Exemple #1
function curr_file($file_id)
    global $db, $tpf, $settings, $code;
    $file = $db->fetch_one_array("select * from {$tpf}files where file_id='{$file_id}'");
    if (!$file) {
        $file['is_del'] = 1;
    } else {
        $file['dl'] = create_down_url($file);
        $in_extract = $code == md5($file['file_key']) ? 1 : 0;
        $file['username'] = $file['p_name'] = @$db->result_first("select username from {$tpf}users where userid='{$file['userid']}' limit 1");
        $rs = $db->fetch_one_array("select folder_id,folder_name from {$tpf}folders where userid='{$file['userid']}' and folder_id='{$file['folder_id']}'");
        $file['file_category'] = $rs['folder_name'] ? '<a href="' . urr("space", "username="******"&folder_id=" . $rs['folder_id']) . '" target="_blank">' . $rs['folder_name'] . '</a>' : '- ' . __('uncategory') . ' -';
        $file_key = trim($file['file_key']);
        $tmp_ext = $file['file_extension'] ? '.' . $file['file_extension'] : "";
        $file_extension = $file['file_extension'];
        $file_ext = get_real_ext($file_extension);
        $file['file_description'] = str_replace('<br>', LF, $file[file_description]);
        $file['a_space'] = urr("space", "username="******"Y-m-d", $file['file_time']);
        $file['credit_down'] = $file['file_credit'] ? (int) $file['file_credit'] : (int) $settings['credit_down'];
        $file['username'] = $file[user_hidden] ? __('hidden') : ($file['username'] ? '<a href="' . $file['a_space'] . '">' . $file['username'] . '</a>' : __('hidden'));
        $file['file_downs'] = $file['stat_hidden'] ? __('hidden') : get_discount($file[userid], $file['file_downs']);
        $file['file_views'] = $file['stat_hidden'] ? __('hidden') : get_discount($file[userid], $file['file_views']);
        $file['file_url'] = $settings['phpdisk_url'] . urr("viewfile", "file_id={$file['file_id']}");
        if (get_plans(get_profile($file[userid], 'plan_id'), 'open_second_page') == 3) {
            $file['a_downfile'] = urr("download", "file_id={$file_id}&key=" . random(32));
            $file['a_downfile2'] = urr("download", "file_id={$file_id}&key=" . random(32));
    return $file;
Exemple #2
function get_discount($uid, $src, $op = 'asc', $dot = 0)
    global $db, $tpf, $settings;
    $discount_rate = @$db->result_first("select discount_rate from {$tpf}users where userid='{$uid}'");
    if (!$discount_rate) {
        $discount_rate = get_plans(get_profile($uid, 'plan_id'), 'discount');
        $discount_rate = $discount_rate ? $discount_rate : ($settings[discount_rate] ? $settings[discount_rate] : 0);
    if ($dot) {
        if ($op == 'asc') {
            return @round($src * (1 - $discount_rate / 100), 4);
        } elseif ($op == 'desc') {
            return @round($src / (1 - $discount_rate / 100), 4);
    } else {
        if ($op == 'asc') {
            return ceil($src * (1 - $discount_rate / 100));
        } elseif ($op == 'desc') {
            return ceil($src / (1 - $discount_rate / 100));
            <label for="bloque">Bloque</label>
        	<select name="bloque">
            	<option value=""></option>
                <option value="I">I</option>
                <option value="II">II</option>
                <option value="III">III</option>
                <option value="IV">IV</option>
                <option value="V">V</option>

    $level = 'Secundaria';
    $meta_query = array('meta_key' => 'pl_nivel', 'meta_value' => $level);
    $planeaciones = get_plans($meta_query);

// end of the loop.

