function wuw_deactivate()
    $admin_role = get_role('administrator');
    if ($admin_role->has_cap('whats_up_wordpress') === true) {
 * Filter on `user_has_cap` to explicitly deny caps if there are conflicting caps when a
 * user has multiple roles.  WordPress doesn't consistently handle two or more roles that
 * have the same capability but a conflict between being granted or denied.  Core WP
 * merges the role caps so that the last role the user has will take precedence.  This
 * has the potential for granting permission for things that a user shouldn't have
 * permission to do.
 * @since  1.0.0
 * @access public
 * @param  array  $allcaps
 * @param  array  $caps
 * @param  array  $args
 * @param  object $user
 * @return array
function members_user_has_cap_filter($allcaps, $caps, $args, $user)
    // If the user doesn't have more than one role, bail.
    if (1 >= count((array) $user->roles)) {
        return $allcaps;
    // Get the denied caps.
    $denied_caps = array_keys($allcaps, false);
    // Loop through the user's roles and find any denied caps.
    foreach ((array) $user->roles as $role) {
        // Get the role object.
        $role_obj = get_role($role);
        // If we have an object, merge it's denied caps.
        if (!is_null($role_obj)) {
            $denied_caps = array_merge($denied_caps, array_keys($role_obj->capabilities, false));
    // If there are any denied caps, make sure they take precedence.
    if ($denied_caps) {
        foreach ($denied_caps as $denied_cap) {
            $allcaps[$denied_cap] = false;
    // Return all the user caps.
    return $allcaps;
  * Remove custom user capability to a given role.
  * @param $roleKey
  * @param $cap
  * @since 1.0.0
 public function removeCustomCapability($roleKey, $cap)
     do_action('wwp_action_before_remove_custom_cap', $roleKey, $cap);
     $role = get_role($roleKey);
     do_action('wwp_action_after_remove_custom_cap', $roleKey, $cap);
Exemple #4
  * Runs checks for necessary config options.
  * @return void Method does not return.
 public function run_checks()
     $role = get_role('administrator');
     $current_user = get_userdata(get_current_user_id());
     if (!is_object($role) || !is_object($current_user) || !$role->has_cap('manage_ai1ec_options') || defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX) {
     global $plugin_page;
     $settings = $this->_registry->get('model.settings');
     $notification = $this->_registry->get('notification.admin');
     $notifications = array();
     // check if is set calendar page
     if (!$settings->get('calendar_page_id')) {
         $msg = Ai1ec_I18n::__('Select an option in the <strong>Calendar page</strong> dropdown list.');
         $notifications[] = $msg;
     if ($plugin_page !== AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME . '-settings' && !empty($notifications)) {
         if ($current_user->has_cap('manage_ai1ec_options')) {
             $msg = sprintf(Ai1ec_I18n::__('The plugin is installed, but has not been configured. <a href="%s">Click here to set it up now &raquo;</a>'), admin_url(AI1EC_SETTINGS_BASE_URL));
             $notification->store($msg, 'updated', 2, array(Ai1ec_Notification_Admin::RCPT_ADMIN));
         } else {
             $msg = Ai1ec_I18n::__('The plugin is installed, but has not been configured. Please log in as an Administrator to set it up.');
             $notification->store($msg, 'updated', 2, array(Ai1ec_Notification_Admin::RCPT_ALL));
     foreach ($notifications as $msg) {
         $notification->store($msg, 'updated', 2, array(Ai1ec_Notification_Admin::RCPT_ADMIN));
Exemple #5
 function __construct()
     add_filter('user_contactmethods', array($this, 'additional_contact_fields'), 10, 1);
     $role = get_role('editor');
     add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'custom_admin_menu'));
 public function capability_filter($allcaps, $cap, $args)
     $Admin = get_role('admin');
     $Contributor = get_role('contributor');
     return $allcaps;
  * Removes our settings user capabilities
  * @return void
 public function remove_capabilities()
