function RepaymentNewTradeCallBack($pMerCode, $pErrCode, $pErrMsg, $str3Req)
    $pMerBillNo = $str3Req["pMerBillNo"];
    $where = " pMerBillNo = '" . $pMerBillNo . "'";
    $data = array();
    $data['pErrCode'] = $pErrCode;
    //MG00008F IPS受理中
    $data['pErrMsg'] = $pErrMsg;
    $data['pIpsBillNo'] = $str3Req["pIpsBillNo"];
    //IPS还款订单号  否  由 IPS 系统生成的唯一流水号, 此次还款的批次号
    $data['pIpsDate'] = $str3Req["pIpsDate"];
    //IPS受理日期  否  yyyyMMdd
    if ($data['pErrCode'] == 'MG00008F') {
        $data['pOutIpsFee'] = $str3Req["pOutIpsFee"];
    //收取转出方手 续费  此手续费由平台商户垫付给 IPS 的手续费
    //echo $where;exit;
    $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "ips_repayment_new_trade", $data, 'UPDATE', $where);
    if ($data['pErrCode'] == 'MG00008F') {
        $ipsdata = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "ips_repayment_new_trade where " . $where);
        //has_repay 0未还,1已还 2部分还款3IPS受理中
        //,lock_time = ".get_gmtime()."
        $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_repay set has_repay = 3 where has_repay in (0,2) and id = " . $ipsdata['deal_repay_id'];
    if ($data['pErrCode'] == 'MG00000F') {
        $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "ips_repayment_new_trade set is_callback = 1 where is_callback = 0 and " . $where;
        if ($GLOBALS['db']->affected_rows()) {
            $ipsdata = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "ips_repayment_new_trade where " . $where);
            //$pDetails = @XML_unserialize($pDetails);
            //$pDetails = getXmlNodeValue($str3XmlParaInfo, "pDetails");
            $guarantor_real_fit_amt = 0;
            $attr = array();
            if (isset($str3Req["pDetails"]["pRow"][0])) {
                $attr = $str3Req["pDetails"]["pRow"];
            } else {
                $attr[] = $str3Req["pDetails"]["pRow"];
            foreach ($attr as $k => $v) {
                $pCreMerBillNo = $v["pCreMerBillNo"];
                $where = " pid = " . $ipsdata['id'] . " and pCreMerBillNo = '" . $pCreMerBillNo . "'";
                $ips_detail = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "ips_repayment_new_trade_detail where " . $where);
                $detail = array();
                $detail['pStatus'] = $v["pStatus"];
                $detail['pMessage'] = $v["pMessage"];
                //转账备注  否  转账失败的原因
                $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "ips_repayment_new_trade_detail", $detail, 'UPDATE', " id = " . intval($ips_detail['id']));
                if ($v["pStatus"] == 'Y') {
                    $load_repay = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay where id = " . $ips_detail['deal_load_repay_id']);
                    $detail = array();
                    $detail['repay_manage_impose_money'] = $ips_detail["repay_manage_impose_money"];
                    //平台收取 借款者 的管理费逾期罚息
                    $detail['impose_money'] = $ips_detail["impose_money"];
                    //投资者收取 借款者 的逾期罚息
                    $detail['status'] = $ips_detail["repay_status"];
                    $detail['true_repay_time'] = $ips_detail["true_repay_time"];
                    $detail['true_repay_date'] = to_date($ips_detail["true_repay_time"]);
                    $detail['has_repay'] = 1;
                    $detail['true_manage_money'] = $load_repay['manage_money'];
                    $detail['true_manage_interest_money'] = $load_repay["manage_interest_money"];
                    $detail['true_repay_manage_money'] = $load_repay["repay_manage_money"];
                    $detail['true_repay_money'] = $load_repay["repay_money"];
                    $detail['true_self_money'] = $load_repay['self_money'];
                    $detail['true_interest_money'] = $load_repay['interest_money'];
                    $detail = array();
                    $detail['repay_manage_impose_money'] = $ips_detail["repay_manage_impose_money"];
                    $detail['true_manage_money'] = floatval($ips_detail["pInFee"]) - floatval($ips_detail["manage_interest_money"]);
                    $detail['true_manage_interest_money'] = $ips_detail["manage_interest_money"];
                    $detail['true_repay_manage_money'] = floatval($ips_detail["pOutInfoFee"]) - floatval($detail['repay_manage_impose_money']);
                    $detail['true_repay_money'] = $ips_detail['pInAmt'] - $ips_detail["impose_money"];
                    $detail['true_self_money'] = $ips_detail['self_money'];
                    $detail['true_interest_money'] = floatval($detail['true_repay_money']) - floatval($ips_detail['self_money']);
                    $detail['impose_money'] = $ips_detail["impose_money"];
                    $detail['has_repay'] = 1;//0未收到还款,1已收到还款
                    $detail['status'] = $ips_detail["repay_status"];
                    $detail['true_repay_time'] = $ips_detail["true_repay_time"];
                    $detail['true_repay_date'] = to_date($ips_detail["true_repay_time"]);
                    $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay", $detail, 'UPDATE', " has_repay = 0 and id = " . intval($ips_detail['deal_load_repay_id']));
            require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/deal.php";
            syn_deal_repay_status($ipsdata['deal_id'], $ipsdata['deal_repay_id']);
    return $ipsdata;
function RepaymentRepayCallBack($str3Req)
    if ($str3Req["code"] == '1') {
        $requestNo = $str3Req["requestNo"];
        $platformNo = $str3Req["platformNo"];
        $where = " requestNo = '" . $requestNo . "'";
        $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "yeepay_cp_transaction set is_complete_transaction = 1 where is_callback = 1 and " . $where;
        $yee_data = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "yeepay_cp_transaction where requestNo = " . $requestNo);
        $sql = "select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "yeepay_cp_transaction_detail where deal_load_repay_id > 0 and pid = " . $yee_data['id'];
        $list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
        foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
            $load_repay = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay where id = " . $v['deal_load_repay_id']);
            $detail = array();
            $detail['repay_manage_impose_money'] = $v["repay_manage_impose_money"];
            //平台收取 借款者 的管理费逾期罚息
            $detail['impose_money'] = $v["impose_money"];
            //投资者收取 借款者 的逾期罚息
            $detail['status'] = $v["repay_status"];
            $detail['true_repay_time'] = $v["true_repay_time"];
            $detail['true_repay_date'] = to_date($v["true_repay_time"]);
            $detail['has_repay'] = 1;
            $detail['true_manage_money'] = $load_repay['manage_money'];
            $detail['true_manage_interest_money'] = $load_repay["manage_interest_money"];
            $detail['true_repay_manage_money'] = $load_repay["repay_manage_money"];
            $detail['true_repay_money'] = $load_repay["repay_money"];
            $detail['true_self_money'] = $load_repay['self_money'];
            $detail['true_interest_money'] = $load_repay['interest_money'];
            $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay", $detail, 'UPDATE', " has_repay = 0 and id = " . intval($v['deal_load_repay_id']));
        require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/deal_func.php";
        syn_deal_repay_status($yee_data["tenderOrderNo"], $yee_data["deal_repay_id"]);
        $result["deal_id"] = $yee_data["tenderOrderNo"];
        return $result;
    return 1;
 * 还款
