function get_subfolder($idparent, $spasi, $spasis)
    $result = mysql_query("select * from pohon_keputusan where id_parent= '{$idparent}'");
    // $no = 1;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        if ($row[6] === 'Ya') {
            $kelancaran = "<font color=blue>{$row['6']}</font>";
        } elseif ($row[6] === 'Tidak') {
            $kelancaran = "<font color=red>{$row['6']}</font>";
        } elseif ($row[6] === '?') {
            $kelancaran = "<font color=orange>{$row['6']}</font>";
            $spasis = $spasis - 1;
        } else {
            $kelancaran = "<b>{$row['6']}</b>";
            $spasis = $spasis - 1;
        $no = 1;
        $nos = 1;
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $spasi; $i++) {
            // echo "<i class='md md-remove' style='margin: -3px;'></i><i class='md md-remove' style='margin: -3px;'></i><i class='md md-remove' style='margin: -3px 5px -3px -3px;'></i>";
            // echo "<i class='md md-battery-std' style='margin: -3px;'></i><i class='md md-battery-std' style='margin: -3px;'></i><i class='md md-battery-std' style='margin: -3px 5px -3px -3px;'></i>";
            if ($spasi <= $nos) {
                echo "<img class='img-pohon-vertical' >";
            } else {
                echo "<img class='img-pohon-vertical' ><img class='img-pohon-vertical' src='img/square.png'>";
        echo "<img class='img-pohon-vertical' src='img/square.png'><img class='img-pohon-horizontal' src='img/square.png'><img class='img-pohon-arrow' src='img/arrow.png'>\n\t\t\t\t\t        \t  </i><span class='badge m-5'>{$row['1']}</span> = {$row['2']} (Tidak = {$row['4']}, Ya = {$row['5']}) : <b>{$kelancaran}</b><br>";
        /*panggil dirinya sendiri*/
        get_subfolder($row[0], $spasi + 1, $spasis + 1);
function get_subfolder($idparent, $spasi)
    $result = mysql_query("select * from pohon_keputusan where id_parent= '{$idparent}'");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $spasi; $i++) {
            echo "-&nbsp;";
        if ($row[6] === 'Ya') {
            $kelancaran = "<font color=blue>{$row['6']}</font>";
        } elseif ($row[6] === 'Tidak') {
            $kelancaran = "<font color=#000000>{$row['6']}</font>";
        } elseif ($row[6] === '?') {
            $kelancaran = "<font color=#FF00FF>{$row['6']}</font>";
        } else {
            $kelancaran = "<b>{$row['6']}</b>";
        echo "<font color=green>{$row['1']}</font> = {$row['2']} (Tidak = {$row['4']}, Ya = {$row['5']}) : <b>{$kelancaran}</b><br>";
        /*panggil dirinya sendiri*/
        get_subfolder($row[0], $spasi + 1);
function get_subfolder($idparent, $spasi)
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT *, v.variable_name as variable_name FROM pohon_keputusan pk JOIN variable v ON pk.variabel = v.variable_name where id_parent= '{$idparent}'");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        if ($row[6] === 'Ya') {
            $kelancaran = "<font color=blue>{$row['6']}</font>";
        } elseif ($row[6] === 'Tidak') {
            $kelancaran = "<font color=red>{$row['6']}</font>";
        } elseif ($row[6] === '?') {
            $kelancaran = "<font color=orange>{$row['6']}</font>";
        } else {
            $kelancaran = "<b>{$row['6']}</b>";
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $spasi; $i++) {
            // echo "<i class='md md-remove' style='margin: -3px;'></i><i class='md md-remove' style='margin: -3px;'></i><i class='md md-remove' style='margin: -3px 5px -3px -3px;'></i>";
            // echo "<i class='md md-battery-std' style='margin: -3px;'></i><i class='md md-battery-std' style='margin: -3px;'></i><i class='md md-battery-std' style='margin: -3px 5px -3px -3px;'></i>";
            echo "<img class='img-pohon-vertical' src='img/square.png'>";
        echo "<img class='img-pohon-vertical' src='img/square.png'><img class='img-pohon-horizontal' src='img/square.png'><img class='img-pohon-arrow' src='img/arrow.png'>\n\t\t\t\t\t        \t  </i><span class='badge m-5'>{$row['variable_alias']}</span> = {$row['2']} (Tidak = {$row['4']}, Ya = {$row['5']}) : <b>{$kelancaran}</b><br>";