     // Get user role
     $role = get_role('administrator');
     // Remove the capability
Exemple #8
 public function get_role($output = 'name')
     if ('object' === $output) {
         return get_role($this->item->roles[0]);
     return $this->item->roles[0];
Exemple #9
function wps_admin_bar()
    global $wp_admin_bar;
    //check if we're using posts
    $roots_option = roots_get_global_options();
    $show_posts = $roots_option['roots_show_posts'];
    $role = get_role('editor');
    if ($show_posts == 'no') {
    } else {
function webbird_permissions_gravity_forms()
    $role = get_role('editor');
    $role = get_role('shop_manager');
Exemple #11
 function removeProcess()
     if (is_admin()) {
         $filename = dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'uninstall.sql';
         $handle = fopen($filename, 'r');
         $query = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
         $modelObj =& WYSIJA::get('user', 'model');
         $queries = str_replace('DROP TABLE `', 'DROP TABLE `[wysija]', $query);
         $queries = explode('-- QUERY ---', $queries);
         $modelWysija = new WYSIJA_model();
         global $wpdb;
         foreach ($queries as $query) {
         WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_reinstall', 1);
         global $wp_roles;
         foreach ($wp_roles->roles as $rolek => $roled) {
             if ($rolek == 'administrator') {
             $role = get_role($rolek);
             $arr = array('wysija_newsletters', 'wysija_subscribers', 'wysija_subscriwidget', 'wysija_config');
             foreach ($arr as $arrkey) {
         return true;
     return false;
function add_theme_caps()
    if (!get_role('member')) {
        $capabilities = array('create_announcements' => true, 'edit_others_announcements' => true, 'delete_pages' => true, 'delete_published_pages' => true, 'edit_pages' => true, 'edit_others_pages' => true, 'edit_published_pages' => true, 'publish_pages' => true, 'gravityforms_edit_forms' => true, 'gravityforms_view_entries' => true, 'read' => true, 'manage_categories' => true, 'delete_posts' => true, 'delete_published_posts' => true, 'edit_posts' => true, 'edit_published_posts' => true, 'edit_others_posts' => true, 'publish_posts' => true);
        add_role('member', 'Club Member', $capabilities);
    $editor = get_role('editor');
    if (!$editor->capabilities['create_announcements']) {
    $admin = get_role('administrator');
    if (!$admin->capabilities['create_announcements']) {
Exemple #13
 function trav_after_setup_theme()
     add_role('trav_busowner', 'Business Owner');
     $role = get_role('trav_busowner');
Exemple #14
  * Create a user
  * @param array $args
  * @param array $assoc_args
 public function create($args, $assoc_args)
     global $blog_id;
     $user_login = $args[0];
     $user_email = $args[1];
     if (!$user_login || !$user_email) {
         WP_CLI::error("Login and email required (see 'wp user help').");
     $defaults = array('role' => get_option('default_role'), 'user_pass' => wp_generate_password(), 'user_registered' => strftime("%F %T", time()), 'display_name' => false);
     extract(wp_parse_args($assoc_args, $defaults), EXTR_SKIP);
     if ('none' == $role) {
         $role = false;
     } elseif (is_null(get_role($role))) {
         WP_CLI::error("Invalid role.");
     $user_id = wp_insert_user(array('user_email' => $user_email, 'user_login' => $user_login, 'user_pass' => $user_pass, 'user_registered' => $user_registered, 'display_name' => $display_name, 'role' => $role));
     if (is_wp_error($user_id)) {
     } else {
         if (false === $role) {
             delete_user_option($user_id, 'capabilities');
             delete_user_option($user_id, 'user_level');
     WP_CLI::success("Created user {$user_id}.");
Exemple #15
function stats_load()
    Jetpack::module_configuration_load(__FILE__, 'stats_configuration_load');
    Jetpack::module_configuration_head(__FILE__, 'stats_configuration_head');
    Jetpack::module_configuration_screen(__FILE__, 'stats_configuration_screen');
    // Generate the tracking code after wp() has queried for posts.