 * @param deal $deal  标的数据
 * @param array $repaylist  还款列表
 * @param int $deal_repay_id  还款计划ID
 * @param int $MerCode  商户ID
 * @param string $cert_md5 
 * @param string $post_url
 * @return string
function RepaymentNewTrade($cfg, $deal, $repaylist, $deal_repay_id, $post_url)
    $merchant_id = $cfg['merchant_id'];
    $terminal_id = $cfg['terminal_id'];
    $key = $cfg['key'];
    $iv = $cfg['iv'];
    //$deal = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from ".DB_PREFIX."deal where id = ".$deal_id);
    //$user = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from ".DB_PREFIX."user where id = ".$user_id);
    $data = array();
    $data['merchant_id'] = $merchant_id;
    $data['terminal_id'] = $terminal_id;
    $data['action_type'] = 4;
    $data['order_id'] = 0;
    $data['user_id'] = $deal['user_id'];
    $data['special'] = 1;
    $data['cus_id'] = $deal['id'];
    $data['cus_name'] = $deal['sub_name'];
    $data['brw_id'] = $deal['user_id'];
    $data['req_time'] = microtime_float();
    // get_gmtime();//请求时间 例如 1405668253874    (当前时间转换毫秒)
    $data['fee'] = 0;
    $data['repay_start_time'] = 0;
    // 开始还款日期
    $data['load_amount'] = 0;
    // 记录投标金额
    $data['bids_msg'] = '';
    $data['deal_repay_id'] = $deal_repay_id;
    $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "baofoo_business", $data, 'INSERT');
    $id = $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id();
    $fee = 0;
    foreach ($repaylist as $k => $v) {
        //平台收取:借款者 的管理费 + 管理逾期罚息
        $fee = $fee + $v['repay_manage_money'] + $v['repay_manage_impose_money'];
        $detail = array();
        $detail['pid'] = $id;
        $detail['deal_load_repay_id'] = $v['id'];
        $detail['repay_manage_impose_money'] = $v['repay_manage_impose_money'];
        //平台收取 借款者 的管理费逾期罚息
        $detail['impose_money'] = $v['impose_money'];
        //投资者收取 借款者 的逾期罚息
        $detail['repay_status'] = intval($v['status']) - 1;
        $detail['true_repay_time'] = TIME_UTC;
        if ($v['t_user_id']) {
            //债权转让后,还款时,转给:承接者, 在债权转让后需要更新 fanwe_deal_load_repay.t_user_id 数据值
            $detail['user_id'] = $v['t_user_id'];
        } else {
            $detail['user_id'] = $v['user_id'];
        //投资者获取的,费用 [宝付会自动扣除 $detail['fee'] 部分,所以最终获得的收入为:$v['month_repay_money'] + $v['impose_money'] - $v['manage_money'] - $v['manage_interest_money']
        $detail['amount'] = round($v['month_repay_money'] + $v['impose_money'], 2);
        //平台收取:投资者 的投资金额管理费 + 利息管理费
        $detail['fee'] = round($v['manage_money'] + $v['manage_interest_money'], 2);
        $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "baofoo_business_detail", $detail, 'INSERT');
        $details[] = $detail;
    $data_update = array();
    $data_update['order_id'] = $id;
    $data['order_id'] = $id;
    $data['fee'] = round($fee, 2);
    $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "baofoo_business", $data_update, 'UPDATE', 'id=' . $id);
    $actions = "<actions>";
    foreach ($details as $k => $v) {
        $actions .= "<action><user_id>" . intval($v['user_id']) . "</user_id><amount>" . $v['amount'] . "</amount><fee>" . $v['fee'] . "</fee></action>";
    $actions .= "<action><user_id>" . intval($deal['user_id']) . "</user_id><special>1</special><fee>" . round($fee, 2) . "</fee></action>";
    $actions .= "</actions>";
    $strxml = RepaymentNewTradeXml($data, $actions);
    $pSign = md5($strxml . "~|~" . $key);
    $pWebUrl= SITE_DOMAIN.APP_ROOT."/index.php?ctl=collocation&act=response&class_name=Baofoo&class_act=RepaymentNewTrade&from=".$_REQUEST['from']."&order_id=".$id;//web方式返回
    		$pS2SUrl= SITE_DOMAIN.APP_ROOT."/index.php?ctl=collocation&act=notify&class_name=Baofoo&class_act=RepaymentNewTrade&from=".$_REQUEST['from']."&order_id=".$id;//s2s方式返回
    $html = '<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /></head><body>
    		<form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="'.$post_url.'custody/" target="_self">		
    				merchant_id:<input type="text" name="merchant_id" value="'.$merchant_id.'" /><br>
    				terminal_id:<input type="text" name="terminal_id" value="'.$terminal_id.'" /><br>
    				sign:<input type="text" name="sign" value="'.$pSign.'" /><br>					
    				requestParams:<textarea name="requestParams" cols="100" rows="5">'.$strxml.'</textarea>	<br>
    				page_url:<input type="text" name="page_url" value="'.$pWebUrl.'" /><br>
    				service_url:<input type="text" name="service_url" value="'.$pS2SUrl.'" /><br>
    				<input type="submit" value="提交"></input>
    		';//<script language="javascript">document.form1.submit();</script>';
    		//echo $html; exit;
    $post_data = array("merchant_id" => $merchant_id, "terminal_id" => $terminal_id, "sign" => $pSign, "requestParams" => $strxml);
    $baofoo_log = array();
    $baofoo_log['code'] = 'business_4';
    $baofoo_log['create_date'] = to_date(TIME_UTC, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $baofoo_log['strxml'] = $strxml;
    $baofoo_log['html'] = print_r($post_data, true);
    $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "baofoo_log", $baofoo_log);
    $resultStr = httpRequestPOST($post_url . "custody/", $post_data);
    $baofoo_log = array();
    $baofoo_log['code'] = 'p2pRequest_4';
    $baofoo_log['create_date'] = to_date(TIME_UTC, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $baofoo_log['strxml'] = print_r($resultStr, true);
    $baofoo_log['html'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "baofoo_log", $baofoo_log);
    require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/xml.php';
    $str3ParaInfo = @XML_unserialize($resultStr);
    $str3Req = $str3ParaInfo['crs'];
    $sign = $str3Req["sign"];
    $Md5sign = Md5($str3Req["code"] . '~|~' . $str3Req["msg"] . '~|~' . $key);
    if ($sign == $Md5sign) {
        $order_id = $id;
        $where = " order_id = '" . $order_id . "'";
        $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "baofoo_business set is_callback = 1 where is_callback = 0 and " . $where;
        if ($GLOBALS['db']->affected_rows()) {
            $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "baofoo_business", $str3Req, 'UPDATE', $where);
            $ipsdata = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "baofoo_business where " . $where);
            $deal_id = intval($ipsdata['cus_id']);
            $deal_repay_id = intval($ipsdata['deal_repay_id']);
            if ($str3Req['code'] == 'CSD000') {
                $sql = "select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "baofoo_business_detail where deal_load_repay_id > 0 and pid = " . $ipsdata['id'];
                $list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
                foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
                    $load_repay = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay where id = " . $v['deal_load_repay_id']);
                    $detail = array();
                    $detail['repay_manage_impose_money'] = $v["repay_manage_impose_money"];
                    //平台收取 借款者 的管理费逾期罚息
                    $detail['impose_money'] = $v["impose_money"];
                    //投资者收取 借款者 的逾期罚息
                    $detail['status'] = $v["repay_status"];
                    $detail['true_repay_time'] = $v["true_repay_time"];
                    $detail['true_repay_date'] = to_date($v["true_repay_time"]);
                    $detail['has_repay'] = 1;
                    $detail['true_manage_money'] = $load_repay['manage_money'];
                    $detail['true_manage_interest_money'] = $load_repay["manage_interest_money"];