        /*panggil dirinya sendiri*/
        get_subfolder($row[0], $spasi + 1);
                 $author_ascii_array = explode(";", $authors_ascii);
                 $author_ascii_array2 = explode(",", $author_ascii_array[0]);
                 if (!empty($author_ascii_array2[0])) {
                     $bibtex_author = substr($author_ascii_array2[0], 3, -1);
             empty($year) ? $bibtex_year = '0000' : ($bibtex_year = substr($year, 0, 4));
             $bibtex = $bibtex_author . '-' . $bibtex_year . '-ID' . $new_id;
             $insert = $stmt6->execute();
             $insert = null;
         if (is_writable(IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tmprow['file'])) {
             $dbHandle->exec("UPDATE tempfdb.full_text SET fileID=" . $new_id . " WHERE fileID=" . $tmprow['id']);
             copy(IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tmprow['file'], IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($new_file) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new_file);
             $hashes[$new_id] = md5_file(IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($new_file) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new_file);
             @unlink(IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tmprow['file']);
         $tmprow = null;
     $tmpresult = null;
     $tmprow = null;
 $stmt = null;
 $stmt2 = null;
 $stmt3 = null;
 $stmt4 = null;
 $stmt5 = null;
 $dbHandle->exec("DETACH DATABASE tempdb");
 $dbHandle->exec("DETACH DATABASE tempfdb");
 public function downloadPDF($mode = null, $attachments = array())
     // Add watermarks.
     if (!empty($_SESSION['watermarks'])) {
         if ($_SESSION['watermarks'] == 'nocopy') {
             $watermark = 'nocopy';
             $message = str_repeat('DO NOT COPY    ', 5);
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             $watermark = 'confidential';
             $message = str_repeat('CONFIDENTIAL   ', 5);
         $pdfmark = '<<' . ' /EndPage' . ' {' . ' 2 eq { pop false }' . ' {' . ' gsave' . ' /Helvetica_Bold 30 selectfont' . ' 1 0 0 setrgbcolor 10 5 moveto (' . $message . ') show' . ' grestore' . ' true' . ' } ifelse' . ' } bind' . ' >> setpagedevice';
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         file_put_contents($pdfmark_file, $pdfmark);
         $temp_file = $this->temp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->file_name . $watermark . '.pdf';
         exec(select_ghostscript() . ' -o "' . $temp_file . '" -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -sDEVICE=pdfwrite "' . $pdfmark_file . '" "' . $this->pdf_full_path . '"');
         $this->pdf_full_path = $temp_file;
     // Attach PDF annotations.
     if (isset($attachments) && in_array('notes', $attachments)) {
         // Get page sizes.
         $pages = $this->getPageInfo();
         $page_sizes = $pages['page_sizes'];
         $dbHandle = database_connect($this->database_path, 'library');
         $user_id_q = $dbHandle->quote($_SESSION['user_id']);
         $user_name_q = $dbHandle->quote($_SESSION['user']);
         $file_name_q = $dbHandle->quote($this->file_name);
         // Attach from all users.
         if (in_array('allusers', $attachments)) {
             $quoted_path = $dbHandle->quote($this->database_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'users.sq3');
             $dbHandle->exec("ATTACH DATABASE {$quoted_path} AS userdatabase");
             $result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT id,annotation,page,top,left,userdatabase.users.username AS username FROM annotations\n                                                JOIN userdatabase.users ON userdatabase.users.userID=annotations.userID\n                                                WHERE filename={$file_name_q}\n                                                ORDER BY CAST(page AS INTEGER) ASC, CAST(top AS INTEGER) ASC");
             $dbHandle->exec("DETACH DATABASE userdatabase");
         } else {
             // Attach from this user.
