable));
    foreach ($optionarray as $optionset => $options) {
        $optionarray[$optionset] = array_merge(load_section_options($optionset, 'top', $load_unavailable), $options, load_section_options($optionset, 'bottom', $load_unavailable));
    return apply_filters('pagelines_options_array', $optionarray);
function get_option_array( $load_unavailable = false ){
	$default_options = array();
	$default_options['global_options'] = array(
				'email_capture'	=> array(
						'default'		=> '',
						'version'		=> 'free',
						'type' 			=> 'email_capture',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Email Address',
						'title'			=> 'Email Updates',						
						'shortexp' 		=> 'Optionally sign up for email updates and notifications.',
						'exp' 			=> 'Adding your email here will allow us to send you email notifications about updates and new software from PageLines'
				'pagelines_custom_logo' => array(
					'default' 		=> PL_IMAGES.'/logo-platformpro.png',
					'default_free'	=> PL_IMAGES.'/logo-platform.png',
					'type' 			=> 'image_upload',
					'imagepreview' 	=> '270',
					'inputlabel' 	=> 'Upload custom logo',
					'title'			=> 'Custom Header Image',						
					'shortexp' 		=> 'Input Full URL to your custom header or logo image.',
					'exp' 			=> 'Optional way to replace "heading" and "description" text for your website ' . 
							    		'with an image.'
				'pagelines_favicon'	=> array(
					'default' 	=> 	PL_ADMIN_IMAGES . "/favicon-pagelines.ico",
					'type' 		=> 	'image_upload',
					'imagepreview' 	=> 	'16',
					'title' 	=> 	'Favicon Image',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 	'Input Full URL to favicon image ("favicon.ico" image file)',
					'exp' 		=> 	'Enter the full URL location of your custom "favicon" which is visible in ' .
								'browser favorites and tabs.<br/> (<strong>Must be .png or .ico file - 16px by 16px</strong> ).'
				'twittername' => array(
					'default' => '',
					'version' => 'pro',
					'type' => 'text',
					'inputlabel' => 'Your Twitter Username',
					'title' => 'Twitter Integration',
					'shortexp' => 'Places your Twitter feed in your site.',
					'exp' => 'This places your Twitter feed on the site. Leave blank if you want to hide or not use.'
				'pagelines_touchicon'	=> array(
					'version' 	=> 'pro',
					'default' 	=> '',
					'type' 		=> 	'image_upload',
					'imagepreview' 	=> 	'60',
					'title' 	=> 'Apple Touch Image',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Input Full URL to Apple touch image (.jpg, .gif, .png)',
					'exp'		=> 'Enter the full URL location of your Apple Touch Icon which is visible when ' .
							  'your users set your site as a <strong>webclip</strong> in Apple Iphone and ' . 
							  'Touch Products. It is an image approximately 57px by 57px in either .jpg, ' .
							  '.gif or .png format.'
if ( get_option( 'pagelines_email_sent') ) unset($default_options['global_options']['email_capture']);
		Get Template Setup - Drag & Drop Interface
	$default_options['template_setup'] = array(
				'template_setup'	=> array(
					'type'		=> 'options_info',
					'layout' 	=> 'full',
					'exp' 		=> '<p>"Template Setup" is where you set up the various templates for your site (e.g. sidebars, page-templates, etc..).</p>'.
							  '<p>Your templates structure can be configured using theme "sections" which are drag-and-drop bits of HTML that can moved around in your theme.</p>'.
							  '<p><strong>To Use:</strong> Select the template you would like to edit in the drop down menu. Once you have your template selected, you will see a list of its current displayed sections on the left of the "drag and drop" area, and sections that are available to use on the right.<br />'.
							  'To activate sections in your template, just drag the section you want to use to the "Displayed Page Content Area" column. To remove a section, just drag the section back to the "Available/Disabled" column on the right.</p>', 
				'templates'		=> array(
					'default'	=> '',
					'type'		=> 'templates',
					'layout'	=> 'full',
					'title'		=> THEMENAME.' Template Setup',						
					'shortexp'	=> 'Drag and drop control over your website\'s templates.<br/> Note: Select "Hidden by Default" to hide the section by default; and activate with individual page/post options.',
					'docslink'	=> '', 
					'vidtitle'	=> 'Template Setup Overview'
				'resettemplates' => array(
					'default'	=> '',
					'inputlabel'	=> __("Reset Template Section Order", 'pagelines'),
					'type'		=> 'reset',
					'callback'	=> 'reset_templates_to_default',
					'title'		=> 'Reset Section Order To Default',	
					'layout'	=> 'full',					
					'shortexp'	=> 'Changes your template sections back to their default order and layout (options settings are not affected)',
		Get Layout Editing Tools
	$default_options['layout_editor'] = array(
				'layout_default' => array(
					'default' 	=> "one-sidebar-right",
					'type' 		=> 'layout_select',
					'title' 	=> 'Default Layout Mode',	
					'layout' 	=> 'full',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Select your default layout mode, this can be changed on individual pages.<br />Once selected, you can adjust the layout in the Layout Builder.',
					'exp' 		=> 'The default layout for your site; your blog page will always have this layout. Dimensions can be changed using the content layout editor.',
					'docslink'	=> ''
				'layout' => array(
					'default'	=> 'one-sidebar-right',
					'type'		=> 'layout',
					'layout'	=> 'full',
					'title'		=> 'Content Layout Editor',						
					'shortexp'	=> 'Configure the default layout for your site which is initially selected in the Default Layout Mode option in Global Options. <br/>This option allows you to adjust columns and margins for the default layout.',
				'resetlayout' => array(
					'default'	=> '',
					'inputlabel'	=> __("Reset Layout", 'pagelines'),
					'type' 		=> 'reset',
					'callback'	=> 'reset_layout_to_default',
					'title' 	=> 'Reset Layout To Default',	
					'layout'	=> 'full',					
					'shortexp'	=> 'Changes layout mode and dimensions back to default',
