function get_subcat_data($parent, $ident = '') { global $CONFIG, $CAT_LIST; if ($CONFIG['categories_alpha_sort'] == 1) { $sort_query = 'name'; } else { $sort_query = 'pos'; } $sql = "SELECT cid, name, description " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']} " . "WHERE parent = '{$parent}' " . "ORDER BY {$sort_query}"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); if (($cat_count = mysql_num_rows($result)) > 0) { $rowset = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($result); $pos = 0; foreach ($rowset as $subcat) { if ($pos > 0) { $CAT_LIST[$subcat['cid']] = array('cid' => $subcat['cid'], 'parent' => $parent, 'pos' => $pos++, 'prev' => $prev_cid, 'cat_count' => $cat_count, 'name' => $ident . $subcat['name']); $CAT_LIST[$last_index]['next'] = $subcat['cid']; } else { $CAT_LIST[$subcat['cid']] = array('cid' => $subcat['cid'], 'parent' => $parent, 'pos' => $pos++, 'cat_count' => $cat_count, 'name' => $ident . $subcat['name']); } $last_index = $prev_cid = $subcat['cid']; // $last_index = count($CAT_LIST) -1; get_subcat_data($subcat['cid'], $ident . ' '); } } }
/** * get_subcat_data() * * function get the list of all the subcategories for the given category */ function get_subcat_data($parent, $ident = '') { global $CONFIG, $catStr, $parentAlubm; if ($parentAlubm != 1) { $parentAlubm = 1; if ($parent == 0) { $catStr .= "\n{$ident}<cat>\n {$ident}<id>{$parent}</id>\n {$ident}<name>Parent</name>"; } else { $sql = "SELECT cid, name, description " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']} " . "WHERE cid = '{$parent}' " . "ORDER BY pos"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); $row = cpg_db_fetch_row($result); mysql_free_result($results); $catStr .= "\n{$ident}<cat>\n {$ident}<id>{$row['cid']}</id>\n {$ident}<name>{$row['name']}</name>"; } get_album_data($parent, " "); } if ($parent == 1) { /** * This is a user category and the categories inside this are not listed in categories table * So, we need to loop in the users table and create category id's and get the albums in it */ if (USER_IS_ADMIN) { //Get all user albums $sql = "SELECT user_name, user_id FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']}"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); if (($cat_count = mysql_num_rows($result)) > 0) { $rowset = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($result); foreach ($rowset as $cat) { $catStr .= "\n {$ident}<cat>\n {$ident}<id>" . (FIRST_USER_CAT + $cat['user_id']) . "</id>\n {$ident}<name>{$cat['user_name']}</name>"; get_album_data(FIRST_USER_CAT + $cat['user_id'], $ident . " "); $catStr .= "\n {$ident}</cat>"; } } } elseif (USER_ID) { //Get only current users albums $catStr .= "\n {$ident}<cat>\n {$ident}<id>" . (FIRST_USER_CAT + USER_ID) . "</id>\n {$ident}<name>" . USER_NAME . "</name>"; get_album_data(FIRST_USER_CAT + USER_ID, $ident . " "); $catStr .= "\n {$ident}</cat>"; } } else { $sql = "SELECT cid, name, description " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']} " . "WHERE parent = '{$parent}' " . "ORDER BY pos"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); if (($cat_count = mysql_num_rows($result)) > 0) { $rowset = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($result); $pos = 0; foreach ($rowset as $subcat) { $catStr .= "\n {$ident}<cat>\n {$ident}<id>{$subcat['cid']}</id>\n {$ident}<name>{$subcat['name']}</name>"; get_album_data($subcat['cid'], $ident . " "); get_subcat_data($subcat['cid'], $ident . " "); $catStr .= "\n {$ident}</cat>"; } } } }
function get_subcat_data($parent, $ident = '') { global $CAT_LIST, $xoopsDB; $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT cid, name, description FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_categories") . " WHERE parent = '{$parent}' AND cid != 1 ORDER BY pos"); if ($xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result) > 0) { $rowset = db_fetch_rowset($result); foreach ($rowset as $subcat) { $CAT_LIST[] = array($subcat['cid'], $ident . $subcat['name']); get_subcat_data($subcat['cid'], $ident . ' '); } } }