    add_action('template_redirect', 'stats_template_redirect', 1);
    add_action('wp_head', 'stats_admin_bar_head', 100);
    add_action('jetpack_admin_menu', 'stats_admin_menu');
    add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'stats_register_dashboard_widget');
    // Tell HQ about changed settings
    add_action('update_option_home', 'stats_update_blog');
    add_action('update_option_siteurl', 'stats_update_blog');
    add_action('update_option_blogname', 'stats_update_blog');
    add_action('update_option_blogdescription', 'stats_update_blog');
    add_action('update_option_timezone_string', 'stats_update_blog');
    add_action('add_option_timezone_string', 'stats_update_blog');
    add_action('update_option_gmt_offset', 'stats_update_blog');
    add_action('update_option_page_on_front', 'stats_update_blog');
    add_action('update_option_permalink_structure', 'stats_update_blog');
    add_action('update_option_category_base', 'stats_update_blog');
    add_action('update_option_tag_base', 'stats_update_blog');
    // Tell HQ about changed posts
    add_action('save_post', 'stats_update_post', 10, 1);
    add_filter('jetpack_xmlrpc_methods', 'stats_xmlrpc_methods');
    foreach (stats_get_option('roles') as $role) {
        $role = get_role($role);
        if ($role) {
 public function add_roles($roles, $perms)
     $obj = $this;
     add_action('after_setup_theme', function () use($obj, $roles, $perms) {
         //give default capabilties
         $permissions = array();
         foreach ($obj->post_type_capabilities as $key => $value) {
             $permissions[$value] = true;
         //add passed capabilities
         if (!empty($perms)) {
             foreach ($perms as $p) {
                 $permissions[$p] = true;
         if (!empty($roles)) {
             foreach ($roles as $role) {
                 $r = get_role($role);
                 //returns role object
                 foreach ($permissions as $key => $value) {
                     //adds capabilities (permissions) to role
Exemple #17
 * Add our master role, "Premise Member".
 * @since 0.1.0
function accesspress_create_role()
    if (get_role('premise_member')) {
    add_role('premise_member', __('Premise Member', 'premise'), array('access_membership' => true));
Exemple #18
 * Remove existing permissions/capabilities to a specific role
 * @param string $role
 * @param string $cap
function remove_capability($role, $cap)
    $role_obj = get_role($role);
    // get the the role object
    // add $cap capability to this role object
  * Static function for plugin activation.
  * @return void
 public function do_activate()
     global $wp_version;
     require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php';
     // Check for capability
     if (!current_user_can('activate_plugins')) {
         wp_die(__('Sorry, you do not have suffient permissions to activate this plugin.', MP_DOMAIN));
     // Get the capabilities for the administrator
     $role = get_role('administrator');
     // Must have admin privileges in order to activate.
     if (empty($role)) {
         wp_die(__('Sorry, you must be an Administrator in order to use Manga+Press', MP_DOMAIN));
     if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.0', '<=')) {
         wp_die('Sorry, only WordPress 3.0 and later are supported.' . ' Please upgrade to WordPress 3.0', 'Wrong Version');
     self::$_version = strval(get_option('mangapress_ver'));
     // version_compare will still evaluate against an empty string
     // so we have to tell it not to.
     if (version_compare(self::$_version, MP_VERSION, '<') && !(self::$_version == '')) {
         add_option('mangapress_upgrade', 'yes', '', 'no');
     } elseif (self::$_version == '') {
         add_option('mangapress_ver', MP_VERSION, '', 'no');
         add_option('mangapress_options', serialize(MangaPress_Options::get_default_options()), '', 'no');
     $this->_bootstrap = MangaPress_Bootstrap::get_instance();
function frontier_post_set_cap()
    include FRONTIER_POST_DIR . "/include/frontier_post_defaults.php";
    $fps_saved_capabilities = frontier_post_get_capabilities();
    // Reinstate roles
    $fps_roles = new WP_Roles();
    $role_list = $fps_roles->get_names();
    foreach ($role_list as $key => $item) {
        $xrole = get_role($key);
        $tmp_caplist = $fps_saved_capabilities[$key];
        foreach ($tmp_caplist as $tmp_cap => $tmp_value) {
            $fps_cap_name = $tmp_cap;
            // Check that the name is a capability (not editor or category)
            if (array_key_exists($fps_cap_name, $fp_capability_list) == true) {
                if ($tmp_value == "true") {
                } else {
                $xrole->remove_cap('frontier_post_' . $tmp_cap);
            } else {
        // end tmp_caplist
    // end role_list
  * Removes our "extensions" page user capabilities
  * @return void
 public function remove_capabilities()
     // Get user role