	$default_options['design_control'] = array(	
				'site_design_mode'	=> array(
					'version'	=> 'pro',
					'default'	=> 'canvas',
					'type'		=> 'select',
					'layout'	=> 'full',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'canvas'	=> array("name" => "Full-Width Design With Canvas"),
						'full_width'	=> array("name" => "Full-Width Design Framework"),
						'fixed_width'	=> array("name" => "Fixed-Width Design Framework", "version" => "pro")
					'inputlabel'	=> 'Site Design Mode',
					'title'		=> 'Site Design Mode',						
					'shortexp'	=> 'Choose between full width HTML or fixed width HTML',
					'exp'		=> 'There are three css design modes available for '.THEMENAME.'. Each allows a different style of design.<br/><br/><strong>Full-Width Mode With Canvas</strong> This design mode has a full-width page area, and a canvas area behind your content that can be controlled seperately.<br/><br/><strong>Full-Width Mode</strong> Full width design mode allows you to have aspects of your site that are the full-width of your screen; while others are the width of the content area.<br/><br/><strong>Fixed-Width Mode</strong> Fixed width design mode creates a fixed with "page" that can be used as the area for your design.  You can set a background to the page; and the content will have a seperate "fixed-width" background area (i.e. the width of the content).',
					'vidlink'	=> '', 
					'vidtitle'	=> 'Design Control Overview'
				'page_colors'		=> array(
					'title' 	=> 'Basic Layout Colors',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'The Main Layout Colors For Your Site',
					'exp' 		=> 'Use these options to configure the main layout colors for your site.<br/><br/>This theme as two background elements, the "page" or content area and the "body" which sits behind the page area, you can set their colors individually here.',
					'type' 		=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'bodybg'	=> array(				
						'default' 	=> '#000000',
						'css_prop'	=> 'background-color',
						'selectors'	=> 'body, body.fixed_width',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Body Background Color <small>Shown Behind Page Content Area (e.g. In Footer)</small>',
					'pagebg'		=> array(				
						'default' 	=> '#FFFFFF',
						'selectors'	=>	'body #page, .sf-menu li, #primary-nav ul.sf-menu a:focus, .sf-menu a:hover, .sf-menu a:active, .commentlist ul.children .even, .alt #commentform textarea',
						'css_prop'	=> 'background-color',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page Background Color <small>The Background Of Page Area</small>',
					'page_content_bg'	=> array(				
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default' 	=> '#FFFFFF',
						'selectors'	=>	'.canvas #page-canvas',
						'css_prop'	=> 'background-color',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page Canvas Background Color <small>The Background Color Site Content (Canvas Mode Only)</small>',
					'border_layout'		=> array(				
						'default' 	=> '#E9E9E9',
						'selectors'	=>	'hr, .fpost, .clip_box, .widget-title, #buddypress-page .item-list li, .metabar a, #morefoot .widget-title, #site #dsq-content h3, .post.fpost .entry, #soapbox .fboxinfo,  #primary-nav #nav_row, .fpost.sticky',
						'css_prop'	=> 'border-color',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Border Color - Layout Borders and Dividers <small>Borders In Layout, Against Page Background</small>',
				'page_background_image' => array(
					'title' 	=> 'Site Background Image (Optional)',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Setup A Background Image For The Background Of Your Site',
					'exp' 		=> 'Use this option to apply a background image to your site. This option will be applied to different areas depending on the design mode you have set.<br/><br/><strong>Positioning</strong> Use percentages to position the images, 0% corresponds to the "top" or "left" side, 50% to center, etc..',
					'type' 		=> 'background_image',
					'selectors'	=> '.canvas #page, .full_width #page, body.fixed_width'
				'text_colors'		=> array(
					'title' 	=> 'Page Text Colors',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Control The Color Of Text Used Throughout Your Site',
					'exp' 		=> 'These options control the colors of the text throughout the page or content area of your site.<br/><br/>Certain text types are designed to contrast with different box elements and are meant to be used with hover effects.<br/><br/>Experiment to find exactly how colors are combined with text on your site.',
					'type' 		=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'headercolor'	=> array(		
						'default' 	=> '#000000',
						'selectors'	=> 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a, h6 a,, .entry-title a, .entry-title a:hover, .widget-title a:hover, h3.widget-title a:hover',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page - Text Header Color <small>Titles, H1,H2, etc...</small>',
					'text_primary' => array(		
						'default' 	=> '#000000',
						'selectors'	=>	'#page, .tcolor1, #subnav ul li a:active, .commentlist cite a, #breadcrumb a, .metabar a:hover, .post-nav a:hover, .post-footer a, #buddypress-page #object-nav ul li a, #buddypress-page .td-title a, #buddypress-page #subnav a:hover, #buddypress-page #subnav li.current a, #twitterbar a, #carousel .carousel_text, #site #dsq-content .dsq-request-user-info td a, #pagination .wp-pagenavi a:hover, #pagination .wp-pagenavi .current, #featurenav a.activeSlide, .content-pagination a:hover .cp-num',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page - Primary Text Color <small>The Main Text Color Used Throughout The Site</small>',
					'text_secondary' => array(
						'default' 	=> '#AFAFAF',
						'selectors'	=>	'.tcolor2, .lcolor2 a, .subhead, .widget-title,  .post-edit-link, .metabar .sword, #branding .site-description, #callout, #commentform .required, #postauthor .subtext, #buddypress-page .standard-form .admin-links, #wp-calendar caption, #carousel .thecarousel, #pagination .wp-pagenavi span.pages, .commentlist .comment-meta  a,  #highlight .highlight-subhead, .content-pagination span, .content-pagination a .cp-num, .searchform .searchfield',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page - Secondary Text Color <small>Used In Subtitles, Widget Titles, Nav, Etc...</small>',