function get_subcat_data($parent, $ident = '') { global $db, $CONFIG, $CAT_LIST; $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, catname, description FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']} WHERE parent = '{$parent}' AND cid != 1 ORDER BY pos"); if ($db->sql_numrows($result) > 0) { $rowset = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result); foreach ($rowset as $subcat) { $CAT_LIST[] = array($subcat['cid'], $ident . $subcat['catname']); get_subcat_data($subcat['cid'], $ident . ' '); } } }
function get_subcat_data($parent, &$album_set_array, $level) { global $xoopsDB; $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT cid, name, description FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_categories") . " WHERE parent = '{$parent}'"); if ($xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result) > 0) { $rowset = db_fetch_rowset($result); foreach ($rowset as $subcat) { $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT aid FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_albums") . " WHERE category = {$subcat['cid']}"); $album_count = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result); while ($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) { $album_set_array[] = $row['aid']; } // while } if ($level > 1) { get_subcat_data($subcat['cid'], $album_set_array, $level - 1); } } }
function get_subcat_data($parent, &$album_set_array, $level) { global $CONFIG; $result = db_query("SELECT cid, name, description FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']} WHERE parent = '{$parent}'"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $rowset = db_fetch_rowset($result); foreach ($rowset as $subcat) { $result = db_query("SELECT aid FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE category = {$subcat['cid']}"); $album_count = mysql_num_rows($result); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $album_set_array[] = $row['aid']; } // while } if ($level > 1) { get_subcat_data($subcat['cid'], $album_set_array, $level - 1); } } }
function get_subcat_data($parent, $ident = '') { global $CONFIG, $CAT_LIST, $db; $rowset = $db->sql_ufetchrowset('SELECT cid, catname, description FROM ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES'] . " WHERE parent = '{$parent}' ORDER BY pos", SQL_BOTH, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (($cat_count = count($rowset)) > 0) { $pos = 0; foreach ($rowset as $subcat) { if ($pos > 0) { $CAT_LIST[] = array('cid' => $subcat['cid'], 'parent' => $parent, 'pos' => $pos++, 'prev' => $prev_cid, 'cat_count' => $cat_count, 'catname' => $ident . $subcat['catname']); $CAT_LIST[$last_index]['next'] = $subcat['cid']; } else { $CAT_LIST[] = array('cid' => $subcat['cid'], 'parent' => $parent, 'pos' => $pos++, 'cat_count' => $cat_count, 'catname' => $ident . $subcat['catname']); } $prev_cid = $subcat['cid']; $last_index = count($CAT_LIST) - 1; get_subcat_data($subcat['cid'], $ident . ' '); } } }
function get_subcat_data($parent, $ident = '') { global $CAT_LIST, $xoopsDB, $myts; $sql = "SELECT cid, name, description " . "FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_categories") . " " . "WHERE parent = '{$parent}' " . "ORDER BY pos"; $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql); if (($cat_count = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result)) > 0) { $rowset = db_fetch_rowset($result); $pos = 0; foreach ($rowset as $subcat) { if ($pos > 0) { $CAT_LIST[] = array('cid' => $subcat['cid'], 'parent' => $parent, 'pos' => $pos++, 'prev' => $prev_cid, 'cat_count' => $cat_count, 'name' => $ident . $myts->makeTboxData4Show($subcat['name'])); $CAT_LIST[$last_index]['next'] = $subcat['cid']; } else { $CAT_LIST[] = array('cid' => $subcat['cid'], 'parent' => $parent, 'pos' => $pos++, 'cat_count' => $cat_count, 'name' => $ident . $myts->makeTboxData4Show($subcat['name'])); } $prev_cid = $subcat['cid']; $last_index = count($CAT_LIST) - 1; get_subcat_data($subcat['cid'], $ident . ' '); } } }
