<?php // dummy check if (empty($q) || empty($CFG)) { die; } if (Context == 'ponente') { preg_match('#^speaker/proposals/(\\d+)/files/delete/(\\d+)/?.*$#', $q, $matches); $proposal_id = !empty($matches) ? (int) $matches[1] : 0; $file_id = !empty($matches) ? (int) $matches[2] : 0; //Check proposal owner $proposal = get_proposal($proposal_id, $USER->id); if (!empty($proposal)) { //get file $file = get_record('prop_files', 'id', $file_id, 'id_propuesta', $proposal->id); $return_url = get_url('speaker/proposals/' . $proposal->id . '/files'); } else { $return_url = get_url('speaker/proposals'); } } $submit = optional_param('submit'); //can't delete files from accepted/canceled/deleted/programmed proposals if (!empty($proposal) && !empty($file) && $proposal->id_status < 5) { ?> <h1><?php echo __('Eliminar archivo'); ?> </h1> <?php
<?php // dummy check if (empty($q) || empty($CFG)) { die; } if (Context == 'ponente') { preg_match('#^speaker/proposals/(\\d+)/delete$#', $q, $matches); $proposal_id = !empty($matches) ? (int) $matches[1] : 0; //Check proposal owner $proposal = get_proposal($proposal_id, $USER->id); } elseif (Context == 'admin') { preg_match('#^admin/proposals/(\\d+)/delete#', $q, $matches); $proposal_id = !empty($matches) ? (int) $matches[1] : 0; $proposal = get_proposal($proposal_id); } $submit = optional_param('submit'); //check owner and status, dont delete acepted, scheduled or deleted¿? // can delete canceled proposal if (!empty($proposal) && ($proposal->id_status < 5 || ($proposal->id_status = 6))) { ?> <h1><?php echo __('Eliminar propuesta'); ?> </h1> <?php if (empty($submit)) { // confirm delete ?>
<?php if (!defined('Context') || Context != 'admin') { header('Location: ' . get_url()); } preg_match('#^admin/events/(\\d+)/cancel#', $q, $matches); $event_id = !empty($matches) ? (int) $matches[1] : 0; if (!empty($event_id)) { $event = get_record('evento', 'id', $event_id); $proposal = get_proposal($event->id_propuesta); } $submit = optional_param('submit'); ?> <h1><?php echo __('Cancelar evento'); ?> </h1> <p class="error center"><?php echo __('Esta acción liberará el espacio ocupado en el programa por este evento y le asignará el status de <em>Cancelada</em>. Las inscripciones de los asistentes que pudieran tener este evento serán eliminadas.'); ?> </p> <?php // process submit if (Action == 'cancelevent' && !empty($submit) && !empty($event) && !empty($proposal)) { // messages holder $errmsg = array();
require $CFG->admdir . 'event_optional_params_check.php'; if (!empty($errmsg)) { show_error($errmsg); } else { // insert or update propuesta require $CFG->admdir . 'event_update_info.php'; ?> <p class="error center"><?php echo __('Evento organización agregado.'); ?> </p> <?php // refresh proposal $proposal = get_proposal($proposal->id); $prop_noshow_resume = true; // show proposal updated details include $CFG->comdir . 'prop_display_info.php'; do_submit_cancel('', __('Continuar'), $return_url); } } if (empty($submit) || !empty($errmsg)) { ?> <form method="POST" action=""> <p class="center"><em><?php echo __('Los campos marcados con asterisco(*) son obligatorios'); ?>
<?php if (empty($CFG) || empty($q)) { die; } if (Context == 'asistente') { preg_match('#^person/workshops/(\\d+)/(.+)#', $q, $matches); $workshop_id = (int) $matches[1]; $action = $matches[2]; $userid = $USER->id; $workshop = get_proposal($workshop_id); $return = get_url('person/workshops'); $limit = count_records('inscribe', 'id_asistente', $userid); } else { $return = get_url(); } // check if wid is a workshop or limit of subscribed workshop // TODO: move to config limit of workshops if ($workshop->id_prop_tipo < 50 || $workshop->id_prop_tipo >= 100 || $action == 'subscribe' && $limit > $CFG->max_inscripcionTA) { // clear workshop unset($workshop); } // update reg flag status if (!empty($workshop) && !empty($workshop->id_evento) && !empty($action)) { if ($action == 'subscribe') { $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $CFG->prefix . 'inscribe(id_asistente,id_evento,reg_time) VALUES(%d,%d,%s)'; $time = strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'); // build query $query = sprintf($query, $userid, $workshop->id_evento, $time); $rs = execute_sql($query, false); } elseif ($action == 'unsubscribe') {