					'text_tertiary' => array(	
						'default' 	=> '#777777',
						'selectors'	=>	'.tcolor3, .lcolor3 a, .main_nav li a,  .widget-title a, h3.widget-title a, #subnav_row li a, .metabar em, .metabar a, .tags, #commentform label, .form-allowed-tags code, .rss-date, #breadcrumb, .reply a, .post-nav a, .post-nav a:visited, .post-footer, .auxilary a, #buddypress-page .standard-form .admin-links a, #twitterbar .content .tbubble, .widget ul.twitter .twitter-item, .cform .emailreqtxt,.cform .reqtxt, #pagination .wp-pagenavi a, #pagination .wp-pagenavi .current, #pagination .wp-pagenavi .extend, .main_nav ul.sf-menu a, .sf-menu a:visited, #featurenav a, #feature-footer span.playpause',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page - Tertiary Text Color <small>Used In Navigation, Hover effects</small>',
				'link_colors' => array(
					'title' 	=> 'Link Colors',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Control The Color Of Links',
					'exp' 		=> 'These options control the colors of the links throughout the page or content area of your site.',
					'type' 		=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'linkcolor' => array(
							'default'	=> '#225E9B',
							'selectors'	=>	'a, #subnav_row li.current_page_item a, #subnav_row li a:hover, #grandchildnav .current_page_item > a, .branding h1 a:hover, .post-comments a:hover, .bbcrumb a:hover, 	#feature_slider .fcontent.fstyle-lightbg a, #feature_slider .fcontent.fstyle-nobg a',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Text Link Color <small>Color Of Links Throughout Your Site</small>',						
						'linkcolor_hover' => array(
								'default' 	=> '#0F457C',
								'selectors'	=> 'a:hover,.commentlist cite a:hover,  #grandchildnav .current_page_item a:hover, .headline h1 a:hover',
								'inputlabel' 	=> 'Text Link Hover Color <small>Color Of Links When Hovered Over</small>',						
				'element_colors_primary' => array(
					'title' 	=> 'Primary Site Element Colors',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Setup The Colors For Common Elements Used On Your site',
					'exp' 		=> 'Site elements are the basic contrast elements of your site. For example: selected navigation items, feature footer, blockquotes, etc...<br/><br/>This option sets the most commonly used element color.. it is used with form inputs, blockquotes, etc...',
					'type' 		=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'box_color_primary'	=> array(				
							'default' 	=> '#F7F7F7',
							'selectors'	=>	'#feature-footer, .main-nav li.current-page-ancestor a, .main-nav li.current_page_item a, .main-nav li.current-page-ancestor ul a, .main-nav li.current_page_item ul a, #wp-calendar caption, #buddypress-page #subnav, #buddypress-page .activity .activity-inner, #buddypress-page th, #grandchildnav.widget, blockquote, input, textarea, .searchform .searchfield, .wp-caption, .widget-default, .commentlist .alt, #wp-calendar #today, #buddypress-page div.activity-comments form .ac-textarea, #buddypress-page form#whats-new-form #whats-new-textarea, .post-nav, .current_posts_info, .post-footer,  #twitterbar, #carousel .content-pad, .success, .sf-menu li li, .sf-menu li li, .sf-menu li li li, .content-pagination a .cp-num, .hentry table .alternate td',
							'css_prop'	=> 'background',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Box Color - Primary Elements <small>The Main Contrast Color Between Page Background And Site Elements</small>',
						'border_primary' => array(				
							'default' 	=> '#E9E9E9',
							'selectors'	=>	'ul.sf-menu ul li, .post-nav, .current_posts_info, .post-footer, blockquote, input, textarea, .searchform .searchfield, .wp-caption, .widget-default, #buddypress-page div.activity-comments form .ac-textarea, #buddypress-page form#whats-new-form #whats-new-textarea, #grandchildnav.widget, .fpost .post-thumb img, .clip .clip-thumb img, .author-thumb img, #carousel .content ul li a img, #carousel .content ul li a:hover img, #feature-footer',
							'css_prop'	=> 'border-color',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Primary Elements Border <small>Standard Border For Site Elements (Make Slightly Darker Than Box Color)</small>',
						'border_primary_shadow' => array(				
							'default' 	=> '#DDDDDD',
							'selectors'	=>	'multi_property',
							'css_prop'	=> array(
								'border-left-color'	=> 'blockquote, input, textarea, .searchform .searchfield, .wp-caption, .widget-default, #buddypress-page div.activity-comments form .ac-textarea, #buddypress-page form#whats-new-form #whats-new-textarea, #grandchildnav.widget, fpost .post-thumb img, .clip .clip-thumb img, .author-thumb img', 
								'border-top-color'	=> 'blockquote, input, textarea, .searchform .searchfield, .wp-caption, .widget-default, #buddypress-page div.activity-comments form .ac-textarea, #buddypress-page form#whats-new-form #whats-new-textarea, #grandchildnav.widget, fpost .post-thumb img, .clip .clip-thumb img, .author-thumb img',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Primary Elements Shadow <small>Shadow Effect On Some Elements (Make Slightly Darker Than Border)</small>',
						'border_primary_highlight' => array(				
							'default' 	=> '#FFFFFF',
							'selectors'	=>	'multi_property',
							'css_prop'	=> array(
							'border-left-color'	=> '#feature-footer .feature-footer-pad', 
							'border-top-color'	=> '#feature-footer .feature-footer-pad',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Primary Elements Highlight <small>Highlight Effect On Some Elements (Make Slightly Lighter Than Box Color)</small>',
						'text_shadow_color' => array(				
							'default' 	=> '#FFFFFF',
							'selectors'	=> 'multi_property',
							'css_prop'	=> array(