function html_cat_list() { global $CONFIG, $CAT_LIST; global $lang_albmgr_php; $CAT_LIST = array(); if (USER_CAN_CREATE_ALBUMS) { $CAT_LIST[] = array(FIRST_USER_CAT + USER_ID, $lang_albmgr_php['my_gallery']); } $CAT_LIST[] = array(0, $lang_albmgr_php['no_category']); get_subcat_data(0, ''); $html = "\n"; foreach ($CAT_LIST as $category) { $html .= ' <option value="' . $category[0] . '">' . $category[1] . "</option>\n"; } return $html; }
function form_category($text, $name) { global $ALBUM_DATA, $CAT_LIST, $USER_DATA, $lang_modifyalb_php, $CONFIG; //check if users are allowed to move their albums if ($CONFIG['allow_user_move_album'] == 0) { //get category name $cat_name = $lang_modifyalb_php['user_gal']; if ($ALBUM_DATA['category'] != FIRST_USER_CAT + USER_ID) { $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT name FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']} WHERE cid = '" . $ALBUM_DATA['category'] . "' LIMIT 1"); $cat_name = cpg_db_fetch_row($result); $cat_name = $cat_name['name']; } echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tableb"> {$text} </td> <td class="tableb" valign="top"> <i>{$cat_name}</i> <input type="hidden" name="{$name}" value="{$ALBUM_DATA['category']}" /> </td> EOT; return; } $CAT_LIST = array(); //only add 'no category' when user is admin if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) { $CAT_LIST[] = array(0, $lang_modifyalb_php['no_cat']); } //add user catergorie $CAT_LIST[] = array(FIRST_USER_CAT + USER_ID, $lang_modifyalb_php['my_gal']); get_subcat_data(0, ''); echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tableb"> {$text} </td> <td class="tableb" valign="top"> <select name="{$name}" class="listbox"> EOT; foreach ($CAT_LIST as $category) { echo ' <option value="' . $category[0] . '"' . ($ALBUM_DATA['category'] == $category[0] ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $category[1] . "</option>\n"; } echo <<<EOT </select> </td> </tr> EOT; }
/** * Function to build the html for cat list drop down. */ function buildCatList() { global $CAT_LIST; get_subcat_data(0); if (isset($_REQUEST['category'])) { $selectedCat = $_REQUEST['category']; } if ($_REQUEST['category'] === "0") { $noCat = " selected"; } $return = "<select name=\"category\" class=\"listbox\" onchange=\"this.form.submit();\">\n"; $return .= "<option value=\"none\">Select Category</option>\n<option value=\"0\"{$noCat}>No Category</option>\n"; foreach ($CAT_LIST as $cat) { $selected = $selectedCat == $cat['cid'] ? " selected" : ""; $return .= "<option value=\"{$cat['cid']}\"{$selected}>{$cat['name']}</option>\n"; } $return .= "</select>"; return $return; }
/** * get_cat_list() * * List all categories * * @param string $breadcrumb * @param array $cat_data * @param string $statistics * @return void **/ function get_cat_list(&$breadcrumb, &$cat_data, &$statistics) { global $CONFIG, $ALBUM_SET, $CURRENT_CAT_NAME, $BREADCRUMB_TEXT, $STATS_IN_ALB_LIST, $FORBIDDEN_SET; global $HIDE_USER_CAT, $cpg_show_private_album; global $cat; global $lang_list_categories, $lang_errors; // Build the breadcrumb breadcrumb($cat, $breadcrumb, $BREADCRUMB_TEXT); // Build the category list $cat_data = array(); $album_set_array = array(); get_subcat_data($cat, $cat_data, $album_set_array, $CONFIG['subcat_level']); $album_filter = ''; $pic_filter = ''; $cat = (int) $cat; if (!empty($FORBIDDEN_SET) && !$cpg_show_private_album) { $album_filter = ' and ' . str_replace('p.', 'a.', $FORBIDDEN_SET); $pic_filter = ' and ' . $FORBIDDEN_SET; } // Add the albums in the current category to the album set // if ($cat) { if ($cat == USER_GAL_CAT) { $sql = "SELECT aid FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE category >= " . FIRST_USER_CAT . $album_filter; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); } else { $sql = "SELECT aid FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE category = '{$cat}'" . $album_filter; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $album_set_array[] = $row['aid']; } // while mysql_free_result($result); // } if (count($album_set_array) && $cat) { $set = ''; foreach ($album_set_array as $album) { $set .= $album . ','; } $set = substr($set, 0, -1); $current_album_set = "AND aid IN ({$set}) "; $ALBUM_SET .