function get_subscribed_topic_func() { global $config, $db, $user, $auth, $mobiquo_config; // Only registered users can go beyond this point if (!$user->data['is_registered']) { return get_error(9); } $topic_list = array(); if ($config['allow_topic_notify']) { $forbidden_forums = $auth->acl_getf('!f_read', true); $forbidden_forums = array_unique(array_keys($forbidden_forums)); if (isset($mobiquo_config['hide_forum_id'])) { $forbidden_forums = array_unique(array_merge($forbidden_forums, $mobiquo_config['hide_forum_id'])); } $sql_array = array('SELECT' => 't.*, f.forum_name, u.user_avatar, u.user_avatar_type', 'FROM' => array(TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE => 'tw', TOPICS_TABLE => 't', USERS_TABLE => 'u'), 'WHERE' => 'tw.user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] . ' AND t.topic_id = tw.topic_id AND u.user_id = t.topic_last_poster_id AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('t.forum_id', $forbidden_forum_ary, true, true), 'ORDER_BY' => 't.topic_last_post_time DESC'); $sql_array['LEFT_JOIN'] = array(); $sql_array['LEFT_JOIN'][] = array('FROM' => array(FORUMS_TABLE => 'f'), 'ON' => 't.forum_id = f.forum_id'); if ($config['allow_bookmarks']) { $sql_array['SELECT'] .= ', bm.topic_id as bookmarked'; $sql_array['LEFT_JOIN'][] = array('FROM' => array(BOOKMARKS_TABLE => 'bm'), 'ON' => 'bm.user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] . ' AND t.topic_id = bm.topic_id'); } $sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array); $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 20); $topic_list = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_id = $row['forum_id']; $topic_id = isset($row['b_topic_id']) ? $row['b_topic_id'] : $row['topic_id']; // Replies $replies = $auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id) ? $row['topic_replies_real'] : $row['topic_replies']; if ($row['topic_status'] == ITEM_MOVED && !empty($row['topic_moved_id'])) { $topic_id = $row['topic_moved_id']; } // Get folder img, topic status/type related information $folder_img = $folder_alt = $topic_type = ''; topic_status($row, $replies, $unread_topic, $folder_img, $folder_alt, $topic_type); $short_content = get_short_content($row['topic_last_post_id']); if ($forum_id) { $topic_tracking = get_complete_topic_tracking($forum_id, $topic_id); $new_post = $topic_tracking[$topic_id] < $row['topic_last_post_time'] ? true : false; } else { $new_post = false; } $user_avatar_url = get_user_avatar_url($row['user_avatar'], $row['user_avatar_type']); $allow_change_type = $auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id) || $user->data['is_registered'] && $user->data['user_id'] == $row['topic_poster'] ? true : false; $xmlrpc_topic = new xmlrpcval(array('forum_id' => new xmlrpcval($forum_id), 'forum_name' => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode($row['forum_name']), 'base64'), 'topic_id' => new xmlrpcval($topic_id), 'topic_title' => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode(strip_tags(censor_text($row['topic_title']))), 'base64'), 'reply_number' => new xmlrpcval(intval($replies), 'int'), 'view_number' => new xmlrpcval(intval($row['topic_views']), 'int'), 'short_content' => new xmlrpcval($short_content, 'base64'), 'post_author_id' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_last_poster_id']), 'post_author_name' => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode($row['topic_last_poster_name']), 'base64'), 'new_post' => new xmlrpcval($new_post, 'boolean'), 'post_time' => new xmlrpcval(mobiquo_iso8601_encode($row['topic_last_post_time']), 'dateTime.iso8601'), 'icon_url' => new xmlrpcval($user_avatar_url), 'can_delete' => new xmlrpcval($auth->acl_get('m_delete', $forum_id), 'boolean'), 'can_bookmark' => new xmlrpcval($user->data['is_registered'] && $config['allow_bookmarks'], 'boolean'), 'isbookmarked' => new xmlrpcval($row['bookmarked'] ? true : false, 'boolean'), 'can_close' => new xmlrpcval($auth->acl_get('m_lock', $forum_id) || $auth->acl_get('f_user_lock', $forum_id) && $user->data['is_registered'] && $user->data['user_id'] == $row['topic_poster'], 'boolean'), 'is_closed' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED, 'boolean'), 'can_stick' => new xmlrpcval($allow_change_type && $auth->acl_get('f_sticky', $forum_id) && $row['topic_type'] != POST_STICKY, 'boolean')), 'struct'); $topic_list[] = $xmlrpc_topic; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } $topic_num = count($topic_list); $response = new xmlrpcval(array('total_topic_num' => new xmlrpcval($topic_num, 'int'), 'topics' => new xmlrpcval($topic_list, 'array')), 'struct'); return new xmlrpcresp($response); }
