function index() { $this->load->model('User_Model', '', TRUE); $this->load->model('FreakAuth_light/usermodel'); $data = array(); $token = get_oauth_token(); //echo "<pre>token: " . $token->oauth_token . "\ntoken secret: " . $token->oauth_token_secret . "</pre>\n"; if ($token && $token->oauth_token && $token->oauth_token_secret) { // stuff set_oauth_usertoken($token->oauth_token, $token->oauth_token_secret); $user_name = "@" . get_screen_name(); $password = $token->oauth_token . "," . $token->oauth_token_secret; $user = $this->User_Model->get_user_by_name($user_name); if (isset($user["user_name"])) { // update tokens in db $user = $this->User_Model->update_user_by_name($user_name, array("oauth" => $password, 'password' => $this->freakauth_light->_encode($password))); $_POST["user_name"] = $user_name; $_POST["password"] = $password; $data['fal'] = $this->fal_front->login(); //echo "User exists<br />"; } else { // create new user //$user = $this->Usermodel->insertUser(array("user_name"=>$user_name, "oauth"=>$password, "role"=>"user")); $_POST["user_name"] = $user_name; $_POST["password"] = $password; $data['fal'] = $this->fal_front->register(); //echo "User '$user_name' does not exist<br />\n"; //echo "<pre>" . print_r($user, true) . "</pre>\n"; } } //echo "<pre>" . print_r($data, true) . "</pre>"; //redirect('', 'location'); }
function TPSession() { // define the DB store. if (!$this->store) { $this->store = OAuthStore::instance('MySQL', get_db_options()); } // determine who this user is (from this site's cookie alone) $this->user_id = get_user_id(COOKIE_NAME); debug("[TPSession::TPSesssion], user_id = " . $this->user_id); // If there's no user_id in the cookie, then there's no session -- not logged in. if (!$this->user_id) { return 0; } // This method look up the OAuth token in one of two ways: // 1. the _GET parameters -- if this is the last step of the OAuth dance. // 2. the Database -- if the user already completed the OAuth dance. $this->oauth_token = get_oauth_token(COOKIE_NAME, $_GET, $this->store); // debug ("OAUTH TOKEN = " . $this->oauth_token); // Somebody wanted to log out! You should let them. if (array_key_exists('logout', $_GET)) { $this->log_out(); } else { if (array_key_exists('oauth_verifier', $_GET)) { $this->verify_access_token(); } } // Also update the local author record if all goes well... if (!$this->author and $this->is_logged_in()) { $this->update_author_record(); } }
if (!CLIENT_ENABLED) { $this->wpoa_end_login("This third-party authentication provider has not been enabled. Please notify the admin or try again later."); } elseif (!CLIENT_ID || !CLIENT_SECRET) { // do not proceed if id or secret is null: $this->wpoa_end_login("This third-party authentication provider has not been configured with an API key/secret. Please notify the admin or try again later."); } elseif (isset($_GET['error_description'])) { // do not proceed if an error was detected: $this->wpoa_end_login($_GET['error_description']); } elseif (isset($_GET['error_message'])) { // do not proceed if an error was detected: $this->wpoa_end_login($_GET['error_message']); } elseif (isset($_GET['code'])) { // post-auth phase, verify the state: if ($_SESSION['WPOA']['STATE'] == $_GET['state']) { // get an access token from the third party provider: get_oauth_token($this); // get the user's third-party identity and attempt to login/register a matching wordpress user account: $oauth_identity = get_oauth_identity($this); $this->wpoa_login_user($oauth_identity); } else { // possible CSRF attack, end the login with a generic message to the user and a detailed message to the admin/logs in case of abuse: // TODO: report detailed message to admin/logs here... $this->wpoa_end_login("Sorry, we couldn't log you in. Please notify the admin or try again later."); } } else { // pre-auth, start the auth process: if (empty($_SESSION['WPOA']['EXPIRES_AT']) || time() > $_SESSION['WPOA']['EXPIRES_AT']) { // expired token; clear the state: $this->wpoa_clear_login_state(); } get_oauth_code($this);
if (!CLIENT_ENABLED) { $this->wpoa_end_login("This third-party authentication provider has not been enabled. Please notify the admin or try again later."); } elseif (!CLIENT_ID || !CLIENT_SECRET) { // do not proceed if id or secret is null: $this->wpoa_end_login("This third-party authentication provider has not been configured with an API key/secret. Please notify the admin or try again later."); } elseif (isset($_GET['error_description'])) { // do not proceed if an error was detected: $this->wpoa_end_login($_GET['error_description']); } elseif (isset($_GET['error_message'])) { // do not proceed if an error was detected: $this->wpoa_end_login($_GET['error_message']); } elseif (isset($_GET['code'])) { // post-auth phase, verify the state: if ($_SESSION['WPOA']['STATE'] == $_GET['state']) { // get an access token from the third party provider: $oauth_identity = get_oauth_token($this); // get the user's third-party identity and attempt to login/register a matching wordpress user account: //$oauth_identity = get_oauth_identity($this); $this->wpoa_login_user($oauth_identity); } else { // possible CSRF attack, end the login with a generic message to the user and a detailed message to the admin/logs in case of abuse: // TODO: report detailed message to admin/logs here... $this->wpoa_end_login("Sorry, we couldn't log you in. Please notify the admin or try again later."); } } else { // pre-auth, start the auth process: if (empty($_SESSION['WPOA']['EXPIRES_AT']) || time() > $_SESSION['WPOA']['EXPIRES_AT']) { // expired token; clear the state: $this->wpoa_clear_login_state(); } get_oauth_code($this);
} elseif (substr($options[0], 9, 12) == 'importgoogle') { $optfind = "config.env." . substr($options[0], 9); $Setting =& $db->model('Setting'); $s1 = $Setting->find_by(array('name' => $optfind)); $scope = ''; $base_url = $request->base; $endpoint = $scope; $parsed = parse_url($endpoint); $params = array(); parse_str($parsed['query'], $params); lib_include('twitteroauth'); $key = environment('googleKey'); $secret = environment('googleSecret'); $consumer = new OAuthConsumer($key, $secret, NULL); $hmac_method = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(); $token = get_oauth_token(get_option('google_key', $s1->profile_id), get_option('google_secret', $s1->profile_id)); $oauth_req = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($consumer, $token, "GET", $endpoint, $params); $oauth_req->sign_request($hmac_method, $consumer, $token); $responseString = send_signed_request($oauth_req->get_normalized_http_method(), $endpoint, $oauth_req->to_header(), NULL, false); $data = $responseString; $xml = new SimpleXmlElement($data); foreach ($xml as $k1 => $v1) { $values = array(); foreach ($v1 as $k2 => $v2) { if ($k2 == 'title') { $values['title'] = (string) $v2; } elseif ($k2 == 'link') { $values['url'] = (string) $v2['href']; $parsed = parse_url($values['url']); $params = array(); parse_str($parsed['query'], $params);