= $current_album_set; } elseif ($cat) { $current_album_set = "AND aid IN (-1) "; $ALBUM_SET .= $current_album_set; } // Gather gallery statistics - start if ($CONFIG['display_stats_on_index'] != 0) { if ($cat == 0) { $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT count(aid) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE 1" . $album_filter); $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result); $album_count = $nbEnr[0]; mysql_free_result($result); $sql = "SELECT count(pid) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} as p " . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . ' as a ' . 'ON a.aid=p.aid ' . 'WHERE 1' . $pic_filter . ' AND approved=\'YES\''; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result); $picture_count = $nbEnr[0]; mysql_free_result($result); $sql = "SELECT count(msg_id) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} as c " . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'] . ' as p ' . 'ON ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . ' as a ' . 'ON a.aid=p.aid ' . 'WHERE 1' . $pic_filter . ' AND approval=\'YES\''; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result); $comment_count = $nbEnr[0]; mysql_free_result($result); $sql = "SELECT count(cid) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']} WHERE 1"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result); $cat_count = $nbEnr[0] - $HIDE_USER_CAT; mysql_free_result($result); $sql = "SELECT sum(hits) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} as p " . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . ' as a ' . 'ON p.aid=a.aid ' . 'WHERE 1' . $pic_filter; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result); $hit_count = (int) $nbEnr[0]; mysql_free_result($result); if (count($cat_data)) { $statistics = strtr($lang_list_categories['stat1'], array('[pictures]' => $picture_count, '[albums]' => $album_count, '[cat]' => $cat_count, '[comments]' => $comment_count, '[views]' => $hit_count)); } else { $STATS_IN_ALB_LIST = true; $statistics = strtr($lang_list_categories['stat3'], array('[pictures]' => $picture_count, '[albums]' => $album_count, '[comments]' => $comment_count, '[views]' => $hit_count)); } } elseif ($cat >= FIRST_USER_CAT && $ALBUM_SET) { $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT count(aid) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE 1 {$current_album_set}"); $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result); $album_count = $nbEnr[0]; mysql_free_result($result); $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT count(pid) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE 1 {$current_album_set}"); $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result); $picture_count = $nbEnr[0]; mysql_free_result($result); $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT sum(hits) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE 1 {$current_album_set} AND approved='YES'"); $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result); $hit_count = (int) $nbEnr[0]; mysql_free_result($result); $statistics = strtr($lang_list_categories['stat2'], array('[pictures]' => $picture_count, '[albums]' => $album_count, '[views]' => $hit_count)); } else { $statistics = ''; } } else { // Gather gallery statistics - end $statistics = ''; } }
function form_category($text, $catname) { global $ALBUM_DATA, $CAT_LIST, $USER_DATA; if (!GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE || $ALBUM_DATA['category'] > FIRST_USER_CAT) { echo ' <tr> <td class="tableb"> ' . $text . ' </td> <td class="tableb" valign="top"> <i>' . USER_GAL . '</i> <input type="hidden" name="' . $catname . '" value="' . $ALBUM_DATA['category'] . '" /> </td> '; return; } $CAT_LIST = array(); $CAT_LIST[] = array(0, NO_CAT); get_subcat_data(0, ''); echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tableb"> {$text} </td> <td class="tableb" valign="top"> <form method="post" action="'.URL::index("&file=modifyalb",0,1).'" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="utf-8"> <select name="{$catname}" class="listbox"> EOT; foreach ($CAT_LIST as $category) { echo '<option value="' . $category[0] . '"' . ($ALBUM_DATA['category'] == $category[0] ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $category[1] . "</option>\n"; } echo <<<EOT </select> </td> </tr> EOT; }