function get_topic_func($xmlrpc_params) { global $db, $auth, $user, $config; $user->setup('viewforum'); $params = php_xmlrpc_decode($xmlrpc_params); list($start, $limit) = process_page($params[1], $params[2]); // get forum id from parameters $forum_id = intval($params[0]); if (!$forum_id) { trigger_error('NO_FORUM'); } // check if need sticky/announce topic only $topic_type = ''; if (isset($params[3])) { // check if need sticky topic only if ($params[3] == 'TOP') { $topic_type = POST_STICKY; $start = 0; $limit = 20; } else { if ($params[3] == 'ANN') { $topic_type = POST_ANNOUNCE . ', ' . POST_GLOBAL; $start = 0; $limit = 20; } } } // $default_sort_days = (!empty($user->data['user_topic_show_days'])) ? $user->data['user_topic_show_days'] : 0; // $default_sort_key = (!empty($user->data['user_topic_sortby_type'])) ? $user->data['user_topic_sortby_type'] : 't'; // $default_sort_dir = (!empty($user->data['user_topic_sortby_dir'])) ? $user->data['user_topic_sortby_dir'] : 'd'; // // $sort_days = request_var('st', $default_sort_days); // default to get all topic // $sort_key = request_var('sk', $default_sort_key); // default sort by last post time // $sort_dir = request_var('sd', $default_sort_dir); // default sort as DESC $sort_days = 0; $sort_key = 't'; $sort_dir = 'd'; //------- Grab appropriate forum data -------- $sql = "SELECT f.* FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f WHERE f.forum_id = {$forum_id}"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_data = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); // Forum does not exist if (!$forum_data) { trigger_error('NO_FORUM'); } // Can not get topics from link forum if ($forum_data['forum_type'] == FORUM_LINK) { trigger_error('NO_FORUM'); } // Permissions check if (!$auth->acl_gets('f_list', 'f_read', $forum_id) || $forum_data['forum_type'] == FORUM_LINK && $forum_data['forum_link'] && !$auth->acl_get('f_read', $forum_id)) { if ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) { trigger_error('SORRY_AUTH_READ'); } trigger_error('LOGIN_VIEWFORUM'); } // Forum is passworded if ($forum_data['forum_password'] && !check_forum_password($forum_id)) { trigger_error('LOGIN_FORUM'); } if (!$auth->acl_get('f_read', $forum_id)) { trigger_error('NO_READ_ACCESS'); } // Topic ordering options $sort_by_sql = array('a' => 't.topic_first_poster_name', 't' => 't.topic_last_post_time', 'r' => 't.topic_replies', 's' => 't.topic_title', 'v' => 't.topic_views'); // Limit topics to certain time frame, obtain correct topic count // global announcements must not be counted, normal announcements have to // be counted, as forum_topics(_real) includes them $sql_approved = $auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id) ? '' : ' AND t.topic_approved = 1 '; // Get all shadow topics in this forum $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_moved_id, t.topic_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t WHERE t.forum_id = ' . $forum_id . ' AND t.topic_type IN (' . POST_NORMAL . ', ' . POST_STICKY . ', ' . POST_ANNOUNCE . ', ' . POST_GLOBAL . ') AND t.topic_status = ' . ITEM_MOVED . ' ' . $sql_approved; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $shadow_topic_list = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $shadow_topic_list[$row['topic_moved_id']] = $row['topic_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // Pick out those shadow topics that the user has no permission to access if (!empty($shadow_topic_list)) { $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.forum_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('t.topic_id', array_keys($shadow_topic_list)); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($auth->acl_get('f_read', $row['forum_id'])) { unset($shadow_topic_list[$row['topic_id']]); } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } // Grab all topic data $topic_list = array(); $sql_limit = $limit; // num of topics needs to be return, default is 20, at most 50 $sql_sort_order = $sort_by_sql[$sort_key] . ' ' . ($sort_dir == 'd' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'); $sql_shadow_out = empty($shadow_topic_list) ? '' : 'AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('t.topic_moved_id', $shadow_topic_list, true); // If the user is trying to reach late pages, start searching from the end $store_reverse = false; $unread_sticky_num = $unread_announce_count = 0; //get subscribe users $user_watch_row = array(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id']; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $user_watch_row[$row['topic_id']] = $row['notify_status']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!empty($topic_type)) { $sql = 'SELECT t.*, u.user_avatar, u.user_avatar_type,bm.topic_id as bookmarked FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t LEFT JOIN ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u ON (t.topic_poster = u.user_id) LEFT JOIN ' . BOOKMARKS_TABLE . ' bm ON (bm.user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] . ' AND t.topic_id = bm.topic_id) WHERE t.forum_id IN (' . $forum_id . ', 0) AND t.topic_type IN (' . $topic_type . ') ' . $sql_shadow_out . ' ' . $sql_approved . ' ORDER BY ' . $sql_sort_order; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $sql_limit, $start); } else { if ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) { // get total number of unread sticky topics number $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_last_post_time FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t WHERE t.forum_id = ' . $forum_id . ' AND t.topic_type = ' . POST_STICKY . ' ' . $sql_shadow_out . ' ' . $sql_approved; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if (empty($forum_id) || empty($row['topic_id'])) { continue; } $topic_tracking = get_complete_topic_tracking($forum_id, $row['topic_id']); if (isset($topic_tracking[$row['topic_id']]) && $topic_tracking[$row['topic_id']] < $row['topic_last_post_time']) { $unread_sticky_num++; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // get total number of unread announce topics number $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_last_post_time FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t WHERE t.forum_id IN (' . $forum_id . ', 0) AND t.topic_type IN (' . POST_ANNOUNCE . ', ' . POST_GLOBAL . ') ' . $sql_shadow_out . ' ' . $sql_approved; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if (empty($forum_id) || empty($row['topic_id'])) { continue; } $topic_tracking = get_complete_topic_tracking($forum_id, $row['topic_id']); if (isset($topic_tracking[$row['topic_id']]) && $topic_tracking[$row['topic_id']] < $row['topic_last_post_time']) { $unread_announce_count++; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } // get total number of normal topics $sql = 'SELECT count(t.topic_id) AS num_topics FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t WHERE t.forum_id = ' . $forum_id . ' AND t.topic_type = ' . POST_NORMAL . ' ' . $sql_shadow_out . ' ' . $sql_approved; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $topics_count = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('num_topics'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($start > $topics_count / 2) { $store_reverse = true; if ($start + $sql_limit > $topics_count) { $sql_limit = min($sql_limit, max(1, $topics_count - $start)); } // Select the sort order $sql_sort_order = $sort_by_sql[$sort_key] . ' ' . ($sort_dir == 'd' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'); $start = max(0, $topics_count - $sql_limit - $start); } $sql = 'SELECT t.