Exemple #1
function avg_lifetime($query_name,$pattern,$qreplace)
  return $avg;
// Comparison function based on mutual friend count
function cmp($a, $b)
    if ($a['count'] == $b['count']) {
        return 0;
    return $a['count'] < $b['count'] ? 1 : -1;
if ($user) {
    try {
        // Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated.
        $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
        echo "<pre>";
        $response = get_friends();
        //array_splice($response, 50);
        $queries = get_queries($response);
        $BATCH_SIZE = 50;
        $batches = array_chunk($queries, $BATCH_SIZE);
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($batches as $batch) {
            try {
                $mutual = $facebook->api('/?batch=' . json_encode($batch), 'POST');
                foreach ($mutual as $idx => $dict) {
                    $body = $dict['body'];
                    $arr = json_decode($body);
                    $response[$i * $BATCH_SIZE + $idx]['count'] = count($arr);
            } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
Exemple #3
 * @date 20120306 (v1.1) (greg) support in-query relaxed error code
 * To state that a sql query can fail on certains code, start the query with a special comment :
 *			/ *[1061]* /CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `index` USING BTREE ON `pds_core_menu_structure`(`menu_id`) ;
 * (remove the space between slashes and stars)
 * multiple codes can be separated with commas, NO SPACES allowed
 * Common MySQL error codes:
 * [1061] Duplicate key name 'index'
 * [1091] Can't DROP 'field'; check that column/key exists
 * [1068] Multiple primary key defined
function stuffMYSQL()
    global $data, $doit, $type, $db_version, $version;
    // Going deeper, lets see if we can make a db connection.
    $connect_mysql = mysql_connect($data['db_server'], $data['db_username'], $data['db_password']);
    if (empty($connect_mysql)) {
        addError(kMYSQLconnect, sprintf(_('Unable to connect to the MySQL database %s, please make sure you entered all the relevant details correctly and that the MySQL server is currently running.'), mysql_error()));
        return false;
    // Check if we can select our database.
    if (!mysql_select_db($data['db_name'])) {
        addError(kMYSQLselectDB, sprintf(_('Unable to select the specified database (%s). please make sure you entered all the relevant details correctly. The database should exists and be accessible by the user provided'), $data['db_name']));
        return false;
    // Check if the databas is not perhaps already installed.
    $tables = @mysql_list_tables($data['db_name']);
    $tables = @mysql_numrows($tables);
    if ($type == 'install') {
        if (!empty($tables)) {
            addError(kMYSQLnotempty, _('There are tables in this database already, perhaps a previous PHPDevShell installation?. This Installation script can not be used over an existing PHPDevShell installation.'));
            return false;
    } else {
        if ($type == 'upgrade') {
            if (empty($tables)) {
                addError(kMYSQLempty, _('There are no existing tables in this database, are you sure PHPDevShell is installed?.'));
                return false;
            $phpds_db_ver = get_db_version();
            if ($phpds_db_ver == $db_version) {
                addError(kMYSQLuptodate, sprintf(_('<strong><span style="color: green">This specific upgrade version does not require database updates, system is running the latest current db version DB-%s which is used for %s. Try again when next update is released.</span></strong>'), $phpds_db_ver, $version));
                return false;
    // Check if the database version is up to date.
    if (mysql_get_server_info() < '5.0') {
        addError(kMYSQLversion, sprintf(_('This version of PHPDevShell only supports MySQL version %s and later. You are currently running version %s.'), '5.0', mysql_get_server_info()));
        return false;
    print "\n\n";
    // Installation can now commence!
    $queries = get_queries();
    // Loop and execute queries.
    $i = 0;
    $max = count($queries);
    mysql_query('START TRANSACTION');
    $e = mysql_errno();
    if (!$e) {
        foreach ($queries as $query) {
            if (!empty($query) && $doit) {
                if (!mysql_query($query)) {
                    $em = mysql_error();
            } else {
            if (connection_aborted()) {
            if ($e = mysql_errno()) {
                $matches = array();
                if (preg_match('#^\\s*/\\*\\[([\\d\\,]+)\\]\\*/(.*)$#', $query, $matches)) {
                    $accepted = explode(',', $matches[1]);
                    if (in_array($e, $accepted)) {
                        noticePrint(_('Accepting error') . ' ' . $e . ' ("' . $matches[2] . '")');
                    } else {
                } else {
            $p = intval($i * 100 / $max);
            if (!empty($debug_queries)) {
                if (strpos($query, '#') === false) {
                    messagePrint($query . " <strong>({$p}%)</strong>");
                } else {
                    okPrint($query . " <strong>({$p}%)</strong>");
            if ($i % 10 == 0) {
                print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">updateProgress({$p});</script>\n\n";
    if ($e) {
        $error = sprintf(_('An error occured trying to send the queries (query %d/%d).'), $i, $max);
        $error .= '<br />' . _('The error was') . ': [' . $e . '] ' . $em;
        $error .= '<br />' . _('The offending query was') . ': "' . $query . '"';
        addError(kMYSQLquery, $error);
        return false;
    print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">updateProgress(100);</script>\n\n";
    return true;
Exemple #4