                    $detail['true_repay_manage_money'] = $load_repay["repay_manage_money"];
                    $detail['true_repay_money'] = $load_repay["repay_money"];
                    $detail['true_self_money'] = $load_repay['self_money'];
                    $detail['true_interest_money'] = $load_repay['interest_money'];
                    $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay", $detail, 'UPDATE', " has_repay = 0 and id = " . intval($v['deal_load_repay_id']));
                require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/deal.php";
                syn_deal_repay_status($deal_id, $deal_repay_id);
                return '已还款';
            } else {
                return 'code:' . $str3Req['code'] . ';msg:' . $str3Req['msg'];
        } else {
            return '重复调用';
    } else {
        return '验证不通过';
Exemple #4
  * 代还款
 function do_site_repay($page = 1)
     require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/common.php";
     require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/deal.php";
     $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
     $l_key = intval($_REQUEST['l_key']);
     $this->assign("jumpUrl", U("Deal/repay_plan", array("id" => $id)));
     if ($id == 0) {
     $deal_info = get_deal($id);
     if (!$deal_info) {
     if ($deal_info['ips_bill_no'] != "") {
     $user_id = $deal_info['user_id'];
     if ($page == 0) {
         $page = 1;
     $page_size = 10;
     $limit = ($page - 1) * $page_size . "," . $page_size;
     $user_loan_list = get_deal_user_load_list($deal_info, 0, $l_key, -1, 0, 0, 1, $limit);
     $rs_count = $user_loan_list['count'];
     $page_all = ceil($rs_count / $page_size);
     require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/libs/user.php";
     foreach ($user_loan_list['item'] as $kk => $vv) {
         if ($vv['has_repay'] == 0) {
             $user_load_data = array();
             $user_load_data['true_repay_time'] = TIME_UTC;
             $user_load_data['true_repay_date'] = to_date(TIME_UTC);
             $user_load_data['is_site_repay'] = 1;
             $user_load_data['status'] = 0;
             $user_load_data['true_repay_money'] = (double) $vv['month_repay_money'];
             $user_load_data['true_self_money'] = (double) $vv['self_money'];
             $user_load_data['true_interest_money'] = (double) $vv['interest_money'];
             $user_load_data['true_manage_money'] = (double) $vv['manage_money'];
             $user_load_data['true_manage_interest_money'] = (double) $vv['manage_interest_money'];
             $user_load_data['true_repay_manage_money'] = (double) $vv['repay_manage_money'];
             $user_load_data['true_manage_interest_money_rebate'] = (double) $vv['manage_interest_money_rebate'];
             $user_load_data['impose_money'] = (double) $vv['impose_money'];
             $user_load_data['repay_manage_impose_money'] = (double) $vv['repay_manage_impose_money'];
             $user_load_data['true_reward_money'] = (double) $vv['reward_money'];
             if ($vv['status'] > 0) {
                 $user_load_data['status'] = $vv['status'] - 1;
             $user_load_data['has_repay'] = 1;
             $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay", $user_load_data, "UPDATE", "id=" . $vv['id'] . " AND has_repay = 0 ", "SILENT");
             if ($GLOBALS['db']->affected_rows() > 0) {
                 //$content = "您好,您在".app_conf("SHOP_TITLE")."的投标 “<a href=\"".$deal_info['url']."\">".$deal_info['name']."</a>”成功还款".($user_load_data['true_repay_money']+$user_load_data['impose_money'])."元,";
                 $unext_loan = $user_loan_list[$vv['u_key']][$kk + 1];
                 if ($unext_loan) {
                     //$content .= "本笔投标的下个还款日为".to_date($unext_loan['repay_day'],"Y年m月d日").",需还本息".number_format($unext_loan['month_repay_money'],2)."元。";
                     $notices['content'] = ",本笔投标的下个还款日为" . to_date($unext_loan['repay_day'], "Y年m月d日") . ",需还本息" . number_format($unext_loan['month_repay_money'], 2) . "元。";
                 } else {
                     $load_repay_rs = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT (sum(true_interest_money) + sum(impose_money)) as shouyi,sum(impose_money) as total_impose_money FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay WHERE deal_id=" . $deal_info['id'] . " AND user_id=" . $vv['user_id']);
                     $all_shouyi_money = number_format($load_repay_rs['shouyi'], 2);
                     $all_impose_money = number_format($load_repay_rs['total_impose_money'], 2);
                     //$content .= "本次投标共获得收益:".$all_shouyi_money."元,其中违约金为:".$all_impose_money."元,本次投标已回款完毕!";
                     $notices['content'] = ",本次投标共获得收益:" . $all_shouyi_money . "元,其中违约金为:" . $all_impose_money . "元,本次投标已回款完毕!";
                 if ($user_load_data['impose_money'] != 0 || $user_load_data['true_manage_money'] != 0 || $user_load_data['true_repay_money'] != 0) {
                     $in_user_id = $vv['user_id'];
                     if ((int) $vv['t_user_id'] == 0) {
                         $loan_user_info['user_name'] = $vv['user_name'];
                         $loan_user_info['email'] = $vv['email'];
                         $loan_user_info['mobile'] = $vv['mobile'];
                     } else {
                         $in_user_id = $vv['t_user_id'];
                         $loan_user_info['user_name'] = $vv['t_user_name'];
                         $loan_user_info['email'] = $vv['t_email'];
                         $loan_user_info['mobile'] = $vv['t_mobile'];
                     modify_account(array("money" => $user_load_data['true_repay_money']), $in_user_id, "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],第" . ($kk + 1) . "期,回报本息", 5);
                     if ($user_load_data['true_manage_money'] > 0) {
                         modify_account(array("money" => -$user_load_data['true_manage_money']), $in_user_id, "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],第" . ($kk + 1) . "期,投标管理费", 20);
                     modify_account(array("money" => -$user_load_data['true_manage_interest_money']), $in_user_id, "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],第" . ($kk + 1) . "期,投标利息管理费", 20);
                     if ($user_load_data['impose_money'] != 0) {
                         modify_account(array("money" => $user_load_data['impose_money']), $in_user_id, "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],第" . ($kk + 1) . "期,逾期罚息", 21);
                     if ($user_load_data['true_manage_interest_money_rebate'] != 0) {
                         $reback_memo = sprintf($GLOBALS['lang']["INVEST_REBATE_LOG"], $deal_info["url"], $deal_info["name"], $loan_user_info["user_name"], intval($vv["l_key"]) + 1);
                         reback_rebate_money($in_user_id, $user_load_data['true_manage_interest_money_rebate'], "invest", $reback_memo);
                     $msg_conf = get_user_msg_conf($in_user_id);
                     if (app_conf("SMS_ON") == 1 && app_conf('SMS_REPAY_TOUSER_ON') == 1) {
                         $tmpl = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_template where name = 'TPL_DEAL_LOAD_REPAY_SMS'");
                         $tmpl_content = $tmpl['content'];
                         $notice['user_name'] = $loan_user_info['user_name'];
                         $notice['deal_name'] = $deal_info['sub_name'];
                         $notice['deal_url'] = $deal_info['url'];
                         $notice['site_name'] = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