             $result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT id,annotation,page,top,left," . $user_name_q . " AS username FROM annotations\n                                                WHERE filename={$file_name_q}\n                                                AND userID={$user_id_q}\n                                                ORDER BY CAST(page AS INTEGER) ASC, CAST(top AS INTEGER) ASC");
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                             /ANN pdfmark' . PHP_EOL;
         $result = null;
         // Attach highlights.
         if (in_array('allusers', $attachments)) {
             // Attach from all users
             $quoted_path = $dbHandle->quote($this->database_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'users.sq3');
             $dbHandle->exec("ATTACH DATABASE {$quoted_path} AS userdatabase");
             $result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT id,page,top,left,width,userdatabase.users.username AS username FROM yellowmarkers\n                                JOIN userdatabase.users ON userdatabase.users.userID=yellowmarkers.userID\n                                WHERE filename=" . $file_name_q);
             $dbHandle->exec("DETACH DATABASE userdatabase");
         } else {
             // Attach from this user.
             $result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT id,page,top,left,width," . $user_name_q . " AS username FROM yellowmarkers\n                                                WHERE filename={$file_name_q}\n                                                AND userID={$user_id_q}");
         // Compile Pdfmark for highlights.
         while ($annotations = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NAMED)) {
             // Calculate width and height in points for each page.
             $w = round($page_sizes[$annotations['page'] + 1][0] * 72 / $this->page_resolution);
             $h = round($page_sizes[$annotations['page'] + 1][1] * 72 / $this->page_resolution);
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                             /SrcPg ' . $annotations['page'] . '
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                             /ANN pdfmark' . PHP_EOL;
         $result = null;
         // Write all annotations to the PDF.
         if (!empty($pdfmark)) {
             $pdfmark_file = $this->temp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib_' . session_id() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pdfmark.txt';
             file_put_contents($pdfmark_file, $pdfmark);
             $temp_file = $this->temp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib_' . session_id() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->file_name . '-annotated.pdf';
             exec(select_ghostscript() . ' -o "' . $temp_file . '" -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -sDEVICE=pdfwrite "' . $this->pdf_full_path . '" "' . $pdfmark_file . '"');
             $this->pdf_full_path = $temp_file;
     // Attach files.
     $supfile_arr = array();
     // Attach rich-text notes.
     if (isset($attachments) && in_array('richnotes', $attachments)) {
         $dbHandle = database_connect($this->database_path, 'library');
         $user_id_q = $dbHandle->quote($_SESSION['user_id']);
         $file_name_q = $dbHandle->quote($this->file_name);
         $result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT notes FROM notes\n                                            WHERE fileID=(SELECT id FROM library WHERE file={$file_name_q})\n                                            AND userID={$user_id_q}");
         $notetxt = $result->fetchColumn();
         if (!empty($notetxt)) {
             $notetxt = '<!DOCTYPE html><html style="width:100%;height:100%"><head>
                 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
                 <title>I, Librarian - Notes</title></head><body>' . $notetxt . '</body></html>';
             file_put_contents($this->temp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib_' . session_id() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'richnotes.html', $notetxt);
             $supfile_arr[] = $this->temp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib_' . session_id() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'richnotes.html';
     // Attach supplementary files.
     if (isset($attachments) && in_array('supp', $attachments)) {
         $supfiles = array();
         $integer = substr($this->file_name, 0, strpos($this->file_name, '.'));
         $supfiles = glob($this->supplement_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($integer) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $integer . '*');
         $supfile_arr = array_merge((array) $supfiles, $supfile_arr);
     // Ghostscript can attach files to PDF, but let's do it with Zip.
     if (!empty($supfile_arr) && extension_loaded('zip')) {
         $temp_file = $this->temp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib_' . session_id() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '';
         $zip = new ZipArchive();
         $zip->open($temp_file, ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE);
         // Add PDF.