function get_cat_list(&$cat_data, &$statistics) { global $db, $CONFIG, $BREADCRUMB_TEXT, $STATS_IN_ALB_LIST; global $HIDE_USER_CAT; global $cat; // Build the category list $cat_data = array(); $album_set_array = array(); $HIDE_USER_CAT = 1; get_subcat_data($cat, $cat_data, $album_set_array, 0); // Add the albums in the current category to the album set if ($cat) { if ($cat == USER_GAL_CAT) { foreach (get_albums_data() as $row) { if ($row['category'] < FIRST_USER_CAT) { continue; } $album_set_array[] = $row['aid']; } } else { foreach (get_albums_data() as $row) { if ($row['category'] != $cat) { continue; } $album_set_array[] = $row['aid']; } } } if (count($album_set_array) && $cat) { $set = ''; foreach ($album_set_array as $album) { $set .= $album . ','; } $set = substr($set, 0, -1); $current_album_set = "aid IN ({$set}) "; } elseif ($cat) { $current_album_set = "aid IN (-1) "; } // Gather gallery statistics if ($cat == 0) { $album_count = count(get_albums_data()); $picture_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'], 'count(*)', __FILE__, __LINE__); $comment_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS'], 'count(*)', __FILE__, __LINE__); $cat_count = count(get_categories_data()); $hit_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'], 'sum(hits)', __FILE__, __LINE__); if (count($cat_data)) { $statistics = strtr(STAT1, array('[pictures]' => $picture_count, '[albums]' => $album_count, '[cat]' => $cat_count, '[comments]' => $comment_count, '[views]' => $hit_count)); } else { $STATS_IN_ALB_LIST = true; $statistics = strtr(STAT3, array('[pictures]' => $picture_count, '[albums]' => $album_count, '[comments]' => $comment_count, '[views]' => $hit_count)); } } elseif ($cat >= FIRST_USER_CAT && $current_album_set) { $album_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . " WHERE {$current_album_set}", 'count(*)', __FILE__, __LINE__); $picture_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'] . " WHERE {$current_album_set}", 'count(*)', __FILE__, __LINE__); $hit_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'] . " WHERE {$current_album_set}", 'sum(hits)', __FILE__, __LINE__); $statistics = strtr(STAT2, array('[pictures]' => $picture_count, '[albums]' => $album_count, '[views]' => $hit_count)); } else { $statistics = ''; } }
function form_category($text, $name) { global $ALBUM_DATA, $CAT_LIST, $USER_DATA, $lang_modifyalb_php; if (!GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE || $ALBUM_DATA['category'] > FIRST_USER_CAT) { echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tableb"> {$text} </td> <td class="tableb" valign="top"> <i>{$lang_modifyalb_php['user_gal']}</i> <input type="hidden" name="{$name}" value="{$ALBUM_DATA['category']}"> </td> EOT; return; } $CAT_LIST = array(); $CAT_LIST[] = array(0, $lang_modifyalb_php['no_cat']); get_subcat_data(0, ''); echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tableb"> {$text} </td> <td class="tableb" valign="top"> <select name="{$name}" class="listbox"> EOT; foreach ($CAT_LIST as $category) { echo ' <option value="' . $category[0] . '"' . ($ALBUM_DATA['category'] == $category[0] ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $category[1] . "</option>\n"; } echo <<<EOT </select> </td> </tr> EOT; }
/** * get_cat_list() * * List all categories * * @param string $breadcrumb * @param array $cat_data * @param string $statistics * @return void **/ function get_cat_list(&$breadcrumb, &$cat_data, &$statistics) { global $CONFIG, $BREADCRUMB_TEXT, $STATS_IN_ALB_LIST, $FORBIDDEN_SET; global $HIDE_USER_CAT, $cpg_show_private_album; global $cat; global $lang_list_categories; // Build the breadcrumb breadcrumb($cat, $breadcrumb, $BREADCRUMB_TEXT); // Build the category list $cat_data = array(); get_subcat_data($cat_data); $album_filter = ''; $pic_filter = ''; $cat = (int) $cat; if (!empty($FORBIDDEN_SET) && !