								'text-shadow'	=> '#feature-footer, #grandchildnav li a, #grandchildnav .current_page_item  ul li a, #buddypress-page #object-nav ul li a',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Text Shadow Color <small>Used To Create An Indented Effect On Selected Text</small>',
				'element_colors_secondary' => array(	
					'title' 	=> 'Secondary Site Element Colors',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Setup Colors For Elements Designed To Contrast With The Primary Elements (Hover Effects, etc...)',
					'exp' 		=> 'The secondary elements are designed to contrast with the primary elements. For example, a navigation hover effect, or calendar subheading.',
					'type' 		=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'box_color_secondary' => array(				
							'default' 		=> '#F1F1F1',
							'selectors'		=>	'#wp-calendar thead th, #buddypress-page #object-nav, .item-avatar a, .comment blockquote, #grandchildnav .current_page_item a, #grandchildnav li a:hover, #grandchildnav .current_page_item  ul li a:hover, #carousel .carousel_text, pagination .wp-pagenavi a, #pagination .wp-pagenavi .current, #pagination .wp-pagenavi .extend, .sf-menu li:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover, #featurenav a, #feature-footer span.playpause, .content-pagination .cp-num, .content-pagination a:hover .cp-num, ins',
							'css_prop'		=> 'background',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Box Color - Secondary Site Elements <small>Recommended Slightly Darker/Lighter Than Primary Element Color</small>',
					'border_secondary' => array(				
							'default' 		=> '#DDDDDD',
							'selectors'		=> '#featurenav a, #feature-footer span.playpause',
							'css_prop'		=> 'border-color',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Secondary Elements <small>Around Secondary Box Elements (Make Slightly Darker)</small>',
					'border_secondary_shadow' => array(				
							'default' 		=> '#CCCCCC',
							'selectors'		=>	'multi_property',
							'css_prop'		=> array(
								'border-left-color'		=> '#featurenav a, #feature-footer span.playpause', 
								'border-top-color'		=> '#featurenav a, #feature-footer span.playpause',
					'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Secondary Elements Shadow <small>Shadow Effect On Secondary Box Elements (Make Slightly Darker Than Border)</small>',
				'element_colors_tertiary' => array(	
					'title' 		=> 'Tertiary Site Element Colors',						
					'shortexp' 		=> 'Setup Colors For Elements Designed To Contrast With The Secondary Elements',
					'exp' 			=> 'The tertiary elements are usually designed to contrast with the secondary elements. For example, a hover or selected effect that occurs over a primary element. Example: Feature Footer, selected navigation (dots, names, etc..)',
					'type' 			=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'box_color_tertiary' => array(				
							'default' 		=> '#E1E1E1',
							'selectors'		=>	'#buddypress-page #object-nav ul li a:hover,#buddypress-page #object-nav ul li.selected a, #buddypress-page #subnav a:hover, #buddypress-page #subnav li.current a, #featurenav a.activeSlide',
							'css_prop'		=> 'background',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Box Color - Tertiary Site Elements <small>Slightly Darker/Lighter Than Secondary Element Color</small>',
						'border_tertiary' => array(				
							'default' 		=> '#CCCCCC',
							'selectors'		=> '#featurenav a.activeSlide',
							'css_prop'		=> 'border-color',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Tertiary Elements <small>Around Tertiary Box Elements (Make Slightly Darker)</small>',
						'border_tertiary_shadow' => array(				
							'default' 		=> '#999999',
							'selectors'		=>	'multi_property',
							'css_prop'		=> array(
								'border-left-color'		=> '#featurenav a.activeSlide', 
								'border-top-color'		=> '#featurenav a.activeSlide',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Tertiary Elements Shadow <small>Shadow Effect On Tertiary Box Elements (Make Slightly Darker Than Border)</small>',
				'footer_text_colors' => array(
					'title' 		=> 'Footer/Body Text Colors',						
					'shortexp' 		=> 'Control The Color Of Text In The Footer or Body Background Of Your Site',
					'exp' 			=> 'These options control the colors of the text in the footer of your site.',
					'type' 			=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'footer_text' => array(
							'default'		=> '#999999',
							'selectors'		=>	'#footer, #footer a, #footer .latest_posts li .list-excerpt',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Footer Text Color <small>Default Color Of Text In The Footer</small>',						
						'footer_highlight' => array(
							'default' 		=> '#FFFFFF',
							'selectors'		=>	'#footer a, #footer .widget-title,  #footer li h5 a',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Footer Highlight Text <small>Used With Links, Titles, etc..</small>',						
						'footer_text_shadow_color' => array(
							'default' 		=> '#000000',
							'selectors'		=> 'multi_property',
							'css_prop'		=> array(
								'text-shadow-top'	=> '#footer, .fixed_width #footer',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Footer Text Shadow Color <small>Used To Create An Indented Effect On Footer Text</small>',
		Typography related options
	$default_options['typography'] = array(
				'type_headers' => array(
						'default' 	=> array(
						'font' 		=> 'georgia',
						'type' 		=> 'typography',
						'selectors'	=> 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .site-title',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Select Font',
						'title' 	=> 'Typography - Text Headers',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Select and Style Your Site\'s Header Tags (H1, H2, H3...)',
						'exp' 		=> 'Set typography for your h1, h2, etc.. tags. <br/><br/><strong>*</strong> Denotes Web Safe Fonts<br/><strong>G</strong> Denotes Google Fonts<br/><br/><strong>Note:</strong> These options make use of the <a href="" target="_blank">Google fonts API</a> to vastly increase the number of websafe fonts you can use.',
						'pro_note'	=> 'The Pro version of this framework has over 50 websafe and Google fonts.'
