Exemple #1
     if ($surface_reduction['ar_way']) {
         $reduction = floatval($surface_reduction['ar_percent']);
     } else {
         $reduction = -floatval($surface_reduction['ar_percent']);
 $surface_reduction = 1 + $reduction / 100;
 //	Add the special groups price & surface
 $special_price = 0;
 $special_surface = 0;
 $percent_coef = 1;
 //	Get dimensions parameters
 $param1 = DB::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute_lang AS al LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute_combination AS pac ON pac.id_attribute = al.id_attribute ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute AS a ON pac.id_attribute = a.id_attribute WHERE pac.id_product_attribute = ' . $product_attribute . ' AND id_attribute_group = ' . $dimensions[0] . ' AND id_lang = ' . (int) $cookie->id_lang);
 $param2 = DB::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute_lang AS al LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute_combination AS pac ON pac.id_attribute = al.id_attribute ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute AS a ON pac.id_attribute = a.id_attribute WHERE pac.id_product_attribute = ' . $product_attribute . ' AND id_attribute_group = ' . $dimensions[1] . ' AND id_lang = ' . (int) $cookie->id_lang);
 $scale1 = get_scale($scales[$dimensions[0]]);
 $scale2 = get_scale($scales[$dimensions[1]]);
 foreach ($more_tmp as $more_attribute) {
     //	Get the attribute group
     $attribute_group = DB::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT distinct(id_attribute_group) FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute WHERE id_attribute = ' . $more_attribute);
     //	Get the special group type
     $group_type = DB::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'aimultidimensions_specials WHERE as_group = ' . $attribute_group[0]['id_attribute_group']);
     if (isset($group_type[0])) {
         switch ($group_type[0]['as_type']) {
             case '0':
                 //	Inclusive
                 //	Get the fixe price
                 $fixed_price = (double) DB::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT asa_value FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'aimultidimensions_specials_attributes WHERE asa_attribute = ' . $more_attribute . ' AND asa_group = ' . $attribute_group[0]['id_attribute_group']);
                 if ($fixed_price) {
                     $special_price += $fixed_price;
function get_moreAttributesPrice($v7b05156abcf5, $v0390f4ac89dd)
    $v85f53d729293 = 0;
    $v0718daedffe1 = Configuration::get('AIMD_FIRST_DIMENSION_ID');
    $v0172036d6988 = Configuration::get('AIMD_SECOND_DIMENSION_ID');
    $va567afddd571 = Configuration::get('AIMD_THIRD_DIMENSION_ID');
    $vb878a4f527e5 = get_scale(Configuration::get('AIMD_FIRST_DIMENSION_SCALE'));
    $v7832cdbf309e = get_scale(Configuration::get('AIMD_SECOND_DIMENSION_SCALE'));
    $v7b29aade8812 = get_scale(Configuration::get('AIMD_THIRD_DIMENSION_SCALE'));
    $v37f9cfc64b77 = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT distinct(attribute.id_attribute) FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute as attribute LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute_lang as lang ON attribute.id_attribute = lang.id_attribute  ' . 'WHERE attribute.id_attribute_group = ' . $v0718daedffe1 . ' AND lang.name = ' . $vb878a4f527e5);
    $v2e97a5c1e28e = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT distinct(attribute.id_attribute) FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute as attribute LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute_lang as lang ON attribute.id_attribute = lang.id_attribute  ' . 'WHERE attribute.id_attribute_group = ' . $v0172036d6988 . ' AND lang.name = ' . $v7832cdbf309e);
    $vc9af513a38fa = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT distinct(attribute.id_attribute) FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute as attribute LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute_lang as lang ON attribute.id_attribute = lang.id_attribute  ' . 'WHERE attribute.id_attribute_group = ' . $va567afddd571 . ' AND lang.name = ' . $v7b29aade8812);
    $v0c695db2467f = DB::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT id_product_attribute FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute_combination WHERE id_attribute IN ( ' . implode(', ', $v7b05156abcf5) . ' , ' . $v37f9cfc64b77[0]['id_attribute'] . ' , ' . $v2e97a5c1e28e[0]['id_attribute'] . ' , ' . $vc9af513a38fa[0]['id_attribute'] . ') GROUP BY id_product_attribute ORDER BY COUNT(id_attribute) DESC, id_product_attribute ASC');
    if (count($v0c695db2467f)) {
        foreach ($v0c695db2467f as $v71979fa1b961) {
            $v90e355ee873b = DB::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT price FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute WHERE id_product_attribute = ' . $v71979fa1b961['id_product_attribute'] . ' AND aimd_value = 0 AND id_product = ' . $v0390f4ac89dd);
            if ($v90e355ee873b) {
                $v85f53d729293 = (double) $v90e355ee873b;
    return $v85f53d729293;
     * Processes the file to import the ALIS data
     * Opens the file, loops through each row. Cleans the values in each column,
     * and inserts or updates the statistics for each subject, then loops over 
     * the records in the table and flags any quality issues.
     * Returns a report of successess and failures.