//days set

$xtpl->assign("SECTION_NAME", "Statistics: Managers work for ".$monthes[$month-1]['month_name']." ".$year);

//user set
if ( (isset($_POST['user'])) and ($_POST['user'])!=0 )


//main part: get from db, replace and execute queries

//drawing diagrams
foreach ($d as $dn=>$dv)
    foreach ($r as $rk=>$rv )
        if (isset($dv[$rv['q_html_title']]))
            $xtpl->assign("TD_CONTENT",'<a href="stat_tickets.php?uname='.$users[$user].'&user='******'&day='.$dn.'&month='.$month.'&year='.$year.'&type='.$rv['q_html_title'].'">'.$dv[$rv['q_html_title']].'</a>');
Exemple #5
 * return error message as string, or true indicating success
 * requires setup to be written first.
function setup_database()
    $conn = DB_Helper::getInstance(false);
    $db_exists = checkDatabaseExists($conn, $_POST['db_name']);
    if (!$db_exists) {
        if (@$_POST['create_db'] == 'yes') {
            try {
                $conn->query("CREATE DATABASE {{{$_POST['db_name']}}}");
            } catch (DbException $e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(getErrorMessage('create_db', $e->getMessage()));
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException('The provided database name could not be found. Review your information or specify that the database should be created in the form below.');
    // create the new user, if needed
    if (@$_POST['alternate_user'] == 'yes') {
        $user_list = getUserList($conn);
        if ($user_list) {
            $user_exists = in_array(strtolower(@$_POST['eventum_user']), $user_list);
            if (@$_POST['create_user'] == 'yes') {
                if (!$user_exists) {
                    $stmt = "GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, ALTER, DROP, CREATE, INDEX ON {{{$_POST['db_name']}}}.* TO ?@'%' IDENTIFIED BY ?";
                    try {
                        $conn->query($stmt, array($_POST['eventum_user'], $_POST['eventum_password']));
                    } catch (DbException $e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(getErrorMessage('create_user', $e->getMessage()));
            } else {
                if (!$user_exists) {
                    throw new RuntimeException('The provided MySQL username could not be found. Review your information or specify that the username should be created in the form below.');
    // check if we can use the database
    try {
        $conn->query("USE {{{$_POST['db_name']}}}");
    } catch (DbException $e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(getErrorMessage('select_db', $e->getMessage()));
    // set sql mode (sad that we rely on old bad mysql defaults)
    $conn->query("SET SQL_MODE = ''");
    // check the CREATE and DROP privileges by trying to create and drop a test table
    $table_list = getTableList($conn);
    if (!in_array('eventum_test', $table_list)) {
        try {
            $conn->query('CREATE TABLE eventum_test (test char(1))');
        } catch (DbException $e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(getErrorMessage('create_test', $e->getMessage()));
    try {
        $conn->query('DROP TABLE eventum_test');
    } catch (DbException $e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(getErrorMessage('drop_test', $e->getMessage()));
    // if requested. drop tables first
    if (@$_POST['drop_tables'] == 'yes') {
        $queries = get_queries(APP_PATH . '/upgrade/drop.sql');
        foreach ($queries as $stmt) {
            try {
            } catch (DbException $e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(getErrorMessage('drop_table', $e->getMessage()));
    // setup database with upgrade script
    $buffer = array();
    try {
        $dbmigrate = new DbMigrate(APP_PATH . '/upgrade');
        $dbmigrate->setLogger(function ($e) use(&$buffer) {
            $buffer[] = $e;
        $e = false;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
    global $tpl;
    $tpl->assign('db_result', implode("\n", $buffer));
    if ($e) {
        $upgrade_script = APP_PATH . '/upgrade/update-database.php';
        $error = array('Database setup failed on upgrade:', "<tt>{$e->getMessage()}</tt>", '', "You may want run update script <tt>{$upgrade_script}</tt> manually");
        throw new RuntimeException(implode('<br/>', $error));
    // write db name now that it has been created
    $setup = array();
    $setup['database'] = $_POST['db_name'];
    // substitute the appropriate values in config.php!!!
    if (@$_POST['alternate_user'] == 'yes') {
        $setup['username'] = $_POST['eventum_user'];
        $setup['password'] = $_POST['eventum_password'];
    Setup::save(array('database' => $setup));
Exemple #6
if(array_key_exists("searching_parameters", $_SESSION)) unset($_SESSION["searching_parameters"]);
$cond1 = array("appear"=>"appear", "not appear"=>"not appear");
$cond2 = array("contain"=>"contain","not contain"=>"not contain","appear"=>"appear", "not appear"=>"not appear");