				'type_primary' => array(
						'default' 	=> array(
						'font' 		=> 'georgia', 
						'type'		=> 'typography',
						'selectors'	=> 'body, .font1, .font-primary, .commentlist',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Select Font',
						'title' 	=> 'Typography - Primary Font',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Select and Style The Standard Type Used In Your Site (body)',
						'exp' 		=> 'Set typography for your primary site text. This is assigned to your site\'s body tag. <br/><br/> <strong>*</strong> Denotes Web Safe Fonts<br/><strong>G</strong> Denotes Google Fonts',
						'pro_note'	=> 'The Pro version of this framework has over 50 websafe and Google fonts.'
				'type_secondary' => array(
						'default' 	=> array(
						'font' 		=> 'lucida_grande',
						'kern'		=> '0.10em',
						'transform'	=> 'uppercase',
						'type' 		=> 'typography',
						'selectors'	=> '.font2, .font-sub, ul.main-nav li a, #secondnav li a, .metabar, .subtext, .subhead, .widget-title, .post-comments, .reply a, .editpage, #pagination .wp-pagenavi, .post-edit-link, #wp-calendar caption, #wp-calendar thead th, .soapbox-links a, .fancybox, .standard-form .admin-links, #featurenav a, .pagelines-blink, .ftitle small',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Select Font',
						'title' 	=> 'Typography - Secondary Font ',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Select and Style Your Site\'s Secondary or Sub Title Text (Metabar, Sub Titles, etc..)',
						'exp' 		=> 'This options sets the typography for secondary text used throughout your site. This includes your navigation, subtitles, widget titles, etc.. <br/><br/> <strong>*</strong> Denotes Web Safe Fonts<br/><strong>G</strong> Denotes Google Fonts',
						'pro_note'	=> 'The Pro version of this framework has over 50 websafe and Google fonts.'
				'type_inputs' => array(
						'version' 	=> 'pro',
						'default' 	=> array(
						'font' 		=> 'courier_new',
						'type' 		=> 'typography',
						'selectors'	=> 'input[type="text"], input[type="password"], textarea, #dsq-content textarea',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Select Font',
						'title' 	=> 'Typography - Inputs and Textareas',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Select and Style Your Site\'s Text Inputs and Textareas.',
						'exp' 		=> 'This options sets the typography for general text inputs and textarea inputs. This includes default WordPress comment fields, etc.. <br/><br/> This option makes use of the <a href="">Google fonts API</a> to vastly increase the number of websafe fonts you can use.<br/><strong>*</strong> Denotes web safe fonts<br/><strong>G</strong> Denotes Google fonts<br/><br/><strong>Note:</strong> the "preview" pane represents the font in your current browser and OS. If developing locally, Google fonts require an internet connection.',
				'typekit_script' => array(
						'default'	=> "",
						'type'		=> 'textarea',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Typekit Header Script',
						'title'		=> 'Typekit Font Replacement',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Typekit is a service that allows you to use tons of new fonts on your site.',
						'exp'		=> 'Typekit is a new service and technique that allows you to use fonts outside of the 10 or so "web-safe" fonts. <br/><br/>' .
								 'Visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to get the script for this option. Instructions for setting up Typekit are <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.'
				'fontreplacement' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> false,
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Use Cufon font replacement?',
						'title'		=> 'Use Cufon Font Replacement',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Use a special font replacement technique for certain text',
						'exp'		=> 'Cufon is a special technique for allowing you to use fonts outside of the 10 or so "web-safe" fonts. <br/><br/>' .
								 THEMENAME.' is equipped to use it.  Select this option to enable it. Visit the <a href="">Cufon site</a>.'
				'font_file'	=> array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Cufon replacement font file URL',
						'title'		=> 'Cufon: Replacement Font File URL',
						'shortexp'	=> 'The font file used to replace text.',
						'exp'		=> 'Use the <a href="">Cufon site</a> to generate a font file for use with this theme.  Place it in your theme folder and add the full URL to it here. The default font is Museo Sans.'
				'replace_font' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> 'h1',
						'type'		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'CSS elements for font replacement',
						'title'		=> 'Cufon: CSS elements for font replacement',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Add selectors of elements you would like replaced.',
						'exp'		=> 'Use standard CSS selectors to replace them with your Cufon font. Font replacement must be enabled.'
		Header and Navigation Related Options
	$default_options['header_and_nav'] = array(
				'icon_position' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'type'		=> 'text_multi',
						'inputsize'	=> 'tiny',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'icon_pos_bottom'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Distance From Bottom (in pixels)', 'default'=> 21),
							'icon_pos_right'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Distance From Right (in pixels)', 'default'=> 1),
						'title'		=> 'Social Icon Position',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Control the location of the social icons in the branding section',
						'exp'		=> 'Set the position of your header icons with these options. They will be relative to the "branding" section of your site.'
				'rsslink' => array(
						'default'	=> true,
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Display the Blog RSS icon and link?',
						'title'		=> 'News/Blog RSS Icon',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Places News/Blog RSS icon in your header',
						'exp'		=> ''
				'icon_social' => array(
						'type'		=> 'text_multi',
						'inputsize'	=> 'regular',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'facebooklink'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Your Facebook Profile URL', 'default'=> ''),
							'twitterlink'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Your Twitter Profile URL', 'default'=> ''),
							'linkedinlink'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Your LinkedIn Profile URL', 'default'=> ''),
							'youtubelink'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Your YouTube Profile URL', 'default'=> ''),
						'title'		=> 'Social Icons',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Add social network profile icons to your header',
						'exp'		=> 'Fill in the URLs of your social networking profiles. This option will create icons in the header/branding section of your site.'