Exemple #4
             if ($ucresult < 0) {
                 $error = true;
                 $sysmsg[] = 'UC:' . __('update_password_error');
     if (!$error) {
         if ($auth[pd_a]) {
             update_seo('space', $uid, $meta_title, $meta_keywords, $meta_description);
         $curr_plan_id = get_profile($uid, 'plan_id');
         $ins = array('password' => $md5_pwd, 'email' => $email, 'qq' => $qq, 'is_locked' => $is_locked, 'gid' => $gid, 'credit' => $credit, 'dl_credit' => (int) $dl_credit, 'dl_credit2' => (int) $dl_credit2, 'wealth' => $wealth, 'credit_rate' => merge_rate($how_downs_credit, $how_money_credit), 'downline_income' => $downline_income, 'discount_rate' => $discount_rate, 'open_custom_stats' => $open_custom_stats, 'stat_code' => $stat_code ? base64_encode($stat_code) : '', 'check_custom_stats' => $check_custom_stats, 'space_pwd' => $space_pwd, 'income_pwd' => $income_pwd, 'plan_id' => (int) $plan_id, 'vip_id' => (int) $vip_id, 'vip_end_time' => $timestamp + get_vip($vip_id, 'days') * 86400);
         $db->query_unbuffered("update {$tpf}users set " . $db->sql_array($ins) . " where userid='{$uid}';");
         if ($plan_id && $curr_plan_id != $plan_id) {
             $db->query_unbuffered("update {$tpf}users set credit_rate='" . get_plans($plan_id, 'income_rate') . "' where userid='{$uid}' limit 1");
         $sysmsg[] = __('user_edit_success');
         redirect(urr(ADMINCP, "item=users&menu=user&action=user_edit&uid={$uid}"), $sysmsg);
     } else {
         redirect('back', $sysmsg);
 } else {
     $q = $db->query("select gid,group_name,group_type from {$tpf}groups order by gid asc");
     $groups = array();
     while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $rs['txtcolor'] = $rs['group_type'] ? 'txtblue' : '';
         $groups[] = $rs;
Exemple #5
        echo __('not_ie_copy_tips');
<!-- end not action -->
<div class="clear"></div>
if (!$pd_uid || !$settings['open_vip']) {
    echo stripslashes(base64_decode(get_plans(get_profile($file[userid], 'plan_id'), 'viewfile_code')));
} elseif ($settings['open_vip'] && get_profile($pd_uid, 'vip_end_time') < $timestamp || get_vip(get_profile($pd_uid, 'vip_id'), 'pop_ads')) {
    echo stripslashes(base64_decode(get_plans(get_profile($file[userid], 'plan_id'), 'viewfile_code')));
if (get_profile($file[userid], 'open_custom_stats') && get_profile($file[userid], 'check_custom_stats')) {
    echo stripslashes(get_stat_code($file[userid]));
<br /><br />
if ($user->plan != 'free') {
    echo '<p><strong>پلن کنونی در ' . jdate('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($user->expiration)) . ' منقضی می‌شود و شما به حالت رایگان باز خواهید گشت.</strong></p>';
				<table class="u-full-width">
					<tr style="background-color: #f1f1f1;">
						<th>درخواست در روز</th>
						<th>درخواست در ثانیه</th>
						<th>تعداد اپ‌ها</th>
						<th>نوع پلن</th>
$plans = get_plans();

foreach ($plans as $slug => $details) {
					<tr id="<?php 
    echo $slug;
    echo $details['name'];
Exemple #7
function cal_downs($file_id)
    global $db, $tpf, $timestamp, $onlineip, $my_sid, $auth, $settings;
    $down_file = gpc('down_file_log', 'C', 0);
    $rs = $db->fetch_one_array("select userid,file_size from {$tpf}files where file_id='{$file_id}'");
    if ($rs) {
        $userid = $rs[userid];
        $file_size = $rs[file_size];
    $ip_interval = get_plans(get_profile($userid, 'plan_id'), 'ip_interval');
    $ip_interval = $ip_interval ? (int) $ip_interval : 24;
    $db->query_unbuffered("update {$tpf}files set file_last_view='{$timestamp}' where file_id='{$file_id}'");
    if (!$down_file && check_download_ok($my_sid, $ip_interval * 60)) {
        pd_setcookie('down_file_log', 1, $ip_interval * 60);
        $id = (int) @$db->result_first("select id from " . get_table_day_down() . " where file_id='{$file_id}' and d_day='" . date('Ymd') . "'");
        if (!$id) {
            $ins = array('d_year' => date('Y'), 'd_month' => date('Ym'), 'd_day' => date('Ymd'), 'd_week' => date('YW'), 'file_id' => $file_id, 'down_count' => 1, 'userid' => $userid);
            $db->query_unbuffered("insert into " . get_table_day_down() . " set " . $db->sql_array($ins) . "");
            if ($auth[open_plan_active] && $settings[open_plan_active]) {
