function get_planetDetail($pid) { global $uid; global $map_info; $sth = mysql_query("select * from planets where id='" . $pid . "'"); if (!$sth || !mysql_num_rows($sth)) { return false; } $p_info = mysql_fetch_array($sth); // erzeuge den user tag, der alles nötige über den Besitzer des Planet enthält if ($p_info["uid"]) { $sth = mysql_query("select, u.imperium, as aname, a.color, a.symbol from users u LEFT JOIN alliance a ON u.alliance = where" . $p_info["uid"]); if (!$sth || !mysql_num_rows($sth)) { return false; } $u_info = mysql_fetch_array($sth); $p_relation = get_uids_relation($uid, $p_info["uid"]); $user_tag = create_user_tag($p_info["uid"], htmlspecialchars($u_info["name"]), htmlspecialchars($u_info["imperium"]), htmlspecialchars($u_info["aname"]), $u_info["color"], $u_info["symbol"], $p_relation); } else { $p_relation = false; } // erzeuge den resource tag, der den derzeitigen resourcen output wiedergibt $resource_tag = create_resource_tag($p_info["metal"], $p_info["energy"], $p_info["mopgas"], $p_info["erkunum"], $p_info["gortium"], $p_info["susebloom"], $p_info["popgain"]); // erzeuge den planeten tag, das alle nötigen infos des planeten enthält if ($p_info["name"] == "Unnamed") { $p_info["name"] = get_planetname($pid); } if ($p_relation == "same" || $p_relation == "allie") { $planet_tag = create_planet_tag($pid, htmlspecialchars($p_info["name"]), $p_info["type"], PIC_ROOT . $p_info["pic"], $p_info["start"], get_poplevel_by_pop($p_info["population"])); $building_tag = create_buildings_tag($pid); $production_tag = create_production_tag($pid); } else { $planet_tag = create_planet_tag($pid, htmlspecialchars($p_info["name"]), $p_info["type"], PIC_ROOT . $p_info["pic"], $p_info["start"]); if (can_scan_planet_surface($pid)) { $building_tag = create_buildings_tag($pid); } } echo "<SR_REQUEST type=\"planet_info\">"; echo $user_tag; echo $resource_tag; echo $planet_tag; echo $building_tag; echo $production_tag; echo "</SR_REQUEST>"; }
function show_info() { global $uid; global $pid; $sth = mysql_query("select * from planets p,popgain g where{$pid} and p.uid={$uid} and"); if (!$sth || mysql_num_rows($sth) == 0) { show_error("Jailhouse rock!"); return 0; } center_headline("Information Screen"); $planet = mysql_fetch_assoc($sth); table_border_start("center", "", "#302859", "#100666", "#D2CCF9"); echo "<tr>\n"; echo " <td rowspan=\"14\">\n"; echo " <img src=\"arts/" . $planet["type"] . ".jpg\">\n"; echo " <td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; table_head_text(array("Information"), "2"); table_text_open(); table_text_design("Owner", "", "center", "1", "head"); $sth = mysql_query("select,ifnull(,'none') as aname from users u left join alliance a on where" . $planet["uid"]); if (!$sth || mysql_num_rows($sth) == 0) { show_error("Database failure!"); return 0; } $owner = mysql_fetch_assoc($sth); table_text_design($owner["name"], "", "center", "1", "text"); table_text_close(); table_text_open(); table_text_design("System", "", "center", "1", "head"); table_text_design(get_systemname($planet["sid"]), "", "center", "1", "text"); table_text_close(); table_text_open(); table_text_design("Alliance", "", "center", "1", "head"); table_text_design($owner["aname"], "", "center", "1", "text"); table_text_close(); if ($planet["gain"] > 0) { $gain = "<span style=\"color: lime\">+" . $planet["gain"] * 100 . "%</span>"; } else { $gain = "+/-0%"; } table_text_open(); table_text_design("Population", "", "center", "1", "head"); table_text_design(get_poplevel_by_pop($planet["population"]) . " " . $gain . " (" . $planet["max_poplevel"] . ")", "", "center", "1", "text"); table_text_close(); table_text_open(); table_text_design("Planettype", "", "center", "1", "head"); switch ($planet["type"]) { case "O": $type = "Origin Class"; break; case "M": $type = "Mars Class"; break; case "A": $type = "Ancient Class"; break; case "D": $type = "Desert Class"; break; case "E": $type = "Eden Class"; break; case "G": $type = "Gas Giant Class"; break; case "H": $type = "Heavy Grav Class"; break; case "I": $type = "Ice Class"; break; case "R": $type = "Rock Class"; break; case "T": $type = "Toxic Class"; break; } define("planet_raw_metal", "8.5"); define("planet_raw_energy", "8.5"); define("planet_raw_mopgas", "8.5"); define("planet_raw_erkunum", "8.5"); define("planet_raw_gortium", "8.5"); define("planet_raw_susebloom", "8.5"); define("planet_no_upgrade_factor", "1"); $sth = mysql_query("select * from planets where id={$pid}"); $population_factor = log10($planet["population"] / 1000) + 3; $sth = mysql_query("select * from final_prod_factors where pid=" . $pid); if (!