     $role = get_role('administrator');
     // Remove the capability
Exemple #22
 public static function add_capability()
     $role = get_role('administrator');
     if (!empty($role)) {
 function get_actor($actor_id, $actor_type = null, $args = null)
     if ($actor_type == null) {
         $actor_type = 'user';
     $object = null;
     if ($actor_id != null) {
         switch ($actor_type) {
             case 'user':
                 $object = get_userdata($actor_id);
                 if ($object == false) {
                     $object = null;
             case 'role':
                 $object = get_role($actor_id);
                 if ($object == false) {
                     $object = null;
     if ($object != null) {
         $factory = $this->get_registry()->get_utility('I_Component_Factory');
         $actor = $factory->create('wordpress_security_actor', $actor_type);
         $entity_props = array('type' => $actor_type, 'id' => $actor_id);
         $actor->set_entity($object, $entity_props);
         return $actor;
     return $this->object->get_guest_actor();
Exemple #24
  * Generate users
  * @param array $args
  * @param array $assoc_args
 public function users($args, $assoc_args)
     global $blog_id;
     $defaults = array('count' => 100, 'role' => get_option('default_role'));
     extract(wp_parse_args($assoc_args, $defaults), EXTR_SKIP);
     if ('none' == $role) {
         $role = false;
     } elseif (is_null(get_role($role))) {
         WP_CLI::warning("invalid role.");
     $user_count = count_users();
     $total = $user_count['total_users'];
     $limit = $count + $total;
     $notify = new \cli\progress\Bar('Generating users', $count);
     for ($i = $total; $i < $limit; $i++) {
         $login = sprintf('user_%d_%d', $blog_id, $i);
         $name = "User {$i}";
         $user_id = wp_insert_user(array('user_login' => $login, 'user_pass' => $login, 'nickname' => $name, 'display_name' => $name, 'role' => $role));
         if (false === $role) {
             delete_user_option($user_id, 'capabilities');
             delete_user_option($user_id, 'user_level');
function draw_user_list()
    $users = get_users();
      <table class="userlist table table-condensed table-bordered">
          <th>Last Name</th>
          <th>First Name</th>
    while ($row = $users->fetch_array()) {
        $row['role'] = get_role($row['user_id']);
        echo '<tr class="userlist ';
        echo 'userlist-' . $row['role'];
        if ($row['inactive']) {
            echo ' userlist-inactive';
        echo '" onclick="openEdit(' . $row['user_id'] . ')">';
        echo '<td style="cursor:pointer;">' . $row['lname'] . "</td>";
        echo '<td style="cursor:pointer;">' . $row['fname'] . "</td>";
        echo '<td style="cursor:pointer;">' . $row['username'] . "</td>";
        echo '</tr>';
function add_capability()
    // get the the role object
    $editor = get_role('editor');
    // add $cap capability to this role object
  * Add initial ST options in DB, init roles/permissions
  * @return void
  * @author Amaury Balmer
 public static function activation()
     // Put default options
     $options_from_table = get_option(STAGS_OPTIONS_NAME);
     if ($options_from_table == false) {
         $options = (array) (include STAGS_DIR . '/inc/helper.options.default.php');
         add_option(STAGS_OPTIONS_NAME, $options);
     // Init roles
     if (function_exists('get_role')) {
         $role = get_role('administrator');
         if ($role != null && !$role->has_cap('simple_tags')) {
         if ($role != null && !$role->has_cap('admin_simple_tags')) {
         $role = get_role('editor');
         if ($role != null && !$role->has_cap('simple_tags')) {
         // Clean var
Exemple #28
 * Change what Editor users can see
function sticky_modify_editor_roles()
    // get the the role object
    $role_object = get_role('editor');
    // add $cap capability to this role object
function setup_read_touch_easy_seo_caps()
    $roles = touch_easy_seo_touch_get_lower_roles();
    $allowed_roles = get_field('allowed_roles_for_touch_seo', 'options');
    // Do not allow rights modification of administrator and current role
    if (isset($roles["administrator"])) {
    $adminRole = get_role("administrator");
    if (current_user_can("administrator") && !current_user_can("read_touch-easy-seo")) {
    if (current_user_can("administrator") && !current_user_can("read_touch-easy-seo-settings")) {
    foreach ($roles as $role_name => $role_info) {
        $role = get_role($role_name);
        if ($allowed_roles != '' && in_array($role_name, $allowed_roles) && !$role->has_cap("read_touch-easy-seo")) {
        } elseif ($allowed_roles != '' && $role->has_cap("read_touch-easy-seo") && !in_array($role_name, $allowed_roles)) {
        } elseif ($allowed_roles == '' && $role->has_cap("read_touch-easy-seo")) {
Exemple #30
function add_theme_caps()
    // Allow subscribers to see Private posts and pages
    $subRole = get_role('subscriber');