         $zip->addFile($this->pdf_full_path, basename($this->file_name));
         // Add supplementary files.
         foreach ($supfile_arr as $supfile) {
             $zip->addFile($supfile, basename($supfile));
         $this->pdf_full_path = $temp_file;
         $this->file_name = $this->file_name . '.zip';
     // Output finished PDF.
     if (!empty($supfile_arr) && extension_loaded('zip')) {
         header("Content-type: application/zip");
     } else {
         header("Content-type: application/pdf");
     if (isset($mode) && $mode == 'download') {
         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$this->file_name}\"");
     } else {
         header("Content-Disposition: inline");
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
     header("Expires: 0");
     header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($this->pdf_full_path));
 ##########	record graphical abstract	##########
 if (isset($_FILES['form_graphical_abstract']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['form_graphical_abstract']['tmp_name'])) {
     $extension = pathinfo($_FILES['form_graphical_abstract']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     if (empty($extension)) {
         $extension = 'jpg';
     $new_name = sprintf("%05d", intval($new_file)) . 'graphical_abstract.' . $extension;
     move_uploaded_file($_FILES['form_graphical_abstract']['tmp_name'], IL_SUPPLEMENT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($new_file) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new_name);
 ##########	extract text from pdf	##########
 if (isset($copy) && $copy || isset($move) && $move) {
     system(select_pdftotext() . ' -enc UTF-8 "' . IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($new_file) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new_file . '" "' . IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new_file . '.txt"', $ret);
     if (is_file(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new_file . ".txt")) {
         $string = file_get_contents(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new_file . ".txt");
         unlink(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new_file . ".txt");
         if (!empty($string)) {
             $string = preg_replace('/[^\\x{0009}\\x{000a}\\x{000d}\\x{0020}-\\x{D7FF}\\x{E000}-\\x{FFFD}]+/u', ' ', $string);
             $order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
             $string = str_replace($order, ' ', $string);
             $string = preg_replace('/\\s{2,}/ui', ' ', $string);
             database_connect(IL_DATABASE_PATH, 'fulltext');
             $file_query = $dbHandle->quote($id);
             $fulltext_query = $dbHandle->quote($string);
             $dbHandle->exec("DELETE FROM full_text WHERE fileID={$file_query}");
             $dbHandle->exec("INSERT INTO full_text (fileID,full_text) VALUES ({$file_query},{$fulltext_query})");
         echo '<div style="padding:8px 8px"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Delete selected"><br>' . '<b>Warning! This action cannot be undone. Inspect the items you want to delete for supplementary files and important notes.</b></div>';
     } else {
         echo '<div style="padding:4px 8px">No duplicates found.</div>';
     echo '</form>';
 } elseif (isset($_GET['find_duplicates']) && $_GET['find_duplicates'] == 'hash') {
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 900);
     echo '<div class="details alternating_row" style="font-weight:bold">Possible Duplicates:</div>' . '<div style="padding:4px 8px"><input type="checkbox" style="visibility:hidden">' . '<span style="display:inline-block;margin-left:1em;width:4em">ID</span><span style="margin-left:1em">File hash</span></div>';
     echo '<form action="duplicates.php" method="POST">';
     database_connect(IL_DATABASE_PATH, 'library');
     $result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT id,file,filehash FROM library");
     $hashes = array();
     while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NAMED)) {
         if (empty($row['filehash']) && is_file(IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($row['file']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $row['file'])) {
             $hashes[$row['id']] = md5_file(IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($row['file']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $row['file']);
     while (list($id, $hash) = each($hashes)) {
         $hash = $dbHandle->quote($hash);
         $id = $dbHandle->quote($id);
         $dbHandle->exec("UPDATE library SET filehash=" . $hash . " WHERE id=" . $id);
     $result = null;
     $row = null;
     $result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT id,filehash FROM library" . " WHERE filehash IN (SELECT filehash FROM library WHERE filehash!='' GROUP BY filehash HAVING count(*) > 1)" . " ORDER BY filehash");
     $dbHandle = null;
     $is_duplicate = false;

include_once 'data.php';
include_once 'functions.php';
$text = '';
$filename = sprintf('%05d', intval($_GET['file'])) . '.pdf';
if (!empty($_GET['file'])) {
    database_connect(IL_DATABASE_PATH, 'fulltext');
    $query = $dbHandle->quote($_GET['file']);