*, u.user_avatar, u.user_avatar_type,bm.topic_id as bookmarked FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t LEFT JOIN ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u ON (t.topic_poster = u.user_id) LEFT JOIN ' . BOOKMARKS_TABLE . ' bm ON (bm.user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] . ' AND t.topic_id = bm.topic_id) WHERE t.forum_id = ' . $forum_id . ' AND t.topic_type = ' . POST_NORMAL . ' ' . $sql_shadow_out . ' ' . $sql_approved . ' ORDER BY ' . $sql_sort_order; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $sql_limit, $start); } $tids = array(); $rowset = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $rowset[] = $row; $tids[] = $row['topic_moved_id'] ? $row['topic_moved_id'] : $row['topic_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // get participated users of each topic // get_participated_user_avatars($tids); // global $topic_users, $user_avatar; $topic_list = array(); foreach ($rowset as $row) { $replies = $auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id) ? $row['topic_replies_real'] : $row['topic_replies']; $short_content = get_short_content($row['topic_first_post_id']); $user_avatar_url = get_user_avatar_url($row['user_avatar'], $row['user_avatar_type']); $new_post = false; if ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) { if (empty($forum_id) || empty($row['topic_id'])) { continue; } $topic_tracking = get_complete_topic_tracking($forum_id, $row['topic_id']); $new_post = $topic_tracking[$row['topic_id']] < $row['topic_last_post_time'] ? true : false; } $allow_change_type = $auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id) || $user->data['is_registered'] && $user->data['user_id'] == $row['topic_poster'] ? true : false; $topic_id = $row['topic_moved_id'] ? $row['topic_moved_id'] : $row['topic_id']; // $icon_urls = array(); // foreach($topic_users[$topic_id] as $posterid){ // $icon_urls[] = new xmlrpcval($user_avatar[$posterid], 'string'); // } $can_rename = $user->data['is_registered'] && ($auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id) || $user->data['user_id'] == $row['topic_poster'] && $auth->acl_get('f_edit', $forum_id) && ($row['topic_time'] > time() - $config['edit_time'] * 60 || !$config['edit_time'])); $xmlrpc_topic = new xmlrpcval(array('forum_id' => new xmlrpcval($forum_id), 'topic_id' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_moved_id'] ? $row['topic_moved_id'] : $row['topic_id']), 'topic_title' => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode(strip_tags(censor_text($row['topic_title'])), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'base64'), 'topic_author_id' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_first_post_id'], 'string'), 'topic_author_name' => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode($row['topic_first_poster_name']), 'base64'), 'last_reply_time' => new xmlrpcval(mobiquo_iso8601_encode($row['topic_last_post_time']), 'dateTime.iso8601'), 'timestamp' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_last_post_time'], 'string'), 'reply_number' => new xmlrpcval($replies, 'int'), 'view_number' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_views'], 'int'), 'short_content' => new xmlrpcval($short_content, 'base64'), 'new_post' => new xmlrpcval($new_post, 'boolean'), 'icon_url' => new xmlrpcval($user_avatar_url), 'attachment' => new xmlrpcval($auth->acl_get('u_download') && $auth->acl_get('f_download', $forum_id) && $row['topic_attachment'] ? 1 : 0, 'string'), 'can_delete' => new xmlrpcval($auth->acl_get('m_delete', $forum_id), 'boolean'), 'can_move' => new xmlrpcval($auth->acl_get('m_move', $forum_id), 'boolean'), 'can_subscribe' => new xmlrpcval(($config['email_enable'] || $config['jab_enable']) && $config['allow_topic_notify'] && $user->data['is_registered'], 'boolean'), 'is_subscribed' => new xmlrpcval(isset($user_watch_row[$topic_id]) ? true : false, 'boolean'), 'can_close' => new xmlrpcval($auth->acl_get('m_lock', $forum_id) || $auth->acl_get('f_user_lock', $forum_id) && $user->data['is_registered'] && $user->data['user_id'] == $row['topic_poster'], 'boolean'), 'is_closed' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED, 'boolean'), 'can_stick' => new xmlrpcval($allow_change_type && $auth->acl_get('f_sticky', $forum_id), 'boolean'), 'is_sticky' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_type'] == POST_STICKY, 'boolean'), 'can_approve' => new xmlrpcval($auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id) && !