$cpg_show_private_album) { $album_filter = ' ' . str_replace('p.', 'a.', $FORBIDDEN_SET); $pic_filter = $FORBIDDEN_SET; } // Gather gallery statistics - start if ($CONFIG['display_stats_on_index'] != 0) { if ($cat == 0) { $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} AS a WHERE 1 " . $album_filter); $nbEnr = $result->fetchRow(true); $album_count = $nbEnr[0]; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']}"; if ($pic_filter) { $sql .= " AS p INNER JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} AS a ON a.aid = p.aid WHERE approved = 'YES' {$pic_filter}"; } else { $sql .= " WHERE approved = 'YES'"; } $result = cpg_db_query($sql); $nbEnr = $result->fetchRow(true); $picture_count = $nbEnr[0]; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']}"; if ($pic_filter) { $sql .= " AS c INNER JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} AS p ON = INNER JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} AS a ON a.aid = p.aid WHERE 1 {$pic_filter}"; } if ($CONFIG['comment_approval']) { if ($pic_filter) { $sql .= " AND approval = 'YES'"; } else { $sql .= " WHERE approval = 'YES'"; } } $result = cpg_db_query($sql); $nbEnr = $result->fetchRow(true); $comment_count = $nbEnr[0]; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']}"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); $nbEnr = $result->fetchRow(true); $cat_count = $nbEnr[0] - $HIDE_USER_CAT; $sql = "SELECT SUM(hits) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']}"; if ($pic_filter) { $sql .= " AS p INNER JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} AS a ON a.aid = p.aid WHERE approved = 'YES' {$pic_filter}"; } else { $sql .= " WHERE approved = 'YES'"; } $result = cpg_db_query($sql); $nbEnr = $result->fetchRow(true); $hit_count = (int) $nbEnr[0]; if (count($cat_data)) { $statistics = strtr($lang_list_categories['stat1'], array('[pictures]' => '<strong>' . cpg_float2decimal($picture_count) . '</strong>', '[albums]' => '<strong>' . cpg_float2decimal($album_count) . '</strong>', '[cat]' => '<strong>' . cpg_float2decimal($cat_count) . '</strong>', '[comments]' => '<strong>' . cpg_float2decimal($comment_count) . '</strong>', '[views]' => '<strong>' . cpg_float2decimal($hit_count) . '</strong>')); } else { $STATS_IN_ALB_LIST = true; $statistics = strtr($lang_list_categories['stat3'], array('[pictures]' => '<strong>' . cpg_float2decimal($picture_count) . '</strong>', '[albums]' => '<strong>' . cpg_float2decimal($album_count) . '</strong>', '[comments]' => '<strong>' . cpg_float2decimal($comment_count) . '</strong>', '[views]' => '<strong>' . cpg_float2decimal($hit_count) . '</strong>')); } } else { $statistics = ''; } } else { // Gather gallery statistics - end $statistics = ''; } }
if (!$result->numRows()) { cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_catmgr_php['unknown_cat'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } $del_category = $result->fetchAssoc(true); $parent = $del_category['parent']; cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']} SET parent = {$parent}, lft = 0 WHERE parent = {$cid}"); cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} SET category = {$parent} WHERE category = {$cid}"); cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']} WHERE cid = {$cid}"); //delete from categorymap cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATMAP']} WHERE cid = {$cid}"); break; } if ($op) { check_rebuild_tree(); } get_subcat_data(0); pageheader($lang_catmgr_php['manage_cat']); starttable('100%', cpg_fetch_icon('cat_mgr', 2) . $lang_catmgr_php['category'] . ' ' . cpg_display_help('f=categories.htm&as=cat_cp&ae=cat_cp_end&top=1', '800', '600'), 1); echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tableb"> EOT; starttable('100%'); // configure sort category alphabetically $yes_selected = $CONFIG['categories_alpha_sort'] ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $no_selected = !$CONFIG['categories_alpha_sort'] ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $help = ' ' . cpg_display_help('f=configuration.htm&as=admin_album_list_alphasort_start&ae=admin_album_list_alphasort_end&top=1', '600', '250'); echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tablef" colspan="8"> <form name="catsortconfig" action="{$CPG_PHP_SELF}" method="post">