    $result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT full_text FROM full_text WHERE fileID={$query}");
    $dbHandle = null;
    $text = $result->fetchColumn();
if (!empty($text)) {
    $text_size = round(strlen(utf8_decode($text)) / 1024, 1);
    $pdf_size = round(filesize(IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($filename) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename) / 1024, 1);
} else {
    print '<h3>No text found.</h3>';
include_once '';
<body style="padding:20px">
    <h3>Extracted text from the file <?php 
print $filename;
    <div class="ui-corner-all alternating_row" style="float:left;width:75%;text-align:justify;padding:10px;text-shadow:none">
print htmlspecialchars($text);

include_once 'data.php';
include_once 'functions.php';
if (!empty($_GET['file'])) {
    $pdf_path = IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($_GET['file']);
    database_connect(IL_DATABASE_PATH, 'library');
    $file_query = $dbHandle->quote(intval($_GET['file']));
    $result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT file FROM library WHERE id={$file_query} LIMIT 1");
    $filename = $result->fetchColumn();
    $dbHandle = null;
    ##########	extract text from pdf	##########
    if (is_file($pdf_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename)) {
        system(select_pdftotext() . ' -enc UTF-8 "' . $pdf_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename . '" "' . IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename . '.txt"', $ret);
        if (is_file(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename . ".txt")) {
            $string = trim(file_get_contents(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename . ".txt"));
            unlink(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename . ".txt");
            $string = preg_replace('/[^\\x{0009}\\x{000a}\\x{000d}\\x{0020}-\\x{D7FF}\\x{E000}-\\x{FFFD}]+/u', ' ', $string);
            $string = trim($string);
            if (!empty($string)) {
                $order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
                $string = str_replace($order, ' ', $string);
                $string = preg_replace('/\\s{2,}/ui', ' ', $string);
                $output = null;
                database_connect(IL_DATABASE_PATH, 'fulltext');
                $file_query = $dbHandle->quote(intval($_GET['file']));
                $fulltext_query = $dbHandle->quote($string);
                $dbHandle->exec("DELETE FROM full_text WHERE fileID={$file_query}");
                $output = $dbHandle->exec("INSERT INTO full_text (fileID,full_text) VALUES ({$file_query},{$fulltext_query})");
                     $string = preg_replace('/\\s{2,}/', " ", $string);
                     database_connect(IL_DATABASE_PATH, 'fulltext');
                     $file_query = $dbHandle->quote($id);
                     $fulltext_query = $dbHandle->quote($string);
                     $dbHandle->exec("DELETE FROM full_text WHERE fileID={$file_query}");
                     $insert = $dbHandle->exec("INSERT INTO full_text (fileID,full_text) VALUES ({$file_query},{$fulltext_query})");
                     $dbHandle = null;
                     $unpack_dir = IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new_file;
                     exec(select_pdfdetach() . ' -saveall -o "' . $unpack_dir . '" "' . IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($new_file) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new_file . '"');
                     $unpacked_files = scandir($unpack_dir);
                     foreach ($unpacked_files as $unpacked_file) {
                         if (is_file($unpack_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $unpacked_file)) {
                             rename($unpack_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $unpacked_file, IL_SUPPLEMENT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($new_file) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . sprintf("%05d", intval($new_file)) . $unpacked_file);
                     $put = basename($orig_filename) . ": Recorded.<br>";
     } else {
         $put = basename($orig_filename) . ": Not readable.<br>";
 ##########  ANALYZE  ##########
 if (rand(1, 1000) == 500) {
     database_connect(IL_DATABASE_PATH, 'library');

include_once 'data.php';
include_once 'functions.php';
$id = sprintf("%05d", $_GET['id']);
$output_arr = array();
$directory = IL_SUPPLEMENT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($id);
if (is_dir($directory)) {
    $files = glob($directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $id . '*');
    if (is_array($files)) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $file = basename($file);
            $isimage = false;
            $image_array = array();
            $image_array = @getimagesize(IL_SUPPLEMENT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($file) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);
            $image_mime = $image_array['mime'];
            if ($image_mime == 'image/jpeg' || $image_mime == 'image/gif' || $image_mime == 'image/png') {
                $isimage = true;