				'nav_use_hierarchy' => array(
						'default'	=> false,
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Use Child Pages For Secondary Nav?',
						'title'		=> 'Use Child Pages for Secondary Nav',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Use this options if you want child pages in secondary nav, instead of WP menus.',
						'exp'		=> ''
		Options related to the blog and posts pages (category, archives, etc...)
	$default_options['blog_and_posts'] = array(
				'blog_layout_mode'		=> array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> 'magazine',
						'type'		=> 'select',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'magazine'	=> array("name" => "Magazine Layout Mode", "version" => "pro"),
							'blog'		=> array("name" => "Blog Layout Mode")
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Post Layout Mode',
						'title'		=> 'Blog Post Layout Mode',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'Choose between magazine style and blog style layout.',
						'exp'		=> 'Choose between two magazine or blog layout mode. <br/><br/> <strong>Magazine Layout Mode</strong><br/> Magazine layout mode makes use of post "clips". These are summarized excerpts shown at half the width of the main content column.<br/>  <strong>Note:</strong> There is an option for showing "full-width" posts on your main "posts" page.<br/><br/><strong>Blog Layout Mode</strong><br/> This is your classical blog layout. Posts span the entire width of the main content column.'
				'full_column_posts'		=> array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> 2,
						'type'		=> 'count_select',
						'count_number'	=> get_option('posts_per_page'),
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Number of Full Width Posts?',
						'title'		=> 'Full Width Posts (Magazine Layout Mode Only)',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'When using magazine layout mode, select the number of "featured" or full-width posts.',
						'exp'		=> 'Select the number of posts you would like shown at the full width of the main content column in magazine layout mode (the rest will be half-width post "clips").'
				'posts_page_layout' => array(
						'type'		=> 'select',
						'selectvalues'=> array(
							'fullwidth'		=> array( 'name' => 'Fullwidth layout', 'version' => 'pro' ),
							'one-sidebar-right' 	=> array( 'name' => 'One sidebar on right' ),
							'one-sidebar-left'	=> array( 'name' => 'One sidebar on left' ),
							'two-sidebar-right' 	=> array( 'name' => 'Two sidebars on right', 'version' => 'pro' ),
							'two-sidebar-left' 	=> array( 'name' => 'Two sidebars on left', 'version' => 'pro' ),
							'two-sidebar-center' 	=> array( 'name' => 'Two sidebars, one on each side', 'version' => 'pro' ),
						'title'		=> "Posts Page-Content Layout",
						'shortexp'	=> "Select the content layout on posts pages only",
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Posts Page Layout Mode (optional)',
						'exp'		=> 'Use this option to change the content layout mode on all posts pages (if different than default layout).'
				'thumb_handling' => array(
						'type'		=> 'check_multi',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'thumb_blog'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Posts/Blog Page', 'default'=> true),
							'thumb_single'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Single Post Pages', 'default'=> false),
							'thumb_search' 		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Search Results', 'default'=> false),
							'thumb_category' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Category Lists', 'default'=> true),
							'thumb_archive' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Post Archives', 'default'=> true),
							'thumb_clip' 		=> array('inputlabel'=>'In Post Clips (Magazine Mode)', 'default'=> true),
						'title'		=> 'Post Thumbnail Placement',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Where should the theme use post thumbnails?',
						'exp'		=> 'Use this option to control where post "featured images" or thumbnails are used. Note: The post clips option only applies when magazine layout is selected.'
				'byline_handling' => array(
						'type'		=> 'check_multi',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'byline_author'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Author', 'default'=> true),
							'byline_date'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Date', 'default'=> true),
							'byline_comments'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Comments', 'default'=> true),
							'byline_categories' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Categories', 'default'=> false),
						'title'		=> 'Post Byline Information (Blog Mode and Full-Width Posts Only)',
						'shortexp'	=> 'What should be shown in post bylines?',
						'exp'		=> 'The byline shows meta information about who wrote the post, what category it is in, etc... Use this option to control what is shown.'
				'excerpt_handling' => array(
						'type'		=> 'check_multi',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'excerpt_blog'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Posts/Blog Page', 'default'=> true),
							'excerpt_single'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Single Post Pages', 'default'=> false),
							'excerpt_search'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Search Results', 'default'=> true),
							'excerpt_category' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Category Lists', 'default'=> true),
							'excerpt_archive' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Post Archives', 'default'=> true),
						'title'		=> 'Post Excerpt or Summary Handling',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Where should the theme use post excerpts when showing full column posts?',
						'exp'		=> 'This option helps you control where post excerpts are displayed.<br/><br/> <strong>About:</strong> Excerpts are small summaries of articles filled out when creating a post.'
				'pagetitles' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Automatically show Page titles?',
						'title'		=> 'Page Titles',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'Show the title of pages above the page content.',
						'exp'		=> 'This option will automatically place page titles on all pages.'
				'continue_reading_text' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> 'Continue Reading',
						'type'		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Continue Reading Link Text',
						'title'		=> '"Continue Reading" Link Text (When Using Excerpts)',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'The link at the end of your excerpt.',
						'exp' 		=> "This text will be used as the link to your full article when viewing articles on your posts page (when excerpts are turned on)."
				'content_handling' => array(
						'type'		=> 'check_multi',
						'selectvalues'=> array(
							'content_blog'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Posts/Blog Page', 'default'=> false),
							'content_search'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Search Results', 'default'=> false),
							'content_category' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Category Lists', 'default'=> false),
							'content_archive' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Post Archives', 'default'=> false),
						'title'		=> 'Full Post Content',
						'shortexp'	=> 'In addition to single post pages and page templates, where should the theme place the full content of posts?',
						'exp'		=> 'Choose where the full content of posts is displayed. Choose between all posts pages or just single post pages (i.e. posts pages can just show excerpts or titles).'