//query formation
if (isset($_GET['user']))
  $xtpl->assign("SECTION_NAME", "You are viewing ".$_GET['type']." tickets for ".$_GET['day']."-".$_GET['month']."-".$_GET['year']." which were maded by ".$_GET['uname']);
  $xtpl->assign("SECTION_NAME", "You are viewing ".$_GET['type']." tickets for ".$_GET['day']."-".$_GET['month']."-".$_GET['year']);

    $xtpl->assign("TABLE_HEADER", '<td class="table_header_text" align="center">#</td><td class="table_header_text" align="center"><a href="#" onclick="return false" onmouseup="select_all_checkboxs(\'select[]\',\'form1\')" class="table_header_text">Select</a></td><td align="center" class="table_header_text">Subject</td><td align="center" class="table_header_text">Queues</td><td align="center" class="table_header_text">Status</td><td align="center" class="table_header_text">Owner</td><td class="table_header_text" align="center">From</td><td align="center" class="table_header_text">Complain</td><td align="center" class="table_header_text">Rate</td><td class="table_header_text" align="center">Updated</td><td align="center" class="table_header_text">Created</td> ');


        foreach($pg_sel as $i=>$row)
            $xtpl->assign("NUM", ($i+1));
            $xtpl->assign("_ID", $i);
            $xtpl->assign("TICKET_ID", $row["id"]);
            $xtpl->assign("SELECT", "<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"" . $i . "\" name=\"select[]\" value=\"" . $row["id"] . "\" onclick=\"change_tr_class(this)\">");
Exemple #7
$mquery="SELECT * FROM monthes";

//year set
if ( (isset($_POST['year'])) and ($_POST['year'])!=0 )

$xtpl->assign("SECTION_NAME", "Statistics: Summary for ".$year." year");

//main part: get from db, replace and execute queries

//drawing diagrams
foreach ($d as $dn=>$dv)
    foreach ($r as $rk=>$rv )
        if (isset($dv[$rv['q_html_title']]))
Exemple #8
				<div class="buttons">
					<button type="submit">Next</button>
    case 5:
        // INSTALL DB
        $check = false;
        // db connection
        $dsn = empty($_SESSION['dbsocket']) ? 'mysql:host=' . $_SESSION['dbhost'] . ';dbname=' . $_SESSION['dbname'] : 'mysql:unix_socket=' . $_SESSION['dbsocket'] . ';dbname=' . $_SESSION['dbname'];
        $db = new PDO($dsn, $_SESSION['dbuser'], $_SESSION['dbpass'], array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => 'x3cms', PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES 'utf8'"));
        $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
        // get sql
        $query = get_queries(FINAL_ROOT . 'cms/files/' . $_SESSION['tmp']);
        $body = '<div class="one-whole padded lightgray clearfix">
					<a href="./index.php" title="Back to Intro">Intro</a> 
					' . SPACER . '
					<a href="./index.php?s=1" title="Back to License agreement">Step 1</a> 
					' . SPACER . '
					<a href="./index.php?s=2" title="Back to Requirements check">Step 2</a>
					' . SPACER . '
					<a href="./index.php?s=3" title="Back to Permissions check">Step 3</a>
					' . SPACER . '
					<a href="./index.php?s=4" title="Back to Configuration">Step 4</a>
					<span>&nbsp;&nbsp;+ &nbsp;&nbsp;Step 5/5</span>
			<div class="band bgray lightgray clearfix pad-top">
				<div class="one-third push-one-third md-one-half md-push-one-fourth sm-one-whole sm-push-none pad-left pad-right">