            if ($isimage) {
                $output_arr[] = array('title' => substr($file, 5), 'value' => 'attachment.php?attachment=' . $file);
echo json_encode($output_arr);
} else {
    $integer = sprintf("%05d", intval($paper['file']));
    $files_to_display = glob(IL_SUPPLEMENT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($integer) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $integer . '*');
    $url_filename = '<div style="font-size:0.8em">No supplementary files.</div>';
    $url_filenames = array();
    if (is_array($files_to_display)) {
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            $url_filenames[] = '<li><a style="font-size:0.85em" href="' . htmlspecialchars('attachment.php?attachment=' . basename($supplementary_file)) . '" target="_blank">' . substr(basename($supplementary_file), 5) . '</a></li>';
        $url_filename = join(PHP_EOL, $url_filenames);
        $url_filename = '<ul data-role="listview">' . $url_filename . '</ul>';
    print '<table style="width:100%"><tr><td style="width:50%">';
    if (is_file(IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($integer) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $paper['file']) && isset($_SESSION['auth'])) {
        print '<a class="ui-btn ui-mini ui-corner-all"
                href="' . htmlspecialchars('pdfcontroller.php?downloadpdf=1&file=' . urlencode($paper['file']) . '#pagemode=none&scrollbar=1&navpanes=0&toolbar=1&statusbar=0&page=1&view=FitH,0') . '" target="_blank">
    } else {
        print '<button class="ui-btn ui-mini ui-corner-all" disabled>PDF</button>';
    print '</td><td>';
    print '<form><input class="update_clipboard" name="checkbox-clipboard" id="checkbox-clipboard-' . $paper['id'] . '" type="checkbox" data-mini="true"';
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        print ' checked="checked"';
    print '><label for="checkbox-clipboard-' . $paper['id'] . '">Clipboard</label></form>';
    print '</td></tr></table>';
    print PHP_EOL . '<div class="ui-body ui-body-a" style="margin:0.75em 0;font-size:0.9em">' . $paper['title'] . '<br><span style="font-weight:normal">';
     <div class="file-grid" style="border-bottom:0">
         <div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-state-default" style="border:0;border-radius:0">Graphical Abstract</div>
         <div class="separator" style="margin:0"></div>
         <div class="alternating_row" style="height:188px;overflow:auto">';
 if (isset($_SESSION['auth']) && is_file(graphical_abstract($paper['file']))) {
     echo '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars('attachment.php?mode=inline&attachment=' . basename(graphical_abstract($paper['file']))) . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . htmlspecialchars('attachment.php?mode=inline&attachment=' . basename(graphical_abstract($paper['file']))) . '" style="width:100%"></a>';
 print '</div>
     <div class="file-grid" style="border-bottom:0">
         <div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-state-default" style="border:0;border-radius:0;position:relative">
         <div class="separator" style="margin:0"></div>
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 if (is_file(IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($paper['file']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $paper['file'])) {
     print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars('pdfcontroller.php?downloadpdf=1&file=' . $paper['file']) . '" target="_blank">' . '<i class="fa fa-external-link" style="color:inherit;margin-right:0.5em"></i></a>' . '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars('pdfcontroller.php?downloadpdf=1&mode=download&file=' . $paper['file']) . '">' . $paper['file'] . '</a><br>';
 print $url_filename . '</div>
     <div class="file-grid" style="border-right:0;width:33.33%;border-bottom:0">
         <div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-state-default" style="border:0;border-radius:0">IDs</div>
         <div class="separator" style="margin:0"></div>
         <div class="alternating_row" style="padding:4px 10px;overflow:auto;height:180px">';
 print "<u>I, Librarian ID:</u> <a href=\"stable.php?id={$paper['id']}\" target=\"_blank\">" . $paper['id'] . " (stable link)</a>";
 $uid_array = explode("|", $paper['uid']);
 foreach ($uid_array as $uid) {
     $uids[] = $uid;
 print "<br><u>External IDs:</u> " . htmlspecialchars(implode(", ", $uids));
 print '<br><u>DOI:</u> <span id="file-doi">' . htmlspecialchars($paper['doi']) . '</span>';
Exemple #14
                           <a href="' . htmlspecialchars('attachment.php?attachment=' . basename($gr_abs[0])) . '">' . $url_filename . '</a>
                           <a href="' . htmlspecialchars('attachment.php?mode=inline&attachment=' . basename($gr_abs[0])) . '" target="_blank">
                           <i class="fa fa-external-link" style="color:inherit;margin-left:0.5em"></i></a>
                           <td style="height:22px;line-height:22px">
                            <div class="ui-state-default file-remove" style="float:right;padding:1px 4px"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> Remove</div>