$row['topic_approved'], 'boolean'), 'is_approved' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_approved'] ? true : false, 'boolean'), 'can_rename' => new xmlrpcval($can_rename, 'boolean')), 'struct'); $topic_list[] = $xmlrpc_topic; unset($xmlrpc_topic); } if ($store_reverse) { $topic_list = array_reverse($topic_list); } if (!empty($topic_type)) { $topic_num = count($topic_list); } else { $topic_num = $topics_count; } $allowed = $config['max_attachments'] && $auth->acl_get('f_attach', $forum_id) && $auth->acl_get('u_attach') && $config['allow_attachments'] && @ini_get('file_uploads') != '0' && strtolower(@ini_get('file_uploads')) != 'off'; $max_attachment = $auth->acl_get('a_') || $auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id) ? 99 : ($allowed ? $config['max_attachments'] : 0); $max_png_size = $auth->acl_get('a_') || $auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id) ? 10485760 : ($allowed ? $config['max_filesize'] === '0' ? 10485760 : $config['max_filesize'] : 0); $max_jpg_size = $auth->acl_get('a_') || $auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id) ? 10485760 : ($allowed ? $config['max_filesize'] === '0' ? 10485760 : $config['max_filesize'] : 0); $read_only_forums = explode(",", $config['tapatalk_forum_read_only']); $can_post = true; if (empty($read_only_forums) || !is_array($read_only_forums)) { $read_only_forums = array(); } if (!$auth->acl_get('f_post', $forum_id) || in_array($forum_id, $read_only_forums)) { $can_post = false; } $response = new xmlrpcval(array('total_topic_num' => new xmlrpcval($topic_num, 'int'), 'unread_sticky_count' => new xmlrpcval($unread_sticky_num, 'int'), 'unread_announce_count' => new xmlrpcval($unread_announce_count, 'int'), 'forum_id' => new xmlrpcval($forum_id, 'string'), 'forum_name' => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode($forum_data['forum_name']), 'base64'), 'can_post' => new xmlrpcval($can_post, 'boolean'), 'can_upload' => new xmlrpcval($allowed, 'boolean'), 'max_attachment' => new xmlrpcval($max_attachment, 'int'), 'max_png_size' => new xmlrpcval($max_png_size, 'int'), 'max_jpg_size' => new xmlrpcval($max_jpg_size, 'int'), 'topics' => new xmlrpcval($topic_list, 'array')), 'struct'); return new xmlrpcresp($response); }
function get_unread_topic_func($xmlrpc_params) { global $db, $auth, $user, $userinfo, $prefix, $config, $mobiquo_config, $phpbb_home; $params = php_xmlrpc_decode($xmlrpc_params); $start_num = 0; $end_num = 19; if (isset($params[0]) && is_int($params[0])) { $start_num = $params[0]; } // get end index of topic from parameters if (isset($params[1]) && is_int($params[1])) { $end_num = $params[1]; } // check if topic index is out of range if ($start_num > $end_num) { return get_error(5); } // return at most 50 topics if ($end_num - $start_num >= 50) { $end_num = $start_num + 49; } $sql_limit = $end_num - $start_num + 1; $not_in_fid = ''; //$ex_fid_ary = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($auth->acl_getf('!f_read', true)), array_keys($auth->acl_getf('!f_search', true)))); //if (isset($mobiquo_config['hide_forum_id'])) //{ //$ex_fid_ary = array_unique(array_merge($ex_fid_ary, $mobiquo_config['hide_forum_id'])); //} //$not_in_fid = (sizeof($ex_fid_ary)) ? 'WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('f.forum_id', $ex_fid_ary, true) . '; $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name, parent_id, forum_type, forum_order FROM ' . $prefix . '_bbforums ' . $not_in_fid . ' ORDER BY forum_order'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $db->sql_freeresult($result); // find out in which forums the user is allowed to view approved posts $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.forum_id, t.topic_last_post_id, p.post_time AS topic_last_post_time FROM ' . $prefix . '_bbtopics t, ' . $prefix . '_bbposts p WHERE p.topic_id = t.topic_id AND p.post_time > ' . $userinfo['user_lastvisit'] . ' ORDER BY topic_last_post_time DESC LIMIT ' . $sql_limit . ''; //if ($fh = fopen('log.txt', 'w')) //{ //fwrite($fh, $userinfo['username']); //fclose($fh); //} $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $unread_tids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_id = $row['topic_id']; //$forum_id = $row['forum_id']; //$topic_tracking = get_complete_topic_tracking($forum_id, $topic_id); //if ($topic_tracking[$topic_id] < $row['topic_last_post_time']) //{ $unread_tids[] = $topic_id; //} } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $topic_list = array(); $ur_tids = implode(",", $unread_tids); if (count($unread_tids)) { $sql = 'SELECT f.forum_id, f.forum_name, t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_replies, t.topic_views, t.topic_poster, t.topic_status, t.topic_type, t.topic_last_post_id, u.user_avatar, u.user_avatar_type, tw.notify_status, p.post_time AS topic_last_post_time, u.username AS topic_last_poster_name, p.poster_id AS topic_last_poster_id FROM ' . $prefix . '_bbtopics t LEFT JOIN ' . $prefix . '_bbposts p ON (p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id) LEFT JOIN ' . $prefix . '_bbforums f ON (t.forum_id = f.forum_id) LEFT JOIN ' . $prefix . '_users u ON (p.poster_id = u.user_id) LEFT JOIN ' . $prefix . '_bbtopics_watch tw ON (tw.user_id = ' . $userinfo['user_id'] . ' AND t.topic_id = tw.topic_id) WHERE t.topic_id IN (' . $ur_tids . ') ORDER BY topic_last_post_time DESC LIMIT ' . $sql_limit . ''; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_id = $row['topic_id']; $forum_id = $row['forum_id']; $short_content = get_short_content($row['topic_last_post_id']); $user_avatar_url = get_user_avatar_url($row['user_avatar'], $row['user_avatar_type']); //$allow_change_type = ($auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id) || ($user->data['is_registered'] && $user->data['user_id'] == $row['topic_poster'])) ? true : false; $xmlrpc_topic = new xmlrpcval(array('forum_id' => new xmlrpcval($forum_id), 'forum_name' => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode($row['forum_name']), 'base64'), 'topic_id' => new xmlrpcval($topic_id), 'topic_title' => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($row['topic_title'])), 'base64'), 'reply_number' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_replies'], 'int'), 'new_post' => new xmlrpcval(true, 'boolean'), 'view_number' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_views'], 'int'), 'short_content' => new xmlrpcval($short_content, 'base64'), 'post_author_id' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_last_poster_id']), 'post_author_name' => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode($row['topic_last_poster_name']), 'base64'), 'post_time' => new xmlrpcval(mobiquo_iso8601_encode($row['topic_last_post_time']), 'dateTime.iso8601'), 'icon_url' => new xmlrpcval($user_avatar_url), 'can_delete' => new xmlrpcval(false, 'boolean'), 'can_subscribe' => new xmlrpcval(($config['email_enable'] || $config['jab_enable']) && $config['allow_topic_notify'] && $user->data['is_registered'], 'boolean'), 'can_bookmark' => new xmlrpcval($user->data['is_registered'] && $config['allow_bookmarks'], 'boolean'), 'issubscribed' => new xmlrpcval(!is_null($row['notify_status']) && $row['notify_status'] !== '' ? true : false, 'boolean'), 'is_subscribed' => new xmlrpcval(!is_null($row['notify_status']) && $row['notify_status'] !== '' ? true : false, 'boolean'), 'isbookmarked' => new xmlrpcval($row['bookmarked'] ? true : false, 'boolean'), 'can_close' => new xmlrpcval(false, 'boolean'), 'is_closed' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED, 'boolean'), 'can_stick' => new xmlrpcval(false, 'boolean')), 'struct'); $topic_list[] = $xmlrpc_topic; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } $response = new xmlrpcval(array('total_topic_num' => new xmlrpcval(count($unread_tids), 'int'), 'topics' => new xmlrpcval($topic_list, 'array')), 'struct'); return new xmlrpcresp($response); }