                         $notice['repay_money'] = number_format($user_load_data['true_repay_money'] + $user_load_data['impose_money'], 2);
                         if ($unext_loan) {
                             $notice['need_next_repay'] = $unext_loan;
                             $notice['next_repay_time'] = to_date($unext_loan['repay_day'], "Y年m月d日");
                             $notice['next_repay_money'] = number_format($unext_loan['month_repay_money'], 2);
                         } else {
                             $notice['all_repay_money'] = $all_shouyi_money;
                             $notice['impose_money'] = $all_impose_money;
                         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notice", $notice);
                         $sms_content = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . $tmpl_content);
                         $msg_data['dest'] = $loan_user_info['mobile'];
                         $msg_data['send_type'] = 0;
                         $msg_data['title'] = $msg_data['content'] = addslashes($sms_content);
                         $msg_data['send_time'] = 0;
                         $msg_data['is_send'] = 0;
                         $msg_data['create_time'] = TIME_UTC;
                         $msg_data['user_id'] = $in_user_id;
                         $msg_data['is_html'] = 0;
                         $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list", $msg_data);
                     $notices['shop_title'] = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
                     $notices['url'] = "“<a href=\"" . $deal_info['url'] . "\">" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>”";
                     $notices['money'] = $user_load_data['true_repay_money'] + $user_load_data['impose_money'];
                     $tmpl_content = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_template where name = 'TPL_SITE_REPAY'", false);
                     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notice", $notices);
                     $content = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . $tmpl_content['content']);
                     if ($msg_conf['sms_bidrepaid'] == 1) {
                         send_user_msg("", $content, 0, $in_user_id, TIME_UTC, 0, true, 9);
                     if ($msg_conf['mail_bidrepaid'] == 1 && app_conf('MAIL_ON') == 1) {
                         $tmpl = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_template where name = 'TPL_DEAL_LOAD_REPAY_EMAIL'", false);
                         $tmpl_content = $tmpl['content'];
                         $notice['user_name'] = $loan_user_info['user_name'];
                         $notice['deal_name'] = $deal_info['sub_name'];
                         $notice['deal_url'] = $deal_info['url'];
                         $notice['site_name'] = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
                         $notice['site_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT;
                         $notice['help_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . url("index", "helpcenter");
                         $notice['msg_cof_setting_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . url("index", "uc_msg#setting");
                         $notice['repay_money'] = number_format($vv['month_repay_money'] + $vv['impose_money'], 2);
                         if ($unext_loan) {
                             $notice['need_next_repay'] = $unext_loan;
                             $notice['next_repay_time'] = to_date($unext_loan['repay_day'], "Y年m月d日");
                             $notice['next_repay_money'] = number_format($unext_loan['month_repay_money'], 2);
                         } else {
                             $notice['all_repay_money'] = $all_shouyi_money;
                             $notice['impose_money'] = $all_impose_money;
                         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notice", $notice);
                         $msg = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . $tmpl_content);
                         $msg_data['dest'] = $loan_user_info['email'];
                         $msg_data['send_type'] = 1;
                         $msg_data['title'] = "“" . $deal_info['name'] . "”回款通知";
                         $msg_data['content'] = addslashes($msg);
                         $msg_data['send_time'] = 0;
                         $msg_data['is_send'] = 0;
                         $msg_data['create_time'] = TIME_UTC;
                         $msg_data['user_id'] = $in_user_id;
                         $msg_data['is_html'] = $tmpl['is_html'];
                         $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list", $msg_data);
     if ($page >= $page_all) {
         $s_count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT count(*) FROM  " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay where deal_id=" . $id . " AND l_key=" . $l_key . " and has_repay = 0");
         $adm_session = es_session::get(md5(conf("AUTH_KEY")));
         if ($s_count == 0) {
             $rs_sum = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("SELECT sum(true_repay_money) as total_repay_money,sum(true_self_money) as total_self_money,sum(true_interest_money) as total_interest_money,sum(true_repay_manage_money) as total_manage_money,sum(impose_money) as total_impose_money,sum(repay_manage_impose_money) as total_repay_manage_impose_money FROM  " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay where deal_id=" . $id . " AND l_key=" . $l_key . "  and has_repay = 1");
             $deal_load_list = get_deal_load_list($deal_info);
             $rs_site_sum = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("SELECT sum(true_repay_money) as total_repay_money,sum(true_self_money) as total_self_money,sum(true_repay_manage_money) as total_manage_money,sum(impose_money) as total_impose_money,sum(repay_manage_impose_money) as total_repay_manage_impose_money FROM  " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay where deal_id=" . $id . " AND l_key=" . $l_key . " and is_site_repay=1 and has_repay = 1");
             $repay_data['status'] = (int) $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT `status` FROM  " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay where deal_id=" . $id . " AND l_key=" . $l_key . " and has_repay = 1 AND is_site_repay=1  ORDER BY l_key DESC");
             $repay_data['true_repay_time'] = TIME_UTC;
             $repay_data['true_repay_date'] = to_date(TIME_UTC);
             $repay_data['has_repay'] = 1;
             $repay_data['impose_money'] = floatval($rs_sum['total_impose_money']);
             $repay_data['true_self_money'] = floatval($rs_sum['total_self_money']);
             $repay_data['true_repay_money'] = floatval($rs_sum['total_repay_money']);
             $repay_data['true_manage_money'] = floatval($rs_sum['total_manage_money']);
             $repay_data['true_interest_money'] = floatval($rs_sum['total_interest_money']);
             $repay_data['manage_impose_money'] = floatval($rs_sum['total_repay_manage_impose_money']);
             $rebate_rs = get_rebate_fee($user_id, "borrow");
             $repay_data['true_manage_money_rebate'] = $repay_data['true_manage_money'] * floatval($rebate_rs['rebate']) / 100;
             if ($repay_data['true_manage_money_rebate'] != 0) {
                 $reback_memo = sprintf(L("BORROW_REBATE_LOG"), $deal_info["url"], $deal_info["name"], $deal_info["user"]["user_name"], intval($l_key) + 1);
                 reback_rebate_money($user_id, $repay_data['true_manage_money_rebate'], "borrow", $reback_memo);