                     <div style="width:100%;margin-top:1em;border-bottom:1px solid #cfcecc;font-weight:bold">Supplementary files:</div>
                     <table cellspacing=0 style="width:100%">
 $files_to_display = glob(IL_SUPPLEMENT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($integer) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $integer . '*');
 if (is_array($files_to_display)) {
     foreach ($files_to_display as $supplementary_file) {
         $url_filename = substr(basename($supplementary_file), 5);
         if (strstr($url_filename, 'graphical_abstract') === false) {
             $extension = pathinfo($supplementary_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             $isimage = null;
             if ($extension == 'jpg' || $extension == 'jpeg' || $extension == 'gif' || $extension == 'png') {
                 $image_array = array();
                 $image_array = @getimagesize($supplementary_file);
                 $image_mime = $image_array['mime'];
                 if ($image_mime == 'image/jpeg' || $image_mime == 'image/gif' || $image_mime == 'image/png') {
                     $isimage = true;
Exemple #15

include_once 'data.php';
include_once 'functions.php';
include_once 'pdfclass.php';
// Files
$file = preg_replace('/^0-9\\.pdf/', '', $_GET['file']);
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// Paths
$pdf_path = IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($file);
$seconds_to_cache = 604800;
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header("Content-Disposition: inline");
// Output from cache
if (is_readable($icon) && filemtime($pdf_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file) < filemtime($icon)) {
// Make big image if not found
function mobile_show_search_results($result, $clip_files)
    $i = 0;
    $display = $_SESSION['display'];
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        print '<table id="icon-container">
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        print '<div data-role="collapsible-set" data-inset="false" data-theme="a" data-content-theme="a">';
    while (list($key, $paper) = each($result)) {
        if (!empty($paper['authors'])) {
            $array = array();
            $new_authors = array();
            $array = explode(';', $paper['authors']);
            $array = array_filter($array);
            if (!empty($array)) {
                foreach ($array as $author) {
                    $array2 = explode(',', $author);
                    $last = trim($array2[0]);
                    $last = substr($array2[0], 3, -1);
                    $first = '';
                    if (isset($array2[1])) {
                        $first = trim($array2[1]);
                        $first = substr($array2[1], 3, -1);
                    $new_authors[] = $last . ', ' . $first;
                $paper['authors'] = join('; ', $new_authors);
        $paper['authors'] = htmlspecialchars($paper['authors']);
        $paper['title'] = htmlspecialchars($paper['title']);
        $paper['year'] = htmlspecialchars($paper['year']);
        $first_author = '&nbsp;';
        $auth_arr = explode(';', $paper['authors']);
        $auth_arr2 = explode(',', $auth_arr[0]);
        if (!empty($auth_arr2[0])) {
            $first_author = $auth_arr2[0];
        $etal = '';
        if (count($auth_arr) > 1) {
            $etal = ', et al.';
        #######new date#########
        $date = '';
        if (!empty($paper['year'])) {
            $date_array = array();
            $date_array = explode('-', $paper['year']);
            if (count($date_array) == 1) {
                $date = $paper['year'];
            } else {
                if (empty($date_array[0])) {
                    $date_array[0] = '1969';
                if (empty($date_array[1])) {
                    $date_array[1] = '01';
                if (empty($date_array[2])) {
                    $date_array[2] = '01';
                $date = date('Y M j', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_array[1], $date_array[2], $date_array[0]));
        $i = $i + 1;
        if ($display == 'icons') {
            if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
                die('<p>&nbsp;Error! Icon view requires GD extension and Ghostscript.</p>');
            print '<div class="thumb-items">';
            if (is_readable(IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($paper['file']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $paper['file'])) {
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            print '<div class="thumb-items-top"><div class="thumb-titles"><div>' . $paper['title'] . '<br>';
            if (!empty($paper['year'])) {
                print '(' . substr($paper['year'], 0, 4) . ')';
            print '</div></div>';
            if (is_readable(IL_PDF_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_subfolder($paper['file']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $paper['file'])) {
                print '</a><a href="' . htmlspecialchars('pdfcontroller.php?downloadpdf=1&file=' . urlencode($paper['file']) . '#pagemode=none&scrollbar=1&navpanes=0&toolbar=1&statusbar=0&page=1&view=FitH,0&zoom=page-width') . '" target="_blank" style="display:block">';