     * @see open_file()
     * @global object $DB Database interface
     * @return string A report of successes and failures.
    public function process()
        global $DB;
        $file = $this->open_file();
        $qualtype = false;
        $import->qualcount = 0;
        $import->subjectcount = 0;
        $import->updatecount = 0;
        while ($line = \fgetcsv($file, 0, '|')) {
            // If there's only one column on this line, then it's a qualification heading
            if (\count($line) == 1) {
                $qualname = param_clean($line[0], \PARAM_ALPHANUM);
                // Create a new qualtype record if there isn't one already.
                if (!($qualtype = $DB->get_record_select('report_targetgrades_qualtype', $DB->sql_compare_text('name') . ' = ?', array($qualname)))) {
                    if (!($qualscale = $DB->get_record('scale', array('name' => $qualname . ' MTG')))) {
                        if ($scale = get_scale($qualname)) {
                            $qualscale = new \stdClass();
                            $qualscale->name = $qualname . ' MTG';
                            $qualscale->scale = $scale;
                            $qualscale->description = $qualname . ' Minimum/Target Grades';
                            $qualscale->id = $DB->insert_record('scale', $qualscale);
                    if ($qualscale) {
                        $qualtype = new \stdClass();
                        $qualtype->name = $qualname;
                        $qualtype->scaleid = $qualscale->id;
                        $qualtype->id = $DB->insert_record('report_targetgrades_qualtype', $qualtype);
            } else {
                // If we have a record for this course's qualtype
                if ($qualtype) {
                    $name = \clean_param($line[0], \PARAM_TEXT);
                    $samplesize = \clean_param(str_replace(',', '', $line[1]), \PARAM_INT);
                    $gradient = \clean_param($line[2], \PARAM_FLOAT);
                    $intercept = \clean_param($line[3], \PARAM_FLOAT);
                    $correlation = \clean_param($line[4], \PARAM_FLOAT);
                    $standarddeviation = \clean_param($line[5], \PARAM_FLOAT);
                    if ($subject = $DB->get_record_select('report_targetgrades_alisdata', $DB->sql_compare_text('name') . ' = ? AND qualtypeid = ?', array($name, $qualtype->id))) {
                        $subject->samplesize = $samplesize;
                        $subject->gradient = $gradient;
                        $subject->intercept = $intercept;
                        $subject->correlation = $correlation;
                        $subject->standarddeviation = $standarddeviation;
                        $DB->update_record('report_targetgrades_alisdata', $subject);
                    } else {
                        $subject = new \stdClass();
                        $subject->name = $name;
                        $subject->samplesize = $samplesize;
                        $subject->gradient = $gradient;
                        $subject->intercept = $intercept;
                        $subject->correlation = $correlation;
                        $subject->standarddeviation = $standarddeviation;
                        $subject->qualtypeid = $qualtype->id;
                        $DB->insert_record('report_targetgrades_alisdata', $subject);
        // All the stats are now in the DB, so do a pass over the table to flag up any quality issues with the data
        $averagesize = round($DB->get_record_sql('SELECT AVG(samplesize) as avg FROM {report_targetgrades_alisdata}')->avg);
        $select = 'SELECT ta.*, tq.name as qualification ';
        $from = 'FROM {report_targetgrades_alisdata} ta 
	    	JOIN {report_targetgrades_qualtype} tq ON ta.qualtypeid = tq.id';
        $alisdata = $DB->get_records_sql($select . $from);
        foreach ($alisdata as $alis) {
            if ($alis->samplesize < $averagesize) {
                if ($alis->samplesize < $averagesize / 2) {
                    if ($alis->samplesize < $averagesize / 4) {
                        $alis->quality_samplesize = 3;
                    } else {
                        $alis->quality_samplesize = 2;
                } else {
                    $alis->quality_samplesize = 1;
            } else {
                $alis->quality_samplesize = 0;
            if ($alis->correlation < CORRELATION_THRESHOLD) {
                $alis->quality_correlation = 1;
            } else {
                $alis->quality_correlation = 0;
            switch ($alis->qualification) {
                case ALIS_GCSE:
                case ALIS_BTEC_FIRST_DIPLOMA:
                case ALIS_IB_STANDARD:
                case ALIS_IB_HIGHER:
                case ALIS_OCR_NATIONAL_DIPLOMA:
                    $boundary = 1;
                case ALIS_ADVANCED_GCE:
                case ALIS_ADVANCED_GCE_DOUBLE:
                    $boundary = 20;
                case ALIS_ADVANCED_SUBSIDIARY_GCE:
                    $boundary = 10;
                case ALIS_BTEC_NATIONAL_AWARD:
                case ALIS_BTEC_NATIONAL_DIPLOMA:
                    $boundary = 40;
                case ALIS_CACHE_L3_DIPLOMA:
                    $boundary = 60;
            if ($alis->standarddeviation > $boundary) {
                if ($alis->standarddeviation > $boundary * 2) {
                    $alis->quality_deviation = 2;
                } else {
                    $alis->quality_deviation = 1;
            } else {
                $alis->quality_deviation = 0;
            $DB->update_record('report_targetgrades_alisdata', $alis);
        return $import;