             $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_repay", $repay_data, "UPDATE", " deal_id=" . $id . " AND l_key=" . $l_key . " and has_repay = 0 ");
             $impose_day = ceil((to_timespan(to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y-m-d"), "Y-m-d") - $deal_load_list[$l_key]['repay_day']) / 24 / 3600);
             if ($impose_day > 0) {
                 //VIP 逾期还款降级
                 $type = 2;
                 $type_info = 5;
                 $resultdate = syn_user_vip($user_id, $type, $type_info);
                 if ($impose_day < app_conf('YZ_IMPSE_DAY')) {
                     modify_account(array("point" => trim(app_conf('IMPOSE_POINT'))), $deal_info['user_id'], "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],第" . ($kk + 1) . "期,逾期还款", 11);
                 } else {
                     modify_account(array("point" => trim(app_conf('YZ_IMPOSE_POINT'))), $deal_info['user_id'], "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],第" . ($kk + 1) . "期,严重逾期", 11);
             } else {
                 //VIP 代还款降级
                 $type = 2;
                 $type_info = 6;
                 $resultdate = syn_user_vip($user_id, $type, $type_info);
             if ($rs_site_sum) {
                 $r_msg = "网站代还款";
                 if ($rs_site_sum['total_repay_money'] > 0) {
                     $r_msg .= ",本息:" . format_price($rs_site_sum['total_repay_money']);
                 if ($rs_site_sum['total_impose_money'] > 0) {
                     $r_msg .= ",逾期费用:" . format_price($rs_site_sum['total_impose_money']);
                 if ($rs_site_sum['total_manage_money'] > 0) {
                     $r_msg .= ",管理费:" . format_price($rs_site_sum['total_manage_money']);
                 if ($rs_site_sum['total_repay_manage_impose_money'] > 0) {
                     $r_msg .= ",逾期管理费:" . format_price($rs_site_sum['total_repay_manage_impose_money']);
                 repay_log($deal_load_list[$l_key]['repay_id'], $r_msg, 0, $adm_session['adm_id']);
             if ($GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "generation_repay WHERE deal_id=" . $id . " AND repay_id=" . $deal_load_list[$l_key]['repay_id'] . "") == 0) {
                 $generation_repay['deal_id'] = $id;
                 $generation_repay['repay_id'] = $deal_load_list[$l_key]['repay_id'];
                 $generation_repay['admin_id'] = $adm_session['adm_id'];
                 $generation_repay['agency_id'] = $deal_info['agency_id'];
                 $generation_repay['repay_money'] = $rs_site_sum['total_repay_money'];
                 $generation_repay['self_money'] = $rs_site_sum['total_self_money'];
                 $generation_repay['impose_money'] = $rs_site_sum['total_impose_money'];
                 $generation_repay['manage_money'] = $rs_site_sum['total_manage_money'];
                 $generation_repay['manage_impose_money'] = $rs_site_sum['total_repay_manage_impose_money'];
                 $generation_repay['create_time'] = TIME_UTC;
                 $generation_repay['create_date'] = to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y-m-d");
                 $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "generation_repay", $generation_repay);
                 $site_money_data['user_id'] = $user_id;
                 $site_money_data['create_time'] = TIME_UTC;
                 $site_money_data['create_time_ymd'] = to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y-m-d");
                 $site_money_data['create_time_ym'] = to_date(TIME_UTC, "Ym");
                 $site_money_data['create_time_y'] = to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y");
                 if ($rs_sum['total_manage_money'] != 0) {
                     $site_money_data['memo'] = "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],第" . $l_key . "期,借款管理费";
                     $site_money_data['type'] = 10;
                     $site_money_data['money'] = $rs_sum['total_manage_money'];
                     $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "site_money_log", $site_money_data, "INSERT");
                 if ($rs_sum['total_repay_manage_impose_money'] != 0) {
                     $site_money_data['memo'] = "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],第" . $l_key . "期,逾期管理费";
                     $site_money_data['type'] = 12;
                     $site_money_data['money'] = $rs_sum['total_repay_manage_impose_money'];
                     $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "site_money_log", $site_money_data, "INSERT");
         syn_transfer_status(0, $deal_info['id']);
     } else {
         register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, 'do_site_repay'), $page + 1);
Exemple #5
            $b .= "<center>\n                    <form action=index.php?lev=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_lev'] . "&cat=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_cat'] . " method=POST name=students>" . make_selection_list($los, $sid, 'student_id', 'students', 'Student', 'on') . "\n                    <input type=hidden name=\"new_referral\" value=\"New\" />\n                    </form></center>";
        } else {
            $sql = "SELECT users.first_name, users.last_name, schools.school_name\n                    FROM users, schools\n                    WHERE schools.school_id=users.school_id\n                    AND users.user_id=" . $sid;
            $result = $db->query($sql);
            $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
            $sfName = $row['first_name'];
            $slName = $row['last_name'];
            $sDistrict = $row['school_name'];
            include 'referral_form.php';
            $b .= $form;
        $main .= make_box($t, $b);
    } elseif (isset($_POST['incident_referral_id']) || isset($_POST['send_referral'])) {
        include 'referral_form.php';
        $b .= $form;
        $main .= make_box($t, $b);
    } else {
        /** display a list of OPEN referrals for current teacher **/
        $result = get_referrals('teacher_id=' . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_myUID'], 'N');
        $t = "OPEN Referrals";
        $b = display_referrals($result, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?lev=" . $_GET['lev'] . "&cat=" . $_GET['cat'], 'N', 'Y');
        $main .= make_box($t, $b);
        /** display a list of CLOSED referrals for current teacher **/
        $result = get_referrals('teacher_id=' . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_myUID'], 'Y');
        $t = "CLOSED Referrals";
        $b = display_referrals($result, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?lev=" . $_GET['lev'] . "&cat=" . $_GET['cat'], 'Y', 'N');
        $main .= make_box($t, $b);
} else {
    $main .= login_error();
Exemple #6
function getUCInrepayRepayBorrowMoney($id)
    $id = intval($id);
    $root = array();
    $root["status"] = 0;
    if ($id == 0) {
        $root["show_err"] = "操作失败!";
        return $root;
    $deal = get_deal($id);
    if (!$deal) {
        $root["show_err"] = "借款不存在!";
        return $root;
    if ($deal['user_id'] != $GLOBALS['user_info']['id']) {
        $root["show_err"] = "不属于你的借款!";
        return $root;
    if ($deal['deal_status'] != 4) {
        $root["show_err"] = "借款不是还款状态!";
        return $root;
    $time = TIME_UTC;
    $impose_money = 0;
    $repay_count_ing = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_repay WHERE has_repay=2 and deal_id=" . $id);
    if ($repay_count_ing) {
        $root["show_err"] = "请将部分还款的借款还完才可以进行此操作!";
        return $root;
    $loan_list = get_deal_load_list($deal);