                print '<img src="icon.php?file=' . $paper['file'] . '" style="width:100%;border:0" alt="Loading PDF..."></a>';
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                print '<div style="text-align:center;margin-top:90px;font-size:18px;color:#b5b6b8">No PDF</div>';
            print '</div>';
            print '<form><input class="update_clipboard" name="checkbox-clipboard" id="checkbox-clipboard-' . $paper['id'] . '" type="checkbox" data-mini="false"';
            if (in_array($paper['id'], $clip_files)) {
                print ' checked="checked"';
            print '><label for="checkbox-clipboard-' . $paper['id'] . '"><span style="font-size:0.8em">Clipboard</span></label></form>';
            print PHP_EOL . '</div></div>';
        } else {
            print PHP_EOL . '<div data-role="collapsible">';
            print PHP_EOL . '<h4 class="accordeon" data-fileid="' . $paper['id'] . '">' . $paper['title'] . '</h4>';
            print '<div style="padding:0 0px"></div></div>';
    if ($display == 'icons') {
        print '</td></tr></table>';
    } else {
        print '</div>';
 } else {
     $error = "This is not a PDF.";
 if (!empty($hash)) {
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     $file = $dbHandle->quote($_POST['filename']);
     $dbHandle->exec('UPDATE library SET filehash=' . $hash . ' WHERE file=' . $file);
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 ##########	extract text from pdf	##########
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         if (is_file(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib_' . session_id() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename . ".txt")) {
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             unlink(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib_' . session_id() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename . ".txt");
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                 $string = preg_replace('/\\s{2,}/ui', ' ', $string);
                 $output = null;
                 database_connect(IL_DATABASE_PATH, 'fulltext');
                 $file_query = $dbHandle->quote(intval($_POST['file']));
                 $fulltext_query = $dbHandle->quote($string);
                 $dbHandle->exec("DELETE FROM full_text WHERE fileID={$file_query}");
                 $output = $dbHandle->exec("INSERT INTO full_text (fileID,full_text) VALUES ({$file_query},{$fulltext_query})");
Exemple #18

include_once 'data.php';
include_once 'functions.php';
database_connect(IL_DATABASE_PATH, 'library');
$file_query = $dbHandle->quote(intval($_GET['file']));
$result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT file FROM library WHERE id={$file_query} LIMIT 1");
$file = $result->fetchColumn();
$dbHandle = null;
if (is_file(IL_PDF_PATH . get_subfolder($file) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) {
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            exec(select_tesseract() . ' "' . $file_arr[$i] . '" "' . IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . '.' . $i . '"');
            if (is_file(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . '.' . $i . '.txt')) {
                file_put_contents(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . 'final.txt', file_get_contents(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . '.' . $i . '.txt'), FILE_APPEND);
                unlink(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . '.' . $i . '.txt');
            } else {
                die('OCR software not functional.');
        $string = file_get_contents(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . 'final.txt');
        unlink(IL_TEMP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . 'final.txt');
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            $order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");

include_once '../data.php';
include_once '../functions.php';
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             $ris_name = array_search($key, $ris_translation);
             if ($ris_name && !empty($value)) {
                 $columns[] = $ris_name . $value;
         $type = convert_type($item['reference_type'], 'ilib', 'ris');
         $line = join(PHP_EOL, $columns);
         $paper .= 'TY  - ' . $type . PHP_EOL;
         $paper .= $line . PHP_EOL;
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                 $paper .= '/';
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         $paper .= 'ER  - ' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
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 if ($_GET['format'] == 'citations') {
     // encode items in JSON
     $content = json_encode($json, JSON_HEX_APOS);
     $content = str_replace('"', '\\"', $content);
     // fetch citation style
     $dbHandle = database_connect(__DIR__, 'styles');
     $title_q = $dbHandle->quote(strtolower($_GET['citation-style']));
     $result = $dbHandle->query('SELECT style FROM styles WHERE title=' . $title_q);
     $style = $result->fetchColumn();
     if (empty($style)) {