				'post_footer_social_text' => array(
						'default'	=> 'If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it!',
						'type'		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Post Footer Social Links Text',
						'title'		=> 'Post Footer Social Links Text',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'The text next to your social icons',
						'exp'		=> "Set the text next to your social links shown on single post pages or on all " . 
								 "posts pages if the post footer link is set to 'always sharing links'."
				'post_footer_share_links' => array(
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'check_multi',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'share_facebook'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Facebook Sharing Icon', 'default'=> true),
							'share_twitter'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Twitter Sharing Icon', 'default'=> true),
							'share_twitter_cache'=>array('inputlabel'=>'Enable twitter short urls', 'default'=> false),
							'share_delicious'	=> array('inputlabel'=>' Sharing Icon', 'default'=> true),
							'share_mixx'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Mixx Sharing Icon', 'default'=> false),
							'share_reddit'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Reddit Sharing Icon', 'default'=> true),
							'share_digg'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Digg Sharing Icon', 'default'=> false),
							'share_stumbleupon'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'StumbleUpon Sharing Icon', 'default'=> false)
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Select Which Share Links To Show',
						'title'		=> 'Post Footer Sharing Icons',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'Select Which To Show',
						'exp'		=> "Select which icons you would like to show in your post footer when sharing " . 
								 "links are shown."
				'excerpt_tags' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default' 	=> '<p><br><a>',
						'type' 		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Allowed Tags',
						'title' 	=> 'Allow Tags in Excerpt',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Control which tags are stripped from excerpts.',
						'exp' 		=> 'By default WordPress strips all HTML tags from excerpts. You can use this option to allow certain tags. Simply enter the allowed tags in this field. <br/>An example of allowed tags could be: <strong>&lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;a&gt;</strong>. <br/><br/> <strong>Note:</strong> Enter a period "<strong>.</strong>" to disallow all tags.'
		Sidebar and widget related
	$default_options['sidebar_options'] = array(
				'sidebar_no_default' => array(
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Hide Sidebars When Empty (no widgets)',
						'title'		=> 'Remove Default Sidebars When Empty',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Hide default sidebars when sidebars have no widgets in them',
						'exp'		=> 'This allows you to remove sidebars completely when they have no widgets in them.'
				'sidebar_wrap_widgets' => array(
						'default' 	=> 'top',
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'type' 		=> 'select',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'top'		=> array("name" => 'On Top of Sidebar'),
							'bottom'	=> array("name" => 'On Bottom of Sidebar')
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Sidebar Wrap Widgets Position',
						'title' 	=> 'Sidebar Wrap Widgets',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Choose whether to show the sidebar wrap widgets on the top or bottom of the sidebar.',
						'exp' 		=> 'You can select whether to show the widgets that you place in the sidebar wrap template in either the top or the bottom of the sidebar.'
		Footer related options
	$default_options['footer_options'] = array(
				'footer_logo' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> PL_IMAGES.'/logo-platformpro-small.png',
						'type'		=> 'image_upload',
						'imagepreview'	=> '100',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Add Footer logo',
						'title'		=> 'Footer Logo',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Show a logo in the footer',
						'exp'		=> 'Add the full url of an image for use in the footer. Recommended size: 140px wide.'
				'footer_more' => array(
						'default'	=> "Thanks for dropping by! Feel free to join the discussion by leaving " . 
								"comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the <a href='".get_bloginfo('rss2_url')."'>RSS feed</a>.",
						'type'		=> 'textarea',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'More Statement In Footer',
						'title'		=> 'More Statement',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Add a quick statement for users who want to know more...',
						'exp'		=> "This statement will show in the footer columns under the word more. It is for users who may want to know more about your company or service."
				'footer_terms' => array(
						'default' 	=> '&copy; '.date('Y').' '.get_bloginfo('name'),
						'type' 		=> 'textarea',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Terms line in footer:',
						'title' 	=> 'Site Terms Statement',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'A line in your footer for "terms and conditions text" or similar',
						'exp' 		=> "It's sometimes a good idea to give your users a terms and conditions statement so they know how they should use your service or content."
	$misc_settings = array();
	$misc_settings['misc_settings'] = array(
				'partner_link' => array(
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Enter Partner Link',
						'title'		=> 'PageLines Partner Link',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Change your PageLines footer link to a partner link',
						'exp'		=> 'If you are a <a href="">PageLines Partner</a> enter your link here and the footer link will become a partner or affiliate link.'
				'google_ie' => array(
						'default'	=> false,
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Include Google IE Compatibility Script?',
						'title'		=> 'Google IE Compatibility Fix',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Include a Google JS script that fixes problems with IE.',
						'exp'		=> 'More info on this can be found here: <strong></strong>.'

				'forum_options' => array(
						'default' 	=> '',
						'type' 		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Show bbPress Forum Addon Options',
						'title' 	=> 'Activate Forum Options',
						'shortexp'	=> 'If you have integrated a PageLines bbPress forum, activate its options here.',
						'exp' 		=> 'This theme has some integrated options for its bbPress forum addon (if installed).'

				'disable_ajax_save' => array(
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Disable AJAX Saving?',
						'title'		=> 'Disable AJAX Saving',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Check to disable AJAX saving.',
						'exp'		=> "Check this option if you are having problems with AJAX saving. For example, if design control or typography options aren't working"
				'inline_dynamic_css' => array(
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Make Dynamic CSS Inline?',
						'title'		=> 'Inline Dynamic CSS',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Makes Dynamic CSS Load Inline, Resolves Caching Issues',
						'exp'		=> "If you are having problems with layout, design control and typography, you may have caching issues on your server. Make dynamic.css 'inline' for fast relief. Note: there is a small performance issue with this."