    $k_repay_key = -1;
    $k_repay_time = 0;
    foreach ($loan_list as $k => $v) {
        if ($v['has_repay'] == 0) {
            if ($k_repay_key == -1) {
                $k_repay_key = $v['l_key'];
                $k_repay_time = $v['repay_day'];
            $impose_money += $v['impose_all_money'];
    if ($impose_money > 0) {
        $root["show_err"] = "请将逾期未还的借款还完才可以进行此操作!";
        return $root;
    if ($deal['ips_bill_no'] != "") {
        $root["status"] = 2;
        $root["jump"] = APP_ROOT . '/index.php?ctl=collocation&act=RepaymentNewTrade&deal_id=' . $deal['id'] . '&l_key=all&from=' . $GLOBALS['request']['from'];
        $root['jump'] = str_replace("/mapi", "", SITE_DOMAIN . $root['jump']);
        return $root;
    $has_repay_count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_repay WHERE has_repay=1 and deal_id=" . $id);
    $loaninfo['deal'] = $deal;
    $loaninfo['loanlist'] = $loan_list;
    $rebate_rs = get_rebate_fee($GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], "borrow");
    $loaninfo['deal']['rebate'] = $rebate_rs['rebate'];
    $inrepay_info = inrepay_repay($loaninfo, $has_repay_count);
    $true_repay_money = (double) $inrepay_info['true_repay_money'];
    $true_self_money = (double) $inrepay_info['true_self_money'];
    $impose_money = (double) $inrepay_info['impose_money'];
    $true_manage_money = (double) $inrepay_info['true_manage_money'];
    $true_manage_money_rebate = (double) $inrepay_info['true_manage_money_rebate'];
    $true_total_repay_money = $true_repay_money + $impose_money + $true_manage_money;
    if ($true_total_repay_money > $GLOBALS['user_info']['money']) {
        $root["show_err"] = "对不起,您的余额不足!";
        return $root;
    $inrepay_data['deal_id'] = $id;
    $inrepay_data['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'];
    $inrepay_data['repay_money'] = $true_repay_money;
    $inrepay_data['self_money'] = $true_self_money;
    $inrepay_data['impose_money'] = $impose_money;
    $inrepay_data['manage_money'] = $true_manage_money;
    $inrepay_data['repay_time'] = $k_repay_time;
    $inrepay_data['true_repay_time'] = $time;
    $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_inrepay_repay", $inrepay_data, "INSERT");
    $inrepay_id = $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id();
    if ($inrepay_id == 0) {
        $root["show_err"] = "对不起,数据处理失败,请联系客服!";
        return $root;
    $wait_repay_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_repay WHERE deal_id=" . $id . " and has_repay=0 ORDER BY l_key ASC");
    $temp_ids = array();
    foreach ($wait_repay_list as $k => $v) {
        $repay_data = array();
        $repay_data['has_repay'] = 1;
        $repay_data['true_repay_time'] = $time;
        $repay_data['true_repay_date'] = to_date($time);
        $repay_data['status'] = 0;
        if ($k_repay_key == $v['l_key']) {
            $repay_data['true_repay_money'] = $true_repay_money;
            $repay_data['impose_money'] = $impose_money;
            $repay_data['true_manage_money'] = $true_manage_money;
            $repay_data['true_self_money'] = $true_self_money;
            $repay_data['true_interest_money'] = $true_repay_money - $true_self_money;
            $repay_data['true_manage_money_rebate'] = $true_manage_money_rebate;
        $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_repay", $repay_data, "UPDATE", "id=" . $v['id']);
        //假如出错 删除掉原来的以插入的数据
        if ($GLOBALS['db']->affected_rows() == 0) {
            if (count($temp_ids) > 0) {
                $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_repay SET has_repay=0 WHERE id in " . implode(",", $temp_ids) . "");
            $root["show_err"] = "对不起,处理数据失败请联系客服!";
            return $root;
        } else {
            $temp_ids[] = $v['id'];
    if (count($temp_ids) == 0) {
        $root["show_err"] = "对不起,处理数据失败请联系客服!";
        return $root;
    require APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/libs/user.php';
    modify_account(array("money" => -round($impose_money, 2)), $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], "[<a href='" . $deal['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal['name'] . "</a>],提前还款违约金", 6);
    modify_account(array("money" => -round($true_manage_money, 2)), $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], "[<a href='" . $deal['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal['name'] . "</a>],提前还款管理费", 10);
    modify_account(array("money" => -round($true_repay_money, 2)), $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], "[<a href='" . $deal['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal['name'] . "</a>],提前还款本息", 6);
    modify_account(array("quota" => trim(app_conf('USER_REPAY_QUOTA'))), $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], "[<a href='" . $deal['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal['name'] . "</a>],还清借款获得额度", 6);
    if ($true_manage_money_rebate != 0) {
        $reback_memo = '借款“<a href="' . $deal["url"] . '">' . $deal["name"] . '</a>”,借款者' . $deal["user"]["user_name"];
        reback_rebate_money($GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], $true_manage_money_rebate, "borrow", $reback_memo);
    if ($GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT sum(point) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user_point_log WHERE `type`=6 AND user_id=" . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id']) < (int) trim(app_conf('REPAY_SUCCESS_LIMIT'))) {
        $befor_repay_time = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT MAX(create_time) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user_point_log WHERE `type`=6 AND user_id=" . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
        $day = ceil(($time - $befor_repay_time) / 24 / 3600);
        //当天数大于等于间隔时间 获得信用
        if ($day >= (int) trim(app_conf('REPAY_SUCCESS_DAY'))) {
            modify_account(array("point" => trim(app_conf('REPAY_SUCCESS_POINT'))), $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], "[<a href='" . $deal['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal['name'] . "</a>],还清借款", 6);
     * 获取某一期的用户还款列表
     * array $deal_info 借款信息 
     * int $user_id 用户ID 为0代表全部
     * int $lkey  第几期 -1 全部
     * int $ukey 第几个投标人 -1 全部
     * int $true_time  真实还款时间
     * int $get_type  0 全部 1代表未还的  2 代表已还的
     * int $r_type = 0; 返回类型; 1:只返回一个数组; $result['item']
     * string $limit; 查询限制数量; 0,20  $result['count']
    $user_loan_list = get_deal_user_load_list($deal, 0, -1, -1, $time, 1, 0, '');
    foreach ($user_loan_list as $lllk => $lllv) {
        $user_self_money = 0;
        $user_repay_money = 0;
        $user_impose_money = 0;
        $user_manage_money = 0;
        $user_manage_interest_money = 0;
        $manage_interest_money_rebate = 0;
        $user_reward_money = 0;
        foreach ($lllv as $kk => $vv) {
            $in_user_id = $vv['user_id'];
            if ((int) $vv['t_user_id'] == 0) {
                $loan_user_info['user_name'] = $vv['user_name'];
                $loan_user_info['email'] = $vv['email'];
                $loan_user_info['mobile'] = $vv['mobile'];
            } else {
                $in_user_id = $vv['t_user_id'];
                $loan_user_info['user_name'] = $vv['t_user_name'];
                $loan_user_info['email'] = $vv['t_email'];
                $loan_user_info['mobile'] = $vv['t_mobile'];
            $user_load_data = array();
            $user_load_data['true_repay_time'] = $time;
            $user_load_data['true_repay_date'] = to_date($time);
            $user_load_data['is_site_repay'] = 0;