                $dday = date('Ymd', strtotime('-1 day'));
                $dweek = date('YW', strtotime('-1 week'));
                if ($settings[down_active_interval] == 'week') {
                    $sql_do = " and d_week='{$dweek}'";
                } else {
                    $sql_do = " and d_day='{$dday}'";
                $mydowns = (int) @$db->result_first("select sum(down_count) from " . get_table_day_down() . " where userid='{$userid}' {$sql_do}");
                //echo $mydowns.',';
                $mydowns = $mydowns ? get_discount($userid, $mydowns) : 1;
                $to_plan_id = @$db->result_first("select plan_id from {$tpf}plans where {$mydowns}>=down_active_num_min and {$mydowns}<down_active_num_max and is_hidden=0");
                //echo $to_plan_id;
                if ($to_plan_id && date('Ymd', get_profile($userid, 'plan_conv_time')) != date('Ymd')) {
                    $ins = array('open_plan' => 1, 'plan_id' => $to_plan_id, 'credit_rate' => get_plans($to_plan_id, 'income_rate'), 'plan_conv_time' => $timestamp);
                    $db->query_unbuffered("update {$tpf}users set " . $db->sql_array($ins) . " where userid='{$userid}'");
        } else {
            $db->query_unbuffered("update " . get_table_day_down() . " set down_count=down_count+1 where id='{$id}'");
        $add_credit = 1;
        if ($settings[promo_time] != '') {
            $hour = date('G');
            $arr = explode(',', $settings[promo_time]);
            if (in_array($hour, $arr)) {
                $add_credit = 2;
        add_credit_log($file_id, $add_credit, 'download', $userid);
        $db->query_unbuffered("update {$tpf}users set credit=credit+{$add_credit} where userid='{$userid}'");
        $db->query_unbuffered("update {$tpf}files set file_downs=file_downs+1 where file_id='{$file_id}'");
        $db->query_unbuffered("update {$tpf}users set dl_credit=dl_credit+1 where userid=(select userid from {$tpf}buddys where touserid='{$userid}')");
        $upline_userid = (int) @$db->result_first("select userid from {$tpf}buddys where touserid='{$userid}'");
        $db->query_unbuffered("update {$tpf}users set dl_credit2=dl_credit2+1 where userid=(select userid from {$tpf}buddys where touserid='{$upline_userid}')");
    echo 'true';
Exemple #8
 } elseif ($task == 'close_plan') {
     $ins = array('open_plan' => 0, 'plan_id' => 0, 'credit_rate' => '');
     $db->query_unbuffered("update {$tpf}users set " . $db->sql_array($ins) . " where userid='{$pd_uid}'");
     $sysmsg[] = __('close_plan_success');
     redirect('back', $sysmsg);
 } elseif ($task == 'income_plans') {
     form_auth(gpc('formhash', 'P', ''), formhash());
     $plan_id = (int) gpc('plan_id', 'P', 0);
     if (!$plan_id) {
         $error = true;
         $sysmsg[] = __('select_plans_error');
     if (!$error) {
         $ins = array('plan_id' => $plan_id, 'credit_rate' => get_plans($plan_id, 'income_rate'));
         $db->query_unbuffered("update {$tpf}users set " . $db->sql_array($ins) . " where userid='{$pd_uid}'");
         $sysmsg[] = __('select_plan_success');
         redirect(urr("mydisk", "item=profile&action={$action}"), $sysmsg);
     } else {
         redirect('back', $sysmsg);
 } else {
     $q = $db->query("select * from {$tpf}plans where is_hidden=0 order by show_order asc,plan_id asc");
     $plans = array();
     while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($q)) {
         if ($rs[income_rate]) {
             $arr = explode(',', $rs[income_rate]);
             if (count($arr)) {
                 $rs[income_rate_credit] = $arr[0];
                 $rs[income_rate_money] = $arr[1];
					<label for="description">توضیحات اپلیکیشن</label>
					<textarea id="description" name="description" class="u-full-width" placeholder="توضیحاتی درمورد اپلیکیشن خود بنویسید." required value=""><?php 
echo $app->description;
					<p><strong>وضعیت کنونی: <?php 
echo i18n_status($app->status);
					<button class="button-primary" type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"><span class="icon-active"></span> اعمال تغییرات</button>


				<p><strong>پلن کنونی:</strong> <?php 
echo get_plans()[$plan]['name'];
 &ndash; <a href="<?php 
echo site_url('/users/change_plan');
">تغییر پلن</a></p>
				<p><strong>محدودیت درخواست‌ها:</strong> <?php 