function get_cat_list(&$breadcrumb, &$cat_data, &$statistics) { global $_GET, $xoopsModuleConfig, $ALBUM_SET, $CURRENT_CAT_NAME, $BREADCRUMB_TEXT, $STATS_IN_ALB_LIST; global $HIDE_USER_CAT; global $xoopsDB, $xoopsModule; $cat = isset($_GET['cat']) ? (int) $_GET['cat'] : 0; // Build the breadcrumb breadcrumb($cat, $breadcrumb, $BREADCRUMB_TEXT); // Build the category list $cat_data = array(); $album_set_array = array(); get_subcat_data($cat, $cat_data, $album_set_array, $xoopsModuleConfig['subcat_level']); // Treat the album set if ($cat) { if ($cat == USER_GAL_CAT) { $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT aid FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_albums") . " WHERE category >= " . FIRST_USER_CAT); } else { $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT aid FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_albums") . " WHERE category = '{$cat}'"); } while ($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) { $album_set_array[] = $row['aid']; } // while $xoopsDB->freeRecordSet($result); } if (count($album_set_array) && $cat) { $set = ''; foreach ($album_set_array as $album) { $set .= $album . ','; } $set = substr($set, 0, -1); $current_album_set = "AND aid IN ({$set}) "; $ALBUM_SET .= $current_album_set; } elseif ($cat) { $current_album_set = "AND aid IN (-1) "; $ALBUM_SET .= $current_album_set; } // Gather gallery statistics if ($cat == 0) { $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_albums") . " WHERE 1"); $album_count = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result); $xoopsDB->freeRecordSet($result); $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_pictures") . " WHERE 1 AND approved='YES'"); $picture_count = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result); $xoopsDB->freeRecordSet($result); $comment_count = xoops_comment_count($xoopsModule->mid()); $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_categories") . " WHERE 1"); $cat_count = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result) - $HIDE_USER_CAT; $xoopsDB->freeRecordSet($result); $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT sum(hits) FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_pictures") . " WHERE 1"); $nbEnr = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result); $hit_count = (int) $nbEnr['sum(hits)']; $xoopsDB->freeRecordSet($result); if (count($cat_data)) { $statistics = strtr(_MD_INDEX_STAT1, array('[pictures]' => $picture_count, '[albums]' => $album_count, '[cat]' => $cat_count, '[comments]' => $comment_count, '[views]' => $hit_count)); } else { $STATS_IN_ALB_LIST = true; $statistics = strtr(_MD_INDEX_STAT3, array('[pictures]' => $picture_count, '[albums]' => $album_count, '[comments]' => $comment_count, '[views]' => $hit_count)); } } elseif ($cat >= FIRST_USER_CAT && $ALBUM_SET) { $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT count(*) FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_albums") . " WHERE 1 {$current_album_set}"); $nbEnr = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result); $album_count = $nbEnr['count(*)']; $xoopsDB->freeRecordSet($result); $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT count(*) FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_pictures") . " WHERE 1 {$current_album_set}"); $nbEnr = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result); $picture_count = $nbEnr['count(*)']; $xoopsDB->freeRecordSet($result); $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT sum(hits) FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xcgal_pictures") . " WHERE 1 {$current_album_set}"); $nbEnr = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result); $hit_count = (int) $nbEnr['sum(hits)']; $xoopsDB->freeRecordSet($result); $statistics = strtr(_MD_INDEX_STAT2, array('[pictures]' => $picture_count, '[albums]' => $album_count, '[views]' => $hit_count)); } else { $statistics = ''; } }