$sth) { show_error("ERR::GET PROD_FACTORS"); return false; } if (mysql_num_rows($sth) == 1) { $factors = mysql_fetch_assoc($sth); } else { $factors = false; } $metal_plus = round($factors["metal"] * ($planet["metal"] / 100) * (planet_raw_metal * $population_factor)); $energy_plus = round($factors["energy"] * ($planet["energy"] / 100) * planet_raw_energy * $population_factor); $mopgas_plus = round($factors["mopgas"] * ($planet["mopgas"] / 100) * planet_raw_mopgas * $population_factor); $erkunum_plus = round($factors["erkunum"] * ($planet["erkunum"] / 100) * planet_raw_erkunum * $population_factor); $gortium_plus = round($factors["gortium"] * ($planet["gortium"] / 100) * planet_raw_gortium * $population_factor); $susebloom_plus = round($factors["susebloom"] * ($planet["susebloom"] / 100) * planet_raw_susebloom * $population_factor); table_text_design($type, "", "center", "1", "text"); table_text_close(); table_text_open(); table_text_design("Production factor", "", "center", "1", "head"); table_text_design($planet["production_factor"] * 100 . "%", "", "center", "1", "text"); table_text_close(); table_text_open(); table_text_design("<img src='arts/metal.gif' title='Metal' alt='Metal'>", "", "center", "1", "head"); table_text_design($metal_plus, "", "center", "1", "text"); table_text_close(); table_text_open(); table_text_design("<img src='arts/energy.gif' title='Energy' alt='Energy'>", "", "center", "1", "head"); table_text_design($energy_plus, "", "center", "1", "text"); table_text_close(); table_text_open(); table_text_design("<img src='arts/mopgas.gif' title='Mopgas' alt='Mopgas'>", "", "center", "1", "head"); table_text_design($mopgas_plus, "", "center", "1", "text"); table_text_close(); table_text_open(); table_text_design("<img src='arts/erkunum.gif' title='Erkunum' alt='Erkunum'>", "", "center", "1", "head"); table_text_design($erkunum_plus, "", "center", "1", "text"); table_text_close(); table_text_open(); table_text_design("<img src='arts/gortium.gif' title='Gortium' alt='Gortium'>", "", "center", "1", "head"); table_text_design($gortium_plus, "", "center", "1", "text"); table_text_close(); table_text_open(); table_text_design("<img src='arts/susebloom.gif' title='Susebloom' alt='Susebloom'>", "", "center", "1", "head"); table_text_design($susebloom_plus, "", "center", "1", "text"); table_text_close(); table_end(); echo "<br><br>\n"; echo "<center>\n"; // echo("<a href=\"planet.php?pid=".$planet["id"]."\" target=\"anzeige_frame\">fleet orders</a>\n"); echo "</center>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; $query = mysql_query("SELECT ps.*, p.pic, p.description, FROM planetary_shields ps \nINNER JOIN production p USING (prod_id) WHERE pid={$pid}") or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) { table_start("center", "500"); table_head_text(array("Shield generators installed on {$planet['name']}"), "5"); table_text_open("head"); table_text_design(" ", "50px", "", "", "head"); table_text_design("Building", "300", "", "", "head"); table_text_design("Max", "50", "center", "", "head"); table_text_design("Power", "50", "center", "", "head"); table_text_design("Load", "50", "center", "", "head"); while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { table_text_open("text", "center"); table_text_design("<a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?act=print_building_info&prod_id=" . $result["prod_id"] . "'><img src='arts/" . $result["pic"] . "' alt='" . $result["description"] . "' border='0' width=\"50px\" height=\"50px\" /></a>", "50px", "", "", "text", "2"); table_text_design($result["name"], "300", "", "", "text", "2"); table_text_design($result["max_value"], "50", "", "", "text", "2"); table_text_design($result["value"], "50", "", "", "text", "2"); table_text_design($result["regeneration"] + $result["regeneration_bonus"], "50", "", "", "text", "2"); table_text_close(); } table_end(); } echo "<br>\n"; table_start("center", "500"); table_head_text(array("Units stationed on " . $planet["name"]), "5"); table_text(array(" ", " ", " ", " ", " "), "center", "100", "", "text"); table_text_open("head"); table_text_design("Infantry", "200", "center", "2", "head"); table_text_design(" ", "100", "", "", "head"); table_text_design("Fleet", "200", "center", "2", "head"); table_text_close(); $sth = mysql_query("select sum(count) from infantery as i,production as p where" . $pid . " and i.prod_id=p.prod_id\n and p.typ='I'"); if (!$sth) { show_error("Database failure!"); return 0; } $inf = mysql_fetch_row($sth); if ($inf[0] == "") { $inf[0] = "No troops"; } table_text_open("text", "center"); table_text_design("Infantry", "", "", "", "text"); table_text_design($inf[0], "", "", "", "text"); table_text_design(" ", "100", "", "", "none"); table_text_design("Europa Class", "", "", "", "text"); table_text_design(get_fcount_by_type($uid, "L", $pid), "", "", "", "text"); table_text_close(); $sth = mysql_query("select sum(count) from infantery as i,production as p where" . $pid . " and i.prod_id=p.prod_id and p.typ='T'"); if (!$sth) { show_error("Database failure!"); return 0; } $inf = mysql_fetch_row($sth); if ($inf[0] == "") { $inf[0] = "No Vehicles"; } table_text_open("text", "center"); table_text_design("Vehicles", "", "", "", "text"); table_text_design($inf[0], "", "", "", "text"); table_text_design(" ", "100", "", "", "none"); table_text_design("Zeus Class", "", "", "", "text"); table_text_design(get_fcount_by_type($uid, "M", $pid), "", "", "", "text"); table_text_close(); table_text_open("text", "center"); table_text_design(" "); table_text_design(" "); table_text_design(" ", "100", "", "", "none"); table_text_design("Olymp Class", "", "", "", "text"); table_text_design(get_fcount_by_type($uid, "H", $pid), "", "", "", "text"); table_text_close(); table_end(); }