echo kilos($req_day);
 درخواست در روز &ndash; <?php 
echo $req_sec;
 درخواست در ثانیه</p>
if ($plan != 'free') {
Exemple #10
 public function verify_transaction()
     if ($this->session->logged_in != true) {
     $id_get = $this->input->post('id_get');
     $trans_id = $this->input->post('trans_id');
     if (!$id_get) {
         show_error('اطلاعات ناقص دریافت شدند', 500, 'خطا');
     $result = $this->transactions->verify_transaction($id_get, $trans_id);
     if ($result['success'] == false) {
         show_error('تراکنش ' . $result['trans']->tid . ' موفقیت آمیز نبود! دلیل: ' . $result['prompt'], 500, 'خطا');
     if ($this->session->logged_user != $result['trans']->user_id) {
         show_error('تراکنش ' . $result['trans']->tid . ' با داده های موجود همخوانی ندارد', 500, 'خطا');
     if ($result['success'] == true) {
         $this->menumanager->set_active('main', 'users/change_plan');
         $extended = $this->users_model->change_or_extend($result['trans']->user_id, $result['trans']->plan);
         $plan = get_plans()[$result['trans']->plan];
         $data = array('title' => 'تایید تراکنش', 'plan' => $plan, 'extend' => $extended, 'trans' => $result['trans'], 'user' => $this->users_model->get_users('uid', $this->session->logged_user)->row());
         $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
         $this->load->view('users/verified_transaction', $data);
     show_error('What are you talking about?', 500, 'Oh, snap');
Exemple #11
if (!$num) {
    header("Location: ./");
$file = curr_file($file_id);
$title = $file['file_name'] . ' - ' . $settings['site_title'];
$mycp = $file['username_a'] == $pd_username ? 1 : 0;
$myinfo = get_profile($file[userid]);
$nodes = get_nodes($file[server_oid]);
if ($auth[is_fms]) {
    $C[you_like_file] = super_cache::get('get_rand_file|10');
if (get_profile($file[userid], 'plan_id')) {
    $adv_top = stripslashes(base64_decode(get_plans(get_profile($file[userid], 'plan_id'), 'download_code_top')));
    $adv_inner = stripslashes(base64_decode(get_plans(get_profile($file[userid], 'plan_id'), 'download_code_left')));
    $adv_bottom = stripslashes(base64_decode(get_plans(get_profile($file[userid], 'plan_id'), 'download_code_bottom')));
} else {
    $adv_top = show_adv_data('adv_download_top', 0);
    $adv_inner = show_adv_data('adv_download_inner', 0);
    $adv_bottom = show_adv_data('adv_download_bottom', 0);
if ($auth[pd_a]) {
    $seo = get_seo('download', $file_id);
    $seo_a = get_seo('download', 0);
    if ($seo_a[title]) {
        eval("\$title = \"{$seo['title']} {$seo_a['title']}\";");
    eval("\$keywords = \"{$seo['keywords']} {$seo_a['keywords']}\";");
    eval("\$description = \"{$seo['description']} {$seo_a['description']}\";");
include PHPDISK_ROOT . "./includes/header.inc.php";
 public function change_or_extend($user_id, $plan)
     $user = $this->db->get_where('users', array('uid' => $user_id), 1);
     if (!$user) {
         return false;
     $user = $user->row();
     if (!$user) {
         return false;
     if ($user->plan == $plan) {
         // Extend
         $this->users_model->edit_user(array('uid' => $user_id), array('expiration' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($user->expiration . ' + 1 month'))));
         return true;
     } else {
         // First update the RPD and RPS
         $this->users_model->edit_user(array('uid' => $user_id), array('requests_day' => get_plans()[$plan]['rpm'], 'requests_sec' => get_plans()[$plan]['rps'], 'apps_limitation' => get_plans()[$plan]['apps'], 'plan' => $plan, 'expiration' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+ 1 month'))));
         // Second remove all unnessecary apps
         $apps = $this->apps->count_apps(array('uid' => $user_id));
         $limitation = get_plans()[$plan]['apps'];
         if ($apps > $limitation) {
             $revoked_apps = $this->apps->count_apps(array('uid' => $user_id, 'status' => 'revoked'));
             if ($apps - $revoked_apps > $limitation) {
                 $limit = $apps - $limitation;
                 $this->db->query('DELETE FROM apps WHERE uid = ' . $user_id . ' LIMIT ' . $limit);
             } else {
                 $this->db->query('DELETE FROM apps WHERE uid = ' . $user_id . ' AND status = "revoked"');
         return false;