				'enable_debug' => array(
						'default' => '',
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'type' => 'check',
						'inputlabel' => 'Enable debug settings tab?',
						'title' => 'PageLines debug',
						'shortexp' => 'Show detailed settings information.',
						'exp' => "This information can be useful in the forums if you have a problem."

				'hide_introduction' => array(
						'default' => '',
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'type' => 'check',
						'inputlabel' => 'Hide the introduction?',
						'title' => 'Show Theme Introduction',
						'shortexp' => 'Uncheck this option to show theme introduction.',
						'exp' => ""

		Custom Scripts, Customization, Option related options...
	$custom_code = array();
	$custom_code['custom_code'] = array(
				'customcss' => array(
						'version' 	=> 'pro',
						'default' 	=> 'body{}',
						'type' 		=> 'textarea',
						'layout' 	=> 'full',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'CSS Rules',
						'title' 	=> 'Custom CSS',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Insert custom CSS styling here. It will be stored in the DB and not overwritten. <br/>Note: The easiest way to customize your site is using "Base" the child theme for PlatformPro.',
						'exp' 		=> '<div class="theexample">Example:<br/> <strong>body{<br/> &nbsp;&nbsp;color:  #3399CC;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;line-height: 20px;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;font-size: 11px<br/>}</strong></div>Enter CSS Rules to change the style of your site.<br/><br/> A lot can be accomplished by simply changing the default styles of the "body" tag such as "line-height", "font-size", or "color" (as in text color).', 
						'docslink'	=> '', 
						'vidtitle'	=> 'View Customization Documentation'

				'headerscripts' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'textarea',
						'layout'	=> 'full',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Headerscripts Code',
						'title'		=> 'Header Scripts',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Scripts inserted directly before the end of the HTML &lt;head&gt; tag',
						'exp'		=> ''
				'footerscripts' => array(
						'default'	=> '',						
						'type'		=> 'textarea',
						'layout'	=> 'full',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Footerscripts Code or Analytics',
						'title'		=> 'Footer Scripts &amp; Analytics',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Any footer scripts including Google Analytics',
						'exp'		=> ''
				'asynch_analytics' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'textarea',
						'layout'	=> 'full',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Asynchronous Analytics',
						'title'		=> 'Asynchronous Analytics',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Placeholder for Google asynchronous analytics. Goes underneath "body" tag.',
						'exp'		=> ''
	if(!pagelines_option('hide_introduction') && VPRO){
		$welcome = array(
				'_welcome' => array(
						'theme_introduction'	=> array(
							'type'		=> 'text_content',
							'layout'	=> 'full',
							'exp'		=> get_theme_intro()
						'hide_introduction'	=> array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'check',
							'inputlabel'	=> '',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Hide the introduction',
							'title'		=> 'Remove This Theme Introduction',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Remove this introduction from the admin.',
							'exp'		=> "This introduction can be added back under the 'custom code' tab (once hidden)..."
	}else{$welcome = array();}
	if( pagelines_option('forum_options') ){
		$forum_options = array(
				'forum_settings' => array(
						'forum_tags'		=> array(
							'default'	=> true,
							'type'		=> 'check',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Show tags in sidebar?',
							'title'		=> 'Tag Cloud In Sidebar',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Including post tags on the forum sidebar.',
							'exp'		=> 'Tags are added by users and moderators on your forum and can help people locate posts.'
						'forum_image_1'		=> array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'image_upload',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Upload Forum Image',
							'imagepreview'	=> 125,
							'title'		=> 'Forum Sidebar Image #1',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Add a 125px by 125px image to your forum sidebar',
							'exp'		=> "Spice up your forum with a promotional image in the forum sidebar."
						'forum_image_link_1' => array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'text',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Image Link URL',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Image #1 Link',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Full URL for your forum image.',
							'exp'		=> "Add the full url for your forum image."
						'forum_image_2' => array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'image_upload',
							'imagepreview'	=> 125,
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Upload Forum Image',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Sidebar Image #2',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Add a 125px by 125px image to your forum sidebar',
							'exp'		=> "Spice up your forum with a promotional image in the forum sidebar."
						'forum_image_link_2'	=> array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'text',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Image Link URL',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Image #2 Link',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Full URL for your forum image.',
							'exp'		=> "Add the full url for your forum image."
						'forum_sidebar_link'	=> array(
							'default'	=> '#',
							'type'		=> 'text',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Forum Image Caption URL',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Caption Link URL (Text Link)',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Add the URL for your forum caption (optional)',
							'exp'		=> "Text link underneath your forum images."
						'forum_sidebar_link_text' => array(
							'default'	=> 'About '.get_bloginfo('name'),
							'type'		=> 'text',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Forum Sidebar Link Text',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Sidebar Link Text',
							'shortexp'	=> 'The text of your image caption link',
							'exp'		=> "Change the text of the caption placed under your forum images."
	}else{$forum_options = array();}
		Custom Options
	$custom_options = array( 'custom_options' => apply_filters('pagelines_custom_options', array()) );
		Merge preset functions
	$optionarray = array_merge($welcome, $default_options, $forum_options);

		Load Section Options
	// Comes before, so you can load on to 'new' option sets
	$optionarray =  array_merge(load_section_options('new', 'top', $load_unavailable), $optionarray, load_section_options('new', 'bottom', $load_unavailable), $misc_settings, $custom_code);
	if(isset($custom_options['custom_options']) && !empty($custom_options['custom_options']))
		$optionarray = array_merge($optionarray, $custom_options);
	foreach($optionarray as $optionset => $options){
		$optionarray[$optionset] = array_merge( load_section_options($optionset, 'top', $load_unavailable), $options, load_section_options($optionset, 'bottom', $load_unavailable));
	return apply_filters('pagelines_options_array', $optionarray); 