function get_topic_func($xmlrpc_params) { $params = php_xmlrpc_decode($xmlrpc_params); $forum_id = isset($params[0]) ? intval($params[0]) : 0; if (!$forum_id) { return get_error(3); } $offset = 0; $limit = 20; $topic_type = '0,1,2'; switch (count($params)) { case 4: $offset = intval($params[1]); // start_num $limit = intval($params[2]); // end_num $topic_type = $params[3] == 'TOP' ? '1' : ($params[3] == 'ANN' ? '2' : $topic_type); break; case 3: $offset = intval($params[1]); $limit = intval($params[2]); break; case 2: $topic_type = $params[1] == 'TOP' ? '1' : ($params[1] == 'ANN' ? '2' : $topic_type); } if ($offset > $limit) { # check if topic index is out of range return get_error(5); } else { if ($limit - $offset >= 50) { # return at most 50 topics $limit = 50; } else { if (0 === $offset && 0 === $limit) { # if both are present and are set to 0, return the first topic only $limit = 1; } else { if ($offset || $limit) { $limit = 1 + $limit - $offset; } } } } global $db, $prefix; $forum = mobi_forums($forum_id); $forum = !empty($forum[0]) ? $forum[0] : 0; if (!$forum) { return get_error(3); } if (!$forum['auth_read']) { get_error(7); } if (isset($forum['subforums'])) { unset($forum['subforums']); } if (FORUM_LINK == $forum['forum_type']) { return get_error(4); } $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT t.*, u.username, u.user_avatar, u.user_avatar_type, u.user_allowavatar\n\t\tFROM {$prefix}_bbtopics t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN {$prefix}_users u\n\t\tON t.topic_poster=u.user_id\n\t\tWHERE t.forum_id = {$forum_id}\n\t\tAND t.topic_type IN ({$topic_type})\n\t\tORDER BY t.topic_id DESC\n\t\tLIMIT {$limit} OFFSET {$offset}"); $topic_list = array(); $unread_sticky_num = $unread_announce_count = 0; while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result, SQL_ASSOC)) { if (is_user()) { if (POST_ANNOUNCE == $row['type']) { ++$unread_announce_count; } elseif (POST_STICKY == $row['type']) { ++$unread_sticky_num; } } $short_content = get_short_content($row['topic_first_post_id']); $user_avatar_url = $row['user_allowavatar'] ? get_user_avatar_url($row['user_avatar'], $row['user_avatar_type']) : ''; $rpc = array('forum_id' => new xmlrpcval($forum_id), 'topic_id' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_moved_id'] ?: $row['topic_id']), 'topic_title' => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($row['topic_title']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'base64'), 'topic_author_id' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_poster']), 'topic_author_name' => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode($row['username']), 'base64'), 'is_subscribed' => new xmlrpcval($forum['auth_read'] && !empty($_SESSION['CPG_SESS']['Forums']['track_topics'][$row['topic_id']]), 'boolean'), 'can_subscribe' => new xmlrpcval($forum['auth_read'], 'boolean'), 'is_closed' => new xmlrpcval(TOPIC_LOCKED == $row['topic_status'], 'boolean'), 'last_reply_time' => new xmlrpcval(mobiquo_iso8601_encode($row['topic_time']), 'dateTime.iso8601'), 'reply_number' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_replies'], 'int'), 'new_post' => new xmlrpcval(false, 'boolean'), 'view_number' => new xmlrpcval($row['topic_views'], 'int'), 'short_content' => new xmlrpcval(get_short_content($row['topic_first_post_id']), 'base64')); if ($user_avatar_url) { $rpc['icon_url'] = new xmlrpcval($user_avatar_url); } $topic_list[] = new xmlrpcval($rpc, 'struct'); } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $rpc = array('total_topic_num' => new xmlrpcval($forum['forum_topics'], 'int'), 'forum_id' => new xmlrpcval($forum['forum_id'], 'string'), 'forum_name' => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode($forum['forum_name']), 'base64'), 'can_post' => new xmlrpcval($forum['auth_post'], 'boolean'), 'unread_sticky_count' => new xmlrpcval($unread_sticky_num, 'int'), 'unread_announce_count' => new xmlrpcval($unread_announce_count, 'int'), 'can_subscribe' => new xmlrpcval($forum['auth_read'], 'boolean'), 'is_subscribed' => new xmlrpcval($forum['auth_read'] && !empty($_SESSION['CPG_SESS']['Forums']['track_forums'][$forum['forum_id']]), 'boolean'), 'require_prefix' => new xmlrpcval(false, 'boolean'), 'prefixes' => new xmlrpcval(array(), 'array')); if ($topic_list) { $rpc['topics'] = new xmlrpcval($topic_list, 'array'); } return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($rpc, 'struct')); }