            $user_load_data['status'] = 0;
            if ($k_repay_key == $vv['l_key']) {
                $loadinfo['deal']['rate'] = $deal['rate'];
                $loadinfo['deal']['loantype'] = $deal['loantype'];
                $loadinfo['deal']['repay_time'] = $deal['repay_time'];
                $loadinfo['deal']['borrow_amount'] = $vv['money'];
                $loadinfo['deal']['repay_start_time'] = $deal['repay_start_time'];
                $loadinfo['deal']['month_manage_money'] = $vv['manage_money'];
                $loadinfo['deal']['manage_interest_money'] = $vv['manage_interest_money'];
                $deal = get_user_load_fee($in_user_id, 0, $deal);
                $loadinfo['deal']['user_loan_interest_manage_fee'] = $deal['user_loan_interest_manage_fee'];
                $rebate_rs = get_rebate_fee($in_user_id, "invest");
                $loadinfo['deal']['rebate'] = $rebate_rs['rebate'];
                $loadinfo['deal']['manage_interest_money_rebate'] = $vv['manage_interest_money_rebate'];
                $loadinfo['deal']['month_repay_money'] = $vv['month_repay_money'];
                $loadinfo['deal']['compensate_fee'] = $deal['compensate_fee'];
                if ($deal['repay_time_type'] == 1) {
                    $loadinfo['deal']['all_manage_money'] = $vv['manage_money'];
                } else {
                    $loadinfo['deal']['all_manage_money'] = $vv['manage_money'] * $deal['repay_time'];
                $loadinfo['deal']['repay_time_type'] = $deal['repay_time_type'];
                $user_load_rs = inrepay_repay($loadinfo, $has_repay_count);
                $user_load_data['true_repay_money'] = $user_load_rs['true_repay_money'];
                $user_load_data['true_self_money'] = $user_load_rs['true_self_money'];
                $user_load_data['impose_money'] = $user_load_rs['impose_money'];
                $user_load_data['true_interest_money'] = $user_load_rs['true_repay_money'] - $user_load_rs['true_self_money'];
                $user_load_data['true_manage_money'] = $user_load_rs['true_manage_money'];
                $user_load_data['true_manage_interest_money'] = $user_load_rs['true_manage_interest_money'];
                $user_load_data['true_manage_interest_money_rebate'] = $user_load_rs['true_manage_interest_money_rebate'];
                $user_load_data['true_repay_manage_money'] = $true_manage_money / count($user_loan_list);
                $user_load_data['true_reward_money'] = 0;
                if ((int) $vv['is_winning'] == 1 && (int) $vv['income_type'] == 2 && (double) $vv['income_value'] != 0) {
                    $user_load_data['true_reward_money'] = $user_load_data['true_interest_money'] * (double) $vv['income_value'] * 0.01;
                $user_self_money = $user_load_data['true_self_money'];
                $user_repay_money = $user_load_data['true_repay_money'];
                $user_impose_money = $user_load_data['impose_money'];
                $user_manage_money = $user_load_data['true_manage_money'];
                $user_manage_interest_money = $user_load_data['true_manage_interest_money'];
                $manage_interest_money_rebate = $user_load_data['true_manage_interest_money_rebate'];
                $user_reward_money = $user_load_data['true_reward_money'];
            $user_load_data['has_repay'] = 1;
            $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay", $user_load_data, "UPDATE", "id=" . $vv['id']);
        if ($user_repay_money > 0 || $user_impose_money > 0 || $user_manage_money > 0 || $user_manage_interest_money > 0 || $user_reward_money > 0) {
            $all_repay_money = number_format($GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT (sum(repay_money)-sum(self_money) + sum(impose_money)) as shouyi FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay WHERE  has_repay = 1 and deal_id=" . $v['deal_id'] . " AND user_id=" . $v['user_id']), 2);
            $all_impose_money = number_format($GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT sum(impose_money) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay WHERE has_repay = 1 and deal_id=" . $v['deal_id'] . " AND user_id=" . $v['user_id']), 2);
            //$content = "您好,您在".app_conf("SHOP_TITLE")."的投标 “<a href=\"".$deal['url']."\">".$deal['name']."</a>”提前还款,";
            //$content .= "本次投标共获得收益:".$all_repay_money."元,其中违约金为:".$all_impose_money."元,本次投标已回款完毕!";
            modify_account(array("money" => $user_repay_money), $in_user_id, "[<a href='" . $deal['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal['name'] . "</a>],回报本息", 5);
            modify_account(array("money" => $user_impose_money), $in_user_id, "[<a href='" . $deal['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal['name'] . "</a>],提前回收违约金", 7);
            if ($user_manage_money > 0) {
                modify_account(array("money" => -$user_manage_money), $in_user_id, "[<a href='" . $deal['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal['name'] . "</a>],投标管理费", 20);
            if ($user_reward_money > 0) {
                modify_account(array("money" => -$user_reward_money), $in_user_id, "[<a href='" . $deal['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal['name'] . "</a>],投标奖励", 28);
            modify_account(array("money" => -$user_manage_interest_money), $in_user_id, "[<a href='" . $deal['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal['name'] . "</a>],投标利息管理费", 20);
            if ($manage_interest_money_rebate) {
                $reback_memo = "借款“<a href'" . $deal['url'] . "'>" . $deal["name"] . "</a>”,投资者" . $loan_user_info["user_name"] . ",第" . (intval($k_repay_key) + 1) . "期,提前还款";
                reback_rebate_money($in_user_id, $manage_interest_money_rebate, "invest", $reback_memo);
            $msg_conf = get_user_msg_conf($in_user_id);
            if (app_conf("SMS_ON") == 1 && app_conf('SMS_REPAY_TOUSER_ON') == 1) {
                $tmpl = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_template where name = 'TPL_DEAL_LOAD_REPAY_SMS'", false);
                $tmpl_content = $tmpl['content'];
                $notice['user_name'] = $loan_user_info['user_name'];
                $notice['deal_name'] = $deal['sub_name'];
                $notice['deal_url'] = $deal['url'];
                $notice['site_name'] = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
                $notice['repay_money'] = $vv['month_repay_money'] + $vv['impose_money'];
                $notice['all_repay_money'] = $all_repay_money;
                $notice['impose_money'] = $all_impose_money;
                $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notice", $notice);
                $sms_content = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . $tmpl_content);
                $msg_data['dest'] = $loan_user_info['mobile'];
                $msg_data['send_type'] = 0;
                $msg_data['title'] = $msg_data['content'] = addslashes($sms_content);
                $msg_data['send_time'] = 0;
                $msg_data['is_send'] = 0;
                $msg_data['create_time'] = $time;
                $msg_data['user_id'] = $in_user_id;
                $msg_data['is_html'] = 0;
                $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list", $msg_data);
            $notices['shop_title'] = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
            $notices['url'] = "“<a href=\"" . $deal['url'] . "\">" . $deal['name'] . "</a>”";
            $notices['repay_money'] = $all_repay_money;
            $notices['impose_money'] = $all_impose_money;
            $tmpl_contents = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_template where name = 'TPL_REPAY_MONEY_TQTB'", false);
            $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notice", $notices);
            $content = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . $tmpl_contents['content']);
            if ($msg_conf['sms_bidrepaid'] == 1) {
                send_user_msg("", $content, 0, $in_user_id, $time, 0, true, 9);
            if ($msg_conf['mail_bidrepaid'] == 1 && app_conf('MAIL_ON') == 1) {
                $tmpl = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_template where name = 'TPL_DEAL_LOAD_REPAY_EMAIL'", false);
                $tmpl_content = $tmpl['content'];
                $notice['user_name'] = $loan_user_info['user_name'];
                $notice['deal_name'] = $deal['sub_name'];
                $notice['deal_url'] = $deal['url'];
                $notice['site_name'] = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
                $notice['site_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT;
                $notice['help_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . url("index", "helpcenter");
                $notice['msg_cof_setting_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . url("index", "uc_msg#setting");
                $notice['repay_money'] = $vv['month_repay_money'] + $vv['impose_money'];
                $notice['all_repay_money'] = $all_repay_money;
                $notice['impose_money'] = $all_impose_money;
                $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notice", $notice);
                $msg = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . $tmpl_content);
                $msg_data['dest'] = $loan_user_info['email'];
                $msg_data['send_type'] = 1;
                $msg_data['title'] = "“" . $deal['name'] . "”回款通知";
                $msg_data['content'] = addslashes($msg);
                $msg_data['send_time'] = 0;
                $msg_data['is_send'] = 0;
                $msg_data['create_time'] = $time;
                $msg_data['user_id'] = $in_user_id;
                $msg_data['is_html'] = $tmpl['is_html'];
                $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list", $msg_data);
    $content = "您好,您在".app_conf("SHOP_TITLE")."的借款 “<a href=\"".$deal['url']."\">".$deal['name']."</a>”成功提前还款".number_format($true_total_repay_money,2)."元,";
    $content .= "其中违约金为:".number_format($impose_money,2)."元,本笔借款已还款完毕!";
    $notices['shop_title'] = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
    $notices['url'] = "“<a href=\"" . $deal['url'] . "\">" . $deal['name'] . "</a>”";
    $notices['repay_money'] = number_format($true_total_repay_money, 2);
    $notices['impose_money'] = number_format($impose_money, 2);
    $tmpl_contents = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_template where name = 'TPL_REPAY_MONEY_TQJK'", false);
    $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notice", $notices);
    $content = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . $tmpl_contents['content']);
    send_user_msg("", $content, 0, $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], $time, 0, true, 8);
    if (app_conf("SMS_ON") == 1 && app_conf('SMS_SEND_REPAY') == 1) {
        //$sms_content = "尊敬的".app_conf("SHOP_TITLE")."用户".$GLOBALS['user_info']['user_name'].",您成功提前还款".number_format($true_total_repay_money,2)."元,其中违约金为:".number_format($impose_money,2)."元,感谢您的关注和支持。【".app_conf("SHOP_TITLE")."】";
        $tmpl = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_template where name = 'TPL_SMS_REPAY_SUCCESS_MSG'", false);
        $tmpl_content = $tmpl['content'];
        $notice['user_name'] = $GLOBALS['user_info']['user_name'];
        $notice['deal_name'] = $deal['sub_name'];
        $notice['site_name'] = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
        $notice['index'] = $has_repay_count + 1;
        $notice['status'] = "成功提前";
        $notice['all_money'] = number_format($true_total_repay_money, 2);
        $notice['repay_money'] = number_format($true_repay_money, 2);
        $notice['impose_money'] = number_format($impose_money, 2);
        $notice['manage_money'] = number_format($true_manage_money, 2);
        $notice['manage_impose_money'] = 0;
        $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notice", $notice);
        $msg = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . $tmpl_content);
        $msg_data['dest'] = $GLOBALS['user_info']['mobile'];
        $msg_data['send_type'] = 0;
        $msg_data['title'] = "提前还款短信通知";
        $msg_data['content'] = $msg;
        $msg_data['send_time'] = 0;
        $msg_data['is_send'] = 0;
        $msg_data['create_time'] = $time;
        $msg_data['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'];
        $msg_data['is_html'] = 0;
        $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list", $msg_data);
    $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "generation_repay_submit SET `memo`='因还款失效',`status`=2 WHERE deal_id=" . $deal['id']);
    //VIP升级 -提前还款
    $type = 1;
    $type_info = 4;
    $resultdate = syn_user_vip($GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], $type, $type_info);
    sys_user_status($GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], false, true);
    syn_transfer_status(0, $id);
    $root["status"] = 1;
    $root["show_err"] = "操作成功!";
    return $root;
Exemple #7
    $b .= "\n                <th>\n                <form action=index.php?lev=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_lev'] . "&cat=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_cat'] . " method=POST name=searchByTeacher>";
    $b .= make_selection_list($lot, $tid, "teacher_id", "searchByTeacher", "Teacher", "on");
    $b .= " \n                <input type=hidden name=searchByTeacher />\n                </form>\n                </th>\n            </tr>";
    $b .= "\n            </table></center>";
    $main .= make_box($t, $b . $teacherReferrals);
    /** Search by Student **/
    $t = "Search By Student";
    $b = "";
    $sid = -1;
    if (isset($_POST['student_id'])) {
        $sid = $_POST['student_id'];
    $b .= "\n                <center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>";
    $b .= "\n                <th>\n                <form action=index.php?lev=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_lev'] . "&cat=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_cat'] . " method=POST name=searchByStudent>";
    $b .= make_selection_list($los, $sid, "student_id", "searchByStudent", "Student", "on");
    $b .= " \n                <input type=hidden name=searchByStudent />\n                </form>\n                </th>\n                </tr>";
    $b .= "\n                </table></center>";
    $main .= make_box($t, $b . $studentReferrals);
    /** display a list of OPEN referrals **/
    $result = get_referrals('', 'N');
    $t = "OPEN Referrals";
    $b = display_referrals($result, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?lev=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_lev'] . "&cat=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_cat'], 'N', 'N');
    $main .= make_box($t, $b);
    /** display a list of CLOSED referrals **/
    $result = get_referrals('', 'Y');
    $t = "CLOSED Referrals";
    $b = display_referrals($result, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?lev=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_lev'] . "&cat=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_cat'], 'Y', 'N');
    $main .= make_box($t, $b);
} else {
    $main .= login_error();